function api_user_info($array) { /* build SQL query */ $sql_query = "SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(password_change_last,'%M %e %Y %H:%i:%s') as password_change_last_formatted, DATE_FORMAT(last_login,'%M %e %Y %H:%i:%s') as last_login_formatted FROM user_auth WHERE "; $sql_where = ""; if (($array) && (is_array($array))) { foreach ($array as $field => $value) { $sql_where .= $field . " = '" . sql_sanitize($value) . "' AND "; } /* remove trailing AND */ $sql_where = preg_replace("/ AND\ $/", "", $sql_where); $sql_query = $sql_query . $sql_where; }else{ /* error no array */ return ""; } /* get the user info */ $user = db_fetch_row($sql_query); if ((is_array($user)) && (sizeof($user) > 0)) { return $user; }else{ return NULL; } }
function api_rra_consolidation_function_list($rra_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($rra_id, "rra_id"); return array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select * from rra_cf where rra_id = " . sql_sanitize($rra_id)), "", "consolidation_function_id"); }
function sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols = "id") { global $cnn_id; while (list ($key, $value) = each ($array_items)) { $array_items[$key] = "\"" . sql_sanitize($value) . "\""; } if (!$cnn_id->Replace($table_name, $array_items, $key_cols, false)) { return 0; } /* get the last AUTO_ID and return it */ if ($cnn_id->Insert_ID() == "0") { if (!is_array($key_cols)) { if (isset($array_items[$key_cols])) { return str_replace("\"", "", $array_items[$key_cols]); } } return 0; }else{ return $cnn_id->Insert_ID(); } }
function sql_get_quoted_string($field_type, $field_value) { if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_STRING) { return "'" . sql_sanitize($field_value) . "'"; }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_INTEGER){ if (is_numeric($field_value)) { return $field_value; }else{ log_message("Invalid numeric column value '" . $field_value . "' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "lib-db"); die("Invalid numeric column value '" . $field_value . "' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()"); } }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_INTEGER) { if (db_integer_validate($field_value, true, true)) { return $field_value; }else{ log_message("Invalid numeric column value '" . $field_value . "' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "lib-db"); die("Invalid numeric column value '" . $field_value . "' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()"); } }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_NULL) { return "NULL"; }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_BLOB) { // i think the addslashes() may cause problems for non-mysql dbs, but it wasn't working for me otherwise return "'" . addslashes($field_value) . "'"; }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_HTML_CHECKBOX) { if ($field_value == "on") { return 1; }else if ($field_value == "") { return 0; }else if ($field_value == "0") { return 0; }else if ($field_value == "1") { return 1; }else{ return 0; } }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_FUNC_NOW) { return "NOW()"; }else if ($field_type == DB_TYPE_FUNC_MD5) { return "'" . md5($field_value) . "'"; }else{ log_save("Invalid column type '" . $field_type . "' value '" . $field_value . "' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()", SEV_WARNING); } }
function api_graph_template_data_template_list($graph_template_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($graph_template_id, "graph_template_id"); return db_fetch_assoc("select distinct data_template_item.data_template_id as id, data_template.template_name from graph_template_item,data_template_item,data_template where and and graph_template_item.graph_template_id = " . sql_sanitize($graph_template_id) . " order by data_template.template_name"); }
function sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols = "id", $autoinc = TRUE, $db_conn = FALSE) { global $cnn_id; if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") == POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEVDBG) { cacti_log("DEVEL: SQL Save on table '{$table_name}': \"" . serialize($array_items) . "\"", FALSE); } /* check for a connection being passed, if not use legacy behavior */ if (!$db_conn) { $db_conn = $cnn_id; } while (list($key, $value) = each($array_items)) { $array_items[$key] = sql_sanitize($value); } $replace_result = $db_conn->Replace($table_name, $array_items, $key_cols, FALSE, $autoinc); if ($replace_result == 0) { cacti_log("ERROR: SQL Save Command Failed for Table '{$table_name}'. Error was '" . $cnn_id->ErrorMsg() . "'", false); return 0; } /* get the last AUTO_ID and return it */ if ($db_conn->Insert_ID() == "0" || $replace_result == 1) { if (!is_array($key_cols)) { if (isset($array_items[$key_cols])) { return str_replace("'", "", $array_items[$key_cols]); } } return 0; } else { return $db_conn->Insert_ID(); } }
