function get_category_info($catid) { global $db_con, $mysql_table_prefix, $debug; $categories['main_list'] = sqli_fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . $mysql_table_prefix . "categories ORDER BY category"); if (is_array($categories['main_list'])) { foreach ($categories['main_list'] as $_val) { $categories['categories'][$_val['category_id']] = $_val; $categories['subcats'][$_val['parent_num']][] = $_val; } } $categories['subcats'] = $categories['subcats'][$_REQUEST['catid']]; /* count sites */ if (is_array($categories['subcats'])) { foreach ($categories['subcats'] as $_key => $_val) { $categories['subcats'][$_key]['count'] = sqli_fetch_all('SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'site_category WHERE category_id=' . (int) $_val['category_id']); } } /* make tree */ $_parent = $catid; while ($_parent) { $categories['cat_tree'][] = $categories['categories'][$_parent]; $_parent = $categories['categories'][$_parent]['parent_num']; } $categories['cat_tree'] = array_reverse($categories['cat_tree']); /* list category sites */ $categories['cat_sites'] = sqli_fetch_all('SELECT url, title, short_desc FROM ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'sites, ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'site_category WHERE category_id=' . $catid . ' AND ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'sites.site_id=' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'site_category.site_id order by title'); $count = '0'; if ($categories['cat_sites'] != '') { foreach ($categories['cat_sites'] as $value) { $mytitle = $categories['cat_sites'][$count][1]; // try to fetch title as defined in admin settings for each site if ($mytitle == '') { // if no personal title is available, try to take title and description from HTML header $thisurl = $categories['cat_sites'][$count][0]; $sql_query = "SELECT * from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "links where url like '{$thisurl}%'"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug > 0 && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("MySQL failure: %s\n", $db_con->error); echo "<br />Invalid query causing this failure:"; echo "<br />{$sql_query}"; echo "<br />Script .../include/categoryfuncs.php aborted in row: {$err_row}."; exit; } $num_rows = $result->num_rows; if ($num_rows) { // hopefully the webmaster included some title and description into the site header $thisrow = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); $thistitle = $thisrow[3]; if ($thistitle == '') { // if no HTML title available, alternative output $thistitle = "No title available for this site."; } $thisdescr = $thisrow[4]; if ($thisdescr == '') { // if no HTML description available, alternative output $thisdescr = "No description available for this site."; } // now include HTML title and description into array, so we may output them $categories['cat_sites'][$count][1] = $thistitle; $categories['cat_sites'][$count]['title'] = $thistitle; $categories['cat_sites'][$count][2] = $thisdescr; $categories['cat_sites'][$count]['short_desc'] = $thisdescr; } } $count++; } } return $categories; }
// this is the standard results header $result = $sph_messages['Results']; $result = str_replace('%from', $from, $result); $result = str_replace('%to', $to, $result); $result = str_replace('%all', $total_results, $result); if ($elapsed) { $result = str_replace('%secs', $time, $result); } else { $result = preg_replace("/\\(.*?\\)/", "", $result); // kill elapsed time info in result header } // prepare result header, showing the cateory if ($advanced_search == 1 && $show_categories == 1 && $category) { // additional headline for category search results // fetch again the up to date catname (just to be sure) $tpl_['category'] = sqli_fetch_all('SELECT category FROM ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'categories WHERE category_id=' . $category); $catname = $tpl_['category'][0]['category']; if ($catname) { if ($mark == 'markbold') { $highlight = "span class=\"mak_1\""; } if ($mark == 'markblue') { $highlight = "span class=\"mak_2\""; } if ($mark == 'markyellow') { $highlight = "span class=\"mak_3\""; } if ($mark == 'markgreen') { $highlight = "span class=\"mak_4\""; } if ($mark == 'markred') {
} $checked_cat = ''; $checked_all = ''; if ($category == '-1') { $checked_all = 'checked="checked"'; // remember that last query was for all sites } else { $checked_cat = 'checked="checked"'; // remember that last query was in category } if ($catid && is_numeric($catid)) { $result = sqli_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'categories WHERE category_id=' . (int) $_REQUEST['catid']); $tpl_['category'] = $result[0]['category']; } $has_categories = 0; $count_level0 = sqli_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . $mysql_table_prefix . 'categories WHERE parent_num=0'); if ($count_level0) { $has_categories = $count_level0[0]['0']; } $type_rem = $type; $result_rem = $results_per_page; $mark_rem = $mark; $sort_rem = $sort; $catid_rem = $catid; $cat_rem = $category; $query = str_replace("\\", "", $query); // kill remained backslash $query = preg_replace("/'/", "'", $query); // replace ' ' with " ' " else: print quote_replace($query); $query_t = str_replace("\\", "", $query_t); // kill remained backslash