Beispiel #1
function format_fld($zq1, $zq2)
    global $hd, $LANG;
    $zqr = '';
    if (strlen($zq2) > 0) {
        if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == '(') {
            $zqr = substr($zq2, strpos($zq2, $zq1 . ':') + 2, 100);
            //					echo '['.strpos($zq2,$zq1.':').']';
            if (strpos($zqr, '&') > 0) {
                $zqr = substr($zqr, 0, strpos($zqr, '&'));
            $zqr = $zq1 . '-' . $zqr;
        ////////////////////// $
        if ($zq2 == 'M') {
            $zqr = msg($zq1);
        if ($zq2 == '$') {
            $zqr = Number_format($zq1 / 100, 2);
        ////////////////////// $R
        if ($zq2 == '$R' or $zq2 == '2') {
            $zqr = Number_format($zq1, 2);
            if ($LANG == 'en_US') {
                $zqr = $zqr;
            if ($LANG == 'pt_BR' or $zq2 == '2') {
                $zqr = troca(troca(troca($zqr, '.', '#'), ',', '.'), '#', '.');
        ////////////////////// C
        if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == 'C') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            $zqr = $zqr . $zq1;
        ////////////////////// #
        if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == '#') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            $zqr = $zqr . $zq1;
        ////////////////////// @
        if ($zq2 == 'SHORT') {
            $zqr = $zqr . SubStr($zq1, 0, 1) . LowerCase(SubStr($zq1, 1, strpos($zq1, ' ')));
        if ($zq2 == '@') {
            $zqr = UpperCase(SubStr($zq1, 0, 1));
            if (substr($zq1, 1, 1) == ' ') {
                $zqr = $zqr . '&nbsp;';
            $zqr = $zqr . LowerCase(SubStr($zq1, 1, 200));
        ////////////////////// Bold
        if ($zq2 == 'B') {
            $zqr = $zqr . '<B>' . $zq1 . '</B>';
        ////////////////////// CB
        if ($zq2 == 'CB') {
            $varf = $vars[$varf];
            $vvvt = '';
            $vvvt = $vars['chk' . $zq1];
            if ($vvvt == "1") {
                $vvvt = "checked";
            $zqr = $zqr . '<input type="checkbox" name="chk' . $zq1 . '" ' . $vvvt . ' value="1">';
        ////////////////////// CEP
        if ($zq2 == 'CEP') {
            $xxcep = sonumero($zq1);
            if (strlen($xxcep) == 8) {
                $xxcep = substr($xxcep, 0, 2) . '.' . substr($xxcep, 2, 3) . '-' . substr($xxcep, 5, 3);
            $zqr = $zqr . $xxcep;
        ////////////////////// D
        if ($zq2 == 'D') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            $dta = trim($zq1);
            if ($dta == '19000101') {
                $zqr = $zqr . '-';
            } else {
                $zqr = $zqr . stodbr($zq1);
        ////////////////////// DR
        if ($zq2 == 'DR') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            $dta = trim($zq1);
            if ($dta == '19000101') {
                $zqr = $zqr . '-';
            } else {
                $zqr = $zqr . substr(stodbr($zq1), 0, 5);
        ////////////////////// H
        if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == 'H' and $zq2 != 'H1' and $zq2 != 'H2') {
            $zqr = '';
            if ($hd != trim($zq1)) {
                $zq1v = $zq1;
                if (substr($zq2, 1, 1) == 'D') {
                    $zq1v = stodbr($zq1);
                //					$zqr .= '<TR><TD colspan="15" height="1" bgcolor="#c0c0c0"></TD></TR>';
                $zqr .= '<TR><TD  bgcolor="#FFFFFF" colspan="15" class="lt2" align="left"><HR size="1"><B>' . $zq1v . '</TD></TR>';
                $hd = trim($zq1);
                $zqr = $zqr . '<TR><TD></TD>';
        if ($zq2 == 'H1') {
            $zqr = $zqr . '<h1>' . $zq1 . '</h1>';
        if ($zq2 == 'H2') {
            $zqr = $zqr . '<h2>' . $zq1 . '</h2>';
        ////////////////////// Italic
        if ($zq2 == 'I') {
            $zqr = $zqr . '<I>' . $zq1 . '</I>';
        if (${$zq2} == 'NL') {
            $zqr = $zqr . '<TR ' . $xcol . '><TD><TD>' . $linkv . $zq1;
        if ($zq2 == 'SHORT') {
            $zqr = $zqr . LowerCase(SubStr($zq1, 1, strpos($zq1, ' ')));
        ////////////////////// SN
        if ($zq2 == 'SN') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            $dta = trim($zq1);
            if ($dta == '1' or $dta == true or $dta == 'S') {
                $zqr = $zqr . 'SIM';
            } else {
                $zqr = $zqr . 'NAO';
        ////////////////////// C
