Beispiel #1
} else {
    echo "<img src=\"{$imgtmpPI}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . translate("Posted: ") . convertdate($myrow['post_time']);
echo "<br /><br />\n";
$message = stripslashes($myrow['post_text']);
if ($allow_bbcode) {
    $message = smilie($message);
    $message = str_replace("[video_yt]", "", $message);
    $message = str_replace("[/video_yt]", "", $message);
// <a href in the message
if (stristr($message, "<a href")) {
    $message = preg_replace('#_blank(")#i', '_blank\\1 class=\\1\\1', $message);
$message = split_string_without_space($message, 80);
if ($forum_type == '6' or $forum_type == '5') {
    highlight_string(stripslashes($myrow['post_text'])) . '<br /><br />';
} else {
    echo $message = str_replace('[addsig]', '<br /><br />' . nl2br($posterdata['user_sig']), $message);
if ($allow_upload_forum and $att > 0) {
    $post_id = $myrow['post_id'];
    echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n      <tr><td>";
    echo display_upload("forum_npds", $post_id, $Mmod);
    echo "</td>\n      </tr>\n      </table>";
echo "\n   </td></tr></table>\n         </td></tr></table>\n         </td></tr></table>\n         </td></tr></table>";
echo '
          <hr />
Beispiel #2
                            $files .= "</div>";
                        case "swf":
                            $img_size = "width=\"{$w_i}\" height=\"{$h_i}\"";
                            $PopUp = "getfile.php?att_id={$ibid}&amp;apli=f-manager";
                            $files .= "<div class=\"imagethumb\">";
                            $files .= "<a href=\"{$PopUp}\" target=\"_blank\">";
                            $files .= "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\"\\,0\\,2\\,0\" {$img_size}><param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\"><param name=\"src\" value=\"{$PopUp}\"><embed src=\"{$PopUp}\" quality=\"high\" pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" {$img_size}></embed></object>";
                            $files .= "</a>\n</div>";
                        case "mp3":
                            $PopUp = "getfile.php?att_id={$ibid}&amp;apli=f-manager";
                            $files .= "<div class=\"imagethumb\">";
                            $uniqid = uniqid("mp3");
                            $files .= "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"document.{$uniqid}.SetVariable('player:jsUrl', '{$PopUp}'); document.{$uniqid}.SetVariable('player:jsPlay', '');\">";
                            $files .= "<div class=\"mp3\"><p align=\"center\">" . fma_translate("Cliquer ici pour charger le fichier dans le player") . "</p><br />" . split_string_without_space($obj->FieldName, 24) . "</div>";
                            $files .= "<div style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">";
                            $files .= "<object id=\"" . $uniqid . "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"modules/{$ModPath}/plugins/player_mp3_maxi.swf\" width=\"{$Max_thumb}\" height=\"15\">\n                     <param name=\"movie\" value=\"modules/{$ModPath}/plugins/player_mp3_maxi.swf\" />\n                     <param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"showstop=1&amp;showinfo=1&amp;showvolume=1\" />\n                     </object></div>";
                            $files .= "</a>\n</div>";
    $files .= "</div>";
// Génération de l'interface
$inclusion = false;
if (file_exists("themes/{$Default_Theme}/html/modules/f-manager/pic-manager.html")) {
    } else {
        $def_modifier = $def;
    echo '
            <td valign="top" align="left"><strong>' . $def_modifier . '</strong></td>
            <td class="table-info" valign="top" align="left">' . $type_meta . '</td>';
    if ($type_meta == "smil") {
        echo '
            <td valign="top" align="left">' . $cmd . '</td>
    } else {
        if ($type_meta == "mot") {
            echo '
            <td valign="top" align="left">' . $content . '</td>
        } else {
            echo '
            <td valign="top" align="left">' . split_string_without_space(aff_langue($description), 15) . '</td>
echo '
         <tr><td colspan="3" >Meta-lang pour <a href="" >NPDS</a> ==> ' . $ibid . ' META(s)
Beispiel #4
