function exchange($val) { $date = sqlDate('now'); $kes = $this->getDi()->currencyExchangeTable->getRate('KES', $date); $usd = $this->getDi()->currencyExchangeTable->getRate('USD', $date); return moneyRound($val * $kes / $usd); }
function addTo($date) { if ($this->isEmpty()) { throw new Am_Exception_InternalError("Could not do this operation on empty object " . __METHOD__); } if ($this->unit == self::FIXED) { return $this->count; } list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', sqlDate($date)); $tm = amstrtotime($date); switch ($this->unit) { case self::DAY: $tm2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d + $this->count, $y); break; case self::MONTH: $tm2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m + $this->count, $d, $y); break; case self::YEAR: $tm2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y + $this->count); break; default: throw new Am_Exception_InternalError("Unknown period unit configured in " . $this->__toString()); } if ($tm2 < $tm) { // overflow, assign fixed "lifetime" date return self::MAX_SQL_DATE; } return date('Y-m-d', $tm2); }
public function onSubscriptionDeleted(Am_Event_SubscriptionDeleted $event) { if (!$this->getConfig('expired_list')) { return; } $user = $event->getUser(); $lmDb = $this->getConfig('db') . '.' . $this->getConfig('prefix'); Am_Di::getInstance()->db->query("\n INSERT INTO {$lmDb}users\n (uid,list,fname,lname,email,cseq,cdel,cnf,dateadd,htmail)\n VALUES\n (?,?,?,?,?, 1, 0, 1, ?, 1)\n ", $this->_getUniqUid(), $this->getConfig('expired_list'), $user->name_f, $user->name_l, $user->email, sqlDate(time())); }
public function insert($reload = true) { if ($this->currency == Am_Currency::getDefault()) { $this->base_currency_multi = 1.0; } else { $this->base_currency_multi = $this->getDi()->currencyExchangeTable->getRate($this->currency, sqlDate($this->dattm)); } parent::insert($reload); $this->getDi()->hook->call(new Am_Event_PaymentAfterInsert(null, array('payment' => $this, 'invoice' => $this->getInvoice(), 'user' => $this->getInvoice()->getUser()))); return $this; }
public function insert($reload = true) { if ($this->currency == Am_Currency::getDefault()) { $this->base_currency_multi = 1.0; } else { $this->base_currency_multi = $this->getDi()->currencyExchangeTable->getRate($this->currency, sqlDate($this->dattm)); } $ret = parent::insert($reload); $this->getDi()->hook->call('refundAfterInsert', array('invoice' => $this->getInvoice(), 'refund' => $this, 'user' => $this->getInvoice()->getUser())); return $ret; }
/** * @return int status constant */ function getStatus() { $now = sqlDate('now'); if ($this->expire_date < $now) { return self::EXPIRED; } if ($this->begin_date > $now) { return self::FUTURE; } return self::ACTIVE; }
function init() { $this->addText('users_count')->setLabel(___('Generate Users Count'))->setValue(100); $this->addText('email_domain')->setLabel(___("Email Domain\nused to generate email address for users"))->setValue(''); if ($this->isProductsExists()) { $this->addCheckbox('do_not_generate_products', array('checked' => 'checked'))->setLabel(___("Do not generate products\n" . "use existing products for demo records"))->setId('form-do-not-generate-products'); $this->addMagicSelect('product_ids')->setLabel(___("Use the following product for demo users\n" . 