Beispiel #1
function DoTask()
    global $Administrator, $Banned, $GAME, $Rating;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled' and !$Administrator) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Cannot find game');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'Cannot find a game with that game ID number. Please click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled') {
        $GAME['GameName_Page'] .= ' <span style="font-size: 150%; color: #FF0000;">[CANCELLED]</span>';
    $CreationTimeText = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($GAME['CreationTime']));
    if ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 1) {
        $ReverseVCText = 'Yes';
    } else {
        $ReverseVCText = 'No';
    if ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 2) {
        $ForbidSCText = 'Yes';
    } else {
        $ForbidSCText = 'No';
    if ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 4) {
        $ORAWText = 'Yes';
    } else {
        $ORAWText = 'No';
    if ($GAME['AnyPlayerStarts']) {
        $APSText = 'Yes';
    } else {
        $APSText = 'No';
    if ($GAME['Friendly']) {
        $FriendText = 'Friendly';
    } else {
        $FriendText = 'Competitive';
    if ($GAME['AutoStart']) {
        $AutoStartText = 'Yes';
    } else {
        $AutoStartText = 'No';
    if ($GAME['GPrivate']) {
        $PrivateText = ' checked';
    } else {
        $PrivateText = '';
    if ($GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'] <= 30) {
        $x = 5;
        $TimeLimitAAlert = 'class="bigalert"';
    } else {
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'] <= 90) {
            $x = 4;
            $TimeLimitAAlert = 'class="bigalert"';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'] <= 720) {
                $x = 3;
                $TimeLimitAAlert = 'class="alert"';
            } else {
                if ($GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'] <= 1080) {
                    $x = 2;
                    $TimeLimitAAlert = 'class="alert"';
                } else {
                    if ($GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'] <= 1800) {
                        $x = 1;
                        $TimeLimitAAlert = 'style="font-weight: bold;"';
                    } else {
                        $x = 0;
                        $TimeLimitAAlert = null;
    if ($GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes'] <= 60) {
        $y = 5;
        $TimeLimitBAlert = 'class="bigalert"';
    } else {
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes'] <= 180) {
            $y = 4;
            $TimeLimitBAlert = 'class="bigalert"';
    if ($GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes'] <= 1440) {
        $y = 3;
        $TimeLimitBAlert = 'class="alert"';
    } else {
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes'] <= 2160) {
            $y = 2;
            $TimeLimitBAlert = 'class="alert"';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes'] <= 3600) {
                $y = 1;
                $TimeLimitBAlert = 'style="font-weight: bold;"';
            } else {
                $y = 0;
                $TimeLimitBAlert = null;
    $cbmessageID = max($x, $y);
    $ShowTimeLimitWarning = true;
    switch ($cbmessageID) {
        case 5:
            $TimeLimitsWarning = 'These time limits indicate that the game\'s creator probably wants to play the game in near-real time. You should only join if you have a good stretch of time to spare and are prepared to play the game in a sitting. Failure to play rapidly when it is your turn may result in your being kicked from the game.';
            $TimeLimitsWarningAttributes = 'class="bigalert"';
        case 4:
            $TimeLimitsWarning = 'These time limits indicate that the game\'s creator probably wants to play through the game in the space of a day or less. You should only join if you will be able to check back frequently to make your moves until the game is over. Failure to play rapidly when it is your turn may result in your being kicked from the game.';
            $TimeLimitsWarningAttributes = 'class="bigalert"';
        case 3:
            $TimeLimitsWarning = 'These time limits indicate that the game\'s creator probably wants players to check the game several times a day to make their moves. You should only join if you can make this commitment. Delaying for too long when it is your turn may result in your being kicked from the game.';
            $TimeLimitsWarningAttributes = 'class="alert"';
        case 2:
            $TimeLimitsWarning = 'These time limits indicate that the game\'s creator probably wants players to check the game at least a couple of times a day to make their moves. You should only join if you can make this commitment. Delaying for too long when it is your turn may result in your being kicked from the game.';
            $TimeLimitsWarningAttributes = 'class="alert"';
        case 1:
            $TimeLimitsWarning = 'These time limits indicate that the game\'s creator probably wants players to check the game at least once a day to make their moves. You should only join if you can make this commitment. Delaying for too long when it is your turn may result in your being kicked from the game.';
            $TimeLimitsWarningAttributes = 'style="font-weight: bold;"';
            $ShowTimeLimitWarning = false;
    $mypage = page::standard();
    $mypage->title_body('Brass - #' . $GAME['GameID'] . ' ' . $GAME['GameName_Title']);
    $mypage->loginbox(array('Location' => 6, 'GameID' => $GAME['GameID']));
    $FormOpen = false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Cancelled' and @$_SESSION['LoggedIn'] and !$Banned) {
        $FormOpen = true;
    $mypage->leaf('h3', $GAME['GameName_Page']);
    if ($FormOpen) {
        $mypage->opennode('form', 'action="lobby.php" method="POST"');
    $mypage->leaf('p', 'Game details:');
    $mypage->opennode('table', 'class="table_no_borders table_extra_horizontal_padding" style="text-align: left;"');
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Created by:', 'align=right style="min-width: 350px;"');
    if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
        $mypage->leaf('td', '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $GAME['GameCreator'] . '">' . $GAME['GameCreatorName'] . '</a>');
    } else {
        $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['GameCreatorName']);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Creation time:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $CreationTimeText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Friendly or Competitive?', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $FriendText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Game version:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['VersionName'] . ' (' . $GAME['Creators'] . ')');
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Can be started by any player?', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $APSText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Starts automatically on reaching capacity?', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $AutoStartText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Minimum number of players:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['MinimumPlayers']);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Maximum number of players:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['MaximumPlayers']);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Reverse Virtual Connection?', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $ReverseVCText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Forbid the Canal Link to Scotland?', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $ForbidSCText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Modified Coal Overbuild Rules?', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $ORAWText);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Initial Turn Order:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['InitialTurnOrder']);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Talk Rules:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['TalkRules']);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Time Limit A:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['TimeLimitA'] . ' ' . $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'], $TimeLimitAAlert);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Time Limit B:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['TimeLimitB'] . ' ' . $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'], $TimeLimitBAlert);
    if ($ShowTimeLimitWarning) {
        $mypage->leaf('td', '');
        $mypage->leaf('td', $TimeLimitsWarning, $TimeLimitsWarningAttributes);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Behaviour at Time Limit B:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['DoWhatAtB']);
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Minimum Player Rating:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', $GAME['MinimumRating'] ? $GAME['MinimumRating'] : 'None');
    $mypage->leaf('td', 'Maximum Player Rating:', 'align=right');
    $mypage->leaf('td', is_null($GAME['MaximumRating']) ? 'None' : $GAME['MinimumRating']);
    if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn'] and ($GAME['MinimumRating'] or !is_null($GAME['MaximumRating']))) {
        $mypage->leaf('td', '');
        $mypage->leaf('td', '(Your player rating is ' . $Rating . ')');
    $mypage->next('style="height: 10px;"');
    $mypage->leaf('td', '');
    $mypage->leaf('td', '&nbsp;');
    if ($GAME['GameCreator'] == @$_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
        $IAmTheCreator = true;
    } else {
        $IAmTheCreator = false;
    $EnglishColourNames = array('Red', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Grey');
    $TranslatedColourNames = array(transtext('_colourRed'), transtext('_colourYellow'), transtext('_colourGreen'), transtext('_colourPurple'), transtext('_colourGrey'));
    $PlayerColours = array('FFC18A', 'FFFFAF', '9FFF9F', 'FFC6FF', 'C4C4C4');
    $SlotAvailable = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $mypage->leaf('td', $TranslatedColourNames[$i] . ':', 'align=right style="background-color: #' . $PlayerColours[$i] . ';"');
        echo '<td>';
        if (!$GAME['PlayerExists'][$i]) {
            echo '&nbsp;&mdash;';
            if ($FormOpen and @$_SESSION['LoggedIn'] and !$Banned and $GAME['MyColour'] == 50 and $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] < $GAME['MaximumPlayers'] and $Rating >= $GAME['MinimumRating'] and (is_null($GAME['MaximumRating']) or $Rating <= $GAME['MaximumRating'])) {
                $SlotAvailable = true;
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Join Game as ' . $EnglishColourNames[$i] . '" onClick="';
                if ($ShowTimeLimitWarning) {
                    echo 'ConfirmTimeLimit(';
                } else {
                    echo 'ChangeActionID(';
                echo 20 + $i . ')">';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['MyColour'] == $i) {
                echo '&nbsp;<b>You</b>';
                if ($FormOpen and $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 1 and !$IAmTheCreator) {
                    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Leave this game" onClick="ChangeActionID(31)">';
            } else {
                if (@$_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
                    echo '&nbsp;<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$i] . '">' . $GAME['PlayerName'][$i] . '</a>';
                    if ($FormOpen and ($Administrator or $IAmTheCreator) and $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 1 and $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$i] != $GAME['GameCreator']) {
                        echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Remove ' . $EnglishColourNames[$i] . ' from the game" onClick="ChangeActionID(' . (10 + $i) . ')">';
                } else {
                    echo '&nbsp;' . $GAME['PlayerName'][$i];
        echo '</td>';
    // tr, table
    if ($FormOpen and $SlotAvailable) {
        $mypage->leaf('p', '<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Join as Any" onClick="' . ($ShowTimeLimitWarning ? 'ConfirmTimeLimit' : 'ChangeActionID') . '(28);">');
        if ($GAME['GPrivate']) {
            $mypage->text('This game is private. In order to join it, you must first enter the password here (the game password, <i>not</i> your user password):');
            $mypage->emptyleaf('input', 'type="text" name="Password" size=20 maxlength=20');
            // p
    if ($FormOpen and $IAmTheCreator) {
        $mypage->text('As the creator of the game, you may change whether the game is private or not.');
        $mypage->text('<br>Game is private?');
        $mypage->emptyleaf('input', 'type="checkbox" name="GPrivateBox" value=1' . $PrivateText);
        $mypage->text('Password:'******'input', 'type="text" name="PasswordB" size=20 maxlength=20 value="' . $GAME['Password'] . '"');
        $mypage->emptyleaf('input', 'type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Amend" onClick="ChangeActionID(32);"');
        $mypage->text('<br>(The "Password" field is ignored if the game is not private. If used, the password should be between 3 and 20 characters. Please note that game passwords are stored merely as plain text, and not in encrypted form like user passwords; they are intended only as a simple barrier to joining the game for people to whom you have not given the password.)');
        // p
    if ($FormOpen and ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] >= $GAME['MinimumPlayersAllowed'] and $Administrator or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] >= $GAME['MinimumPlayers'] and ($IAmTheCreator or $GAME['AnyPlayerStarts'] and $GAME['MyColour'] != 50))) {
        $mypage->leaf('a', 'Start the game', 'href="startgame.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '&amp;NumPlayers=' . $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] . '"');
        if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] < $GAME['MinimumPlayers']) {
            $mypage->text('<br>(note: it does not have its "minimum number" of players yet)');
        if (!$GAME['AnyPlayerStarts'] and !$IAmTheCreator) {
            $mypage->text('<br>(note: the game creator does not intend others to start it)');
        // p
    if ($FormOpen and ($Administrator or $IAmTheCreator)) {
        $mypage->leaf('p', '<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Cancel this game" onClick="ChangeActionID(30);">');
    if ($FormOpen and $Administrator) {
        if ($GAME['GTitleDeletedByAdmin']) {
            $mypage->leaf('p', '<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Unclear title" onClick="ChangeActionID(34);">');
        } else {
            $mypage->leaf('p', '<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Clear title" onClick="ChangeActionID(33);">');
    if ($FormOpen) {
        $mypage->emptyleaf('input', 'type="hidden" name="GameID" value="' . $GAME['GameID'] . '"');
        $mypage->emptyleaf('input', 'type="hidden" name="FormActionID" id="FormActionIDid" value=0');
        // form
    require HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'displaythread.php';
    if ($Administrator) {
        if ($GAME['Closed'] == 'Forced Closed') {
            $StringFC = ' selected';
        } else {
            $StringFC = '';
        if ($GAME['Closed'] == 'Closed') {
            $StringC = ' selected';
        } else {
            $StringC = '';
        if ($GAME['Closed'] == 'Forced Open') {
            $StringFO = ' selected';
        } else {
            $StringFO = '';
        if ($GAME['Closed'] == 'Open') {
            $StringO = ' selected';
        } else {
            $StringO = '';
        echo '<form action="threadview.php" method="POST"><p>Thread is <select name="Closedness"><option value="FC"' . $StringFC . '>Forced Closed<option value="C"' . $StringC . '>Closed<option value="FO"' . $StringFO . '>Forced Open<option value="O"' . $StringO . '>Open</select><input type="hidden" name="ThreadSticky" value="0"> --- <input type="submit" name="FormSubmitA" value="Execute"></p><input type="hidden" name="WhichThread" value=' . $GAME['Thread'] . '></form>';
    } else {
        if ($GAME['Closed'] == 'Closed' or $GAME['Closed'] == 'Forced Closed') {
            $mypage->leaf('h3', 'This game\'s discussion thread has been closed by an Administrator.');
    displaythread($GAME['Thread'], $GAME['Closed'], 1, $Administrator, $Banned);
    $mypage->leaf('p', 'Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
Beispiel #2
function buildtile($wheretobuild, $whattobuild, $coalsource, $ironsource, $card, $doublebuild, $thecardA, $thecardB)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    $TheTechLevel = $GAME['TechLevelArray'][$whattobuild][$GAME['RemainingTiles'][$whattobuild][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]];
    $carddetail = $GAME['carddetailarray'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card]];
    if ($coalsource == 50) {
        $altcoalsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altcoalsource = $coalsource;
    if ($ironsource == 50) {
        $altironsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altironsource = $ironsource;
    if ($TheTechLevel == 9) {
        $errorlist = transtext('memOutOfTiles') . '<br>';
        // "You have run out of industry tiles of the chosen type."
