Beispiel #1
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->show_help = isset($_REQUEST['level']) && $_REQUEST['level'] == 'testproject';
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tproject_id'] : $_SESSION['testprojectID'];
    $args->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tplan_id'] : $_SESSION['testplanID'];
    $args->tplan_name = $_SESSION['testplanName'];
    $args->node_type = isset($_REQUEST['level']) ? $_REQUEST['level'] : OFF;
    $args->node_id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : ERROR;
    // Sets urgency for suite
    if (isset($_REQUEST['high_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = HIGH;
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['medium_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = MEDIUM;
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['low_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = LOW;
    } else {
        $args->urgency = OFF;
    // Sets urgency for every single tc
    if (isset($_REQUEST['urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency_tc = $_REQUEST['urgency'];
    return $args;
 * init_args
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    $reqTitleSize = config_get('field_size')->requirement_title;
    $iParams = array("requirement_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "req_version_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "req_spec_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "req_title" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, $reqTitleSize), "req_id_cbox" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "reqDocId" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 64), "reqStatus" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "reqType" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "containerID" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "scope" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "countReq" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "expected_coverage" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 20), "itemSet" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "testcase_count" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "copy_testcase_assignment" => array(tlInputParameter::CB_BOOL), "relation_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "relation_source_req_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "relation_type" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "relation_destination_req_doc_id" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 64), "relation_destination_testproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "save_rev" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "do_save" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "log_message" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "tcaseIdentity" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "file_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "fileTitle" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args->req_id = $args->requirement_id;
    $args->title = $args->req_title;
    $args->arrReqIds = $args->req_id_cbox;
    $args->basehref = $_SESSION['basehref'];
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testprojectID']) : 0;
    if ($args->tproject_id <= 0) {
        throw new Exception(__FILE__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . " Test project ID can not be <= 0 ");
    $mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $info = $mgr->get_by_id($args->tproject_id);
    if (is_null($info)) {
        throw new Exception(__FILE__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . " Unable to get test project data ");
    $args->tproject_name = $info['name'];
    $args->tcasePrefix = $info['prefix'];
    $args->user_id = isset($_SESSION['userID']) ? $_SESSION['userID'] : 0;
    if (!is_numeric($args->expected_coverage)) {
        $args->expected_coverage = 0;
    $args->refreshTree = isset($_SESSION['setting_refresh_tree_on_action']) ? $_SESSION['setting_refresh_tree_on_action'] : 0;
    $args->stay_here = isset($_REQUEST['stay_here']) ? 1 : 0;
    return $args;
Beispiel #3
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->show_help = isset($_REQUEST['level']) && $_REQUEST['level'] == 'testproject';
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) : 0;
    $args->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) : 0;
    $args->tplan_name = '';
    if ($args->tplan_id > 0) {
        $treeMgr = new tree($dbHandler);
        $dummy = $treeMgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->tplan_id);
        $args->tplan_name = $dummy['name'];
    $args->node_type = isset($_REQUEST['level']) ? $_REQUEST['level'] : OFF;
    $args->node_id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : ERROR;
    // Sets urgency for suite
    if (isset($_REQUEST['high_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = HIGH;
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['medium_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = MEDIUM;
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['low_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = LOW;
    } else {
        $args->urgency = OFF;
    // Sets urgency for every single tc
    if (isset($_REQUEST['urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency_tc = $_REQUEST['urgency'];
    return $args;
 * create object with all user inputs
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $key2search = array('doAction', 'cfield', 'display_order', 'location', 'hidden_active_cfield', 'active_cfield', 'hidden_required_cfield', 'required_cfield');
    foreach ($key2search as $key) {
        $args->{$key} = isset($_REQUEST[$key]) ? $_REQUEST[$key] : null;
    // Need comments
    if (!$args->cfield) {
        $args->cfield = array();
    $args->tproject_name = '';
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) : 0;
    if ($args->tproject_id == 0) {
        $args->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testprojectID']) : 0;
    if ($args->tproject_id > 0) {
        $mgr = new tree($dbHandler);
        $dummy = $mgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->tproject_id, null, array('nodeType' => 'testproject'));
        if (is_null($dummy)) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to get Test Project ID");
        $args->tproject_name = $dummy['name'];
    return $args;
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    $args = new stdClass();
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $source = sizeof($_POST) ? "POST" : "GET";
    $iParams = array("doAction" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "id" => array($source, tlInputParameter::INT_N), "name" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "notes" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N));
    $pParams = I_PARAMS($iParams);
    $args->doAction = $pParams["doAction"];
    $args->platform_id = $pParams["id"];
    $args->name = $pParams["name"];
    $args->notes = $pParams["notes"];
    // why we need this logic ????
