function form($objectName, $object, $options = array())
    if (!isset($options['action'])) {
        if ($object->isNewRecord()) {
            $options['action'] = 'create';
        } else {
            $options['action'] = 'update';
    if (!isset($options['submit_value'])) {
        $options['submit_value'] = ucfirst($options['action']);
    if (isset($options['multipart']) && $options['multipart'] === true) {
        $form = form_tag(array('action' => $options['action']), array('multipart' => true));
    } else {
        $form = form_tag(array('action' => $options['action']));
    if (!$object->isNewRecord()) {
        $form .= hidden_field($objectName, 'id', $object);
    $fields = $object->contentAttributes();
    foreach ($fields as $attr) {
        $form .= '<p><label for="' . $objectName . '_' . $attr->name . '">' . SInflection::humanize($attr->name) . "</label>\n" . input($objectName, $attr->name, $object) . "</p>\n";
    if (isset($options['include'])) {
        $form .= $options['include'];
    $form .= submit_tag($options['submit_value']);
    $form .= end_form_tag();
    return $form;
Beispiel #2
function sf_simple_cms_slot($page, $slot, $default_text = null, $default_type = 'Text')
    $context = sfContext::getInstance();
    $request = $context->getRequest();
    $culture = $request->getAttribute('culture');
    $slot_object = $page->getSlot($slot, constant(sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_escaping_strategy', 'ESC_RAW')));
    if (!$slot_object) {
        $slot_object = new sfSimpleCMSSlot();
    $slot_value = $slot_object->getValue();
    $slot_type_name = $slot_object->getType();
    $slot_type_class = 'sfSimpleCMSSlot' . $slot_type_name;
    $slot_type = new $slot_type_class();
    if ($request->getParameter('edit') == 'true' && !$request->getParameter('preview')) {
        echo '<div class="editable_slot" title="' . __('Double-click to edit') . '" id="slot_' . $slot . '" onDblClick="\'edit_' . $slot . '\');Element.hide(\'slot_' . $slot . '\');">';
        if ($slot_value) {
            // Get slot value from the slot type object
            echo $slot_type->getSlotValue($slot_object);
        } else {
            // default text
            echo $default_text ? $default_text : sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_default_text', __('[add text here]'));
        echo '</div>';
        echo form_remote_tag(array('url' => 'sfSimpleCMS/updateSlot', 'script' => 'true', 'update' => 'slot_' . $slot, 'success' => '\'slot_' . $slot . '\');
                        Element.hide(\'edit_' . $slot . '\');
                       ' . visual_effect('highlight', 'slot_' . $slot)), array('class' => 'edit_slot', 'id' => 'edit_' . $slot, 'style' => 'display:none'));
        echo input_hidden_tag('slug', $page->getSlug(), 'id=edit_path' . $slot);
        echo input_hidden_tag('slot', $slot);
        if (sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_use_l10n', false)) {
            echo input_hidden_tag('sf_culture', $slot_object->getCulture());
        // Get slot editor from the slot type object
        echo $slot_type->getSlotEditor($slot_object);
        echo label_for('slot_type', __('Type: '));
        echo select_tag('slot_type', options_for_select(sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_slot_types', array('Text' => __('Simple Text'), 'RichText' => __('Rich text'), 'Php' => __('PHP code'), 'Image' => __('Image'), 'Modular' => __('List of partials/components'))), $slot_type_name));
        if ($rich = sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_rich_editing', false)) {
            // activate rich text if global rich_editing is true and is the current slot is RichText
            $rich = $slot_type_name == 'RichText';
        echo submit_tag('update', array('onclick' => $rich ? 'tinymceDeactivate()' . ';submitForm(\'edit_' . $slot . '\'); return false' : '', 'class' => 'submit_tag'));
        echo button_to_function('cancel', 'Element.hide(\'edit_' . $slot . '\');\'slot_' . $slot . '\');', 'class=submit_tag');
        echo '</form>';
    } else {
        echo $slot_type->getSlotValue($slot_object);
Beispiel #3
    echo $file->nombre_archivo;
    echo link_to("Borrar", "legajopedagogico/borrarAdjunto?id=" . $legajopedagogico->getId() . "&ajid=" . $file->id . "&aid=" . $alumno_id);
    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";


<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
echo submit_tag(__('save'), array('name' => 'save', 'class' => 'sf_admin_action_save'));
echo button_to(__('Legajos'), 'legajopedagogico/verLegajo?aid=' . $alumno_id . '&cid=' . $legajo_categoria_id, array('class' => 'sf_admin_action_list'));