if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { $quote = "<a href=\"#comment-" . $c['id'] . "-" . $c['author'] . "\" class=\"quote\">Quote</a> | "; $pm = " | <a href=\"?base=ucp&page=mail&uc=" . $c['author'] . "\">PM</a>"; } echo "\n\t\t\t<div class=\"well\"><img src=\"" . get_gravatar($c['email']) . "\" alt=\"" . $c['author'] . "\" class=\"img-responsive\" style=\"float:left;padding-right:10px;\"/>\n\t\t\t<h4 style=\"margin:0px;\">" . $c['author'] . "</h4>\n\t\t\t\t<b>Feedback:</b> " . $feedback . "<br/>\n\t\t\t\t<small>Posted " . ago($c['date']) . ", on " . date('M j, Y', $c['date']) . "</small><br/>\n\t\t\t\t<small>" . $modify . $quote . "<a href=\"#comment-link-" . $c['id'] . "\" class=\"permalink\">Permalink</a><a href=\"?base=main&page=events&id=" . $id . "#comment-" . $c['id'] . "\" class=\"permalinkshow linkid-" . $c['id'] . "\">?base=main&page=events&id=" . $id . "#comment-" . $c['id'] . "</a>" . $pm . "</small><hr/>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"breakword\" id=\"comment-" . $c['id'] . "\">" . $clean_comment . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>"; } } } else { $ge = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "events ORDER BY id DESC") or die; $rows = $ge->num_rows; if ($rows < 1) { echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Oops! No events to display right now!</div>"; } else { echo "<h2 class=\"text-left\">" . $servername . " Events</h2><hr/>"; while ($e = $ge->fetch_assoc()) { $gc = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "ecomments WHERE eid='" . sql_sanitize($e['id']) . "' ORDER BY id ASC") or die; $cc = $gc->num_rows; echo "<img src=\"assets/img/news/" . $e['type'] . ".gif\" alt='' />"; echo "[" . $e['date'] . "] \n\t\t\t<b><a href=\"?base=main&page=events&id=" . $e['id'] . "\">" . stripslashes($e['title']) . "</a></b>\n\t\t<span class=\"commentbubble\">\n\t\t\t<b>" . $e['views'] . "</b> views | <b>" . $cc . "</b> comments\n\t\t"; if (isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"?base=admin&page=manevent&action=edit&id=" . $e['id'] . "\">Edit</a> | \n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"?base=admin&page=manevent&action=del\">Delete</a> | \n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"?base=admin&page=manevent&action=lock\">Lock</a> \n\t\t\t"; } echo "</span><br/>"; } } } ?> <script> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { ?>
function api_data_template_input_field_list($data_template_id) { /* sanity check for $data_template_id */ if ((!is_numeric($data_template_id)) || (empty($data_template_id))) { return false; } return array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select name,t_value,value from data_template_field where data_template_id = " . sql_sanitize($data_template_id)), "name", array("value", "t_value")); }
function sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols = 'id', $autoinc = TRUE, $db_conn = FALSE) { global $database_sessions, $database_default; /* check for a connection being passed, if not use legacy behavior */ if (!$db_conn) { $db_conn = $database_sessions[$database_default]; } if (read_config_option('log_verbosity') == POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEVDBG) { cacti_log("DEVEL: SQL Save on table '{$table_name}': \"" . serialize($array_items) . '"', FALSE); } while (list($key, $value) = each($array_items)) { $array_items[$key] = '"' . sql_sanitize($value) . '"'; } $replace_result = _db_replace($db_conn, $table_name, $array_items, $key_cols, $autoinc); if ($replace_result === false) { cacti_log("ERROR: SQL Save Command Failed for Table '{$table_name}'. Error was '" . mysql_error($db_conn) . "'", false); return FALSE; } /* get the last AUTO_ID and return it */ if (!$replace_result || db_fetch_insert_id($db_conn) == '0') { if (!is_array($key_cols)) { if (isset($array_items[$key_cols])) { return str_replace('"', '', $array_items[$key_cols]); } } return FALSE; } else { return $replace_result; } }
function update_reindex_cache($host_id, $data_query_id) { require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/sys/snmp.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/data_query/data_query_constants.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/device/device_info.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/data_query/data_query_info.php"); /* will be used to keep track of sql statements to execute later on */ $recache_stack = array(); /* get information about the host */ $host = api_device_get($host_id); /* get information about the host->data query assignment */ $host_data_query = api_device_data_query_get($host_id, $data_query_id); /* get information about the data query */ $data_query = api_data_query_get($data_query_id); switch ($host_data_query["reindex_method"]) { case DATA_QUERY_AUTOINDEX_NONE: break; case DATA_QUERY_AUTOINDEX_BACKWARDS_UPTIME: /* the uptime backwards method requires snmp, so make sure snmp is actually enabled * on this device first */ if ($host["snmp_community"] != "") { $assert_value = cacti_snmp_get($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmpv3_auth_username"], $host["snmpv3_auth_password"], $host["snmpv3_auth_protocol"], $host["snmpv3_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmpv3_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], SNMP_POLLER); array_push($recache_stack, "insert into poller_reindex (host_id,data_query_id,action,op,assert_value,arg1) values (" . sql_sanitize($host_id) . "," . sql_sanitize($data_query_id) . ",0,'<','" . sql_sanitize($assert_value) . "','.')"); } break; case DATA_QUERY_AUTOINDEX_INDEX_NUM_CHANGE: /* this method requires that some command/oid can be used to determine the * current number of indexes in the data query */ $assert_value = api_data_query_cache_num_rows_get($data_query_id, $host_id); if ($data_query_type == DATA_QUERY_INPUT_TYPE_SNMP_QUERY) { if ($data_query["snmp_oid_num_rows"] != "") { array_push($recache_stack, "insert into poller_reindex (host_id,data_query_id,action,op,assert_value,arg1) values (" . sql_sanitize($host_id) . "," . sql_sanitize($data_query_id) . ",0,'=','" . sql_sanitize($assert_value) . "','" . sql_sanitize($data_query["snmp_oid_num_rows"]) . "')"); } }else if ($data_query_type == DATA_QUERY_INPUT_TYPE_SCRIPT_QUERY) { array_push($recache_stack, "insert into poller_reindex (host_id,data_query_id,action,op,assert_value,arg1) values (" . sql_sanitize($host_id) . "," . sql_sanitize($data_query_id) . ",1,'=','" . sql_sanitize($assert_value) . "','" . sql_sanitize(api_data_query_script_path_format($data_query_xml["script_path"]) . DATA_QUERY_SCRIPT_ARG_NUM_INDEXES) . "')"); } break; case DATA_QUERY_AUTOINDEX_FIELD_VERIFICATION: $primary_indexes = api_data_query_cache_field_get($data_query_id, $host_id, $data_query["sort_field"]); if (sizeof($primary_indexes) > 0) { foreach ($primary_indexes as $index) { $assert_value = $index["field_value"]; if ($data_query_type == DATA_QUERY_INPUT_TYPE_SNMP_QUERY) { array_push($recache_stack, "insert into poller_reindex (host_id,data_query_id,action,op,assert_value,arg1) values (" . sql_sanitize($host_id) . "," . sql_sanitize($data_query_id) . ",0,'=','" . sql_sanitize($assert_value) . "','" . sql_sanitize($index["oid"]) . "')"); }else if ($data_query_type == DATA_QUERY_INPUT_TYPE_SCRIPT_QUERY) { array_push($recache_stack, "insert into poller_reindex (host_id,data_query_id,action,op,assert_value,arg1) values (" . sql_sanitize($host_id) . "," . sql_sanitize($data_query_id) . ",1,'=','" . sql_sanitize($assert_value) . "','" . sql_sanitize(api_data_query_script_path_format($data_query_xml["script_path"]) . DATA_QUERY_SCRIPT_ARG_GET . " " . $data_query_xml["fields"]{$data_query["sort_field"]}["query_name"] . " " . $index["snmp_index"]) . "')"); } } } break; } /* save the delete for last since we need to reference this table in the code above */ db_execute("delete from poller_reindex where host_id=$host_id and data_query_id=$data_query_id"); for ($i=0; $i<count($recache_stack); $i++) { db_execute($recache_stack[$i]); } }
function save_schedules() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_post('id')); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_post('savedquery')); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_post('sendinterval')); /* ==================================================== */ $save['title'] = sql_sanitize($_POST['title']); $save['savedquery'] = $_POST['savedquery']; $save['sendinterval'] = $_POST['sendinterval']; $save['start'] = sql_sanitize($_POST['start']); $save['email'] = sql_sanitize($_POST['email']); $t = time(); $d = strtotime($_POST['start']); $i = $save['sendinterval']; if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $save['id'] = $_POST['id']; $q = db_fetch_row("SELECT * FROM plugin_flowview_schedules WHERE id = " . $save['id']); if (!isset($q['lastsent']) || $save['start'] != $q['start'] || $save['sendinterval'] != $q['sendinterval']) { while ($d < $t) { $d += $i; } $save['lastsent'] = $d - $i; } } else { $save['id'] = ''; while ($d < $t) { $d += $i; } $save['lastsent'] = $d - $i; } if (isset($_POST["enabled"])) { $save["enabled"] = 'on'; } else { $save["enabled"] = 'off'; } $id = sql_save($save, 'plugin_flowview_schedules', 'id', true); if (is_error_message()) { header('Location: flowview_schedules.php?action=edit&id=' . (empty($id) ? $_POST['id'] : $id)); exit; } header("Location: flowview_schedules.php"); exit; }
function api_data_source_item_list($data_source_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($data_source_id, "data_source_id"); return db_fetch_assoc("select data_source_item.rrd_heartbeat, data_source_item.rrd_minimum, data_source_item.rrd_maximum, data_source_item.data_source_name, data_source_item.data_source_type from data_source_item where data_source_item.data_source_id = " . sql_sanitize($data_source_id)); }
function api_data_preset_package_vendor_get($preset_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($preset_id, "preset_id"); return db_fetch_cell("select name from preset_package_vendor where id = " . sql_sanitize($preset_id)); }
function api_package_author_get($package_author_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($package_author_id, "package_author_id"); return db_fetch_row("select * from package_author where id = " . sql_sanitize($package_author_id)); }