    } else {
        if ($GAME['HasBuilt'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] and !$doublebuild and $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card] > $GAME['TopLocationCard'] and !$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]]) {
            $CannotBuildHere = true;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['GeneralisedVCs']); $i++) {
                if ($GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild] == $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][0] and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][1]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][1]]) or ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 1 and $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][2] or $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][2] == 2) and $GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild] == $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][1] and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][0]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][0]])) {
                    $CannotBuildHere = false;
            if ($CannotBuildHere) {
                if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIndyCardBadR') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot use an industry card to build in that location,
                    // as you have neither connected to the location nor built a tile there."
                } else {
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIndyCardBadC') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot use an industry card to build in that location,
                    // as you have not connected to the location."
        if (!$GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists'][$wheretobuild] and ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'][$wheretobuild]) != $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'][$wheretobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memSpaceNotThere') . '<br>';
            // "That industry space does not exist (or it no longer exists) in this game."
        if ($GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != $whattobuild and ($whattobuild > 1 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != 5) and ($whattobuild and $whattobuild != 3 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != 6) and ($whattobuild != 2 and $whattobuild != 3 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != 7)) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memWrongTileType') . '<br>';
            // "The tile that you attempted to build cannot be built in the chosen industry space."
        if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]] and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memAlreadyInTown') . '<br>';
            // "You have already built an industry tile in that location."
        $StrategicBlockAttempt = false;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock']); $i++) {
            if ($whattobuild == $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i][0] and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i][1]] == 9 and $wheretobuild == $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i][2]) {
                $StrategicBlockAttempt = true;
        if ($StrategicBlockAttempt) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTacticalBlock') . '<br>';
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild] != $whattobuild) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrSameType') . '<br>';
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9 and $GAME['TechLevels'][$wheretobuild] >= $TheTechLevel) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrTechLevel') . '<br>';
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] == 8 and !$GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCM') . '<br>';
            // "You can never build over an opponent's Cotton Mill."
            // (Prevents building over an orphan Cotton Mill.)
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 8 and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
            switch ($GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild]) {
                case 0:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCM') . '<br>';
                    // "You can never build over an opponent's Cotton Mill."
                case 1:
                    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 8 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CoalInLancs']) {
                        $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCoalCubes') . '<br>';
                        // "You cannot currently build over an opponent's Coal Mine:
                        // the cube scarcity condition is not satisfied."
                    if ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 4) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
                            if ($GAME['spacetowns'][$i] == $GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild] and ($GAME['tileindustries'][$i] == 1 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$i] == 5) and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] == 9) {
                                $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCoalMCOR') . '<br>';
                                // There is a free space in the same location for a Coal Mine.
                                // You cannot build over your opponent's Coal Mine here.
                case 2:
                    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 8 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['IronInLancs']) {
                        $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrIronCubes') . '<br>';
                        // "You cannot currently build over an opponent's Iron Works:
                        // the cube scarcity condition is not satisfied."
                case 3:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrPort') . '<br>';
                    // "You can never build over an opponent's Port."
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrShipyard') . '<br>';
                    // "You can never build over an opponent's Shipyard."
        if (!$doublebuild and $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card] <= $GAME['TopLocationCard'] and $carddetail != $GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memLocnCardBad') . '<br>';
            // "The space where you attempted to build is not in
            // the location named on the card that you tried to use."
        if ($doublebuild and !$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == 1) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memFirstTurnDbl') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot use two cards to build on the first turn of the game."
        if ($doublebuild and $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2 == 1) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('mem2ndActionDbl') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot use two cards to build for your second action of the turn."
        if (!$doublebuild and $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card] > $GAME['TopLocationCard'] and $carddetail != $whattobuild) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memIndyCardType') . '<br>';
            // "The tile that you attempted to build does not match
            // the industry type of the card that you tried to use."
        if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $whattobuild == 4 and $TheTechLevel == 2) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTech2Shipyard') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build a Tech Level 2 Shipyard during the Canal Phase."
        if ($whattobuild == 4 and $TheTechLevel == 0) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTech0Shipyard') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build a Tech Level 0 Shipyard at any time.
            // These tiles must be developed away before you can build Shipyards."
        if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $TheTechLevel == 1) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTech1Rails') . '<br>';
            // You cannot build a Tech Level 1 industry tile during the Rail Phase.
        if ($GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            $errorlist .= 'You cannot afford to build that industry tile.<br>';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $coalsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']] or $GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $ironsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']] or $GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $coalsource == 50 and $ironsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']]) {
                $errorlist .= transtext('memTilePoorCubes') . '<br>';
                // Although you can afford to build the chosen industry tile,
                // you cannot afford to buy from the Demand Track(s) the cube(s) needed to build it.
        if ($GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            switch ($coalsource) {
                case 90:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNotValid') . '<br>';
                    // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
                // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
                case 91:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalOnBoard') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                    // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
                // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
                case 92:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNearer') . '<br>';
                case 93:
                    $errorlist .= 'The selected source of coal is not connected to the location where you are trying to build.<br>';
                case 95:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNoPorts') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                    // as the location where you want to build is not connected to a Port."
        if ($GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            switch ($ironsource) {
                case 90:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIronNotValid') . '<br>';
                    // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
                // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
                case 91:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIronOnBoard') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot buy iron from the Demand Track,
                    // as there is iron available on the board for you to use."
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9) {
            destroytile($wheretobuild, 0, 1);
        $GAME['HasBuilt'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
        $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]] = 1;
        $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['PlayerToMove'];
        $GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild] = $whattobuild;
        $GAME['TechLevels'][$wheretobuild] = $TheTechLevel;
        $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1];
        $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1];
        if ($GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            if ($coalsource == 50) {
                $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 8) {
            } else {
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] - 1;
                // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
                // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
                if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource]) {
        } else {
            $altcoalsource = 98;
        if ($GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            if ($ironsource == 50) {
                $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 8) {
            } else {
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] - 1;
                // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
                // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
                if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource]) {
        } else {
            $altironsource = 98;
        switch ($whattobuild) {
            case 0:
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 1;
            case 1:
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][0][$TheTechLevel - 1];
                $GAME['CoalInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]]) {
                    if ($GAME['CoalDemand'] >= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]) {
                        $GAME['CoalInLancs'] -= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                        $CoalIncome = 0;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]; $i++) {
                            $CoalIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                        $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 0;
                    } else {
                        $GAME['CoalInLancs'] -= $GAME['CoalDemand'];
                        $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][0][$TheTechLevel - 1] - $GAME['CoalDemand'];
                        $oldcoaldemand = $GAME['CoalDemand'];
                        $CoalIncome = 0;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $oldcoaldemand; $i++) {
                            $CoalIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                    if ($CoalIncome) {
                        $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $CoalIncome;
                        $altcoalsource = 97;
            case 2:
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][1][$TheTechLevel - 1];
                $GAME['IronInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                if ($GAME['IronDemand'] >= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]) {
                    $GAME['IronInLancs'] -= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                    $IronIncome = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]; $i++) {
                        $IronIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                    $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 0;
                } else {
                    $GAME['IronInLancs'] -= $GAME['IronDemand'];
                    $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][1][$TheTechLevel - 1] - $GAME['IronDemand'];
                    $oldirondemand = $GAME['IronDemand'];
                    $IronIncome = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $oldirondemand; $i++) {
                        $IronIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                if ($IronIncome) {
                    $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $IronIncome;
                    $altironsource = 97;
            case 3:
                for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
                    if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]]) {
                        $GAME['HasPort'][$i] = 1;
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 1;
            case 4:
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        if ($doublebuild) {
            $dbcard = letter_end_number($thecardB);
            $actionnuma = '1H';
            $actionnumb = 'C';
        } else {
            $dbcard = '';
            $actionnuma = '1G';
            $actionnumb = 'B';
        if ($AdminTakingMove) {
            $altgoodoutput = $actionnuma . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecardA) . $dbcard . letter_end_number($whattobuild) . letter_end_number($wheretobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
            $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
        } else {
            $altgoodoutput = $actionnumb . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecardA) . $dbcard . letter_end_number($whattobuild) . letter_end_number($wheretobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
            $altgoodoutputName = '';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
Beispiel #3
function gamelistdisplayuf(tagtree &$tt, $ThePlayerID, $PlayerName, $PlayerPronoun, $DisplayNotification, $StartPoint, $MaxResults, $Pagenum)
    if ($DisplayNotification) {
    $QueryResult = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'SELECT "PlayerGameRcd"."Colour" AS "UsersColour", "PlayerGameRcd"."Inherited", "PlayerGameRcd"."GameCounts", "PlayerGameRcd"."GameResult", "PlayerGameRcd"."NumLongTurns", "Game"."GameID", "Game"."Friendly", "Game"."GameName", "Game"."GTitleDeletedByAdmin", "Game"."LastMove", "Game"."GameCreator", "Game"."OriginalPlayers", "Game"."CurrentPlayers", "Game"."GameStatus", "GameVersion"."ShortVersionName", "GameVersionGroup"."VersionName", "GameVersion"."VersionNameSuffix", "GameVersion"."Creators", "User"."Name" AS "GameCreatorName", "GameInProgress"."PlayerToMove", "GameInProgress"."AbortVote", "GameInProgress"."KickVote", ROUND("PGRScore"."Score"/100, 2) AS "Score", "ParticipantRcd"."CurrentOccupant" FROM "PlayerGameRcd" JOIN "Game" ON "PlayerGameRcd"."Game" = "Game"."GameID" JOIN "GameVersion" ON "Game"."GVersion" = "GameVersion"."VersionID" JOIN "GameVersionGroup" ON "GameVersion"."VersionGroup" = "GameVersionGroup"."VersionGroupID" JOIN "User" ON "Game"."GameCreator" = "User"."UserID" LEFT JOIN "GameInProgress" ON "Game"."GameID" = "GameInProgress"."Game" LEFT JOIN "PGRScore" ON "PlayerGameRcd"."Game" = "PGRScore"."Game" AND "PlayerGameRcd"."User" = "PGRScore"."User" LEFT JOIN "PlayerGameRcd" AS "ParticipantRcd" ON "ParticipantRcd"."User" = :me: AND "Game"."GameID" = "ParticipantRcd"."Game" WHERE "PlayerGameRcd"."User" = :user: AND "PlayerGameRcd"."GameResult" NOT IN (\'Playing\', \'Hide\') ORDER BY "Game"."LastMove" DESC LIMIT :startpoint:, :maxresults:', 'user', $ThePlayerID, 'me', $_SESSION['MyUserID'], 'startpoint', $StartPoint, 'maxresults', $MaxResults);
    if ($DisplayNotification) {
        if ($QueryResult === 'NONE') {
            $tt->leaf('p', 'None');
        $fb = fragment::blank();
        $PaginationBar = array($fb, $fb);
    } else {
        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'paginate.php';
        $CountQueryResult = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_INTEGER, 'CALL "CountUsersGamesFinished"(:user:)', 'user', $ThePlayerID);
        if (!$CountQueryResult) {
            return false;
        $PaginationBar = paginationbar('game', 'games', SITE_ADDRESS . 'oldgames.php', array('UserID' => $ThePlayerID), 100, $Pagenum, $CountQueryResult);
        if ($QueryResult === 'NONE') {
    $PlayerColours = array('FFC18A', 'FFFFAF', '9FFF9F', 'FFC6FF', 'C4C4C4');
    $ColourNames = array(transtext('_colourRed'), transtext('_colourYellow'), transtext('_colourGreen'), transtext('_colourPurple'), transtext('_colourGrey'));
    $TranslatedResults = array('Finished 1st' => transtext('_ugResult1st'), 'Finished 2nd' => transtext('_ugResult2nd'), 'Finished 3rd' => transtext('_ugResult3rd'), 'Finished 4th' => transtext('_ugResult4th'), 'Finished 5th' => transtext('_ugResult5th'), 'Game Aborted' => transtext('_ugResultAborted'), 'Quit' => transtext('_ugResultQuit'), 'Kicked by Admin' => transtext('_ugResultKickA'), 'Kicked by System' => transtext('_ugResultKickS'), 'Kicked by Vote' => transtext('_ugResultKickV'));
    $frag = fragment::blank();
    $OldGameID = 0;
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QueryResult)) {
        if ($row['GameID'] != $OldGameID) {
            if ($i > $MaxResults) {
                // "This table shows only X's last 20 games" etc
                $tt->leaf('p', str_replace(array('\\username', '\\pronoun', '\\userid'), array($PlayerName, $PlayerPronoun, $ThePlayerID), transtext('_ugFinishedNote')));
            $OldGameID = $row['GameID'];
            if ($row['GTitleDeletedByAdmin']) {
                $row['GameName'] = 'The title of this game has been cleared by an Administrator';
            if (is_null($row['CurrentOccupant']) or $row['CurrentOccupant'] > 0 and !$row['GameIsFinished']) {
                $RowTagAttributes = null;
            } else {
                if ($row['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' and $row['PlayerToMoveID'] == $_SESSION['MyUserID'] or $row['GameStatus'] == 'Recruiting Replacement' and !is_null($row['Colour'])) {
                    $RowTagAttributes = 'class="mymove"';
                } else {
                    if (($row['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' or $row['GameStatus'] == 'Recruiting Replacement') and ($row['AbortVote'] != '00000' or $row['KickVote'] != '00000')) {
                        $RowTagAttributes = 'class="myattn"';
                    } else {
                        $RowTagAttributes = 'class="mygame"';
            $frag->opennode('tr', $RowTagAttributes);
            $version_name = vname($row['VersionName'], $row['VersionNameSuffix']);
            $frag->leaf('td', '<img src="gfx/icon-' . strtolower($row['ShortVersionName']) . '.png" alt="' . $version_name . '" title="' . $version_name . ' (' . $row['Creators'] . ')">', 'width=23 style="border-right: none;"');
            $frag->leaf('td', '<a href="board.php?GameID=' . $row['GameID'] . '">' . $row['GameName'] . '</a>', 'style="border-left: none; padding-left: 0px; text-align: left;"');
            $frag->leaf('td', '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $row['GameCreator'] . '">' . $row['GameCreatorName'] . '</a>');
            if ($row['Friendly']) {
                $frag->leaf('td', transtext('^Yes'), 'bgcolor="#9FFF9F"');
            } else {
                $frag->leaf('td', transtext('^No'), 'bgcolor="#FFC18A"');
            $frag->leaf('td', $row['CurrentPlayers'] . ($row['CurrentPlayers'] == $row['OriginalPlayers'] ? '' : '&#8239;/&#8239;' . $row['OriginalPlayers']));
            $frag->leaf('td', $row['GameStatus']);
            $lmtime = strtotime($row['LastMove']);
            $frag->leaf('span', date('Y', $lmtime), 'style="font-size: 50%;"');
            $frag->text(date('M-d', $lmtime));
            $frag->leaf('td', $ColourNames[$row['UsersColour']], 'bgcolor="#' . $PlayerColours[$row['UsersColour']] . '"');
            $frag->leaf('td', $TranslatedResults[$row['GameResult']]);
            $frag->leaf('td', $row['NumLongTurns']);
            $frag->leaf('td', is_null($row['Score']) ? 'n/a' : $row['Score']);
            $frag->leaf('td', $row['GameCounts'] ? transtext('^Yes') : transtext('^No'));
            $frag->leaf('td', $row['Inherited'] ? transtext('^Yes') : transtext('^No'));
    $tt->opennode('table', 'class="table_extra_horizontal_padding"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Name', 'colspan=2 style="width: 175px;"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Creator');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Frdly', 'title="Whether the game was a &quot;friendly&quot; game."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'P', 'title="The number of players the game had when it finished (or currently has, if it hasn\'t finished) / the number of players it had when it started."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Status');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Last Move', 'style="min-width: 75px;"');
    $tt->leaf('th', transtext('_ugColColour'), 'title="The colour ' . $PlayerName . ' played as in this game."');
    $tt->leaf('th', transtext('_ugColResult'), 'style="min-width: 90px;" title="The result ' . $PlayerName . ' achieved in this game. Usually this will be a rank achieved at the final scoring."');
    $tt->leaf('th', transtext('_ugColLT'), 'title="&quot;Long Turns&quot;: The number of times in this game ' . $PlayerName . ' took longer than Time Limit A to make a decision."');
    $tt->leaf('th', transtext('_ugColScore'), 'title="The score ' . $PlayerName . ' achieved in this game. The decimal part gives the player\'s position on the income track."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Counts', 'title="Whether the game counts towards ' . $PlayerName . '\'s statistics. Sometimes if you join a game in the middle, it does not contibute (either negatively or positively) toward your personal statistics."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Inhrtd', 'title="Whether ' . $PlayerName . ' inherited this game, that is, took over from another player who had left the game."');
    // tr, thead
    // tbody, table
Beispiel #4
    $mypage->leaf('p', 'It looks like you have been sent to the wrong page. Please click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
$QR = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'CALL "GameGetData_CardDistribution"(:game:)', 'game', (int) $_GET['GameID']);
if ($QR === 'NONE') {
    $mypage->title_body('Game not found');
    $mypage->leaf('p', 'Could not find a game with that ID number.');
if ($GameStatus != 'In Progress' and $GameStatus != 'Recruiting Replacement') {
    $mypage->title_body('Game has finished');
    $mypage->leaf('p', 'This game has finished.');
$industrynames = array(transtext('_indCotnMill'), transtext('_indCoalMine'), transtext('_indIronWorks'), transtext('_indPort'), transtext('_indShipyard'));
$CardDetailArray = explode('|', $CardDetailArray);
$LocationNames = explode('|', $LocationNames);
$playablecards = array();
$allcards = array();
if ($DiscardPile != '') {
    $allcards = explode('|', $DiscardPile);
if ($ShuffledDeck != '') {
    $ShuffledDeck = explode('|', $ShuffledDeck);
    while (count($ShuffledDeck)) {
        $newcard = array_pop($ShuffledDeck);
        $allcards[] = $newcard;
        $playablecards[] = $newcard;
Beispiel #5
function buildlink($linktobuild, $coalsource, $buildnum, $thecard)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    if ($GAME['LinkStatus'][$linktobuild] != 9) {
        if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memRailBuilt') . '<br>';
        } else {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalBuilt') . '<br>';
        // "The chosen rail/canal link has already been built."
