display_custom_bbcodes(); // Poll entry if (($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'edit' && $post_id == $post_data['topic_first_post_id']) && $auth->acl_get('f_poll', $forum_id)) { $template->assign_vars(array('S_SHOW_POLL_BOX' => true, 'S_POLL_VOTE_CHANGE' => $auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('f_vote', $forum_id), 'S_POLL_DELETE' => $mode == 'edit' && sizeof($post_data['poll_options']) && (!$post_data['poll_last_vote'] && $post_data['poster_id'] == $user->data['user_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_delete', $forum_id) || $auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id)), 'S_POLL_DELETE_CHECKED' => !empty($poll_delete) ? true : false, 'L_POLL_OPTIONS_EXPLAIN' => sprintf($user->lang['POLL_OPTIONS_' . ($mode == 'edit' ? 'EDIT_' : '') . 'EXPLAIN'], $config['max_poll_options']), 'VOTE_CHANGE_CHECKED' => !empty($post_data['poll_vote_change']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'POLL_TITLE' => isset($post_data['poll_title']) ? $post_data['poll_title'] : '', 'POLL_OPTIONS' => !empty($post_data['poll_options']) ? implode("\n", $post_data['poll_options']) : '', 'POLL_MAX_OPTIONS' => isset($post_data['poll_max_options']) ? (int) $post_data['poll_max_options'] : 1, 'POLL_LENGTH' => $post_data['poll_length'])); } // Show attachment box for adding attachments if true $allowed = $auth->acl_get('f_attach', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('u_attach') && $config['allow_attachments'] && $form_enctype; // Attachment entry posting_gen_attachment_entry($attachment_data, $filename_data, $allowed); // Output page ... page_header($page_title, false); $template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'posting_body.html')); make_jumpbox(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.{$phpEx}")); // Topic review if ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') { if (topic_review($topic_id, $forum_id)) { $template->assign_var('S_DISPLAY_REVIEW', true); } } page_footer(); /** * Show upload popup (progress bar) */ function upload_popup($forum_style = 0) { global $template, $user; $forum_style ? $user->setup('posting', $forum_style) : $user->setup('posting'); page_header($user->lang['PROGRESS_BAR'], false); $template->set_filenames(array('popup' => 'posting_progress_bar.html')); $template->assign_vars(array('PROGRESS_BAR' => $user->img('upload_bar', $user->lang['UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS']))); $template->display('popup');
function main($id, $mode) { global $auth, $db, $user, $template, $cache; global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $action, $phpbb_container, $phpbb_dispatcher; include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx; $forum_id = request_var('f', 0); $start = request_var('start', 0); $this->page_title = 'MCP_REPORTS'; switch ($action) { case 'close': case 'delete': include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx; $report_id_list = request_var('report_id_list', array(0)); if (!sizeof($report_id_list)) { trigger_error('NO_REPORT_SELECTED'); } close_report($report_id_list, $mode, $action); break; } switch ($mode) { case 'report_details': $user->add_lang(array('posting', 'viewforum', 'viewtopic')); $post_id = request_var('p', 0); // closed reports are accessed by report id $report_id = request_var('r', 0); $sql = 'SELECT r.post_id, r.user_id, r.report_id, r.report_closed, report_time, r.report_text, r.reported_post_text, r.reported_post_uid, r.reported_post_bitfield, r.reported_post_enable_magic_url, r.reported_post_enable_smilies, r.reported_post_enable_bbcode, rr.reason_title, rr.reason_description, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_colour FROM ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' r, ' . REPORTS_REASONS_TABLE . ' rr, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . ($report_id ? 'r.report_id = ' . $report_id : "r.post_id = {$post_id}") . ' AND rr.reason_id = r.reason_id AND r.user_id = u.user_id AND r.pm_id = 0 ORDER BY report_closed ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1); $report = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$report) { trigger_error('NO_REPORT'); } $phpbb_notifications = $phpbb_container->get('notification_manager'); $phpbb_notifications->mark_notifications_read('notification.type.report_post', $post_id, $user->data['user_id']); if (!$report_id && $report['report_closed']) { trigger_error('REPORT_CLOSED'); } $post_id = $report['post_id']; $report_id = $report['report_id']; $parse_post_flags = $report['reported_post_enable_bbcode'] ? OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE : 0; $parse_post_flags += $report['reported_post_enable_smilies'] ? OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES : 0; $parse_post_flags += $report['reported_post_enable_magic_url'] ? OPTION_FLAG_LINKS : 0; $post_info = phpbb_get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_report', true); if (!sizeof($post_info)) { trigger_error('NO_REPORT_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; $reason = array('title' => $report['reason_title'], 'description' => $report['reason_description']); if (isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($reason['title'])]) && isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($reason['title'])])) { $reason['description'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($reason['title'])]; $reason['title'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($reason['title'])]; } if (topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $template->assign_vars(array('S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => $post_info['enable_bbcode'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'], 'REPORTED_POST_ID' => $post_id)); } $topic_tracking_info = $extensions = $attachments = array(); // Get topic tracking info if ($config['load_db_lastread']) { $tmp_topic_data = array($post_info['topic_id'] => $post_info); $topic_tracking_info = get_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id'], $tmp_topic_data, array($post_info['forum_id'] => $post_info['forum_mark_time'])); unset($tmp_topic_data); } else { $topic_tracking_info = get_complete_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id']); } $post_unread = isset($topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']]) && $post_info['post_time'] > $topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']] ? true : false; $message = generate_text_for_display($report['reported_post_text'], $report['reported_post_uid'], $report['reported_post_bitfield'], $parse_post_flags, false); $report['report_text'] = make_clickable(bbcode_nl2br($report['report_text'])); if ($post_info['post_attachment'] && $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $post_info['forum_id'])) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE post_msg_id = ' . $post_id . ' AND in_message = 0 AND filetime <= ' . (int) $report['report_time'] . ' ORDER BY filetime DESC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $attachments[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($attachments)) { $update_count = array(); parse_attachments($post_info['forum_id'], $message, $attachments, $update_count); } // Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;) if (!empty($attachments)) { $template->assign_var('S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS', true); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $template->assign_block_vars('attachment', array('DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment)); } } } $template->assign_vars(array('S_MCP_REPORT' => true, 'S_CLOSE_ACTION' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=reports&mode=report_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'S_CAN_VIEWIP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_POST_REPORTED' => $post_info['post_reported'], 'S_POST_UNAPPROVED' => $post_info['post_visibility'] == ITEM_UNAPPROVED || $post_info['post_visibility'] == ITEM_REAPPROVE, 'S_POST_LOCKED' => $post_info['post_edit_locked'], 'S_REPORT_CLOSED' => $report['report_closed'], 'S_USER_NOTES' => true, 'U_EDIT' => $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $post_info['forum_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.{$phpEx}", "mode=edit&f={$post_info['forum_id']}&p={$post_info['post_id']}") : '', 'U_MCP_APPROVE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=reports&mode=report_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORTER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $report['user_id']), 'U_MCP_USER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_WARN_REPORTER' => $auth->acl_get('m_warn') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $report['user_id']) : '', 'U_MCP_WARN_USER' => $auth->acl_get('m_warn') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $post_info['user_id']) : '', 'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id']), 'U_VIEW_POST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_info['post_id'] . '#p' . $post_info['post_id']), 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $post_info['topic_id']), 'EDIT_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post_edit', $user->lang['EDIT_POST']), 'MINI_POST_IMG' => $post_unread ? $user->img('icon_post_target_unread', 'UNREAD_POST') : $user->img('icon_post_target', 'POST'), 'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', $user->lang['POST_UNAPPROVED']), 'RETURN_REPORTS' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_REPORTS'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=reports' . ($post_info['post_reported'] ? '&mode=reports' : '&mode=reports_closed') . '&start=' . $start . '&f=' . $post_info['forum_id']) . '">', '</a>'), 'REPORTED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_reported', $user->lang['POST_REPORTED']), 'REPORT_DATE' => $user->format_date($report['report_time']), 'REPORT_ID' => $report_id, 'REPORT_REASON_TITLE' => $reason['title'], 'REPORT_REASON_DESCRIPTION' => $reason['description'], 'REPORT_TEXT' => $report['report_text'], 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'REPORTER_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'REPORTER_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'REPORTER_NAME' => get_username_string('username', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'U_VIEW_REPORTER_PROFILE' => get_username_string('profile', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'POST_PREVIEW' => $message, 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_info['post_subject'] ? $post_info['post_subject'] : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT'], 'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($post_info['post_time']), 'POST_IP' => $post_info['poster_ip'], 'POST_IPADDR' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) && request_var('lookup', '') ? @gethostbyaddr($post_info['poster_ip']) : '', 'POST_ID' => $post_info['post_id'], 'U_LOOKUP_IP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) ? $this->u_action . '&r=' . $report_id . '&p=' . $post_id . '&f=' . $forum_id . '&lookup=' . $post_info['poster_ip'] . '#ip' : '')); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_post'; break; case 'reports': case 'reports_closed': $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); $forum_info = array(); $forum_list_reports = get_forum_list('m_report', false, true); $forum_list_read = array_flip(get_forum_list('f_read', true, true)); // Flipped so we can isset() the forum IDs // Remove forums we cannot read foreach ($forum_list_reports as $k => $forum_data) { if (!isset($forum_list_read[$forum_data['forum_id']])) { unset($forum_list_reports[$k]); } } unset($forum_list_read); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = phpbb_get_topic_data(array($topic_id)); if (!sizeof($topic_info)) { trigger_error('TOPIC_NOT_EXIST'); } if ($forum_id != $topic_info[$topic_id]['forum_id']) { $topic_id = 0; } else { $topic_info = $topic_info[$topic_id]; $forum_id = (int) $topic_info['forum_id']; } } $forum_list = array(); if (!