function index() { $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->helper('template_files'); $template_files = template_files(); $data = array('template_files' => $template_files, 'paywall_auto' => setting('paywall_auto'), 'paywall_template' => setting('paywall_template')); $this->load->view('paywall_configuration', $data); }
$userquery->removeProfileItem(); } //Getting Video List $vid_array = array('user' => $udetails['userid'], 'limit' => $get_limit); if (get('query') != '') { $vid_array['title'] = mysql_clean(get('query')); $vid_array['tags'] = mysql_clean(get('query')); } if (get('order') == 'oldest') { $vid_array['order'] = ' date_added ASC '; } else { $vid_array['order'] = ' date_added DESC '; } if (get('broadcast') && is_valid_broadcast(get('broadcast'))) { $vid_array['broadcast'] = mysql_clean(get('broadcast')); } $videos = get_videos($vid_array); Assign('uservids', $videos); Assign('videos', $videos); //Collecting Data for Pagination $vid_array['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = get_videos($vid_array); assign('total_videos', $total_rows); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, VLISTPP); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); subtitle(lang("vdo_manage_vdeos")); break; } template_files('manage_videos.html'); display_it();
$total = count($_POST['check_photo']); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $id_array[] = $_POST['check_photo'][$i]; } //$eh->flush(); } if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $array = array('title' => $_GET['title'], 'pid' => $_GET['photoid'], 'key' => $_GET['photokey'], 'tags' => $_GET['tags'], 'featured' => $_GET['featured'], 'active' => $_GET['active'], 'user' => $_GET['userid'], 'extension' => $_GET['extension'], 'order' => $_GET['order']); } $parr = $array; // Creating Limit $page = mysql_clean($_GET['page']); $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, RESULTS); $parr['limit'] = $get_limit; if (!$parr['order']) { $parr['order'] = " date_added DESC "; } else { $parr['order'] = $parr['order'] . " DESC"; } $collections = $cbcollection->get_collections(array("type" => "photos")); $photos = $cbphoto->get_photos($parr); Assign('photos', $photos); assign('c', $collections); $pcount = $parr; $pcount['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = $cbphoto->get_photos($pcount); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, RESULTS); $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); subtitle("Photo Manager"); template_files('photo_manager.html'); display_it();
* @author Saqib Razzaq * @since 9th July, 2015 (ClipBucket 2.7.4) */ define('CB_CAPTCHA', basename(dirname(__FILE__))); // checks user's input function validate_user_ans() { if (isset($_POST['signup'])) { $result = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']; if ($result == '') { header("Location: http://localhost/cb_svn/upload/signup.php?valid=fail"); } } } if (isset($_POST['signup'])) { validate_user_ans(); } // displaying the form function the_form() { global $db; $key_check = $db->_select('SELECT the_key FROM ' . tbl("the_captcha")); $the_key = $key_check[0]['the_key']; $site_key = $the_key; echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey=' . $site_key . '></div>'; } register_anchor_function("the_form", "the_form"); add_admin_menu("CB Captcha", "reCaptcha Key", "cb_captcha_admin.php", CB_CAPTCHA); // used for displaying message on failure of captcha template_files(PLUG_DIR . "/cb_captcha/captcha.html");
<?php /* *************************************************************** | Copyright (c) 2007-2008 All rights reserved. | @ Author : ArslanHassan | @ Software : ClipBucket , © **************************************************************** */ require '../includes/admin_config.php'; $userquery->admin_login_check(); $pages->page_redir(); /* Assigning page and subpage */ if (!defined('MAIN_PAGE')) { define('MAIN_PAGE', 'Tool Box'); } if (!defined('SUB_PAGE')) { define('SUB_PAGE', 'Server Modules Info'); } $ffmpegVersion = check_ffmpeg("ffmpeg"); assign("ffmpegVersion", $ffmpegVersion); $phpVersion = check_php_cli("php"); assign("phpVersion", $phpVersion); $MP4BoxVersion = check_mp4box("MP4Box"); assign("MP4BoxVersion", $MP4BoxVersion); $imagick_version = Imagick::getVersion(); $imagick_version_string = $imagick_version['versionString']; assign("imagick_version", $imagick_version_string); subtitle("ClipBucket Server Module Checker"); template_files("cb_mod_check.html"); display_it();