    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
        if (!$GAME['RailAlwaysExists'][$linktobuild] and ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['RailExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) != $GAME['RailExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memRailNotThere') . '<br>';
            // "That rail link does not exist (or it no longer exists) in this game."
        if (!$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memRailNotConn') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build that rail link, as you have neither connected to nor built in either location."
        switch ($coalsource) {
            case 90:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNotValid') . '<br>';
                // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
            // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
            case 91:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalOnBoard') . '<br>';
                // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
            // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
            // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
            case 92:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNearer') . '<br>';
            case 93:
                $errorlist .= 'The selected source of coal is not connected to the location where you are trying to build.<br>';
            case 95:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNoPorts') . '<br>';
                // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                // as the location where you want to build is not connected to a Port."
    } else {
        if (!$GAME['CanalAlwaysExists'][$linktobuild] and ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) != $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalNotThere') . '<br>';
            // That canal link does not exist (or it no longer exists) in this game.
        if (!$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalNotConn') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build that canal link, as you have neither connected to nor built in either location."
    $MoneyWarning = true;
    if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 3) {
        $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalPoor') . '<br>';
        // "You cannot afford to build a canal link."
    if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 5) {
        $MoneyWarning = false;
        $errorlist .= transtext('memRailPoor') . '<br>';
        // "You cannot afford to build a rail link."
    if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $MoneyWarning and $coalsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 5 * $buildnum + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']]) {
        $errorlist .= transtext('memRailPoorCoal') . '<br>';
        // "Although you can afford to build a rail link, you cannot afford
        // to buy from the Demand Track the coal cube needed to build it."
    if (!$GAME['RemainingTiles'][5][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
        if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOutOfRails') . '<br>';
        } else {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOutOfCanals') . '<br>';
        // "You do not have any rail/canal markers left."
    if ($coalsource == 50) {
        $altcoalsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altcoalsource = $coalsource;
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        $GAME['LinkStatus'][$linktobuild] = $GAME['PlayerToMove'];
        $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= (3 + 2 * $GAME['RailPhase']) * $buildnum;
        $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += (3 + 2 * $GAME['RailPhase']) * $buildnum;
        if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
            if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] < $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]];
            } else {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]];
            if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] or $GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $AssignHasPort = 1;
            } else {
                $AssignHasPort = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $HighCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['CoalNet'][$i] = $LowCoalNet;
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $LowCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['HasPort'][$i] = $AssignHasPort;
            if ($coalsource == 50) {
                $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 8) {
            } else {
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] - 1;
                // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
                // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
                if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource]) {
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            if ($buildnum == 2) {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
                $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            } else {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '1I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
                if (!$GAME['RemainingTiles'][5][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
                    $altgoodoutput .= '9IB';
                } else {
                    if ($GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 10) {
                        $altgoodoutput .= '9IC';
                    } else {
                        if ($GAME['CoalInLancs'] or $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] > 9 + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']]) {
                            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumRailLinks']; $i++) {
                                if (($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]] or $GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]]) and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] > 9 + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']] and $GAME['LinkStatus'][$i] == 9 and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]])) {
                                    $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 1;
                                for ($j = 0; $j < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $j++) {
                                    if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$j] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$j] == 1 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$j] and ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$j]] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$j]] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]]) and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]]) and $GAME['LinkStatus'][$i] == 9 and ($GAME['RailAlwaysExists'][$i] or $GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['RailExistenceArray'][$i])) {
                                        $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 1;
                                        break 2;
                        if (!$GAME['SecondRailMode']) {
                            $altgoodoutput .= '9IA';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] < $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]];
            } else {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]];
            if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] or $GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $AssignHasPort = 1;
            } else {
                $AssignHasPort = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $HighCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['CoalNet'][$i] = $LowCoalNet;
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $LowCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['HasPort'][$i] = $AssignHasPort;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                $altgoodoutput = '1I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild);
                $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput = 'D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild);
                $altgoodoutputName = '';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
Beispiel #6
function gamelistdisplayf(tagtree &$tt, $StartPoint, $Pagenum)
    if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
        $Query = 'SELECT "Game"."GameID", "Game"."Friendly", "Game"."GameName", "Game"."GTitleDeletedByAdmin", "Game"."LastMove", "Game"."GameCreator", "Game"."OriginalPlayers", "Game"."CurrentPlayers", "Game"."RailPhase", "Game"."Round", "Game"."NumRounds", "Game"."GameStatus", "GameVersion"."ShortVersionName", "GameVersionGroup"."VersionName", "GameVersion"."VersionNameSuffix", "GameVersion"."Creators", "User"."Name" AS "GameCreatorName", "PlayerGameRcd"."User" FROM "Game" JOIN "GameVersion" ON "Game"."GVersion" = "GameVersion"."VersionID" JOIN "GameVersionGroup" ON "GameVersion"."VersionGroup" = "GameVersionGroup"."VersionGroupID" JOIN "User" ON "Game"."GameCreator" = "User"."UserID" LEFT JOIN "PlayerGameRcd" ON "PlayerGameRcd"."User" = :me: AND "Game"."GameID" = "PlayerGameRcd"."Game" WHERE "Game"."GameIsFinished" = 1 ORDER BY "Game"."LastMove" DESC LIMIT :startpoint:, 100';
        $me = $_SESSION['MyUserID'];
    } else {
        $Query = 'SELECT "Game"."GameID", "Game"."Friendly", "Game"."GameName", "Game"."GTitleDeletedByAdmin", "Game"."LastMove", "Game"."GameCreator", "Game"."OriginalPlayers", "Game"."CurrentPlayers", "Game"."RailPhase", "Game"."Round", "Game"."NumRounds", "Game"."GameStatus", "GameVersion"."ShortVersionName", "GameVersionGroup"."VersionName", "GameVersion"."VersionNameSuffix", "GameVersion"."Creators", "User"."Name" AS "GameCreatorName" FROM "Game" JOIN "GameVersion" ON "Game"."GVersion" = "GameVersion"."VersionID" JOIN "GameVersionGroup" ON "GameVersion"."VersionGroup" = "GameVersionGroup"."VersionGroupID" JOIN "User" ON "Game"."GameCreator" = "User"."UserID" WHERE "Game"."GameIsFinished" = 1 ORDER BY "Game"."LastMove" DESC LIMIT :startpoint:, 100';
        $me = 0;
    $QueryResult = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, $Query, 'me', $me, 'startpoint', $StartPoint);
    $CountQueryResult = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_INTEGER_TOLERANT_ZERO, 'SELECT "MetadatumValue" FROM "Metadatum" WHERE "MetadatumName" = \'Games-Finished\'');
    if (!$CountQueryResult) {
        return false;
    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'paginate.php';
    $PaginationBar = paginationbar('game', 'games', SITE_ADDRESS . 'oldgames.php', null, 100, $Pagenum, $CountQueryResult);
    if ($QueryResult === 'NONE') {
    $tt->opennode('table', 'class="table_extra_horizontal_padding"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Name', 'colspan=2 style="width: 270px;"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Creator');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Friendly?');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Original', 'title="The number of players the game had when it started."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Final', 'title="The number of players the game had when it finished."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Status');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Round');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Last Move <span style="font-weight: normal;">(GMT)</span>');
    // tr, thead
    $RoundColumnStyles = array('gamelist_roundcol_c', 'gamelist_roundcol_r');
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QueryResult)) {
        if ($row['GTitleDeletedByAdmin']) {
            $row['GameName'] = 'The title of this game has been cleared by an Administrator';
        $RowTagAttributes = null;
        if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
            $GameCreatorColumn = '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $row['GameCreator'] . '">' . $row['GameCreatorName'] . '</a>';
            if (!is_null($row['User'])) {
                $RowTagAttributes = 'class="mygame"';
        } else {
            $GameCreatorColumn = $row['GameCreatorName'];
        $tt->opennode('tr', $RowTagAttributes);
        $version_name = vname($row['VersionName'], $row['VersionNameSuffix']);
        $tt->leaf('td', '<img src="gfx/icon-' . strtolower($row['ShortVersionName']) . '.png" alt="' . $version_name . '" title="' . $version_name . ' (' . $row['Creators'] . ')">', 'width=23 style="border-right: none;"');
        $tt->leaf('td', '<a href="board.php?GameID=' . $row['GameID'] . '">' . $row['GameName'] . '</a>', 'style="border-left: none; padding-left: 0px; text-align: left;"');
        $tt->leaf('td', $GameCreatorColumn);
        if ($row['Friendly']) {
            $tt->leaf('td', transtext('^Yes'), 'bgcolor="#9FFF9F"');
        } else {
            $tt->leaf('td', transtext('^No'), 'bgcolor="#FFC18A"');
        $tt->leaf('td', $row['OriginalPlayers']);
        $tt->leaf('td', $row['CurrentPlayers']);
        $tt->leaf('td', $row['GameStatus']);
        $tt->leaf('td', ($row['Round'] >= 10 ? '' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;') . $row['Round'] . ' / ' . $row['NumRounds'], 'class="' . $RoundColumnStyles[$row['RailPhase']] . '"');
        $lmtime = strtotime($row['LastMove']);
        $tt->leaf('span', date('Y', $lmtime), 'style="font-size: 50%;"');
        $tt->text(date('M-d H:i:s', $lmtime));
        // td, tr
    // tbody, table
Beispiel #7
function gamegetdata_board_see($GameID)
    $GAME = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'CALL "GameGetData_Game_Display"(:gameid:)', 'gameid', $GameID);
    $QRP = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'CALL "GameGetData_User_Display"(:gameid:)', 'gameid', $GameID);
    if ($GAME === 'NONE') {
        return false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled' and !$Administrator) {
        return false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Recruiting' or $GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled') {
        return 'WRONG PAGE';
    $colournames = array(transtext('_colourRed'), transtext('_colourYellow'), transtext('_colourGreen'), transtext('_colourPurple'), transtext('_colourGrey'));
    $pronounmap_BasicUppercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHeCap'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounSheCap'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounItCap'));
    $pronounmap_BasicLowercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHe'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounShe'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounIt'));
    // $pronounmap_PossessiveUppercase = array( 'He'  => transtext('^pronounHisPoCap'),
    //                                          'She' => transtext('^pronounHerPoCap'),
    //                                          'It'  => transtext('^pronounItsPoCap')
    //                                          );
    // Not currently needed
    $pronounmap_PossessiveLowercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHisPo'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounHerPo'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounItsPo'));
    $pronounmap_IndirectObjectLowercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHimIO'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounHerIO'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounItIO'));
