Beispiel #1

// Fix PNG images if client browser is Internet Explorer
$pngfix = preg_match("/Internet Explorer/i", $SUMO['client']['browser']) ? "javascript:PNGFix()" : "";
$url_req = "";
// Filter URL query string
    $_GET = sumo_array_combine(array_keys($_GET), sumo_array_filter(array_values($_GET)));
    $get_data = array_keys($_GET);
    $url_req = "?";
    for ($k = 0; $k < count($get_data); $k++) {
        $url_req .= $get_data[$k] . "=" . $_GET[$get_data[$k]] . "&";
$tpl_array = array("LANG:User" => $sumo_lang_core['User'], "LANG:Password" => $sumo_lang_core['Password'], "LANG:RegistrationForm" => $sumo_lang_core['RegistrationForm'], "LANG:RegistrationInfo" => $sumo_lang_core['RegistrationInfo'], "LANG:EraseAccount" => $sumo_lang_core['EraseAccount'], "LANG:EraseAccountInfo" => $sumo_lang_core['EraseAccountInfo'], "LANG:PasswordLost" => $sumo_lang_core['PasswordLost'], "LANG:PasswordLostInfo" => $sumo_lang_core['PasswordLostInfo'], "LANG:ConfirmRegistration" => $sumo_lang_core['ConfirmRegistration'], "LANG:ConfirmRegistrationInfo" => $sumo_lang_core['ConfirmRegistrationInfo'], "LANG:ConfirmEraseAccount" => $sumo_lang_core['ConfirmEraseAccount'], "LANG:ConfirmEraseAccountInfo" => $sumo_lang_core['ConfirmEraseAccountInfo'], "LANG:Email" => $sumo_lang_core['Email'], "LANG:Language" => $sumo_lang_core['Language'], "LANG:RegUser" => "<font color='red'>*</font>&nbsp;" . $sumo_lang_core['User'], "LANG:RegEmail" => "<font color='red'>*</font>&nbsp;" . $sumo_lang_core['Email'], "LANG:RegPassword" => "<font color='red'>*</font>&nbsp;" . $sumo_lang_core['Password'], "LANG:RegRepPassword" => "<font color='red'>*</font>&nbsp;" . $sumo_lang_core['RepPassword'], "LINK:Register" => sumo_get_link_registration(), "LINK:PasswordLost" => sumo_get_link_pwdlost(), "LINK:UnRegister" => sumo_get_link_registration(0), "GET:SumoVersion" => SUMO_VERSION, "GET:charset" => $SUMO['config']['server']['charset'], "GET:PagePath" => $SUMO['page']['web_path'], "GET:PageUrl" => $SUMO['page']['url'], "GET:PageTheme" => $SUMO['page']['theme'], "GET:ConfirmRegUser" => $sumo_reg_data['reg_user'], "GET:ConfirmRegEmail" => $sumo_reg_data['reg_email'], "GET:ConfirmLanguage" => $sumo_reg_data['reg_language'], "GET:PageName" => sumo_get_accesspoint_name($SUMO['page']['name'], $_COOKIE['language']), "GET:ScriptLoginFocus" => sumo_get_script_tag('login_focus.js'), "GET:ScriptRegistrationFocus" => sumo_get_script_tag('registration_focus.js'), "GET:ScriptLogin" => "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\n" . "var sumo_theme='" . $SUMO['page']['theme'] . "';\n" . "</script>\n" . sumo_get_script_tag('check_login.js') . "\n" . sumo_get_script_tag('sumo_common.js') . "\n" . sumo_get_script_tag('sumo_crypt.js') . "\n" . sumo_get_script_tag('sumo_gui.js') . "\n", "GET:ScriptResubmit" => sumo_get_script_tag('resubmit.js'), "GET:ScriptNoRightClick" => sumo_get_script_tag('no_right_click.js'), "GET:OnLoad" => "onload='" . $pngfix . "'", "GET:Note" => $sumo_lang_core["PoweredBy"] . " <b>SUMO Access Manager</b> " . SUMO_VERSION . "<br>&copy; Copyright 2003-" . date("Y") . " by <b>Basso Alberto</b><br>" . $sumo_lang_core['ProjectPage'] . " <b><a href='' target='_blank'></a></b>", "GET:NoteShort" => $sumo_lang_core["PoweredBy"] . "<br><b><a href='' target='_blank'>SUMO Access Manager</a></b>", "GET:LoginForm" => "<form method='POST' name='SumoAuth' action='" . $SUMO['page']['url'] . $url_req . "' onsubmit='check(document.SumoAuth);if((error==1)||(error==2)){return false;}else{sumo_pwd.value=hex_hmac_sha1(\"" . $SUMO['connection']['security_string'] . "\",hex_sha1(sumo_pwd.value));}'>", "GET:Message" => $sumo_message, "GET:Redirect" => "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10; " . $SUMO['page']['url'] . "'>", "PUT:RegUser" => "<input