Beispiel #1

 * Client Manager
 * Show user profile image
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('IN_IMAGE', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
$image = tableParser('profiles', 'getPhoto', array('id' => $_GET['id']));
if (isset($image['photo']) && isset($image['photoext'])) {
    header('Content-Type: image/' . $image['photoext']);
    //generate images' path
    $image['photo'] = IMAGE_PATH . '/' . $image['photo'];
    if (isset($_GET['thumbnail']) && $_GET['thumbnail'] == 1) {
        $image['photo'] .= '_thumbnail';
    $image['photo'] .= '.' . $image['photoext'];
    if (!file_exists($image['photo'])) {
    echo gzuncompress(file_get_contents($image['photo']));
} else {
Beispiel #2
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_FORM', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
isset($_GET['id']) ? $id = (int) $_GET['id'] : header("Location: " . CM_ROOT . '/cm_admin/');
if (isset($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete'] == 1) {
    $tpl->assign('tooltip', tableParser('profiles', 'delete', array('id' => $id)) ? 'You have successfuly delete the profile.<br />Check out more profiles <a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_admin/list.php">here</a>.' : 'Delete the profile resulted failed.');
} else {
    $frm = new SpoonForm('profile');
    $get_user = tableParser('profiles', 'getProf', array('id' => $id));
    if (empty($get_user)) {
        $tpl->assign('tooltip', 'Profile not available');
    } else {
        //set form value
        $pf = parseForm($frm, 'profile', $get_user);
        $update = $pf[0] == 3 ? tableParser('profiles', 'update', array_merge($pf[1], array('id' => $id))) : false;
        //set profile image & attachment path
        isset($get_user['photo']) && strlen($get_user['photo']) > 0 && $tpl->assign('photo_path', CM_URL . '/cm_api/images.php?thumbnail=1&id=' . $id);
        isset($get_user['attachment']) && strlen($get_user['attachment']) > 0 && $tpl->assign('attach_path', CM_URL . '/cm_api/attachments.php?id=' . $id);
        $tpl->assign('id', $id);
        $tpl->assign('lastupdate', date(DATE_RFC822, $get_user['lastupdate']));
        if ($pf[0] == 3) {
            $tpl->assign('tooltip', $update ? 'You have successfuly edit the profile.<br />' : 'Edit the profile resulted failed.');
Beispiel #3

define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_FORM', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
define('IN_SEARCH', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
$tpl->assign('isSearch', true);
$frm = new SpoonForm('profile', NULL, 'get');
$pf = parseForm($frm, 'profile');
if ($pf[0] == 3) {
    $query = tableParser('profiles', 'searchLimit', $frm->getValues('form', 'submit', '_utf8'));
    if (count($query) > 0) {
        $tpl->assign('isResult', true);
        foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($value['photo'])) {
                $query[$key]['photo'] = '<img src="' . CM_URL . '/cm_api/images.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '&thumbnail=1" />';
            $query[$key]['action'] = '<a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_admin/edit.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '" target="_blank">Edit</a><br /><a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_admin/profile.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '" target="_blank">Print</a><br /><a href="" id="' . $value['id'] . '" class="delProfile">Delete</a>';
            if (isset($query[$key]['attachment']) && strlen($query[$key]['attachment']) > 0) {
                $query[$key]['action'] .= '<br /><a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_api/attachments.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '" target="_blank">Attach</a>';
        //datagrid, generating results table
        $grid = new SpoonDataGridSourceArray($query);
        $datagrid = new SpoonDatagrid($grid);
        $datagrid->setColumnsHidden('id', 'attachment');
        $url = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? cleanQuery($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . 'offset=[offset]&order=[order]&sort=[sort]' : '?offset=[offset]&order=[order]&sort=[sort]';
Beispiel #4

 * Client Manager
 * List all user profile
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
$records = tableParser('profiles', 'getList');
if (count($records) > 0) {
    $tpl->assign('isResult', true);
    foreach ($records as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($value['photo'])) {
            $records[$key]['photo'] = '<img src="' . CM_URL . '/cm_api/images.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '&thumbnail=1" />';
        $records[$key]['action'] = '<a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_admin/edit.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '" target="_blank">Edit</a><br /><a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_admin/profile.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '" target="_blank">Print</a><br /><a href="" id="' . $value['id'] . '" class="delProfile">Delete</a>';
        if (isset($value['attachment']) && strlen($value['attachment']) > 0) {
            $records[$key]['action'] .= '<br /><a href="' . CM_URL . '/cm_api/attachments.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '" target="_blank">Attach</a>';
        $records[$key]['company'] = getCompanyValue($value['company']);
    //datagrid, generating results table
    $grid = new SpoonDataGridSourceArray($records);
    $datagrid = new SpoonDatagrid($grid);
Beispiel #5

 * Client Manager
 * Extract Profile Attachment File
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
$attach = tableParser('profiles', 'getAttachment', array('id' => (int) $_GET['id']));
if (isset($attach['attachment']) && isset($attach['attachext'])) {
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $attach['attachment'] . '.' . $attach['attachext'] . '"');
    //generate attachs' path
    $attach = ATTACH_PATH . '/' . $attach['attachment'] . '.' . $attach['attachext'];
    if (!file_exists($attach)) {
    echo gzuncompress(file_get_contents($attach));
} else {
Beispiel #6