        if (substr($zq2, 0, 2) == 'OB') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            if ($zq1 == '1') {
                $zqr .= msg('yes');
            } else {
                $zqr .= msg('no');
        if ($zq2 == 'Z') {
            $zqr = '<CENTER>';
            $zqr = $zqr . strzero($zq1, '0' . substr($zq2, 1, 2));
    } else {
        $zqr = $zq1;
    return $zqr;
Beispiel #2
 function report_002()
     global $cep;
     $sql = "select * from cep_protocolos \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere cep_tipo = 'PRO'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand cep_status = 'P'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by cep_monitoring\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t";
     $rlt = db_query($sql);
     $id = 0;
     $sx = '<table width="100%" class="table_proj">';
     $sx .= '<TR><TH>' . msg('caae');
     $sx .= '<TH>' . msg('protocol_title');
     $sx .= '<TH><nobr>' . msg('monitoring');
     $sx .= '<TH>' . msg('status');
     while ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
         $bgcor = '';
         if ($line['cep_monitoring'] < date("Ymd")) {
             $bgcor = 'style="background-color:#FF8080; " ';
         $link = '<A HREF="protocolo_detalhe_investigator.php?dd0=' . $line['id_cep'] . '&dd90=' . checkpost($line['id_cep']) . '">';
         $sx .= chr(13);
         $sx .= '<TR valign="top">';
         $sx .= '<TD>' . $link;
         $sx .= $line['cep_caae'];
         $sx .= '<TD>' . $link;
         $sx .= $line['cep_titulo'];
         $sx .= '<TD ' . $bgcor . '>' . $link;
         $sx .= stodbr($line['cep_monitoring']);
         $sx .= '<TD>' . $link;
         $sx .= $cep->mostra_status($line['cep_status']);
     $sx .= '</table>';
     return $sx;
Beispiel #3
require_once '_ged_config.php';
$ged->protocolo = $dd[0];
$sql = "select * from " . $ged->tabela;
$sql .= " left join " . $ged->tabela . "_tipo on doc_tipo = doct_codigo ";
$sql .= " where doc_dd0 = '" . $ged->protocol . "' and doc_ativo=1 ";
$xrlt = db_query($sql);
$tot = 0;
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9);
$pdf->Cell(6, 5, utf8_decode(msg('iten')), 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(40, 5, utf8_decode(msg('type')), 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(88, 5, utf8_decode(msg('file_filename')), 1, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(18, 5, utf8_decode(msg('file_size')), 1, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(38, 5, utf8_decode(msg('file_data')), 1, 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
while ($xline = db_read($xrlt)) {
    $capt = trim($xline['doct_nome']);
    if (substr($capt, 0, 1) == '#') {
        $capt = msg(substr($capt, 1, strlen($capt)));
    //$link = 'ged_download.php?dd0='.$xline('id_doc').'&dd90='.checkpost($xline['id_doc'].$secu);
    $pdf->Cell(6, 5, $id, 1, 0, 'C');
    $pdf->Cell(40, 5, $capt, 1, 0, 'L');
    $pdf->Cell(88, 5, $xline['doc_filename'], 1, 0, 'L');
    $pdf->Cell(18, 5, $ged->size_mask($xline['doc_size']), 1, 0, 'L');
    $pdf->Cell(38, 5, stodbr($xline['doc_data']) . ' ' . $xline['doc_hora'], 1, 0, 'L');
Beispiel #4
    function mostra_todas_csf($aluno_id)
        $sql = "select * from csf_view where id_us = " . round($aluno_id);
        $rlt = $this->db->query($sql);
        $rlt = $rlt->result_array($rlt);
        $sx = '<table width="100%" align="left" class="border1 tabela01" border=0>';
        $sx .= '<tr>						
						<th width="5%"  align=left> protocolo</th>
						<th width="10%" align=left> situação</th>
						<th width="20%" align=left> edital</th>
						<th width="24%" align=left> universidade</th>
						<th width="10%" align=left> país</th>
						<th width="10%" align=left> parceiro</th>
						<th width="5%"  align=center> saída</th>
						<th width="5%"  align=center> retorno</th>
						<th width="1%"  >-</th>
        $tot = 0;
        for ($r = 0; $r < count($rlt); $r++) {
            $line = $rlt[$r];
            $link = base_url('index.php/csf/ver/' . $line['id_csf'] . '/' . checkpost_link($line['id_csf']));
            $link = '<A HREF="' . $link . '" class="lt4 link">';
            $sx .= '<tr valign="top">';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1" align="center">';
            $sx .= $link . 'CF' . strzero($line['id_csf'], 5) . '</A>';
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">';
            $sx .= $line['cs_descricao'];
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="lt1 borderb1">';
