Beispiel #1
// Re-connect to database, in case previous step skipped
$sql = "USE `" . $DB . "`;";
// Check that required functions present in target db
// Install them if missing
// This step is obviously essential if database has been replaced
include_once "";
// Create/replace backup database if requested
if ($use_db_backup && $delete_db_backup) {
    echo "Creating backup database `{$DB_BACKUP}`...";
    // Drop and replace entire backup database
    $sql_create_db = "\n\t\tDROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `" . $DB_BACKUP . "`;\n\t\tCREATE DATABASE `" . $DB_BACKUP . "`;\n\t";
    echo "done\r\n\r\n";
// Load taxonomic sources
$src_no = 1;
$src_suffix = "";
foreach ($src_array as $src) {
    echo "\r\n#############################################\r\n";
    echo "Loading source #" . $src_no . ": '" . $src . "'\r\n\r\n";
    $src_suffix .= "_" . $src;
    // reset the clock for this source
    include $timer_off;
    $resettime = $endtime;
    include_once "import_" . $src . "/import.php";
Beispiel #2
// The next three tables are used only to build the combined tables:
include "";
// species
include "";
// trinomials
include "";
// quadrinomials
// combination tables
include "";
// Combined family+genus table
include "";
// Populates combined genus+species table
include "";
// Populates combined trinomial + species table
include "";
// Populates combined quadrinomial + trinomial table
// The following scripts by Jerry Lu complete populating taxamatch tables
include "";
include "";
include "";
include "";
include "";
include "";
include "";
include "";
include "";
// Remove splist, infra1list, infra2list
echo "Removing temporary tables...";
$sql = "\n\tDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `infra1list`;\n\tDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `infra2list`;\n\tDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `splist`;\n";
echo $msg_success;
Beispiel #3
// name and author using the TNRS-GNI name parser.
// See readme file for detailis
echo "Creating table {$names_parsed}...";
include "";
if (sql_execute_multiple($sql_drop_tables)) {
include "";
if (sql_execute_multiple($sql_create_tables)) {
echo $msg_success;
include "";
include "";
// checks and restructures names_parsed table
include "";
// populate nameMinusAuthor field in names_parsed table
////////////// Populate staging table //////////////////////
// Create staging table
include "";
// Add names & synonymy to staging table
include "";
// Clean up
if ($remove_raw_tables) {
    echo "Dropping raw data tables...";
    include "";
    if (sql_execute_multiple($sql_drop_tables)) {
    echo $msg_success;
echo "\r\n";