$forum_id) { foreach ($forum_list_reports as $row) { $forum_list[] = $row['forum_id']; } if (!sizeof($forum_list)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $global_id = $forum_list[0]; $sql = 'SELECT SUM(forum_topics_approved) as sum_forum_topics FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_list); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_info['forum_topics_approved'] = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('sum_forum_topics'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); } else { $forum_info = phpbb_get_forum_data(array($forum_id), 'm_report'); if (!sizeof($forum_info)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $forum_info = $forum_info[$forum_id]; $forum_list = array($forum_id); } $forum_list[] = 0; $forum_data = array(); $pagination = $phpbb_container->get('pagination'); $forum_options = '<option value="0"' . ($forum_id == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $user->lang['ALL_FORUMS'] . '</option>'; foreach ($forum_list_reports as $row) { $forum_options .= '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"' . ($forum_id == $row['forum_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat(' ', $row['padding']) . $row['forum_name'] . '</option>'; $forum_data[$row['forum_id']] = $row; } unset($forum_list_reports); $sort_days = $total = 0; $sort_key = $sort_dir = ''; $sort_by_sql = $sort_order_sql = array(); phpbb_mcp_sorting($mode, $sort_days, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_by_sql, $sort_order_sql, $total, $forum_id, $topic_id); $forum_topics = $total == -1 ? $forum_info['forum_topics_approved'] : $total; $limit_time_sql = $sort_days ? 'AND r.report_time >= ' . (time() - $sort_days * 86400) : ''; if ($mode == 'reports') { $report_state = 'AND p.post_reported = 1 AND r.report_closed = 0'; } else { $report_state = 'AND r.report_closed = 1'; } $sql = 'SELECT r.report_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' r ' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u' : '') . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'r' ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ru' : '') . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $forum_list) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$report_state}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND r.post_id = p.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? 'AND u.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . ' ' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'r' ? 'AND ru.user_id = r.user_id' : '') . ' ' . ($topic_id ? 'AND p.topic_id = ' . $topic_id : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND r.pm_id = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; /** * Alter sql query to get report id of all reports for requested forum and topic or just forum * * @event core.mcp_reports_get_reports_query_before * @var string sql String with the query to be executed * @var array forum_list List of forums that contain the posts * @var int topic_id topic_id in the page request * @var string limit_time_sql String with the SQL code to limit the time interval of the post (Note: May be empty string) * @var string sort_order_sql String with the ORDER BY SQL code used in this query * @since 3.1.0-RC4 */ $vars = array('sql', 'forum_list', 'topic_id', 'limit_time_sql', 'sort_order_sql'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.mcp_reports_get_reports_query_before', compact($vars))); $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $i = 0; $report_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $report_ids[] = $row['report_id']; $row_num[$row['report_id']] = $i++; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($report_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_username, p.poster_id, p.post_time, p.post_attachment, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_colour, r.user_id as reporter_id, ru.username as reporter_name, ru.user_colour as reporter_colour, r.report_time, r.report_id FROM ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' r, ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ru WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('r.report_id', $report_ids) . ' AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND r.post_id = p.post_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id AND ru.user_id = r.user_id AND r.pm_id = 0 ORDER BY ' . $sort_order_sql; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $report_data = $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array('U_VIEWFORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']), 'U_VIEWPOST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $row['post_id']) . '#p' . $row['post_id'], 'U_VIEW_DETAILS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=reports&start={$start}&mode=report_details&f={$row['forum_id']}&r={$row['report_id']}"), 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'REPORTER_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'REPORTER_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'REPORTER' => get_username_string('username', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'U_REPORTER' => get_username_string('profile', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['forum_name'], 'POST_ID' => $row['post_id'], 'POST_SUBJECT' => $row['post_subject'] ? $row['post_subject'] : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT'], 'POST_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']), 'REPORT_ID' => $row['report_id'], 'REPORT_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['report_time']), 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'ATTACH_ICON_IMG' => $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $row['forum_id']) && $row['post_attachment'] ? $user->img('icon_topic_attach', $user->lang['TOTAL_ATTACHMENTS']) : '')); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); unset($report_ids, $row); } $base_url = $this->u_action . "&f={$forum_id}&t={$topic_id}&st={$sort_days}&sk={$sort_key}&sd={$sort_dir}"; $pagination->generate_template_pagination($base_url, 'pagination', 'start', $total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); // Now display the page $template->assign_vars(array('L_EXPLAIN' => $mode == 'reports' ? $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_OPEN_EXPLAIN'] : $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_CLOSED_EXPLAIN'], 'L_TITLE' => $mode == 'reports' ? $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_OPEN'] : $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_CLOSED'], 'L_ONLY_TOPIC' => $topic_id ? sprintf($user->lang['ONLY_TOPIC'], $topic_info['topic_title']) : '', 'S_MCP_ACTION' => $this->u_action, 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $forum_options, 'S_CLOSED' => $mode == 'reports_closed' ? true : false, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOTAL' => $total, 'TOTAL_REPORTS' => $user->lang('LIST_REPORTS', (int) $total))); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_reports'; break; } }
$sql = 'SELECT f.*, t.* FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f\n\t\tWHERE t.topic_id = {$topic_id}\n\t\t\tAND f.forum_id = t.forum_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $post_data['topic_cur_post_id'] = request_var('topic_cur_post_id', 0); // If replying/quoting and last post id has changed // give user option to continue submit or return to post // notify and show user the post made between his request and the final submit if ($post_data['topic_cur_post_id'] != $post_data['topic_last_post_id']) { // Only do so if it is allowed forum-wide if ($post_data['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_POST_REVIEW) { // Set template file $template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'aljax_review.html')); // Generate and output review if (topic_review($topic_id, $post_data['forum_id'], 'post_review', $post_data['topic_cur_post_id'])) { $template->assign_var('S_AJAX_REVIEW', true); $_RESULT['topic_cur_post_id'] = $post_data['topic_last_post_id']; $_RESULT['success'] = true; $template->display('body'); } } } } else { if ($mode == 'post_quick_reply') { include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx; include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx; // Set up language $user->setup(array('posting', 'mcp', 'viewtopic')); // Grab only parameters needed here //$param = request_var('param', '');
function main($id, $mode) { global $auth, $db, $user, $template, $cache; global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $action; include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx; $forum_id = request_var('f', 0); $start = request_var('start', 0); $this->page_title = 'MCP_QUEUE'; switch ($action) { case 'approve': case 'disapprove': include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx; $post_id_list = request_var('post_id_list', array(0)); if (!sizeof($post_id_list)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } if ($action == 'approve') { approve_post($post_id_list, 'queue', $mode); } else { disapprove_post($post_id_list, 'queue', $mode); } break; } switch ($mode) { case 'approve_details': $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_post'; $user->add_lang(array('posting', 'viewtopic')); $post_id = request_var('p', 0); $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id), 'm_approve'); if (isset($topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id'])) { $post_id = (int) $topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id']; } else { $topic_id = 0; } } $post_info = get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_approve', true); if (!sizeof($post_info)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; if ($post_info['topic_first_post_id'] != $post_id && topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $template->assign_vars(array('S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])); } $extensions = $attachments = $topic_tracking_info = array(); // Get topic tracking info if ($config['load_db_lastread']) { $tmp_topic_data = array($post_info['topic_id'] => $post_info); $topic_tracking_info = get_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id'], $tmp_topic_data, array($post_info['forum_id'] => $post_info['forum_mark_time'])); unset($tmp_topic_data); } else { $topic_tracking_info = get_complete_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id']); } $post_unread = isset($topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']]) && $post_info['post_time'] > $topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']] ? true : false; // Process message, leave it uncensored $message = $post_info['post_text']; if ($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']) { include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx; $bbcode = new bbcode($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); $bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($message, $post_info['bbcode_uid'], $post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); } $message = bbcode_nl2br($message); $message = smiley_text($message); if ($post_info['post_attachment'] && $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $post_info['forum_id'])) { $extensions = $cache->obtain_attach_extensions($post_info['forum_id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE post_msg_id = ' . $post_id . ' AND in_message = 0 ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $attachments[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($attachments)) { $update_count = array(); parse_attachments($post_info['forum_id'], $message, $attachments, $update_count); } // Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;) if (!empty($attachments)) { $template->assign_var('S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS', true); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $template->assign_block_vars('attachment', array('DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment)); } } } $post_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_info['post_id'] . '#p' . $post_info['post_id']); $topic_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $post_info['topic_id']); $template->assign_vars(array('S_MCP_QUEUE' => true, 'U_APPROVE_ACTION' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=queue&p={$post_id}&f={$forum_id}"), 'S_CAN_VIEWIP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_POST_REPORTED' => $post_info['post_reported'], 'S_POST_UNAPPROVED' => !