type='text' size='16' name='reg_user' value='" . $sumo_reg_data['reg_user'] . "' />" . "<input type='hidden' name='reg_group' value='" . $SUMO['page']['group'] . "' />", "PUT:RegEmail" => "<input type='text' size='16' name='reg_email' value='" . $sumo_reg_data['reg_email'] . "' />", "PUT:RegPassword" => "<input type='password' size='16' name='reg_password' autocomplete='off' />", "PUT:RegRepPassword" => "<input type='password' size='16' name='rep_reg_password' autocomplete='off' />", "PUT:User" => "<input type='text' size='16' name='sumo_user' class='username' />", "PUT:Password" => "<input type='password' size='16' name='sumo_pwd' class='password' autocomplete='off' />", "PUT:LanguageLogin" => sumo_get_available_languages(1, 1, $_COOKIE['language'], 'sumo_lang'), "PUT:Language" => sumo_get_available_languages(1), "BUTTON:Submit" => "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . $sumo_lang_core["Ok"] . "' />", "BUTTON:BackLogin" => "<form action='" . $SUMO['page']['url'] . "' method='POST'><input type='submit' class='button' value='" . $sumo_lang_core['Back'] . "'></form>", "BUTTON:Back" => "<input type='button' class='button' value='" . $sumo_lang_core['Back'] . "' onclick='javascript:history.go(-1);' />");
// Disable password encryption (for LDAP server)
if (!$SUMO['page']['pwd_encrypt'] && !in_array($sumo_action, array('registration', 'regconfirmed'))) {
    $tpl_array['GET:ScriptSHA1'] = "";
    $tpl_array['GET:LoginForm'] = "<form name='SumoAuth' method='POST' action='" . $SUMO['page']['url'] . $url_req . "' onsubmit='check(document.SumoAuth);if((error==1)||(error==2)){return false;}'>";
Beispiel #2
 * Verify and filter an array data from malicious code
 * @global resource $SUMO
 * @return array
 * @author Alberto Basso <*****@*****.**>
function sumo_array_filter($array, $method = 'GET', $available_tags = '')
    global $SUMO;
    $rc = array(array());
    $num_val = count($array);
    for ($e = 0; $e < $num_val; $e++) {
        if (is_array($array[$e])) {
            $array[$e] = sumo_array_combine(array_keys($array[$e]), sumo_array_filter(array_values($array[$e]), $method));
        } else {
            $x = 0;
            $rc[$e] = array();
            // Lets now sanitize the GET or SERVER vars
            if ($method == 'GET' || $method == 'SERVER') {
                if (eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi(".*[[:space:]](or|and)[[:space:]].*(=|like).*", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*window.*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*alert*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*img*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*document.*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*cookie*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("\"", $array[$e])) {
                    $rc[$e][$x] = "E00108X";
            // Lets now sanitize the POST vars
            if ($method == 'POST') {
                if (eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*window.*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*alert*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*document.*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*cookie*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e])) {
                    $rc[$e][$x] = "E00108X";
            // Lets now sanitize the COOKIE vars
            if ($method == 'COOKIE') {
                if (eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi(".*[[:space:]](or|and)[[:space:]].*(=|like).*", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*window.*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*alert*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*img*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*document.*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("<[^>]*cookie*\"?[^>]*>", $array[$e]) || eregi("\"", $array[$e])) {
