function myList()
     $s = dossier::get();
     $sql = "select md_id,md_name,md_affect,dt_value from document_modele join document_type on(dt_id=md_type) order by md_name";
     $Res = $this->cn->exec_sql($sql);
     $all = Database::fetch_all($Res);
     $r = '';
     if (Database::num_row($Res) != 0) {
         $r .= '<p><form method="post">';
         $r .= dossier::hidden();
         $r .= "<table>";
         $r .= "<tr> ";
         $r .= th(_('Nom'));
         $r .= th(_('Catégorie'));
         $r .= th(_('Affect.'));
         $r .= th(_('Fichier'));
         $r .= th(_('Effacer'));
         $r .= "</tr>";
         foreach ($all as $row) {
             $r .= "<tr>";
             $r .= "<td>";
             $r .= h($row['md_name']);
             $r .= "</td>";
             $r .= "<td>";
             $r .= $row['dt_value'];
             $r .= "</td>";
             $r .= td(h($row['md_affect']));
             $r .= "<td>";
             $r .= '<A HREF="show_document_modele.php?md_id=' . $row['md_id'] . '&' . $s . '">Document</a>';
             $r .= "</td>";
             $r .= "<TD>";
             $c = new ICheckBox();
             $c->name = "dm_remove_" . $row['md_id'];
             $r .= $c->input();
             $r .= "</td>";
             $r .= td(HtmlInput::detail_modele_document($row['md_id'], 'Modifier'));
             $r .= "</tr>";
         $r .= "</table>";
         // need hidden parameter for subaction
         $a = new IHidden();
         $a->name = "sa";
         $a->value = "rm_template";
         $r .= $a->input();
         $r .= HtmlInput::submit("rm_template", "Effacer la sélection");
     $b = new IButton('show');
     $b->label = "Ajout d'un document";
     $b->javascript = "\$('add_modele').style.display='block';new Draggable('add_modele',{starteffect:function(){\n                      new Effect.Highlight(,{scroll:window,queue:'end'});}});";
     $r .= $b->input();
     $r .= "</form></p>";
     return $r;
 function display_html()
     $idx = 0;
     $r = "";
     $array = $this->load();
     if (is_array($array) == false || empty($array)) {
         return 0;
     $r .= '<table class="result" style="width=100%">';
     $r .= '<tr>' . '<th>' . _('Date') . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('Poste') . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('Quick_code') . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('Analytique') . '</th>' . th(_('Description')) . '<th>' . _('libelle') . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('Num.interne') . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('Montant') . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('D/C') . '</th>' . '</tr>';
     foreach ($array as $row) {
         $class = $idx % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
         $r .= '<tr class="' . $class . '">';
         $detail = $row['jr_id'] != null ? HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], $row['jr_internal']) : '';
         $post_detail = $row['j_poste'] != null ? HtmlInput::history_account($row['j_poste'], $row['j_poste']) : '';
         $card_detail = $row['f_id'] != null ? HtmlInput::history_card($row['f_id'], $row['qcode']) : '';
         $r .= '<td>' . $row['oa_date'] . '</td>' . td($post_detail) . td($card_detail) . '<td>' . h($row['po_name']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . h($row['oa_description']) . '</td>' . td($row['jr_comment']) . '<td>' . $detail . '</td>' . '<td class="num">' . nbm($row['oa_amount']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . ($row['oa_debit'] == 'f' ? 'CREDIT' : 'DEBIT') . '</td>';
         $r .= '</tr>';
     $r .= '</table>';
     return $r;
Beispiel #3
 function HtmlTable($p_array = null, $op_let = 0, $from_div = 1)
     if ($p_array == null) {
         $p_array = $_REQUEST;
     $progress = 0;
     // if from_periode is greater than to periode then swap the values
     if (cmpDate($p_array['from_periode'], $p_array['to_periode']) > 0) {
         $tmp = $p_array['from_periode'];
         $p_array['from_periode'] = $p_array['to_periode'];
         $p_array['to_periode'] = $tmp;
     list($array, $tot_deb, $tot_cred) = $this->get_row_date($p_array['from_periode'], $p_array['to_periode'], $op_let);
     if (count($this->row) == 0) {
         return -1;
     $rep = "";
     if ($from_div == 1) {
         echo "<TABLE class=\"resultfooter\" style=\"margin:1%;width:98%;;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:0px 5px\">";
     } else {
         echo "<TABLE id=\"tb" . $from_div . "\"class=\"result\" style=\"margin:1%;width:98%;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:0px 2px\">";
     echo '<tbody>';
     echo "<TR>" . "<TH style=\"text-align:left\">" . _('Date') . "</TH>" . "<TH style=\"text-align:left\">" . _('n° pièce') . " </TH>" . "<TH style=\"text-align:left\">" . _('Code interne') . " </TH>" . "<TH style=\"text-align:left\">" . _('Description') . " </TH>" . "<TH style=\"text-align:right\">" . _('Débit') . "  </TH>" . "<TH style=\"text-align:right\">" . _('Crédit') . " </TH>" . th('Prog.', 'style="text-align:right"') . th('Let.', 'style="text-align:right"');
     $old_exercice = "";
     $sum_deb = 0;
     $sum_cred = 0;
     $idx = 0;
     foreach ($this->row as $op) {
         $vw_operation = sprintf('<A class="detail" style="text-decoration:underline;color:red" HREF="javascript:modifyOperation(\'%s\',\'%s\')" >%s</A>', $op['jr_id'], dossier::id(), $op['jr_internal']);
         $let = '';
         $html_let = "";
         if ($op['letter'] != -1) {
             $let = strtoupper(base_convert($op['letter'], 10, 36));
             $html_let = HtmlInput::show_reconcile($from_div, $let);
         $tmp_diff = bcsub($op['deb_montant'], $op['cred_montant']);
          * reset prog. balance to zero if we change of exercice
         if ($old_exercice != $op['p_exercice']) {
             if ($old_exercice != '') {
                 $progress = bcsub($sum_deb, $sum_cred);
                 $side = "&nbsp;" . $this->get_amount_side($progress);
                 echo "<TR class=\"highlight\">" . "<TD>{$old_exercice}</TD>" . td('') . "<TD></TD>" . "<TD>Totaux</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($sum_deb) . "</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($sum_cred) . "</TD>" . td(nbm(abs($progress)) . $side, 'style="text-align:right"') . td('') . "</TR>";
                 $sum_cred = 0;
                 $sum_deb = 0;
                 $progress = 0;
         $progress = bcadd($progress, $tmp_diff);
         $side = "&nbsp;" . $this->get_amount_side($progress);
         $sum_cred = bcadd($sum_cred, $op['cred_montant']);
         $sum_deb = bcadd($sum_deb, $op['deb_montant']);
         if ($idx % 2 == 0) {
             $class = 'class="odd"';
         } else {
             $class = ' class="even"';
         echo "<TR {$class} name=\"tr_" . $let . "_" . $from_div . "\">" . "<TD>" . smaller_date(format_date($op['j_date_fmt'])) . "</TD>" . td(h($op['jr_pj_number'])) . "<TD>" . $vw_operation . "</TD>" . "<TD>" . h($op['description']) . "</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($op['deb_montant']) . "</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($op['cred_montant']) . "</TD>" . td(nbm(abs($progress)) . $side, 'style="text-align:right"') . td($html_let, ' style="text-align:right"') . "</TR>";