    if ($args->doAction == "edit") {
        $_SESSION['platform_id'] = $args->platform_id;
    } else {
        if ($args->doAction == "do_update") {
            $args->platform_id = $_SESSION['platform_id'];
    $args->currentUser = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    $args->tproject_name = '';
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) : 0;
    if ($args->tproject_id > 0) {
        $treeMgr = new tree($dbHandler);
        $dummy = $treeMgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->tproject_id);
        $args->tproject_name = $dummy['name'];
    return $args;
Beispiel #6
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->doExport = isset($_REQUEST['export']) ? $_REQUEST['export'] : null;
    $args->exportType = isset($_REQUEST['exportType']) ? $_REQUEST['exportType'] : null;
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) : 0;
    $args->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) : 0;
    if ($args->tplan_id == 0) {
        $args->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplanID']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tplanID']) : 0;
    $args->platform_id = isset($_REQUEST['platform_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['platform_id']) : 0;
    if ($args->platform_id == 0) {
        $args->platform_id = isset($_REQUEST['platformID']) ? intval($_REQUEST['platformID']) : 0;
    $args->export_filename = isset($_REQUEST['export_filename']) ? $_REQUEST['export_filename'] : null;
    $args->export_filename = trim($args->export_filename);
    // replace blank on name with _
    if (!is_null($args->export_filename)) {
        $args->export_filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $args->export_filename);
    $args->goback_url = isset($_REQUEST['goback_url']) ? $_REQUEST['goback_url'] : null;
    $args->exportContent = isset($_REQUEST['exportContent']) ? $_REQUEST['exportContent'] : 'linkedItems';
    return $args;
Beispiel #7
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "req_id" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "req" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "showCloseButton" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "edit" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "unassign" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "assign" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "form_token" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "idSRS" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args->idReqSpec = null;
    $args->idReq = $args->req;
    $args->reqIdSet = $args->req_id;
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testprojectID']) : 0;
    $args->tcaseSet = null;
    if (isset($_SESSION['edit_mode'][$args->form_token]['testcases_to_show'])) {
        $args->tcaseSet = $_SESSION['edit_mode'][$args->form_token]['testcases_to_show'];
    if (is_null($args->doAction)) {
        $args->doAction = $args->unassign != "" ? "unassign" : null;
    if (is_null($args->doAction)) {
        $args->doAction = $args->assign != "" ? "assign" : null;
    if ($args->idSRS) {
        $args->idReqSpec = $args->idSRS;
        $_SESSION['currentSrsId'] = $args->idReqSpec;
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION['currentSrsId']) && intval($_SESSION['currentSrsId']) > 0) {
            $args->idReqSpec = intval($_SESSION['currentSrsId']);
    $args->user = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    return $args;
function init_args(&$tcaseMgr)
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    new dBug($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->doAction = isset($_REQUEST['doAction']) ? $_REQUEST['doAction'] : null;
    switch ($args->doAction) {
        case 'apply':
            $args->doAction = 'init';
    $args->tcase_id = isset($_REQUEST['tcase_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tcase_id']) : 0;
    $args->goback_url = isset($_REQUEST['goback_url']) ? $_REQUEST['goback_url'] : null;
    $args->uchoice = array();
    $k2s = array('importance', 'status', 'execution_type');
    foreach ($k2s as $tg) {
        $args->uchoice[$tg] = intval(isset($_REQUEST[$tg]) ? $_REQUEST[$tg] : -1);
    $dummy = getConfigAndLabels('testCaseStatus', 'code');
    $args->tcStatusCfg['status_code'] = $dummy['cfg'];
    $args->tcStatusCfg['code_label'] = $dummy['lbl'];
    $args->domainTCExecType = $tcaseMgr->get_execution_types();
    $dummy = config_get('importance');
    $args->domainTCImportance = $dummy['code_label'];
    return $args;
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->show_help = isset($_REQUEST['level']) && $_REQUEST['level'] == 'testproject';
    $args->tproject_id = intval(isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tproject_id'] : $_SESSION['testprojectID']);
    $args->tplan_id = intval(isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tplan_id'] : $_SESSION['testplanID']);
    $args->tplan_name = $_SESSION['testplanName'];
    $args->node_type = isset($_REQUEST['level']) ? $_REQUEST['level'] : OFF;
    $args->node_id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : ERROR;
    // Sets urgency for suite
    if (isset($_REQUEST['high_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = HIGH;
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['medium_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = MEDIUM;
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['low_urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency = LOW;
    } else {
        $args->urgency = OFF;
    // Sets urgency for every single tc
    if (isset($_REQUEST['urgency'])) {
        $args->urgency_tc = $_REQUEST['urgency'];
    // For more information about the data accessed in session here, see the comment
    // in the file header of lib/functions/tlTestCaseFilterControl.class.php.
