static function render_png($data) { $filename = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/thumbs/graphviz_" . sha1($data) . ".png"; if (!file_exists($filename)) { file_put_contents($filename . ".dot", $data, LOCK_EX); $src = modify::realfilename($filename . ".dot"); $target = modify::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("dot") . " -Kdot -Tpng -o" . $target . " " . $src); if ($result != "") { sys_log_message_log("php-fail", "proc_open: " . $result); $filename = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/thumbs/graphviz_" . sha1($result) . ".png"; if (!file_exists($filename)) { sys_render_text($filename, $result); } } } return $filename; }
static function exec($id, $data, $params) { $cmd = implode(":", $params); $matches = array(); if (preg_match_all("|@(.*?)@|i", $cmd, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if (count($match) != 2) { continue; } $req_key = $match[1]; if (isset($data[$req_key])) { $cmd = str_replace("@" . $req_key . "@", escapeshellarg($data[$req_key]), $cmd); } } } if ($cmd == "") { return ""; } sys_notification(sprintf("{t}System command executed: %s{/t}", $cmd)); return sys_exec($cmd); }
function daemons_status() { if (!is_file('/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini')) { sys_exec('/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install --status > /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini 2>&1'); } if (is_file('/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini')) { $datas = @file_get_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini"); echo "<articadatascgi>{$datas}</articadatascgi>"; return; } }
static function checkvirus($files) { if (VIRUS_SCANNER == "") { return ""; } $files = explode("|", $files); foreach ($files as $file) { $src = modify::realfilename($file); $bin = modify::realfilename(VIRUS_SCANNER); if ($bin == "") { return sprintf("checkvirus: {t}unable to find %s{/t}", VIRUS_SCANNER); } $result = sys_exec($bin . " " . VIRUS_SCANNER_PARAMS . " " . $src); if ($result != "") { $match = array(); if (VIRUS_SCANNER_DISPLAY and preg_match("|" . preg_quote(VIRUS_SCANNER_DISPLAY) . "(.*?)\n|i", $result, $match)) { $result = trim($match[1]); } if (sys_strbegins($file, SIMPLE_CACHE . "/")) { @unlink($file); } sys_log_message_log("php-fail", $result . " [" . $file . "]"); return $result; } } return ""; }
private static function _restore($filename) { ob_end_flush(); $filename = str_replace(" ", "+", $filename); $filename = SIMPLE_STORE . "/backup/" . basename($filename); if (!file_exists($filename)) { return "{t}file not found.{/t} (" . $filename . ")"; } if (filesize($filename) == 0) { return "{t}No entries found.{/t} (" . $filename . ")"; } self::_out("{t}Extracting files{/t}: " . $filename); self::_out(""); if (self::$_restore_here) { $ftitle = str_replace(array("__", "---", "--"), array("/", " ", " "), substr(modify::basename($filename), 0, -4)); $ftitle = substr($ftitle, strrpos($ftitle, "/") + 1); $id = folders::create(substr($ftitle, 0, 40), "blank", "", $_SESSION["folder"], false); self::$_restore_folder = $id; self::_out("{t}Insert{/t}: simple_sys_tree: " . $ftitle . " [" . $id . "]"); } $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("tar") . " -tf " . modify::realfilename($filename)); $file_list = explode("\n", $result); if (count($file_list) == 0) { return ""; } $base_dir = SIMPLE_STORE . "/restore_" . NOW . "/"; sys_mkdir($base_dir); $cmd = "cd " . modify::realfilename($base_dir) . " && " . sys_find_bin("tar") . " -xf " . modify::realfilename($filename); if (DEBUG) { self::_out("TAR: " . $cmd . "\n\n"); } echo sys_exec($cmd); $update_ids = array(); $update_folders = array(); $restore_maps = array(); $xml_file = array_shift($file_list); self::_out("{t}Parsing{/t}: " . $xml_file); $xml = simplexml_load_file($base_dir . $xml_file); foreach ($xml->table as $data) { $data = get_object_vars($data->assetfolder); unset($data["@attributes"]); $id = $data["id"]; if (!empty($data["anchor"])) { $existing = db_select_first("simple_sys_tree", array("id", "'' as