'keep it empty to use any products'))->setId('form-product_ids')->loadOptions(Am_Di::getInstance()->productTable->getOptions()); $script = <<<CUT \$(function() { function toggle_do_not_generate_products() { if (\$('input[name=do_not_generate_products]').prop('checked')) { \$('#form-products-count').parents('.row').hide(); \$('#form-product_ids').parents('.row').show(); } else { \$('#form-products-count').parents('.row').show(); \$('#form-product_ids').parents('.row').hide(); } } toggle_do_not_generate_products() \$('input[name=do_not_generate_products]').bind('change', function(){ toggle_do_not_generate_products(); }) }); CUT; $this->addScript('script')->setScript($script); } $this->addText('products_count', array('size' => 3))->setLabel(___('Generate Products Count'))->setValue(3)->setId('form-products-count'); $gr = $this->addGroup()->setLabel(___('Invoices Per User')); $gr->addText('invoices_per_user', array('size' => 3))->setValue(2); $gr->addStatic()->setContent(' +/- '); $gr->addText('invoices_per_user_variation', array('size' => 3))->setValue(1); $gr = $this->addGroup()->setLabel(___('Products Per Invoice')); $gr->addText('products_per_invoice', array('size' => 3))->setValue(2); $gr->addStatic()->setContent(' +/- '); $gr->addText('products_per_invoice_variation', array('size' => 3))->setValue(1); $gr = $this->addGroup()->setLabel(___('Period')); $gr->setSeparator(' '); $gr->addDate('date_begin', array('size' => 8))->setValue(sqlDate('-60 days')); $gr->addDate('date_end', array('size' => 8))->setValue(sqlDate('now')); parent::init(); $this->addSaveButton(___('Generate')); }
public function run() { $this->grid->getDi()->plugins_payment->loadEnabled()->getAllEnabled(); $ds = $this->grid->getDataSource(); $fn = tempnam(DATA_DIR, 'zip_'); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($fn, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); $st = $ds->query(); while ($iprec = $this->grid->getDi()->db->fetchRow($st)) { $ip = $ds->getDataSourceQuery()->getTable()->createRecord($iprec); $pdf = Am_Pdf_Invoice::create($ip); $zip->addFromString($pdf->getFileName(), $pdf->render()); } $zip->close(); register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'cleanup'), $fn); $helper = new Am_Controller_Action_Helper_SendFile(); $helper->sendFile($fn, 'application/octet-stream', array('filename' => sprintf('', sqlDate('now')))); }
function run() { $form = new Am_Form_Admin('form-grid-payout'); $form->setAttribute('name', 'payout'); $date = $form->addDate('payout_date')->setLabel(___('Payout Date'))->setValue(sqlDate($this->getDi()->dateTime)); foreach ($this->grid->getVariablesList() as $k) { $form->addHidden($this->grid->getId() . '_' . $k)->setValue($this->grid->getRequest()->get($k, "")); } $form->addSaveButton(___("Run Payout")); $form->setDataSources(array($this->grid->getCompleteRequest())); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) { $values = $form->getValue(); $this->getDi()->affCommissionTable->runPayout($values['payout_date']); $this->grid->redirectBack(); } else { echo $this->renderTitle(); echo $form; } }
public function indexAction() { /* @var $invoice Invoice */ $invoice = $this->getDi()->invoiceTable->findBySecureId($this->getParam('secure_id'), 'payment-link'); if (!$invoice || $invoice->status != Invoice::PENDING) { throw new Am_Exception_InternalError(sprintf('Unknow invoice [%s] or invoice is already processed', filterId($this->getParam('secure_id')))); } if (!$invoice->due_date && sqlDate($invoice->tm_added) < sqlDate("-" . Invoice::DEFAULT_DUE_PERIOD . " days")) { throw new Am_Exception_InputError(___('Invoice is expired')); } elseif ($invoice->due_date && $invoice->due_date < sqlDate('now')) { throw new Am_Exception_InputError(___('Invoice is expired')); } $form = new Am_Form(); if (!$invoice->paysys_id) { $psOptions = array(); foreach (Am_Di::getInstance()->paysystemList->getAllPublic() as $ps) { $psOptions[$ps->getId()] = $this->renderPaysys($ps); } $paysys = $form->addAdvRadio('paysys_id')->setLabel(___('Payment System'))->loadOptions($psOptions); $paysys->addRule('required', ___('Please choose a payment system')); if (count($psOptions) == 1) { $paysys->toggleFrozen(true); } } $form->addSaveButton(___('Pay')); $this->view->invoice = $invoice; $this->view->form = $form; $form->setDataSources(array($this->getRequest())); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) { $vars = $form->getValue(); if (!$invoice->paysys_id) { $invoice->setPaysystem($vars['paysys_id']); $invoice->save(); } $payProcess = new Am_Paysystem_PayProcessMediator($this, $invoice); $result = $payProcess->process(); throw new Am_Exception_InternalError(sprintf('Error occurred while trying proccess invoice [%s]', filterId($invoice->public_id))); } $this->view->layoutNoMenu = true; $this->view->display('pay.phtml'); }