            $sx .= $line['ed_titulo'];
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">';
            $sx .= $line['gpip_nome'];
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">';
            $sx .= $line['nome'];
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">';
            $sx .= $line['cp_descricao'];
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1" align="center">';
            $dt1 = $line['csf_saida'];
            $prev = '';
            if ($dt1 == '0000-00-00') {
                $dt1 = $line['csf_saida_previsao'];
                $prev = '<a ref="#" title="previsão de saída">*</A>';
            $sx .= stodbr($dt1);
            $sx .= '<span color="blue">' . $prev . '</span>';
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1" align="center">';
            $dt1 = $line['csf_retorno'];
            $prev = '';
            if ($dt1 == '0000-00-00') {
                $dt1 = $line['csf_retorno_previsao'];
                $prev = '<a ref="#" title="previsão de retorno">*</A>';
            $sx .= stodbr($dt1);
            $sx .= '<span color="blue">' . $prev . '</span>';
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">';
            $img = '<img src="' . base_url('img/icon/icone_editar.png') . '" border=0 height="24" onclick="mostra(\'csf' . $r . '\',' . $line['id_csf'] . ');" class="link">';
            $sx .= $img;
            $sx .= '</td>';
            $sx .= '<tr><td colspan=10>';
            $sx .= '<div id="csf' . $r . '" style="display:none; width: 100%;">aguarde ...</div>';
            $sx .= '</td></tr>';
        $sx .= '<tr><td colspan=10 class="lt0">* Previsão</td></tr>';
        $sx .= '</table>';
        $sx .= '
			function mostra($id,$reg)
					$idr = "#"+$id;
					var $url = "' . base_url('index.php/csf/ajax/') . '/"+$reg+"/"+$id;
					        url: $url,
					        type: "post",
					        success: function(data){
        return $sx;
Beispiel #5
    function dados()
        global $date, $LANG, $tab_max;
        $oms = new oms();
        $line = $this->line;
        $gr = trim($line['cep_grupo']);
        $versao = $line['cep_versao'];
        $codigo = $line['cep_codigo'];
        $clinic_st = round($line['cep_clinic']);
        $protocol_cep = trim($line['cep_protocol']);
        $oms = new oms();
        if ($clinic_st == 1) {
            $clinic = msg('clinic_study');
        } else {
            $clinic = '';
        $status = 'cep_status_' . trim($line['cep_status']);
        $protocol_id = $this->protocolo;
        /* Estatus */
        $sp = '';
        $sp .= '<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="table_normal">';
        $sp .= '<TR><TD>' . msg('protocol') . ' <B>' . $clinic . '</B><TD align="right">' . msg('status') . ': ' . msg($status);
        $sp .= '</table></B>';
        /* CAAE */
        $sp .= '<table width="100%" border=0 class="lt0">';
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=4 >' . msg('caae');
        $sp .= '    <Td colspan=4 >' . msg('project_type');
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=4 class="table_proj" ><B>';
        $sp .= trim($line['cep_caae']);
        $sp .= '    <Td colspan=3 class="table_proj">';
        $sp .= msg('amendment__' . trim($line['cep_tipo']));
        $sp .= '    <Td colspan=1 class="table_proj" align="right">';
        if ($clinic_st == 1) {
            $sp .= $oms->icone($protocol_id);
        $sp .= '</table>';
        /* Title */
        $sp .= '<table width="100%" border=0 class="lt0">';
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=7 class="lt0">' . msg('project_title');
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=7 class="table_proj"><B>';
        $sp .= trim($line['cep_titulo']);
        $sp .= '</table>';
        /* Investigador */
        $sp .= '<table width="100%" border=0 class="lt0">';
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=6>' . msg('project_investigador');
        $sp .= '<Td align="right" width="10%">' . msg('protocol');
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=6 class="table_proj">';
        $tipo = $this->line['cep_tipo'];
        if ($tipo == 'PRO') {
            $sp .= '<img src="img/icone_plus.png" align="right" height="16" id="new_author" alt="include_investigator">';
            //$sp .= '<TR><TD colspan=2>';
            $sp .= chr(13) . '<script type="text/javascript">';
            $sp .= chr(13) . '$("#new_author").click(function() {
