protected function replaceClass($stub, $name)
     $stub = parent::replaceClass($stub, $name);
     $noControllerName = str_replace('Controller', '', $this->getNameInput());
     $dummyRoute = config('administr.prefix') . '.' . str_plural(strtolower(snake_case($noControllerName, '-')));
     $stub = str_replace('dummyroute', $dummyRoute, $stub);
     $appNamespace = $this->getLaravel()->getNamespace();
     $dummyModel = str_singular($noControllerName);
     $dummyModelNamespaced = $appNamespace . 'Models\\' . $dummyModel;
     $stub = str_replace('DummyModelNamespaced', $dummyModelNamespaced, $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('DummyModel', $dummyModel, $stub);
     $dummyForm = str_singular($noControllerName) . 'Form';
     $dummyFormNamespaced = $appNamespace . 'Http\\Forms\\' . $dummyForm;
     $stub = str_replace('DummyFormNamespaced', $dummyFormNamespaced, $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('DummyForm', $dummyForm, $stub);
     $dummyListView = str_plural($noControllerName) . 'ListView';
     $dummyListViewNamespaced = $appNamespace . 'Http\\ListViews\\' . $dummyListView;
     $stub = str_replace('DummyListViewNamespaced', $dummyListViewNamespaced, $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('DummyListView', $dummyListView, $stub);
     $viewPath = config('administr.viewPath');
     if (strlen($viewPath) > 0) {
         $viewPath .= '.';
     $dummyView = $viewPath . str_plural(snake_case(class_basename($noControllerName), '-'));
     $stub = str_replace('dummyview', $dummyView, $stub);
     return $stub;
Beispiel #2
  * Constructor function
  * @param string $type
  * @param array  $items
 public function __construct($type, $singular = '', $items = array(), $modelClassName)
     $this->entity = $type;
     $this->entity_singular = $singular ?: str_singular($type);
     $this->modelClassName = $modelClassName;
  * Get contents for base.stub
  * @author Verron Knowles <*****@*****.**>
  * @return string
 protected function buildClassContents($name, $stub_data)
     $table_name = $this->getTableName($name);
     $simple_name = str_singular($table_name);
     $proper_name = $this->getProperName($simple_name);
     $model_name = $this->input->getOption('model');
     // Setup fillable namespace
     $fillable = array();
     foreach ($stub_data as $stubname => $column) {
         if (empty(strpos($stubname, '&'))) {
             if (!in_array($column['name'], $this->ignore_items, $column['name'])) {
                 $column_name = $column['name'];
                 $fillable[] = "\"{$column_name}\"";
     $fillable = implode(",", $fillable);
     $stub_contents = "";
     foreach ($this->stub_names as $view) {
         $stub_location = $this->getStubDirectory() . "{$view}.stub";
         if ($this->files->isFile($stub_location)) {
             $stub_contents .= file_get_contents($stub_location) . "\n";
     // Build replacement tags
     $replacements = compact('proper_name', 'simple_name', 'model_name', 'table_name', 'fillable');
     $this->replaceTag($stub_contents, $replacements);
     return $stub_contents;
  * Create a singular version of this name. Allows us to override
  * any names that str_singular doesn't do correctly.