    $GAME['VersionName'] = vname($GAME['VersionName'], $GAME['VersionNameSuffix']);
    if ($GAME['GTitleDeletedByAdmin']) {
        $GAME['GameName_Title'] = transtext('_GameTitleHidden');
        if ($Administrator) {
            $GAME['GameName_Page'] = '<b>' . $GAME['GameName'] . '</b> (Title hidden to non-Administrators)';
        } else {
            $GAME['GameName_Page'] = '<b>' . transtext('_GameTitleHidden') . '</b>';
    } else {
        $GAME['GameName_Title'] = $GAME['GameName'];
        $GAME['GameName_Page'] = '<b>' . $GAME['GameName'] . '</b>';
    $GAME['locationnames'] = explode('|', $GAME['LocationNames']);
    $GAME['spacetowns'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceTowns']);
    $GAME['tileindustries'] = explode('|', $GAME['TileIndustries']);
    $GAME['CanalStarts'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalStarts']);
    $GAME['CanalEnds'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalEnds']);
    $GAME['RailStarts'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailStarts']);
    $GAME['RailEnds'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailEnds']);
    $GAME['CanalAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalAlwaysExists']);
    $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['RailAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailAlwaysExists']);
    $GAME['RailExistenceArray'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists']);
    $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['carddetailarray'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardDetailArray']);
    $GAME['carddetailarrayb'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardDetailArrayB']);
    $GAME['SpaceNumbersNotOrdinal'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceNumbers']);
    $GAME['spacenumbers'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceOrdinals']);
    $GAME['LocationAutoValue'] = explode('|', $GAME['LocationAutoValue']);
    $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'] = array_map('intval', $GAME['CanalExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['RailExistenceArray'] = array_map('intval', $GAME['RailExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'] = array_map('intval', $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['ModularBoardParts'] = (int) $GAME['ModularBoardParts'];
    $GAME['SpecialRules'] = (int) $GAME['SpecialRules'];
    if (is_null($GAME['TileXPositionsPretty'])) {
        $GAME['TileXPositions'] = array(null, explode('|', $GAME['TileXPositionsCompact']));
        $GAME['TileYPositions'] = array(null, explode('|', $GAME['TileYPositionsCompact']));
    } else {
        $GAME['TileXPositions'] = array(explode('|', $GAME['TileXPositionsPretty']), explode('|', $GAME['TileXPositionsCompact']));
        $GAME['TileYPositions'] = array(explode('|', $GAME['TileYPositionsPretty']), explode('|', $GAME['TileYPositionsCompact']));
    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
        if (is_null($GAME['RailXPositionsPretty'])) {
            $GAME['LinkDotXPositions'] = array(null, explode('|', $GAME['RailXPositionsCompact']));
            $GAME['LinkDotYPositions'] = array(null, explode('|', $GAME['RailYPositionsCompact']));
        } else {
            $GAME['LinkDotXPositions'] = array(explode('|', $GAME['RailXPositionsPretty']), explode('|', $GAME['RailXPositionsCompact']));
            $GAME['LinkDotYPositions'] = array(explode('|', $GAME['RailYPositionsPretty']), explode('|', $GAME['RailYPositionsCompact']));
    } else {
        if (is_null($GAME['CanalXPositionsPretty'])) {
            $GAME['LinkDotXPositions'] = array(null, explode('|', $GAME['CanalXPositionsCompact']));
            $GAME['LinkDotYPositions'] = array(null, explode('|', $GAME['CanalYPositionsCompact']));
        } else {
            $GAME['LinkDotXPositions'] = array(explode('|', $GAME['CanalXPositionsPretty']), explode('|', $GAME['CanalXPositionsCompact']));
            $GAME['LinkDotYPositions'] = array(explode('|', $GAME['CanalYPositionsPretty']), explode('|', $GAME['CanalYPositionsCompact']));
    $GAME['NumTowns'] = count($GAME['locationnames']);
    $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces'] = count($GAME['spacetowns']);
    $GAME['NumCanalLinks'] = count($GAME['CanalStarts']);
    $GAME['NumRailLinks'] = count($GAME['RailEnds']);
    $NumLinks = $GAME['RailPhase'] ? $GAME['NumRailLinks'] : $GAME['NumCanalLinks'];
    if ($NumLinks % 2) {
        $GAME['LinkStatus'] = substr($GAME['LinkStatus'], 0, -1);
    if ($GAME['NumIndustrySpaces'] % 2) {
        $GAME['SpaceStatus'] = substr($GAME['SpaceStatus'], 0, -1);
        $GAME['SpaceTile'] = substr($GAME['SpaceTile'], 0, -1);
        $GAME['TechLevels'] = substr($GAME['TechLevels'], 0, -1);
        $GAME['SpaceCubes'] = substr($GAME['SpaceCubes'], 0, -1);
    $GAME['CoalInLancs'] = 0;
    $GAME['IronInLancs'] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 1) {
            $GAME['CoalInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i];
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 2) {
            $GAME['IronInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i];
    $GAME['Money'] = explode('|', $GAME['Money']);
    $GAME['AmountSpent'] = explode('|', $GAME['AmountSpent']);
    $GAME['VictoryPoints'] = explode('|', $GAME['VictoryPoints']);
    $GAME['IncomeSpace'] = explode('|', $GAME['IncomeSpace']);
    $GAME['RemainingTiles'] = str_split($GAME['RemainingTiles'], MAX_PLAYERS);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
        $GAME['RemainingTiles'][$i] = array_map('hexdec', str_split($GAME['RemainingTiles'][$i]));
    if (is_null($GAME['Cards']) or $GAME['Cards'] == '') {
        $GAME['Cards'] = array(array(), array(), array(), array(), array());
        $GAME['HandSize'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
        $GAME['Cards'] = explode(':', $GAME['Cards']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
            $GAME['Cards'][$i] = explode('|', $GAME['Cards'][$i]);
            $GAME['HandSize'][$i] = count($GAME['Cards'][$i]);
            if ($GAME['HandSize'][$i] == 1 and $GAME['Cards'][$i][0] == '') {
                $GAME['Cards'][$i] = array();
                $GAME['HandSize'][$i] = 0;
    $GAME['CanTakeLoans'] = 1;
    if ($GAME['GameIsFinished'] or $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == 0 or $GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['NumRounds'] - $GAME['Round'] < 4) {
        $GAME['CanTakeLoans'] = 0;
    if ($GAME['TilesDrawn'] == 'None') {
        $GAME['NumberOfTilesDrawn'] = 0;
    } else {
        $GAME['NumberOfTilesDrawn'] = strlen($GAME['TilesDrawn']);
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' and time() - strtotime($GAME['LastMove']) > 60 * $GAME['TimeLimitA'] and !MAINTENANCE_DISABLED) {
        $GAME['CanKickVote'] = 1;
    } else {
        $GAME['CanKickVote'] = 0;
    if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] % 1440 == 0) {
        $GAME['TimeLimitA'] /= 1440;
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] == 1) {
            $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeDay');
        } else {
            $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeDayPl');
    } else {
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] % 60 == 0) {
            $GAME['TimeLimitA'] /= 60;
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] == 1) {
                $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeHour');
            } else {
                $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeHourPl');
        } else {
            $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeMinutePl');
    if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] % 1440 == 0) {
        $GAME['TimeLimitB'] /= 1440;
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] == 1) {
            $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeDay');
        } else {
            $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeDayPl');
    } else {
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] % 60 == 0) {
            $GAME['TimeLimitB'] /= 60;
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] == 1) {
                $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeHour');
            } else {
                $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeHourPl');
        } else {
            $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeMinutePl');
    switch ($GAME['SpecialModes']) {
        case 1:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        case 2:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        case 3:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        case 4:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
    $GAME['HasBuilt'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if (strpos($GAME['SpaceStatus'], $i) !== false or strpos($GAME['LinkStatus'], $i) !== false) {
            $GAME['HasBuilt'][$i] = 1;
    if ($GAME['GVersion'] == 2) {
        $GAME['NarrativeTicker'] = 2;
    } else {
        if (is_null($GAME['GameTicker'])) {
            $GAME['NarrativeTicker'] = 1;
        } else {
            $GAME['NarrativeTicker'] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $GAME['PlayerName'][$i] = transtext('_PlayerBoxAbsent');
        $GAME['PlayerFullName'][$i] = $colournames[$i] . ' (' . $GAME['PlayerName'][$i] . ')';
    $GAME['MyColour'] = 50;
    $GAME['PlayersMissing'] = (int) $GAME['CurrentPlayers'];
    $GAME['PlayerMissing'] = $GAME['PlayerExists'];
    if (is_null($GAME['AbortVote']) or $GAME['AbortVote'] == '') {
        $GAME['AbortVote'] = '00000';
    if (is_null($GAME['KickVote']) or $GAME['KickVote'] == '') {
        $GAME['KickVote'] = '00000';
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' and strpos($GAME['KickVote'], '1') !== false) {
        $GAME['CanKickVote'] = 1;
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QRP)) {
        $GAME['PlayerMissing'][$row['Colour']] = 0;
        $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$row['Colour']] = $row['UserID'];
        $GAME['PlayerName'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Name'];
        $GAME['PlayerFullName'][$row['Colour']] = $colournames[$row['Colour']] . ' (' . $row['Name'] . ')';
        $GAME['Pronoun'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_BasicUppercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['PronounLC'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_BasicLowercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['PossessivePronounLC'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_PossessiveLowercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['OtherPronounLC'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_IndirectObjectLowercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['Notes'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Notes'];
        if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn'] and $_SESSION['MyUserID'] == $row['UserID']) {
            $GAME['MyColour'] = $row['Colour'];
            if ($GAME['AbortVote'][$row['Colour']]) {
                $GAME['IHaveAbortVoted'] = 1;
            } else {
                $GAME['IHaveAbortVoted'] = 0;
            if ($GAME['KickVote'][$row['Colour']]) {
                $GAME['IHaveKickVoted'] = 1;
            } else {
                $GAME['IHaveKickVoted'] = 0;
    $GAME['PlayerMissingAndMatters'] = $GAME['PlayerMissing'];
    $GAME['PlayersMissingThatMatter'] = $GAME['PlayersMissing'];
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] and $GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['PlayerToMove'] != $i and !$GAME['HandSize'][$i]) {
            $GAME['PlayerMissingAndMatters'][$i] = 0;
    $GAME['PlayersVotingToAbort'] = 0;
    $GAME['PlayersVotingToKick'] = 0;
    $GAME['AbortVoteActive'] = false;
    $GAME['KickVoteActive'] = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] or $GAME['AbortVote'][$i]) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] or $GAME['KickVote'][$i]) {
        if ($GAME['AbortVote'][$i]) {
            $GAME['AbortVoteActive'] = true;
        if ($GAME['KickVote'][$i]) {
            $GAME['KickVoteActive'] = true;
    if ($GAME['PlayersMissingThatMatter']) {
        $GAME['ReplacementOffers'] = array();
        $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Users'] = array();
        $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Colours'] = array();
        $QRR = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'CALL "GameGetData_GetReplacements"(:game:)', 'game', $GameID);
        if ($QRR === 'NONE') {
            $GAME['NumReplacementOffers'] = 0;
        } else {
            $GAME['NumReplacementOffers'] = mysqli_num_rows($QRR);
            while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QRR)) {
                $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][] = array($row['User'], $row['Name'], $row['Colour'], $row['Rating'], $row['ToCount']);
                $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Users'][] = $row['User'];
                $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Colours'][] = $row['Colour'];
    return $GAME;
Beispiel #8
function sellcotton($milllocation, $portlocation, $continuing, $thecard)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlistA = '';
    $errorlistB = '';
    $ExclamationMark = 0;
    if ($GAME['SpaceTile'][$milllocation] or $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$milllocation] == 9) {
        $errorlistA .= transtext('memIsNotCM') . '<br>';
        // "The industry space that you specified as the location
        // of the Cotton Mill is not occupied by a Cotton Mill."
    } else {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$milllocation] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
            $errorlistA .= transtext('memCMNotYours') . '<br>';
        } else {
            if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$milllocation]) {
                $errorlistA .= transtext('memCMFlipped') . '<br>';
                // "The Cotton Mill that you specified is already flipped."
    if ($errorlistA == '') {
        if ($portlocation < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
            if ($GAME['SpaceTile'][$portlocation] != 3) {
                $errorlistB .= transtext('memIsNotPort') . '<br>';
                // "The industry space that you specified as the location
                // of the Port is not occupied by a Port."
            } else {
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$milllocation]] != $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$portlocation]]) {
                    $errorlistB .= transtext('memPortNotConn') . '<br>';
                    // "The Port location that you specified is not connected to the Cotton Mill that you specified."
                } else {
                    if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$portlocation]) {
                        $errorlistB .= transtext('memPortFlipped') . '<br>';
                        // "The Port in the location that you specified is already flipped."
        } else {
            if (!$GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$milllocation]]) {
                $errorlistB .= transtext('memCMNoPorts') . '<br>';
                // "The specified Cotton Mill cannot sell to the Distant Market, as it is not connected to any Ports."