         $old_exercice = $op['p_exercice'];
     $solde_type = $sum_deb > $sum_cred ? "solde débiteur" : "solde créditeur";
     $diff = abs(bcsub($sum_deb, $sum_cred));
     echo '<tfoot>';
     echo "<TR class=\"highlight\">" . "<TD>Totaux</TD>" . "<TD ></TD>" . "<TD ></TD>" . "<TD></TD>" . "<TD  style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($sum_deb) . "</TD>" . "<TD  style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($sum_cred) . "</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($diff) . "</TD>" . "</TR>";
     echo "<TR style=\"font-weight:bold\">" . "<TD>{$solde_type}</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($diff) . "</TD>" . "<TD></TD>" . "</TR>";
     echo '</tfoot>';
     echo '</tbody>';
     echo "</table>";
     return 0;
Beispiel #4
    $template = mysql_result($res, 0);
    tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?inbox">' . T_("INBOX") . ' </a> ', " {$inbox} " . P_("message", $inbox) . " ({$unread} " . T_("unread") . ")");
    tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?outbox">' . T_("OUTBOX") . ' </a> ', " {$outbox} " . P_("message", $outbox));
    tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?draft">' . T_("DRAFT") . ' </a> ', " {$draft} " . P_("message", $draft));
    tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?templates">' . T_("TEMPLATES") . ' </a> ', " {$template} " . P_("message", $template));
    echo "<br /><br />";
} elseif ($type == "Mail") {
    $order = order("added,sender,sendto,subject", "added", true);
    $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE {$where}");
    $count = mysql_result($res, 0);
    list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager2(20, $count);
    print $pagertop;
    begin_table(0, "list");
    $table['&nbsp;'] = th("<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleChecked(this.checked);this.form.remove.disabled=true;\" />", 1);
    $table['Sender'] = th_left("Sender", 'sender');
    $table['Sent_to'] = th_left("Sent To", 'receiver');
    $table['Subject'] = th_left("Subject", 'subject');
    $table['Date'] = th_left("Date", 'added');
    table($table, $tablefmt);
    $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE {$where} {$order} {$limit}");
    while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $userid = 0;
        $format = '';
        $reading = false;
        if ($arr["sender"] == $CURUSER['id']) {
            $sender = "Yourself";
        } elseif (is_valid_id($arr["sender"])) {
            $res2 = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT username FROM users WHERE `id` = {$arr['sender']}");
Beispiel #5
$desc->size = 50;
$size = new INum('size[]');
$size->size = 5;
$extra = new IText('extra[]');
$select_type->value = array(array('value' => 'text', 'label' => _('Texte')), array('value' => 'numeric', 'label' => _('Nombre')), array('value' => 'date', 'label' => _('Date')), array('value' => 'zone', 'label' => _('Zone de texte')), array('value' => 'poste', 'label' => _('Poste Comptable')), array('value' => 'card', 'label' => _('Fiche')), array('value' => 'select', 'label' => _('Selection')));
echo '<div class="content">';
echo '<form method="post">';
echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'fat');
echo HtmlInput::hidden('p_action', 'divers');
echo '<table id="tb_rmfa">';
echo '<tr>';
echo th(_("id"));
echo th(_("Description"));
echo th(_("Type"));
echo th(_("Taille"));
echo th(_("Paramètre"));
echo '</tr>';
for ($e = 0; $e < count($array); $e++) {
    $row = $array[$e];
    $r = '';
    $r .= td(HtmlInput::hidden('ad_id[]', $row->get_parameter('id')) . $row->get_parameter('id'));
    $select_type->selected = $row->get_parameter('type');
    $desc->value = $row->get_parameter('desc');
    $size->value = $row->get_parameter('size');
    $extra->value = $row->get_parameter('extra');
    $remove = new IButton('rmfa' . $e);
    $remove->label = _('Effacer');
    if ($row->get_parameter('id') >= 9000) {
        $select_type->readOnly = false;
        $desc->readOnly = false;
        $size->readOnly = false;
 function display_html()
     $r = "";
     $array = $this->load();
     $odd = 0;
     if (is_array($array) == false) {
         return $array;
     $old = "";
     $tot_deb = 0;
     $tot_cred = 0;
     foreach ($array as $row) {
         $r .= $odd % 2 == 0 ? '<tr class="odd">' : '<tr class="even">';
         if ($old == $row['a_po_name']) {
             $r .= '<td></td>';
         } else {
             if ($tot_deb != 0 || $tot_cred != 0) {
                 $r .= "<tr>" . td('');
                 $r .= "<td>Total </td>" . td(nbm($tot_deb), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_cred), ' class="num"');
                 $s = abs($tot_deb - $tot_cred);
                 $d = $tot_deb > $tot_cred ? 'debit' : 'credit';
                 $r .= "<td class=\"num\">" . nbm($s) . "</td><td>{$d}</td>";
                 $r .= "</tr>";
             $tot_deb = 0;
             $tot_cred = 0;
             // new
             $r .= "</table>";
             $r .= "<table class=\"result\" style=\"margin-bottom:3px\">";
             $r .= "<tr>";
             $r .= "<th style=\"width:30%\" >Poste comptable Analytique</th>";
             $r .= "<th style=\"width:30%\">Poste comptable Analytique</th>";
             $r .= "<th style=\"text-align:right\">D&eacute;bit</th>";
             $r .= "<th style=\"text-align:right\">Cr&eacute;dit</th>";
             $r .= "<th style=\"text-align:right\">Solde</th>";
             $r .= "<th>D/C</th>";
             $r .= "</tr>";
             $r .= '<tr>';
             $r .= td($row['a_po_name'] . ' ' . $row['a_po_description']);
             $old = $row['a_po_name'];
             $r .= '</tr>';
             $r .= '<tr>';
             $r .= td('');
         $tot_deb += $row['a_d'];
         $tot_cred += $row['a_c'];
         $r .= td($row['b_po_name'] . " " . $row['b_po_description']);
         $r .= td(nbm($row['a_d']), ' class="num"');
         $r .= td(nbm($row['a_c']), ' class="num"');
         $r .= td(nbm($row['a_solde']), ' class="num"');
         $r .= sprintf("<td>%s</td>", $row['a_debit']);
         $r .= "</tr>";
     /* end loop */
     if ($tot_deb != 0 || $tot_cred != 0) {
         $r .= "<tr>" . td('');
         $r .= "<td>Total </td> <td ' class=\"num\"> " . nbm($tot_deb) . " </td> <td ' class=\"num\">" . nbm($tot_cred) . "</td>";
         $s = abs($tot_deb - $tot_cred);
         $d = $tot_deb > $tot_cred ? 'debit' : 'credit';
         $r .= td(nbm($s), ' class="num"') . "<td>{$d}</td>";
         $r .= "</tr>";
     $r .= "</table>";
     $r .= h2info('Résumé');
     $r .= '<table class="result">';
     $r .= '<tr>';
     $r .= th('Po') . th('Nom') . th('Débit', ' style="text-align:right"') . th('Crédit', 'style="text-align:right" ') . th('Solde', ' style="text-align:right"');