$collections = get_collections(array("active" => "yes", "limit" => $start_index . "," . $loop_size)); $total_collections = get_collections(array("count_only" => true, "active" => "yes")); $percent = $cbindex->percent(50, $total_collections); $i = 0; assign('total', $total_collections); assign('from', $start_index + 1); $to = $start_index + $loop_size; if ($to > $total_collections) { $to = $total_collections; e($total_collections . " collections have been reindexed successfully.", "m"); assign("stop_loop", "yes"); } assign('to', $to); while ($i < $total_collections) { if ($collections[$i]['collection_id']) { $params = array("collection_id" => $collections[$i]['collection_id'], "total_items" => true, "total_comments" => true); $indexes = $cbindex->count_index("collections", $params); $fields = $cbindex->extract_fields("collections", $params); $msg[] = $collections[$i]['collection_id'] . ": Updating <strong><em>" . $collections[$i]['collection_name'] . "</em></strong>"; $cbindex->update_index("collections", array("fields" => $fields, "values" => $indexes, "photo_id" => $collections[$i]['collection_id'])); } $i++; } e($start_index + 1 . " - " . $to . " collections have been reindexed successfully.", "m"); assign("index_msgs", $msg); assign("indexing", "yes"); assign('mode', 'index_collections'); } subtitle("Re-index Clipbucket"); template_files('reindex_cb.html'); display_it();
$page = mysql_clean($_GET['page']); $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, RESULTS); if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $array = array('group_id' => $_GET['group_id'], 'user' => $_GET['userid'], 'title' => $_GET['title'], 'tags' => $_GET['tags'], 'category' => $_GET['category'], 'featured' => $_GET['featured'], 'active' => $_GET['active']); } $result_array = $array; //Getting Video List $result_array['limit'] = $get_limit; if (!$array['order']) { $result_array['order'] = " date_added DESC "; } $groups = $cbgroup->get_groups($result_array); Assign('groups', $groups); //Collecting Data for Pagination $gcount = $array; $gcount['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = $cbgroup->get_groups($gcount); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, RESULTS); $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); //Category Array if (is_array($_GET['category'])) { $cats_array = array($_GET['category']); } else { preg_match_all('/#([0-9]+)#/', $_GET['category'], $m); $cats_array = array($m[1]); } $cat_array = array(lang('vdo_cat'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'category[]', 'id' => 'category', 'value' => array('category', $cats_array), 'hint_1' => lang('vdo_cat_msg'), 'display_function' => 'convert_to_categories', 'category_type' => 'groups'); assign('cat_array', $cat_array); subtitle("Group Manager"); template_files('groups_manager.html'); display_it();
} switch ($mode) { case "view": default: assign("mode", "view"); //Getting Video List $page = mysql_clean($_GET['page']); $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, 5); $photos = $cbphoto->action->get_flagged_objects($get_limit); assign('photos', $photos); //Collecting Data for Pagination $total_rows = $cbphoto->action->count_flagged_objects(); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, 5); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); break; case "view_flags": assign("mode", "view_flags"); $pid = mysql_clean($_GET['pid']); $pdetails = $cbphoto->get_photo($pid); if ($pdetails) { $flags = $cbphoto->action->get_flags($pid); assign('flags', $flags); assign('photo', $pdetails); } else { e("Photo does not exist"); } } subtitle("Flagged Photos"); template_files('flagged_photos.html'); display_it();