  * @param  string $name
  * @return string
 protected function singular($name)
     if ($name == "menus") {
         return "menu";
     return str_singular($name);
Beispiel #5
 public function goToView($route, $parentAssociation, $additionalAssigns, $content)
     $route_array = explode('.', $route);
     if (count($route_array) == 2) {
         $parent = $route_array[0];
         $action = $route_array[1];
         $controller = $parent;
     } elseif (count($route_array) == 3) {
         $parent = $route_array[0];
         $child = $route_array[1];
         $action = $route_array[2];
         $controller = $child;
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("{$route} is not in correct format");
     $assignStr = str_singular($controller);
     $assigns = array($assignStr => $content);
     if (!null_or_empty($parentAssociation)) {
         $assigns = array_merge($assigns, $parentAssociation);
     if (!null_or_empty($additionalAssigns)) {
         $assigns = array_merge($assigns, $additionalAssigns);
     return $this->view->make($controller . "." . $action, $assigns);
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * GET /model/create
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $model_class = $this->config->get('entrust.' . str_singular($this->resource));
     $model = new $model_class();
     $relations = $this->relation->lists('name', 'id');
     return view('entrust-gui::' . $this->resource . '.create', compact('model', 'relations'));
  * Add include to the construct method
  * @param $stub
  * @param $include
  * @return $this
 private function addInclude(&$stub, $include)
     $stub = str_replace('DummyIncludeCamel', camel_case($include), $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('DummyIncludeStudly', studly_case($include), $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('DummyIncludeSingleStudly', studly_case(str_singular($include)), $stub);
     return $this;
Beispiel #8
 public function testStrings()
     $this->assertTrue(str_singular('match') == 'match');
     $this->assertTrue(str_singular('matches') == 'match');
     $this->assertTrue(str_plural('matches') == 'matches');
     $this->assertTrue(str_plural('match') == 'matches');
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $module = $this->module;
     $stream = $this->stream;
     $assignment = $this->assignment;
     $destination = $module->getPath();
     $entity = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/entity';
     $source = $entity . '/code/{{namespace|studly_case}}/';
     /* get the field config params from build.php */
     $fieldConfig = _getFieldConfig($module, $stream->getNamespace(), $assignment->getFieldSlug());
     /* protect module classes from being overwriten */
     $this->files->setAvoidOverwrite(_config('builder.avoid_overwrite', $module));
     /* get the template data */
     $data = ['config' => _config('builder', $module), 'field_slug' => $assignment->getFieldSlug(), 'vendor' => $module->getVendor(), 'module_slug' => $module->getSlug(), 'namespace' => $stream->getNamespace(), 'stream_slug' => $stream->getSlug(), 'entity_name' => studly_case(str_singular($stream->getSlug())), 'column_template' => $fieldConfig['column_template']];
     $entityDest = $destination . '/src/' . (_config('', $module) ? $data['namespace'] . '/' : '') . $data['entity_name'];
     /* get the assigned class name, i.e. TextFieldType */
     $fieldTypeClassName = _getFieldTypeClassName($assignment);
     /* (1) process the form builder class */
     if (!$fieldConfig['hide_field']) {
         $this->processFormBuilder($entityDest . '/Form/' . $data['entity_name'] . 'FormBuilder.php', $entity . '/templates/field/form/', $fieldTypeClassName, $data);
     /* (2) process the table column class */
     if (!$fieldConfig['hide_column']) {
         $this->processTableColumns($entityDest . '/Table/' . $data['entity_name'] . 'TableColumns.php', $entity . '/templates/field/table/' . ($data['column_template'] ? 'template/' : ''), $fieldTypeClassName, $data);
     /* (3) process the field language file */
     $this->processFile($destination . '/resources/lang/en/field.php', [$data['field_slug'] => $entity . '/templates/module/field.php'], $data);
Beispiel #10
 public function handle()
     $name = trim($this->argument('name'));
     $nameSingular = str_singular($name);
     $status = 0;
     $controllerCmdArgs = ['name' => "{$name}Controller"];
     if ($this->option('translated')) {
         $controllerCmdArgs['--translated'] = true;
     $status = $this->call('administr:controller', $controllerCmdArgs);
     $status = $this->call('administr:form', ['name' => "{$nameSingular}Form"]);
     $modelCmdArgs = ['name' => $nameSingular];
     if ($this->option('translated')) {
         $modelCmdArgs['--translated'] = true;
     $status = $this->call('administr:model', $modelCmdArgs);
     $status = $this->call('administr:listview', ['name' => "{$name}ListView"]);
     $status = $this->call('make:seed', ['name' => "{$name}Seeder"]);
     $table = str_plural(snake_case(class_basename($name)));
     $status = $this->call('make:migration', ['name' => "create_{$table}_table", '--create' => $table]);
     if ($status !== 0) {
         $this->error('Some of the commands were not executed successfuly.');
     $this->info('Admin scaffold generated!');
Beispiel #11
 public function rollback($entity, $id)
     $modelString = 'Yab\\Quarx\\Models\\' . ucfirst($entity);
     if (!class_exists($modelString)) {
         $modelString = 'Yab\\Quarx\\Models\\' . ucfirst($entity) . 's';
     if (!class_exists($modelString)) {
         $modelString = 'Quarx\\Modules\\' . ucfirst(str_plural($entity)) . '.\\Models\\' . ucfirst(str_plural($entity));
     if (!class_exists($modelString)) {