function api_graph_template_item_remove($graph_template_item_id, $delete_attached = true) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($graph_template_item_id, "graph_template_item_id"); /* base tables */ db_delete("graph_template_item", array( "id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $graph_template_item_id) )); db_delete("graph_template_item_input_item", array( "graph_template_item_id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $graph_template_item_id) )); /* attached graph items */ if ($delete_attached === true) { db_delete("graph_item", array( "graph_template_item_id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $graph_template_item_id) )); }else{ db_execute("UPDATE graph_item SET graph_template_item_id = 0 WHERE graph_template_item_id = " . sql_sanitize($graph_template_item_id)); } }
if (isset($_POST['subcomment'])) { $postComment = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['comment']); if (strlen($postComment) < 10) { echo "Please provide more information."; } else { $insertComment = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "tcomments (ticketid, user, content, date_com)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES " . "('" . $_GET['a'] . "', '" . $_SESSION['pname'] . "', '" . $postComment . "', '" . date('F d - g:i A') . "')") or die(mysql_error()); $insertComment = $mysqli->query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "tickets SET date = '" . date('F d - g:i A') . "' WHERE ticketid = '" . sql_sanitize($_GET['a']) . "'") or die(mysql_error()); if ($insertComment) { echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=\"/>"; } else { echo "There was an error processing your update. Please notify the admin."; } } } if (isset($_POST['close'])) { $closeTicket = $mysqli->query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "tickets SET status = 0 WHERE ticketid = '" . sql_sanitize($_GET['a']) . "'"); if ($closeTicket) { echo "<br/><div class=\"alert alert-success\">This ticket was successfully closed! You will be redirected in five seconds.</div>"; redirect_wait5("?base=admin&page=ticket"); } } } } else { redirect("?base"); } ?> <script> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { ?> CKEDITOR.replace( 'ticketDetails', {
function api_data_preset_cdef_get($preset_cdef_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($preset_cdef_id, "preset_cdef_id"); return db_fetch_row("select * from preset_cdef where id = " . sql_sanitize($preset_cdef_id)); }
function item_edit() { global $colors; /* if the user pushed the 'clear' button */ if (isset($_REQUEST["clear_x"])) { kill_session_var("sess_ds_host_id"); unset($_REQUEST["host_id"]); } /* remember these search fields in session vars so we don't have to keep passing them around */ load_current_session_value("filter", "sess_ds_filter", ""); load_current_session_value("host_id", "sess_ds_host_id", "-1"); $host = db_fetch_row("select hostname from host where id = " . sql_sanitize($_REQUEST["host_id"])); html_start_box("<strong>Data Source by Host</strong> [host: " . (empty($host["hostname"]) ? "No Host" : $host["hostname"]) . "]", "98%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); include "./include/html/inc_graph_items_filter_table.php"; html_end_box(); if ($_REQUEST["host_id"] == "-1") { $sql_where = ""; } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_id"] == "0") { $sql_where = " and data_local.host_id = 0"; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["host_id"])) { $sql_where = " and data_local.host_id = " . sql_sanitize($_REQUEST["host_id"]); } if (!empty($_GET["id"])) { $graph_item = db_fetch_row("select * from graph_item where id = " . sql_sanitize($_GET["id"])); $host_id = db_fetch_cell("select host_id from graph where id = " . sql_sanitize($_GET["graph_id"])); } /* by default, select the LAST DS chosen to make everyone's lives easier */ $default = db_fetch_row("select data_source_item_id from graph_item where graph_id = " . sql_sanitize($_GET["graph_id"]) . " order by sequence DESC limit 1"); form_start("graphs_items.php", "form_graph_item"); /* ==================== Box: Graph Item ==================== */ html_start_box("<strong>" . _("Graph Item") . "</strong> [Graph: " . db_fetch_cell("select title_cache from graph where id=" . $_GET["graph_id"]) . "]", "98%", $colors["header_background"], "3", "center", ""); _graph_item_field__data_source_item_id("data_source_item_id", sizeof($default) == 1 ? $default["data_source_item_id"] : "0", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"], $host_id); _graph_item_field__color("color", isset($graph_item["color"]) ? $graph_item["color"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__graph_item_type("graph_item_type", isset($graph_item["graph_item_type"]) ? $graph_item["graph_item_type"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__consolidation_function("consolidation_function", isset($graph_item["consolidation_function"]) ? $graph_item["consolidation_function"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__cdef("cdef", isset($graph_item["cdef"]) ? $graph_item["cdef"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__gprint_format("gprint_format", isset($graph_item["gprint_format"]) ? $graph_item["gprint_format"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__legend_value("legend_value", isset($graph_item["legend_value"]) ? $graph_item["legend_value"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__legend_format("legend_format", isset($graph_item["legend_format"]) ? $graph_item["legend_format"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); _graph_item_field__hard_return("hard_return", isset($graph_item["hard_return"]) ? $graph_item["hard_return"] : "", empty($_GET["id"]) ? 0 : $_GET["id"]); form_hidden_box("graph_item_id", isset($graph_item) ? $graph_item["id"] : "0", ""); form_hidden_box("graph_id", $_GET["graph_id"], "0"); form_hidden_box("save_component_item", "1", ""); html_end_box(); form_save_button("graphs.php?action=edit&id=" . $_GET["graph_id"]); }
function sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols = "id", $autoinc = TRUE, $db_conn = FALSE) { global $cnn_id; /* check for a connection being passed, if not use legacy behavior */ if (!$db_conn) { $db_conn = $cnn_id; } while (list($key, $value) = each($array_items)) { $array_items[$key] = "\"" . sql_sanitize($value) . "\""; } $replace_result = $db_conn->Replace($table_name, $array_items, $key_cols, FALSE, $autoinc); if ($replace_result == 0) { return 0; } /* get the last AUTO_ID and return it */ if ($db_conn->Insert_ID() == "0" || $replace_result == 1) { if (!is_array($key_cols)) { if (isset($array_items[$key_cols])) { return str_replace("\"", "", $array_items[$key_cols]); } } return 0; } else { return $db_conn->Insert_ID(); } }
function api_data_query_snmp_execute($host_id, $data_query_id) { require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/data_query/data_query_constants.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/data_query/data_query_info.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/device/device_info.php"); /* get information about the data query */ $data_query = api_data_query_get($data_query_id); /* get a list of all input fields defined for this data query */ $data_query_fields = api_data_query_field_list($data_query_id, DATA_QUERY_FIELD_TYPE_INPUT); /* fetch a list of indexes for this data query */ $field_values{$data_query["index_field_id"]} = api_data_query_snmp_execute_field($host_id, $data_query["index_field_id"]); if (($field_values{$data_query["index_field_id"]} === false) || (sizeof($field_values{$data_query["index_field_id"]}) == 0)) { debug_log_insert("data_query", _("No indexes returned, cannot continue.")); return false; } /* reindex the parsed index values as a hash (value->oid) for quicker access. DUPLICATE INDEX VALUES * WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS HERE */ foreach ($field_values{$data_query["index_field_id"]} as $result) { $index_field_values{$result["value_parsed"]} = true; } /* clear old data from the data query cache */ db_execute("delete from host_data_query_cache where host_id = " . sql_sanitize($host_id) . " and data_query_id = " . sql_sanitize($data_query_id)); if (is_array($data_query_fields)) { foreach ($data_query_fields as $field) { /* fetch a list of values for this field (assuming that we haven't already seen it */ if (!isset($field_values{$field["id"]})) { $field_values{$field["id"]} = api_data_query_snmp_execute_field($host_id, $field["id"]); }else{ debug_log_insert("data_query", "Walking OID '" . $field["source"] . "' (cached)"); } /* see if we have some output to play with */ if (($field_values{$field["id"]} !== false) && (sizeof($field_values{$field["id"]}) > 0)) { foreach ($field_values{$field["id"]} as $oid => $result) { /* stick with the 0.8.x behavior: use the value for the index when the actual value is * derived from the oid */ if (($field["method_type"] == DATA_QUERY_FIELD_METHOD_OID_OCTET) || ($field["method_type"] == DATA_QUERY_FIELD_METHOD_OID_PARSE)) { $expected_index = $result["value"]; /* find the index at the end of the oid */ }else{ $expected_index = substr($oid, strlen($field["source"])+1); } /* a match for this index has been located */ if (isset($index_field_values[$expected_index])) { debug_log_insert("data_query", sprintf(_("Found value [%s = '%s'] for index [%s]"), $field["name"], $result["value_parsed"], $expected_index)); db_insert("host_data_query_cache", array( "host_id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $host_id), "data_query_id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $data_query_id), "field_name" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_STRING, "value" => $field["name"]), "field_value" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_STRING, "value" => $result["value_parsed"]), "index_value" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_STRING, "value" => $expected_index), "oid" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_STRING, "value" => $oid) ), array("host_id", "data_query_id", "field_name", "index_value")); /* a match for this index has not been located */ }else{ debug_log_insert("data_query", _("Ignoring unknown index '$expected_index'.")); } } }else{ debug_log_insert("data_query", _("No values returned from the field '" . $field["name"] . "', ignoring.")); } } } return true; }
function sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols = "id", $autoinc = true) { global $cnn_id; while (list ($key, $value) = each ($array_items)) { $array_items[$key] = "\"" . sql_sanitize($value) . "\""; } $replace_result = $cnn_id->Replace($table_name, $array_items, $key_cols, FALSE, $autoinc); if ($replace_result == 0) { return 0; } /* get the last AUTO_ID and return it */ if (($cnn_id->Insert_ID() == "0") || ($replace_result == 1)) { if (!is_array($key_cols)) { if (isset($array_items[$key_cols])) { return str_replace("\"", "", $array_items[$key_cols]); } } return 0; }else{ return $cnn_id->Insert_ID(); } }
/** * Send syslog message to a syslog server * * Generates and sends a syslog packet to a syslog server * * @param string $syslog_server Server to send syslog messages to * @param int $syslog_server_port Port to send to on syslog server * @param int $syslog_facility Syslog facility value, refer to syslog log constants * @param int $syslog_severity Syslog severity value, refer to syslog log constants * @param string $syslog_message message to send to syslog server * @return bool true on sent, false on error */ function log_save_syslog ($syslog_server, $syslog_server_port, $syslog_facility, $syslog_severity, $syslog_message) { global $cnn_id; /* Set syslog tag */ $syslog_tag = "cacti"; /* Get the pid */ $pid = getmypid(); /* Set syslog server */ if (strtolower(substr($syslog_server, 0, 5)) == "udp://") { $syslog_server = strtolower($syslog_server); } elseif (strtolower(substr($syslog_server, 0, 5)) == "udp://") { $syslog_server = strtolower($syslog_server); }else{ $syslog_server = "udp://" . $syslog_server; } /* Check facility */ if (empty($syslog_facility)) { $syslog_facility = SYSLOG_LOCAL0; } if (($syslog_facility > 23) || ($syslog_facility < 0)) { $syslog_facility = SYSLOG_LOCAL0; } /* Check severity */ if (empty($syslog_severity)) { $syslog_severity = SYSLOG_INFO; } if (($syslog_severity > 7) || ($syslog_severity < 0)) { $syslog_severity = SYSLOG_INFO; } /* Make syslog packet */ $device = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $time = time(); if (strlen(date("j", $time)) < 2) { $time = date("M j H H:i:s", $time); }else{ $time = date("M j H H:i:s", $time); } $priority = ($syslog_facility * 8) + $syslog_severity; $packet = "<" . $priority . ">" . $syslog_tag . "[" . $pid . "]: " . $syslog_message; if (strlen($packet) > 1024) { $packet = substr($packet, 0, 1024); } /* Send the syslog message */ $socket = @fsockopen($syslog_server, $syslog_server_port, $error_number, $error_string); if ($socket) { @fwrite($socket, $packet); @fclose($socket); return true; }else{ /* socket error - log to database */ $sql = "insert into log (logdate,facility,severity,poller_id,host_id,username,source,plugin,message) values (SYSDATE(), " . CACTI_LOG_FAC_SYSTEM . "," . CACTI_LOG_SEV_ERROR . ",0,0,'SYSTEM','SYSLOG','N/A','". sql_sanitize("Syslog error[" . $error_number ."]: " . $error_string) . "');"; /* DO NOT USE db_execute, function looping can occur when in CACTI_LOG_SEV_DEV mode */ $cnn_id->Execute($sql); return false; } return true; }
die("403 - Access Forbidden"); } ?> <script src="assets/libs/cksimple/ckeditor.js"></script> <style> blockquote { margin: 0px; } .permalinkshow { display: none; } </style> <?php if (@$_GET['id']) { $id = sql_sanitize($_GET['id']); $gb = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "gmblog WHERE id='" . $id . "'") or die; $b = $gb->fetch_assoc(); require_once 'assets/libs/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('HTML.SafeIframe', true); $config->set('HTML.TargetBlank', true); $config->set('HTML.SafeObject', true); $config->set('Output.FlashCompat', true); $config->set('HTML.SafeEmbed', true); $config->set('URI.SafeIframeRegexp', '%^(https?:)?//(www\\.youtube(?:-nocookie)?\\.com/embed/|player\\.vimeo\\.com/video/)%'); //allow YouTube and Vimeo $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $clean_html = $purifier->purify($b['content']); $positive = 0; $negative = 0;