if (isset($_POST['update_level_perms'])) { $perm_array = $_POST; $userquery->update_user_level($lid, $perm_array); } //Getting Details of $level $levelDetails = $userquery->get_level_details($lid); Assign('level_details', $levelDetails); //GettinG Level Permission $level_perms = $userquery->get_level_permissions($lid); //pr($level_perms, true); $plugin_perms = $level_perms['plugins_perms']; $plugin_perms = json_decode($plugin_perms, true); assign('plugin_perms', $plugin_perms); Assign('level_perms', $level_perms); Assign('view', 'edit'); break; case 'add': if (isset($_POST['add_new_level'])) { $array = $_POST; if ($userquery->add_user_level($array)) { redirect_to('user_levels.php?added=true'); } } Assign('view', 'add'); } //$lev = $userquery->get_level_types(); //$per = $userquery->get_permissions(2); //pr($per, true); subtitle("User levels"); template_files('user_levels.html'); display_it();
} } # Generating more thumbs if (isset($_GET['gen_more'])) { $num = config('num_thumbs'); $dim = '503x283'; $big_dim = config('big_thumb_width') . 'x' . config('big_thumb_height'); require_once BASEDIR . '/includes/classes/sLog.php'; $log = new SLog(); $configs = array(); require_once BASEDIR . '/includes/classes/conversion/ffmpeg.class.php'; $ffmpeg = new FFMpeg($configs, $log); $ffmpeg->regenerateThumbs($vid_file, $data['file_directory'], $data['duration'], $dim, $num, $rand = NULL, $is_big = false, $data['file_name']); e(lang('Video thumbs has been regenrated successfully'), 'm'); /* require_once(BASEDIR.'/includes/classes/conversion/ffmpeg.class.php'); $ffmpeg = new FFMpeg(); //Generating Thumbs $ffmpeg->generate_Thumbs($vid_file,$data['duration'],$dim,$num,$rand=NULL,$is_big=false); //Generating Big Thumb $ffmpeg->generate_thumbs($vid_file,$data['duration'],$big_dim,$num,true,true); */ } Assign('data', $data); Assign('rand', rand(44, 444)); } else { $msg[] = lang('class_vdo_del_err'); } subtitle("Video Thumbs Manager"); template_files('upload_thumbs.html'); display_it();
assign('videos', $videos); $result_array['limit'] = $get_limit; $result_array['user'] = $udetails["userid"]; $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, 5); $videos = $cbvid->action->get_flagged_objects($get_limit); Assign('flagedVideos', $videos); $result_array['limit'] = $get_limit; $result_array['user'] = $udetails["userid"]; $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, 5); $photos = $cbphoto->action->get_flagged_objects($get_limit); assign('flagedPhotos', $photos); if (isset($_GET['delete_video'])) { $video = mysql_clean($_GET['delete_video']); $cbvideo->delete_video($video); } template_files('myaccount.html'); display_it(); /* define("THIS_PAGE",'myaccount'); define("PARENT_PAGE",'home'); require 'includes/'; $userquery->logincheck(); $u = $_GET['user']; $u = $u ? $u : $_GET['userid']; $u = $u ? $u : $_GET['username']; $u = $u ? $u : $_GET['uid']; $u = $u ? $u : $_GET['u']; $u = mysql_clean($u); $udetails = $userquery->get_user_details($u); if($udetails) {
<?php /* *************************************************************** | Copyright (c) 2007-2010 All rights reserved. | @ Author : ArslanHassan | @ Software : ClipBucket , © *************************************************************** */ define("THIS_PAGE", "create_group"); define("PARENT_PAGE", "groups"); require 'includes/'; $userquery->logincheck(); $pages->page_redir(); // Creating Group if button is pressed if (isset($_POST['create_group'])) { $cbgroup->create_group($_POST, userid(), true); } subtitle(lang('grp_crt_grp')); template_files('create_group.html'); display_it();
$current_page = is_numeric($current_page) && $current_page > 0 ? $current_page : 1; $curr_limit = ($current_page - 1) * $limit . ',' . $limit; if (isset($_GET['search_phrase'])) { $varname = mysql_clean($_GET['varname']); $text = mysql_clean($_GET['text']); if (!empty($varname)) { $varname_query = "varname LIKE '%{$varname}%'"; } if (!empty($text)) { $text_query = "text LIKE '%{$text}%'"; } if (!empty($text_query) || !empty($varname_query)) { if (!empty($text_query) && !empty($varname_query)) { $or = ' OR '; } $extra_param = " AND ( {$varname_query} {$or} {$text_query} )"; } } $lang_phrases = $lang_obj->get_phrases($edit_id, '*', $curr_limit, $extra_param); $total_phrases = $lang_obj->count_phrases($edit_id, $extra_param); assign('lang_phrases', $lang_phrases); //Collecting Data for Pagination //echo 'id='.$edit_id.',toalal='.$total_phrases; $total_pages = $total_phrases / $limit; $total_pages = round($total_pages + 0.49, 0); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages - 2, $current_page); } subtitle("Language Settings"); template_files('language_settings.html'); display_it();