lastmodified"), "anchor=@anchor@", "", array("anchor" => $data["anchor"])); if (!empty($existing["id"])) { unset($data["anchor"]); } } else { $existing = db_select_first("simple_sys_tree", array("id", "lastmodified"), "id=@id@", "", array("id" => $id)); } if (!isset($data["fdescription"])) { $data["fdescription"] = ""; } $ftype = $data["ftype"]; $keys = array("fsizecount", "fchsizecount", "fcount", "fchcount", "ffcount", "lft", "rgt", "flevel", "folder", "id", "ftype"); foreach ($keys as $key) { unset($data[$key]); } if (isset($restore_maps[$data["parent"]])) { $data["parent"] = $restore_maps[$data["parent"]]; } if (empty($existing["id"]) or self::$_restore_here) { $parent = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "id", "id=@id@", array("id" => $data["parent"])); if (empty($parent) or count($restore_maps) == 0 and self::$_restore_here) { $data["parent"] = self::$_restore_folder; } $id2 = folders::create($data["ftitle"], $ftype, $data["fdescription"], $data["parent"], false); self::_out("{t}Insert{/t}: simple_sys_tree: " . $data["ftitle"] . " [ID " . $id . " -> parent/id: " . $data["parent"] . "/" . $id2 . "]"); $restore_maps[$id] = $id2; $id = $id2; } else { $restore_maps[$id] = $existing["id"]; } if (!self::$_restore_missing and (!self::$_restore_onlynewer or $data["lastmodified"] > $existing["lastmodified"])) { self::_out("{t}Update{/t}: simple_sys_tree " . $id); $error = db_update("simple_sys_tree", $data, array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $id)); if ($error) { self::_out($error); } } } foreach ($xml->table as $table_item) { if (!isset($table_item->asset) or count($table_item->asset) == 0) { continue; } foreach ($table_item->asset as $asset) { $table = $table_item["name"]; if ($table == "simple_sys_tree") { continue; } $data = get_object_vars($asset); unset($data["@attributes"]); foreach ($data as $dkey => $val) { $obj = $asset->{$dkey}; if (!isset($obj["is_file"]) or $val == "") { continue; } $file_arr[$key] = ""; $file_arr = explode("|", trim($val, "|")); foreach ($file_arr as $key => $value) { foreach ($file_list as $file) { if (basename($file) != basename($value)) { continue; } $value = $base_dir . $file; break; } $file_arr[$key] = $value; } $data[$dkey] = "|" . implode("|", $file_arr) . "|"; } $id = $data["id"]; $existing = db_select_first($table, array("id", "lastmodified"), "id=@id@", "", array("id" => $id)); $folder = $data["folder"]; if (isset($restore_maps[$folder])) { $data["folder"] = $restore_maps[$folder]; } if (empty($existing["id"]) or self::$_restore_here) { if (self::$_restore_missing) { $data["id"] = $id; } else { $data["id"] = sql_genID($table) * 100; } self::_out("{t}Insert{/t}: " . $table . ": " . $data["id"]); $error = db_insert($table, $data); if ($error) { self::_out($error); } $update_folders[$data["folder"]] = $table; $update_ids[$data["folder"]][] = $data["id"]; } else { if (!self::$_restore_missing) { if (!self::$_restore_onlynewer or $data["lastmodified"] > $existing["lastmodified"]) { self::_out("{t}Update{/t}: " . $table . " " . $id); $error = db_update($table, $data, array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $id)); if ($error) { self::_out($error); } $update_folders[$data["folder"]] = $table; $update_ids[$data["folder"]][] = $id; } } } } } if (count($update_folders) > 0) { foreach ($update_folders as $folder => $table) { if (strpos($table, "nodb_")) { continue; } db_update_treesize($table, $folder); $ftype = str_replace("simple_", "", $table); $schema = db_get_schema(sys_find_module($ftype)); if (empty($schema["views"]["display"])) { continue; } if (!empty($schema["att"]["SQL_HANDLER"]) or !empty($schema["att"]["NO_SEARCH_INDEX"])) { continue; } self::_out("... "); $fields = $schema["fields"]; if (folder_in_trash($folder)) { continue; } foreach ($update_ids[$folder] as $id) { self::_out("{t}Rebuild search index{/t}: " . $table . " [" . $id . "]"); db_search_update($table, $id, $fields); } } } self::_out(""); $message = "{t}Restore complete{/t}: " . str_replace(array("__", "---", "--"), array("/", "] [", " ["), substr(modify::basename($filename), 0, -4)) . "]"; sys_log_message_log("info", $message); self::_out($message); return ""; }