         $modelString = 'Quarx\\Modules\\' . ucfirst(str_plural($entity)) . '\\Models\\' . ucfirst(str_singular($entity));
     if (!class_exists($modelString)) {
         $modelString = 'Quarx\\Modules\\' . ucfirst(str_singular($entity)) . '\\Models\\' . ucfirst(str_singular($entity));
     if (!class_exists($modelString)) {
         Quarx::notification('Could not rollback Model not found', 'warning');
         return redirect(URL::previous());
     $model = new $modelString();
     $modelInstance = $model->find($id);
     $archive = Archive::where('entity_id', $id)->where('entity_type', $modelString)->limit(1)->offset(1)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
     if (!$archive) {
         Quarx::notification('Could not rollback', 'warning');
         return redirect(URL::previous());
     $archiveData = (array) json_decode($archive->entity_data);
     Quarx::notification('Rollback was successful', 'success');
     return redirect(URL::previous());
  * Gets model names for the main navigation
  * @return array
 public function getMainArea($currentArea)
     $mainArea = '';
     $currentArea = str_singular($currentArea);
     foreach (config('admin.navigation_tree') as $parent) {
         if (!$parent['children']) {
             if ($currentArea == $parent['name']) {
                 $mainArea = $parent['name'];
         } else {
             foreach ($parent['children'] as $child) {
                 if (!$child['children']) {
                     if ($currentArea == $child['name']) {
                         $mainArea = $parent['name'];
                 } else {
                     foreach ($child['children'] as $grandchild) {
                         if ($currentArea == $grandchild['name']) {
                             $mainArea = $parent['name'];
     return $mainArea;
  * Get the class name for the Eloquent model generator.
  * @return string
 protected function getModelName()
     if ($this->option('model')) {
         return trim($this->option('model'));
     return ucwords(str_singular(camel_case($this->meta['table'])));
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $stream = $this->stream;
     $module = $this->module;
     $entityPath = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/entity';
     $modulePath = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/module';
     $dest = $module->getPath();
     /* seed file path for this entity */
     $seedFile = "{$dest}/resources/seeders/" . strtolower(str_singular($stream->getSlug())) . ".php";
     $data = ['config' => _config('builder', $module), 'vendor' => $module->getVendor(), 'namespace' => $stream->getNamespace(), 'module_slug' => $module->getSlug(), 'stream_slug' => $stream->getSlug(), 'entity_name' => studly_case(str_singular($stream->getSlug())), 'seeder_data' => file_exists($seedFile) ? file_get_contents($seedFile) : ''];
     $moduleName = studly_case($data['module_slug']);
     /* protect module classes from being overwriten */
     $this->files->setAvoidOverwrite(_config('builder.avoid_overwrite', $module));
     /* initially, copy the entity template files to the module src folder */
     if (_config('', $module)) {
         $this->files->parseDirectory($entityPath . "/code/", "{$dest}/src", $data);
     } else {
         $this->files->parseDirectory($entityPath . "/code/{{namespace|studly_case}}/", "{$dest}/src", $data);
         $this->files->parseDirectory($entityPath . "/code/Http", "{$dest}/src/Http", $data);
     /* create an empty seeder if it does not exist */
     $this->put("{$dest}/resources/seeders/" . strtolower($data['entity_name']) . '.php', '', true);
     try {
         /* stitch the entity with the module classes */
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/{$moduleName}" . 'ModuleServiceProvider.php', ['routes' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/routes.php', 'bindings' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/bindings.php', 'singletons' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/singletons.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/{$moduleName}" . 'Module.php', ['sections' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/sections.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/{$moduleName}" . 'ModuleSeeder.php', ['seeders' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/seeding.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/lang/en/section.php", [strtolower(str_plural($data['entity_name'])) => $entityPath . '/templates/module/section.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/config/permissions.php", [$data['stream_slug'] => $entityPath . '/templates/module/permissions.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/lang/en/stream.php", [$data['stream_slug'] => $entityPath . '/templates/module/stream.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/lang/en/permission.php", [$data['stream_slug'] => $entityPath . '/templates/module/permission.php'], $data);
     } catch (\PhpParser\Error $e) {
 public function __construct()
     //$this->beforeFilter(function(){  });
     $this->uriSegment = null;
     $this->modelName = null;
     $this->viewsPath = null;
     $this->resourceId = null;
     if (Route::input('alias') !== null) {
         $this->uriSegment = Route::input('alias');
         $this->viewsPath = File::exists(app_path('views/' . Config::get('reactiveadmin::uri') . '/' . $this->uriSegment)) ? Config::get('reactiveadmin::uri') . '.' . $this->uriSegment : 'reactiveadmin::default';
         $this->modelName = studly_case(str_singular(Route::input('alias')));
         $this->modelWrapper = App::make('model_wrapper');
         if (Route::input('id') !== null) {
             $this->resourceId = Route::input('id');
         View::share('config', $this->modelWrapper->getConfig());
         // TODO: refactor this!