            } else {
                if ($GAME['CottonDemand'] == 8) {
                    $errorlistB .= transtext('memNoMoreDemand') . '<br>';
    $errorlist = $errorlistA . $errorlistB;
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        $append_action_end_note = true;
        if ($portlocation < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
            if ($continuing) {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            } else {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2B' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'G' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            $CheckCtu = true;
        } else {
            if ($continuing) {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            } else {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2B' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'G' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            if ($GAME['CottonDemand'] < 8) {
                $CheckCtu = true;
                $Boost = array(3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0);
                $Boost = $Boost[$GAME['CottonDemand']];
                $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $Boost;
                // If IncomeSpace[...] ends up above 99,
                // it's taken care of by the call to fliptile()
                if (!DMSaleSuccessProbability()) {
                    $GAME['CottonDemand'] = 8;
                    $altgoodoutput .= '9J';
            } else {
                $CheckCtu = false;
                $append_action_end_note = false;
        $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
        if ($CheckCtu) {
            $MillsArray = array();
            $PortsArray = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove'] and !$GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i]) {
                    $MillsArray[] = $i;
                if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 3 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i]) {
                    $PortsArray[] = $i;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($MillsArray); $i++) {
                if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$MillsArray[$i]]] and $GAME['CottonDemand'] < 8) {
                    $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 1;
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($PortsArray); $j++) {
                    if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$MillsArray[$i]]] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$PortsArray[$j]]]) {
                        $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 1;
                        break 2;
        if (!$GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] and $append_action_end_note) {
            $altgoodoutput .= '9I';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
Beispiel #9
            } else {
                $RowTagAttributes = 'class="mygame"';
        $mypage->opennode('tr', $RowTagAttributes);
        $mypage->leaf('td', '<b>' . ($StartPoint + $j) . '</b>');
        $mypage->leaf('td', '<a href="board.php?GameID=' . $row['GameID'] . '">' . $row['AdaptedScore']);
        if (!$EscapedUserID) {
            $mypage->leaf('td', '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $row['Owner'] . '">' . $row['Name']);
        if ($resultcolumn) {
            $mypage->leaf('td', $TranslatedResults[$row['GameResult']]);
        if ($friendlycolumn) {
            if ($row['Friendly']) {
                $mypage->leaf('td', transtext('^Yes'), 'align=center bgcolor="#9FFF9F"');
            } else {
                $mypage->leaf('td', transtext('^No'), 'align=center bgcolor="#FFC18A"');
        $mypage->leaf('td', '<a href="board.php?GameID=' . $row['GameID'] . '">' . $row['GameName'] . '</a>');
        $mypage->leaf('td', '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $row['GameCreator'] . '">' . $row['GameCreatorName'] . '</a>');
        $mypage->leaf('td', date('Y-M-d H:i:s', strtotime($row['LastMove'])));
    // tbody, table
    $mypage->leaf('p', 'Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page, or <a href="statistics.php">here</a> to return to the main Statistics page.');
Beispiel #10
Datei: gas.php Projekt: hdp/brass
function DoTask()
    global $Administrator, $GAME, $PersonActing, $SystemActing, $unexpectederrormessage;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'In Progress') {
        echo '<html><head><title>' . transtext('memCannotMoveT') . '</title><body>' . str_replace('\\gameid', $GAME['GameID'], transtext('memCannotMoveM')) . '</body></html>';
    if ($GAME['PlayerToMove'] == $GAME['MyColour'] or $Administrator and @$_POST['AdminMoveYes']) {
        if ($_POST['ProgressDigit'] != $GAME['NumMovesMade']) {
            echo '<html><head><title>' . transtext('memCheckIntegerT') . '</title></head><body>' . str_replace('\\gameid', $GAME['GameID'], transtext('memCheckIntegerM')) . '</body></html>';
        if (!isset($_POST['LinkToBuild'])) {
            $formdetails['LinkToBuild'] = 50;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['LinkToBuild'] == 'StopBuilding') {
                $formdetails['LinkToBuild'] = 50;
            } else {
                $formdetails['LinkToBuild'] = (int) $_POST['LinkToBuild'];
                if ($formdetails['LinkToBuild'] < 0 or $GAME['RailPhase'] and $formdetails['LinkToBuild'] >= $GAME['NumRailLinks'] or !$GAME['RailPhase'] and ($formdetails['LinkToBuild'] >= $GAME['NumCanalLinks'] or ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & 8) == 0 and $formdetails['LinkToBuild'] == 12 and $GAME['GVersion'] == 1)) {
        if (!isset($_POST['FirstCard'])) {
            $formdetails['CardA'] = 9;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['FirstCard'] == 'NoCardSelected') {
                $formdetails['CardA'] = 9;
            } else {
                $formdetails['CardA'] = (int) $_POST['FirstCard'];
                if ($formdetails['CardA'] < 0 or $formdetails['CardA'] > 7) {
        if (!isset($_POST['SecondCard'])) {
            $formdetails['CardB'] = 9;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['SecondCard'] == 'NoCardSelected') {
                $formdetails['CardB'] = 9;
            } else {
                $formdetails['CardB'] = (int) $_POST['SecondCard'];
                if ($formdetails['CardB'] < 0 or $formdetails['CardB'] > 7) {
        if (!isset($_POST['MoveType'])) {
            $formdetails['MoveType'] = 0;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['MoveType'] == 9) {
                echo '<html><head><title>' . transtext('memNoMoveTypeT') . '</title></head><body>' . str_replace('\\gameid', $GAME['GameID'], transtext('memNoMoveTypeM')) . '</body></html>';
            } else {
                $formdetails['MoveType'] = (int) $_POST['MoveType'];
                if ($formdetails['MoveType'] < 0 or $formdetails['MoveType'] > 6) {
                if ($GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == 2 and ($formdetails['MoveType'] == 1 or $formdetails['MoveType'] == 6)) {
                    $formdetails['CardA'] = 0;
                    $formdetails['CardB'] = 1;
        if ($formdetails['MoveType'] == 6 and !$_POST['PassSure']) {
            echo '<html><head><title>' . transtext('memBoxUntickedT') . '</title><body>' . str_replace('\\gameid', $GAME['GameID'], transtext('memBoxUntickedM')) . '</body></html>';
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType0'])) {
            $TileT[0] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[0] = (int) $_POST['TileType0'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType1'])) {
            $TileT[1] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[1] = (int) $_POST['TileType1'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType2'])) {
            $TileT[2] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[2] = (int) $_POST['TileType2'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType3'])) {
            $TileT[3] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[3] = (int) $_POST['TileType3'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType4'])) {
            $TileT[4] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[4] = (int) $_POST['TileType4'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType5'])) {
            $TileT[5] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[5] = (int) $_POST['TileType5'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType6'])) {
            $TileT[6] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[6] = (int) $_POST['TileType6'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType7'])) {
            $TileT[7] = 9;
        } else {
            $TileT[7] = (int) $_POST['TileType7'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileTypeY'])) {
            $TileTY = 9;
        } else {
            $TileTY = (int) $_POST['TileTypeY'];
        if (!isset($_POST['TileType'])) {
            $TileTX = 9;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['TileType'] == 'StopDeveloping') {
                $TileTX = 9;
            } else {
                $TileTX = (int) $_POST['TileType'];
                if ($TileTX < 0 or $TileTX > 4) {
        if ($GAME['SecondDevelopMode']) {
            $formdetails['TileType'] = $TileTX;
        } else {
            if ($formdetails['MoveType'] == 3) {
                $formdetails['TileType'] = $TileTX;
            } else {
                if ($formdetails['MoveType'] == 1) {
                    $formdetails['TileType'] = $TileTY;
                    if ($formdetails['TileType'] < 0 or $formdetails['TileType'] > 4) {
                } else {
                    if (!$GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] and !$GAME['SecondRailMode'] and !$GAME['DebtMode']) {
                        if ($formdetails['CardA'] != 9) {
                            $formdetails['TileType'] = $TileT[$formdetails['CardA']];
                            if ($formdetails['TileType'] < 0 or $formdetails['TileType'] > 4) {
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace0'])) {
            $IndSp[0] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[0] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace0'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace1'])) {
            $IndSp[1] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[1] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace1'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace2'])) {
            $IndSp[2] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[2] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace2'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace3'])) {
            $IndSp[3] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[3] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace3'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace4'])) {
            $IndSp[4] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[4] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace4'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace5'])) {
            $IndSp[5] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[5] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace5'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace6'])) {
            $IndSp[6] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[6] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace6'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace7'])) {
            $IndSp[7] = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSp[7] = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace7'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpaceY'])) {
            $IndSpY = 50;
        } else {
            $IndSpY = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpaceY'];
        if (!isset($_POST['IndustrySpace'])) {
            $IndSpX = 50;
            if ($GAME['DebtMode']) {
        } else {
            if ($_POST['IndustrySpace'] == 'StopSelling') {
                $IndSpX = 50;
                if ($GAME['DebtMode']) {
            } else {
                $IndSpX = (int) $_POST['IndustrySpace'];
                if ($IndSpX < 0 or $IndSpX >= $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
        if ($GAME['DebtMode'] or $GAME['ContinueSellingMode']) {
            $formdetails['IndustrySpace'] = $IndSpX;
        } else {
            if ($formdetails['MoveType'] == 5) {
                $formdetails['IndustrySpace'] = $IndSpX;
            } else {
                if ($formdetails['MoveType'] == 1) {
                    $formdetails['IndustrySpace'] = $IndSpY;
                    if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] < 0 or $formdetails['IndustrySpace'] >= $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
                } else {
                    if (!$GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] and !$GAME['SecondRailMode']) {
                        $formdetails['IndustrySpace'] = $IndSp[$formdetails['CardA']];
                        if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] < 0 or $formdetails['IndustrySpace'] >= $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
        if (!isset($_POST['CoalSource'])) {
            $formdetails['CoalSource'] = 50;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['CoalSource'] == 'DemandTrack') {
                $formdetails['CoalSource'] = 50;
            } else {
                $formdetails['CoalSource'] = (int) $_POST['CoalSource'];
                if ($formdetails['CoalSource'] < 0 or $formdetails['CoalSource'] >= $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
        if (!isset($_POST['IronSource'])) {
            $formdetails['IronSource'] = 50;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['IronSource'] == 'DemandTrack') {
                $formdetails['IronSource'] = 50;
            } else {
                $formdetails['IronSource'] = (int) $_POST['IronSource'];
                if ($formdetails['IronSource'] < 0 or $formdetails['IronSource'] >= $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
        if (!isset($_POST['PortSpace'])) {
            $formdetails['PortSpace'] = 50;
        } else {
            if ($_POST['PortSpace'] == 'DistantMarket') {
                $formdetails['PortSpace'] = 50;
            } else {
                $formdetails['PortSpace'] = (int) $_POST['PortSpace'];
                if ($formdetails['PortSpace'] < 0 or $formdetails['PortSpace'] >= $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
        if (!isset($_POST['LoanAmount'])) {
            $formdetails['LoanAmount'] = 3;
        } else {
            $formdetails['LoanAmount'] = (int) $_POST['LoanAmount'];
            if ($formdetails['LoanAmount'] < 1 or $formdetails['LoanAmount'] > 3) {
        $SystemActing = false;
        $PersonActing = $_SESSION['MyUserID'];
        $ColourMoving = $GAME['PlayerToMove'];
        $errorlist = moveexecute($formdetails);
        $SystemActing = true;
        if ($errorlist == '') {
            $didsomething = 1;
            while ($didsomething) {
                $didsomething = gamecheck();
            echo "<html><head><title>Move Executed</title><script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\nfunction delayer(){\nwindow.location =\"board.php?GameID={$GAME['GameID']}\"\n}\n//-->\n</script>\n</head><body onLoad=\"setTimeout('delayer()', 2000)\">" . str_replace('\\gameid', $GAME['GameID'], transtext('moveSuccess'));
            if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'In Progress' or $GAME['PlayerToMove'] != $ColourMoving) {
                echo ' ' . str_replace('\\userid', $_SESSION['MyUserID'], transtext('moveAlternateLk'));
                // "Alternatively, click _here_" etc
            echo ')<p><font color="#';
            if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' and $GAME['PlayerToMove'] == $ColourMoving) {
                echo 'FF0000"><b>' . transtext('moveStillYou');
            } else {
                echo '00BB00"><b>';
                if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == $GAME['NumRounds'] and !$GAME['DebtMode'] and $GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Finished') {
                    $ReferenceTurnOrder = array_flip(str_split($GAME['TurnOrder'], 1));
                    if ($ReferenceTurnOrder[$ColourMoving] > $ReferenceTurnOrder[$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
                        echo transtext('moveNoLongerYou');
                    } else {
                        echo transtext('moveYouAreDone');
                } else {
                    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Finished') {
                        echo transtext('moveNoLongerYou');
                    } else {
                        // This last "else" is redundant, I think, but I'll leave it as I can't be bothered to make sure of that
                        echo transtext('moveYouAreDone');
            echo '</b></font></body></html>';
        } else {
            echo '<html><head><title>' . transtext('memProblemsT') . '</title><body>' . str_replace(array('\\errorlist', '\\gameid'), array($errorlist, $GAME['GameID']), transtext('memProblemsM')) . '</body></html>';
    } else {
        if ($Administrator) {
            echo '<html><head><title>You did not select the tick box</title><body>You did not select the tick box to indicate that you want to intervene in the current player\'s turn. Click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to return to the game.</body></html>';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['MyColour'] != 50) {
            } else {
                echo '<html><head><title>' . transtext('memNotYourGameT') . '</title><body>' . str_replace('\\gameid', $GAME['GameID'], transtext('memNotYourGameM')) . '</body></html>';
Beispiel #11
$mypage->leaf('option', transtext('optBlinkVVSlow'), 'value=3' . $BRText[3]);
$mypage->leaf('td', '<input type="checkbox" name="ReverseTicker" value=1' . $CReverseTicker . '>', 'align=right');
$mypage->leaf('td', transtext('optReverseTicker'));
$mypage->leaf('td', '<input type="checkbox" name="AlwaysHideMsgs" value=1' . $CAlwaysHideMsgs . '>', 'align=right');
$mypage->leaf('td', transtext('optAutoHideThrd'));
$mypage->leaf('td', '');
$mypage->leaf('td', '<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Make Changes">');
// "Miscellaneous settings"
$mypage->next('style="height: 40px; vertical-align: middle;"');
$mypage->leaf('td', transtext('optShMisc'), 'colspan=2 style="font-weight: bold;"');
$mypage->leaf('td', '<input type="checkbox" name="AutoSort" value=1' . $CAutoSort . '>', 'align=right');
$mypage->leaf('td', transtext('optAutoSortCards'));
$mypage->leaf('td', '<input type="checkbox" name="ReverseMessages" value=1' . $CReverseMessages . '>', 'align=right');
$mypage->leaf('td', transtext('optReverseMsgs'));
$mypage->leaf('td', '');
$mypage->leaf('td', '<input type="submit" name="FormSubmit" value="Make Changes">');
// tr, table
$mypage->emptyleaf('input', 'type="hidden" name="TheUserID" value="' . $EscapedUserID . '"');
// form
Beispiel #12
function moveexecute($formdetails)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    $MoveOn = true;
    if ($GAME['DebtMode']) {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$formdetails['IndustrySpace']] == 9) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memNoTileInSpace') . '<br>';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$formdetails['IndustrySpace']] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                $errorlist .= transtext('memTileNotYours') . '<br>';
            } else {
                destroytile($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], 1, 1);
                $GAME['MoveMade'] = 1;
                $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
        if ($GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] >= 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['TurnOrder'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                    $WhereInTurnOrder = $i;
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            for ($i = MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $i > $WhereInTurnOrder; $i--) {
                if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]] and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]] < 0) {
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $j++) {
                        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$j] == $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]) {
                            $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i];
                            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 1;
            if (!$GAME['DebtMode']) {
                $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][0];
                $MoveOn = false;
    } else {
        if ($GAME['SecondRailMode']) {
            if ($formdetails['LinkToBuild'] == 50) {
                if ($SystemActing) {
                    $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                } else {
                    if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                    } else {
                        $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $ResultArray = array('', '', '2E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName']);
                } else {
                    $ResultArray = array('', '', 'J' . callmovetimediff(), '');
                $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            } else {
                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'coalresource.php';
                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'linkresource.php';
                $AssuredCoalSource = ClosestCoal($GAME['RailStarts'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $GAME['RailEnds'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $formdetails['CoalSource']);
                $ResultArray = buildlink($formdetails['LinkToBuild'], $AssuredCoalSource, 2, 50);
            if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
            } else {
                $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
        } else {
            if ($GAME['SecondDevelopMode']) {
                if ($formdetails['TileType'] == 9) {
                    if ($SystemActing) {
                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                        } else {
                            $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                    if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                        $ResultArray = array('', '', '2E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName']);
                    } else {
                        $ResultArray = array('', '', 'J' . callmovetimediff(), '');
                    $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
                } else {
                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'developresource.php';
                    $AssuredIronSource = GetIron($formdetails['IronSource']);
                    $ResultArray = develop($formdetails['TileType'], $AssuredIronSource, 1, 50);
                if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                    $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                    $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
                } else {
                    $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
            } else {
                if ($GAME['ContinueSellingMode']) {
                    if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] == 50) {
                        if ($SystemActing) {
                            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                        } else {
                            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                            } else {
                                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                        if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                            $ResultArray = array('', '', '2E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName']);
                        } else {
                            $ResultArray = array('', '', 'J' . callmovetimediff(), '');
                        $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
                    } else {
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'cottonresource.php';
                        $ResultArray = sellcotton($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], $formdetails['PortSpace'], 1, 50);
                    if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                        $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
                    } else {
                        $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
                } else {
                    if ($formdetails['CardA'] == 9) {
                        $errorlist .= 'No card selected.<br>';
                    } else {
                        $CardDetailsA = $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardA']]];
                        if ($formdetails['CardB'] == 9) {
                            $CardDetailsB = 50;
                            $passcb = '';
                        } else {
                            $CardDetailsB = $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardB']]];
                            if ($GAME['Round'] == 1 and !$GAME['RailPhase'] or $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2) {
                                $passcb = '';
                            } else {
                                $passcb = letter_end_number($CardDetailsB);
                        switch ($formdetails['MoveType']) {
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                if ($formdetails['MoveType'] and $formdetails['CardB'] == 9) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memNo2ndCard') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    if ($formdetails['MoveType'] and $formdetails['CardB'] == $formdetails['CardA']) {
                                        $ResultArray = array(transtext('memDuplicCard') . '<br>', '', '');
                                        // "You have selected the same card twice. Please select two different cards."
