function thread_url_replace($tid, $url) { $arr = thread_url_read($tid); if ($url) { if (empty($arr)) { return thread_url_create($tid, $url); } else { return thread_url_update($tid, $url); } } else { if (!empty($arr)) { return thread_url_delete($tid); } return TRUE; } }
function thread_create($arr, &$pid) { global $conf; $fid = $arr['fid']; $uid = $arr['uid']; $subject = $arr['subject']; $message = $arr['message']; $time = $arr['time']; $longip = $arr['longip']; $sid = empty($arr['sid']) ? '' : $arr['sid']; # 论坛帖子数据,一页显示,不分页。 $post = array('tid' => 0, 'isfirst' => 1, 'uid' => $uid, 'create_date' => $time, 'userip' => $longip, 'sid' => $sid, 'message' => $message); $pid = post__create($post); if ($pid === FALSE) { return FALSE; } // empty($pid) AND message(1, '创建帖子失败'); // 创建主题 $thread = array('fid' => $fid, 'subject' => $subject, 'uid' => $uid, 'create_date' => $time, 'last_date' => $time, 'firstpid' => $pid, 'lastpid' => $pid, 'userip' => $longip); $tid = thread__create($thread); if ($tid === FALSE) { post__delete($pid); return FALSE; } // 板块总数+1, 用户发帖+1 // 更新统计数据 $uid and user__update($uid, array('threads+' => 1)); forum__update($fid, array('threads+' => 1, 'todaythreads+' => 1)); // 反过来关联 post__update($pid, array('tid' => $tid), $tid); // 最新发帖 thread_new_create($tid); // 我参与的发帖 $uid and mythread_create($uid, $tid); // 更新附件 $attachlist = attach_find_just_upload($uid); foreach ($attachlist as $k => $attach) { // 判断是否存在于内容中,不存在,则删除 $url = $conf['upload_url'] . 'attach/' . $attach['filename']; $file = $conf['upload_path'] . 'attach/' . $attach['filename']; if (strpos($message, $url) === FALSE) { attach__delete($attach['aid']); is_file($file) and unlink($file); unset($attachlist[$k]); } else { attach__update($attach['aid'], array('tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid)); } } $images = $files = 0; list($images, $files) = attach_images_files($attachlist); $images || $files and thread__update($tid, array('images' => $images, 'files' => $files)); $images || $files and post__update($pid, array('images' => $images, 'files' => $files)); // SEO URL isset($arr['seo_url']) and thread_url_create($tid, $arr['seo_url']); // 全站发帖数 runtime_set('threads+', 1); runtime_set('todaythreads+', 1); // 清理缓存 thread_tids_cache_delete($fid); thread_new_cache_delete(); thread_lastpid_create($tid, $pid); thread_lastpid_cache_delete(); // 更新板块信息。 forum_list_cache_delete(); return $tid; }