/** * * * @param string $displayAs * @return string */ function displayAsSymbol($displayAs) { switch (strtolower($displayAs)) { case 'heading': return symbol('heading'); case 'categories': return symbol('nested'); case 'flat': return symbol('flat'); case 'discussions': default: return symbol('discussions'); } }
static function parseArguments($source = null, $fpos = 0) { $parser = new ArgumentLexer($source, $fpos); $result = array(); $current_buffer =& $result; $filter_buffer = array(); $tokens = $parser->parse(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { list($token, $data) = $token; if ($token == 'filter_start') { $filter_buffer = array(); $current_buffer =& $filter_buffer; } elseif ($token == 'filter_end') { if (count($filter_buffer)) { $i = count($result) - 1; if (is_array($result[$i])) { $result[$i]['filters'][] = $filter_buffer; } else { $result[$i] = array(0 => $result[$i], 'filters' => array($filter_buffer)); } } $current_buffer =& $result; } elseif ($token == 'boolean') { $current_buffer[] = $data === 'true' ? true : false; } elseif ($token == 'name') { $current_buffer[] = symbol($data); } elseif ($token == 'number' || $token == 'string') { $current_buffer[] = $data; } elseif ($token == 'named_argument') { $last = $current_buffer[count($current_buffer) - 1]; if (!is_array($last)) { $current_buffer[] = array(); } $namedArgs =& $current_buffer[count($current_buffer) - 1]; list($name, $value) = array_map('trim', explode(':', $data, 2)); # if argument value is variable mark it $value = self::parseArguments($value); $namedArgs[$name] = $value[0]; } elseif ($token == 'operator') { $current_buffer[] = array('operator' => $data); } } return $result; }
function compile_call($expr, &$oob) { static $php_forms = array("print", "array"); $name = array_shift($expr); $oob["macros"] = is_array($oob["macros"]) ? $oob["macros"] : array(); if (array_key_exists(symbol_str($name), $oob["macros"])) { array_unshift($expr, $oob["macros"][$name . ""]); return compile(call_user_func_array("call", $expr), $oob); } $buf = ","; foreach ($expr as $e) { $buf .= compile(is_symbol($e) ? array(symbol("env"), $e) : $e, $oob) . ","; } $buf = substr($buf, 0, -1); $buf = $buf == "," ? "" : $buf; if (function_exists($name . "") or in_array($name . "", $php_forms)) { return "" . $name . "(" . substr($buf, 1, strlen($buf)) . ")"; } return "call(" . compile($name, $oob) . $buf . ")"; }
function render($context, $stream) { if ($this->argument) { $object = $context->resolve(symbol($this->argument)); } else { $object = $context->scopes[0]; } $output = "<pre>" . print_r($object, true) . "</pre>"; $stream->write($output); }
echo symbol_bool($profile->is_disp_regist); ?> </td> <td><?php echo symbol_bool($profile->is_disp_config); ?> </td> <td><?php echo symbol_bool($profile->is_disp_search); ?> </td> <td><?php if (in_array($profile->form_type, Site_Profile::get_form_types_having_profile_options())) { echo Html::anchor('admin/profile/options/' . $profile->id, term('site.list')); } else { echo symbol('noValue'); } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php } else { echo term('profile', 'site.item'); ?> がありません。 <?php }
/** * Apply markup rules on plain text. * * @param TextFormat $markup Markup rules applied on marked-up text. * @param string $text Marked-up text on which rules are applied. * * @return string HTML code computed from marked-up text. */ private static function markupText($markup, $text) { return symbol(smile($markup->format($text), false)); }
static function macro_expand($form) { if (is_array($form)) { $output = array(); foreach ($form as $part) { if (is_array($part)) { array_push($output, self::macro_expand($part)); } else { array_push($output, $part); } } $op = $output[0]; if (is_symbol($op) and substr($op . "", -1) == "." and $op . "" != ".") { $output[0] = symbol(substr($op, 0, strlen($op) - 1)); $op = symbol("new"); array_unshift($output, $op); } if (is_symbol($op) and $op->macro) { $op = Lisp::eval1($op); array_shift($output); $output = Lisp::apply1($op, $output); $output = self::macro_expand($output); } return $output; } else { return $form; } }
static function parseArguments($source = null, $fpos = 0) { $parser = new ArgumentLexer($source, $fpos); $result = array(); $current_buffer =& $result; $filter_buffer = array(); foreach ($parser->parse() as $token) { list($token, $data) = $token; if ($token == 'filter_start') { $filter_buffer = array(); $current_buffer =& $filter_buffer; } elseif ($token == 'filter_end') { if (count($filter_buffer)) { $result[] = $filter_buffer; } $current_buffer =& $result; } elseif ($token == 'name') { $current_buffer[] = symbol($data); } elseif ($token == 'number' || $token == 'string') { $current_buffer[] = $data; } elseif ($token == 'named_argument') { $last = $current_buffer[count($current_buffer) - 1]; if (!is_array($last)) { $current_buffer[] = array(); } $namedArgs =& $current_buffer[count($current_buffer) - 1]; list($name, $value) = array_map('trim', explode(':', $data, 2)); $namedArgs[$name] = $value; } elseif ($token == 'operator') { $current_buffer[] = array('operator' => $data); } } return $result; }
public function render($context, $stream) { if ($this->argument) { $object = $context->resolve(symbol($this->argument)); } else { $object = $context->scopes[0]; } $output = '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars(print_r($object, true)) . '</pre>'; $stream->write($output); }
function symbol_bool($bool) { return $bool ? symbol('bool.true') : symbol('bool.false'); }
$Result1 = mysqli_fetch_array($strSQL1); echo $Result1['question']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $Result['answer']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $Result['c_answer']; ?> </td> <td> <div align="center"> <span class='<?php symbol($Result['mark']); ?> ' aria-hidden="true"></span> </div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="footer-copyright" align="center"> <div class="container"> <div class="span 12">
} else { ?> <td class="small"><?php echo symbol('noValue'); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td><?php echo Html::anchor('admin/member/' . $member->id, $member->name); ?> </td> <td><?php echo isset($member->sex) && strlen($member->sex) ? \Site_Form::get_form_options4config('term.member.sex.options', $member->sex) : symbol('noValue'); ?> </td> <td class="fs12"><?php echo site_get_time($member->created_at, 'relative', 'Y/m/d H:i'); ?> </td> <td class="fs12"><?php echo site_get_time($member->last_login, 'relative', 'Y/m/d H:i'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table>