private function seed() { $parser = new Csv(); $parser->setFilePath(DOC_ROOT . '/data/restaurants.csv'); $data = $parser->parse(); if ($data === false) { echo "Error parsing CSV"; return 1; } foreach ($data as $row) { $restaurant = ORM::for_table("restaurants")->create(); $name = $row["restaurant_name"]; $restaurant->restaurant_name = $name; $restaurant->cuisine_type = $row["cuisine_type"]; $restaurant->created = sqlDate(); $restaurant->updated = sqlDate(); $restaurant->save(); echo "Created restaurant `{$name}` \n"; } return 0; }
public function getAddForm() { $form = new Am_Form_Admin(); $form->setAction($url = $this->getUrl(null, 'c', null, 'payments', 'addpayment', 'user_id', $this->user_id)); $form->addText("receipt_id", array('tabindex' => 2))->setLabel("Receipt#")->addRule('required'); $amt = $form->addSelect("amount", array('tabindex' => 3), array('intrinsic_validation' => false))->setLabel("Amount"); $amt->addRule('required', 'This field is required'); if ($this->_request->getInt('invoice_id')) { $invoice = $this->getDi()->invoiceTable->load($this->_request->getInt('invoice_id')); if (!$invoice->first_total || $invoice->getPaymentsCount()) { $amt->addOption($invoice->second_total, $invoice->second_total); } else { $amt->addOption($invoice->first_total, $invoice->first_total); } } $form->addSelect("paysys_id", array('tabindex' => 1))->setLabel("Payment System")->loadOptions($this->getDi()->paysystemList->getOptions()); $date = $form->addDate("dattm", array('tabindex' => 4))->setLabel("Date Of Transaction"); $date->addRule('required', 'This field is required'); $date->setValue(sqlDate('now')); $form->addHidden("invoice_id"); $form->addSaveButton(); return $form; }
public function getStartStop($key) { $start = $this->getStart($key); return array(sqlDate($start), sqlDate(strtotime('+3 month', $start) - 1)); }
public function onDaily(Am_Event $event) { $this->di->userTable->checkAllSubscriptions(); $this->di->emailTemplateTable->sendCronExpires(); $this->di->emailTemplateTable->sendCronAutoresponders(); $this->di->emailTemplateTable->sendCronPendingNotifications(); $this->di->store->cronDeleteExpired(); $this->di->storeRebuild->cronDeleteExpired(); Am_Auth_BruteforceProtector::cleanUp(); if ($this->di->config->get('clear_access_log') && $this->di->config->get('clear_access_log_days') > 0) { $dat = sqlDate($this->di->time - $this->di->config->get('clear_access_log_days') * 3600 * 24); $this->di->accessLogTable->clearOld($dat); } if ($this->di->config->get('clear_inc_payments') && $this->di->config->get('clear_inc_payments_days') > 0) { $dat = sqlDate($this->di->time - $this->di->config->get('clear_inc_payments_days') * 3600 * 24); $this->di->invoiceTable->clearPending($dat); } if ($this->di->config->get('clear_inc_users') && $this->di->config->get('clear_inc_users_days') > 0) { $dat = sqlDate($this->di->time - $this->di->config->get('clear_inc_users_days') * 3600 * 24); $this->di->userTable->clearPending($dat); } $this->di->uploadTable->cleanUp(); Am_Mail_Queue::getInstance()->cleanUp(); }