     $sum = $this->show_sum($array);
     $tot_cred = 0;
     $tot_deb = 0;
     foreach ($sum as $row) {
         $r .= '<tr>';
         $r .= '<td>' . $row['poste'] . '</td>';
         $r .= '<td>' . $row['desc'] . '</td>';
         $r .= '<td class="num">' . nbm($row['debit']) . '</td>';
         $r .= '<td class="num">' . nbm($row['credit']) . '</td>';
         $diff = bcsub($row['debit'], $row['credit']);
         $tot_cred = bcadd($tot_cred, $row['credit']);
         $tot_deb = bcadd($tot_deb, $row['debit']);
         $r .= td(nbm($diff), ' class="num" ');
         $r .= '<td>' . $row['dc'] . '</td>';
         $r .= '</tr>';
     $r .= td('');
     $r .= td('total');
     $r .= td(nbm($tot_deb), 'class="num"');
     $r .= td(nbm($tot_cred), 'class="num"');
     $solde = bcsub($tot_deb, $tot_cred);
     $sign = $tot_cred < $tot_deb ? " - " : " + ";
     $r .= td($sign . nbm($solde), 'class="num" style="border:solid 1px blue;font-weight:bold"');
     $r .= '</tr>';
     $r .= '</table>';
     return $r;
Beispiel #7
 $header = new Sort_Table();
 $header->add('Login', $base_url, "order by use_login asc", "order by use_login desc", 'la', 'ld');
 $header->add('Nom', $base_url, "order by use_name asc,use_first_name asc", "order by use_name desc,use_first_name desc", 'na', 'nd');
 $header->add('Type d\'utilisateur', $base_url, "order by use_admin asc,use_login asc", "order by use_admin desc,use_login desc", 'ta', 'td');
 $order = isset($_REQUEST['ord']) ? $_REQUEST['ord'] : 'la';
 $ord_sql = $header->get_sql_order($order);
 $repo = new Database();
 /*  Show all the active users, including admin */
 $user_sql = $repo->exec_sql("select use_id,\n                                            use_first_name,\n                                            use_name,\n                                            use_login,\n                                            use_admin\n                                                from ac_users left join jnt_use_dos using (use_id)\n\t\t\t\t\twhere use_login != 'phpcompta' and use_active=1\n\t\t\t\t\tand (dos_id=\$1  or (dos_id is null and use_admin=1))" . $ord_sql, array($gDossier));
 $MaxUser = Database::num_row($user_sql);
 echo '<TABLE class="result" style="width:80%;margin-left:10%">';
 echo "<tr>";
 echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(0) . '</th>';
 echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(1) . '</th>';
 echo th('prénom');
 echo th('profil');
 echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(2) . '</th>';
 for ($i = 0; $i < $MaxUser; $i++) {
     echo '<tr>';
     $l_line = Database::fetch_array($user_sql, $i);
     $str = "";
     $str = _('Utilisateur Normal');
     if ($l_line['use_admin'] == 1) {
         $str = _('Administrateur');
     // get profile
     $profile = $cn->get_value("select p_name from profile\n\t\t\t\tjoin profile_user using(p_id) where user_name=\$1", array($l_line['use_login']));
     $url = $base_url . "&action=view&user_id=" . $l_line['use_id'];
     echo "<td>";
     echo HtmlInput::anchor($l_line['use_login'], $url);
     echo "</td>";
Beispiel #8
 $ord = isset($_REQUEST['ord']) ? $_REQUEST['ord'] : 'na';
 $sql_order = $header->get_sql_order($ord);
 $Res = $repocn->get_array("select *  from ac_dossier {$sql_order}");
 $compteur = 1;
 $template = "";
 echo '<div class="content">';
 echo '<span style="display:block">';
 echo _('Filtre') . HtmlInput::infobulle(23);
 echo HtmlInput::filter_table("t_dossier", "0,1,2", "1");
 echo '</span>';
 echo '<TABLE id="t_dossier" class="table_large" >';
 $r = "";
 $r .= '<th>' . $header->get_header(0) . '</td>';
 $r .= '<th>' . $header->get_header(1) . '</td>';
 $r .= '<th>' . $header->get_header(2) . '</td>';
 $r .= th(_('Taille')) . th(_('Nom base de données'));
 $r = tr($r);
 echo $r;
 // show all dossiers
 if ($Res != null) {
     foreach ($Res as $Dossier) {
         if ($compteur % 2 == 0) {
             $cl = 'class="odd"';
         } else {
             $cl = 'class="even"';
         echo "<TR id=\"folder{$Dossier['dos_id']}\" {$cl}><TD style=\"vertical-align:top\"> " . $Dossier['dos_id'] . "</td><td> <B>" . h($Dossier['dos_name']) . "</B> </TD>";
         $str_name = domaine . 'dossier' . $Dossier['dos_id'];
         echo "<TD><I>  " . h($Dossier['dos_description']) . "</I></td>";
         $database_exist = $repocn->exist_database($str_name);
         if ($database_exist > 0) {
 *   along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
/* $Revision$ */
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder
 * @file
 * @brief show detail of a operation of fin
echo '<table class="result">';
echo '<tr>';
echo th(_('Compte en banque'));
echo th(_('Tiers'));
echo th(_('Libellé'));
echo th(_('Montant'));
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
$bk = new Fiche($cn, $obj->det->array[0]['qf_bank']);
$view_card_detail = HtmlInput::card_detail($bk->get_quick_code(), h($bk->getName()), ' class="line" ');
echo td($view_card_detail);
$other = new Fiche($cn, $obj->det->array[0]['qf_other']);
$view_card_detail = HtmlInput::card_detail($other->get_quick_code(), h($other->getName()), ' class="line" ');
echo td($view_card_detail);
$comment = strip_tags($obj->det->jr_comment);
echo td($comment);
echo td(nbm($obj->det->array[0]['qf_amount']), ' class="inum"');
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
 * @brief Show all the operation
 * @param$sql is the sql stmt, normally created by build_search_sql
 * @param$offset the offset
 * @param$p_paid if we want to see info about payment
  // Example
  // Build the sql
  // Count nb of line
  // create the nav. bar
  // show a part
  list($count,$html)= $Ledger->list_operation($sql,$offset,0);
  echo $html;
  // show nav bar
  echo $bar;
 * \see build_search_sql
 * \see display_search_form
 * \see search_form
 * \return HTML string
 public function list_operation($sql, $offset, $p_paid = 0)
     global $g_parameter, $g_user;
     $table = new Sort_Table();
     $gDossier = dossier::id();
     $amount_paid = 0.0;
     $amount_unpaid = 0.0;
     $limit = $_SESSION['g_pagesize'] != -1 ? " LIMIT " . $_SESSION['g_pagesize'] : "";
     $offset = $_SESSION['g_pagesize'] != -1 ? " OFFSET " . Database::escape_string($offset) : "";
     $order = "  order by jr_date_order asc,jr_internal asc";
     // Sort
     $url = "?" . CleanUrl();
     $str_dossier = dossier::get();
     $table->add(_("Date"), $url, 'order by jr_date asc,substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric asc', 'order by  jr_date desc,substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric desc', "da", "dd");
     $table->add(_('Echeance'), $url, " order by  jr_ech asc", " order by  jr_ech desc", 'ea', 'ed');
     $table->add(_('Paiement'), $url, " order by  jr_date_paid asc", " order by  jr_date_paid desc", 'eap', 'edp');
     $table->add(_('Pièce'), $url, ' order by  substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric asc ', ' order by  substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric desc ', "pja", "pjd");