function sys_find_bin($program) { if (strpos(PHP_OS, "WIN") === false) { $ret = sys_exec("which " . $program); if (file_exists($ret)) { return $ret; } if (file_exists(sys_custom("tools/bin_deb/" . $program)) and USE_DEBIAN_BINARIES) { $program = sys_custom("tools/bin_deb/" . $program); if (!is_executable($program)) { chmod($program, 0744); } putenv("HOME=" . sys_custom_dir("./tools/bin_deb/")); } return $program; } else { if ($program == "dot") { $file = sys_custom("tools/bin_win32/graphviz/bin/dot.exe"); } else { $file = sys_custom("tools/bin_win32/" . $program . ".exe"); } if (file_exists($file)) { return modify::realfilename($file); } return $program . ".exe"; } }
$content = ""; if ($code != "") { ob_start(); eval($code); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $title = "PHP Console (PHP " . phpversion() . ")"; if ($content != "") { $content = "<pre>" . q($content) . "</pre>"; } } else { if ($_REQUEST["console"] == "sys") { $content = ""; if ($code != "") { $content = sys_exec(str_replace("\n", "&", trim($code))); } $title = "SYS Console: " . getcwd() . " @ " . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . " [" . $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] . "]"; if ($content != "") { $content = "<pre>" . q($content) . "</pre>"; } } else { $content = ""; $title = "SQL Console: " . SETUP_DB_USER . " @ " . SETUP_DB_NAME . " [" . SETUP_DB_TYPE . " " . sgsml_parser::sql_version() . "] "; if ($code != "") { if (($data = sql_fetch($code, false)) === false) { $content .= sql_error(); } else { if (is_array($data) and count($data) > 0) { $content .= show_table($data, isset($_REQUEST["full_texts"]), isset($_REQUEST["vertical"])); } else {
function _download_resize($row_filename) { $row_filename_resize = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/thumbs/" . sha1($row_filename) . "_" . filemtime($row_filename) . "_" . $_REQUEST["image_width"] . "_" . $_REQUEST["image_height"] . ".jpg"; if (file_exists($row_filename_resize)) { return $row_filename_resize; } $src_files = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"); $ext = modify::getfileext($row_filename); $new_width = ""; $new_height = ""; if (empty($_REQUEST["image_width"]) and empty($_REQUEST["image_height"])) { $new_width = 250; $new_height = 200; } if (isset($_REQUEST["image_width"]) and is_numeric($_REQUEST["image_width"]) and $_REQUEST["image_width"] > 0) { $new_width = $_REQUEST["image_width"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["image_height"]) and is_numeric($_REQUEST["image_height"]) and $_REQUEST["image_height"] > 0) { $new_height = $_REQUEST["image_height"]; } if ($new_width != "" or $new_height != "") { $resize = "-resize \"" . $new_width . "x" . $new_height . ">\""; } if ($resize != "" or !in_array($ext, $src_files)) { $result = ""; $src = modify::realfilename($row_filename); $target = modify::realfilename($row_filename_resize); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("convert") . " -quality 50 " . $resize . " " . $src . "[0] " . $target); if ($result == "") { $row_filename = $row_filename_resize; } else { sys_log_message_log("php-fail", "proc_open: " . $result); } if ($result != "" and in_array($ext, $src_files)) { list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($row_filename); if ($width != "" and $height != "") { if ($width != $new_width or $height != $new_height) { $prop = $width / $height; if ($width != $new_width and $height != $new_height) { $new_height2 = round($new_width / $prop); if ($new_height2 > $new_height) { $new_width = round($new_height * $prop); } } else { if ($width != $new_width) { $new_height = round($new_width / $prop); } else { $new_width = round($new_height * $prop); } } $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($image_p, imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($row_filename)), 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($image_p, $row_filename_resize, 50); $row_filename = $row_filename_resize; } } } } return $row_filename; }