                                    } else {
                                        if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] == 50 or $formdetails['TileType'] == 9) {
                                            $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                        } else {
                                            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'coalresource.php';
                                            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'tileresource.php';
                                            $AssuredCoalSource = ClosestCoal($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], 50, $formdetails['CoalSource']);
                                            $AssuredIronSource = GetIron($formdetails['IronSource']);
                                            $ResultArray = buildtile($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], $formdetails['TileType'], $AssuredCoalSource, $AssuredIronSource, $formdetails['CardA'], $formdetails['MoveType'], $CardDetailsA, $CardDetailsB);
                                $TwoCards = $formdetails['MoveType'];
                            case 2:
                                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'linkresource.php';
                                if ($formdetails['LinkToBuild'] == 50) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
                                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'coalresource.php';
                                        $AssuredCoalSource = ClosestCoal($GAME['RailStarts'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $GAME['RailEnds'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $formdetails['CoalSource']);
                                        $ResultArray = buildlink($formdetails['LinkToBuild'], $AssuredCoalSource, 1, $CardDetailsA);
                                    } else {
                                        $ResultArray = buildlink($formdetails['LinkToBuild'], 50, 1, $CardDetailsA);
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 3:
                                if ($formdetails['TileType'] == 9) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'developresource.php';
                                    $AssuredIronSource = GetIron($formdetails['IronSource']);
                                    $ResultArray = develop($formdetails['TileType'], $AssuredIronSource, 0, $CardDetailsA);
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 4:
                                $ResultArray = array('', '', '');
                                if ($formdetails['LoanAmount'] > 3 or $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - $formdetails['LoanAmount'] < 0) {
                                    $ResultArray[0] .= transtext('memLoanTooBig') . '<br>';
                                if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['NumRounds'] - $GAME['Round'] < 4) {
                                    $ResultArray[0] .= transtext('memLoanTooLate') . '<br>';
                                if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                                    $amount = 10 * $formdetails['LoanAmount'];
                                    $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $amount;
                                    $reducearray = array(0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 12, 12, 14, 14, 16, 16, 18, 18, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24, 26, 26, 28, 28, 30, 30, 30, 33, 33, 33, 36, 36, 36, 39, 39, 39, 42, 42, 42, 45, 45, 45, 48, 48, 48, 51, 51, 51, 54, 54, 54, 57, 57, 57, 60, 60, 60, 60, 64, 64, 64, 64, 68, 68, 68, 68, 72, 72, 72, 72, 76, 76, 76, 76, 80, 80, 80, 80, 84, 84, 84, 84, 88, 88, 88, 88, 92, 92, 92, 92, 96, 96, 96);
                                    for ($i = 0; $i < $formdetails['LoanAmount']; $i++) {
                                        $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = $reducearray[$GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]];
                                    if ($SystemActing) {
                                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                                            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                                    if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                                        $ResultArray[2] = '2A' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . letter_end_number($formdetails['LoanAmount']);
                                        $ResultArray[3] = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                                    } else {
                                        $ResultArray[2] = 'F' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . letter_end_number($formdetails['LoanAmount']);
                                        $ResultArray[3] = '';
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 5:
                                if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] == 50) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'cottonresource.php';
                                    $ResultArray = sellcotton($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], $formdetails['PortSpace'], 0, $CardDetailsA);
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 6:
                                $ResultArray[0] = '';
                                if ($GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2) {
                                    $TwoCards = 0;
                                } else {
                                    if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == 1) {
                                        $TwoCards = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        $TwoCards = 1;
                                        if ($CardDetailsB == 50) {
                                            $ResultArray[0] = transtext('memNo2ndCard') . '<br>';
                                            // No second card selected.
                                        if ($formdetails[CardB] == $formdetails[CardA]) {
                                            $ResultArray[0] = transtext('memDuplicCard') . '<br>';
                                            // "You have selected the same card twice. Please select two different cards."
                                if ($SystemActing) {
                                    $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                } else {
                                    if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                                    $ResultArray[2] = '2C' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . $passcb;
                                    $ResultArray[3] = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                                } else {
                                    $ResultArray[2] = 'H' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . $passcb;
                                    $ResultArray[3] = '';
                        if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                            $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                            $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
                            if ($TwoCards) {
                                if ($formdetails['CardA'] < $formdetails['CardB']) {
                            $y = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardA']];
                            for ($i = $formdetails['CardA']; $i < $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1; $i++) {
                                $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i] = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i + 1];
                            $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1] = $y;
                            $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
                            if ($TwoCards) {
                                $y = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardB']];
                                for ($i = $formdetails['CardB']; $i < $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1; $i++) {
                                    $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i] = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i + 1];
                                $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1] = $y;
                                $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
                        } else {
                            $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        $GAME['MoveMade'] = 1;
        if (!$SystemActing) {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
        } else {
            $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
    if ($MoveOn and !$GAME['DebtMode'] and !$GAME['SecondRailMode'] and !$GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] and !$GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] and $errorlist == '') {
        if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == 1) {
            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'nomovesresource.php';
            if (CheckNoMoves($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][0])) {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '9H' . letter_end_number($GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][0]]);
                $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
                $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 0;
        $EvenTest = $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2;
        if (!$EvenTest or !$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == 1) {
            if ($GAME['NumRounds'] - $GAME['Round'] > 3) {
                if ($GAME['RailPhase'] or $GAME['Round'] != 1) {
                    $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][6] = array_pop($GAME['ShuffledDeck']);
                $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][7] = array_pop($GAME['ShuffledDeck']);
                if ($GAME['AutoSort'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['TurnOrder'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                    $WhereInTurnOrder = $i;
            $EndRound = true;
            for ($i = MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $i > $WhereInTurnOrder; $i--) {
                if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]]) {
                    $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i];
                    $EndRound = false;
            if ($EndRound) {
                if ($GAME['Round'] == $GAME['NumRounds']) {
                    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'scoringresource.php';
                    } else {
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'scoringresource.php';
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'turnorderresource.php';
                } else {
                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'turnorderresource.php';
            if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == $GAME['NumRounds'] and $GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Finished') {
                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'nomovesresource.php';
    return $errorlist;
Beispiel #13
function gamegetdata_lobby($GameID, $DoingWork)
    global $Administrator;
    $GAME = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'CALL "GameGetData_Lobby_DisplayOrModify"(:gameid:)', 'gameid', $GameID);
    $QRP = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'CALL "GameGetData_User_Modify"(:gameid:)', 'gameid', $GameID);
    if ($GAME === 'NONE') {
        return false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled' and !$Administrator) {
        return false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Recruiting' and $GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Cancelled') {
        return 'WRONG PAGE';
    $colournames = array(transtext('_colourRed'), transtext('_colourYellow'), transtext('_colourGreen'), transtext('_colourPurple'), transtext('_colourGrey'));
    $pronounmap_BasicUppercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHeCap'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounSheCap'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounItCap'));
    $pronounmap_BasicLowercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHe'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounShe'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounIt'));
    // $pronounmap_PossessiveUppercase = array( 'He'  => transtext('^pronounHisPoCap'),
    //                                          'She' => transtext('^pronounHerPoCap'),
    //                                          'It'  => transtext('^pronounItsPoCap')
    //                                          );
    // Not currently needed
    $pronounmap_PossessiveLowercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHisPo'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounHerPo'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounItsPo'));
    $pronounmap_IndirectObjectLowercase = array('He' => transtext('^pronounHimIO'), 'She' => transtext('^pronounHerIO'), 'It' => transtext('^pronounItIO'));
    $GAME['GameID'] = $GameID;
    $GAME['SpecialRules'] = (int) $GAME['SpecialRules'];
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $GAME['PlayerName'][$i] = '';
        $GAME['PlayerFullName'][$i] = '';
    $GAME['MyColour'] = 50;
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QRP)) {
        $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$row['Colour']] = $row['UserID'];
        $GAME['PlayerName'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Name'];
        $GAME['PlayerFullName'][$row['Colour']] = $colournames[$row['Colour']] . ' (' . $row['Name'] . ')';
        $GAME['Pronoun_Eng'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Pronoun'];
        $GAME['PlayerRating'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Rating'];
        $GAME['Pronoun'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_BasicUppercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['PronounLC'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_BasicLowercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['PossessivePronounLC'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_PossessiveLowercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['OtherPronounLC'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_IndirectObjectLowercase[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['Email'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Email'];
        $GAME['EmailPrompt'][$row['Colour']] = $row['EmailPrompt'];
        $GAME['EmailPromptAgain'][$row['Colour']] = $row['EmailPromptAgain'];
        $GAME['HasBeenEmailed'][$row['Colour']] = $row['HasBeenEmailed'];
        if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn'] and $_SESSION['MyUserID'] == $row['UserID']) {
            $GAME['MyColour'] = $row['Colour'];
    $GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'] = $GAME['TimeLimitA'];
    $GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes'] = $GAME['TimeLimitB'];
    if ($DoingWork) {
        if (is_null($GAME['CardsToRemove'])) {
            $GAME['CardsToRemove'] = array();
        } else {
            $GAME['CardsToRemove'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardsToRemove']);
        $GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists']);
        $GAME['CanalAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalAlwaysExists']);
        $GAME['carddetailarrayb'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardDetailArrayB']);
        $GAME['ExternalLocations'] = explode('|', $GAME['ExternalLocations']);
        $GAME['NumTowns'] = count($GAME['ExternalLocations']);
        $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces'] = count($GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists']);
        $GAME['NumCanalLinks'] = count($GAME['CanalAlwaysExists']);
    } else {
        $GAME['VersionName'] = vname($GAME['VersionName'], $GAME['VersionNameSuffix']);
        if ($GAME['GTitleDeletedByAdmin']) {
            $GAME['GameName_Title'] = transtext('_GameTitleHidden');
            if ($Administrator) {
                $GAME['GameName_Page'] = '<b>' . $GAME['GameName'] . '</b> (Title hidden to non-Administrators)';
            } else {
                $GAME['GameName_Page'] = '<b>' . transtext('_GameTitleHidden') . '</b>';
        } else {
            $GAME['GameName_Title'] = $GAME['GameName'];
            $GAME['GameName_Page'] = '<b>' . $GAME['GameName'] . '</b>';
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] % 1440 == 0) {
            $GAME['TimeLimitA'] /= 1440;
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] == 1) {
                $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeDay');
            } else {
                $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeDayPl');
        } else {
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] % 60 == 0) {
                $GAME['TimeLimitA'] /= 60;
                if ($GAME['TimeLimitA'] == 1) {
                    $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeHour');
                } else {
                    $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeHourPl');
            } else {
                $GAME['TimeLimitAunit'] = transtext('_timeMinutePl');
        if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] % 1440 == 0) {
            $GAME['TimeLimitB'] /= 1440;
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] == 1) {
                $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeDay');
            } else {
                $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeDayPl');
        } else {
            if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] % 60 == 0) {
                $GAME['TimeLimitB'] /= 60;
                if ($GAME['TimeLimitB'] == 1) {
                    $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeHour');
                } else {
                    $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeHourPl');
            } else {
                $GAME['TimeLimitBunit'] = transtext('_timeMinutePl');
    return $GAME;
Beispiel #14
function pricelegend($x, $y)
    return '<div style="position: absolute; top: ' . $y . 'px; left: ' . $x . 'px; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black"><center><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td align=right><font size=2>Canal:&nbsp;</font></td><td><font size=2>' . moneyformat(3) . '</font></td></tr><tr><td align=right><font size=2>Rail:&nbsp;</font></td><td><font size=2>' . moneyformat(5) . ' + ' . transtext('Coal') . '</font></td></tr><tr><td align=right><font size=2>2 &times; Rail:&nbsp</font></td><td><font size=2>' . moneyformat(15) . ' + 2 &times; ' . transtext('Coal') . '</font></td></tr></table></center></div>';
Beispiel #15
 function loginbox($redirect_vars = null, $AlwaysShowMessage = false)
     // If specified, $redirect_vars should be null or an array of redirect
     // variables to be included as hidden fields in the login form. (The
     // names of the fields will be the keys of the array, prefixed by
     // 'red_'.) Passing a non-array gives the same results as passing an
     // empty array. No sanitisation whatsoever is performed by this
     // function; sanitisation is the responsibility of the script calling
     // the function.