							var $tela = $.ajax({ url: "team_ajax_cep.php", type: "POST", 
								data: { dd11: "' . $protocol_id . '", dd10: "team" ,dd12: "' . $protocol_id . '" }
								.fail(function() { alert("error"); })
 								.success(function(data) { $("#team").html(data); });
            $sp .= chr(13) . '</script>';
        $sp .= $this->investigadores($line);
        /* Protocolo de submissão */
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . chr(13);
        $sp .= '<Td align="rigth" class="table_proj" >
					<div style="width:100%; text-align: right;">' . $protocol_id . '</div>';
        $sp .= '</table>';
        /* Inser new investigator */
        $sp .= '<table width="100%" border=0 class="lt0">';
        $sp .= '<TR><TD colspan=7>';
        $sp .= '<div id="team" style="display: none; ">';
        $sp .= '</div>';
        /* INstitution */
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=1 width="50%" class="lt0">' . msg('institution');
        $sp .= '<Td align="left" colspan=1 width="25%" class="lt0" width="10%">' . msg('country');
        $sp .= '<Td align="left" colspan=1 width="25%" class="lt0" width="10%">' . msg('result');
        /* dados da instituicao */
        $sp .= '<TR><Td colspan=1 class="table_proj">';
        $sp .= trim($line['us_instituition']);
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . chr(13);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj">';
        $sp .= trim($line['pais_nome']) . '&nbsp;';
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj">';
        $sp .= msg(trim($line['cep_pr_protocol'])) . '&nbsp;';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . chr(13);
        if (strlen($clinic) > 0) {
            /* XML OMS */
            //$sp .= '<Td colspan=1 class="lt2"><NOBR>';
            //$sp .= $oms -> icone($this -> line['id_cep']);
            //$sp .= '&nbsp;' . chr(13);
        $sp .= '</table>';
        $sp .= '<table width="100%" border=0 class="lt0">';
        $sp .= '<TR>';
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('date_accept');
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('date_update');
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('meet_data');
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('dictamen_date');
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('aware_date');
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('date_reclutamiento');
        $sp .= '<TD width="10%">' . msg('date_amendment');
        $sp .= '<TD>' . msg('monitoring');
        $sp .= '<TR class="lt2" valign="top">';
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left" >';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_data']);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left">';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_atualizado']);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left">';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_reuniao']);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left">';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_dt_parecer']);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left">';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_dt_ciencia']);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left">';
        /* dados sobre recutramento */
        $dtr = $line['cep_recrutamento'];
        if ($dtr < 20000000) {
            $sp .= '&nbsp;' . msg('no_start');
        } else {
            $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_recrutamento']);
            $sp .= '<BR><font class="lt1">';
            $sp .= msg($line['cep_recrutamento_status']);
            $sp .= '</font>';
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="left">';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . stodbr($line['cep_dt_liberacao']);
        $sp .= '<Td class="table_proj lt2" align="right"><center>';
        $sp .= '&nbsp;' . $this->monitoring($line['cep_monitoring']);
        $sp .= '</table>';
        $sp .= '</table>';
        return $sp;
Beispiel #6
    function protocolos_mostrar($rst)
        global $colunas;
        $sx = '';
        $sx .= '<table class="tabela00 lt1" width="100%">';
        $sx .= '<TR class="lt1">
				<TH width="10%">' . msg('caae');
        $sx .= '<TH>' . msg('protocol_title');
        $sx .= '<TH width="15%"><nobr>' . msg('main_type');
        $sx .= '<TH width="7%"><nobr>' . msg('last_update');
        $sx .= '<TH width="7%">' . msg('status');
        $xsta = "X";
