Beispiel #1
 function sc_admin_status($parm)
     if ($parm == 'infopanel' && e_PAGE != 'admin.php') {
     if (getperms('0') || getperms('4')) {
         if (!function_exists('admin_status')) {
             function admin_status($parm = '')
                 $mes = e107::getMessage();
                 $sql = e107::getDb();
                 $ns = e107::getRender();
                 $pref = e107::getPref();
                 $members = $sql->count('user', '(*)', 'WHERE user_ban=0');
                 $unverified = $sql->count('user', '(*)', 'WHERE user_ban=2');
                 $banned = $sql->count('user', '(*)', 'WHERE user_ban=1');
                 $comments = $sql->count('comments');
                 					$unver = ($unverified ? " <a href='".e_ADMIN."users.php?searchquery=&amp;filter_options=user_ban__2&amp;filter=unverified'> ".ADLAN_111.": {$unverified}</a>" : ADLAN_111);
                 					$lban = ($banned) ? "<a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."users.php??searchquery=&filter_options=user_ban__1&filter=banned'>".ADLAN_112. ": ".$banned."</a>" : ADLAN_112.":";
                 					$lcomment = ($comments) ? "<a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."comment.php'>".ADLAN_114.": ".$comments."</a>" : ADLAN_114;
                 					$text = "
                 					<div class='left'>
                 						<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>". E_16_USER." <a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."users.php?filter=0'>".ADLAN_110.": ".$members."</a></div>
                 						<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>".E_16_USER." {$unver}</div>
                 						<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>".E_16_BANLIST." ".$lban."</div>
                 						<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>".E_16_COMMENT." ".$lcomment."</div>\n\n";
                 // for BC only.
                 $oldconfigs['e-user'][0] = array('icon' => E_16_USER, 'title' => ADLAN_110, 'url' => e_ADMIN_ABS . "users.php?searchquery=&amp;filter_options=user_ban__0", 'total' => $members, 'invert' => 1);
                 $oldconfigs['e-user'][1] = array('icon' => E_16_USER, 'title' => ADLAN_111, 'url' => e_ADMIN . "users.php?searchquery=&amp;filter_options=user_ban__2", 'total' => $unverified);
                 $oldconfigs['e-user'][2] = array('icon' => E_16_BANLIST, 'title' => ADLAN_112, 'url' => e_ADMIN . "users.php?searchquery=&filter_options=user_ban__1", 'total' => $banned);
                 if (empty($pref['comments_disabled']) && varset($pref['comments_engine'], 'e107') == 'e107') {
                     $oldconfigs['e-comments'][0] = array('icon' => E_16_COMMENT, 'title' => LAN_COMMENTS, 'url' => e_ADMIN_ABS . "comment.php", 'total' => $comments);
                 if ($flo = $sql->count('generic', '(*)', "WHERE gen_type='failed_login'")) {
                     //$text .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>".E_16_FAILEDLOGIN." <a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."fla.php'>".ADLAN_146.": $flo</a></div>";
                     $oldconfigs['e-failed'][0] = array('icon' => E_16_FAILEDLOGIN, 'title' => ADLAN_146, 'url' => e_ADMIN_ABS . "banlist.php?mode=failed&action=list", 'total' => $flo);
                 if ($emls = $sql->count('mail_recipients', '(*)', "WHERE mail_status = 13")) {
                     //$text .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>".E_16_FAILEDLOGIN." <a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."fla.php'>".ADLAN_146.": $flo</a></div>";
                     $oldconfigs['e-mailout'][0] = array('icon' => E_16_MAIL, 'title' => "Pending Mailshots", 'url' => e_ADMIN_ABS . "mailout.php?mode=pending&action=list", 'total' => $emls);
                 if (vartrue($pref['e_status_list'])) {
                     foreach ($pref['e_status_list'] as $val) {
                         $text = "";
                         if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN . $val . '/e_status.php')) {
                             include_once e_PLUGIN . $val . '/e_status.php';
                             if (!class_exists($val . "_status")) {
                                 $mes->addDebug("<strong>" . $val . "</strong> using deprecated e_status method. See the chatbox plugin folder for a working example of the new one. ");
                             $oldconfigs[$val] = admin_shortcodes::legacyToConfig($text);
                 // New in v2.x
                 //	$configs = e107::getAddonConfig('e_status');
                 $configs = e107::getAddonConfig('e_dashboard', null, 'status');
                 if (!is_array($configs)) {
                     $configs = array();
                 $allconfigs = array_merge($oldconfigs, $configs);
                 $allconfigs = multiarray_sort($allconfigs, 'title');
                 //XXX FIXME - not sorting correctly.
