$imageId = $matches[1];
        $url = '';
        foreach ($post->Images as $img) {
            if ($img->ID != $imageId) {
            $url = $img->Urls->_1680->Url;
        echo "-\t" . $url . "\n";
        /*preg_match('/src="(.*?)"/', $matches[0], $imgMatches);
        		$url = $imgMatches[1];
        		$url = str_replace('www.neuemedienkassel.de', 'old.newmediakassel.com', $url);
        // not from the uploads directory. returning old content
        if (strpos(strtolower($url), '/uploads/') === false) {
            return $matches[0];
        $imgName = basename($url);
        $imgName = split('-', $imgName);
        $imgName = join('-', $imgName);
        storeUrlToFilesystem($url, $folderPath . '/' . $imgName);
        return '![](' . $imgName . ')';
    }, $string);
    // write markdown file
    file_put_contents($folderPath . '/' . $slug . '.md', $string);
echo "\n\nDONE!!!";

$resolution = '2048';
//512 default from the player but url accepts higher values after experimentation
$baseURL = 'http://cdn.rasset.ie/hds-vod/2015/1127/20151127_rteone-latelate-thelatelat_cl10498592_10498593_260_drm_/20151127_rteone-latelate-thelatelat_cl10498592_10498593_260_drm__2048' . $resolution . 'k.mp4';
$segment = 1;
//Gotten from stream page by viewing network traffic.
$fragments = 1810;
//Gotten from stream page by viewing network traffic and going to the end of the transmission
for ($fragment = 0; $fragment <= $fragments; $fragment += 1) {
    storeUrlToFilesystem($baseURL, $segment, $fragment);
function storeUrlToFilesystem($baseURL, $segment, $fragment)
    $source = $baseURL . 'Seg' . $segment . "-Frag" . $fragment;
    $destination = $fragment . ".f4f";
    try {
        $data = file_get_contents($source);
        $handle = fopen($destination, "w");
        fwrite($handle, $data);
        return true;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
    return false;