        $id = 0;
        for ($r = 0; $r < count($rst); $r++) {
            $line = $rst[$r];
            $sta = trim($line['doc_status']);
            $asta = '';
            if (strlen($sta == '')) {
                $sta = '@';
            $cor = '';
            $page_link = '';
            switch ($sta) {
                case '@':
                    $page_link = 'protocol_submit.php';
                    $asta = '<font color="green">' . msg('status_@');
                    $img = '<img src="img/icone_edit.png" height="20" title="view">';
                case 'Z':
                    $page_link = 'protocol_submit.php';
                    $asta = '<font color="red">' . msg('problem') . '</font>';
                case 'A':
                    $page_link = '';
                    $img = '<img src="img/icone_view.png" height="20" title="view">';
                case '$':
                    $page_link = 'protocol_submit.php';
                    $page_link = 'protocol_submit_detalhe.php';
                    $asta = msg('status_$');
                    $cor = '<font color="red">';
                    $asta = '<font color="red">' . msg('problem') . '</font>';
                case 'X':
                    $asta = msg('status_X');
                case 'H':
                    $asta = msg('status_H');
            /* Dados do projeto */
            $id = $line['id_doc'];
            $link = '<a href="' . $page_link . '?dd0=' . $id . '&dd90=' . checkpost($id) . '" class="link lt1">';
            $tit = trim($line['doc_1_titulo']);
            if (strlen($tit) == 0) {
                $tit = msg('not_definid');
            $sxx = '<TR valign="top	">';
            $sxx .= '<TD class="lt1">' . $line['doc_protocolo'];
            $sxx .= '<TD>';
            $sxx .= $link . $cor;
            $sxx .= $tit;
            $sxx .= '<TD><nobr>';
            $sxx .= '<font class="lt1">';
            $sxx .= msg('amendment_' . $line['doc_type']);
            $sxx .= '<TD>';
            $sxx .= '<font class="lt0">';
            $sxx .= stodbr($line['doc_dt_atualizado']);
            $sxx .= '<TD><nobr>' . $link . $cor;
            $sxx .= $asta;
            $sxx .= '<TD width="10">' . $link . $img;
            if ($sta == 'Y' or $sta == 'Z') {
                /* Protocol ja finalizado */
                $sx .= $sxx;
            } else {
                $sx .= $sxx;
        $sx .= '</table>';
        if (count($rst) == 0) {
            $sx = '';
        return $sx;
Beispiel #7
    function mostra_pareceres_emitidos()
        global $dd;
        $cep = new cep();
        $caae = $this->protocol;
        $sql = "select * from cep_protocolos \n\t\t\t\t\tinner join cep_parecer on cep_protocol = pr_protocol \n\t\t\t\t\twhere cep_protocol = '{$caae}' \n\t\t\t\t\tand pr_status = 'A'\n\t\t\t\t\t";
        $rlt = db_query($sql);
        $sx .= '<table class="tabela00 lt1" width="100%" border=0>';
        $sx .= '<TR>
				<TH>' . msg('file_tipo') . '
				<TH>' . msg('date') . '
				<TH>' . msg('status') . '
				<TH>' . msg('status') . '
				<TH>' . msg('accompaniment') . '
				<TH>' . msg('action') . '
        while ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
            $id = $line['id_pr'];
            $rela = round($line['pr_accompaniment']);
            $accompaniment = $cep->monitoring($rela);
            $link = '<A HREF="#" onclick="newxy2(\'dictamen_pdf.php?dd1=' . $id . '&dd90=' . checkpost($id) . '\',800,600);">Print</A>';
            $sx .= '<TR align="center">';
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= msg('dictamen');
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= strzero($line['id_pr'], 7);
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= stodbr($line['pr_data']);
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= $line['pr_status'];
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $decision = msg('pm_' . trim($line['pr_situacao']));
            $sx .= mst($decision);
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= $accompaniment;
            $sx .= '<TD class="border1">';
            $sx .= $link;
        $sx .= '</table>';
        return $sx;
Beispiel #8
    function mostra($data = 0, $page = 6)
        global $institution_name, $institution_site;
        $data = round($data);
        $sql = "select * from cep_protocolos\n\t\t\t\t\tleft join usuario on cep_pesquisador = us_codigo\n\t\t\t\t\twhere cep_reuniao = {$data}\n\t\t\t\t\torder by cep_caae , cep_data\n\t\t\t\t";
