Beispiel #1
 * Format and hyperlink mentions
 * @param string $p_text The text to process.
 * @param bool $p_html true for html, false otherwise.
 * @return string The processed text.
function mention_format_text($p_text, $p_html = true)
    $t_mentioned_users = mention_get_users($p_text);
    if (empty($t_mentioned_users)) {
        return $p_text;
    $t_mentions_tag = mentions_tag();
    $t_formatted_mentions = array();
    foreach ($t_mentioned_users as $t_username => $t_user_id) {
        $t_mention = $t_mentions_tag . $t_username;
        $t_mention_formatted = $t_mention;
        if ($p_html) {
            $t_mention_formatted = string_display_line($t_mention_formatted);
            $t_mention_formatted = '<a class="user" href="' . string_sanitize_url('view_user_page.php?id=' . $t_user_id, true) . '">' . $t_mention_formatted . '</a>';
            if (!user_is_enabled($t_user_id)) {
                $t_mention_formatted = '<s>' . $t_mention_formatted . '</s>';
            $t_mention_formatted = '<span class="mention">' . $t_mention_formatted . '</span>';
        $t_formatted_mentions[$t_mention] = $t_mention_formatted;
    # Replace the mentions, ignoring existing anchor tags (otherwise
    # previously set mailto links would be processed as mentions,
    # corrupting the output
    $t_text = string_process_exclude_anchors($p_text, function ($p_string) use($t_formatted_mentions) {
        return str_replace(array_keys($t_formatted_mentions), array_values($t_formatted_mentions), $p_string);
    return $t_text;
Beispiel #2
 * Search email addresses and URLs for a few common protocols in the given
 * string, and replace occurences with href anchors.
 * @param string $p_string String to be processed.
 * @return string
function string_insert_hrefs($p_string)
    static $s_url_regex = null;
    static $s_email_regex = null;
    if (!config_get('html_make_links')) {
        return $p_string;
    # Initialize static variables
    if (is_null($s_url_regex)) {
        # URL protocol. The regex accepts a small subset from the list of valid
        # IANA permanent and provisional schemes defined in
        $t_url_protocol = '(?:https?|s?ftp|file|irc[6s]?|ssh|telnet|nntp|git|svn(?:\\+ssh)?|cvs):\\/\\/';
        # %2A notation in url's
        $t_url_hex = '%[[:digit:]A-Fa-f]{2}';
        # valid set of characters that may occur in url scheme. Note: - should be first (A-F != -AF).
        $t_url_valid_chars = '-_.,!~*\';\\/?%^\\\\:@&={\\|}+$#[:alnum:]\\pL';
        $t_url_chars = "(?:{$t_url_hex}|[{$t_url_valid_chars}\\(\\)\\[\\]])";
        $t_url_chars2 = "(?:{$t_url_hex}|[{$t_url_valid_chars}])";
        $t_url_chars_in_brackets = "(?:{$t_url_hex}|[{$t_url_valid_chars}\\(\\)])";
        $t_url_chars_in_parens = "(?:{$t_url_hex}|[{$t_url_valid_chars}\\[\\]])";
        $t_url_part1 = $t_url_chars;
        $t_url_part2 = "(?:\\({$t_url_chars_in_parens}*\\)|\\[{$t_url_chars_in_brackets}*\\]|{$t_url_chars2})";
        $s_url_regex = "/({$t_url_protocol}({$t_url_part1}*?{$t_url_part2}+))/su";
        # e-mail regex
        $s_email_regex = substr_replace(email_regex_simple(), '(?:mailto:)?', 1, 0);
    # Find any URL in a string and replace it with a clickable link
    $p_string = preg_replace_callback($s_url_regex, function ($p_match) {
        $t_url_href = 'href="' . rtrim($p_match[1], '.') . '"';
        if (config_get('html_make_links') == LINKS_NEW_WINDOW) {
            $t_url_target = ' target="_blank"';
        } else {
            $t_url_target = '';
        return "<a {$t_url_href}{$t_url_target}>{$p_match[1]}</a>";
    }, $p_string);
    # Find any email addresses in the string and replace them with a clickable
    # mailto: link, making sure that we skip processing of any existing anchor
    # tags, to avoid parts of URLs such as or
    # to be not treated as an email.
    $p_string = string_process_exclude_anchors($p_string, function ($p_string) use($s_email_regex) {
        return preg_replace($s_email_regex, '<a href="mailto:\\0">\\0</a>', $p_string);
    return $p_string;