<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
      <li class="float-left"><?php 
if ($legajopedagogico->getId()) {
    echo button_to(__('delete'), 'legajopedagogico/delete?id=' . $legajopedagogico->getId(), array('post' => true, 'confirm' => __('Are you sure?'), 'class' => 'sf_admin_action_delete'));
Beispiel #4
echo submit_tag(__('Perpustakaan') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'COL_ITEM_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='COL_ITEM_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Order Date') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'ORDER_DATE' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='ORDER_DATE';"));

echo submit_tag(__('Due Date') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'DUE_DATE' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='DUE_DATE';"));

echo submit_tag(__('Tanggal Penggembalian') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'RETURN_DATE' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'cir_history_list_late') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='RETURN_DATE';"));
			<tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style=""';
				<td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
                    		<td class='filter_first'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[CODE]', isset($filters['CODE']) ? $filters['CODE'] : null, array('size' => 12));
    echo textarea_tag('task_tags', '', array('rows' => '3'));
          <div id="task-dates" class="float-right" style="text-align:right;">
            <label for="task_begin">Task Starts: <?php 
    echo input_date_tag('task_begin', '', array('rich' => 'true'));
</label><br />
            <label for="task_finish">Task Due: <?php 
    echo input_date_tag('task_finish', '', array('rich' => 'true'));
<br />
    echo submit_tag('Add Task');
          <div style="height:20px">
            <p id="indicator" style="display:none">
    echo image_tag('indicator.gif');
 adding task...
      <div class="clear-both">&nbsp;</div>
echo submit_tag(__('ActivityDate') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'accal_activity') == 'START' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'accal_activity') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='START';"));
echo submit_tag(__('ActivityLength') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'accal_activity') == 'ACTIVITY_LENGTH' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'accal_activity') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='ACTIVITY_LENGTH';"));
echo submit_tag(__('ActivityType') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'accal_activity') == 'ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'accal_activity') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID';"));

echo submit_tag(__('ActivityDetail') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'accal_activity') == 'Detail' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'accal_activity') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='Detail';"));

				<tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style=""';
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
Beispiel #7
                                            <th >#</th>                                            
                                            <th class='first'><?php 
echo submit_tag(__('Academic calendar') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'emp_leave') == 'ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'emp_leave') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Emp no') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'emp_leave') == 'EMP_NO' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'emp_leave') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='EMP_NO';"));
echo submit_tag(__('DPLK No') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'emp_leave') == 'EXTRA_CODE' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'emp_leave') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='EXTRA_CODE';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Name') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'emp_leave') == 'EMP_NAME' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'emp_leave') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='EMP_NAME';"));
                                            <th rowspan="2" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
echo __('Total Leave');
                                            <th rowspan="2" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
echo __('Leave Used');
                                            <th rowspan="2" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
echo __('Leave Rest');
    echo image_tag('star.png', array('alt' => '*'));
&nbsp;&nbsp;i campi contrassegnati da asterisco sono obbligatori</p>

    echo form_error('text');
    <p><label for="text">scrivi qui sotto il tuo commento</label><br/>      
    echo textarea_tag('text', $sf_request->hasErrors() ? $sf_params->get('text') : '', 'id=comment_text size=60x10');
    echo image_tag('arrow_mid.png', array('alt' => '&gt;', 'align' => 'absmiddle'));
    echo submit_tag('INVIA', array('class' => 'btn-submit'));

    if (sfConfig::get('app_comments_use_ajax', true)) {
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    $('comment-form').onsubmit = function () { 
      new Ajax.Updater(
        { parameters: Form.serialize(this), evalScripts: true, encoding: 'UTF-8' }
Beispiel #9
        <div class="row">
echo form_error('login');
            <label for="login">Login: </label>
echo input_tag('login');
        <div class="row">
echo form_error('password');
            <label for="password">Hasło: </label>
echo input_password_tag('password');
echo submit_tag('Dalej', array('class' => 'submit'));
echo button_to('Powrót', $sf_request->getReferer(), array('class' => 'submit'));
Beispiel #10
echo __('nickname:');
echo input_tag('nickname');
      <label for="password"><?php 
echo __('password:'******'password');
echo input_hidden_tag('referer', $sf_params->get('referer') ? $sf_params->get('referer') : $sf_request->getUri());
echo submit_tag(__('login'));
echo link_to_function(__('cancel'), visual_effect('blind_up', 'login', array('duration' => 0.5)));