                    $rc[$e][$x] = "E00108X";
            // Regex per individuare gli SQL meta-characters
            if (eregi("/(\\%27)|(\\-\\-)|(\\%23)|(#)/ix", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00109X";
            // Regex modificata per individuare gli SQL meta-characters
            if (eregi("/((\\%3D)|(=))[^\n]*((\\%27)|(\\')|(\\-\\-)|(\\%3B)|(;))/i", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00110X";
            // Regex per gli attacchi SQL Injection comuni
            if (eregi("/\\w*((\\%27)|(\\'))((\\%6F)|o|(\\%4F))((\\%72)|r|(\\%52))/ix", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00111X";
            // Regex per individuare attacchi SQL Injection con i comandi Sql piu' comuni
            $sql_command = array("select", "insert", "update", "delete", "drop", "union");
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($sql_command); $c++) {
                if (eregi("/((\\%27)|(\\'))" . $sql_command[$c] . "/ix", $array[$e])) {
                    $rc[$e][$x] = "E00112X";
            // Regex per individuare attacchi SQL Injection su MS SQL Server
            if (eregi("/exec(\\s|\\+)+(s|x)p\\w+/ix", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00113X";
            // Regex per gli attacchi CSS semplici
            if (eregi("/((\\%3C)|<)((\\%2F)|\\/)*[a-z0-9\\%]+((\\%3E)|>)/ix", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00114X";
            // Regex per gli attacchi CSS di tipo "<img src"
            if (eregi("/((\\%3C)|<)((\\%69)|i|(\\%49))((\\%6D)|m|(\\%4D))((\\%67)|g|(\\%47))[^\n]+((\\%3E)|>)/I", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00115X";
            // Regex paranoica per gli attacchi CSS
            if (eregi("/((\\%3C)|<)[^\n]+((\\%3E)|>)/I", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00116X";
             * Niente piping, filtra eventuali variabili di sistema ($),
             * separa i comandi, filtra ridirezioni pagina, processi in background
             * commandi speciali (backspace, etc.), quotes, nuova riga e altri caratteri speciali
            if (eregi("/(;|\\||`|>|<|&|^|\"|'.\"\n|\r|'\".'|{|}|[|]|\\)|\\()/", $array[$e])) {
                $rc[$e][$x] = "E00117X";
            // Se e' stato individuato un attacco genera il log
            if (count($rc[$e]) > 0) {
                for ($k = 0; $k < count($rc[$e]); $k++) {
                    $error = sumo_get_paranoic_message($rc[$e][$k], $array[$e], $method);
                    $server = sumo_get_message('I00001M', $SUMO['server']['name']);
                    $object = sumo_get_message('E00107M');
                    // Log warning messages with ALL methods
                    sumo_write_log('E00107X', array($rc[$e][$k], $SUMO['client']['ip'], $SUMO['client']['country'], $SUMO['page']['url']), 3, 1);
                    // Send e-mail detail of warning message
                    if ($SUMO['config']['log']['errors']['email']) {
                        if (!$SUMO['config']['server']['admin']['email']) {
                            sumo_write_log('E06000X', '', '0,1', 2, 'system', FALSE);
                        } else {
                            $mail = new Mail();
                            $mail->Body($error, SUMO_CHARSET);
                $array[$e] = "";
            // Strippa eventuali spazi all'inizio ed alla fine della stringa
            $array[$e] = trim($array[$e]);
             * Converte una stringa con caratteri ISO-8859-1 codificati con UTF-8
             * in formato ISO-8859-1 singolo byte.
             * A volte gli attacchi XSS utilizzano l'unicode per mascherare la
             * stringa di attacco.