     $table->add(_('Tiers'), $url, " order by  name asc", " order by  name desc", 'na', 'nd');
     $table->add(_('Montant'), $url, " order by jr_montant asc", " order by jr_montant desc", "ma", "md");
     $table->add(_("Description"), $url, "order by jr_comment asc", "order by jr_comment desc", "ca", "cd");
     $ord = !isset($_GET['ord']) ? 'da' : $_GET['ord'];
     $order = $table->get_sql_order($ord);
     // Count
     $count = $this->db->count_sql($sql);
     // Add the limit
     $sql .= $order . $limit . $offset;
     // Execute SQL stmt
     $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql);
     //starting from here we can refactor, so that instead of returning the generated HTML,
     //this function returns a tree structure.
     $r = "";
     $Max = Database::num_row($Res);
     if ($Max == 0) {
         return array(0, _("Aucun enregistrement trouvé"));
     $r .= '<table class="result">';
     $r .= "<tr >";
     $r .= "<th>" . _("n° interne") . "</th>";
     if ($this->type == 'ALL') {
         $r .= th('Journal');
     $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(0) . '</th>';
     if ($p_paid != 0) {
         $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(1) . '</td>';
     if ($p_paid != 0) {
         $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(2) . '</th>';
     $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(3) . '</th>';
     $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(4) . '</th>';
     $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(6) . '</th>';
     $r .= th('Notes', ' style="width:15%"');
     $r .= '<th>' . $table->get_header(5) . '</th>';
     // if $p_paid is not equal to 0 then we have a paid column
     if ($p_paid != 0) {
         $r .= "<th> " . _('Payé') . "</th>";
     $r .= "<th>" . _('Concerne') . "</th>";
     $r .= "<th>" . _('Document') . "</th>";
     $r .= "</tr>";
     // Total Amount
     $tot = 0.0;
     $gDossier = dossier::id();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) {
         $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
         if ($i % 2 == 0) {
             $tr = '<TR class="odd">';
         } else {
             $tr = '<TR class="even">';
         $r .= $tr;
         //internal code
         // button  modify
         $r .= "<TD>";
         // If url contains
         $href = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
         $r .= sprintf('<A class="detail" style="text-decoration:underline" HREF="javascript:modifyOperation(\'%s\',\'%s\')" >%s </A>', $row['jr_id'], $gDossier, $row['jr_internal']);
         $r .= "</TD>";
         if ($this->type == 'ALL') {
             $r .= td($row['jrn_def_name']);
         // date
         $r .= "<TD>";
         $r .= $row['str_jr_date'];
         $r .= "</TD>";
         // echeance
         if ($p_paid != 0) {
             $r .= "<TD>";
             $r .= $row['str_jr_ech'];
             $r .= "</TD>";
             $r .= "<TD>";
             $r .= $row['str_jr_date_paid'];
             $r .= "</TD>";
         // pj
         $r .= "<TD>";
         $r .= $row['jr_pj_number'];
         $r .= "</TD>";
         // Tiers
         $other = $row['quick_code'] != '' ? '[' . $row['quick_code'] . '] ' . $row['name'] . ' ' . $row['first_name'] : '';
         $r .= td($other);
         // comment
         $r .= "<TD>";
         $tmp_jr_comment = h($row['jr_comment']);
         $r .= $tmp_jr_comment;
         $r .= "</TD>";
         $r .= td(h($row['n_text']), ' style="font-size:0.87em%"');
         // Amount
         // If the ledger is financial :
         // the credit must be negative and written in red
         $positive = 0;
         // Check ledger type :
         if ($row['jrn_def_type'] == 'FIN') {
             $positive = $this->db->get_value("select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=\$1", array($row['jr_id']));
             if ($this->db->count() != 0) {
                 $positive = $positive < 0 ? 1 : 0;
         $r .= "<TD align=\"right\">";
         $t_amount = $row['jr_montant'];
         if ($row['total_invoice'] != null && $row['total_invoice'] != $row['jr_montant']) {
             $t_amount = $row['total_invoice'];
         $tot = $positive != 0 ? bcsub($tot, $t_amount) : bcadd($tot, $t_amount);
         //STAN $positive always == 0
         if ($row['jrn_def_type'] == 'FIN') {
             $r .= $positive != 0 ? "<font color=\"red\">  - " . nbm($t_amount) . "</font>" : nbm($t_amount);
         } else {
             $r .= $t_amount < 0 ? "<font color=\"red\">  " . nbm($t_amount) . "</font>" : nbm($t_amount);
         $r .= "</TD>";
         // Show the paid column if p_paid is not null
         if ($p_paid != 0) {
             $w = new ICheckBox();
             $w->name = "rd_paid" . $row['jr_id'];
             $w->selected = $row['jr_rapt'] == 'paid' ? true : false;
             // if p_paid == 2 then readonly
             $w->readonly = $p_paid == 2 ? true : false;
             $h = new IHidden();
             $h->name = "set_jr_id" . $row['jr_id'];
             $r .= '<TD>' . $w->input() . $h->input() . '</TD>';
             if ($row['jr_rapt'] == 'paid') {
                 $amount_paid = bcadd($amount_paid, $t_amount);
             } else {
                 $amount_unpaid = bcadd($amount_unpaid, $t_amount);
         // Rapprochement
         $rec = new Acc_Reconciliation($this->db);
         $a = $rec->get();
         $r .= "<TD>";
         if ($a != null) {
             foreach ($a as $key => $element) {
                 $operation = new Acc_Operation($this->db);
                 $operation->jr_id = $element;
                 $l_amount = $this->db->get_value("select jr_montant from jrn " . " where jr_id={$element}");
                 $r .= "<A class=\"detail\" HREF=\"javascript:modifyOperation('" . $element . "'," . $gDossier . ")\" > " . $operation->get_internal() . "[" . nbm($l_amount) . "]</A>";
         // if ( $a != null ) {
         $r .= "</TD>";
         if ($row['jr_valid'] == 'f') {
             $r .= "<TD>" . _("Opération annulée") . "</TD>";
         } else {
         // else
         if ($row['jr_pj_name'] != "") {
             $r .= '<td>' . HtmlInput::show_receipt_document($row['jr_id']) . '</td>';
         } else {
             $r .= "<TD></TD>";
         // end row
         $r .= "</tr>";
     $amount_paid = round($amount_paid, 4);
     $amount_unpaid = round($amount_unpaid, 4);
     $tot = round($tot, 4);
     $r .= "<TR>";
     $r .= '<TD COLSPAN="5">Total</TD>';
     $r .= '<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">' . nbm($tot) . "</TD>";
     $r .= "</tr>";
     if ($p_paid != 0) {
         $r .= "<TR>";
         $r .= '<TD COLSPAN="5">' . _("Payé") . '</TD>';
         $r .= '<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">' . nbm($amount_paid) . "</TD>";
         $r .= "</tr>";
         $r .= "<TR>";
         $r .= '<TD COLSPAN="5">' . _("Non payé") . '</TD>';
         $r .= '<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">' . nbm($amount_unpaid) . "</TD>";
         $r .= "</tr>";
     $r .= "</table>";
     return array($count, $r);