         // custom behavior
         switch ($this->uriSegment) {
             case 'settings':
                 View::composer(array('admin.' . $this->viewsPath . '.index'), function ($view) {
                     $view->with('settings', Settings::all());
                 # code...
     View::share('view', $this->uriSegment);
     View::share('model', $this->modelName);
 public function assertRelationship($relationship, $class, $type)
     $this->assertRespondsTo($relationship, $class);
     $class = Mockery::mock($class . "[{$type}]");
     $class->shouldReceive($type)->with('/' . str_singular($relationship) . '/i')->once();
Beispiel #17
 public function parse($source)
     if ($this->parent->configHas('data')) {
         $data = $this->parent->getConfig('data');
         foreach ($data as $accessor) {
             $classAccessor = $this->getClassAccessor($accessor);
             $classMethod = $this->getClassMethod($accessor);
             $classMethodId = $this->getClassMethodId($accessor);
             if (isset($this->classes[$classAccessor])) {
                 $class = $this->classes[$classAccessor];
                 if (!is_null($classMethodId)) {
                     if (starts_with($classMethodId, '#')) {
                         $id = $this->realNumber($classMethodId);
                     } else {
                         $id = $classMethodId;
                     $dataObject = $class->{$classMethod}($id);
                     $this->parent->setAttribute(str_singular($classAccessor), $dataObject);
                 } else {
                     $dataObject = $class->{$classMethod}();
                     $this->parent->setAttribute($classAccessor, $dataObject);
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception("Unknown data accessor: {$accessor}.");
     return $source;
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $name = $this->argument('name');
     $view = $name;
     // items
     $request = str_singular(ucwords(camel_case($name))) . 'Request.php';
     // ItemRequest.php
     $model = str_singular(ucwords(camel_case($name))) . '.php';
     // Item.php;
     $presenter = str_singular(ucwords(camel_case($name))) . 'Presenter.php';
     // ItemPresenter.php;
     $controller = ucwords(camel_case($name)) . 'Controller.php';
     // ItemsController.php
     $seed = ucwords(camel_case($name)) . 'TableSeeder.php';
     // ItemsTableSeeder.php
     $views = base_path('resources/views/' . $view);
     $request = base_path('app/Http/Requests/' . $request);
     $model = base_path('app/Models/' . $model);
     $presenter = base_path('app/Presenters/' . $presenter);
     $controller = base_path('app/Http/Controllers/' . $controller);
     $seed = base_path('database/seeds/' . $seed);
     $this->files->delete([$request, $model, $presenter, $controller, $seed]);
     $this->info('Delete ' . $views);
     $this->info('Delete ' . $request);
     $this->info('Delete ' . $model);
     $this->info('Delete ' . $presenter);
     $this->info('Delete ' . $controller);
     $this->info('Delete ' . $seed);
     $this->info('Dont forget to delete migration file and route');
Beispiel #19
 protected function setUpModel(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
     $uri = $request->route()->uri();
     $modelSlug = strpos($uri, '/') ? substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '/')) : $uri;
     $modelName = ucfirst(camel_case(str_singular($modelSlug)));
     $modules = new \Ormic\Modules();
     $module = $modules->getModuleOfModel($modelName);
     if ($module) {
         $modelClass = 'Ormic\\modules\\' . $module . '\\Model\\' . $modelName;
         $viewName = snake_case($module) . '::' . snake_case($modelName) . '.' . $this->currentAction;
     } else {
         $modelClass = 'Ormic\\Model\\' . $modelName;
         $viewName = snake_case($modelName) . '.' . $this->currentAction;
     $this->model = new $modelClass();
     try {
         $this->view = view($viewName);
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
         try {
             $this->view = view('models.' . $this->currentAction);
         } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
             // Still no view; give up.