static function preview_bin($filename, $ext) { if (!function_exists("proc_open")) { return "ERROR {t}Cannot call 'proc_open'. Please remove 'proc_open' from 'disable_functions' in php.ini and disable 'safe_mode'.{/t}"; } $result = ""; switch ($ext) { case "zip": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("unzip") . " -l -V " . $src); $result = substr($result, strpos($result, "\n") + 1); break; case "tar": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("tar") . " -tf " . $src); break; case "gz": case "tgz": if (!strpos(strtolower($filename), ".tar.gz") and !strpos(strtolower($filename), ".tgz")) { break; } $src = self::realfilename($filename); $cmd = sys_find_bin("gzip") . " -cd " . $src . " | " . sys_find_bin("tar") . " -t"; if (strpos(PHP_OS, "WIN") !== false) { $cmd = str_replace("/", "\\", $cmd); } $result = sys_exec($cmd); break; case "ppt": $tmp = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/debug/sys_exec_" . md5($_SESSION["username"] . NOW) . ".ppt"; copy($filename, $tmp); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("ppthtml") . " " . self::realfilename($tmp)); unlink($tmp); if ($pos = strpos($result, "<BODY")) { $result = substr($result, $pos); } $result = utf8_decode(strip_tags($result)); break; case "doc": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("catdoc") . " -d utf-8 " . $src); break; case "xls": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("xls2csv") . " -d utf-8 " . $src); // $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("xlhtml")." -nh ".$src); break; case "docx": case "xlsx": case "pptx": case "ods": // oo-xls // oo-xls case "sxc": case "odt": // oo-doc // oo-doc case "sxw": case "odp": // oo-ppt // oo-ppt case "sxi": if ($ext == "docx") { $file = "word/document.xml"; $replace = array("</w:p>" => "\n"); } else { if ($ext == "xlsx") { $file = "xl/sharedStrings.xml"; $replace = array("</si>" => " "); } else { if ($ext == "pptx") { $file = "ppt/slides/*.xml"; $replace = array("</a:p>" => "\n"); } else { $file = "content.xml"; $replace = array("</text:p>" => "\n"); } } } $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("unzip") . " -p " . $src . " " . $file); $result = utf8_decode(strip_tags(str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $result))); break; case "url": $match = array(); preg_match("/^URL=(.+)/m", file_get_contents($filename), $match); if (!empty($match[1])) { $result = "<a href='" . q(trim($match[1])) . "' target='_blank'>" . modify::basename(substr($filename, 0, -4)) . "</a>"; } break; case "pdf": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("pdfinfo") . " " . $src); $result .= sys_exec(sys_find_bin("pdftotext") . " " . $src . " @file@"); break; case "mp3": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("mp3info") . " -x " . $src); $result = substr($result, strpos($result, "\n") + 1); break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": $src = self::realfilename($filename); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("exiv2") . " " . $src); $result = str_replace("\r", "", $result) . "\n"; $result = preg_replace("!(^.*No Exif.*|File ?name.*|File ?size.*|MIME type.*|.*?:\\s*)\n!im", "", $result); $gps = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("exiv2") . " -PEnv " . $src); $match = array(); preg_match("!GPSLatitude\\s+(\\d+)/(\\d+) (\\d+)/(\\d+) (\\d+)/(\\d+)!", $gps, $match); $match2 = array(); preg_match("!GPSLongitude\\s+(\\d+)/(\\d+) (\\d+)/(\\d+) (\\d+)/(\\d+)!", $gps, $match2); if (is_array($match) and count($match) == 7 and is_array($match2) and count($match2) == 7) { $latitude = $match[1] / $match[2] + $match[3] / $match[4] / 60 + $match[5] / $match[6] / 3600; if (!preg_match("/GPSLatitudeRef\\s+N/", $gps)) { $latitude *= -1; } $longitude = $match2[1] / $match2[2] + $match2[3] / $match2[4] / 60 + $match2[5] / $match2[6] / 3600; if (!preg_match("/GPSLongitudeRef\\s+E/", $gps)) { $longitude *= -1; } $result .= "GPS: <a target='_blank' href='{$latitude},{$longitude}'>Google Maps</a>"; } break; } return $result; }