* {user: "", pass: ""} * * Response Wrapper Body: * {token: ..., expires: ...} */ include_once "utils.php"; include_once "model.php"; /** Validate **/ $username = requireParam("user"); $password = requireParam("pass"); $passwordHash = md5(md5($password) . $salt); /** Check the DB for this user / pass combination **/ $account = Account::fromCredentials($username, $passwordHash); if ($account == false) { error('User not found', 600); } if ($account->status != 1) { error('Account suspended', 601); } /** Kill old sessions **/ Session::clearForAccount($account->accountId); /** Create a session **/ $session = new Session(); $session->sessionId = gen_uuid(); $session->accountId = $account->accountId; $session->expires = sqlDate(time() + 1200); if ($session->create()) { success(array('valid' => true, 'uid' => $account->uuid, 'sessionID' => $session->sessionId, 'sessionStart' => $session->created, 'sessionEnd' => $session->expires)); } else { error('Failed to create session', 602); }
public function actionSubmitpaypal() { $paypal = new GetExpressCheckoutDetails(); $details = $paypal->getResponse(); //$totalPrice = urldecode($details['AMT']); $what = urldecode($details['CUSTOM']); $desc = urldecode($details["DESC"]); $cst = $details["CUSTOM"]; $cst = explode("_", $cst); $type = $cst[2]; $cst = $cst[1]; $discount = $cst[3]; if ($type == "basic") { $totalPrice = "19.95"; } else { if ($type == "basicplus") { $totalPrice = "24.95"; } else { if ($type == "pro") { $totalPrice = "29.95"; } } } $prorate = round($totalPrice * (((double) date('t') - (double) date('j')) / (double) date('t')), 2); $initAmt = $prorate + 0; // switch ($_SESSION["discount"]) { // case 'MFVideoMgr-100': // $prorate = $initAmt = 0; // break; // case 'MFVM-50A': // $prorate = round((float)$prorate * 0.50, 2); // $initAmt = round((float)$initAmt * 0.50, 2); // break; // case 'MFVM25': // $prorate = round((float)$prorate * 0.25, 2); // $initAmt = round((float)$initAmt * 0.25, 2); // break; // } if (isset($_SESSION["discount"])) { Yii::import('admin.models.*'); $coupon = Coupon::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $_SESSION["discount"])); if ($coupon) { if ($coupon->discount >= 100) { //$initAmt = $initAmt - (2*$initAmt); $prorate = 0.01; $initAmt = 0.01; } else { $prorate = $prorate - round((double) $prorate * ($coupon->discount / 100), 2); $initAmt = $initAmt - round((double) $initAmt * ($coupon->discount / 100), 2); } } } $payment = new DoExpressCheckoutPayment($initAmt); $payment_response1 = $payment->getResponse(); $recur = new CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile(ucfirst($type) . " Subscription for VidMgr, {$totalPrice} /mo", $totalPrice); // \n $0 One Time Setup Fee $recur->setNVP("SUBSCRIBERNAME", user()->Name); $recur->setNVP("PROFILEREFERENCE", "userid_" . uid() . "_" . $cst); $recur->setNVP("PROFILESTARTDATE", date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") + 1, 1, date("y")))); $recur->setNVP("MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS", "1"); $recur->setNVP("BILLINGPERIOD", "Month"); $recur->setNVP("BILLINGFREQUENCY", "1"); $recur->setNVP("CURRENCYCODE", "USD"); $recur->setNVP('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0', "Video Subscription - Basic 40MB"); $recur->setNVP('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0', 'Digital'); $recur->setNVP('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0', $totalPrice); $recur->setNVP('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0', "1"); $recur->setNVP("INITAMT", $initAmt); $payment_response = $recur->getResponse(); Ytrace($payment_response); Ytrace($details); if ($payment_response["ACK"] == "Success" && $payment_response1["ACK"] == "Success") { Video::model()->updateByPk($cst, array("active" => "1", "lastPayment" => sqlDate(), "payModel" => $type)); User::model()->updateByPk(uid(), array("payModel" => $type, "coupon" => "")); $this->process($cst, $type); } else { $this->renderText("There was some problem in processing your request. Please try again. If you repeatedly face this error please use the contact page, we would love to help you."); } }
