function thematic_postfooter()
    global $id, $post;
    // Create $posteditlink
    $posteditlink .= '<span class="edit"><a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&amp;post=' . $id;
    $posteditlink .= '" title="' . __('Edit post', 'thematic') . '">';
    $posteditlink .= __('Edit', 'thematic') . '</a></span>';
    $posteditlink = apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_posteditlink', $posteditlink);
    // Display the post categories
    $postcategory .= '<span class="cat-links">';
    if (is_single()) {
        $postcategory .= __('This entry was posted in ', 'thematic') . get_the_category_list(', ');
        $postcategory .= '</span>';
    } elseif (is_category() && ($cats_meow = thematic_cats_meow(', '))) {
        /* Returns categories other than the one queried */
        $postcategory .= __('Also posted in ', 'thematic') . $cats_meow;
        $postcategory .= '</span> <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-tag-links">|</span>';
    } else {
        $postcategory .= __('Posted in ', 'thematic') . get_the_category_list(', ');
        $postcategory .= '</span> <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-tag-links">|</span>';
    $postcategory = apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_postcategory', $postcategory);
    // Display the tags
    if (is_single()) {
        $tagtext = __(' and tagged', 'thematic');
        $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span>');
    } elseif (is_tag() && ($tag_ur_it = thematic_tag_ur_it(', '))) {
        /* Returns tags other than the one queried */
        $posttags = '<span class="tag-links">' . __(' Also tagged ', 'thematic') . $tag_ur_it . '</span> <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-comments-link">|</span>';
    } else {
        $tagtext = __('Tagged', 'thematic');
        $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span> <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-comments-link">|</span>');
    $posttags = apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_posttags', $posttags);
    // Display comments link and edit link
    if (comments_open()) {
        $postcommentnumber = get_comments_number();
        if ($postcommentnumber > '1') {
            $postcomments = ' <span class="comments-link"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '#comments" title="' . __('Comment on ', 'thematic') . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '">';
            $postcomments .= get_comments_number() . __(' Comments', 'thematic') . '</a></span>';
        } elseif ($postcommentnumber == '1') {
            $postcomments = ' <span class="comments-link"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '#comments" title="' . __('Comment on ', 'thematic') . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '">';
            $postcomments .= get_comments_number() . __(' Comment', 'thematic') . '</a></span>';
        } elseif ($postcommentnumber == '0') {
            $postcomments = ' <span class="comments-link"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '#comments" title="' . __('Comment on ', 'thematic') . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '">';
            $postcomments .= __('Leave a comment', 'thematic') . '</a></span>';
    } else {
        $postcomments = ' <span class="comments-link comments-closed-link">' . __('Comments closed', 'thematic') . '</span>';
    // Display edit link
    if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
        $postcomments .= ' <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-edit">|</span> ' . $posteditlink;
    $postcomments = apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_postcomments', $postcomments);
    // Display permalink, comments link, and RSS on single posts
    $postconnect .= __('. Bookmark the ', 'thematic') . '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . __('Permalink to ', 'thematic') . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '">';
    $postconnect .= __('permalink', 'thematic') . '</a>.';
    if ('open' == $post->comment_status && 'open' == $post->ping_status) {
        /* Comments are open */
        $postconnect .= ' <a class="comment-link" href="#respond" title ="' . __('Post a comment', 'thematic') . '">' . __('Post a comment', 'thematic') . '</a>';
        $postconnect .= __(' or leave a trackback: ', 'thematic');
        $postconnect .= '<a class="trackback-link" href="' . trackback_url(FALSE) . '" title ="' . __('Trackback URL for your post', 'thematic') . '" rel="trackback">' . __('Trackback URL', 'thematic') . '</a>.';
    } elseif (!('open' == $post->comment_status) && 'open' == $post->ping_status) {
        /* Only trackbacks are open */
        $postconnect .= __(' Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: ', 'thematic');
        $postconnect .= '<a class="trackback-link" href="' . trackback_url(FALSE) . '" title ="' . __('Trackback URL for your post', 'thematic') . '" rel="trackback">' . __('Trackback URL', 'thematic') . '</a>.';
    } elseif ('open' == $post->comment_status && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) {
        /* Only comments open */
        $postconnect .= __(' Trackbacks are closed, but you can ', 'thematic');
        $postconnect .= '<a class="comment-link" href="#respond" title ="' . __('Post a comment', 'thematic') . '">' . __('post a comment', 'thematic') . '</a>.';
    } elseif (!('open' == $post->comment_status) && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) {
        /* Comments and trackbacks closed */
        $postconnect .= __(' Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.', 'thematic');
    // Display edit link on single posts
    if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
        $postconnect .= ' ' . $posteditlink;
    $postconnect = apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_postconnect', $postconnect);
    // Add it all up
    if ($post->post_type == 'page' && current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
        /* For logged-in "page" search results */
        $postfooter = '<div class="entry-utility">' . '<span class="edit">' . $posteditlink . '</span>';
        $postfooter .= "</div><!-- .entry-utility -->\n";
    } elseif ($post->post_type == 'page') {
        /* For logged-out "page" search results */
        $postfooter = '';
    } else {
        if (is_single()) {
            $postfooter = '<div class="entry-utility">' . $postcategory . $posttags . $postconnect;
        } else {
            $postfooter = '<div class="entry-utility">' . $postcategory . $posttags . $postcomments;
        $postfooter .= "</div><!-- .entry-utility -->\n";
    // Put it on the screen
    echo apply_filters('thematic_postfooter', $postfooter);
    // Filter to override default post footer
Beispiel #2
  * Create the tags list for post footer
  * Override: childtheme_override_postfooter_posttags <br>
  * Filter: thematic_postfooter_posttags
 function thematic_postfooter_posttags()
     if (is_single() && !is_object_in_taxonomy(get_post_type(), 'category')) {
         $tagtext = __('This entry is tagged', 'thematic') . ' ';
         $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span>. ');
     } elseif (is_single()) {
         $tagtext = __('and tagged', 'thematic') . ' ';
         $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span>. ');
     } elseif (is_tag() && ($tag_ur_it = thematic_tag_ur_it(', '))) {
         /* Returns tags other than the one queried */
         $posttags = '<span class="tag-links">' . __('Also tagged', 'thematic') . ' ' . $tag_ur_it . '</span>' . "\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '<span class="meta-sep meta-sep-comments-link">|</span> ';
     } else {
         $tagtext = __('Tagged', 'thematic') . ' ';
         $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span>' . "\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '<span class="meta-sep meta-sep-comments-link">|</span> ');
     return apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_posttags', $posttags);
 function thematic_postfooter_posttags()
     if (is_single()) {
         $tagtext = __(' and tagged', 'thematic');
         $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span>');
     } elseif (is_tag() && ($tag_ur_it = thematic_tag_ur_it(', '))) {
         /* Returns tags other than the one queried */
         $posttags = '<span class="tag-links">' . __(' Also tagged ', 'thematic') . $tag_ur_it . '</span> <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-comments-link">|</span>';
     } else {
         $tagtext = __('Tagged', 'thematic');
         $posttags = get_the_tag_list("<span class=\"tag-links\"> {$tagtext} ", ', ', '</span> <span class="meta-sep meta-sep-comments-link">|</span>');
     return apply_filters('thematic_postfooter_posttags', $posttags);