} } //Set Mode assign('mode', $_GET['mode']); if (isset($_POST['update'])) { $configs = $Cbucket->configs; $rows = array('autoplay_video', 'buffer_time', 'logo_placement', 'use_playlist', 'youtube_enabled', 'enlarge_button', 'embed_player_height', 'embed_player_width', 'autoplay_embed', 'pseudostreaming', 'pak_license', 'pakplayer_contextmsg'); //Checking for logo if (isset($_FILES['logo_file']['name'])) { $logo_file = $Upload->upload_website_logo($_FILES['logo_file']); if ($logo_file) { $myquery->Set_Website_Details('player_logo_file', $logo_file); } } if ($_POST['pak_license'] && !file_exists(BASEDIR . '/player/pak_player/pakplayer.unlimited.swf')) { $_POST['pak_license'] = ""; } foreach ($rows as $field) { $value = mysql_clean($_POST[$field]); $myquery->Set_Website_Details($field, $value); } e("Player Settings Have Been Updated", 'm'); } if ($_GET['set']) { $cbplayer->set_player($_GET); } $row = $myquery->Get_Website_Details(); Assign('row', $row); subtitle("Manage Players"); template_files('manage_players.html'); display_it();
if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $array = array('userid' => $_GET['userid'], 'username' => $_GET['username'], 'category' => $_GET['category'], 'featured' => $_GET['search_featured'], 'ban' => $_GET['search_ban'], 'status' => $_GET['status'], 'email' => $_GET['email'], 'gender' => $_GET['gender'], 'level' => $_GET['level']); } $result_array = $array; //Getting Video List $result_array['limit'] = $get_limit; if (!$array['order']) { $result_array['order'] = " doj DESC "; } $users = get_users($result_array); Assign('users', $users); //Collecting Data for Pagination $mcount = $array; $mcount['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = get_users($mcount); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, RESULTS); $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); //Category Array if (is_array($_GET['category'])) { $cats_array = array($_GET['category']); } else { preg_match_all('/#([0-9]+)#/', $_GET['category'], $m); $cats_array = array($m[1]); } $cat_array = array(lang('vdo_cat'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'category[]', 'sep' => '<div></div>', 'id' => 'category', 'class' => 'checkbox', 'value' => array('category', $cats_array), 'hint_1' => lang('vdo_cat_msg'), 'display_function' => 'convert_to_categories', 'category_type' => 'user'); assign('cat_array', $cat_array); subtitle("Members Manager"); template_files('members.html'); display_it();
$total = count($_POST['check_queue']); for ($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { $myquery->queue_action("delete", $_POST['check_queue'][$i]); } e("Selected items have been deleted", "m"); } if (isset($_POST['processed'])) { $total = count($_POST['check_queue']); for ($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { $myquery->queue_action("processed", $_POST['check_queue'][$i]); } e("Selected items have been set changed to processed", "m"); } if (isset($_POST['pending'])) { $total = count($_POST['check_queue']); for ($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { $myquery->queue_action("pending", $_POST['check_queue'][$i]); } e("Selected items have been set changed to processed", "m"); } //Getting List of Conversion Queue $page = mysql_clean($_GET['page']); $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, RESULTS); $queue_list = $myquery->get_conversion_queue(NULL, $get_limit); assign('queues', $queue_list); $total_rows = get_videos($vcount); $total_pages = count_pages($db->count(tbl('conversion_queue'), "cqueue_id"), RESULTS); $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); subtitle("Conversion Queue Manager"); template_files("cb_conversion_queue.html"); display_it();