function collect_hrSystem(&$host) { global $hrSystem; if (sizeof($host)) { debug("Polling hrSystem from '" . $host["description"] . "[" . $host["hostname"] . "]'"); $hostMib = cacti_snmp_walk($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmp_username"], $host["snmp_password"], $host["snmp_auth_protocol"], $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmp_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_context"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), $host["max_oids"], SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY, SNMP_WEBUI); $systemMib = cacti_snmp_walk($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmp_username"], $host["snmp_password"], $host["snmp_auth_protocol"], $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmp_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_context"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), $host["max_oids"], SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY, SNMP_WEBUI); $hostMib = array_merge($hostMib, $systemMib); $set_string = ""; // Locate the values names if (sizeof($hostMib)) { foreach ($hostMib as $mib) { /* do some cleanup */ if (substr($mib["oid"], 0, 1) != ".") { $mib["oid"] = "." . trim($mib["oid"]); } if (substr($mib["value"], 0, 4) == "OID:") { $mib["value"] = str_replace("OID:", "", $mib["value"]); } $key = array_search($mib["oid"], $hrSystem); if ($key == "date") { $mib["value"] = hmib_dateParse($mib["value"]); } if (!empty($key)) { $set_string .= (strlen($set_string) ? "," : "") . $key . "='" . sql_sanitize(trim($mib["value"], ' "')) . "'"; } } } /* Update the values */ if (strlen($set_string)) { db_execute("UPDATE plugin_hmib_hrSystem SET {$set_string} WHERE host_id=" . $host["id"]); } } }
function api_graph_tree_item_get($graph_tree_item_id) { /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($graph_tree_item_id, "graph_tree_item_id"); return db_fetch_row("select * from graph_tree_items where id = " . sql_sanitize($graph_tree_item_id)); }
function api_graph_tree_item_move($graph_tree_item_id, $direction) { require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_info.php"); /* sanity checks */ validate_id_die($graph_tree_item_id, "graph_tree_item_id"); if (($direction != "up") && ($direction != "down")) { return false; } /* obtain a copy of the current graph tree item */ $graph_tree_item = api_graph_tree_item_get($graph_tree_item_id); /* find out where in the tree this item is located */ $current_depth = api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($graph_tree_item["order_key"]); $displaced_row = db_fetch_row("select order_key from graph_tree_items where order_key " . ($direction == "up" ? "<" : ">") . " " . sql_sanitize($graph_tree_item["order_key"]) . " and order_key like '%" . sql_sanitize(substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER))) . "' and order_key not like '%" . sql_sanitize(str_repeat('0', CHARS_PER_TIER) . substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER))) . "' and graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"] . " order by order_key " . ($direction == "up" ? "DESC" : "ASC")); if ((is_array($displaced_row)) && (isset($displaced_row["order_key"]))) { $old_root = sql_sanitize(substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], 0, ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER))); $new_root = sql_sanitize(substr($displaced_row["order_key"], 0, ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER))); db_execute("UPDATE graph_tree_items SET order_key = CONCAT('" . str_pad('', ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER), 'Z') . "',SUBSTRING(order_key," . (($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1).")) WHERE order_key LIKE '$new_root%' AND graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"]); db_execute("UPDATE graph_tree_items SET order_key = CONCAT('$new_root',SUBSTRING(order_key," . (($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1) . ")) WHERE order_key LIKE '$old_root%' AND graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"]); db_execute("UPDATE graph_tree_items SET order_key = CONCAT('$old_root',SUBSTRING(order_key," . (($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1) . ")) WHERE order_key LIKE '" . str_pad('', ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER), 'Z') . "%' AND graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"]); } }
function api_device_data_query_get($device_id, $data_query_id) { /* sanity check for $data_query_id */ if ((!is_numeric($data_query_id)) || (empty($data_query_id))) { log_save("Invalid input '$data_query_id' for 'data_query_id' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()", SEV_ERROR); return false; } /* sanity check for $device_id */ if ((!is_numeric($device_id)) || (empty($device_id))) { log_save("Invalid input '$device_id' for 'host_id' in " . __FUNCTION__ . "()", SEV_ERROR); return false; } return db_fetch_row("select * from host_data_query where host_id = " . sql_sanitize($device_id) . " and data_query_id = " . sql_sanitize($data_query_id)); }