 * Client Manager
 * CM API for delete a user
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
if (empty($_POST['id'])) {
define('IN_API', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
echo tableParser('profiles', 'delete', array('id' => (int) $_POST['id'])) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
Beispiel #7

define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
require 'cm_includes/entry.php';
$trimed = trim($_GET['q']);
if (isset($_GET['q']) && !empty($trimed)) {
    $search = tableParser('profiles', 'search', array('q' => $_GET['q']));
    $tpl->assign('query', $_GET['q']);
    if ($search) {
        $html = "<table class='table'>\r\n\t<thead>\r\n\t\t<tr class='row'>\r\n\t\t  <th class='span2'>Profile Pic</th>\r\n\t\t  <th class='span6'>Details</th>\r\n\t\t</tr>\r\n\t</thead>\r\n\t<tbody>";
        foreach ($search as $count => $values) {
            if ($count <= SEARCH_LIMIT) {
                $result = getResult($values, $_GET['q']);
                $html .= "<tr class='row'>\r\n      <td class='span2'>" . $result['photo'] . "</td>\r\n      <td class='span5'>" . $result['info'] . "<br />" . $result['data'] . "<br /><span style='color: #449944'>Last Update: " . $result['lastupdate'] . "</span></td>\r\n    </tr>";
        $html .= "</tbody></table>";
        $tpl->assign("count", count($search));
        $tpl->assign("helper", "About " . count($search) . " Results. ");
        $tpl->assign("result", $html);
    } else {
        $tpl->assign("helper", "No Relevant Results.");
$tpl->assign('session', round((SpoonSession::get('expiredTime') - time()) / 60, 1));
$tpl->display(CM_ROOT . '/cm_includes/templates/search.tpl.php');
function getResult(array $values, $search)
    $return['photo'] = isset($values['photo']) ? '<img src="' . CM_URL . '/cm_api/images.php?thumbnail=1&id=' . $values['id'] . '" />' : '';
    empty($values['ic']) && ($values['ic'] = "-");
Beispiel #8
 * Client Manager
 * Show profile data in clean page
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
    header("Location: " . CM_ROOT . '/cm_admin/');
$profile = tableParser('profiles', 'getProf', array("id" => (int) $_GET['id']));
if (empty($profile)) {
    // if no relevant record
    $tpl->assign('tooltip', 'Profile not available');
} else {
    //generate img tag for photo
    if (isset($profile['photo'])) {
        $profile['photo'] = '<img src="' . CM_URL . '/cm_api/images.php?id=' . $profile['id'] . '" />';
    //clear unused key
    $replaceLabel = array('file' => '档案<br /> File', 'case' => '案情<br/> Case', 'photo' => '照片 <br />Photo', 'name' => '姓名<br /> Name', 'ic' => '身份证<br /> IC', 'gender' => '性别<br /> Gender', 'placeofbirth' => '出生地点<br/> Place of Birth', 'education' => '学历 <br />Education', 'language' => '语言<br /> Language', 'race' => '种族<br /> Race', 'faith' => '信仰<br /> Faith', 'maritalstatus' => '婚姻状态 <br />Marital Status', 'nationality' => '国籍 <br /> Nationality', 'profession' => '职业  <br />Profession', 'epf' => '公积金 EPF', 'banker' => '银行 Banker', 'address' => '地址 <br /> Address', 'contactno' => '联络号码 <br /> Contact No.', 'email' => '电邮 <br /> Email', 'platesno' => '车牌号码  <br />Plates No.', 'assets' => '资产 <br /> Assets', 'height' => '身高  <br />Height(cm)', 'weight' => '体重 <br /> Weight(kg)', 'blood' => '血型  <br />Blood Type', 'eye' => '眼睛色 <br /> Eye Color', 'hair' => '头发色 <br /> Hair Color', 'skin' => '肤色 <br /> Skin Color', 'dna' => '脱氧核糖核酸  <br />DNA', 'family' => '家人 <br /> Family', 'remarks' => '备注 <br /> Remarks', 'casereport' => '案情<br />Case Report', 'lastupdate' => '最后更新<br />Last Update');
    $profile_html = '';
    //profile html
Beispiel #9

 * Client Manager
 * CM API for checking username availability
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
if (empty($_POST['name'])) {
define('IN_API', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
$getUser = tableParser('profiles', 'getName', array('name' => $_POST['name']));
if (count($getUser) > 1) {
    $json['count'] = count($getUser);
    foreach ($getUser as $key => $value) {
        $json['profiles'][] = $value['id'];
} elseif (count($getUser) == 1) {
    $json['count'] = 1;
    $json['profiles'] = $getUser[0]['id'];
} else {
    $json['count'] = 0;
echo json_encode($json);
Beispiel #10

 * Client Manager
 * Main Page of CM
 * @package Client Manager 0.2 alpha
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_MYSQL', true);
define('IN_ADMIN', true);
require '../cm_includes/entry.php';
$tpl->assign('total', count(tableParser('profiles', 'getTotal')));
$tpl->assign('expired', round((SpoonSession::get('expiredTime') - time()) / 60, 1));