$post_info['post_approved'], 'S_POST_LOCKED' => $post_info['post_edit_locked'], 'S_USER_NOTES' => true, 'U_EDIT' => $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $post_info['forum_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.{$phpEx}", "mode=edit&f={$post_info['forum_id']}&p={$post_info['post_id']}") : '', 'U_MCP_APPROVE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=reports&mode=report_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_USER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_WARN_USER' => $auth->acl_get('m_warn') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $post_info['user_id']) : '', 'U_VIEW_POST' => $post_url, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $topic_url, 'MINI_POST_IMG' => $post_unread ? $user->img('icon_post_target_unread', 'NEW_POST') : $user->img('icon_post_target', 'POST'), 'RETURN_QUEUE' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_QUEUE'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue' . ($topic_id ? '&mode=unapproved_topics' : '&mode=unapproved_posts')) . "&start={$start}\">", '</a>'), 'RETURN_POST' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_POST'], '<a href="' . $post_url . '">', '</a>'), 'RETURN_TOPIC_SIMPLE' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_TOPIC_SIMPLE'], '<a href="' . $topic_url . '">', '</a>'), 'REPORTED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_reported', $user->lang['POST_REPORTED']), 'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', $user->lang['POST_UNAPPROVED']), 'EDIT_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post_edit', $user->lang['EDIT_POST']), 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_PREVIEW' => $message, 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_info['post_subject'], 'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($post_info['post_time']), 'POST_IP' => $post_info['poster_ip'], 'POST_IPADDR' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) && request_var('lookup', '') ? @gethostbyaddr($post_info['poster_ip']) : '', 'POST_ID' => $post_info['post_id'], 'U_LOOKUP_IP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id . '&lookup=' . $post_info['poster_ip']) . '#ip' : '')); break; case 'unapproved_topics': case 'unapproved_posts': $user->add_lang(array('viewtopic', 'viewforum')); $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); $forum_info = array(); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id)); if (!sizeof($topic_info)) { trigger_error('TOPIC_NOT_EXIST'); } $topic_info = $topic_info[$topic_id]; $forum_id = $topic_info['forum_id']; } $forum_list_approve = get_forum_list('m_approve', false, true); $forum_list_read = array_flip(get_forum_list('f_read', true, true)); // Flipped so we can isset() the forum IDs // Remove forums we cannot read foreach ($forum_list_approve as $k => $forum_data) { if (!isset($forum_list_read[$forum_data['forum_id']])) { unset($forum_list_approve[$k]); } } unset($forum_list_read); if (!$forum_id) { $forum_list = array(); foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_list[] = $row['forum_id']; } if (!sizeof($forum_list)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $global_id = $forum_list[0]; $forum_list = implode(', ', $forum_list); $sql = 'SELECT SUM(forum_topics) as sum_forum_topics FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE forum_id IN (0, {$forum_list})"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_info['forum_topics'] = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('sum_forum_topics'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); } else { $forum_info = get_forum_data(array($forum_id), 'm_approve'); if (!sizeof($forum_info)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $forum_info = $forum_info[$forum_id]; $forum_list = $forum_id; $global_id = $forum_id; } $forum_options = '<option value="0"' . ($forum_id == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $user->lang['ALL_FORUMS'] . '</option>'; foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_options .= '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"' . ($forum_id == $row['forum_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat(' ', $row['padding']) . $row['forum_name'] . '</option>'; } $sort_days = $total = 0; $sort_key = $sort_dir = ''; $sort_by_sql = $sort_order_sql = array(); mcp_sorting($mode, $sort_days, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_by_sql, $sort_order_sql, $total, $forum_id, $topic_id); $forum_topics = $total == -1 ? $forum_info['forum_topics'] : $total; $limit_time_sql = $sort_days ? 'AND t.topic_last_post_time >= ' . (time() - $sort_days * 86400) : ''; $forum_names = array(); if ($mode == 'unapproved_posts') { $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.forum_id IN (0, {$forum_list})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND p.post_approved = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? 'AND u.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . ' ' . ($topic_id ? 'AND p.topic_id = ' . $topic_id : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_first_post_id <> p.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $i = 0; $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_ids[] = $row['post_id']; $row_num[$row['post_id']] = $i++; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($post_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.forum_id, p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_username, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_colour FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $post_ids) . ' AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id ORDER BY ' . $sort_order_sql; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_data = $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['forum_id']) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_id']; } $post_data[$row['post_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) { $rowset[] = $post_data[$post_id]; } unset($post_data, $post_ids); } else { $rowset = array(); } } else { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_title AS post_subject, t.topic_time AS post_time, t.topic_poster AS poster_id, t.topic_first_post_id AS post_id, t.topic_first_poster_name AS username, t.topic_first_poster_colour AS user_colour FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE forum_id IN (0, {$forum_list})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND topic_approved = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['forum_id']) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_id']; } $rowset[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (sizeof($forum_names)) { // Select the names for the forum_ids $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_names); $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600); $forum_names = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_names[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } foreach ($rowset as $row) { $global_topic = $row['forum_id'] ? false : true; if ($global_topic) { $row['forum_id'] = $global_id; } if (empty($row['post_username'])) { $row['post_username'] = $user->lang['GUEST']; } $template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array('U_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id']), 'U_VIEWFORUM' => !$global_topic ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']) : '', 'U_VIEWPOST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $row['post_id']) . ($mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? '#p' . $row['post_id'] : ''), 'U_VIEW_DETAILS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=queue&start={$start}&mode=approve_details&f={$row['forum_id']}&p={$row['post_id']}" . ($mode == 'unapproved_topics' ? "&t={$row['topic_id']}" : '')), 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_ID' => $row['post_id'], 'FORUM_NAME' => !$global_topic ? $forum_names[$row['forum_id']] : $user->lang['GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'], 'POST_SUBJECT' => $row['post_subject'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'POST_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']))); } unset($rowset, $forum_names); // Now display the page $template->assign_vars(array('L_DISPLAY_ITEMS' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['DISPLAY_POSTS'] : $user->lang['DISPLAY_TOPICS'], 'L_EXPLAIN' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_POSTS_EXPLAIN'] : $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS_EXPLAIN'], 'L_TITLE' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_POSTS'] : $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS'], 'L_ONLY_TOPIC' => $topic_id ? sprintf($user->lang['ONLY_TOPIC'], $topic_info['topic_title']) : '', 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $forum_options, 'S_MCP_ACTION' => build_url(array('t', 'f', 'sd', 'st', 'sk')), 'S_TOPICS' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? false : true, 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination($this->u_action . "&f={$forum_id}&st={$sort_days}&sk={$sort_key}&sd={$sort_dir}", $total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => on_page($total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOTAL' => $total == 1 ? $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_POST'] : $user->lang['VIEW_FORUM_TOPIC'] : sprintf($mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_POSTS'] : $user->lang['VIEW_FORUM_TOPICS'], $total))); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_queue'; break; } }