  <div id="content">
    <div id="content_main">
echo $content;
      <div class="verticalalign"></div>
Beispiel #11
echo submit_tag(__('Curriculum') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'student') == 'CURRICULUM_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'student') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='CURRICULUM_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Academic calendar') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'student') == 'ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'student') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Class group') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'student') == 'CLASS_GROUP_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'student') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='CLASS_GROUP_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Status') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'student') == 'STATUS' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'student') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='STATUS';"));
				<tr class="list" id='filter'
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style="display:none;"';
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
Beispiel #12
echo __("Search By");
&nbsp; <?php 
echo select_tag('ssSearchOption', options_for_select($oAppCommon->aSearchOptions, $sf_params->get('ssSearchOption')), array('tabindex' => 2));
		<div class="searchinput"><?php 
echo __('Search For');
echo input_tag('ssSearchWord', trim($sf_params->get('ssSearchWord')), array('size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '100', 'tabindex' => 1));
		<div class="menu padding0"><?php 
echo submit_tag(__('Search'), array('title' => __('Search'), 'tabindex' => 1));
		<div class="menu padding0"><?php 
echo link_to(__('Show All'), $oAppCommon->ssLink, array('title' => __('Show All'), 'tabindex' => 1));
echo jq_form_remote_tag(array('update' => $oAppCommon->ssDivId, 'url' => $oAppCommon->ssLink), array('name' => 'frmList', 'id' => 'frmList', 'method' => 'post', 'class' => 'fright'));
echo input_hidden_tag('ssSortOn', $oAppCommon->ssSortOn);
echo input_hidden_tag('ssSortBy', $oAppCommon->ssSortBy);
Beispiel #13
echo submit_tag(__('Class group') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'counseling') == 'CLASS_GROUP_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'counseling') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='CLASS_GROUP_ID';"));
                   			<th rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
echo __('Wali Kelas');
                    			<th rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;">
echo submit_tag(__('Jumlah Siswa') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'counseling') == 'STUDENT_COUNT' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'counseling') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='STUDENT_COUNT';"));
                			<th style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" colspan="2"><?php 
echo __('Rekap UTS');
                    			<th style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" colspan="2"><?php 
echo __('Rekap UAS');
                    			<th style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" colspan="2"><?php 
echo __('Administrasi Ledger');
Beispiel #14
<ul class="sf_admin_actions" style='margin-left:240px'>
  <li class="sf_admin_action">
echo submit_tag('Save Settings');
Beispiel #15
echo __('Sesi Kelas');
echo submit_tag(__('Class group') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'course_schedule') == 'CLASS_GROUP_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'course_schedule') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='CLASS_GROUP_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Kegiatan Harian') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'course_schedule') == 'SUBJECT_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'course_schedule') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='SUBJECT_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Lector') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'course_schedule') == 'EMPLOYEE_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'course_schedule') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='EMPLOYEE_ID';"));
			<tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style=""';
                                                                    <td class='filter' style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
                                                                    <td class='filter_first'><?php 
Beispiel #16
:<br />      
echo ucwords(__('subject'));
if ($message->getRecipientId()) {
    echo '<em>(' . $message->getSfGuardUserRelatedByRecipientId()->getProfile()->getFullName() . ')</em><br />' . input_hidden_tag('user_recipient', $message->getSfGuardUserRelatedByRecipientId()->getProfile()->getFullName());
} else {
    echo input_auto_complete_tag('user_recipient', '', 'user/autoMessageComplete?field=recipient', 'autocomplete=false', 'use_style=true') . '<br />';
echo object_input_tag($message, 'getSubject', array('style' => 'width:100%;'));
        <hr class="clear" />
echo object_textarea_tag($message, 'getBody', array('style' => 'width:100%;', 'rows' => '10'));
echo submit_tag(ucwords(__('send')), array('class' => 'pswipebutton'));
Beispiel #17
 Assigning users...
          <div id="task-status-holder">
echo form_remote_tag(array('update' => 'task-' . $task->getUuid() . '-holder', 'url' => 'project/ajaxSetTaskStatus', 'loading' => "'indicator-" . $task->getUuid() . "-status')", 'complete' => "Element.hide('indicator-" . $task->getUuid() . "-status');" . visual_effect('highlight', 'task-' . $task->getUuid())));
echo input_hidden_tag('task', $task->getUuid(), array());
echo select_tag('task-status', options_for_select(array('2' => 'Pending/In Planning', '1' => 'In Progress', '0' => 'Complete'), $task->getStatus()));
echo submit_tag('go', array());
          <div style="height:20px">
            <p id="indicator-<?php 
echo $task->getUuid();
-status" style="display:none">
echo image_tag('indicator.gif');
 Settings task status...
echo label_tag('uri', 'or Uri: ') . text_field_tag('uri', '', array('size' => 80));
<br />
echo label_tag('input_format', 'Input Format: ') . select_tag('input_format', $input_format_options, 'guess');
<br />
echo label_tag('output_format', 'Output Format: ') . select_tag('output_format', $output_format_options, 'turtle');
<br />
echo reset_tag();
echo submit_tag();
echo form_end_tag();