             $this->view = view();
     $this->view->title = ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $modelSlug));
     $this->view->modelSlug = $modelSlug;
     $this->view->columns = $this->model->getColumns();
     $this->view->record = $this->model;
  * Handle the command.
  * Add a default Module route, language entries etc per Module
 public function handle()
     $module = $this->module;
     $dest = $module->getPath();
     $data = ['config' => _config('builder', $module), 'vendor' => $module->getVendor(), 'module_name' => studly_case($module->getSlug())];
     $src = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/module';
     try {
         if (_config('builder.landing_page', $module)) {
             /* adding routes to the module service provider class
                (currently, just for the optional landing (home) page) */
             $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/" . $data['module_name'] . 'ModuleServiceProvider.php', ['routes' => $src . '/routes.php'], $data);
             /* adding sections to the module class
                (currently, just for the optional landing (home) page)*/
             $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/" . $data['module_name'] . 'Module.php', ['sections' => $src . '/sections.php'], $data, true);
         /* generate sitemap for the module main stream */
         if ($stream_slug = _config('builder.sitemap.stream_slug', $module)) {
             $data['entity_name'] = studly_case(str_singular($stream_slug));
             $data['repository_name'] = str_plural($stream_slug);
             $this->files->parseDirectory("{$src}/config", "{$dest}/resources/config", $data);
         /* adding module icon */
         $this->processVariable("{$dest}/src/" . $data['module_name'] . 'Module.php', ' "' . _config('builder.icon', $module) . '"', 'protected $icon =', ';');
     } catch (\PhpParser\Error $e) {
 protected function parseTables()
     $this->tables = array_map(function ($arg) {
         return snake_case(str_singular($this->argument($arg)));
     }, ['model1', 'model2']);
Beispiel #22
 protected function fetchOptions($relatedModuleTableName)
     $relatedModule = Module::where('table_name', $relatedModuleTableName)->first();
     $modelName = studly_case(str_singular($relatedModule->table_name));
     $data = $modelName::get();
     return $data;
 public function listFiles($target, $target_action, $target_id)
     $resource_type = 'App\\Models\\' . ucfirst(str_singular($target));
     $uploader_id = Auth::user()->active_contact->id;
     if ($target == "posts") {
         if ($target_action == "create") {
             $post = Post::where('author_id', $uploader_id)->where("status_id", "=", POST_DRAFT_STATUS_ID)->where("ticket_id", $target_id)->first();
         } elseif ($target_action == "edit") {
             $post = Post::where("id", $target_id)->first();
         $id = isset($post->id) ? $post->id : null;
     } elseif ($target == "tickets") {
         if ($target_action == "create") {
             $ticket = Ticket::where('status_id', TICKET_DRAFT_STATUS_ID)->where('creator_id', $uploader_id)->first();
         } else {
             $ticket = Ticket::where("id", $target_id)->first();
         $id = isset($ticket->id) ? $ticket->id : null;
     } elseif ($target == "people") {
         $target_id = is_null($target_id) ? Auth::user()->owner->id : $target_id;
         $person = Person::find($target_id);
         $id = $person->id;
     $files = is_null($id) ? [] : File::where('resource_type', $resource_type)->where("resource_id", $id)->get();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $file->size = filesize(RESOURCES . DS . $file->file_path . DS . $file->file_name);
     return $files;
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $name = ucwords(strtolower($this->argument('name')));
     if ($this->option('fields')) {
         $fields = $this->option('fields');
         $fillable_array = explode(',', $fields);
         foreach ($fillable_array as $value) {
             $data[] = preg_replace("/(.*?):(.*)/", "\$1", trim($value));
         $comma_separeted_str = implode("', '", $data);
         $fillable = "['";
         $fillable .= $comma_separeted_str;
         $fillable .= "']";
         $this->call('crud:controller', ['name' => str_plural($name) . 'Controller', '--crud-name' => $name]);
         $this->call('crud:model', ['name' => str_singular($name), '--fillable' => $fillable]);
         $this->call('crud:migration', ['name' => str_plural(strtolower($name)), '--schema' => $fields]);
         $this->call('crud:view', ['name' => $name, '--fields' => $fields]);
         //add CrudName to left menu
         $this->call('crud:menu', ['name' => $name]);
         //append crudName to custom_routes.php
         $this->call('crud:route', ['name' => $name]);