function main($id, $mode) { global $auth, $db, $user, $template; global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $action; include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx; $forum_id = request_var('f', 0); $start = request_var('start', 0); $this->page_title = 'MCP_QUEUE'; switch ($action) { case 'approve': case 'disapprove': include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx; $post_id_list = request_var('post_id_list', array(0)); if (!sizeof($post_id_list)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } if ($action == 'approve') { approve_post($post_id_list, $mode); } else { disapprove_post($post_id_list, $mode); } break; } switch ($mode) { case 'approve_details': $user->add_lang('posting'); $post_id = request_var('p', 0); $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id), 'm_approve'); if (isset($topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id'])) { $post_id = (int) $topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id']; } else { $topic_id = 0; } } $post_info = get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_approve'); if (!sizeof($post_info)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; if ($post_info['topic_first_post_id'] != $post_id && topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $template->assign_vars(array('S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])); } // Set some vars if ($post_info['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) { $poster = $post_info['post_username'] ? $post_info['post_username'] : $user->lang['GUEST']; } $poster = $post_info['user_colour'] ? '<span style="color:#' . $post_info['user_colour'] . '">' . $post_info['username'] . '</span>' : $post_info['username']; // Process message, leave it uncensored $message = $post_info['post_text']; if ($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']) { include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx; $bbcode = new bbcode($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); $bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($message, $post_info['bbcode_uid'], $post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); } $message = smiley_text($message); $template->assign_vars(array('S_MCP_QUEUE' => true, 'S_APPROVE_ACTION' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=queue&p={$post_id}&f={$forum_id}"), 'S_CAN_VIEWIP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_POST_REPORTED' => $post_info['post_reported'], 'S_POST_UNAPPROVED' => !$post_info['post_approved'], 'S_POST_LOCKED' => $post_info['post_edit_locked'], 'S_USER_NOTES' => true, 'U_EDIT' => $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $post_info['forum_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.{$phpEx}", "mode=edit&f={$post_info['forum_id']}&p={$post_info['post_id']}") : '', 'U_MCP_APPROVE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=reports&mode=report_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_USER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_WARN_USER' => $auth->acl_getf_global('m_warn') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $post_info['user_id']) : '', 'U_VIEW_PROFILE' => $post_info['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.{$phpEx}", 'mode=viewprofile&u=' . $post_info['user_id']) : '', 'RETURN_QUEUE' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_QUEUE'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue' . ($topic_id ? '&mode=unapproved_topics' : '&mode=unapproved_posts')) . "&start={$start}\">", '</a>'), 'REPORTED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_reported', $user->lang['POST_REPORTED']), 'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_unapproved', $user->lang['POST_UNAPPROVED']), 'EDIT_IMG' => $user->img('btn_edit', $user->lang['EDIT_POST']), 'POSTER_NAME' => $poster, 'POST_PREVIEW' => $message, 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_info['post_subject'], 'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($post_info['post_time']), 'POST_IP' => $post_info['poster_ip'], 'POST_IPADDR' => @gethostbyaddr($post_info['poster_ip']), 'POST_ID' => $post_info['post_id'])); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_post'; break; case 'unapproved_topics': case 'unapproved_posts': $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); $forum_info = array(); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id)); if (!sizeof($topic_info)) { trigger_error($user->lang['TOPIC_NOT_EXIST']); } $topic_info = $topic_info[$topic_id]; $forum_id = $topic_info['forum_id']; } $forum_list_approve = get_forum_list('m_approve', false, true); if (!$forum_id) { $forum_list = array(); foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_list[] = $row['forum_id']; } if (!($forum_list = implode(', ', $forum_list))) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $sql = 'SELECT SUM(forum_topics) as sum_forum_topics FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE forum_id IN (0, {$forum_list})"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_info['forum_topics'] = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('sum_forum_topics'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $global_id = $forum_list[0]; } else { $forum_info = get_forum_data(array($forum_id), 'm_approve'); if (!sizeof($forum_info)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $forum_info = $forum_info[$forum_id]; $forum_list = $forum_id; $global_id = $forum_id; } $forum_options = '<option value="0"' . ($forum_id == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $user->lang['ALL_FORUMS'] . '</option>'; foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_options .= '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"' . ($forum_id == $row['forum_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $row['forum_name'] . '</option>'; } $sort_days = $total = 0; $sort_key = $sort_dir = ''; $sort_by_sql = $sort_order_sql = array(); mcp_sorting($mode, $sort_days, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_by_sql, $sort_order_sql, $total, $forum_id, $topic_id); $forum_topics = $total == -1 ? $forum_info['forum_topics'] : $total; $limit_time_sql = $sort_days ? 'AND t.topic_last_post_time >= ' . (time() - $sort_days * 86400) : ''; $forum_names = array(); if ($mode == 'unapproved_posts') { $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.forum_id IN (0, {$forum_list})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND p.post_approved = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? 'AND u.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . ' ' . ($topic_id ? 'AND p.topic_id = ' . $topic_id : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_first_post_id <> p.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $i = 0; $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_ids[] = $row['post_id']; $row_num[$row['post_id']] = $i++; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($post_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.forum_id, p.post_id, p.post_username, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.username FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . USERS_TABLE . " u\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.post_id IN (" . implode(', ', $post_ids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND u.user_id = p.poster_id"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_data = $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['forum_id']) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_id']; } $post_data[$row['post_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) { $rowset[] = $post_data[$post_id]; } unset($post_data, $post_ids); } else { $rowset = array(); } } else { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_time AS post_time, t.topic_poster AS poster_id, t.topic_first_post_id AS post_id, t.topic_first_poster_name AS username FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE topic_approved = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND forum_id IN (0, {$forum_list})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['forum_id']) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_id']; } $rowset[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (sizeof($forum_names)) { // Select the names for the forum_ids $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id IN (' . implode(',', $forum_names) . ')'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600); $forum_names = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_names[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } foreach ($rowset as $row) { if ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) { $poster = !empty($row['post_username']) ? $row['post_username'] : $user->lang['GUEST']; } else { $poster = $row['username']; } $global_topic = $row['forum_id'] ? false : true; if ($global_topic) { $row['forum_id'] = $global_id; } $template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array('U_VIEWFORUM' => !$global_topic ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']) : '', 'U_VIEWTOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $row['post_id']) . ($mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? '#p' . $row['post_id'] : ''), 'U_VIEW_DETAILS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=queue&start={$start}&mode=approve_details&f={$row['forum_id']}&p={$row['post_id']}" . ($mode == 'unapproved_topics' ? "&t={$row['topic_id']}" : '')), 'U_VIEWPROFILE' => $row['poster_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.{$phpEx}", 'mode=viewprofile&u=' . $row['poster_id']) : '', 'POST_ID' => $row['post_id'], 'FORUM_NAME' => !$global_topic ? $forum_names[$row['forum_id']] : $user->lang['GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'POSTER' => $poster, 'POST_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']))); } unset($rowset, $forum_names); // Now display the page $template->assign_vars(array('L_DISPLAY_ITEMS' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['DISPLAY_POSTS'] : $user->lang['DISPLAY_TOPICS'], 'L_EXPLAIN' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_POSTS_EXPLAIN'] : $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS_EXPLAIN'], 'L_TITLE' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_POSTS'] : $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS'], 'L_ONLY_TOPIC' => $topic_id ? sprintf($user->lang['ONLY_TOPIC'], $topic_info['topic_title']) : '', 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $forum_options, 'S_MCP_ACTION' => build_url(array('t', 'f', 'sd', 'st', 'sk')), 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination($this->u_action . "&f={$forum_id}", $total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => on_page($total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOTAL' => $total)); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_queue'; break; } }
