function thb_save_tab()
     $theme = thb_theme();
     $page = $theme->getAdmin()->getPage($_POST['page']);
     $tab = $page->getTab($_POST['tab']);
     $containers = $tab->getContainers();
     $uniqids = array();
     foreach ($containers as $container) {
         if (!$container->isDuplicable()) {
             $newoptions = array();
             foreach ($container->getFields() as $field) {
                 if ($field->isComplex()) {
                     $value = array();
                     foreach ($field->getSubkeys() as $subKey) {
                         $value[$subKey] = thb_text_toDB($_POST[$field->getName()][$subKey]);
                 } else {
                     $value = thb_text_toDB($_POST[$field->getName()]);
                 $newoptions[$field->getName()] = $value;
         } else {
             $uniqids[$container->getSlug()] = thb_duplicable_fields_save($container->getField());
     thb_system_raise_success(__('All saved!', 'thb_text_domain'), $uniqids);
 function thb_upload_custom_fonts()
     $key = 'custom_font';
     $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
     $basedir = $upload_dir['basedir'];
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         thb_duplicable_remove($key, 0);
     if (!empty($_FILES) && isset($_FILES[$key])) {
         $count = count($_FILES[$key]['name']);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $uploaded_file = array('name' => $_FILES[$key]['name'][$i], 'type' => $_FILES[$key]['type'][$i], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'][$i], 'error' => $_FILES[$key]['error'][$i], 'size' => $_FILES[$key]['size'][$i]);
             if ($uploaded_file['name'] != '') {
                 $file = thb_upload($uploaded_file);
                 if (file_exists($file['file']['file'])) {
                     $archive_name = str_replace('', '', basename($uploaded_file['name']));
                     // if( !file_exists($basedir . '/fonts/' . $archive_name . '/stylesheet.css') ) {
                     thb_unzip($file['file']['file'], $basedir . '/fonts/' . $archive_name . '/');
                     $stylesheet = @file_get_contents($basedir . '/fonts/' . $archive_name . '/stylesheet.css');
                     preg_match_all('|font-family:(.*)$|mi', $stylesheet, $families);
                     preg_match_all('|font-weight:(.*)$|mi', $stylesheet, $weights);
                     preg_match_all('|font-style:(.*)$|mi', $stylesheet, $styles);
                     if (isset($families[1]) && !empty($families[1])) {
                         $k = 0;
                         foreach ($families[1] as $family) {
                             $family = trim($family);
                             $family = str_replace("'", "", $family);
                             $family = str_replace(";", "", $family);
                             // $_POST[$key]['css'][] = $family;
                             // $_POST[$key]['folder'][] =$archive_name;
                             $_POST[$key]['family'][] = $family;
                             $_POST[$key]['css'][] = $family;
                             $_POST[$key]['folder'][] = $archive_name;
                             $var = array();
                             if (isset($weights[1]) && !empty($weights[1]) && isset($styles[1]) && !empty($styles[1])) {
                                 // for( $j=0; $j<count($weights[1]); $j++ ) {
                                 $w = $weights[1][$k];
                                 $s = $styles[1][$k];
                                 $w = trim($w);
                                 $w = str_replace("'", "", $w);
                                 $w = str_replace(";", "", $w);
                                 $s = trim($s);
                                 $s = str_replace("'", "", $s);
                                 $s = str_replace(";", "", $s);
                                 $v = $w . $s;
                                 if ($v == 'normalnormal') {
                                     $v = 'normal';
                                 $var[] = $v;
                                 // }
                             $_POST[$key]['variants'][] = $var;
                     // }
     if (!empty($_POST) && isset($_POST[$key])) {
         $post_count = count($_POST[$key]['css']);
         $font = $_POST[$key];
         for ($i = 0; $i < $post_count; $i++) {
             $meta = array('subtemplate' => '');
             if (!empty($_POST['uniqid'][$i])) {
                 $meta['uniqid'] = $_POST['uniqid'][$i];
             } else {
                 $meta['uniqid'] = md5(time() . $i);
             $family = $_POST[$key]['family'][$i];
             //$family_name . ': ' . implode(', ', $font['variants'][$i]);
             thb_duplicable_add($key, array('ord' => $i, 'value' => array('family' => $family, 'css' => $font['css'][$i], 'variants' => implode(',', $font['variants'][$i]), 'folder' => $font['folder'][$i]), 'meta' => $meta));
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         $result = thb_system_raise_success(__('All saved!', 'thb_text_domain'));
 function thb_system_send_mail($to)
      * Verify we have data to send.
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' || empty($_POST) || !isset($_POST['thb_system_send_mail_nonce'])) {
      * Verify that the nonce is correct.
     if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['thb_system_send_mail_nonce'], 'thb_system_send_mail')) {
     header('Content-type: application/json');
      * Email data
     $thb_data = array('contact_email' => '', 'contact_name' => '', 'contact_message' => '');
     $thb_data = $_POST + $thb_data;
      * Sanitize the data
     array_walk($thb_data, 'thb_system_xss_protect');
      * Data validation
     foreach ($thb_data as $d) {
         if (trim($d) == '') {
             thb_system_raise_error(__('Please fill in all the required fields.', 'thb_text_domain'));
      * Composing the email
     $contact_name = $thb_data['contact_name'];
     $contact_email = $thb_data['contact_email'];
     $contact_message = $thb_data['contact_message'];
     $subject = get_bloginfo('contact_name');
     $subject = apply_filters('thb_email_subject', $subject);
     $thb_contact_message = html_entity_decode(stripslashes(strip_tags($contact_message)));
     $headers = "From: " . $contact_name . " <" . $contact_email . ">" . "\r\n";
      * Filters
     // add_filter( 'wp_mail_from','thb_wp_mail_from', 9999 );
     // add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name','thb_wp_mail_from_name', 9999 );
      * Sending the email
     if (wp_mail($to, $subject, $thb_contact_message, $headers, array())) {
         thb_system_raise_success(__('Email sent successfully!', 'thb_text_domain'));
     } else {
         thb_system_raise_error(__('An error has occurred while sending your email.', 'thb_text_domain'));
  * Save the framework settings access option.
 function thb_save_super_users()
     $superUsers = isset($_POST['thb_super_users']) ? $_POST['thb_super_users'] : '';
     $usernames = explode(',', $superUsers);
     array_walk($usernames, 'trim');
     if (!empty($usernames)) {
         update_option('thb_super_users', implode(',', $usernames));
     $result = thb_system_raise_success(__('All saved!', 'thb_text_domain'));
     if (!thb_is_super_user()) {
         $thb_theme = thb_theme();