function wpi_search_box() { $att = array('type' => 'text', 'value' => get_search_query(), 'name' => 's', 'id' => 's', 'title' => 'Search | Start typing. We'll figure it out', 'class' => 'ttip'); if (is_ua('Safari')) { $att['type'] = 'search'; $att['placeholder'] = 'Search'; $att['autosave'] = str_rem('http://', WPI_URL); $att['results'] = '5'; } echo stab(3) . _t('input', '', $att); }
public function build() { global $wp_query; switch (is_at()) { case 'home': case 'front_page': $pathway = $this->getHome(); break; case 'single': $pathway = $this->getSingle(); break; case 'page': $pathway = $this->getPage(); break; case 'category': $pathway = $this->getCategory(); break; case 'tag': $pathway = $this->getTag(); break; case 'search': $pathway = $this->getSearch(); break; case wpiSection::YEAR: $pathway = $this->getDate(wpiSection::YEAR); break; case wpiSection::MONTH: $pathway = $this->getDate(wpiSection::MONTH); break; case wpiSection::DAY: $pathway = $this->getDate(wpiSection::DAY); break; case wpiSection::AUTHOR: $pathway = $this->getAuthor(); break; case wpiSection::PAGE404: $pathway = $this->getLost(); break; case wpiSection::ATTACHMENT: $pathway = $this->getAttachment(); break; } $htm = PHP_EOL; if (!has_count($pathway)) { return; } foreach ($pathway as $key => $value) { $att = $value[1]; $att['href'] = apply_filters(wpiFilter::FILTER_LINKS, $att['href']); if ($key == 'home') { $att['href'] = trailingslashit($att['href']); } // append tooltips class if there is title if (isset($att['title'])) { $att['class'] = $att['class'] . ' ttip'; } $links = _t('a', $value[0], $att); $htm .= stab(4) . _t('li', $links); /** * Add trailing slash on home url * correct status header * @bugs fixes 301 redirect * 6/27/2008 7:57:01 PM $ck */ if ($key != 'first' && $key != 'last') { $htm .= stab(4) . _t('li', _t('span', '›'), array('class' => 'sep')); } } unset($pathway); $htm = _t('ul', $htm . stab(3), array('class' => 'r cfl cf')); return $htm; }
/** * WP log-in, log-out, register & admin dashboard links * */ function wpi_acl_links() { $m = array(); $acl_links = array(); $m['register'] = array(); // sort first. $m['loginout'] = array('/wp-login.php', 'log-in', 'Log-in to ' . WPI_BLOG_NAME, 'Log-in'); if (get_option('users_can_register')) { $m['register'] = array('/wp-login.php?action=register', 'registration-open', 'Register an Account', 'Register'); } else { $m['register'] = array('/#' . wpiTemplate::bodyID(), 'registration-closed', 'Registration is Closed', 'Registration is Closed'); } if (is_user_logged_in()) { $m['register'] = array('/wp-admin/', 'dashboard', WPI_BLOG_NAME . ''s WP Admin Dashboard', 'Dashboard'); $req_uri = get_req_url(); $m['loginout'] = array('/wp-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=' . $req_uri, 'log-out', 'Log-out from ' . WPI_BLOG_NAME, 'Log-out'); } foreach ($m as $k => $v) { // attributes $attribs = array(); $attribs['id'] = $v[1]; $attribs['href'] = rel(WPI_URL . $v[0]); if ($k == 'login') { $attribs['href'] = apply_filters($k, $attribs['href']); } $attribs['title'] = 'Info | ' . $v[2]; if ($k != 'register') { $attribs['rel'] = 'noindex noarchive'; } $attribs['rev'] = 'site:relative'; $attribs['class'] = 'ttip'; $acl_links[] = _t('a', $v[3], $attribs); } $output = "\n"; if (is_array($acl_links)) { $cnt = 1; foreach ($acl_links as $link) { $output .= stab(4) . _t('li', $link, array('id' => 'acl-' . $cnt)); $cnt++; } } t('ul', $output . stab(2) . PHP_T, array('id' => 'cl-options', 'class' => 'xoxo r cfl cf')); }
function wpi_content_meta_title_filter() { global $wp_query; $title = get_the_title(); $output = false; if ($wp_query->is_single || $wp_query->is_page) { $htm = _t('strong', $title); $htm .= wpi_get_subtitle(); $output = _t('h1', $htm); } if ($wp_query->is_category) { $title = single_cat_title('', false); $htm = _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('h1', $htm); if (($desc = $wp_query->queried_object->category_description) != '') { $output .= _t('blockquote', _t('p', $desc . ' '), array('cite' => self_uri(), 'class' => 'entry-summary r')); } else { $desc = WPI_BLOG_NAME . ''s archive for ' . $title . ', there is ' . $wp_query->queried_object->count . ' articles for this 'main' category.'; $output .= _t('blockquote', _t('p', $desc . ' '), array('cite' => self_uri(), 'class' => 'entry-summary r')); } } if ($wp_query->is_tag) { $title = single_tag_title('', false); $htm = _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); $desc = WPI_BLOG_NAME . ''s taxonomy archive for ' . $title . ', there is ' . $wp_query->queried_object->count . ' article(s) for this tag.'; $output .= _t('blockquote', _t('p', $desc . ' '), array('cite' => self_uri(), 'class' => 'entry-summary r')); } if ($wp_query->is_search) { $title = get_search_query(); $htm = _t('small', __('Search results for: ', WPI_META)); $htm .= _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); } if ($wp_query->is_year) { $title = get_the_time('Y'); $htm = _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('small', __('Archive for', WPI_META)); $output .= _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); } if ($wp_query->is_month) { $title = get_the_time('F, Y'); $htm = _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('small', __('Archive for', WPI_META)); $output .= _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); } if ($wp_query->is_day) { $title = get_the_time('F jS, Y'); $htm = _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('small', __('Archive for', WPI_META)); $output .= _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); } if ($wp_query->is_author) { $user = wpi_get_current_author(); $title = $user->display_name; $htm = _t('strong', $title); $output = _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); $desc = $user->user_description; $output .= _t('blockquote', _t('p', $desc . ' '), array('cite' => self_uri(), 'class' => 'entry-summary r')); } if ($wp_query->is_404) { $htm = _t('strong', __('404 Not Found', WPI_META)); $output = _t('h1', $htm, array('title' => $title)); $desc = 'Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here'; $output .= _t('blockquote', _t('p', $desc . ' '), array('cite' => self_uri(), 'class' => 'entry-summary r')); } $output = wpi_google_ads_targeting_filter($output); if ($output) { echo stab(1) . $output; } //wpi_dump($wp_query); exit; unset($output, $section, $title, $htm); }
public function banner() { if (!self::bannerReady()) { return; } $output = '<dd id="wp-banner">' . PHP_EOL; $output .= PHP_T . '<div class="outer">' . PHP_EOL; $output .= stab(2) . '<div class="inner icontent c">' . PHP_EOL; $output .= stab(3) . '<div id="banner" class="content cb cf">' . PHP_EOL; if (stristr(wpi_option('banner_url'), '')) { $output .= $this->randomAPBanner(); } echo $output; $output = stab(3) . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $output .= stab(2) . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $output .= PHP_T . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $output .= '</dd>' . '<!-- /#wp-banner -->' . PHP_EOL; echo $output; unset($output); }