if ($zone_id == "-1") { error(ERR_INV_INPUT); include_once "inc/footer.inc.php"; exit; } echo " <h2>" . _('Delete zone') . " \"" . $zone_info['name'] . "\"</h2>\n"; if ($confirm == '1') { if (delete_domain($zone_id)) { success(SUC_ZONE_DEL); } } else { if ($perm_edit == "all" || $perm_edit == "own" && $user_is_zone_owner == "1") { echo " " . _('Owner') . ": " . $zone_owners . "<br>\n"; echo " " . _('Type') . ": " . $zone_info['type'] . "\n"; if ($zone_info['type'] == "SLAVE") { $slave_master = get_domain_slave_master($zone_id); if (supermaster_exists($slave_master)) { echo " <p> \n"; printf(_('You are about to delete a slave zone of which the master nameserver, %s, is a supermaster. Deleting the zone now, will result in temporary removal only. Whenever the supermaster sends a notification for this zone, it will be added again!'), $slave_master); echo " </p>\n"; } } echo " <p>" . _('Are you sure?') . "</p>\n"; echo " <br><br>\n"; echo " <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" OnClick=\"location.href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&confirm=1'\" value=\"" . _('Yes') . "\">\n"; echo " <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" OnClick=\"location.href='index.php'\" value=\"" . _('No') . "\">\n"; } else { error(ERR_PERM_DEL_ZONE); } } include_once "inc/footer.inc.php";
function add_supermaster($master_ip, $ns_name, $account) { global $db; if (!is_valid_ipv4($master_ip) && !is_valid_ipv6($master_ip)) { error(ERR_DNS_IP); return false; } if (!is_valid_hostname_fqdn($ns_name, 0)) { error(ERR_DNS_HOSTNAME); return false; } if (!validate_account($account)) { error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "add_supermaster", "given account name is invalid (alpha chars only)")); return false; } if (supermaster_exists($master_ip)) { error(ERR_SM_EXISTS); return false; } else { $db->query("INSERT INTO supermasters VALUES (" . $db->quote($master_ip, 'text') . ", " . $db->quote($ns_name, 'text') . ", " . $db->quote($account, 'text') . ")"); return true; } }