     } else {
         $this->call('make:controller', ['name' => $name . 'Controller']);
         $this->call('make:model', ['name' => $name]);
     // Commit Database migration
Beispiel #25
 private function setChildParentNames()
     $parent = str_singular($this->inputs['ParentName']);
     $this->parent = ucwords($parent);
     $child = str_singular($this->inputs['ChildName']);
     $this->child = ucwords($child);
Beispiel #26
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     // Models path defined in .env
     $model = $this->argument('model');
     $modelPath = env('MODELS');
     $s = file_get_contents('app/Console/Commands/stubs/Model.stub');
     $s = $this->replace($s, $model);
     $output = $modelPath . str_singular($model) . '.php';
     file_put_contents($output, $s);
     // {-c} Controller
     if ($this->option('c')) {
         $s = file_get_contents('app/Console/Commands/stubs/Controller.stub');
         $s = $this->replace($s, $model);
         $output = "app/Http/Controllers/" . str_plural($model) . 'Controller.php';
         file_put_contents($output, $s);
     // {-m} Migration
     if ($this->option('m')) {
         $s = file_get_contents('app/Console/Commands/stubs/Schema.stub');
         $s = $this->replace($s, $model);
         $output = "database/migrations/" . date('Y_m_d_his') . "_create_" . str_plural($model) . 'table.php';
         file_put_contents($output, $s);
     // {-s} Seeder
     if ($this->option('s')) {
         $s = file_get_contents('app/Console/Commands/stubs/Seeder.stub');
         $s = $this->replace($s, $model);
         $output = "database/seeds/" . str_plural($model) . 'TableSeeder.php';
         file_put_contents($output, $s);
Beispiel #27
  * Build Landing Page
  * @param $routeSuffix
  * @param null $articleId
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function landingPage($routeSuffix, $articleId = null)
     $service = new ApiService();
     $this->data['pageType'] = $routeSuffix;
     $this->data['pageContent'] = $service->read(str_singular($routeSuffix), $articleId);
     return view('landingPages.' . $routeSuffix, $this->data);
  * Replace the model name for the given stub.
  * @param  string  $stub
  * @param  string  $name
  * @return string
 protected function replaceModel($stub, $name)
     $model = $this->getModel($name);
     $stub = str_replace('{{Model}}', ucfirst($model), $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('{{model}}', str_singular($model), $stub);
     $stub = str_replace('{{models}}', str_plural($model), $stub);
     return $stub;
  * Create migration file
  * @param string $tableName
 protected function createMigrationFile($tableName)
     $stubPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../stubs');
     $stub = file_get_contents($stubPath . '/migration.stub');
     $stub = str_replace(['RepositoryClass', 'RepositoryTable', 'ForeignKey', 'ForeignTable'], ['CreateRepository' . ucfirst(camel_case($tableName)) . 'Table', 'repository_' . $tableName, str_singular($tableName) . '_id', $tableName], $stub);
     $migrationName = date('Y_m_d_His') . '_create_repository_' . $tableName . '_table';
     file_put_contents(database_path('migrations/' . $migrationName . '.php'), $stub);
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle(MessageBag $messages, Translator $translator)
     // If we can't save or there are errors then skip it.
     if ($this->builder->hasFormErrors() || !$this->builder->canSave()) {
     // If there is no model and there isn't anything specific to say, skip it.
     if (!$this->builder->getFormEntry() && !$this->builder->getFormOption('success_message')) {
     $mode = $this->builder->getFormMode();
     // False means no message is desired.
     if ($this->builder->getFormOption('success_message') === false) {
     $entry = $this->builder->getFormEntry();
     $stream = $this->builder->getFormStream();
     $parameters = ['title' => is_object($entry) ? $entry->getTitle() : null, 'name' => is_object($stream) ? $stream->getName() : null];
     // If the name doesn't exist we need to be clever.
     if (str_contains($parameters['name'], '::') && !$translator->has($parameters['name']) && $stream) {
         $parameters['name'] = ucfirst(str_singular(str_replace('_', ' ', $stream->getSlug())));
     } elseif ($parameters['name']) {
         $parameters['name'] = str_singular(trans($parameters['name']));
     } else {
         $parameters['name'] = trans('');
      * Set the default success message.
     if ($this->builder->getFormOption('success_message') === null) {
         $this->builder->setFormOption('success_message', trans('streams::message.' . $mode . '_success', $parameters));
     $messages->{$this->builder->getFormOption('success_message_type', 'success')}($this->builder->getFormOption('success_message'));