     global $Administrator, $Translator;
     $this->leaf('p', 'PLEASE ENABLE JAVASCRIPT', 'style="font-family: Helvetica,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"');
     // noscript
     if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
         $this->opennode('div', 'id="loginbox" class="modularbox font_sans_serif mygame"');
         $this->leaf('div', 'Generated ' . date('M-d H:i:s') . ' GMT', 'style="float: right; border: none; margin: 5px 0px; text-align: right; font-size: 75%;"');
         $this->leaf('p', TEST_ENVIRONMENT_NOTICE . str_replace('\\username', $_SESSION['MyUserName'], transtext('^LoggedInAs')));
         $this->opennode('ul', 'class="navlinks"');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="usersgames.php?UserID=' . $_SESSION['MyUserID'] . '">' . transtext('^LkYourGames') . '</a>');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $_SESSION['MyUserID'] . '">' . transtext('^LkUserDetails') . '</a>');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="emails.php">Emails</a>');
         if ($Administrator or $Translator) {
             $this->leaf('li', '<a href="translatea.php">Translation interface</a>');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="logout.php">' . transtext('^LkLogOut') . '</a>');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="index.php">' . transtext('^LkMainPage') . '</a>');
     } else {
         $this->opennode('div', 'id="loginbox" class="modularbox font_sans_serif myattn"');
         $this->leaf('div', 'Generated ' . date('M-d H:i:s') . ' GMT', 'style="float: right; border: none; margin: 5px 0px; text-align: right; font-size: 75%;"');
         $NotLoggedInStatement = TEST_ENVIRONMENT_NOTICE . transtext('^NotLoggedIn');
         if (LOGIN_DISABLED) {
             $NotLoggedInStatement .= ' <b>(Login is currently disabled except for Administrators.)</b>';
         $this->leaf('p', $NotLoggedInStatement);
         $this->opennode('form', 'action="login.php" method="POST"');
         $this->emptyleaf('input', 'type="text" name="Name" size=28 maxlength=20');
         $this->text('Password:'******'input', 'type="password" name="Password" size=28 maxlength=20');
         $this->emptyleaf('input', 'type="submit" value="Log in"');
         // p
         if (is_array($redirect_vars)) {
             foreach ($redirect_vars as $key => $value) {
                 $this->emptyleaf('input', 'type="hidden" name="red_' . $key . '" value="' . $value . '"');
         // form
         $this->opennode('ul', 'class="navlinks"');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="recoveraccount.php">Recover Account (Forgotten Password)</a>');
             $this->leaf('li', '<del>Register new user</del>');
             $this->leaf('li', '<del>Re-send validation email</del>');
         } else {
             $this->leaf('li', '<a href="newuser_language.php">Register new user</a>');
             $this->leaf('li', '<a href="resendvalemail.php">Re-send validation email</a>');
         $this->leaf('li', '<a href="index.php">' . transtext('^LkMainPage') . '</a>');
         $this->leaf('p', transtext('^MaintenanceOff'), 'style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;"');
         $this->leaf('p', '<span style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;">' . transtext('^ImportantMsg') . '</span> ' . SYSTEM_MESSAGE);
     } else {
         if (DISPLAY_SYSTEM_MESSAGE and $AlwaysShowMessage) {
             $this->leaf('p', '<span style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;">' . transtext('^SystemMessage') . '</span> ' . SYSTEM_MESSAGE);
Beispiel #16
function gamegetdata_board_do($GameID)
    global $unexpectederrormessage;
    $GAME = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'CALL "GameGetData_Game_Modify"(:gameid:)', 'gameid', $GameID);
    $QRP = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'CALL "GameGetData_User_Modify"(:gameid:)', 'gameid', $GameID);
    if ($GAME === 'NONE') {
        return false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled' and !$Administrator) {
        return false;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Recruiting' or $GAME['GameStatus'] == 'Cancelled') {
        return 'WRONG PAGE';
    if ($GAME['GameIsFinished']) {
        return 'FINISHED';
    $colournames = array(transtext('_colourRed'), transtext('_colourYellow'), transtext('_colourGreen'), transtext('_colourPurple'), transtext('_colourGrey'));
    $englishcolournames = array('Red', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Grey');
    $pronounmap_PossessiveLowercase_Eng = array('He' => 'his', 'She' => 'her', 'It' => 'its');
    $GAME['LastEventSQL'] = '';
    $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $GAME['MoveMade'] = 0;
    $GAME['movetimediff'] = time() - strtotime($GAME['LastEvent']);
    $GAME['locationnames'] = explode('|', $GAME['LocationNames']);
    $GAME['spacetowns'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceTowns']);
    $GAME['tileindustries'] = explode('|', $GAME['TileIndustries']);
    $GAME['CanalStarts'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalStarts']);
    $GAME['CanalEnds'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalEnds']);
    $GAME['RailStarts'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailStarts']);
    $GAME['RailEnds'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailEnds']);
    $GAME['CanalAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalAlwaysExists']);
    $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'] = explode('|', $GAME['CanalExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['RailAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailAlwaysExists']);
    $GAME['RailExistenceArray'] = explode('|', $GAME['RailExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists']);
    $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['carddetailarray'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardDetailArray']);
    $GAME['carddetailarrayb'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardDetailArrayB']);
    $GAME['ShuffledDeck'] = explode('|', $GAME['ShuffledDeck']);
    $GAME['spacenumbers'] = explode('|', $GAME['SpaceOrdinals']);
    $GAME['ExternalLocations'] = explode('|', $GAME['ExternalLocations']);
    $GAME['LocationAutoValue'] = explode('|', $GAME['LocationAutoValue']);
    $GAME['CoalNet'] = explode('|', $GAME['CoalNet']);
    $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'] = array_map('intval', $GAME['CanalExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['RailExistenceArray'] = array_map('intval', $GAME['RailExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'] = array_map('intval', $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray']);
    $GAME['ModularBoardParts'] = (int) $GAME['ModularBoardParts'];
    $GAME['SpecialRules'] = (int) $GAME['SpecialRules'];
    $GAME['DiscardPile'] = explode('|', $GAME['DiscardPile']);
    if ($GAME['DiscardPile'][0] == '') {
        $GAME['DiscardPile'] = array();
    $GAME['NumTowns'] = count($GAME['locationnames']);
    $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces'] = count($GAME['spacetowns']);
    $GAME['NumCanalLinks'] = count($GAME['CanalStarts']);
    $GAME['NumRailLinks'] = count($GAME['RailStarts']);
    if (is_null($GAME['CardsToRemove'])) {
        $GAME['CardsToRemove'] = array();
    } else {
        $GAME['CardsToRemove'] = explode('|', $GAME['CardsToRemove']);
    if (is_null($GAME['VirtualConnections'])) {
        $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'] = array();
    } else {
        $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'] = explode(':', $GAME['VirtualConnections']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['GeneralisedVCs']); $i++) {
            $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i] = explode('|', $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i]);
    if (is_null($GAME['TileDenyStrategicBlock'])) {
        $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'] = array();
    } else {
        $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'] = explode(':', $GAME['TileDenyStrategicBlock']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock']); $i++) {
            $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i] = explode('|', $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i]);
    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
        $LinkStarts = $GAME['RailStarts'];
        $LinkEnds = $GAME['RailEnds'];
        $NumLinks = $GAME['NumRailLinks'];
    } else {
        $LinkStarts = $GAME['CanalStarts'];
        $LinkEnds = $GAME['CanalEnds'];
        $NumLinks = $GAME['NumCanalLinks'];
    if ($NumLinks % 2) {
        $GAME['LinkStatus'] = substr($GAME['LinkStatus'], 0, -1);
    if ($GAME['NumIndustrySpaces'] % 2) {
        $GAME['SpaceStatus'] = substr($GAME['SpaceStatus'], 0, -1);
        $GAME['SpaceTile'] = substr($GAME['SpaceTile'], 0, -1);
        $GAME['TechLevels'] = substr($GAME['TechLevels'], 0, -1);
        $GAME['SpaceCubes'] = substr($GAME['SpaceCubes'], 0, -1);
    $GAME['CoalInLancs'] = 0;
    $GAME['IronInLancs'] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 1) {
            $GAME['CoalInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i];
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 2) {
            $GAME['IronInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i];
    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2) {
        $GAME['cubeprice'] = array(2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5);
    } else {
        $GAME['cubeprice'] = array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5);
    $GAME['Money'] = explode('|', $GAME['Money']);
    $GAME['AmountSpent'] = explode('|', $GAME['AmountSpent']);
    $GAME['VictoryPoints'] = explode('|', $GAME['VictoryPoints']);
    $GAME['IncomeSpace'] = explode('|', $GAME['IncomeSpace']);
    $GAME['Cards'] = explode(':', $GAME['Cards']);
    $GAME['RemainingTiles'] = str_split($GAME['RemainingTiles'], MAX_PLAYERS);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
        $GAME['RemainingTiles'][$i] = array_map('hexdec', str_split($GAME['RemainingTiles'][$i]));
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $GAME['Cards'][$i] = explode('|', $GAME['Cards'][$i]);
        $GAME['HandSize'][$i] = count($GAME['Cards'][$i]);
        if ($GAME['HandSize'][$i] == 1 and $GAME['Cards'][$i][0] == '') {
            $GAME['Cards'][$i] = array();
            $GAME['HandSize'][$i] = 0;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' and time() - strtotime($GAME['LastMove']) > 60 * $GAME['TimeLimitA'] and !MAINTENANCE_DISABLED) {
        $GAME['CanKickVote'] = 1;
    } else {
        $GAME['CanKickVote'] = 0;
    switch ($GAME['SpecialModes']) {
        case 1:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        case 2:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        case 3:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        case 4:
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 1;
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
    $HasLinkedComponents = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
        $HasLinkedComponents .= '0';
    $GAME['HasBuilt'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'] = array($HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents);
    $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'] = array($HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents, $HasLinkedComponents);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] < MAX_PLAYERS) {
            $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i]][$GAME['spacetowns'][$i]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasBuilt'][$GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i]] = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $NumLinks; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['LinkStatus'][$i] < MAX_PLAYERS) {
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['LinkStatus'][$i]][$LinkStarts[$i]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['LinkStatus'][$i]][$LinkEnds[$i]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasBuilt'][$GAME['LinkStatus'][$i]] = 1;
    if (is_null($GAME['GameTicker']) or is_null($GAME['GameTickerNames'])) {
        $GAME['NarrativeTicker'] = true;
    } else {
        $GAME['NarrativeTicker'] = false;
    $GAME['AltGameTicker'] = '';
    $GAME['GameTickerNames'] = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $GAME['PlayerName'][$i] = transtext('_PlayerBoxAbsent');
        $GAME['PlayerFullName'][$i] = $colournames[$i] . ' (' . $GAME['PlayerName'][$i] . ')';
        $GAME['PlayerName_Eng'][$i] = 'Missing';
        $GAME['PlayerFullName_Eng'][$i] = $englishcolournames[$i] . ' (Missing)';
        $GAME['PossessivePronounLC_Eng'][$i] = 'its';
    $GAME['MyColour'] = 50;
    $GAME['PlayersMissing'] = (int) $GAME['CurrentPlayers'];
    $GAME['PlayerMissing'] = $GAME['PlayerExists'];
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] == 'In Progress' and strpos($GAME['KickVote'], '1') !== false) {
        $GAME['CanKickVote'] = 1;
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QRP)) {
        $GAME['PlayerMissing'][$row['Colour']] = 0;
        $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$row['Colour']] = $row['UserID'];
        $GAME['PlayerName'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Name'];
        $GAME['PlayerFullName'][$row['Colour']] = $colournames[$row['Colour']] . ' (' . $row['Name'] . ')';
        $GAME['PlayerName_Eng'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Name'];
        $GAME['PlayerFullName_Eng'][$row['Colour']] = $englishcolournames[$row['Colour']] . ' (' . $row['Name'] . ')';
        $GAME['PossessivePronounLC_Eng'][$row['Colour']] = $pronounmap_PossessiveLowercase_Eng[$row['Pronoun']];
        $GAME['Email'][$row['Colour']] = $row['Email'];
        $GAME['EmailPrompt'][$row['Colour']] = $row['EmailPrompt'];
        $GAME['EmailPromptAgain'][$row['Colour']] = $row['EmailPromptAgain'];
        $GAME['EmailAtEnd'][$row['Colour']] = $row['EmailAtEnd'];
        $GAME['HasBeenEmailed'][$row['Colour']] = $row['HasBeenEmailed'];
        $GAME['AutoSort'][$row['Colour']] = $row['AutoSort'];
        if (isset($_SESSION) and $_SESSION['LoggedIn'] and $_SESSION['MyUserID'] == $row['UserID']) {
            $GAME['MyColour'] = $row['Colour'];
            if ($GAME['AbortVote'][$row['Colour']]) {
                $GAME['IHaveAbortVoted'] = 1;
            } else {
                $GAME['IHaveAbortVoted'] = 0;
            if ($GAME['KickVote'][$row['Colour']]) {
                $GAME['IHaveKickVoted'] = 1;
            } else {
                $GAME['IHaveKickVoted'] = 0;
    $GAME['PlayerMissingAndMatters'] = $GAME['PlayerMissing'];