<div class="clearfix"></div>

$array = array("php" => "", "laravel" => "", "codeigniter" => "", "zend" => "", "wordpress" => "", "html5" => "", "css3" => "", "javascript" => "", "jquery" => "", "AngularJS" => "", "json" => "", "less" => "", "sass" => "", "java" => "", "smarty" => "", "regex" => "", "composer" => "", "tb" => "", "emmet" => "", "photoshop" => "", "excel" => "#", "word" => "#", "ccna" => "#", "ccnp" => "#");

<div class="well">
<div class="row" id='tec8'>
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $img => $site) {
    echo "<div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2'><a href='{$site}'><img src='" . th("cv/{$img}.jpg") . "' class='img-responsive img-thumbnail img-force'></a></div>";
    // if($i==5 || $i==11 || $i==17) echo "</div><br><div class='row'>";

        <div class="clearfix"></div>

    <div class="clearfix"></div>

Beispiel #12
        $sldig = $dt / 10 % 10;
        if ($sldig == 1) {
            return strval($dt) . "th";
        } else {
            switch ($ldig) {
                case 1:
                    return strval($dt) . "st";
                case 2:
                    return strval($dt) . "nd";
                case 3:
                    return strval($dt) . "rd";
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, "on the " . th($dd) . " day of {$month}", 0, 1, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 1, '', 0, 1);
$pdf->Cell(9, 0, '', 0, 0);
$pdf->SetFont("times", "R", 18);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, $yr, 0, 1, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 1, '', 0, 1);
$pdf->Cell(8, 0, '', 0, 0);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, "in the Church of", 0, 1, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 1, '', 0, 1);
$pdf->Cell(8, 0, '', 0, 0);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0.8, $confirmation->church, 0, 1, 'L');
draw_line($pdf, 22);
draw_line($pdf, 23);
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, '', 0, 1);
draw_line($pdf, 25.5);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Bishop                                              ', 0, 0, 'R');
function th_right($x, $noesc = 0, $style = '', $col = 1, $field = '')
    return th($x, $noesc, 'text-align:right;' . $style, $col, $field);
Beispiel #14
     require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/document_mod_change.php';
 case 'dsp_tva':
     $cn = new Database($gDossier);
     $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select * from tva_rate order by tva_rate desc");
     $Max = Database::num_row($Res);
     $r = "";
     $r = HtmlInput::anchor_close('tva_select');
     $r .= h2(_('Choisissez la TVA '), 'class="title"');
     $r .= '<div >';
     $r .= _('Filter') . " " . HtmlInput::filter_table("tva_select_table", '0,1,2,3', 1);
     $r .= '<TABLE style="width:100%" id="tva_select_table">';
     $r .= th(_('code'));
     $r .= th(_('Taux'));
     $r .= th(_('Symbole'));
     $r .= th(_('Explication'));
     for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) {
         $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
         if (!isset($compute)) {
             if (!isset($code)) {
                 $script = "onclick=\"\$('{$ctl}').value='" . $row['tva_id'] . "';removeDiv('tva_select');\"";
             } else {
                 $script = "onclick=\"\$('{$ctl}').value='" . $row['tva_id'] . "';set_value('{$code}','" . $row['tva_label'] . "');removeDiv('tva_select');\"";
         } else {
             if (!isset($code)) {
                 $script = "onclick=\"\$('{$ctl}').value='" . $row['tva_id'] . "';removeDiv('tva_select');clean_tva('{$compute}');compute_ledger('{$compute}');\"";
             } else {
                 $script = "onclick=\"\$('{$ctl}').value='" . $row['tva_id'] . "';set_value('{$code}','" . $row['tva_label'] . "');removeDiv('tva_select');clean_tva('{$compute}');compute_ledger('{$compute}');\"";
Beispiel #15
                $val_length = strlen($d_val);
                $i = 0;
                while ($i++ < $tr_length) {
                    if ($i == 2) {
                        echo $d_val;
                        $i += $val_length - 1;
                    } else {
                        echo ' ';
                echo '|';
            echo PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;
    line($table, '--  Exception Start  --');
    printf("\n Line: %s \n File: %s \n\n", $message['line'], $message['file']);
    if (!empty($trace)) {
        foreach ($trace as $t) {
            tBody($t, $table);
    echo PHP_EOL;
    line($table, sprintf("--  Exception END  %s  --", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())));
  * return the html code to create an hidden div and a button
  * to show this DIV. This contains all the available ledgers
  * for the user in READ or RW
  *@param $selected is an array of checkbox
  *@param $div div suffix
  *@note the choosen ledger are stored in the array r_jrn (_GET)
 static function select_ledger($p_type, $p_selected, $div = '')
     global $g_user;
     $r = '';
     /* security : filter ledger on user */
     $p_array = $g_user->get_ledger($p_type, 3);
     /* create a hidden div for the ledger */
     echo '<div id="div_jrn' . $div . '" >';
     echo HtmlInput::title_box(_("Journaux"), $div . "jrn_search");
     echo '<div style="padding:5px">';
     echo '<form method="GET" id="' . $div . 'search_frm" onsubmit="return hide_ledger_choice(\'' . $div . 'search_frm\')">';
     echo HtmlInput::hidden('nb_jrn', count($p_array));
     echo _('Filtre ') . HtmlInput::filter_table($div . 'tb_jrn', '0,1,2', 2);
     echo '<table class="result" id="' . $div . 'tb_jrn">';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo th(_('Nom'));
     echo th(_('Description'));
     echo th(_('Type'));
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td>';
     echo HtmlInput::button('sel_' . $div, _('Inverser la sélection'), ' onclick = "toggle_checkbox(\'' . "{$div}search_frm" . '\')"');
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     for ($e = 0; $e < count($p_array); $e++) {
         $row = $p_array[$e];
         $r = new ICheckBox($div . 'r_jrn' . $e, $row['jrn_def_id']);
         $idx = $row['jrn_def_id'];
         if ($p_selected != null && in_array($row['jrn_def_id'], $p_selected)) {
             $r->selected = true;
         $class = $e % 2 == 0 ? ' class="even" ' : ' class="odd" ';
         echo '<tr ' . $class . '>';
         echo '<td style="white-space: nowrap">' . $r->input() . $row['jrn_def_name'] . '</td>';
         echo '<td >' . $row['jrn_def_description'] . '</td>';
         echo '<td >' . $row['jrn_def_type'] . '</td>';
         echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
     echo HtmlInput::hidden('div', $div);
     echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Valider'));
     echo HtmlInput::button_close($div . "jrn_search");
     echo '</form>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     $ret = ob_get_contents();
     return $ret;
Beispiel #17
 function DisplayAttribut($str = "")
     if ($this->id == 0) {
     $this->cn->exec_sql('select fiche_attribut_synchro($1)', array($this->id));
     $MaxLine = sizeof($this->attribut);
     $r = "<TABLE>";
     $r .= "<tr>" . th('Nom attribut') . th('') . th('Ordre', 'style="text-align:right"') . '</tr>';
     // Display each attribute
     $add_action = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $MaxLine; $i++) {
         $class = "even";
         if ($i % 2 == 0) {
             $class = "odd";
         $r .= '<TR class="' . $class . '"><td>';
         // Can change the name
         if ($this->attribut[$i]->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_NAME) {
         } else {
             if ($str == "remove") {
                 //Only for the not mandatory attribute (not defined in attr_min)
                 if ($this->cn->count_sql("select * from attr_min where frd_id=" . $this->fiche_def . " and ad_id = " . $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id) == 0 && $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id != ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE && $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id != ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) {
                     $add_action = sprintf('</TD><TD> Supprimer <input type="checkbox" name="chk_remove[]" value="%d">', $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id);
                 } else {
                     $add_action = "</td><td>";
             // The attribut.
             $a = sprintf('%s ', $this->attribut[$i]->ad_text);
             $r .= $a . $add_action;
             /*----------------------------------------  */
             /*  ORDER OF THE CARD */
             /*----------------------------------------  */
             $order = new IText();
             $order->name = 'jnt_order' . $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id;
             $order->size = 3;
             $order->value = $this->attribut[$i]->jnt_order;
             $r .= '</td><td> ' . $order->input();
         $r .= '</td></tr>';
     // Show the possible attribute which are not already attribute of the model
     // of card
     $Res = $this->cn->exec_sql("select ad_id,ad_text from attr_def\n                                 where\n                                 ad_id not in (select ad_id from fiche_def natural join jnt_fic_attr\n                                 where fd_id=\$1) order by ad_text", array($this->id));
     $M = Database::num_row($Res);
     // Show the unused attribute
     $r .= '<TR> <TD>';
     $r .= '<SELECT NAME="ad_id">';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $M; $i++) {
         $l = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
         $a = sprintf('<OPTION VALUE="%s"> %s', $l['ad_id'], $l['ad_text']);
         $r .= $a;
     $r .= '</SELECT>';
     $r .= "</TABLE>";
     return $r;
Beispiel #18
 function page_index()
     global $go;
     // default/validate $_GET
     $go['page'] = getURI('page', 0, 'digit', 5);
     $this->template->location = $this->lang->word('main');
     // sub-locations
     $this->template->sub_location[] = array($this->lang->word('referrers'), "?a={$go['a']}&amp;q=refer");
     $this->template->sub_location[] = array($this->lang->word('page visits'), "?a={$go['a']}&amp;q=hits");
     load_module_helper('files', $go['a']);
     $today = convertToStamp(getNow());
     $day = substr($today, 6, 2);
     $mn = substr($today, 4, 2);
     $yr = substr($today, 0, 4);
     $thirtydays = date('Y-m-d', mktime('00', '00', '00', $mn - 1, $day, $yr));
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     $body = "<div class='half'>\n";
     $body .= "<div class='cola'>\n";