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public function main($id, $mode) { global $auth, $db, $user, $template, $cache, $request; global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $action, $phpbb_container; global $phpbb_dispatcher; include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx; $forum_id = $request->variable('f', 0); $start = $request->variable('start', 0); $this->page_title = 'MCP_QUEUE'; switch ($action) { case 'approve': case 'restore': include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx; $post_id_list = $request->variable('post_id_list', array(0)); $topic_id_list = $request->variable('topic_id_list', array(0)); if (!empty($post_id_list)) { self::approve_posts($action, $post_id_list, 'queue', $mode); } else { if (!empty($topic_id_list)) { self::approve_topics($action, $topic_id_list, 'queue', $mode); } else { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } } break; case 'delete': $post_id_list = $request->variable('post_id_list', array(0)); $topic_id_list = $request->variable('topic_id_list', array(0)); if (!empty($post_id_list)) { if (!function_exists('mcp_delete_post')) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/mcp/mcp_main.' . $phpEx; } mcp_delete_post($post_id_list, false, '', $action); } else { if (!empty($topic_id_list)) { if (!function_exists('mcp_delete_topic')) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/mcp/mcp_main.' . $phpEx; } mcp_delete_topic($topic_id_list, false, '', $action); } else { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } } break; case 'disapprove': $post_id_list = $request->variable('post_id_list', array(0)); $topic_id_list = $request->variable('topic_id_list', array(0)); if (!empty($topic_id_list) && $mode == 'deleted_topics') { if (!function_exists('mcp_delete_topics')) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/mcp/mcp_main.' . $phpEx; } mcp_delete_topic($topic_id_list, false, '', 'disapprove'); return; } if (!class_exists('messenger')) { include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx; } if (!empty($topic_id_list)) { $post_visibility = $mode == 'deleted_topics' ? ITEM_DELETED : array(ITEM_UNAPPROVED, ITEM_REAPPROVE); $sql = 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_visibility', $post_visibility) . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_id_list); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_id_list = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_id_list[] = (int) $row['post_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (!empty($post_id_list)) { self::disapprove_posts($post_id_list, 'queue', $mode); } else { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } break; } switch ($mode) { case 'approve_details': $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_post'; $user->add_lang(array('posting', 'viewtopic')); $post_id = $request->variable('p', 0); $topic_id = $request->variable('t', 0); /* @var $phpbb_notifications \phpbb\notification\manager */ $phpbb_notifications = $phpbb_container->get('notification_manager'); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = phpbb_get_topic_data(array($topic_id), 'm_approve'); if (isset($topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id'])) { $post_id = (int) $topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id']; $phpbb_notifications->mark_notifications('topic_in_queue', $topic_id, $user->data['user_id']); } else { $topic_id = 0; } } $phpbb_notifications->mark_notifications('post_in_queue', $post_id, $user->data['user_id']); $post_info = phpbb_get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_approve', true); if (!sizeof($post_info)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; if ($post_info['topic_first_post_id'] != $post_id && topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $template->assign_vars(array('S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => $post_info['enable_bbcode'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])); } $extensions = $attachments = $topic_tracking_info = array(); // Get topic tracking info if ($config['load_db_lastread']) { $tmp_topic_data = array($post_info['topic_id'] => $post_info); $topic_tracking_info = get_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id'], $tmp_topic_data, array($post_info['forum_id'] => $post_info['forum_mark_time'])); unset($tmp_topic_data); } else { $topic_tracking_info = get_complete_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id']); } $post_unread = isset($topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']]) && $post_info['post_time'] > $topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']] ? true : false; // Process message, leave it uncensored $parse_flags = ($post_info['bbcode_bitfield'] ? OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE : 0) | OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES; $message = generate_text_for_display($post_info['post_text'], $post_info['bbcode_uid'], $post_info['bbcode_bitfield'], $parse_flags, false); if ($post_info['post_attachment'] && $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $post_info['forum_id'])) { $extensions = $cache->obtain_attach_extensions($post_info['forum_id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE post_msg_id = ' . $post_id . ' AND in_message = 0 ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $attachments[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($attachments)) { $update_count = array(); parse_attachments($post_info['forum_id'], $message, $attachments, $update_count); } // Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;) if (!empty($attachments)) { $template->assign_var('S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS', true); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $template->assign_block_vars('attachment', array('DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment)); } } } // Deleting information if ($post_info['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED && $post_info['post_delete_user']) { // User having deleted the post also being the post author? if (!$post_info['post_delete_user'] || $post_info['post_delete_user'] == $post_info['poster_id']) { $display_username = get_username_string('full', $post_info['poster_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']); } else { $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.user_colour FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE p.post_id = ' . $post_info['post_id'] . ' AND p.post_delete_user = u.user_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_delete_userinfo = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $display_username = get_username_string('full', $post_info['post_delete_user'], $post_delete_userinfo['username'], $post_delete_userinfo['user_colour']); } $l_deleted_by = $user->lang('DELETED_INFORMATION', $display_username, $user->format_date($post_info['post_delete_time'], false, true)); } else { $l_deleted_by = ''; } $post_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_info['post_id'] . '#p' . $post_info['post_id']); $topic_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $post_info['topic_id']); $template->assign_vars(array('S_MCP_QUEUE' => true, 'U_APPROVE_ACTION' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=queue&p={$post_id}&f={$forum_id}"), 'S_CAN_DELETE_POST' => $auth->acl_get('m_delete', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_CAN_VIEWIP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_POST_REPORTED' => $post_info['post_reported'], 'S_POST_UNAPPROVED' => $post_info['post_visibility'] == ITEM_UNAPPROVED || $post_info['post_visibility'] == ITEM_REAPPROVE, 'S_POST_LOCKED' => $post_info['post_edit_locked'], 'S_USER_NOTES' => true, 'S_POST_DELETED' => $post_info['post_visibility'] == ITEM_DELETED, 'DELETED_MESSAGE' => $l_deleted_by, 'DELETE_REASON' => $post_info['post_delete_reason'], 'U_EDIT' => $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $post_info['forum_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.{$phpEx}", "mode=edit&f={$post_info['forum_id']}&p={$post_info['post_id']}") : '', 'U_MCP_APPROVE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=reports&mode=report_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_USER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_WARN_USER' => $auth->acl_get('m_warn') ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $post_info['user_id']) : '', 'U_VIEW_POST' => $post_url, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $topic_url, 'MINI_POST_IMG' => $post_unread ? $user->img('icon_post_target_unread', 'UNREAD_POST') : $user->img('icon_post_target', 'POST'), 'RETURN_QUEUE' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_QUEUE'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue' . ($topic_id ? '&mode=unapproved_topics' : '&mode=unapproved_posts')) . '&start=' . $start . '">', '</a>'), 'RETURN_POST' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_POST'], '<a href="' . $post_url . '">', '</a>'), 'RETURN_TOPIC_SIMPLE' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_TOPIC_SIMPLE'], '<a href="' . $topic_url . '">', '</a>'), 'REPORTED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_reported', $user->lang['POST_REPORTED']), 'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', $user->lang['POST_UNAPPROVED']), 'EDIT_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post_edit', $user->lang['EDIT_POST']), 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_PREVIEW' => $message, 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_info['post_subject'], 'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($post_info['post_time']), 'POST_IP' => $post_info['poster_ip'], 'POST_IPADDR' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) && $request->variable('lookup', '') ? @gethostbyaddr($post_info['poster_ip']) : '', 'POST_ID' => $post_info['post_id'], 'S_FIRST_POST' => $post_info['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id, 'U_LOOKUP_IP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id . '&lookup=' . $post_info['poster_ip']) . '#ip' : '')); break; case 'unapproved_topics': case 'unapproved_posts': case 'deleted_topics': case 'deleted_posts': $m_perm = 'm_approve'; $is_topics = $mode == 'unapproved_topics' || $mode == 'deleted_topics' ? true : false; $is_restore = $mode == 'deleted_posts' || $mode == 'deleted_topics' ? true : false; $visibility_const = !$is_restore ? array(ITEM_UNAPPROVED, ITEM_REAPPROVE) : ITEM_DELETED; $user->add_lang(array('viewtopic', 'viewforum')); $topic_id = $request->variable('t', 0); $forum_info = array(); /* @var $pagination \phpbb\pagination */ $pagination = $phpbb_container->get('pagination'); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = phpbb_get_topic_data(array($topic_id)); if (!sizeof($topic_info)) { trigger_error('TOPIC_NOT_EXIST'); } $topic_info = $topic_info[$topic_id]; $forum_id = $topic_info['forum_id']; } $forum_list_approve = get_forum_list($m_perm, false, true); $forum_list_read = array_flip(get_forum_list('f_read', true, true)); // Flipped so we can isset() the forum IDs // Remove forums we cannot read foreach ($forum_list_approve as $k => $forum_data) { if (!isset($forum_list_read[$forum_data['forum_id']])) { unset($forum_list_approve[$k]); } } unset($forum_list_read); if (!$forum_id) { $forum_list = array(); foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_list[] = $row['forum_id']; } if (!sizeof($forum_list)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $sql = 'SELECT SUM(forum_topics_approved) as sum_forum_topics FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_list); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_info['forum_topics_approved'] = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('sum_forum_topics'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); } else { $forum_info = phpbb_get_forum_data(array($forum_id), $m_perm); if (!sizeof($forum_info)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $forum_info = $forum_info[$forum_id]; $forum_list = $forum_id; } $forum_options = '<option value="0"' . ($forum_id == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $user->lang['ALL_FORUMS'] . '</option>'; foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_options .= '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"' . ($forum_id == $row['forum_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat(' ', $row['padding']) . truncate_string($row['forum_name'], 30, 255, false, $user->lang['ELLIPSIS']) . '</option>'; } $sort_days = $total = 0; $sort_key = $sort_dir = ''; $sort_by_sql = $sort_order_sql = array(); phpbb_mcp_sorting($mode, $sort_days, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_by_sql, $sort_order_sql, $total, $forum_id, $topic_id); $forum_topics = $total == -1 ? $forum_info['forum_topics_approved'] : $total; $limit_time_sql = $sort_days ? 'AND t.topic_last_post_time >= ' . (time() - $sort_days * 86400) : ''; $forum_names = array(); if (!$is_topics) { $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u' : '') . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $forum_list) . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_visibility', $visibility_const) . ' ' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? 'AND u.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . ' ' . ($topic_id ? 'AND p.topic_id = ' . $topic_id : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (t.topic_visibility <> p.post_visibility\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR t.topic_delete_user = 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; /** * Alter sql query to get posts in queue to be accepted * * @event core.mcp_queue_get_posts_query_before * @var string sql Associative array with the query to be executed * @var array forum_list List of forums that contain the posts * @var int visibility_const Integer with one of the possible ITEM_* constant values * @var int topic_id If topic_id not equal to 0, the topic id to filter the posts to display * @var string limit_time_sql String with the SQL code to limit the time interval of the post (Note: May be empty string) * @var string sort_order_sql String with the ORDER BY SQL code used in this query * @since 3.1.0-RC3 */ $vars = array('sql', 'forum_list', 'visibility_const', 'topic_id', 'limit_time_sql', 'sort_order_sql'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.mcp_queue_get_posts_query_before', compact($vars))); $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $i = 0; $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post_ids[] = $row['post_id']; $row_num[$row['post_id']] = $i++; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($post_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.forum_id, p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_username, p.poster_id, p.post_time, p.post_attachment, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_colour FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $post_ids) . ' AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id ORDER BY ' . $sort_order_sql; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $post_data = $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_id']; $post_data[$row['post_id']] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) { $rowset[] = $post_data[$post_id]; } unset($post_data, $post_ids); } else { $rowset = array(); } } else { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_title AS post_subject, t.topic_time AS post_time, t.topic_poster AS poster_id, t.topic_first_post_id AS post_id, t.topic_attachment AS post_attachment, t.topic_first_poster_name AS username, t.topic_first_poster_colour AS user_colour FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_list) . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_visibility', $visibility_const) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND topic_delete_user <> 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit_time_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; /** * Alter sql query to get information on all topics in the list of forums provided. * * @event core.mcp_queue_get_posts_for_topics_query_before * @var string sql String with the query to be executed * @var array forum_list List of forums that contain the posts * @var int visibility_const Integer with one of the possible ITEM_* constant values * @var int topic_id topic_id in the page request * @var string limit_time_sql String with the SQL code to limit the time interval of the post (Note: May be empty string) * @var string sort_order_sql String with the ORDER BY SQL code used in this query * @since 3.1.0-RC3 */ $vars = array('sql', 'forum_list', 'visibility_const', 'topic_id', 'limit_time_sql', 'sort_order_sql'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.mcp_queue_get_posts_for_topics_query_before', compact($vars))); $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_id']; $rowset[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } if (sizeof($forum_names)) { // Select the names for the forum_ids $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_names); $result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600); $forum_names = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_names[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } foreach ($rowset as $row) { if (empty($row['post_username'])) { $row['post_username'] = $row['username'] ?: $user->lang['GUEST']; } $template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array('U_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $row['topic_id']), 'U_VIEWFORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']), 'U_VIEWPOST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$phpEx}", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $row['post_id']) . ($mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? '#p' . $row['post_id'] : ''), 'U_VIEW_DETAILS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.{$phpEx}", "i=queue&start={$start}&mode=approve_details&f={$row['forum_id']}&p={$row['post_id']}" . ($mode == 'unapproved_topics' ? "&t={$row['topic_id']}" : '')), 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_ID' => $row['post_id'], 'TOPIC_ID' => $row['topic_id'], 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_names[$row['forum_id']], 'POST_SUBJECT' => $row['post_subject'] != '' ? $row['post_subject'] : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'POST_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']), 'ATTACH_ICON_IMG' => $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $row['forum_id']) && $row['post_attachment'] ? $user->img('icon_topic_attach', $user->lang['TOTAL_ATTACHMENTS']) : '')); } unset($rowset, $forum_names); $base_url = $this->u_action . "&f={$forum_id}&st={$sort_days}&sk={$sort_key}&sd={$sort_dir}"; $pagination->generate_template_pagination($base_url, 'pagination', 'start', $total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); // Now display the page $template->assign_vars(array('L_DISPLAY_ITEMS' => !$is_topics ? $user->lang['DISPLAY_POSTS'] : $user->lang['DISPLAY_TOPICS'], 'L_EXPLAIN' => $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_EXPLAIN'], 'L_TITLE' => $user->lang['MCP_QUEUE_' . strtoupper($mode)], 'L_ONLY_TOPIC' => $topic_id ? sprintf($user->lang['ONLY_TOPIC'], $topic_info['topic_title']) : '', 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $forum_options, 'S_MCP_ACTION' => build_url(array('t', 'f', 'sd', 'st', 'sk')), 'S_TOPICS' => $is_topics, 'S_RESTORE' => $is_restore, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOTAL' => $user->lang(!$is_topics ? 'VIEW_TOPIC_POSTS' : 'VIEW_FORUM_TOPICS', (int) $total))); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_queue'; break; } }
'L_REG_LENGTH' => $lang['Reg_for'], 'L_REG_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Reg_for_explain'], 'L_REG_DAYS' => $lang['Days'] ) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle('REGBOX', 'regbody'); } // Event Registration - END // Topic review if($mode == 'reply' && $is_auth['auth_read']) { require(IP_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/topic_review.' . PHP_EXT); topic_review($forum_id, $topic_id, true); $template->assign_block_vars('switch_inline_mode', array()); $template->assign_var_from_handle('TOPIC_REVIEW_BOX', 'reviewbody'); } // BBCBMG - BEGIN include(IP_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/bbcb_mg.' . PHP_EXT); $template->assign_var_from_handle('BBCB_MG', 'bbcb_mg'); // BBCBMG - END // BBCBMG SMILEYS - BEGIN generate_smilies('inline'); include(IP_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/bbcb_smileys_mg.' . PHP_EXT); $template->assign_var_from_handle('BBCB_SMILEYS_MG', 'bbcb_smileys_mg'); // BBCBMG SMILEYS - END page_footer();
function mcp_queue($id, $mode, $url) { global $_CLASS, $site_file_root, $config; $forum_id = request_var('f', 0); $start = request_var('start', 0); switch ($mode) { case 'approve': case 'disapprove': require_once $site_file_root . 'includes/forums/functions_messenger.php'; require_once $site_file_root . 'includes/forums/functions_posting.php'; $post_id_list = request_var('post_id_list', array(0)); if (!sizeof($post_id_list)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } if ($mode == 'approve') { approve_post($post_id_list); } else { disapprove_post($post_id_list); } break; case 'approve_details': $_CLASS['core_user']->add_lang('posting'); require_once $site_file_root . 'includes/forums/functions_posting.php'; $post_id = request_var('p', 0); $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id), 'm_approve'); $post_id = (int) $topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id']; } $post_info = get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_approve'); if (!sizeof($post_info)) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; if ($post_info['topic_first_post_id'] != $post_id && topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $_CLASS['core_template']->assign_array(array('S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])); } // Set some vars $poster = $post_info['user_colour'] ? '<span style="color:#' . $post_info['user_colour'] . '">' . $post_info['username'] . '</span>' : $post_info['username']; // Process message, leave it uncensored $message = $post_info['post_text']; if ($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']) { require_once $site_file_root . 'includes/forums/bbcode.php'; $bbcode = new bbcode($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); $bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($message, $post_info['bbcode_uid'], $post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); } $message = smiley_text($message); $_CLASS['core_template']->assign_array(array('S_MCP_QUEUE' => true, 'S_APPROVE_ACTION' => generate_link("Forums&file=mcp&i=queue&p={$post_id}&f={$forum_id}"), 'S_CAN_VIEWIP' => $_CLASS['auth']->acl_get('m_ip', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_POST_REPORTED' => $post_info['post_reported'], 'S_POST_UNAPPROVED' => !$post_info['post_approved'], 'S_POST_LOCKED' => $post_info['post_edit_locked'], 'S_USER_WARNINGS' => $post_info['user_warnings'] ? true : false, 'U_VIEW_PROFILE' => generate_link('Members_List&mode=viewprofile&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_USERNOTES' => generate_link('Forums&file=mcp&i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_WARNINGS' => generate_link('Forums&file=mcp&i=warnings&mode=view_user&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_EDIT' => $_CLASS['auth']->acl_get('m_edit', $post_info['forum_id']) ? generate_link("Forums&file=posting&mode=edit&f={$post_info['forum_id']}&p={$post_info['post_id']}") : '', 'REPORTED_IMG' => $_CLASS['core_user']->img('icon_reported', $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['POST_REPORTED']), 'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $_CLASS['core_user']->img('icon_unapproved', $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['POST_UNAPPROVED']), 'EDIT_IMG' => $_CLASS['core_user']->img('btn_edit', $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['EDIT_POST']), 'POSTER_NAME' => $poster, 'POST_PREVIEW' => $message, 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_info['post_subject'], 'POST_DATE' => $_CLASS['core_user']->format_date($post_info['post_time']), 'POST_IP' => $post_info['poster_ip'], 'POST_IPADDR' => @gethostbyaddr($post_info['poster_ip']), 'POST_ID' => $post_info['post_id'])); $this->display($_CLASS['core_user']->lang['MCP_QUEUE'], 'mcp_post.html'); break; case 'unapproved_topics': case 'unapproved_posts': $forum_info = array(); $forum_list_approve = get_forum_list('m_approve', false, true); if (!