/** * Process refund to rollback existing commissions */ public function processRefund(Invoice $invoice, InvoiceRefund $refund) { if ($refund->invoice_payment_id) { $toRefund = $this->getDi()->affCommissionTable->findByInvoicePaymentId($refund->invoice_payment_id); } else { $toRefund = $this->getDi()->affCommissionTable->findLastRecordsByInvoiceId($refund->invoice_id); } foreach ($toRefund as $affCommission) { $void = $this->getDi()->affCommissionRecord; $void->fromRow($affCommission->toRow()); $void->date = $refund ? $refund->dattm : sqlDate('now'); $void->commission_id = null; $void->record_type = AffCommission::VOID; try { $void->insert(); } catch (Am_Exception_Db_NotUnique $e) { // already handled? keep silence } } }
public function run() { Am_Di::getInstance()->affCommissionTable->runPayout(sqlDate('now')); echo ___('Payout generated') . '.'; echo $this->renderBackUrl(); }
public function beforeSave() { $tmpPassword = empty($this->password) ? '' : md5($this->password . "-SomeRandomSalt"); if ($this->isNewRecord) { $this->hashkey = $tmpPassword; $this->createdAt = sqlDate(); $this->confirmKey = $this->generateRandomString(); $this->email = strtolower($this->email); } if ($this->scenario == 'adminUpdate') { if (!empty($tmpPassword) && $this->hashkey != $tmpPassword) { $this->hashkey = $tmpPassword; } } $this->lastvisit = sqlDate(); return parent::beforeSave(); }
protected function sendPendingNotifications($day, $invoices, $tpls, $sendCallback) { foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { $user = $invoice->getUser(); if (!$user) { continue; } foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { if ($this->isNotificationRuleMatch($tpl, $invoice)) { if (!empty($this->_pendingSent[$sendCallback[1]][$invoice->getUser()->pk()])) { continue; } $mailTpl = Am_Mail_Template::createFromEmailTemplate($tpl); $mailTpl->setUser($invoice->getUser()); $mailTpl->setInvoice($invoice); if ($invoice->due_date < sqlDate('+ 7 days')) { $invoice->updateQuick('due_date', sqlDate('+ 7 days')); } $mailTpl->setPaylink(ROOT_SURL . sprintf('/pay/%s', $invoice->getSecureId('payment-link'))); $mailTpl->setDay($day); $products = array(); foreach ($invoice->getProducts() as $product) { $products[] = $product->getTitle(); } $mailTpl->setProduct_title(implode(", ", $products)); call_user_func($sendCallback, $mailTpl, $invoice); $this->_pendingSent[$sendCallback[1]][$invoice->getUser()->pk()] = true; break; } } } }
public function refundAction() { $this->getDi()->authAdmin->getUser()->checkPermission('grid_payment', 'insert'); do { $this->invoice_payment_id = $this->getInt('invoice_payment_id'); if (!$this->invoice_payment_id) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Not payment# submitted")); continue; } $p = $this->getDi()->invoicePaymentTable->load($this->invoice_payment_id); /* @var $p InvoicePayment */ if (!$p) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("No payment found")); continue; } if ($this->user_id != $p->user_id) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Payment belongs to another customer")); continue; } if ($p->isFullRefunded()) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Payment is already refunded")); continue; } $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $this->_request->get('amount')); if ($p->amount < $amount) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Refund amount cannot exceed payment amount")); continue; } if ($this->_request->getInt('manual')) { $el = new Am_Form_Element_Date(); $dattm = $el->convertReadableToSQL($this->_request->get('dattm')); if (!$dattm) { $dattm = sqlDate('now'); } $dattm .