    $args->treeFormToken = isset($_REQUEST['form_token']) ? $_REQUEST['form_token'] : 0;
    $mode = 'plan_mode';
    $session_data = isset($_SESSION[$mode]) && isset($_SESSION[$mode][$args->treeFormToken]) ? $_SESSION[$mode][$args->treeFormToken] : null;
    $args->testCaseSet = $session_data['testcases_to_show'];
    $args->build4testers = intval($session_data['setting_build']);
    $args->platform_id = intval($session_data['setting_platform']);
    return $args;
function initEnv(&$dbHandler)
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    // input from GET['HelloString3'],
    // type: string,
    // minLen: 1,
    // maxLen: 15,
    // regular expression: null
    // checkFunction: applys checks via checkFooOrBar() to ensure its either 'foo' or 'bar'
    // normalization: done via  normFunction() which replaces ',' with '.'
    // "HelloString3" => array("GET",tlInputParameter::STRING_N,1,15,'checkFooOrBar','normFunction'),
    $iParams = array("operation" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "user" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $pParams = R_PARAMS($iParams);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->operation = $pParams["operation"];
    $args->user_id = $pParams['user'];
    $args->currentUser = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    $args->currentUserID = $_SESSION['currentUser']->dbID;
    $args->basehref = $_SESSION['basehref'];
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $gui->grants = getGrantsForUserMgmt($dbHandler, $args->currentUser);
    $gui->result = null;
    $gui->action = null;
    $gui->user_feedback = '';
    $gui->basehref = $args->basehref;
    return array($args, $gui);
Beispiel #11
 * init_args
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    // take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("requirement_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "req_spec_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "containerID" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "reqDocId" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 64), "req_title" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "scope" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "reqStatus" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "reqType" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "countReq" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "expected_coverage" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 20), "req_id_cbox" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "itemSet" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "testcase_count" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "req_version_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "copy_testcase_assignment" => array(tlInputParameter::CB_BOOL), "relation_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "relation_source_req_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "relation_type" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "relation_destination_req_doc_id" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 64), "relation_destination_testproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "save_rev" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "do_save" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "log_message" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $args->req_id = $args->requirement_id;
    $args->title = $args->req_title;
    $args->arrReqIds = $args->req_id_cbox;
    $args->basehref = $_SESSION['basehref'];
    $args->tproject_name = '';
    if ($args->tproject_id > 0) {
        $treeMgr = new tree($dbHandler);
        $dummy = $treeMgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->tproject_id);
        $args->tproject_name = $dummy['name'];
    $args->user_id = isset($_SESSION['userID']) ? $_SESSION['userID'] : 0;
    $args->user = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    // to avoid database errors with null value
    if (!is_numeric($args->expected_coverage)) {
        $args->expected_coverage = 0;
    $uk = 'setting_refresh_tree_on_action';
    $args->refreshTree = testproject::getUserChoice($args->tproject_id, array('reqTreeRefreshOnAction'));
    $args->stay_here = isset($_REQUEST['stay_here']) ? 1 : 0;
    return $args;
Beispiel #12
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->doExport = isset($_REQUEST['export']) ? $_REQUEST['export'] : null;
    $args->exportType = isset($_REQUEST['exportType']) ? $_REQUEST['exportType'] : null;
    $args->closeOnCancel = isset($_REQUEST['closeOnCancel']) ? $_REQUEST['closeOnCancel'] : 0;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // IMPORTANT NOTICE - 20101101 - franciscom
    // This page is called (@20101101) from two places
    // From test plan management to export linked test cases & platforms
    // From execution to export test plan contents
    // I've found problems when using in 'execution feature' when I've choose to name hidden inputs
    // on tpl with a name different to that used on execSetResults.php.
    // This resulted on weird effects on execNavigator.tpl
    // Propably one option can be to save 'form_token'.
    // I've used a simple (and may be more suggest to new bugs in future):
    // maintain same names -> build_id instead of buildID, and so on.
    // A change was also needed on JS support function openExportTestPlan().
