Beispiel #1
 foreach ($aColumnsTot[$id_page] as $key => $val) {
     if ($val['modifiable'] == 't' and $val['table_champ'] == $i) {
         /*récupération des champs modifiables*/
         $champs .= $val['champ_interface'] . ",";
         /*construction de l'update*/
         if ($val['type'] == 'string') {
             $update .= $val['champ_interface'] . " = " . sql_format_quote($_POST[$val['champ_interface']], 'do') . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'val') {
             $update .= $val['champ_interface'] . " = " . sql_format_num($_POST[$val['champ_interface']]) . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'bool') {
             $update .= $val['champ_interface'] . " = " . sql_format_bool($_POST[$val['champ_interface']]) . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'int') {
             $update .= $val['champ_interface'] . " = " . sql_format_num($_POST[$val['champ_interface']]) . ",";
 $select = "SELECT " . rtrim($champs, ',') . " FROM lr.{$i} AS t WHERE uid=" . $id . ";";
 if (DEBUG) {
     echo "<br>" . $select;
 $result = pg_query($db, $select) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
 $backup = pg_fetch_array($result, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC);
 // Old values
 foreach ($backup as $field => $val_1) {
     $val_2 = $_POST[$field];
     if ($val_1 == 't') {
         $val_1 = "TRUE";
Beispiel #2
        $code = "";
    $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_schema_app . ".utilisateur SET \n\tid_cbn=" . sql_format_num($_POST["id_cbn"]) . ",\n\tnom=" . sql_format($_POST["nom"]) . ",\n\tprenom=" . sql_format($_POST["prenom"]) . ",\n\t" . $code . "\n\ttel_bur=" . sql_format($_POST["tel_bur"]) . ",\n\ttel_port=" . sql_format($_POST["tel_port"]) . ",\n\ttel_int=" . sql_format($_POST["tel_int"]) . ",\n\temail=" . sql_format($_POST["email"]) . ",\n\tweb=" . sql_format($_POST["web"]) . ",\n\t" . $query_niveau . "\n\t" . $query_ref . "\n\tdescr=" . sql_format($_POST["descr"]) . " \n\tWHERE id_user='******';";
    echo $query;
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
    add_log("log", 4, $id_user, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "Admin. edit user", $id, "utilisateur");
} else {
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADD
    foreach ($rubrique as $key => $val) {
        if (empty($_POST["niveau_" . $key])) {
            $_POST["niveau_" . $key] = 0;
        $val_niveau .= sql_format_num($_POST["niveau_" . $key]) . ",";
        $key_niveau .= "niveau_" . $key . ",";
        if (empty($_POST["ref_" . $key])) {
            $_POST["ref_" . $key] = 0;
        $val_ref .= sql_format_bool($_POST["ref_" . $key]) . ",";
        $key_ref .= "ref_" . $key . ",";
    $id = strtoupper(substr(stripAccents($_POST['prenom']), 0, 2) . substr(stripAccents($_POST['nom']), 0, 2)) . mt_rand(1, 9);
    $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL_schema_app . ".utilisateur (id_user, id_cbn,nom,prenom,login,pw,tel_bur,tel_port,tel_int,email,web,\n\t{$key_niveau}\n\t{$key_ref}\n\tdescr)\n\tVALUES (\n\t\t'" . $id . "',\n\t\t" . sql_format_num($_POST["id_cbn"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["nom"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["prenom"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["login"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["pw"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["tel_bur"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["tel_port"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["tel_int"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["email"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["web"]) . ",\n\t\t{$val_niveau} {$val_ref}\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["descr"]) . ");";
    echo $query;
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
    add_log("log", 4, $id_user, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "Admin. ajout user", $id, "utilisateur");
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FONCTIONS
function stripAccents($string)
    return strtr($string, 'àáâãäçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöùúûüýÿÀÁÂÃÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝ', 'aaaaaceeeeiiiinooooouuuuyyAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOUUUUY');
Beispiel #3
                if ($result == false) {
                    hub_log($id, $fction);
    } else {
        //  ADD
        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Valeurs numériques
        if ($_POST['etape'] == "") {
            $_POST['etape'] = 2;
        /*Paramètre à ajouter*/
        add_suivi2($_POST["etape"], $id_user, $uid, "taxons", "nom", null, sql_format_num($_POST["nom_sci"]), 'applications', 'manuel', 'ajout');
        add_suivi2($_POST["etape"], $id_user, $uid, "taxons", "uid", null, $uid, 'applications', 'manuel', 'ajout');
    if (!DEBUG) {