= ' 00:00:00'; if ($dattm < $p->dattm) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Refund date cannot be before payment date")); continue; } switch ($type = $this->_request->getFiltered('type')) { case 'refund': case 'chargeback': $pl = $this->getDi()->plugins_payment->loadEnabled()->get($p->paysys_id); if (!$pl) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Could not load payment plugin [%s]", $pl)); continue 2; } $invoice = $p->getInvoice(); $transaction = new Am_Paysystem_Transaction_Manual($pl); $transaction->setAmount($amount); $transaction->setReceiptId($p->receipt_id . '-manual-' . $type); $transaction->setTime(new DateTime($dattm)); if ($type == 'refund') { $invoice->addRefund($transaction, $p->receipt_id); } else { $invoice->addChargeback($transaction, $p->receipt_id); } break; case 'correction': $this->getDi()->accessTable->deleteBy(array('invoice_payment_id' => $this->invoice_payment_id)); $invoice = $p->getInvoice(); $p->delete(); $invoice->updateStatus(); break; default: $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Incorrect refund [type] passed: %s", $type)); continue 2; } $res = array('success' => true, 'text' => ___("Payment has been successfully refunded")); } else { // automatic /// ok, now we have validated $p here $pl = $this->getDi()->plugins_payment->loadEnabled()->get($p->paysys_id); if (!$pl) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => ___("Could not load payment plugin [%s]", $pl)); continue; } /* @var $pl Am_Paysystem_Abstract */ $result = new Am_Paysystem_Result(); $pl->processRefund($p, $result, $amount); if ($result->isSuccess()) { if ($transaction = $result->getTransaction()) { $p->getInvoice()->addRefund($result->getTransaction(), $p->receipt_id, $amount); } $res = array('success' => true, 'text' => ___("Payment has been successfully refunded")); } elseif ($result->isAction()) { $action = $result->getAction(); if ($action instanceof Am_Paysystem_Action_Redirect) { $res = array('success' => 'redirect', 'url' => $result->getUrl()); } else { // todo handle other actions if necessary throw new Am_Exception_NotImplemented("Could not handle refund action " . get_class($action)); } } elseif ($result->isFailure()) { $res = array('success' => false, 'text' => join(";", $result->getErrorMessages())); } } } while (false); $this->_response->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", true); echo $this->getJson($res); }
public function getLabel($key) { return sqlDate($key); }
/** * run payouts when scheduled */ function onDaily(Am_Event $event) { $delay = $this->getConfig('payout_day'); if (!$delay) { return; } list($count, $unit) = preg_split('/(\\D)/', $delay, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); switch ($unit) { case 'd': if ($count != (int) date('d', amstrtotime($event->getDatetime()))) { return; } break; case 'w': $w = date('w', amstrtotime($event->getDatetime())); if ($count != $w) { return; } break; default: throw new Am_Exception_InternalError(sprintf('Unknown unit [%s] in %s::%s', $unit, __CLASS__, __METHOD__)); } $this->getDi()->affCommissionTable->runPayout(sqlDate($event->getDatetime())); }
/** * Refresh totals according to currently selected * items, _coupon, user and so ons * Should be called on a fresh invoice only, because * it may break reporting later if called on a paid * invoice * @return Invoice provides fluent interface */ function calculate() { foreach ($this->getCalculators() as $calc) { $calc->calculate($this); } // now summarize all items to invoice totals $priceFields = array('first_subtotal' => null, 'first_discount' => 'first_discount', 'first_tax' => 'first_tax', 'first_shipping' => 'first_shipping', 'first_total' => 'first_total', 'second_subtotal' => null, 'second_discount' => 'second_discount', 'second_tax' => 'second_tax', 'second_shipping' => 'second_shipping', 