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) : 0;
    $args->build_id = isset($_REQUEST['build_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['build_id']) : 0;
    $args->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) : 0;
    $args->platform_id = isset($_REQUEST['platform_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['platform_id']) : 0;
    $args->export_filename = isset($_REQUEST['export_filename']) ? $_REQUEST['export_filename'] : null;
    $args->export_filename = trim($args->export_filename);
    // replace blank on name with _
    if (!is_null($args->export_filename)) {
        $args->export_filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $args->export_filename);
    $args->goback_url = isset($_REQUEST['goback_url']) ? $_REQUEST['goback_url'] : null;
    $args->exportContent = isset($_REQUEST['exportContent']) ? $_REQUEST['exportContent'] : 'linkedItems';
    return $args;
Beispiel #13
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $source = sizeof($_POST) ? "POST" : "GET";
    $iParams = array("doAction" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "id" => array($source, tlInputParameter::INT_N), "testcase" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "step" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "product" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "script" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "comment" => array($source, tlInputParameter::STRING_N));
    $pParams = I_PARAMS($iParams);
    $args->doAction = $pParams["doAction"];
    $args->issue_id = $pParams["id"];
    $args->testcase = $pParams["testcase"];
    $args->step = $pParams["step"];
    $args->product = $pParams["product"];
    $args->script = $pParams["script"];
    $args->comment = $pParams["comment"];
    if ($args->doAction == "edit") {
        $_SESSION['issue_id'] = $args->issue_id;
    } else {
        if ($args->doAction == "do_update") {
            $args->issue_id = $_SESSION['issue_id'];
    $args->testproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectID'] : 0;
    $args->testproject_name = isset($_SESSION['testprojectName']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectName'] : 0;
    $args->currentUser = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    return $args;
Beispiel #14
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("machineID" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "machineOwner" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "machineName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 255), "machineIp" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "machineNotes" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 2000), "machinePurpose" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 2000), "machineHw" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 2000), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    return $args;
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->tplan_id = intval($_REQUEST['tplan_id']);
    $args->tproject_id = intval($_REQUEST['tproject_id']);
    return $args;
Beispiel #16
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
    $args->goback_url = null;
    return $args;
Beispiel #17
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->tplan_id = $_REQUEST['tplan_id'];
    $args->tproject_id = $_SESSION['testprojectID'];
    return $args;
Beispiel #18
function init_args()
    $args = new stdClass();
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args->reqSpecID = isset($_REQUEST['req_spec_id']) ? $_REQUEST['req_spec_id'] : 0;
    $args->tprojectID = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectID'] : 0;
    return $args;
Beispiel #19
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testprojectID']) : 0;
    $args->doAction = isset($_REQUEST['doAction']) ? $_REQUEST['doAction'] : 'list';
    $args->userID = isset($_SESSION['userID']) ? $_SESSION['userID'] : 0;
    return $args;
Beispiel #20
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("delete" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "user" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "user_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "role_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "firstName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "lastName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "emailAddress" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "locale" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 10), "login" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "password" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 32), "user_is_active" => array(tlInputParameter::CB_BOOL));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // BUGID 4066 - take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    return $args;
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("machineID" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $args->userId = $_SESSION['userID'];
    return $args;
 * @return object returns the arguments for the page
function init_args()
    //the id ( of the attachment to be downloaded
    $iParams = array("id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    G_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    return $args;
Beispiel #23
 * @return object returns the arguments of the page
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("id" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50));
    $args = new stdClass();
    P_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // BUGID 4066 - take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    return $args;
function init_args()
    $args = new stdClass();
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 50), "export_filename" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "goback_url" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 2048));
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $args->userID = $_SESSION['userID'];
    return $args;
Beispiel #25
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("exec_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "readonly" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // BUGID 4066 - take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    return $args;
 * @return object returns the arguments for the page
function init_args()
    //the id ( of the attachment to be deleted
    $iParams = array("id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    G_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    return $args;
Beispiel #27
function init_args()
    $args = new stdClass();
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("tcase_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $pParams = R_PARAMS($iParams);
    $args = new stdClass();
    $args->tcase_id = intval($pParams["tcase_id"]);
    return $args;
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("rolename" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "roleid" => array("REQUEST", tlInputParameter::INT_N), "doAction" => array("REQUEST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "notes" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N), "grant" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::ARRAY_STRING_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    $pParams = I_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $args->basehref = $_SESSION['basehref'];
    $args->user = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    return $args;
 * @return object returns the arguments for the page
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("id" => array("GET", tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tableName" => array("GET", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 250), "title" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 250));
    $args = new stdClass();
    I_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // BUGID 4066 - take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args->bPostBack = sizeof($_POST);
    return $args;
Beispiel #30
 * @return object returns the arguments of the page
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("startDate" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 10), "endDate" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 10), "doAction" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "object_id" => array("REQUEST", tlInputParameter::INT_N), "object_type" => array("REQUEST", tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 15), "logLevel" => array("POST", tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "testers" => array("REQUEST", tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT));
    $args = new stdClass();
    I_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    // take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args->currentUser = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    return $args;