        $rlt = db_query($sql);
        $link = '<A href="javascript:newxy2(\'meeting_schediled_popup.php?dd1=' . $data . '&dd2=' . $page . '\',800,600);">';
        $sh = '<table bgcolor="white" class="tabela00" 
						cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%" 
        $sh .= '<TR valign="top">
						<TD colspan=1 rowspan=2 width="10%">';
        $sh .= '<img src="img/logo_dictamen.jpg">';
        $sh .= '<TD colspan=2><center><B>' . $institution_name . '</B>';
        $sh .= '<BR>' . $institution_site;
        $sh .= '</center>';
        $sh .= '<div id="icone_pr">' . $link . '<img src="img/icone_print.png" width="48" border=0></A></div>';
        $sh .= '<TR><TD>';
        $sh .= '<div class="lt0" style="text-align: right">page</div>';
        $sh .= '</table>';
        /* Dados da pauta */
        $sh .= '<table class="table_proj tabela00" width="100%" border=0>';
        $sh .= '<TR><TD colspan=4><h2><center>' . msg("scheduled_meeting") . ' - ' . stodbr($data) . '</center></h2>';
        $sh .= '<TR>
						<TH width="10%">' . msg('protocol');
        $sh .= '<TH width="80%" colspan=2>' . msg('project_title');
        $sh .= '<TH width="10%">' . msg('results');
        $sx = '';
        $tot = 99;
        $totr = 0;
        $pag = 1;
        while ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
            if ($tot + 1 > $page) {
                $tot = 0;
                if ($pag > 1) {
                    $sx .= '</table>';
                    $sx .= '<p style="page-break-before: always;"></p>';
                $sx .= troca($sh, 'page', 'p. ' . $pag);
            $sx .= '<TR valign="top" class="tabela01">';
            /* NR caae */
            $sx .= '<TD rowspan=2>
								<font class="lt1"><B>' . $line['cep_caae'] . '</B>' . '</font>';
            $sx .= '<BR>' . msg('version') . ' ' . $line['cep_versao'];
            $sx .= '<BR><center><font class="lt0">' . stodbr($line['cep_data']) . '</font></center>';
            /* Project title */
            $sx .= '<TD colspan=2><B>' . $line['cep_titulo'] . '</B>';
            /* Decision */
            $sx .= '<TD rowspan=2 width="60"><center>' . msg('decision');
            $sx .= '<table border=1 width=80%>
									<TR><TD height="30">&nbsp;</table>';
            $sx .= '<TR>';
            $sx .= '<TD colspan=2>' . msg('investigador') . ': <B>' . $line['us_nome'];
            $sx .= '</B> - ' . $line['us_instituition'];
            $sx .= '<BR>&nbsp;';
        $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=3>' . msg('found') . ' ' . $totr . ' ' . msg('register');
        $sx .= '</table>';
        $sx .= show_logo();
        return $sx;
Beispiel #9
    function editar($cp, $tabela, $post = '')
        global $dd, $acao, $path, $http;
        /* AJAX */
        if ($this->ajax == 1) {
            if (strlen($this->frame) == 0) {
                echo 'FRAME NAME NOT FOUND';
            /* Mostra campos para o ajax */
            $vars = '';
            $data = '';
            $ks = '';
            for ($r = 0; $r < count($cp) + 2; $r++) {
                /* Novo */
                $op = substr($cp[$r][0], 0, 2);
                if ($op != '$O' and $op != '$Q') {
                    $vars .= 'var ddv' . $r . ' = $("#dd' . $r . '").val();' . chr(13) . chr(10);
                } else {
                    $vars .= 'var ddv' . $r . ' = $(\'#dd' . $r . ' option:selected\').val();' . chr(13) . chr(10);
                if (strlen($data) > 0) {
                    $data .= ', ';
                $data .= 'dd' . $r . ': ddv' . $r . ' ';
            $data .= ', dd91: \'' . $this->frame . '\', dd89: \'' . $this->frame . '\', acao: \'gravar\' ';
            /* Inicia construcao do formulario */
            $sx = '';
            $page = $http . '_ajax/ajax_form.php';
            $sx .= '
						var dd91 = \'' . $this->frame . '\';
						function enviar_formulario(id)
								' . $vars . '
								/* alert("POST "+id + "' . $data . ' - ' . $this->frame . '"); */
								var tela01 = $.ajax({
										type: "POST",
										url: \'' . $page . '\',
										data: { ' . $data . '}
										.done(function(data) { $("#' . $this->frame . '_main").html(data); })
										.fail(function() { alert("error"); });
        $this->total_cps = count($cp);
        /* Local de salvamento dos dados */
        if (strpos($tabela, ':') > 0) {
            /* Salva em arquivos */
            $file = 1;
