Beispiel #1
 * @param string time zone string
 * @return string time zone name used for TZ env 
 * (false, if timezone does not exists and server's TZ should be used)
 * @since 1.5.1
function sq_get_tz_key($sTZ)
    $aTZs = sq_get_tz_array();
    // get real time zone from link
    if (isset($aTZs[$sTZ]['LINK'])) {
        $sTZ = $aTZs[$sTZ]['LINK'];
    if (isset($aTZs[$sTZ])) {
        if (isset($aTZs[$sTZ]['TZ'])) {
            // get time zone
            return $aTZs[$sTZ]['TZ'];
        } else {
            // array does not have TZ entry. bad thing
            return $sTZ;
    } else {
        return false;
Beispiel #2
 * This function builds an array with all the information about
 * the options available to the user, and returns it. The options
 * are grouped by the groups in which they are displayed.
 * For each option, the following information is stored:
 * - name: the internal (variable) name
 * - caption: the description of the option in the UI
 * - type: one of SMOPT_TYPE_*
 * - refresh: one of SMOPT_REFRESH_*
 * - size: one of SMOPT_SIZE_*
 * - save: the name of a function to call when saving this option
 * @return array all option information
function load_optpage_data_personal()
    global $data_dir, $username, $edit_identity, $edit_name, $edit_reply_to, $full_name, $reply_to, $email_address, $signature, $tzChangeAllowed, $timeZone, $domain;
    /* Set the values of some global variables. */
    $full_name = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'full_name');
    $reply_to = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'reply_to');
    $email_address = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address', SMPREF_NONE);
    $signature = getSig($data_dir, $username, 'g');
    // set email_address to default value, if it is not set in user's preferences
    if ($email_address == SMPREF_NONE) {
        if (preg_match("/(.+)@(.+)/", $username)) {
            $email_address = $username;
        } else {
            $email_address = $username . '@' . $domain;
    /* Build a simple array into which we will build options. */
    $optgrps = array();
    $optvals = array();
    /*** Load the Contact Information Options into the array ***/
    $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT] = _("Name and Address Options");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT] = array();
    /* Build a simple array into which we will build options. */
    $optvals = array();
    if (!isset($edit_identity)) {
        $edit_identity = TRUE;
    if ($edit_identity || $edit_name) {
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'full_name', 'caption' => _("Full Name"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_HUGE);
    } else {
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'full_name', 'caption' => _("Full Name"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'comment' => $full_name);
    if ($edit_identity) {
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'email_address', 'caption' => _("E-mail Address"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_HUGE);
    } else {
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'email_address', 'caption' => _("E-mail Address"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'comment' => sm_encode_html_special_chars($email_address));
    if ($edit_identity || $edit_reply_to) {
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'reply_to', 'caption' => _("Reply To"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_HUGE);
    } else {
        //TODO: For many users, this is redundant to the email address above, especially if not editable -- so here instead of a comment, we could just hide it... in fact, that's what we'll do, but keep this code for posterity in case someone decides we shouldn't do this
                $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array(
                    'name'    => 'reply_to',
                    'caption' => _("Reply To"),
                    'type'    => SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT,
                    'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE,
                    'comment' => sm_encode_html_special_chars($reply_to),
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'signature', 'caption' => _("Signature"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_TEXTAREA, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_MEDIUM, 'save' => 'save_option_signature');
    if ($edit_identity) {
        $identities_link_value = '<a href="options_identities.php">' . _("Edit Advanced Identities") . '</a> ' . _("(discards changes made on this form so far)");
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_CONTACT][] = array('name' => 'identities_link', 'caption' => _("Multiple Identities"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'comment' => $identities_link_value);
    if ($tzChangeAllowed || function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
        $TZ_ARRAY[SMPREF_NONE] = _("Same as server");
        $aTimeZones = sq_get_tz_array();
        if (!empty($aTimeZones)) {
            // check if current timezone is linked to other TZ and update it
            if ($timeZone != SMPREF_NONE && $timeZone != "" && isset($aTimeZones[$timeZone]['LINK'])) {
                $timeZone = $aTimeZones[$timeZone]['LINK'];
                // TODO: recheck setting of $timeZone
                // setPref($data_dir,$username,'timezone',$timeZone);
            // sort time zones by name. sq_get_tz_array() returns sorted by key.
            // asort($aTimeZones);
            // add all 'TZ' entries to TZ_ARRAY
            foreach ($aTimeZones as $TzKey => $TzData) {
                if (!isset($TzData['LINK'])) {
                    // Old display format
                    $TZ_ARRAY[$TzKey] = $TzKey;
                    // US Eastern standard time (America/New_York) - needs asort($aTimeZones)
                    //$TZ_ARRAY[$TzKey] = (isset($TzData['NAME']) ? $TzData['NAME']." ($TzKey)" : "($TzKey)");
                    // US Eastern standard time if NAME is present or America/New_York if NAME not present
                    // needs sorting after all data is added or uasort()
                    //$TZ_ARRAY[$TzKey] = (isset($TzData['NAME']) ? $TzData['NAME'] : $TzKey);
                    // (America/New_Your) US Eastern standard time
                    //$TZ_ARRAY[$TzKey] = "($TzKey)" . (isset($TzData['NAME']) ? ' '.$TzData['NAME'] : '');
        } else {
            $message = _("Error opening timezone config, contact administrator.");
        // TODO: make error user friendly
        if (isset($message)) {
        $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_TZ] = _("Timezone Options");
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_TZ] = array();
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_TZ][] = array('name' => 'timezone', 'caption' => _("Your current timezone"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'posvals' => $TZ_ARRAY);
    /*** Load the Reply Citation Options into the array ***/
    $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_REPLY] = _("Reply Citation Options");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_REPLY] = array();
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_REPLY][] = array('name' => 'reply_citation_style', 'caption' => _("Reply Citation Style"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_NONE => _("No Citation"), 'author_said' => _("AUTHOR Wrote"), 'date_time_author' => _("On DATE, AUTHOR Wrote"), 'quote_who' => _("Quote Who XML"), 'user-defined' => _("User-Defined")));
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_REPLY][] = array('name' => 'reply_citation_start', 'caption' => _("User-Defined Citation Start"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_MEDIUM);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_REPLY][] = array('name' => 'reply_citation_end', 'caption' => _("User-Defined Citation End"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_MEDIUM);
    /*** Load the Signature Options into the array ***/
    $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_SIG] = _("Signature Options");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SIG] = array();
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SIG][] = array('name' => 'use_signature', 'caption' => _("Use Signature"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SIG][] = array('name' => 'prefix_sig', 'caption' => _("Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE);
    /* Assemble all this together and return it as our result. */
    $result = array('grps' => $optgrps, 'vals' => $optvals);
    return $result;