     $total_since_hits = $this->db->getCount("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PX . "stats");
     $total_since_unique_hits = $this->db->getCount("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hit_addr) AS 'total' FROM " . PX . "stats");
     $total_since_refer_hits = $this->db->getCount("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hit_addr) AS 'total' FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_referrer != ''");
     $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
     $body .= "<tr>\n";
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('since'), "class='toptext' width='40%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('total'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('unique'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('refers'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $body .= "<tr class='over'>\n";
     $body .= td(convertDate($this->access->settings['installdate'], $this->access->prefs['user_offset'], $this->access->prefs['user_format']), "class='cell-doc'");
     $body .= td('<b>' . $total_since_hits . '</b>', "class='cell-middle'");
     $body .= td('<b>' . $total_since_unique_hits . '</b>', "class='cell-middle'");
     $body .= td('<b>' . $total_since_refer_hits . '</b>', "class='cell-middle'");
     $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $body .= "</table>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     // dailies
     $days = getDailyHits(null);
     $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
     $body .= "<tr>\n";
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('this week'), "class='toptext' width='40%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('total'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('unique'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('refers'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($days as $key => $out) {
         $body .= "<tr" . row_color(" class='color'") . ">\n";
         $body .= td($this->lang->word($key), "class='cell-doc'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time > '{$out['0']}' AND hit_time < '{$out['1']}'"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(DISTINCT hit_addr) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time > '{$out['0']}' AND hit_time < '{$out['1']}'"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(DISTINCT hit_addr) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time > '{$out['0']}' AND hit_time < '{$out['1']}' AND hit_referrer != ''"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $body .= "</table>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     $week = getWeekHits(null);
     $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
     $body .= "<tr>\n";
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('this month'), "class='toptext' width='40%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('total'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('unique'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('refers'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($week as $key => $out) {
         $body .= "<tr" . row_color(" class='color'") . ">\n";
         $body .= td($this->lang->word($key), "class='cell-doc'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time > '{$out['0']}' AND hit_time < '{$out['1']}'"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(DISTINCT hit_addr) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time > '{$out['0']}' AND hit_time < '{$out['1']}'"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(DISTINCT hit_addr) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time > '{$out['0']}' AND hit_time < '{$out['1']}' AND hit_referrer != ''"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $body .= "</table>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     $months = getMonthlyHits(null);
     $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
     $body .= "<tr>\n";
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('year'), "class='toptext' width='40%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('total'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('unique'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= th($this->lang->word('refers'), "class='toptext cell-middle' width='20%'");
     $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($months as $key => $out) {
         $numero = $this->db->getCount("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time LIKE '{$out['0']}%'");
         $body .= "<tr" . row_color(" class='color'") . ">\n";
         $body .= td($this->lang->word($key), "class='cell-doc'");
         $body .= td($numero, "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(DISTINCT hit_addr) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time LIKE '{$out['0']}%'"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= td($this->db->getCount("SELECT count(DISTINCT hit_addr) FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_time LIKE '{$out['0']}%' AND hit_referrer != ''"), "class='cell-middle'");
         $body .= "</tr>\n";
     $body .= "</table>\n";
     $body .= "</div>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     $body .= "<div class='colb'>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     // top referrers...
     // we need to forget our own host...
     $repeat = $this->db->fetchArray("SELECT hit_referrer,hit_domain, COUNT(hit_referrer) AS 'refer' FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_referrer != '' AND hit_domain != '' AND hit_time > '{$thirtydays}' GROUP by hit_referrer ORDER BY refer DESC LIMIT 10");
     if (is_array($repeat)) {
         $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
         $body .= "<tr>\n";
         $body .= th($this->lang->word('top 10 referrers') . ' ' . span("(" . $this->lang->word('past 30') . ")", "class='small-txt'"), "class='toptext' width='75%'");
         $body .= th('Total', "class='toptext cell-middle' width='25%'");
         $body .= "</tr>\n";
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($repeat as $out) {
             $body .= "<tr" . row_color(" class='color'") . ">\n";
             $host = parse_url($out['hit_referrer']);
             $body .= td(href($out['hit_domain'], $out['hit_referrer'], "target='_new'"), "class='cell-doc'");
             $body .= td($out['refer'], "class='cell-middle'");
             $body .= "</tr>\n";
         $body .= "</table>\n";
     // top search terms...
     $terms = $this->db->fetchArray("SELECT hit_keyword, COUNT(hit_keyword) AS 'keywords' FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_keyword != '' AND hit_time > '{$thirtydays}' GROUP by hit_keyword ORDER BY keywords DESC LIMIT 10");
     if (is_array($terms)) {
         $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
         $body .= "<tr>\n";
         $body .= th($this->lang->word('top 10 keywords') . ' ' . span("(" . $this->lang->word('past 30') . ")", "class='small-txt'"), "class='toptext' width='75%'");
         $body .= th('Total', "class='toptext cell-middle' width='25%'");
         $body .= "</tr>\n";
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($terms as $out) {
             $body .= "<tr" . row_color(" class='color'") . ">\n";
             $keyword = $out['hit_keyword'] === '' ? 'Unknown' : $out['hit_keyword'];
             $body .= td($keyword, "class='cell-doc'");
             $body .= td($out['keywords'], "class='cell-middle'");
             $body .= "</tr>\n";
         $body .= "</table>\n";
     // if installed...
     // top countries...
     $cntry = $this->db->fetchArray("SELECT hit_country, COUNT(hit_country) AS 'total' FROM " . PX . "stats WHERE hit_country != '' AND hit_time > '{$thirtydays}' GROUP by hit_country ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 10");
     if (is_array($cntry)) {
         $body .= "<table class='table380' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n";
         $body .= "<tr>\n";
         $body .= th($this->lang->word('top 10 countries') . ' ' . span("(" . $this->lang->word('past 30') . ")", "class='small-txt'"), "class='toptext' width='75%'");
         $body .= th('Total', "class='toptext cell-middle' width='25%'");
         $body .= "</tr>\n";
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($cntry as $out) {
             $body .= "<tr" . row_color(" class='color'") . ">\n";
             $country = $out['hit_country'] === '' ? 'Unknown' : $out['hit_country'];
             $body .= td($country, "class='cell-doc'");
             $body .= td($out['total'], "class='cell-middle'");
             $body .= "</tr>\n";
         $body .= "</table>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     $body .= "</div>\n";
     // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     $body .= "<div class='cl'><!-- --></div>\n\n";
     $body .= "</div>\n";
     $this->template->body = $body;
echo _("Filtre");
$col = "";
$sp = "";
for ($e = 0; $e < count($aHeading); $e++) {
    $col .= $sp . $e;
    $sp = ",";
echo HtmlInput::filter_table("fiche_tb_id", $col, '1');
<table id="fiche_tb_id" class="sortable">
echo th(_('Détail'));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aHeading); $i++) {
    $span = "";
    $sort = "";
    if ($i == 0) {
        $span = '<span id="sorttable_sortfwdind">&nbsp;&nbsp;&#x25BE;</span>';
        $sort = 'class="sorttable_sorted"';
    echo '<th ' . $sort . '>' . $aHeading[$i]->ad_text . $span . '</th>';
$e = 0;
foreach ($array as $row) {
Beispiel #20
function hrow2($c1, $c2)
    return tr(th($c1, 'left') . td($c2));
Beispiel #21
 /* skip if nothing to display */
 if (count($letter->content) == 0) {
 $detail_card = HtmlInput::card_detail($row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE), $row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME));
 echo '<h2>' . $detail_card;
 echo "poste " . ":" . HtmlInput::history_account($row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT), $row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT), 'display:inline') . HtmlInput::infobulle(27) . '</h2>';
 echo '<table class="result">';
 echo '<tr>';
 echo th(_('Date'));
 echo th(_('ref'));
 echo th(_('Interne'));
 echo th(_('Comm'));
 echo th(_('Montant'), 'style="width:auto" colspan="2"');
 echo th(_('Prog.'));
 echo th(_('Let.'));
 echo '</tr>';
 $amount_deb = 0;
 $amount_cred = 0;
 $prog = 0;
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($letter->content); $i++) {
     $row = $letter->content[$i];
     $html_letter = "";
     if ($row['letter'] != -1) {
         $html_letter = strtoupper(base_convert($row['letter'], 10, 36));
     if ($i % 2 == 0) {
         echo '<tr class="even" name="tr_' . $html_letter . '_">';
     } else {
         echo '<tr class="odd" name="tr_' . $html_letter . '_">';
Beispiel #22