        } else {
            /* Salvar em tabela de base de dados */
            $file = 0;
        /* Campos */
        $bto = 0;
        for ($r = 0; $r < count($cp); $r++) {
            if (substr($cp[$r][0], 0, 2) == '$B') {
                $bto = 1;
        if ($bto == 0) {
            array_push($cp, array('$B8', '', msg('save'), false, false));
        array_push($cp, array('$TOKEN', '', '', True, False));
         * Recupera informacoes da tabela do banco de dados
        $recupera = 0;
        if (strlen($tabela) > 0 and $file == 0 and strlen($acao) == 0 and strlen($dd[0]) > 0 and strlen($cp[0][1]) > 0) {
            $sql = "select * from " . $tabela . " where " . $cp[0][1] . " = '" . $dd[0] . "'";
            $rrr = db_query($sql);
            if ($line = db_read($rrr)) {
                $this->line = $line;
            $recupera = 1;
         * Recupera informacoes do arquivo
        if (empty($filename)) {
            $filename = '';
        if (strlen($filename) > 0 and $file == 1 and strlen($acao) == 0) {
            echo '#1#';
            require $filename;
            $recupera = 1;
         * Processa
        $this->js_submit = '<script>';
        if (strlen($post) == 0) {
            $post = page();
        $this->saved = 1;
        $this->rq = '';
        //echo '<BR>'.date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        if (empty($sx)) {
            $sx = '';
        if (empty($sh)) {
            $sh = '';
        $sx .= '<form id="' . $this->form_name . '" method="post" action="' . $post . '">' . chr(13);
        $sh .= '<table class="' . $this->class_form_standard . '" width="100%" border=0 >' . chr(13);
        for ($r = 0; $r < count($cp); $r++) {
            if ($recupera == 1) {
                $fld = trim($cp[$r][1]);
                $vlr = trim($this->line[$fld]);
                if (strlen($vlr) > 0) {
                    $dd[$r] = trim($this->line[$fld]);
                if (substr($cp[$r][0], 0, 2) == '$D') {
                    $dd[$r] = stodbr($this->line[$fld]);
            $this->name = 'dd' . $r;
            if (!is_array($dd)) {
                $dd = array();
            $this->value = trim($dd[$r]);
            $sx .= $this->process($cp[$r]);
            if ($cp[$r][0] == '$CAPTCHA' and strlen($acao) > 0) {
                $captcha = $_SESSION['form_captcha'];
                if ($captcha != trim($dd[$r])) {
                    $this->value = '';
                    echo 'erro';
                } else {
                    echo 'ok';
            if ($cp[$r][0] == '$TOKEN' and strlen($acao) > 0) {
                $keyc = md5($this->key);
                if ($keyc != $this->value) {
                    $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=2><font color="red">Try CSRF (ingected)</font><BR>';
                    $this->saved = 0;
            if ($cp[$r][0] == '$TOKEN' and strlen($acao) > 0) {
                $array = $_POST;
                if (is_array($array)) {
                    $fld = array_keys($_POST);
                } else {
                    $fld = array();
                $fldk_value = '1';
                $fldk_vlr = '2';
                $sz = round(count($fld));
                $fldk = '';
                if ($sz > 0) {
                    for ($ry = 0; $ry < count($fld); $ry++) {
                        $flda = $fld[$ry];
                        if (!is_array($flda)) {
                            if (substr($fld[$ry], 0, 2) == 'tk') {
                                $fldk = $fld[$ry];
                    //echo '<BR>FIM2-'.$sz.'-'.date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                    if (strlen($fldk) > 0) {
                        $fldk_value = substr($fldk, 2, strlen($fldk));
                        $fldk_vlr = round($_POST[$fldk] / 3);
                    } else {
                        $fldk_value = '1';
                        $fldk_vlr = '2';
                if ($fldk_value != $fldk_vlr and $this->ajax == 0) {
                    $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=2><font color="red">Try CSRF ingected (2)</font><BR>';
                    $this->saved = 0;
            if ($this->required == '1' and strlen($this->value) == 0) {
                if ($this->required_message_post == 1) {
                    $this->rq .= msg('field') . ' ' . $this->caption . ' ' . msg('is_requered') . '(dd' . $r . ')<BR>';
                $this->saved = 0;