    $GAME['PlayersMissingThatMatter'] = $GAME['PlayersMissing'];
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] and $GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['PlayerToMove'] != $i and !$GAME['HandSize'][$i]) {
            $GAME['PlayerMissingAndMatters'][$i] = 0;
    $GAME['PlayersVotingToAbort'] = 0;
    $GAME['PlayersVotingToKick'] = 0;
    $GAME['AbortVoteActive'] = false;
    $GAME['KickVoteActive'] = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] or $GAME['AbortVote'][$i]) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] or $GAME['KickVote'][$i]) {
        if ($GAME['AbortVote'][$i]) {
            $GAME['AbortVoteActive'] = true;
        if ($GAME['KickVote'][$i]) {
            $GAME['KickVoteActive'] = true;
    $GAME['ReplacementOffers'] = array();
    $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Users'] = array();
    $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Colours'] = array();
    if ($GAME['PlayersMissingThatMatter']) {
        $QRR = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'CALL "GameGetData_GetReplacements"(:game:)', 'game', $GameID);
        if ($QRR === 'NONE') {
            $GAME['NumReplacementOffers'] = 0;
        } else {
            $GAME['NumReplacementOffers'] = mysqli_num_rows($QRR);
            while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QRR)) {
                $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][] = array($row['User'], $row['Name'], $row['Colour'], $row['ToCount']);
                $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Users'][] = $row['User'];
                $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Colours'][] = $row['Colour'];
    if ($GAME['CanKickVote']) {
        $GAME['PlayerToMoveForLongTurns'] = $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']];
    } else {
        $GAME['PlayerToMoveForLongTurns'] = 0;
    $GAME['TechLevelArray'] = array(array(9, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), array(9, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1), array(9, 4, 3, 2, 1), array(9, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1), array(9, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0));
    $GAME['incomeamounts'] = array(-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 30, 30, 30);
    $GAME['TileVPValue'] = array(array(3, 5, 9, 12), array(1, 2, 3, 4), array(3, 5, 7, 9), array(2, 4, 6, 9), array(10, 18));
    $GAME['TileIncomeValue'] = array(array(5, 4, 3, 2), array(4, 7, 6, 5), array(3, 3, 2, 1), array(3, 3, 4, 4), array(2, 1));
    $GAME['TileInitialCubes'] = array(array(2, 3, 4, 5), array(4, 4, 5, 6));
    $GAME['TileCosts'] = array(array(12, 14, 16, 18), array(5, 7, 8, 10), array(5, 7, 9, 12), array(6, 7, 8, 9), array(16, 25));
    $GAME['TileRequireCoal'] = array(array(0, 1, 1, 1), array(0, 0, 0, 0), array(1, 1, 1, 1), array(0, 0, 0, 0), array(1, 1));
    $GAME['TileRequireIron'] = array(array(0, 0, 1, 1), array(0, 0, 1, 1), array(0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0), array(1, 1));
    return $GAME;
Beispiel #17
function develop($tiletype, $ironsource, $continuing, $thecard)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    if (!$GAME['RemainingTiles'][$tiletype][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
        $errorlist = transtext('memOutOfTiles') . '<br>';
        // "You have run out of industry tiles of the chosen type."
    if ($ironsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']]) {
        $errorlist = transtext('memDevPoor') . '<br>';
        // "You cannot develop, as you cannot afford the iron cube."
    switch ($ironsource) {
        case 90:
            $errorlist .= transtext('memIronNotValid') . '<br>';
            // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
        // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
        case 91:
            $errorlist .= transtext('memIronOnBoard') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot buy iron from the Demand Track,
            // as there is iron available on the board for you to use."
    if ($ironsource == 50) {
        $altironsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altironsource = $ironsource;
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($ironsource == 50) {
            $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
            $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
            if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 8) {
        } else {
            $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] - 1;
            // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
            // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
            if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource]) {
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        if ($continuing) {
            if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '';
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        } else {
            if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                $altgoodoutput = '1J' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput = 'E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '';
            if ($GAME['RemainingTiles'][0][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][1][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][2][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][3][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][4][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
                $CanGetIronFree = false;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
                    if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 2 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i]) {
                        $CanGetIronFree = true;
                if (!$CanGetIronFree and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']]) {
                    $altgoodoutput .= '9IA';
                } else {
                    $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 1;
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput .= '9IB';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
Beispiel #18
function gamelistdisplayx(tagtree &$tt)
    if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
        $Query = 'CALL "ListGamesNeedingReplacements_LoggedIn"(:me:)';
        $me = $_SESSION['MyUserID'];
    } else {
        $Query = 'CALL "ListGamesNeedingReplacements_LoggedOut"()';
        $me = 0;
    $QueryResult = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, $Query, 'me', $me);
    if ($QueryResult === 'NONE') {
        $tt->leaf('p', 'None');
    $tt->opennode('table', 'class="table_extra_horizontal_padding"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Name', 'colspan=2 style="width: 270px;"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Creator');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Friendly?');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Found?', 'title="Has at least one candidate replacement been found for the seat that is unfilled?"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Original', 'title="The number of players the game had when it started."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Current', 'title="The number of players (as in seats, whether filled or unfilled) the game has at present."');
    $tt->leaf('th', '<a href="">TLA</a>', 'style="min-width: 36px;" title="&quot;Time Limit A&quot; - click the link for more information."');
    $tt->leaf('th', '<a href="">TLB</a>', 'style="min-width: 36px;" title="&quot;Time Limit B&quot; - click the link for more information."');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Round', 'style="width: 46px;"');
    $tt->leaf('th', 'Talk Rules', 'style="min-width: 100px;"');
    // tr, thead
    $RoundColumnStyles = array('gamelist_roundcol_c', 'gamelist_roundcol_r');
    $OldGameID = 0;
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($QueryResult)) {
        if ($row['GameID'] != $OldGameID) {
            $OldGameID = $row['GameID'];
            if ($row['GTitleDeletedByAdmin']) {
                $row['GameName'] = 'The title of this game has been cleared by an Administrator';
            $RowTagAttributes = null;
            if ($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) {
                $GameCreatorColumn = '<a href="userdetails.php?UserID=' . $row['GameCreator'] . '">' . $row['GameCreatorName'] . '</a>';
                if (!is_null($row['User'])) {
                    if (!is_null($row['Colour'])) {
                        $RowTagAttributes = 'class="mymove"';
                    } else {
                        if ($row['AbortVote'] == '00000' and $row['KickVote'] == '00000') {
                            $RowTagAttributes = 'class="mygame"';
                        } else {
                            $RowTagAttributes = 'class="myattn"';
            } else {
                $GameCreatorColumn = $row['GameCreatorName'];
            if ($row['TimeLimitA'] <= 1080) {
                $TLACellAttributes = 'class="alert"';
            } else {
                if ($row['TimeLimitA'] <= 1800) {
                    $TLACellAttributes = 'style="font-weight: bold;"';
                } else {
                    $TLACellAttributes = null;
            if ($row['TimeLimitB'] <= 2160) {
                $TLBCellAttributes = 'class="alert"';
            } else {
                if ($row['TimeLimitB'] <= 3600) {
                    $TLBCellAttributes = 'style="font-weight: bold;"';
                } else {
                    $TLBCellAttributes = null;
            $tt->opennode('tr', $RowTagAttributes);
            $version_name = vname($row['VersionName'], $row['VersionNameSuffix']);
            $tt->leaf('td', '<img src="gfx/icon-' . strtolower($row['ShortVersionName']) . '.png" alt="' . $version_name . '" title="' . $version_name . ' (' . $row['Creators'] . ')">', 'width=23 style="border-right: none;"');
            $tt->leaf('td', '<a href="board.php?GameID=' . $row['GameID'] . '">' . $row['GameName'] . '</a>', 'style="border-left: none; padding-left: 0px; text-align: left;"');
            $tt->leaf('td', $GameCreatorColumn);
            if ($row['Friendly']) {
                $tt->leaf('td', transtext('^Yes'), 'bgcolor="#9FFF9F"');
            } else {
                $tt->leaf('td', transtext('^No'), 'bgcolor="#FFC18A"');
            if (is_null($row['Colour'])) {
                $tt->leaf('td', transtext('^No'), 'bgcolor="#FFC18A"');
            } else {
                $tt->leaf('td', transtext('^Yes'), 'bgcolor="#9FFF9F"');
            $tt->leaf('td', $row['OriginalPlayers']);
            $tt->leaf('td', $row['CurrentPlayers']);
            $tt->leaf('td', minutes_mhd($row['TimeLimitA']), $TLACellAttributes);
            $tt->leaf('td', minutes_mhd($row['TimeLimitB']), $TLBCellAttributes);
            $tt->leaf('td', ($row['Round'] >= 10 ? '' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;') . $row['Round'] . ' / ' . $row['NumRounds'], 'class="' . $RoundColumnStyles[$row['RailPhase']] . '"');
            $tt->leaf('td', $row['TalkRules']);
    // tbody, table
Beispiel #19
    } else {
        $mypage->leaf('h3', $PStatementHeader);
        $mypage->leaf('div', '(Personal statement is in an unexpected format!)', 'class="modularbox font_sans_serif" style="background-color: #FFCF9F; text-align: center;"');
$mypage->leaf('h3', transtext('_ugInProgress'));
gamelistdisplayup($mypage, $EscapedUserID, $therow['Name']);
if ($therow['PublicWatch'] or $Administrator or $_SESSION['MyUserID'] == $EscapedUserID) {
    $WatchedGamesHeader = transtext('_ugWatching');
    if (!$therow['PublicWatch']) {
        $WatchedGamesHeader .= $_SESSION['MyUserID'] == $EscapedUserID ? ' <span style="font-weight: normal;">' . transtext('_ugPrivWatchlist') . '</span>' : ' <span style="font-weight: normal;">(This list has been made invisible to non-admins)</span>';
    $mypage->leaf('h3', $WatchedGamesHeader);
    gamelistdisplayuw($mypage, $EscapedUserID, 1);
$mypage->leaf('h3', transtext('_ugRR'));
gamelistdisplayux($mypage, $EscapedUserID, $therow['Name']);
$mypage->leaf('h3', transtext('_ugRecruiting'));
gamelistdisplayur($mypage, $EscapedUserID, $therow['Name']);
$mypage->leaf('h3', transtext('_ugFinished'));
gamelistdisplayuf($mypage, $EscapedUserID, $therow['Name'], $lowercasepronoun, true, 0, 20, null);
if ($_SESSION['MyUserID'] == $EscapedUserID) {
    require HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'udform.php';
$mypage->leaf('p', 'Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
Beispiel #20
            if ($SpaceStatus[$i] == $TilesToShow) {
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        $HTBox = '<p><input type="checkbox" name="HighlightTiles" onClick="ToggleShowTiles();"> ' . $BoxText . ' <i>(' . $UnluckyText . ')</i>';
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    } else {
        if ($NumUnflipped) {
            $HTBox = '<p><input type="checkbox" id="HighlightTiles" name="HighlightTiles" value="1" onClick="DisplayTiles = 1 - DisplayTiles; ToggleShowTiles();"> ' . $BoxText . ' <input type="checkbox" id="HighlightAllTiles" name="HighlightAllTiles" value="1" onClick="DisplayAllTiles = 1 - DisplayAllTiles; ToggleShowTiles();"> ' . transtext('bpArrowsAll');
            $HTScript = 'var DisplayTiles = 0; var DisplayAllTiles = 0; function ToggleShowTiles() { if ( DisplayTiles || DisplayAllTiles ) { for (i=0;i<' . $NumUnflipped . ';i++) { document.getElementById(\'Pointer\'+i).style.display = \'block\'; } } else { for (i=0;i<' . $NumUnflipped . ';i++) { document.getElementById(\'Pointer\'+i).style.display = \'none\'; } } if ( DisplayAllTiles ) { for (i=0;i<' . $NumUnflippedX . ';i++) { document.getElementById(\'PointerX\'+i).style.display = \'block\'; } } else { for (i=0;i<' . $NumUnflippedX . ';i++) { document.getElementById(\'PointerX\'+i).style.display = \'none\'; } } }';
        } else {
            if ($NumUnflippedX) {
                $HTBox = '<p><input type="checkbox" name="HighlightAllTiles" onClick="ToggleShowTiles();"> ' . transtext('bpArrowsAll') . ' <i>(' . $LuckyText . ')</i>';
                $HTScript = 'var DisplayTiles = 0; function ToggleShowTiles() { DisplayTiles = 1 - DisplayTiles; if ( DisplayTiles ) { for (i=0;i<' . $NumUnflippedX . ';i++) { document.getElementById(\'PointerX\'+i).style.display = \'block\'; } } else { for (i=0;i<' . $NumUnflippedX . ';i++) { document.getElementById(\'PointerX\'+i).style.display = \'none\'; } } }';
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                $HTBox = '';
                $HTScript = '';
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    $HTBox = '';
    $HTScript = '';