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
$path = 'application/views/laporan';
link_js('FusionCharts.js', 'asset/js');
link_js('penjualan_graph.js', $path . '/js');
panel_begin('Grafik Penjualan');
panel_multi('grafikpenjualan', 'block', false);
if ($all_grafikpenjualan != '') {
    addText(array('Bulan', 'Tahun', '', '', 'Model Grafik'), array("<select id='bln' name='bln'></select>", "<select id='thn' name='thn'></select>", "<input type='button' id='okelah' value='OK'>", '', "<select id='j_graph' name='j_graph'>\r\n\t\t\t  \t  <option value='FCF_MSLine' selected>Grafik Garis</option>\r\n\t\t\t  \t  <option value='FCF_MSColumn3D'>Grafik Bar 3D</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t  <option value='FCF_MSArea2D'>Grafik Area</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t  </select>"));
    echo "<div id='chartdiv' align='center'>";
    echo tabel() . "<thead>";
    echo tr('headere\' align=\'left') . th('Kalkulasi Data');
    echo _tr() . "</thead><tbody>";
    echo _tabel(true);
    echo "</div>";
} else {

<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
echo th(_('Description'));
if ($owner->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y') {
    echo th(_('Taux TVA'), 'style="text-align:right"');
} else {
    echo th('');
echo th(_('Prix/Un.'), 'style="text-align:right"');
echo th(_('Quantité'), 'style="text-align:right"');
echo th(_('Non ded'), 'style="text-align:right"');
if ($owner->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y') {
    echo th(_('HTVA'), 'style="text-align:right"');
    echo th(_('TVA ND'), 'style="text-align:right"');
    echo th(_('TVA'), 'style="text-align:right"');
    echo th(_('TVAC'), 'style="text-align:right"');
} else {
    echo th(_('Total'), 'style="text-align:right"');
if ($owner->MY_ANALYTIC != 'nu') {
    $anc = new Anc_Plan($cn);
    $a_anc = $anc->get_list(' order by pa_id ');
    $x = count($a_anc);
    /* set the width of the col */
    /* add hidden variables pa[] to hold the value of pa_id */
    $str_anc .= '<tr><th>Code</th><th>Montant</th><th colspan="' . $x . '">' . _('Compt. Analytique') . Anc_Plan::hidden($a_anc) . '</th></tr>';
echo '</tr>';
for ($e = 0; $e < count($obj->det->array); $e++) {
    $row = '';
    $q = $obj->det->array[$e];
    $fiche = new Fiche($cn, $q['qp_fiche']);
    $qcode = $fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE);
echo 'solde Fin' . $nend_extrait->input();
echo IButton::tooggle_checkbox('rec1');
echo '</p>';
echo '<p>';
echo _('Filtre') . HtmlInput::infobulle(25);
echo HtmlInput::filter_table("t_rec_bk", "0,1,2,3", "1");
echo '</p>';
echo HtmlInput::submit('save', 'Mettre à jour le n° de relevé bancaire');
echo '<span style="display:block">';
echo '</span>';
echo '<table id="t_rec_bk" class="sortable" style="width:90%;margin-left:5%">';
$r = '<th class=" sorttable_sorted_reverse">' . 'Date ' . HtmlInput::infobulle(17) . '<span id="sorttable_sortrevind">&nbsp;&blacktriangle;</span>' . '</th>';
$r .= th('Libellé');
$r .= th('N° interne');
$r .= th('Montant', ' style="text-align:right"');
$r .= th('Selection', ' style="text-align:center" ');
echo tr($r);
$iradio = new ICheckBox('op[]');
$tot_not_reconcilied = 0;
$diff = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($operation); $i++) {
    $row = $operation[$i];
    $r = '';
    $js = HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], $row['jr_internal']);
    $r .= '<td sorttable_customkey="' . $row['raw_date'] . '">' . $row['fmt_date'] . '</td>';
    $r .= td($row['jr_comment']);
    $r .= td($js);
    $amount = $cn->get_value('select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1', array($row['jr_id']));
    $r .= '<td class="num" class="sorttable_numeric" sorttable_customkey="' . $amount . '" style="text-align:right">' . nbm($amount) . '</td>';
    $diff = bcadd($diff, $amount);
    $tot_not_reconcilied += $row['jr_montant'];

$cycleClass = new Cycle('class="col1"', 'class="col2"');
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="cycles caches">
echo _T('Caches');
echo th(N_("cache.cache")), th(N_("cache.slots")), th(N_("cache.size")), th(N_("cache.avail")), th(N_("cache.blocksgraph")), th(N_("cache.operations")), th(N_("cache.status")), th(N_("cache.hits")), th(N_("cache.hits_graph")), th(N_("cache.hits_avg_h")), th(N_("cache.hits_avg_s")), th(N_("cache.updates")), th(N_("cache.skips")), th(N_("cache.ooms")), th(N_("cache.errors")), th(N_("cache.readonly_protected")), th(N_("cache.cached")), th(N_("cache.deleted")), th(N_("cache.gc_timer"));
$numkeys = explode(',', 'slots,size,avail,hits,updates,skips,ooms,errors,cached,deleted');
$l_clear = _T('Clear');
$l_disabled = _T('Disabled');
$l_disable = _T('Disable');
$l_enable = _T('Enable');
$l_compiling = _T('Compiling');
$l_normal = _T('Normal');
$l_confirm = _T('Sure?');
foreach (getCacheInfos() as $i => $ci) {
    $class = $cycleClass->next();
    echo <<<TR
\t<tr {$class}>

    $pvalue = (int) ($ci['avail'] / $ci['size'] * 100);
    $pempty = 100 - $pvalue;
Beispiel #26
     * An easy way to make a paginated bootStrapTable
     * @param String $sql
     * @param Array $buttons
     * @param String $hideColumns
     * @param String $toolbar
     * @param Integer $rowLimit
     * @param Integer $selected_page
     * @param Array $customFields
     * @param String $name
     * @param String $class
     * @param Boolean $paginate
     * @param Boolean $searchable
     * @param Boolean $checked
     * @param String $checkPostURL
     * @return type
    function bootStrapTable($sql = "select * from user_detail", $buttons = "", $hideColumns = "", $toolbar = "My Grid", $customFields = null, $name = "grid", $tableInfo = "", $formHideFields = "", $class = "table table-striped", $rowLimit = 10, $paginate = true, $searchable = true, $checked = false, $selected_page = 1, $checkedPostURL = "", $checkSingleSelect = true, $event = "", $mobiletooltip = "")
        $DEB = $this->DEB;
        $hideColumns = explode(",", strtoupper($hideColumns));
        $object = rawurlencode(json_encode(func_get_args()));
        $paginating = "false";
        if ($paginate) {
            $paginating = "true";
        $options = ["id" => $name, "class" => $class, "data-toolbar" => "#toolbar" . $name, "data-pagination" => "{$paginating}", "data-side-pagination" => "server", "data-search" => "false", "data-height" => "400", "data-page-list" => "[5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]", "data-page-size" => $rowLimit];
        if ($searchable) {
            $options["data-search"] = "true";
        if ($checked) {
            $options["data-click-to-select"] = "true";
            if ($checkSingleSelect) {
                $options["data-single-select"] = "true";
        $data = @$DEB->getRow("select first 1 * from ({$sql}) t ");
        $fieldInfo = @$DEB->fieldinfo;
        if (empty($fieldInfo)) {
            die("Perhaps the SQL for this query is broken {$sql} or the table does not exist, have you specified the correct database in your Cody initialization, Try running migrations with maggy");
        $header = "";
        if ($checked) {
            $header .= th(["data-field" => "checked" . $name . "[]", "class" => "text-left", "data-checkbox" => "true"], "");
        foreach ($fieldInfo as $fid => $field) {
            if (!in_array(strtoupper($field["name"]), $hideColumns)) {
                if (isset($customFields[$field["name"]])) {
                    $customField = $customFields[$field["name"]];
                    if (empty($customField["type"])) {
                        $customField["type"] = "text";
                    switch ($customField["type"]) {
                            $header .= th(["data-field" => $field["name"], "class" => "text-" . $field["align"], "data-sortable" => "true"], ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", strtolower($field["alias"]))));
                        case "checkbox":
                            $header .= th(["data-field" => $field["name"], "class" => "text-" . $field["align"], "data-checkbox" => "true"], "");
                        case "hidden":
                            $header .= th(["data-field" => $field["name"], "class" => "hidden"], ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", strtolower($field["alias"]))));
                } else {
                    $header .= th(["data-field" => $field["name"], "class" => "text-" . $field["align"], "data-sortable" => "true"], ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", strtolower($field["alias"]))));
        $addColumn = "";
        if ($buttons) {
            $addColumn .= th(["data-field" => "BUTTONS"], "Options");
        $header = thead(tr($header . $addColumn));
        if (empty($toolbar["caption"])) {
            $toolbar = array();
            $toolbar["caption"] = "";
        $insertButton = $this->bootStrapButton("btnInsert", "Add", "call{$name}Ajax('/cody/form/insert','{$name}Target', {object : a{$name}object, record: null, db: '{$DEB->tag}' })", "btn btn-success pull-left", "", true);
        if (empty($toolbar["buttons"])) {
            $toolbar["buttons"] = "";
        $toolbar["buttons"] = $insertButton . $toolbar["buttons"];
        if (empty($toolbar["filter"])) {
            $toolbar["filter"] = "";
        $tableHeading = "";
        if (!empty($toolbar["caption"])) {
            $tableHeading = h3($toolbar["caption"]) . hr();
        $toolbarButtons = $toolbar["buttons"];
        $toolbarFilters = $toolbar["filter"];
        if ($searchable) {
            $toolbarFilters .= div(["class" => "search"], input(["id" => "search{$name}", "class" => "search form-control", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "Search " . $toolbar["caption"], "onkeyup" => '$table' . $name . '.bootstrapTable(\'getData\')']));
        $toolbarFilters = div(["class" => "form-inline", "role" => "form"], $toolbarFilters);
        $html = $tableHeading . div(["class" => "table-responsive"], div(["class" => "table-toolbar clearfix"], div(["class" => "toolbar-buttons"], $toolbarButtons) . div(["class" => "toolbar-filters"], $toolbarFilters)) . table($options, $header, tbody()));
        $html .= script('
                    var a' . $name . 'object = "' . $object . '";
                    var $table' . $name . ' =  $("#' . $name . '").bootstrapTable({search : false, url : "/cody/data/ajax/' . $this->DEB->tag . '",
                                                                                method : "post",
                                                                                onCheck: function (row) {
                                                                                            eventType = \'check\';
                                                                                           ' . $event . '
                                                                                onUnCheck: function (row) {
                                                                                           eventType = \'uncheck\';
                                                                                           ' . $event . '
                                                                                queryParams: function (p) {  return {object: a' . $name . 'object, limit: p.limit, offset :p.offset, order: p.order, search : $("#search' . $name . '").val(), sort: p.sort }