$forum_id) { $forum_list = array(); foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_list[] = $row['forum_id']; } if (!($forum_list = implode(', ', $forum_list))) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $sql = 'SELECT SUM(forum_topics) as sum_forum_topics FROM ' . FORUMS_FORUMS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE forum_id IN ({$forum_list})"; $result = $_CLASS['core_db']->query($sql); $row = $_CLASS['core_db']->fetch_row_assoc($result); $_CLASS['core_db']->free_result($result); $forum_info['forum_topics'] = (int) $row['sum_forum_topics']; } else { $forum_info = get_forum_data(array($forum_id), 'm_approve'); if (!sizeof($forum_info)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $forum_info = $forum_info[$forum_id]; $forum_list = $forum_id; } $forum_options = '<option value="0"' . ($forum_id == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['ALL_FORUMS'] . '</option>'; foreach ($forum_list_approve as $row) { $forum_options .= '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"' . ($forum_id == $row['forum_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $row['forum_name'] . '</option>'; } mcp_sorting($mode, $sort_days, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_by_sql, $sort_order_sql, $total, $forum_id); $forum_topics = $total == -1 ? $forum_info['forum_topics'] : $total; $limit_time_sql = $sort_days ? 'AND t.topic_last_post_time >= ' . (time() - $sort_days * 86400) : ''; if ($mode == 'unapproved_posts') { $sql = 'SELECT p.post_id FROM ' . FORUMS_POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . FORUMS_TOPICS_TABLE . ' t' . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.forum_id IN ({$forum_list})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND p.post_approved = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u' ? 'AND u.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_first_post_id <> p.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; $result = $_CLASS['core_db']->query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $i = 0; $post_ids = array(); while ($row = $_CLASS['core_db']->fetch_row_assoc($result)) { $post_ids[] = $row['post_id']; $row_num[$row['post_id']] = $i++; } if (sizeof($post_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT f.forum_id, f.forum_name, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, p.post_id, p.post_username, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.username FROM ' . FORUMS_POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . FORUMS_FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . FORUMS_TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . USERS_TABLE . " u\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.post_id IN (" . implode(', ', $post_ids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND f.forum_id = p.forum_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND u.user_id = p.poster_id"; $result = $_CLASS['core_db']->query($sql); $post_data = $rowset = array(); while ($row = $_CLASS['core_db']->fetch_row_assoc($result)) { $post_data[$row['post_id']] = $row; } $_CLASS['core_db']->free_result($result); foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) { $rowset[] = $post_data[$post_id]; } unset($post_data, $post_ids); } else { $rowset = array(); } } else { $sql = 'SELECT f.forum_id, f.forum_name, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_time AS post_time, t.topic_poster AS poster_id, t.topic_first_post_id AS post_id, t.topic_first_poster_name AS username FROM ' . FORUMS_TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . FORUMS_FORUMS_TABLE . " f\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.topic_approved = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND t.forum_id IN ({$forum_list})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND f.forum_id = t.forum_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort_order_sql}"; $result = $_CLASS['core_db']->query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $rowset = array(); while ($row = $_CLASS['core_db']->fetch_row_assoc($result)) { $rowset[] = $row; } $_CLASS['core_db']->free_result($result); } foreach ($rowset as $row) { if ($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) { $poster = !empty($row['post_username']) ? $row['post_username'] : $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['GUEST']; } else { $poster = $row['username']; } $s_checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="post_id_list[]" value="' . $row['post_id'] . '" />'; $_CLASS['core_template']->assign_vars_array('postrow', array('U_VIEWFORUM' => generate_link('Forums&file=viewforum&f=' . $row['forum_id']), 'U_VIEWTOPIC' => generate_link('Forums&file=viewtopic&f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $row['post_id'] . ($mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? '#' . $row['post_id'] : '')), 'U_VIEW_DETAILS' => generate_link("Forums&file=mcp&i=queue&start={$start}&mode=approve_details&f={$forum_id}&p={$row['post_id']}"), 'U_VIEWPROFILE' => $row['poster_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? generate_link("Members_List&mode=viewprofile&u={$row['poster_id']}") : '', 'FORUM_NAME' => $row['forum_name'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'POSTER' => $poster, 'POST_TIME' => $_CLASS['core_user']->format_date($row['post_time']), 'S_CHECKBOX' => $s_checkbox)); } unset($rowset); // Now display the page $_CLASS['core_template']->assign_array(array('L_DISPLAY_ITEMS' => $mode == 'unapproved_posts' ? $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['DISPLAY_POSTS'] : $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['DISPLAY_TOPICS'], 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $forum_options)); $this->display($_CLASS['core_user']->lang['MCP_QUEUE'], 'mcp_queue.html'); break; } }
switch ($mode) { case 'approve_details': $_CLASS['core_user']->add_lang('posting'); require_once SITE_FILE_ROOT . 'includes/forums/functions_posting.php'; $post_id = get_variable('p', 'REQUEST', false, 'int'); $topic_id = get_variable('t', 'REQUEST', false, 'int'); if ($topic_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id), 'm_approve'); $post_id = isset($topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id']) ? (int) $topic_info[$topic_id]['topic_first_post_id'] : false; } $post_info = $post_id ? get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_approve') : false; if (!$post_id || empty($post_info[$post_id])) { trigger_error('NO_POST_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; if ($post_info['topic_first_post_id'] != $post_id && topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $_CLASS['core_template']->assign_array(array('S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])); } // Set some vars if ($post_info['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) { $post_info['username'] = $post_info['post_username'] ? $post_info['post_username'] : $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['GUEST']; } $poster = $post_info['user_colour'] ? '<span style="color:#' . $post_info['user_colour'] . '">' . $post_info['username'] . '</span>' : $post_info['username']; // Process message, leave it uncensored $post_info['post_text'] = $post_info['post_text']; if ($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']) { require_once SITE_FILE_ROOT . 'includes/forums/bbcode.php'; $bbcode = new bbcode($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); $bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($post_info['post_text'], $post_info['bbcode_uid'], $post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); } $post_info['post_text'] = smiley_text($post_info['post_text']);
} } $refresh = $preview || $poll_add || $poll_edit || $poll_delete; $orig_word = $replacement_word = array(); // // Set topic type // $topic_type = !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['topictype']) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['topictype']) : POST_NORMAL; $topic_type = in_array($topic_type, array(POST_NORMAL, POST_STICKY, POST_ANNOUNCE)) ? $topic_type : POST_NORMAL; // // If the mode is set to topic review then output // that review ... // if ($mode == 'topicreview') { require $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/topic_review.' . $phpEx; topic_review($topic_id, false); exit; } else { if ($mode == 'smilies') { generate_smilies('window', PAGE_POSTING); exit; } } // // Start session management // $userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_POSTING); init_userprefs($userdata); // // End session management //
function main($id, $mode) { global $auth, $db, $user, $template, $cache; global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $action; include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx); $forum_id = request_var('f', 0); $start = request_var('start', 0); $this->page_title = 'MCP_REPORTS'; switch ($action) { case 'close': case 'delete': include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx); $report_id_list = request_var('report_id_list', array(0)); if (!sizeof($report_id_list)) { trigger_error('NO_REPORT_SELECTED'); } close_report($report_id_list, $mode, $action); break; } switch ($mode) { case 'report_details': $user->add_lang('posting'); $post_id = request_var('p', 0); // closed reports are accessed by report id $report_id = request_var('r', 0); $sql = 'SELECT r.post_id, r.user_id, r.report_id, r.report_closed, report_time, r.report_text, rr.reason_title, rr.reason_description, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_colour FROM ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' r, ' . REPORTS_REASONS_TABLE . ' rr, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u WHERE ' . (($report_id) ? 'r.report_id = ' . $report_id : "r.post_id = $post_id") . ' AND rr.reason_id = r.reason_id AND r.user_id = u.user_id ORDER BY report_closed ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1); $report = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$report) { trigger_error('NO_REPORT'); } if (!