if (isset($_REQUEST['uri']) or isset($_REQUEST['data'])) {
    $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($_REQUEST['uri']);
    if (empty($_REQUEST['data'])) {
    } else {
        $graph->parse($_REQUEST['data'], $_REQUEST['input_format'], $_REQUEST['uri']);
    $output = $graph->serialise($_REQUEST['output_format']);
Beispiel #19
            <table class="list_content">
                        <th >#</th>
echo submit_tag(__('Name') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'ng_reg_detail') == 'NAME' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'ng_reg_detail') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='NAME';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Start') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'ng_reg_detail') == 'START' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'ng_reg_detail') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='START';"));
echo submit_tag(__('End') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'ng_reg_detail') == 'END' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'ng_reg_detail') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='END';"));
                    <tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style=""';
                        <td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
                        <td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[NAME]', isset($filters['NAME']) ? $filters['NAME'] : null, array('size' => 15));
Beispiel #20
echo form_remote_tag(array('url' => 'subject_competency/getSubject?dept_id=' . $department->getId() . '&subject_curr_id=' . $subject_curr->getId(), 'update' => 'subject_list', 'script' => 'true', 'before' => "this.blur();showIndicator('subject_list', 'snakebig_black');", 'complete' => "hideIndicator()"), 'name=course_list');
echo input_hidden_tag('sort');
                                         <table class="list">
                                             <tr><td class="list" width="100%">
if ($pager->getNbResults() > 1) {
    echo include_partial('global/pager', array('position' => 'top', 'pager' => $pager, 'module' => 'SubjectCurr'));
                                                     <table class="list_content" width="100%"> 
                                                                 <th >#</th>					
                                                                 <th class='first' colspan="2"><?php 
echo submit_tag(__('Standar Kompetensi') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_grading') == 'DETAIL' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_grading') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='DETAIL';"));
                                                                 <th style="text-align: center; vertical-align:middle;" rowspan="2"><?php 
echo __('Sub Subject Competency');
                                                             <tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style=""';
                                                                 <td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
, tooShortMessage : "<?php 
" } );</script>
		<td colspan="2">
		<table width="100%" align="left" border="0" class="form">
				<td width="2%"><?php 
echo submit_tag(' ', array('class' => 'btn_update', 'style' => 'border:none'));
				<td width="98%"><?php 
echo link_to(' ', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'Home/index', array('class' => 'btn_cancel'));
Beispiel #22
include_partial('global/formerrors', array('form' => array($address_form, $reference_form)));

<form action="<?php 
echo url_for('entity/editAddress');
" method="POST">
echo input_hidden_tag('id', $address->id);

include_partial('reference/required', array('form' => $reference_form));

include_partial('global/form', array('form' => $address_form));
echo submit_tag('Save');
echo button_to('Cancel', 'entity/address?id=' . $address->id);
Beispiel #23
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Reference]"> Reference&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Entity]">Entity&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Relationship]">Relationship&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Address]"> Address&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Image]"> Image&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br />
<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="is_delete"> Is delete?&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="is_create"> Is create?&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="distinct"> Distinct user&nbsp;&nbsp;
Users matching <?php 
echo input_tag('user', $sf_request->getParameter('user'));
echo submit_tag('Go', 'class=button_small');

<br />
<br />

//echo link_to('show users only', 'modification/list?users_only=1')

<br />
<br />
Beispiel #24
echo form_tag('@request_password', array('class' => 'block'));