foreach ($videos as $video) { $log = get_file_details($video['file_name']); if ($log && $_POST['fix_duration']) { //$duration = $log['output_duration']; //if(!$duration) // $duration = $log['duration']; $duration = parse_duration(LOGS_DIR . '/' . $video['file_name'] . '.log'); if (!$duration) { e("Can't do anything about \"" . $video['title'] . "\""); } else { $db->update(tbl('video'), array('duration'), array($duration), "videoid='" . $video['videoid'] . "'"); $fixed_array[$video['file_name']] = 'yes'; e("Succesfully updated duration of \"" . $video['title'] . "\" to " . SetTime($duration), 'm'); } } if (!$log && $_POST['mark_failed']) { $db->update(tbl("video"), array("status", "failed_reason"), array('Failed', "Unable to get video duration"), " file_name='" . $video['file_name'] . "'"); e("\"" . $video['title'] . "\" status has been changed to Failed", "m"); } if (!$log && $_POST['mark_delete']) { $db->update(tbl("video"), array("status", "failed_reason"), array('Failed', "Unable to get video duration"), " file_name='" . $video['file_name'] . "'"); $cbvideo->delete_video($video['videoid']); } } $videos = get_videos($params); } subtitle("Repair videos duration"); assign('videos', $videos); assign('fixed_array', $fixed_array); template_files('repair_vid_duration.html'); display_it();
die("Cannot open {$dir}."); } while ($file = readdir($dp)) { $ext = GetExt($file); if ($ext == 'html' || $ext == 'HTML') { $files[] = $file; } } closedir($dp); sort($files); Assign('files', $files); //Writng File if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $file = $dir . $_POST['file']; $data = stripslashes($_POST['data']); $open_file = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($open_file, $data); $msg = $_POST['file'] . " Has Been Saved And Updated"; } //Getting Data from File if (isset($_POST['file'])) { $file = $dir . $_POST['file']; $_file = $_POST['file']; } else { $file = $dir . $files[0]; $_file = $files[0]; } $open_file = fopen($file, "r"); $data = htmlentities(file_get_contents($file)); template_files('template_editor.html'); display_it();
| Copyright (c) 2007-2010 All rights reserved. | @ Author : ArslanHassan | @ Software : ClipBucket , © ************************************************************* */ define("THIS_PAGE", 'edit_group'); define("PARENT_PAGE", 'groups'); require 'includes/'; $userquery->logincheck(); $udetails = $userquery->get_user_details(userid()); assign('user', $udetails); assign('p', $userquery->get_user_profile($udetails['userid'])); $gid = mysql_clean($_GET['group_id']); //get group details $gdetails = $cbgroup->get_group_details($gid); $gArray = array('group' => $gdetails, 'groupid' => $gid, 'uid' => userid(), 'user' => $userquery->udetails, 'checkowner' => 'yes'); if (!$cbgroup->is_admin($gArray) && !has_access('admin_access', true)) { e(lang("you_cant_edit_group")); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } else { //Updating Video Details if (isset($_POST['update_group'])) { $_POST['group_id'] = $gid; $cbgroup->update_group(); $gdetails = $cbgroup->get_group_details($gid); } assign('group', $gdetails); } subtitle(lang("grp_edit_grp_title")); template_files('edit_group.html'); display_it();
if (is_installed('cb_mass_embed')) { //$array['mass_embed_status'] = 'approved'; } $result_array = $array; //Getting Video List $result_array['limit'] = $get_limit; if (!$array['order']) { $result_array['order'] = " videoid DESC "; } $videos = get_videos($result_array); Assign('videos', $videos); //pr($videos,true); //Collecting Data for Pagination $vcount = $array; $vcount['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = get_videos($vcount); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, RESULTS); $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); //Category Array if (is_array($_GET['category'])) { $cats_array = array($_GET['category']); } else { preg_match_all('/#([0-9]+)#/', $_GET['category'], $m); $cats_array = array($m[1]); } $cat_array = array(lang('vdo_cat'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'category[]', 'id' => 'category', 'value' => array('category', $cats_array), 'hint_1' => lang('vdo_cat_msg'), 'display_function' => 'convert_to_categories'); assign('cat_array', $cat_array); //echo $db->db_query; subtitle("Video Manager"); template_files('video_manager.html'); display_it();
