function local_headers() { global $cTheme; echo "<html><head><title>" . BOT_NAME . "@ (Remove from the list)</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>\n"; std_theme_body("../../"); echo "<h2>" . BOT_NAME . "@ Admin (Remove from the list)</h2>\n"; }
function local_headers() { global $cTheme; echo "<html><head><title>" . BOT_NAME . "@ (Revert Application)</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>"; std_theme_body("../../"); echo "<h2>" . BOT_NAME . "@ Admin (Revert Application)</h2>\n"; }
function local_headers() { global $cTheme; echo "<html><head><title>" . BOT_NAME . "@ (Accept Application)</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>\n"; std_theme_body("../../"); if (acl(XCHGMGR_ADMIN)) { echo "<h2>" . BOT_NAME . "@ Admin (Accept Application)</h2>\n"; } else { echo "<h2>" . BOT_NAME . "@ Review (Accept Application)</h2>\n"; } }
std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body(); echo "<h1>No match found</h1>"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; exit; } $user = pg_fetch_object($user, 0); $id = $user->id; if ($admin == 0 && $edit && $id != $user_id && !acl(XAT_CAN_EDIT)) { std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body(); echo "<h1>Not allowed !!!</h1><br>\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body(); if ($admin > 0 || $id == $user_id || acl(XAT_CAN_EDIT)) { $uid_info = "<font size=-1>(" . $id . ")</font>"; } else { $uid_info = ""; } echo "\n\t<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\n\t<!--\n\t\tfunction del_this_user() {\n\t\t\tif (confirm('Are you sure you want to REMOVE (and all associated records) the user :\\n\\n\\t" . $user->user_name . "\\n\\nThere will be no way to cancel or revert this operation.\\n\\nClick \\'OK\\' to DELETE the username.\\n\\n')) {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.forms[2].submit();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t//-->\n\t</script>\n <form method=POST action=save_user.php>\n <TABLE WIDTH=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=#" . $cTheme->table_bgcolor . ">\n <tr>\n <td colspan=2>\n <center><h1>User page for " . $user->user_name . " {$uid_info}</h1>"; unset($delBtn); $delBtn = 0; $rrr = pg_safe_exec("SELECT levels.channel_id,levels.access FROM channels,levels WHERE levels.user_id='" . $user->id . "' AND (levels.access=500 OR levels.channel_id=1) AND AND channels.registered_ts>0"); if (pg_numrows($rrr) == 0) { $delBtn = 1; } else { $is500 = 0; $isAdmin = 0;
std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body("../"); echo "<h1>Error</h1> The URL entered is not valid. Please check it "; echo "and make sure it is correct</h1><a href=\"confirm_mgrchange.php\">Try again.</a>"; echo "</body></html>"; exit; } pg_safe_exec("UPDATE pending_mgrchange SET confirmed='1' WHERE crc='{$ID}'"); $toto = pg_safe_exec("SELECT channel_id FROM pending_mgrchange WHERE crc='{$ID}'"); $tutu = pg_fetch_object($toto, 0); // log_channel($tutu->channel_id,12,"Manager Change Request"); echo "<html><head><title>Successful Confirmation</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>"; std_theme_body("../"); echo "<h1>Successfull Confirmation!</h1>"; echo "You have confirmed your 'Manager Change Request' for channel<br>\n"; echo "<center><table><tr><td><h1>" . $nmail . "</h1></td></tr></table></center>"; echo "Your request will be reviewed by CService Admins, Please allow 3-5 days for your request to be processed.<br><br>"; echo "You may now proceed to the <a href=\"../index.php\" target=_top>Main page</a>.<br>"; echo "</body></html>"; exit; } else { echo "<html><head><title>Manager Change Confirmation</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>"; std_theme_body("../"); echo "<form method=POST><h1>Manager Change Confirmation</h1>Please enter the ID you recieved in the email below."; echo "<input type=text name=ID size=50 maxlength=128><br><input type=submit value=\"Comfirm Manager Change\">"; echo "</form></body></html>"; }