                 $text = "<ul id='e-status' class='unstyled list-unstyled'>";
                 foreach ($allconfigs as $k => $v) {
                     foreach ($v as $val) {
                         $type = empty($val['invert']) ? 'latest' : 'invert';
                         $class = admin_shortcodes::getBadge($val['total'], $type);
                         $link = "<a href='" . $val['url'] . "'>" . str_replace(":", " ", $val['title']) . " <span class='" . $class . "'>" . $val['total'] . "</span></a>";
                         $text .= "<li>" . $val['icon'] . " " . $link . "</li>\n";
                 $text .= "</ul>";
                 if ($parm == 'list') {
                     //	$text = str_replace("<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>","<li>",$text);;
                 //	$text .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                 return $parm != 'norender' ? $ns->tablerender(LAN_STATUS, $text, '', TRUE) : $text;
         if ($parm == 'request') {
             if (function_exists('status_request')) {
                 if (status_request()) {
                     return admin_status($parm);
         } else {
             return admin_status($parm);
Beispiel #2
 function sc_admin_status($parm)
     if (getperms('0') || getperms('4')) {
         if (!function_exists('admin_status')) {
             function admin_status($parm = '')
                 global $sql, $ns, $pref;
                 $members = $sql->db_Count('user');
                 $unverified = $sql->db_Count('user', '(*)', 'WHERE user_ban=2');
                 $banned = $sql->db_Count('user', '(*)', 'WHERE user_ban=1');
                 $comments = $sql->db_Count('comments');
                 $unver = $unverified ? " <a href='" . e_ADMIN . "users.php?searchquery=&amp;filter_options=user_ban__2&amp;filter=unverified'>" . ADLAN_111 . "</a>" : ADLAN_111;
                 $text = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='left'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>" . E_16_USER . " " . ADLAN_110 . ": <a href='" . e_ADMIN_ABS . "users.php?filter=0'>" . $members . "</a></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>" . E_16_USER . " {$unver}: <a href='" . e_ADMIN_ABS . "users.php?filter=unverified'>" . $unverified . "</a></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>" . E_16_BANLIST . " " . ADLAN_112 . ": <a href='" . e_ADMIN_ABS . "users.php?filter=banned'>" . $banned . "</a></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding-bottom: 2px;'>" . E_16_COMMENT . " " . ADLAN_114 . ": <a href='" . e_ADMIN_ABS . "comment.php'>" . $comments . "</a></div>";
                 if (vartrue($pref['e_status_list'])) {
                     foreach ($pref['e_status_list'] as $val) {
                         if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN . $val . '/e_status.php')) {
                             include_once e_PLUGIN . $val . '/e_status.php';
                 if ($flo = $sql->db_Count('generic', '(*)', "WHERE gen_type='failed_login'")) {
                     $text .= "<img src='" . e_IMAGE_ABS . "admin_images/failedlogin_16.png' alt='' class='icon S16' /> <a href='" . e_ADMIN_ABS . "fla.php'>" . ADLAN_146 . ": {$flo}</a>";
                 $text .= "</div>";
                 return $parm != 'norender' ? $ns->tablerender(LAN_STATUS, $text, '', TRUE) : $text;
         if ($parm == 'request') {
             if (function_exists('status_request')) {
                 if (status_request()) {
                     return admin_status($parm);
         } else {
             return admin_status($parm);