if (!defined('SUB_PAGE')) { define('SUB_PAGE', "Editor's Pick"); } //Removing if (isset($_GET['remove'])) { $id = mysql_clean($_GET['remove']); remove_vid_editors_pick($id); } if (isset($_POST['delete_selected'])) { for ($id = 0; $id <= count($_POST['check_video']); $id++) { remove_vid_editors_pick($_POST['check_video'][$id]); } $eh->flush(); e("Selected videos have been removed from editors pick", "m"); } $ep_videos = get_ep_videos(); if (isset($_POST['update_order'])) { if (is_array($ep_videos)) { foreach ($ep_videos as $epvid) { $order = $_POST['ep_order_' . $epvid['pick_id']]; move_epick($epvid['videoid'], $order); } } $ep_videos = get_ep_videos(); } assign('videos', $ep_videos); assign('max', get_highest_sort_number()); assign('min', get_lowest_sort_number()); subtitle("Editor's Pick"); template_files('editor_pick.html'); display_it();
<?php define('THIS_PAGE', 'index'); require 'includes/'; $pages->page_redir(); if (is_installed('editorspick')) { assign('editor_picks', get_ep_videos()); } // Displaying The Template template_files('index.html'); display_it();
break; case "most_items": $cond['order'] = " total_objects DESC"; break; } switch ($content) { case "videos": $cond['type'] = "videos"; break; case "photos": $cond['type'] = "photos"; } //$cond['has_items'] = true; //Getting Collection List $page = mysql_clean($_GET['page']); $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, COLLPP); $clist = $cond; $clist['limit'] = $get_limit; $collections = $cbcollection->get_collections($clist); Assign('collections', $collections); //Collecting Data for Pagination $ccount = $cond; $ccount['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = $cbcollection->get_collections($ccount); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, COLLPP); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); subtitle(lang('collections')); //Displaying The Template template_files('collections.html'); display_it();
//Installing Plugin if (isset($_GET['install_plugin'])) { $folder = $_GET['f']; $installed = $cbplugin->installPlugin(mysql_clean($_GET['install_plugin']), $folder); if ($installed) { include $installed; } } /** * Installing Multiple Plugins */ if ($_POST['action-mode'] == 'install') { $plugs = count($_POST['check_plugin']); for ($i = 0; $i < $plugs; $i++) { $itr = $_POST['check_plugin'][$i]; $installed = $cbplugin->installPlugin($_POST['plugin_file_' . $itr], $_POST['plugin_folder_' . $itr]); if ($installed) { include $installed; } } } //Get New Plugin List $availabe_plugin_list = $cbplugin->getNewPlugins(); Assign('new_plugin_list', $availabe_plugin_list); //Get Installed Plugin List $installed_plugin_list = $cbplugin->getInstalledPlugins(); Assign('installed_plugin_list', $installed_plugin_list); Assign('msg', @$msg); subtitle("Plugin Manager"); template_files('plugin_manager.html'); display_it();
<?php /* *************************************************************** | Copyright (c) 2007-2010 All rights reserved. | @ Author : ArslanHassan | @ Software : ClipBucket , © *************************************************************** */ define("THIS_PAGE", "invite_group"); define("PARENT_PAGE", "groups"); require 'includes/'; $pages->page_redir(); $url = mysql_clean($_GET['url']); $details = $cbgroup->group_details_url($url); assign('group', $details); if (!$cbgroup->is_owner($details)) { e(lang("you_cant_invite_mems")); } else { if ($details) { assign('friends', $userquery->get_contacts(userid(), 0)); } //Inviting Friends if (isset($_POST['invite_friends'])) { $cbgroup->invite_members($_POST['friend'], $details['group_id']); } assign('mode', "invite_group"); template_files('view_group.html'); subtitle(lang("grp_invite_msg")); display_it(); }