        $sx .= '<input type="hidden" name="dd99" id="dd99" value="' . $dd[99] . '">' . chr(13);
        $sx .= chr(13) . '</table>';
        $sx .= '</form>';
        $this->js_submit .= chr(13) . '</script>';
        $sx .= $this->js;
        $sx .= $this->js_submit;
        if (strlen($this->rq) > 0 and strlen($acao) > 0) {
            $sa = '<TR><TD colspan=2 bgcolor="#FFC0C0">';
            $sa .= '<img src="' . $http . 'img/icone_alert.png" height="50" align="left">';
            $sa .= '<font class="lt1">';
            $sa .= $this->rq;
            $sa .= '</font>';
            $sa .= $sx;
            $sx = $sa;
        if ($this->saved > 0 and strlen($acao) > 0) {
            if (strlen($tabela) > 0) {
                if ($file == 0) {
                    $this->save_post($cp, $tabela);
                } else {
                    $this->save_file_post($cp, $tabela);
            //$sx = 'SAVED TABLE '.$tabela.' id = '.$dd[0];
        } else {
            $this->saved = 0;
        return $sh . $sx;
Beispiel #10
require 'fphp-170/fpdf.php';
$versao_pdf = '0.0.36a';
$ln = 4;
require "_class/_class_register_unit.php";
$reg = new register_unit();
//$register = dados_lista
$protocol = $dd[0];
//Instanciation of inherited class
$sql = "select * from cep_submit_documento ";
$sql .= "where doc_protocolo = '" . $dd[0] . "' ";
$rlt = db_query($sql);
if ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
    $prj_tp = trim($line['doc_tipo']);
    $titulo = utf8_decode(trim($line['doc_1_titulo']));
    $titp = utf8_decode(trim($line['doc_1_titulo_public']));
    $data_submit = stodbr($line['doc_dt_atualizado']);
    $subt = '';
require "_ged_config.php";
$ged->protocol = $dd[0];
$sql = "select * from cep_submit_manuscrito_field ";
$sql .= " left join cep_submit_documento_valor on sub_codigo = spc_codigo ";
$sql .= " where spc_projeto = '" . $dd[0] . "'";
$sql .= " and sub_ativo = 1 ";
$sql .= " order by sub_pag, sub_pos, sub_ordem ";
$rlt = db_query($sql);
/* Extensão da Classe */
class PDF extends FPDF
    // Page footer
    function Footer()
Beispiel #11
 function display()
     global $ss, $perfil, $dd;
     $id = $ss->user_codigo;
     /* Exluir e valida administrador */
     $admin = 0;
     if ($perfil->valid('#ADM') or $perfil->valid('#MAS')) {
         $admin = 1;
         if ($dd[5] == 'DEL') {
             $idx = strzero($dd[0], 7);
             $sql = "update " . $this->tabela_perfil . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset up_ativo = 0 \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere id_up = " . round($dd[6]);
             $rrr = db_query($sql);
     //$id = $
     $sql = "select * from " . $this->tabela_perfil;
     $sql .= " inner join " . $this->tabela . " on up_perfil = usp_codigo ";
     $sql .= " where up_usuario = '" . trim($id) . "' ";
     $sql .= " and up_ativo = 1";
     $rlt = db_query($sql);
     $sx .= '<table width="100%" class="lt1">';
     $sx .= '<TR><TH>' . msg('description');
     $sx .= '<TH>' . msg('indication');
     while ($line = db_read($rlt)) {
         $sx .= '<TR><TD>' . $line['usp_descricao'];
         $sx .= '<TD width="10%" align="center">' . stodbr($line['up_data']);
         if ($admin == 1) {
             $link = '<A HREF="' . page() . '?dd0=' . $dd[0] . '&dd1=' . $dd[1] . '&dd90=' . $dd[90] . '&dd5=DEL&dd6=' . $line['id_up'] . '">';
             $sx .= '<TD width="5%" align="center">' . $link;
             $sx .= '<img src="images/icone_remove.png" border=0 >';
             $sx .= '</A>';
     $sx .= '</table>';
     return $sx;
Beispiel #12
 * @package Class
 * @subpackage UC0001 - Sumissao de protocolo de pesquisa
echo '<H1>' . msg('amendment_' . $doc_tipo) . '</h1>';
require 'submit_00_field.php';
if (strlen($acao) > 0) {
    require 'submit_save.php';
echo $s;
require "_class/_class_cep.php";
$cep = new cep();
// data CEP
$cep_recrutamento = $cep->get_cep_recrutamento($proto_cep);
$cp = $cep->cp_monitoreo();
/* Chave ID do register_shutdown_function(function)*/
$dd[0] = $proto_cep;
$form = new form();
require "form_css.php";
$tela = $form->editar($cp, 'cep_protocolos');
if ($form->saved > 0) {
    $cep->protocolo = strzero($proto_cep, 6);
    $log = $cep->cep_historic_append("CHG", msg("recruiting_" . $dd[2]) . ', ' . msg("date_reclutamiento") . ":" . stodbr($dd[1]));
} else {
    echo $tela;
echo '</table>';
if ($ok > 0 and strlen($acao) > 0) {
    $_SESSION['proj_page'] = $pag + 1;
    redirecina('submit.php?time' . date("dmYhis"));