'second_total' => 'second_total'); foreach ($priceFields as $k => $kk) { $this->{$k} = 0.0; } foreach ($this->getItems() as $item) { $this->first_subtotal += moneyRound($item->first_price * $item->qty); $this->second_subtotal += moneyRound($item->second_price * $item->qty); foreach ($priceFields as $k => $kk) { $this->{$k} += $kk ? $item->{$kk} : 0; } } foreach ($priceFields as $k => $kk) { $this->{$k} = moneyRound($this->{$k}); } /// set periods, it has been checked for compatibility in @see add() foreach ($this->getItems() as $item) { $this->currency = $item->currency; if (!@$this->first_period) { $this->first_period = $item->first_period; } if (!@$this->second_period) { $this->second_period = $item->second_period; } $this->rebill_times = max(@$this->rebill_times, $item->rebill_times); } if ($this->currency == Am_Currency::getDefault()) { $this->base_currency_multi = 1.0; } else { $this->base_currency_multi = $this->getDi()->currencyExchangeTable->getRate($this->currency, sqlDate(!empty($this->tm_added) ? $this->tm_added : $this->getDi()->sqlDateTime)); if (!$this->base_currency_multi) { $this->base_currency_multi = 1; } } $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::INVOICE_CALCULATE, array('invoice' => $this)); return $this; }
public function renderLink(CcRebill $obj) { $linkRun = $linkDetail = ''; if ($obj->rebill_date <= sqlDate('now')) { if ($obj->status_3 < $obj->total) { $iconRun = $this->getDi()->view->icon('retry', ___('Run')); $back_url = $this->grid->makeUrl(); $linkRun = "<a href='javascript:;' class='run' id='run-{$obj->rebill_date}' data-back_url='{$back_url}'>{$iconRun}</a>"; } if ($obj->is_log) { $iconDetail = $this->getDi()->view->icon('view', ___('Details')); $linkDetail = "<a href='javascript:;' class='detail' id='detail-{$obj->rebill_date}'>{$iconDetail}</a>"; } } return "<td width='1%' nowrap>{$linkRun} {$linkDetail}</td>"; }
function log(Am_Record $user, Am_Record $notification) { $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO ?_notification_click SET ?a", array('user_id' => $user->pk(), 'dattm' => sqlDate('now'), 'notification_id' => $notification->pk())); }
public function beforeSave() { if ($this->isNewRecord) { $this->user_id = uid(); $this->createDate = sqlDate(); $this->code = $this->getRandomString(); $user = User::model()->findByPk(uid()); if ($user->pay != 0 && time() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 <= strtotime($user->createdAt)) { $pay = intval($user->pay); if ($pay === 1) { $this->payModel = 'small'; } else { if ($pay === 2) { $this->payModel = 'medium'; } else { if ($pay === 3) { $this->payModel = 'large'; } } } } } if ($this->tz) { $this->startTime = absDate($this->startTime, $this->tz, "H:i"); $this->endTime = absDate($this->endTime, $this->tz, "H:i"); } $this->updateDate = sqlDate(); return parent::beforeSave(); }
/** * Process invoice and insert necessary commissions for it * * External code should guarantee that this method with $payment = null will be called * only once for each user for First user invoice */ public function processPayment(Invoice $invoice, InvoicePayment $payment = null) { $aff_id = $invoice->aff_id; /* @var $coupon Coupon */ try { if (!$aff_id && ($coupon = $invoice->getCoupon())) { // try to find affiliate by coupon $aff_id = $coupon->aff_id ? $coupon->aff_id : $coupon->getBatch()->aff_id; } } catch (Am_Exception_Db_NotFound $e) { //coupon not found } if (empty($aff_id)) { $aff_id = $invoice->getUser()->aff_id; } if ($aff_id && empty($invoice->aff_id)) { // set aff_id to invoice for quick access next time $invoice->updateQuick('aff_id', $aff_id); } // run event to get plugins chance choose another affiliate $event = new Am_Event(Bootstrap_Aff::AFF_FIND_AFFILIATE, array('invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment)); $event->setReturn($aff_id); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $aff_id = $event->getReturn(); if (empty($aff_id)) { return; } // no affiliate id registered if ($aff_id == $invoice->getUser()->pk()) { return; } //strange situation // load affiliate and continue $aff = $this->getDi()->userTable->load($aff_id, false); if (!