if (!defined('MAIN_PAGE')) { define('MAIN_PAGE', 'Advertisement'); } if (!defined('SUB_PAGE')) { define('SUB_PAGE', 'Manage Placements'); } //Removing Placement if (isset($_GET['remove'])) { $placement = mysql_clean($_GET['remove']); $msg = $ads_query->RemovePlacement($placement); } //Adding Placement if (isset($_POST['AddPlacement'])) { $placement_name = mysql_clean($_POST['placement_name']); $placement_code = mysql_clean($_POST['placement_code']); $array = array($placement_name, $placement_code); $msg = $ads_query->AddPlacement($array); } //Getting List Of Placement $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tbl("ads_placements"); $ads_placements = db_select($sql); $total_placements = $db->num_rows; //Getting total Ads in each placement for ($id = 0; $id <= $total_placements; $id++) { $ads_placements[$id]['total_ads'] = $adsObj->count_ads_in_placement($ads_placements[$id]['placement']); } Assign('ads_placements', $ads_placements); //pr($ads_placements,true); subtitle("Add Advertisment Placement"); template_files('ads_add_placements.html'); display_it();
//Edit Categoty if (isset($_GET['category'])) { assign("edit_category", "show"); if (isset($_POST['update_category'])) { $userquery->thumb_dir = 'users'; $userquery->update_category($_POST); } assign('cat_details', $userquery->get_category($_GET['category'])); } //Delete Category if (isset($_GET['delete_category'])) { $userquery->delete_category($_GET['delete_category']); } $cats = $userquery->get_categories(); //Updating Category Order if (isset($_POST['update_order'])) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { if (!empty($cat['category_id'])) { $order = $_POST['category_order_' . $cat['category_id']]; $userquery->update_cat_order($cat['category_id'], $order); } } $cats = $userquery->get_categories(); } //Assing Category Values assign('category', $cats); assign('total', $userquery->total_categories()); Assign('msg', @$msg); subtitle("User Category Manager"); template_files('user_category.html'); display_it();
} switch ($mode) { case "view": default: assign("mode", "view"); //Getting Video List $page = mysql_clean($_GET['page']); $get_limit = create_query_limit($page, 5); $videos = $cbvid->action->get_flagged_objects($get_limit); Assign('videos', $videos); //Collecting Data for Pagination $total_rows = $cbvid->action->count_flagged_objects(); $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows, 5); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); break; case "view_flags": assign("mode", "view_flags"); $vid = mysql_clean($_GET['vid']); $vdetails = $cbvid->get_video($vid); if ($vdetails) { $flags = $cbvid->action->get_flags($vid); assign('flags', $flags); assign('video', $vdetails); } else { e("Video does not exist"); } } subtitle("Flagged Videos"); template_files('flagged_videos.html'); display_it();
if ($sort != $vsort) { assign('sort', $vsort); } else { $sort = false; } if ($vsort == 'most_recent') { $sort = false; } } $counter = get_counter('channel', $count_query); if (!$counter) { //Collecting Data for Pagination $ucount = $u_cond; $ucount['count_only'] = true; $total_rows = get_users($ucount); $counter = $total_rows; update_counter('channel', $count_query, $counter); } $total_pages = count_pages($counter, CLISTPP); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages, $page); $subtitle = lang('Channels'); if ($category) { $subtitle .= " › " . $category; } if ($sort) { $subtitle .= " • " . $sort; } subtitle($subtitle); template_files('channels.html'); display_it();
$cbcollection->delete_category($_GET['delete_category']); } //$cats = $cbcollection->get_categories(); //$pid = $cbcollection->get_category_field($_GET['category'],'parent_id'); $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'collection')); if ($pid) { $selected = $pid; } //$parent_cats = $cbcollection->admin_area_cats($selected); //Updating Category Order if (isset($_POST['update_order'])) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { if (!empty($cat['category_id'])) { $order = $_POST['category_order_' . $cat['category_id']]; $cbcollection->update_cat_order($cat['category_id'], $order); } } $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'collection')); } assign('manage_categories_title', 'Manage collection categories'); assign('type', 'collection'); $Smarty->assign_by_ref('obj', $cbcollection); //Assing Category Values assign('category', $cats); assign('categories', $cats); //Assing Category Values assign('total', $cbcollection->total_categories()); subtitle("Collection Category Manager"); Assign('msg', @$msg); template_files('category.html'); display_it();