$report_id && $report['report_closed']) { trigger_error('REPORT_CLOSED'); } $post_id = $report['post_id']; $report_id = $report['report_id']; $post_info = get_post_data(array($post_id), 'm_report', true); if (!sizeof($post_info)) { trigger_error('NO_REPORT_SELECTED'); } $post_info = $post_info[$post_id]; $reason = array('title' => $report['reason_title'], 'description' => $report['reason_description']); if (isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($reason['title'])]) && isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($reason['title'])])) { $reason['description'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($reason['title'])]; $reason['title'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($reason['title'])]; } if (topic_review($post_info['topic_id'], $post_info['forum_id'], 'topic_review', 0, false)) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title']) ); } $topic_tracking_info = $extensions = $attachments = array(); // Get topic tracking info if ($config['load_db_lastread']) { $tmp_topic_data = array($post_info['topic_id'] => $post_info); $topic_tracking_info = get_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id'], $tmp_topic_data, array($post_info['forum_id'] => $post_info['forum_mark_time'])); unset($tmp_topic_data); } else { $topic_tracking_info = get_complete_topic_tracking($post_info['forum_id'], $post_info['topic_id']); } $post_unread = (isset($topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']]) && $post_info['post_time'] > $topic_tracking_info[$post_info['topic_id']]) ? true : false; // Process message, leave it uncensored $message = $post_info['post_text']; if ($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']) { include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx); $bbcode = new bbcode($post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); $bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($message, $post_info['bbcode_uid'], $post_info['bbcode_bitfield']); } $message = bbcode_nl2br($message); $message = smiley_text($message); if ($post_info['post_attachment'] && $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $post_info['forum_id'])) { $extensions = $cache->obtain_attach_extensions($post_info['forum_id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE post_msg_id = ' . $post_id . ' AND in_message = 0 ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $attachments[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($attachments)) { $update_count = array(); parse_attachments($post_info['forum_id'], $message, $attachments, $update_count); } // Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;) if (!empty($attachments)) { $template->assign_var('S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS', true); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $template->assign_block_vars('attachment', array( 'DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment) ); } } } $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_MCP_REPORT' => true, 'S_CLOSE_ACTION' => $this->u_action . '&p=' . $post_id . '&f=' . $forum_id, 'S_CAN_VIEWIP' => $auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']), 'S_POST_REPORTED' => $post_info['post_reported'], 'S_POST_UNAPPROVED' => !$post_info['post_approved'], 'S_POST_LOCKED' => $post_info['post_edit_locked'], 'S_USER_NOTES' => true, 'U_EDIT' => ($auth->acl_get('m_edit', $post_info['forum_id'])) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=edit&f={$post_info['forum_id']}&p={$post_info['post_id']}") : '', 'U_MCP_APPROVE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=queue&mode=approve_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=reports&mode=report_details&f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_id), 'U_MCP_REPORTER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $report['user_id']), 'U_MCP_USER_NOTES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=notes&mode=user_notes&u=' . $post_info['user_id']), 'U_MCP_WARN_REPORTER' => ($auth->acl_get('m_warn')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $report['user_id']) : '', 'U_MCP_WARN_USER' => ($auth->acl_get('m_warn')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=warn&mode=warn_user&u=' . $post_info['user_id']) : '', 'U_VIEW_POST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $post_info['post_id'] . '#p' . $post_info['post_id']), 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $post_info['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $post_info['topic_id']), 'EDIT_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post_edit', $user->lang['EDIT_POST']), 'MINI_POST_IMG' => ($post_unread) ? $user->img('icon_post_target_unread', 'NEW_POST') : $user->img('icon_post_target', 'POST'), 'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', $user->lang['POST_UNAPPROVED']), 'RETURN_REPORTS' => sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_REPORTS'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=reports' . (($post_info['post_reported']) ? '&mode=reports' : '&mode=reports_closed') . '&start=' . $start . '&f=' . $post_info['forum_id']) . '">', '</a>'), 'REPORTED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_reported', $user->lang['POST_REPORTED']), 'REPORT_DATE' => $user->format_date($report['report_time']), 'REPORT_ID' => $report_id, 'REPORT_REASON_TITLE' => $reason['title'], 'REPORT_REASON_DESCRIPTION' => $reason['description'], 'REPORT_TEXT' => $report['report_text'], 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $post_info['user_id'], $post_info['username'], $post_info['user_colour'], $post_info['post_username']), 'REPORTER_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'REPORTER_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'REPORTER_NAME' => get_username_string('username', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'U_VIEW_REPORTER_PROFILE' => get_username_string('profile', $report['user_id'], $report['username'], $report['user_colour']), 'POST_PREVIEW' => $message, 'POST_SUBJECT' => ($post_info['post_subject']) ? $post_info['post_subject'] : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT'], 'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($post_info['post_time']), 'POST_IP' => $post_info['poster_ip'], 'POST_IPADDR' => ($auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id']) && request_var('lookup', '')) ? @gethostbyaddr($post_info['poster_ip']) : '', 'POST_ID' => $post_info['post_id'], 'U_LOOKUP_IP' => ($auth->acl_get('m_info', $post_info['forum_id'])) ? $this->u_action . '&r=' . $report_id . '&p=' . $post_id . '&f=' . $forum_id . '&lookup=' . $post_info['poster_ip'] . '#ip' : '', )); $this->tpl_name = 'mcp_post'; break; case 'reports': case 'reports_closed': $topic_id = request_var('t', 0); $forum_info = array(); $forum_list_reports = get_forum_list('m_report', false, true); if ($topic_id && $forum_id) { $topic_info = get_topic_data(array($topic_id)); if (!sizeof($topic_info)) { trigger_error('TOPIC_NOT_EXIST'); } $topic_info = $topic_info[$topic_id]; $forum_id = $topic_info['forum_id']; } else if ($topic_id && !$forum_id) { $topic_id = 0; } $forum_list = array(); if (!$forum_id) { foreach ($forum_list_reports as $row) { $forum_list[] = $row['forum_id']; } if (!sizeof($forum_list)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $global_id = $forum_list[0]; $sql = 'SELECT SUM(forum_topics) as sum_forum_topics FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_list); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_info['forum_topics'] = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('sum_forum_topics'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); } else { $forum_info = get_forum_data(array($forum_id), 'm_report'); if (!sizeof($forum_info)) { trigger_error('NOT_MODERATOR'); } $forum_info = $forum_info[$forum_id]; $forum_list = array($forum_id); $global_id = $forum_id; } $forum_list[] = 0; $forum_data = array(); $forum_options = '<option value="0"' . (($forum_id == 0) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $user->lang['ALL_FORUMS'] . '</option>'; foreach ($forum_list_reports as $row) { $forum_options .= '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"' . (($forum_id == $row['forum_id']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat(' ', $row['padding']) . $row['forum_name'] . '</option>'; $forum_data[$row['forum_id']] = $row; } unset($forum_list_reports); $sort_days = $total = 0; $sort_key = $sort_dir = ''; $sort_by_sql = $sort_order_sql = array(); mcp_sorting($mode, $sort_days, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_by_sql, $sort_order_sql, $total, $forum_id, $topic_id); $forum_topics = ($total == -1) ? $forum_info['forum_topics'] : $total; $limit_time_sql = ($sort_days) ? 'AND t.topic_last_post_time >= ' . (time() - ($sort_days * 86400)) : ''; if ($mode == 'reports') { $report_state = 'AND p.post_reported = 1 AND r.report_closed = 0'; } else { $report_state = 'AND r.report_closed = 1'; } $sql = 'SELECT r.report_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' r ' . (($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u') ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u' : '') . (($sort_order_sql[0] == 'r') ? ', ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ru' : '') . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $forum_list) . " $report_state AND r.post_id = p.post_id " . (($sort_order_sql[0] == 'u') ? 'AND u.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . ' ' . (($sort_order_sql[0] == 'r') ? 'AND ru.user_id = p.poster_id' : '') . ' ' . (($topic_id) ? 'AND p.topic_id = ' . $topic_id : '') . " AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id $limit_time_sql ORDER BY $sort_order_sql"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['topics_per_page'], $start); $i = 0; $report_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $report_ids[] = $row['report_id']; $row_num[$row['report_id']] = $i++; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($report_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_username, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.username, u.username_clean, u.user_colour, r.user_id as reporter_id, ru.username as reporter_name, ru.user_colour as reporter_colour, r.report_time, r.report_id FROM ' . REPORTS_TABLE . ' r, ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ru WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('r.report_id', $report_ids) . ' AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND r.post_id = p.post_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id AND ru.user_id = r.user_id ORDER BY ' . $sort_order_sql; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $report_data = $rowset = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $global_topic = ($row['forum_id']) ? false : true; if ($global_topic) { $row['forum_id'] = $global_id; } $template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array( 'U_VIEWFORUM' => (!$global_topic) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']) : '', 'U_VIEWPOST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $row['post_id']) . '#p' . $row['post_id'], 'U_VIEW_DETAILS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", "i=reports&start=$start&mode=report_details&f={$row['forum_id']}&r={$row['report_id']}"), 'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $row['poster_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), 'REPORTER_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'REPORTER_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'REPORTER' => get_username_string('username', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'U_REPORTER' => get_username_string('profile', $row['reporter_id'], $row['reporter_name'], $row['reporter_colour']), 'FORUM_NAME' => (!$global_topic) ? $forum_data[$row['forum_id']]['forum_name'] : $user->lang['GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'], 'POST_ID' => $row['post_id'], 'POST_SUBJECT' => ($row['post_subject']) ? $row['post_subject'] : $user->lang['NO_SUBJECT'], 'POST_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']), 'REPORT_ID' => $row['report_id'], 'REPORT_TIME' => $user->format_date($row['report_time']), 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title']) ); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); unset($report_ids, $row); } // Now display the page $template->assign_vars(array( 'L_EXPLAIN' => ($mode == 'reports') ? $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_OPEN_EXPLAIN'] : $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_CLOSED_EXPLAIN'], 'L_TITLE' => ($mode == 'reports') ? $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_OPEN'] : $user->lang['MCP_REPORTS_CLOSED'], 'L_ONLY_TOPIC' => ($topic_id) ? sprintf($user->lang['ONLY_TOPIC'], $topic_info['topic_title']) : '', 'S_MCP_ACTION' => $this->u_action, 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $forum_options, 'S_CLOSED' => ($mode == 'reports_closed') ? true : false, 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination($this->u_action . 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