$aff || !$aff->is_affiliate) { return; } // affiliate not found $user = $invoice->getUser(); if (!$user->aff_id) { $user->aff_id = $aff->pk(); $user->aff_added = sqlTime('now'); $user->data()->set('aff-source', 'invoice-' . $invoice->pk()); $user->save(); } // try to load other tier affiliate $aff_tier = $aff; $aff_tiers = array(); $aff_tiers_exists = array($aff->pk()); for ($tier = 1; $tier <= $this->getMaxTier(); $tier++) { if (!$aff_tier->aff_id || $aff_tier->pk() == $invoice->getUser()->pk()) { break; } $aff_tier = $this->getDi()->userTable->load($aff_tier->aff_id, false); if (!$aff_tier || !$aff_tier->is_affiliate || $aff_tier->pk() == $invoice->getUser()->pk() || in_array($aff_tier->pk(), $aff_tiers_exists)) { //already in chain break; } $aff_tiers[$tier] = $aff_tier; $aff_tiers_exists[] = $aff_tier->pk(); } $isFirst = !$payment || $payment->isFirst(); //to define price field $paymentNumber = is_null($payment) ? 0 : $invoice->getPaymentsCount(); if (!$payment) { $tax = 0; } else { $tax = $this->getDi()->config->get('aff.commission_include_tax', false) ? 0 : doubleval($payment->tax); } $amount = $payment ? $payment->amount - $tax : 0; $date = $payment ? $payment->dattm : 'now'; // now calculate commissions $items = is_null($payment) ? array_slice($invoice->getItems(), 0, 1) : $invoice->getItems(); foreach ($items as $item) { //we do not calculate commission for free items in invoice $prefix = $isFirst ? 'first' : 'second'; if (!is_null($payment) && !(double) $item->get("{$prefix}_total")) { continue; } $comm = $this->getDi()->affCommissionRecord; $comm->date = sqlDate($date); $comm->record_type = AffCommission::COMMISSION; $comm->invoice_id = $invoice->invoice_id; $comm->invoice_item_id = $item->invoice_item_id; $comm->invoice_payment_id = $payment ? $payment->pk() : null; $comm->receipt_id = $payment ? $payment->receipt_id : null; $comm->product_id = $item->item_id; $comm->is_first = $paymentNumber <= 1; $comm->_setPayment($payment); $comm->_setInvoice($invoice); $comm_tier = clone $comm; $rules = array(); $topay_this = $topay = $this->calculate($invoice, $item, $aff, $paymentNumber, 0, $amount, $date, $rules); if ($topay > 0) { $comm->aff_id = $aff->pk(); $comm->amount = $topay; $comm->tier = 0; $comm->_setAff($aff); $comm->insert(); $comm->setCommissionRules(array_map(create_function('$el', 'return $el->pk();'), $rules)); } foreach ($aff_tiers as $tier => $aff_tier) { $rules = array(); $topay_this = $this->calculate($invoice, $item, $aff_tier, $paymentNumber, $tier, $topay_this, $date, $rules); if ($topay_this > 0) { $comm_this = clone $comm_tier; $comm_this->aff_id = $aff_tier->pk(); $comm_this->amount = $topay_this; $comm_this->tier = $tier; $comm_this->_setAff($aff_tier); $comm_this->insert(); $comm_this->setCommissionRules(array_map(create_function('$el', 'return $el->pk();'), $rules)); } } } }
/** @return array of int future product# */ function getFutureProductIds() { return $this->getAdapter()->selectCol("SELECT DISTINCT product_id\n FROM ?_access a\n LEFT JOIN ?_user_status us\n USING(user_id,product_id)\n WHERE a.user_id = ?\n AND a.begin_date>?\n AND (us.status IS NULL OR us.status<>?)", $this->user_id, sqlDate('now'), self::STATUS_ACTIVE); }
function getStats($start, $stop) { return (double) $this->_db->selectCell("SELECT SUM(amount) FROM ?_aff_commission\n WHERE record_type=? AND date BETWEEN ? AND ?", AffCommission::COMMISSION, sqlDate($start), sqlDate($stop)); }