            //$array[$e] = utf8_decode($array[$e]);
            // how i get rid of backticks and ;'s using str_replace
            $array[$e] = str_replace("`", "", "{$array[$e]}");
            // Elimina tutto il codice JavaScript nei tag <a href =''>
            $array[$e] = eregi_replace("<a[^>]*href[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\"?javascript[[:punct:]]*\"?[^>]*>", '', $array[$e]);
            // Remove any HTML and PHP tags if they exist
            $array[$e] = strip_tags($array[$e], $available_tags);
    return $array;
Beispiel #3
 * Splitting query results in multiple pages
 * @author Alberto Basso
function sumo_paging_results($num_rows, $visible_rows_from_query, $visible_rows, $num_links = 10, $start, $start_title = "start", $action = "")
    global $SUMO, $language;
    $result = '';
    // Generate pages if necessary
    if ($num_rows >= $visible_rows_from_query && $num_rows > 0) {
        // Calculate number of pages to view rows
        $pages = round($num_rows / $visible_rows, 0);
        if ($pages >= 1) {
            $result .= "<table cellpadding='0' class='paging'>\n" . " <tr class='paging'>\n";
        $uri = sumo_array_filter(explode("&", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 'GET');
        // PATCH
        if ($action) {
            for ($u = 0; $u < count($uri); $u++) {
                if (substr($uri[$u], 0, 7) == 'action=') {
                    $uri[$u] = "action={$action}";
        $uri = ereg_replace('&amp;+(' . $start_title . '=[0-9]+)', '', implode("&amp;", $uri));
        // To remember past query into request url
        $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? $uri . "&amp;" : "?";
        // Display back link if necessary
        if ($start > 0) {
            $result .= "<td class='paging'>" . "<a href='javascript:sumo_ajax_get(\"" . $_SESSION['module'] . ".content\",\"" . $query_string . $start_title . "=0&decoration=false\");'>" . "<img src='themes/" . $SUMO['page']['theme'] . "/images/paging-first.gif' alt='" . $language['First'] . "'>" . "</a>" . "</td>\n" . "<td class='paging'>" . "<a href='javascript:sumo_ajax_get(\"" . $_SESSION['module'] . ".content\",\"" . $query_string . $start_title . "=" . ($start / $visible_rows - 1) * $visible_rows . "&decoration=false\");'>" . "<img src='themes/" . $SUMO['page']['theme'] . "/images/paging-back.gif' style='padding-right:5px;text-align:middle' alt='" . $language['Back'] . "'>" . $language['Back'] . "</a>" . "</td>\n";
        $page_start = $start > 0 ? $start / $visible_rows : 1;
        // Print page numbers
        for ($p = $page_start; $p <= $num_links + $page_start; $p++) {
            if ($p * $visible_rows < $num_rows) {
                if ($start / $visible_rows == $p) {
                    // if it's current page
                    $result .= "<td class='paging-on'>" . ($p + 1) . "</td>\n";
                } else {
                    $result .= "<td class='paging'>" . "<a href='javascript:sumo_ajax_get(\"" . $_SESSION['module'] . ".content\",\"" . $query_string . $start_title . "=" . $p * $visible_rows . "&decoration=false\");'>" . ($p + 1) . "</a>" . "</td>\n";
        // to correct last message number
        if ($start < $num_rows - $visible_rows) {
            $result .= "<td class='paging'>" . "<a href='javascript:sumo_ajax_get(\"" . $_SESSION['module'] . ".content\",\"" . $query_string . $start_title . "=" . ($start + $visible_rows) . "&decoration=false\");'>" . $language['Next'] . "<img src='themes/" . $SUMO['page']['theme'] . "/images/paging-next.gif' style='padding-left:5px;text-align:middle' alt='" . $language['Next'] . "'>" . "</a>" . "</td>\n" . "<td class='paging'>" . "<a href='javascript:sumo_ajax_get(\"" . $_SESSION['module'] . ".content\",\"" . $query_string . $start_title . "=" . ($pages - 1) * $visible_rows . "&decoration=false\");'>" . "<img src='themes/" . $SUMO['page']['theme'] . "/images/paging-last.gif' alt='" . $language['Last'] . "'>" . "</a>" . "</td>\n";
        if ($pages >= 1) {
            $result .= "</tr>\n</table>";
    return $result;
Beispiel #4
// Auto optimize Sumo database
if (sumo_hits_count($SUMO['config']['database']['optimize_hits'], TRUE)) {
// Filter all input data
$_GET = sumo_array_combine(array_keys($_GET), sumo_array_filter(array_values($_GET)));
$_POST = sumo_array_combine(array_keys($_POST), sumo_array_filter(array_values($_POST), 'POST'));
$_COOKIE = sumo_array_combine(array_keys($_COOKIE), sumo_array_filter(array_values($_COOKIE), 'COOKIE'));
// Get variables
require SUMO_PATH . '/inc/inc.get_variables.php';
$SUMO['user'] = sumo_get_user_info();
$SUMO['connection'] = sumo_get_connection_info();
// remember 'security string' after login
if (empty($SUMO['connection']['security_string'])) {
    $SUMO['connection']['security_string'] = $_SESSION['security_string'];
// Define and Load language,
// if exist language cookie load language set by user
require SUMO_PATH . '/inc/inc.load_language.php';
$sumo_access = NULL;
if ($sumo_action) {
    $sumo_access = strtoupper($sumo_action);
} elseif (sumo_get_banned_ip($SUMO['client']['ip'])) {