/** * Returns information about an auth control entry * * Returns information array for a given auth control entries, or single requested value. * * @return array fields => values or value, false on error */ function api_auth_control_get($control_type, $control_id, $data_field = "") { /* include required arrays */ require(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/auth/auth_arrays.php"); /* Validate input */ if (!is_numeric($control_id)) { return false; } if (!is_numeric($control_type)) { return false; } /* Setup variables */ $value = false; $expired = true; $session = false; $user = false; if ($control_type == AUTH_CONTROL_OBJECT_TYPE_USER) { $user = true; $data_fields = $auth_control_data_user_fields; } elseif ($control_type == AUTH_CONTROL_OBJECT_TYPE_GROUP) { $data_fields = $auth_control_data_group_fields; }else{ $data_fields = array(); } /* Control record */ $control = db_fetch_row("SELECT * FROM (auth_control) WHERE id = " . $control_id . " AND object_type = " . $control_type); if (sizeof($control) == 0) { return false; } /* Check session for variable and that we can use the session */ if ((isset($_SESSION["auth_control_user_id"])) && ($user)) { if ($_SESSION["auth_control_user_id"] == $control_id) { if (isset($_SESSION["auth_data"])) { print_a($_SESSION["auth_data"]); $session = true; } } } /* Check update to user record if active session*/ if ((isset($_SESSION["auth_data"]["updated_when"])) && ($session) && ($user)) { if ($_SESSION["auth_data"]["updated_when"] == $control["updated_when"]) { $expired = false; } } /* Get the requested data */ if (! empty($data_field)) { /* single value return */ /* Get the value from the session else go to the database, if we are allowed to use the session */ if ((isset($_SESSION["auth_data"][$data_field])) && (! $expired) && ($session)) { $value = $_SESSION["auth_data"][$data_field]; }else{ $data = db_fetch_row("SELECT * FROM (auth_data) WHERE control_id = " . $control_id . " AND name = '" . sql_sanitize($data_field) . "'"); if (isset($data[$data_field])) { $value = $data["value"]; }else{ if (isset($data_fields[$data_field])) { /* use default value */ $value = $data_fields[$data_field]; }else{ /* data field not found */ return false; } } /* put the value into the session if we are using sessions */ if (($session) && ($user)) { $_SESSION["auth_data"][$data_field] = $value; } } }else{ /* multi value return */ /* Get the values from the session else go to the database, if we are allowed to use the session */ if ((! $expired) && ($session)) { /* get current session variables */ $value = $_SESSION["auth_data"]; }else{ /* set control data */ $value = $control; /* get control data for this control id */ $data = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM (auth_data) WHERE control_id = " . $control_id . " AND name in('" . implode("','",array_keys($data_fields)). "')"); if (sizeof($data) > 0) { foreach ($data as $db_row) { $value[$db_row["name"]] = $db_row["value"]; } } } /* check that required control data values are present */ $db_values = array(); foreach ($data_fields as $key => $default_value) { if (! array_key_exists($key, $value)) { /* default value not set, let's get it */ if (sizeof($db_values) == 0) { $control_data = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM (auth_data) WHERE control_id = " . $control_id); foreach ($control_data as $data_row) { $db_values[$data_row["name"]] = $data_row["value"]; } } if (array_key_exists($key, $db_values)) { $value[$key] = $db_values[$key]; }else{ $value[$key] = $data_fields[$key]; } } } /* update session values if needed */ if (($session) && ($user)) { $_SESSION["auth_data"] = $value; } } return $value; }
function api_graph_template_item_input_propagate($graph_template_item_input_id, $value) { require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph/graph_info.php"); if ((empty($graph_template_item_input_id)) || (!is_numeric($graph_template_item_input_id))) { return false; } /* retrieve a list of graph item fields */ $graph_item_fields = api_graph_item_form_list(); /* get the db field name for this graph item input */ $input_field_name = db_fetch_cell("select field_name from graph_template_item_input where id = " . sql_sanitize($graph_template_item_input_id)); if ($input_field_name != "") { $graph_template_items = db_fetch_assoc("select graph_template_item_id from graph_template_item_input_item where graph_template_item_input_id = " . sql_sanitize($graph_template_item_input_id)); if (sizeof($graph_template_items) > 0) { foreach ($graph_template_items as $graph_template_item) { db_update("graph_item", array( "graph_template_item_id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $graph_template_item["graph_template_item_id"]), $input_field_name => array("type" => $graph_item_fields[$input_field_name]["data_type"], "value" => $value) ), array("graph_template_item_id")); } } return true; }else{ return false; } }
function syslog_sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols = "id", $autoinc = true) { global $syslog_cnn, $cnn_id; /* use cacti function if using Cacti db */ if ($syslog_cnn == $cnn_id) { return sql_save($array_items, $table_name, $key_cols, $autoinc); } while (list($key, $value) = each($array_items)) { $array_items[$key] = "\"" . sql_sanitize($value) . "\""; } $replace_result = $syslog_cnn->Replace($table_name, $array_items, $key_cols, FALSE, $autoinc); if ($replace_result == 0) { return 0; } /* get the last AUTO_ID and return it */ if ($syslog_cnn->Insert_ID() == "0" || $replace_result == 1) { if (!is_array($key_cols)) { if (isset($array_items[$key_cols])) { return str_replace("\"", "", $array_items[$key_cols]); } } return 0; } else { return $syslog_cnn->Insert_ID(); } }