                                                                                } });
                   $search = $("#search' . $name . '");
                    var timeoutId = null;
                    $"keyup").on("keyup", function (event) {
                        timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {

                          $table' . $name . '.bootstrapTable("refresh", {pageNumber: 1});

                        }, 1000);

        if ($checked) {
            $html = form(["method" => "post", "action" => $checkedPostURL, "enctype" => "multipart/form-data"], $html);
        $html .= div(["id" => "{$name}Target"]);
        $html .= $this->ajaxHandler("", "{$name}Target", "call{$name}Ajax");
        return $html;
Beispiel #27
$header->add(_("Nom"), $url, " order by use_name asc,use_first_name asc", "order by use_name desc,use_first_name desc", "na", "nd");
$header->add(_('Dossier'), $url, ' order by ag_dossier asc', 'order by ag_dossier desc', 'da', 'dd');
$header->add(_("Actif"), $url, " order by use_active asc", "order by  use_active desc", "aa", "ad");
$ord = isset($_REQUEST['ord']) ? $_REQUEST['ord'] : 'la';
$sql = $header->get_sql_order($ord);
$a_user = $repo->get_user_folder($sql);
if (!empty($a_user)) {
    echo '<span style="display:block">';
    echo _('Filtre') . HtmlInput::infobulle(22);
    echo HtmlInput::filter_table("user", "0,1,2,5", "1");
    echo '</span>';
    echo '<table id="user" class="result">';
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(0) . '</th>';
    echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(1) . '</th>';
    echo th(_("Prénom"));
    echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(3) . '</th>';
    echo "<th>" . _('Type') . "</th>";
    echo '<th>' . $header->get_header(2) . '</th>';
    echo '</tr>';
    foreach ($a_user as $r_user) {
        $class = $compteur % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even";
        echo "<tr class=\"{$class}\">";
        if ($r_user['use_active'] == 0) {
            $Active = $g_failed;
        } else {
            $Active = $g_succeed;
        $det_url = $url . "&det&use_id=" . $r_user['use_id'];
        echo "<td>";
Beispiel #28
if (!defined('ALLOWED')) {
    die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis');
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_acc_bilan.php';
global $g_captcha, $g_failed, $g_succeed;
$cn = new Database(dossier::id());
$exercice = $g_user->get_exercice();
echo '<div class="content">';
$sql_year = " and j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice='" . $g_user->get_exercice() . "')";
echo '<div class="myfieldset"><h1 class="legend">' . _('Vérification des journaux') . '</h1>';
$sql = "select jrn_def_id,jrn_def_name from jrn_def";
$res = $cn->exec_sql($sql);
$jrn = Database::fetch_all($res);
echo '<table class="result">';
echo tr(th(_('Journal')) . th(_('Débit'), ' style="display:right"') . th(_("Crédit"), ' style="display:right"') . th(_("Différence"), ' style="display:right"') . th(''));
$ix = 0;
foreach ($jrn as $l) {
    $id = $l['jrn_def_id'];
    $name = $l['jrn_def_name'];
    $deb = $cn->get_value("select sum (j_montant) from jrnx where j_debit='t' and j_jrn_def={$id} {$sql_year} ");
    $cred = $cn->get_value("select sum (j_montant) from jrnx where j_debit='f' and j_jrn_def={$id}  {$sql_year} ");
    if ($cred == $deb) {
        $result = $g_succeed;
    } else {
        $result = $g_failed;
    $class = $ix % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : "even";
    print tr(td($name) . td(nbm($deb), 'class="num"') . td(nbm($cred), 'class="num"') . td(nbm($result), 'class="num"') . td($result), "class=\"{$class}\"");

<div class="content">
            <table class="result">
echo th(_('Poste Comptable'));
echo th(_('Quick Code'));
echo th(_('Libellé'));
echo th(_('Débit'), ' style="text-align:right"');
echo th(_('Crédit'), ' style="text-align:right"');
echo '</tr>';
for ($e = 0; $e < count($detail->det->array); $e++) {
    $row = '';
    $q = $detail->det->array;
    $view_history = sprintf('<A class="detail" style="text-decoration:underline" HREF="javascript:view_history_account(\'%s\',\'%s\')" >%s</A>', $q[$e]['j_poste'], $gDossier, $q[$e]['j_poste']);
    $row .= td($view_history);
    if ($q[$e]['j_qcode'] != '') {
        $fiche = new Fiche($cn);
        $view_history = sprintf('<A class="detail" style="text-decoration:underline" HREF="javascript:view_history_card(\'%s\',\'%s\')" >%s</A>', $fiche->id, $gDossier, $q[$e]['j_qcode']);
    } else {
        $view_history = '';
    $row .= td($view_history);
    if ($q[$e]['j_text'] == "") {
Beispiel #30

include_once $fsConfig - th() . 'view/partial/head.php';

<div class="container container-fluid">
  <h1>Orden servicio</h1>
  <a href=" <?php 
index.php/ordenServicio/nuevo" class="btn-success">Nuevo</a>
  <table border="1">
        <th><input type="checkbox" id="" name=""></th>
        <th>identificacion orden servicio</th>
        <th>identificacion de la maquina</th>
        <th>identificacion del tipo mantenimiento</th>
        <th>identificacion del tercero elabora</th>
        <th>identificacion del tercero realiza</th>
        <th>orden servicio fecha</th>
        <th>orden servicio observacion</th>

if ($objordenServicio !== false) {