		<li><span class="lbl"><?php 
echo label_for('username', 'Username');
			<span class="fld medium"><?php 
echo input_tag('username', '', array('class' => 'textfield'));
		<li><span class="lbl"></span>
			<span class="btn"><?php 
echo submit_tag('Get a new password');

		<p class="small">
			The new password is randomly generated, and may not be easy to remember.
			If you had difficulty remembering your password, consider using a <strong>pass phrase</strong>
			(for example "this ninja ate my password"). A pass phrase is longer to type
			but easier to remember and generally more secure due to its length.

echo textarea_tag('body', '', 'id=topic_body');
if (!isset($topic) && $sf_user->hasCredential('moderator')) {
    <div class="option">
    echo checkbox_tag('is_sticked', '1');
    echo label_for('is_sticked', __('Sticked topic', null, 'sfSimpleForum'));
    <div class="option">
    echo checkbox_tag('is_locked', '1');
    echo label_for('is_locked', __('Locked topic', null, 'sfSimpleForum'));
echo submit_tag(__('Post', null, 'sfSimpleForum'), 'id=topic_submit');
if (!$sf_params->get('id')) {
    <div class="row right_col">
    echo cryptographp_picture();
    echo cryptographp_reload();
    <div class="row">
    echo label_for('captcha', __('Type the code shown') . required());
    echo input_tag('captcha', $sf_params->get('captcha'));
    echo form_error('captcha');
    <div class="row right_col">
echo submit_tag(__('Save'));
Beispiel #27
    <div class="content">
$id_empresa = isset($filters['id_empresa']) ? $filters['id_empresa'] : null;
$c = EmpresaPeer::getCriterioAlcance();
$empresas = EmpresaPeer::doSelect($c);
$value = select_empresas('filters[id_empresa]', objects_for_select($empresas, 'getIdEmpresa', '__toString', $id_empresa, array('include_blank' => true)), array('control_name' => 'filters[id_empresa]', 'include_blank' => true));
echo $value ? $value : "&nbsp;";

  <ul class="sf_admin_actions">
echo button_to(__('reset'), 'tablas/list?filter=filter', 'class=sf_admin_action_reset_filter');
echo submit_tag(__('filter'), 'name=filter class=sf_admin_action_filter');

Beispiel #28
echo submit_tag(__('Subject') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_curr') == 'SUBJECT_CODE' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_curr') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='SUBJECT_CODE';"));

					<th class='first'><?php 
echo submit_tag(__('Subject') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_curr') == 'SUBJECT_NAME' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_curr') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='SUBJECT_NAME';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Credit') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_curr') == 'CREDIT' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_curr') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='CREDIT';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Subject group') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_curr') == 'SUBJECT_GROUP_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_curr') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='SUBJECT_GROUP_ID';"));
				<tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style=""';
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
                    <td class='filter_first'>
Beispiel #29
echo label_for('user_name', 'Name'), input_auto_complete_tag('user_name', '', 'user/autoMessageComplete?field=name', 'autocomplete=false', 'use_style=true');
            <label for="campus">campus: <?php echo select_tag('user_campus', objects_for_select(CampusPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()), 'getId', 'getName', '', array('include_blank'=>true)), array('class'=>'xxx')) ?></label>
            <label for="department">department: <?php echo select_tag('user_department', objects_for_select(DepartmentPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()), 'getId', 'getName', '', array('include_blank'=>true)), array('class'=>'xxx')) ?></label>
            <span id="update_button">
echo submit_tag('Search', array());
              <div style="height:20px;display:inline;">
                <p id="form-search-indicator" style="display:none">
echo image_tag('indicator.gif');
 Searching users...
Beispiel #30
echo submit_tag(__('Name') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_l') == 'NAME' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_l') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='NAME';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Credit') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_l') == 'CREDIT' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_l') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='CREDIT';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Subject group') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_l') == 'SUBJECT_GROUP_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_l') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='SUBJECT_GROUP_ID';"));
echo submit_tag(__('Department') . ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort_field', null, 'subject_l') == 'DEPARTMENT_ID' ? $sf_user->getAttribute('sort_type', null, 'subject_l') == 'asc' ? ' &darr;' : ' &uarr;' : ''), array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();sort.value='DEPARTMENT_ID';"));
				<tr class="list" id='filter' <?php 
if (!isset($filters)) {
    echo 'style="display:none;"';
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
					<td class='filter_first'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[CODE]', isset($filters['CODE']) ? $filters['CODE'] : null, array('size' => 15));