        echo ("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
        echo ("window.location.replace ( \"index.php\")");
        echo ("</script>");
    return true;
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SI PAS ACCES
} else {
    require "../commun/access_denied.php";
Beispiel #4
 foreach ($aColumnsTot[$id_page] as $key => $val) {
     if ($val['modifiable'] == 't' and $val['table_champ'] == "ddd" and $val['nom_champ'] != "id_from") {
         /*récupération des champs modifiables*/
         $liste_champs .= "\"" . $val['champ_interface'] . "\",";
         /*construction de l'update*/
         if ($val['type'] == 'string') {
             $values .= sql_format_quote($_POST[$val['champ_interface']], 'do') . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'val') {
             $values .= sql_format_quote($_POST[$val['champ_interface']], 'do') . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'bool') {
             $values .= sql_format_bool($_POST[$val['champ_interface']]) . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'int') {
             $values .= sql_format_num($_POST[$val['champ_interface']]) . ",";
 $insert = "INSERT INTO fsd.ddd (" . rtrim($liste_champs, ',') . ") VALUES (" . rtrim($values, ',') . ") RETURNING uid";
 if (DEBUG) {
     echo "<br>" . $insert;
 $result = pg_query($db, $insert) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
 $uid = pg_fetch_row($result);
 if (!empty($_POST['id_from'])) {
     $idfrominsert = null;
     foreach ($_POST['id_from'] as $id_from) {
         $idfrominsert .= "INSERT INTO fsd.lien_champs VALUES (" . $uid[0] . ",{$id_from})";
Beispiel #5
         $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
     if (!empty($add)) {
         foreach ($add as $field => $val) {
             $query = $query . "INSERT INTO lsi.coor_news_tag VALUES ({$id},{$val}); ";
         if (DEBUG) {
             echo "<br>" . $query;
         $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
 } else {
     //  ADD
     $query = "INSERT INTO (abstract,link,link_2,id_subject,date,title) \n\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t" . sql_format_quote($_POST["abstract"], 'do') . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format_quote($_POST["link"], 'do') . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format_quote($_POST["link_2"], 'do') . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format_num($_POST["id_subject"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["date"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format_quote($_POST["title"], 'do') . ") RETURNING id;";
     // echo $query;
     if (DEBUG) {
         echo "<br>" . $query;
     $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
     $id = pg_result($result, 0, "id");
     $add = $_POST["tag_select"];
     $query = '';
     if (!empty($add)) {
         foreach ($add as $field => $val) {
             $query .= "INSERT INTO lsi.coor_news_tag VALUES ({$id},{$val}); ";
         if ($query != '') {
             $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
Beispiel #6
         /*verification que l'appli reçoit bien  $val['nom_champ']==='nomCompletSyntaxon' */
         //echo "1:".$val['nom_champ'];
         //if ($val['nom_champ']!=='nomCompletSyntaxon') echo " is nomComplet is false<br>";
         //if ($val['nom_champ']==='nomCompletSyntaxon') echo " is nomComplet is true<br>";
         /*construction de l'update*/
         if ($val['type'] == 'string' and $val['nom_champ'] !== 'nomCompletSyntaxon') {
             $update .= "\"" . $val['nom_champ'] . "\" = " . sql_format_quote($_POST[$val['nom_champ']], 'do') . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'val') {
             $update .= "\"" . $val['nom_champ'] . "\" = " . sql_format_quote($_POST[$val['nom_champ']], 'do') . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'bool') {
             $update .= "\"" . $val['nom_champ'] . "\" = " . sql_format_bool($_POST[$val['nom_champ']]) . ",";
         if ($val['type'] == 'int') {
             $update .= "\"" . $val['nom_champ'] . "\" = " . sql_format_num($_POST[$val['nom_champ']]) . ",";
 //echo "<br> voici l'update avant trim <bre>".$update	;
 /*on ajoute le nom complet car parfois ne fonctionne pas en formulaire*/
 //si on avait pas ajouté le nomComplet en bout de la variable update, il aurait fallu supprimer la virgule générée par la boucle (d'où le rtrim initial)
 //$update = rtrim($update,',')." WHERE \"codeEnregistrementSyntax\" = ".$id.";";
 $update .= " \"nomCompletSyntaxon\" = '" . $_POST['nomSyntaxon'] . " " . $_POST['auteurSyntaxon'] . "' ";
 /*on ajoute la condition sur le code de l'enregistrement*/
 $update .= "WHERE \"codeEnregistrementSyntax\"=" . $id . ";";
 if (DEBUG) {
     echo "<br> update = " . $update;
 //-----------------------------------------------------------	backup qui enregistre l'état des champs en base, avant l'enregistrement-----------------