function chk_login($username, $passwd) { //include('include/config.php'); //include('include/database.class.php'); global $host; global $usr; global $pwd; $db = new Database($host, $usr, $pwd, "employee"); //connect database $conn = $db->conn; $sql = "select * from mmemployee_table where E='" . text_number($username) . "' and F='" . text_number($passwd) . "'"; $result = $db->query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $row->A . "," . $row->B . $row->C; } else { return false; } $db->close(); }
?> "> <option value=""></option> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < $_SESSION['jPrefsMaxBOS'] + 1; $i++) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $i; ?> " <?php if ($bos_entry_info[10] == $i) { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php echo text_number($i); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } while ($row_enter_bos = mysql_fetch_assoc($enter_bos)); ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="bcoem-admin-element hidden-print">
function do_people_insert($doInterestLookup = false, $forcePerson = '', $force = false) { global $valid_attributes, $states_ary; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); include_once ''; $mvScrape = new MV_BaseScraper(); //do people query: if ($forcePerson != '') { $res = $dbr->query("SELECT * FROM `metavid`.`people` WHERE `name_clean` LIKE '{$forcePerson}'"); } else { $res = $dbr->query("SELECT * FROM `metavid`.`people`"); } if ($dbr->numRows($res) == 0) { die('could not find people: ' . "\n"); } $person_ary = array(); while ($person = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { $person_ary[] = $person; } foreach ($person_ary as $person) { $person_title = Title::newFromUrl($person->name_clean); //semantic data via template: $mapk = null; $page_body = '{{Congress Person|' . "\n"; foreach ($valid_attributes as $dbKey => $attr) { list($name, $desc) = $attr; if ($dbKey == 'district') { //special case for district: if ($person->district) { if ($person->district != 0) { $page_body .= "{$name}=" . text_number($person->district) . ' District' . "|\n"; } } } else { if ($dbKey == 'total_received') { if (!$mapk) { print 'no mapkey for total_received' . "\n"; } else { $raw_results = $mvScrape->doRequest('' . $mapk); preg_match('/Contributions\\sReceived\\:\\s\\$([^<]*)/', $raw_results, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $page_body .= "{$name}=\$" . $matches[1] . "|\n"; } } } else { if ($dbKey == 'contribution_date_range') { if (!$mapk) { print 'out of order attr proccess missing mapk' . "\n"; } else { $raw_results = $mvScrape->doRequest('' . $mapk); preg_match('/Showing\\scontributions<\\/dt><dd>([^<]*)</', $raw_results, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $page_body .= "{$name}=" . $matches[1] . "|\n"; } } } else { if ($dbKey == 'maplight_id') { if (!$person->{$dbKey}) { //print 'do_maplight_id'."\n"; //try to grab the maplight id $raw_results = $mvScrape->doRequest('' . $person->last . '+' . $person->first); preg_match_all('/map\\/us\\/legislator\\/([^"]*)">(.*)<\\/a>.*<td>([^<]*)<.*<td>([^<]*)<.*<td>([^<]*)<.*<td>([^<]*)</U', $raw_results, $matches); //do point system for match $point = array(); $title_lookup = array('Rep.' => 'House', 'Sen.' => 'Senate'); if (isset($matches['2'][0])) { foreach ($matches['2'] as $k => $name_html) { if (!isset($point[$k])) { $point[$k] = 0; } list($lname, $fname) = explode(',', trim(strip_tags($name_html))); if (strtolower($person->first) == strtolower($fname)) { $point[$k] += 2; } if (strtolower($person->last) == strtolower($lname)) { $point[$k] += 2; } if ($person->state == $matches['3'][$k]) { $point[$k]++; } if ($person->district == $matches['4'][$k]) { $point[$k]++; } if ($person->party == $matches['5'][$k]) { $point[$k]++; } if (isset($title_lookup[$person->title])) { if ($title_lookup[$person->title] == $matches['6']) { $point[$k]++; } } } $max = 0; $mapk = null; //print_r($point); foreach ($point as $k => $v) { if ($v > $max) { $mapk = $matches[1][$k]; $max = $v; } } } } else { $mapk = $person->{$dbKey}; } $page_body .= "{$name}=" . $mapk . "|\n"; } else { if (trim($person->{$dbKey}) != '') { if ($dbKey == 'state') { $person->state = $states_ary[$person->state]; } $page_body .= "{$name}={$person->{$dbKey}}| \n"; } } } } } } //if we have the maplight key add in all contributions and procces contributers if (!$mapk) { print 'missing mapkey' . "\n"; } else { $raw_results = $mvScrape->doRequest('' . $mapk); preg_match_all('/\\/map\\/us\\/interest\\/([^"]*)">([^<]*)<.*\\$([^\\<]*)</U', $raw_results, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $val) { $hr_inx = $k + 1; $page_body .= "Funding Interest {$hr_inx}=" . html_entity_decode($matches[2][$k]) . "|\n"; $page_body .= "Funding Amount {$hr_inx}=\$" . $matches[3][$k] . "|\n"; if ($doInterestLookup) { //make sure the intrest has been proccessed: do_proc_interest($matches[1][$k], html_entity_decode($matches[2][$k])); } //do_proc_interest('G1100','Chambers of commerce'); } } } //add in the full name attribute: $page_body .= "Full Name=" . $person->title . ' ' . $person->first . ' ' . $person->middle . ' ' . $person->last . "| \n"; $page_body .= '}}'; //add in basic info to be overwitten by tranclude (from $full_name = $person->title . ' ' . $person->first . ' ' . $person->middle . ' ' . $person->last; if (trim($full_name) == '') { $full_name = $person->name_clean; } $page_body .= "\n" . 'Person page For <b>' . $full_name . "</b><br />\n"; // "Text Spoken By [[Special:MediaSearch/person/{$person->name_clean}|$full_name]] "; do_update_wiki_page($person_title, $page_body, '', $force); //die('only run on first person'."\n"); } foreach ($person_ary as $person) { //download/upload all the photos: $imgTitle = Title::makeTitle(NS_IMAGE, $person->name_clean . '.jpg'); //if(!$imgTitle->exists()){ global $wgTmpDirectory; $url = '' . $person->osid . '.jpg'; //print $wgTmpDirectory . "\n"; $local_file = tempnam($wgTmpDirectory, 'WEBUPLOAD'); //copy file: # Check if already there existence $image = wfLocalFile($imgTitle); if ($image->exists()) { echo $imgTitle->getDBkey() . " already in the wiki\n"; continue; } for ($ct = 0; $ct < 10; $ct++) { if (!@copy($url, $local_file)) { print "failed to copy {$url} to local_file (tring again) \n"; } else { print "copy success\n"; $ct = 10; } if ($ct == 9) { print 'complete failure' . "\n"; } } # Stash the file echo "Saving " . $imgTitle->getDBkey() . "..."; $image = wfLocalFile($imgTitle); $archive = $image->publish($local_file); if (WikiError::isError($archive)) { echo "failed.\n"; continue; } echo "importing..."; $comment = 'Image file for [[' . $person->name_clean . ']]'; $license = ''; if ($image->recordUpload($archive, $comment, $license)) { # We're done! echo "done.\n"; } else { echo "failed.\n"; } //} } }