    while (list($username, $host_addr, $guest, $uri, $agent) = sql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if ($username == $host_addr) {
            global $anonymous;
            $username = $anonymous;
        if (preg_match('#(crawl|bot|spider|yahoo)#', strtolower($agent))) {
            $agent = "Bot";
        } else {
            $agent = "Browser";
        echo '
               <td class="small">' . $username . '</td>
               <td class="small">' . $host_addr . '</td>
               <td class="small">' . gethostbyaddr($host_addr) . '</td>
               <td class="small">' . split_string_without_space($uri, 40) . '</td>
               <td class="small">' . $agent . '</td>
    echo '
      </table>' . "\n";
// Détails @IP
if ($subop == "info") {
    echo '<h3>' . SessionLog_translate("Informations sur l'IP") . '</h3>';
    $hostname = gethostbyaddr($theip);
    if ($theip != $hostname) {
        $domfai = explode(".", $hostname);
        $prov = $domfai[count($domfai) - 2] . '.' . $domfai[count($domfai) - 1];
        if ($prov == "" or $prov == "") {
Beispiel #5
function List_Meta_Lang()
    global $hlpfile, $NPDS_Prefix, $meta, $type_meta, $f_meta_nom, $f_titre, $adminimg;
    if (!empty($meta)) {
        $Q = sql_query("SELECT def, content, type_meta, type_uri, uri, description, obligatoire FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "metalang WHERE def = '" . $meta . "' ORDER BY type_meta, def ASC");
    } else {
        if (!empty($type_meta)) {
            $Q = sql_query("SELECT def, content, type_meta, type_uri, uri, description, obligatoire FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "metalang WHERE type_meta = '" . $type_meta . "' ORDER BY type_meta, def ASC");
        } else {
            $Q = sql_query("SELECT def, content, type_meta, type_uri, uri, description, obligatoire FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "metalang ORDER BY 'type_meta','def' ASC");
    include "header.php";
    adminhead($f_meta_nom, $f_titre, $adminimg);
    $tablmeta = '';
    $tablmeta_c = '';
    $ibid = 0;
    while (list($def, $content, $type_meta, $type_uri, $uri, $description, $obligatoire) = sql_fetch_row($Q)) {
        $tablmeta_c .= '
               <input type="hidden" name="nbr" value="' . $ibid . '" />';
        if ($obligatoire == false) {
            $tablmeta_c .= '<a href="admin.php?op=Edit_Meta_Lang&amp;ml=' . urlencode($def) . '"><i class="fa fa-edit fa-lg" title="Editer ce m&#xE9;ta-mot" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"></i></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-lg text-danger" title="Effacer ce m&#xE9;ta-mot" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"></i>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="action[' . $ibid . ']" value="' . $def . '" />';
        } else {
            $tablmeta_c .= '<a href="admin.php?op=Edit_Meta_Lang&amp;ml=' . urlencode($def) . '" ><i class="fa fa-eye fa-lg" title="Voir le code de ce m&#xE9;ta-mot" data-toggle="tooltip" ></i></a>';
        $tablmeta_c .= '
            <td><code>' . $def . '</code></td>
            <td>' . $type_meta . '</td>';
        if ($type_meta == 'smil') {
            $tablmeta_c .= '
            <td>' . $cmd . '</td>';
        } else {
            if ($type_meta == 'mot') {
                $tablmeta_c .= '
         <td>' . $content . '</td>';
            } else {
                $tablmeta_c .= '
         <td>' . split_string_without_space(aff_langue($description), 29) . '</td>';
        $tablmeta_c .= '
    $tablmeta .= '
   <hr />
   <h3><a href="admin.php?op=Creat_Meta_Lang"><i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i></a>&nbsp;' . adm_translate("Créer un nouveau") . ' META-MOT</h3>
   <hr />
   <h3>' . adm_translate("Recherche rapide") . '</h3>
   <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-3">' . list_meta($meta, $type_meta) . '</div>
      <div class="col-sm-3">' . list_type_meta($type_meta) . '</div>
   <hr />
   <h3>META-MOT <span class="tag tag-default float-xs-right">' . $ibid . '</span></h3>
   <form name="admin_meta_lang" action="admin.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . adm_translate("Supprimer") . ' ?\')">
   <table data-toggle="table" data-striped="true" data-search="true" data-show-toggle="true" data-mobile-responsive="true" data-icons-prefix="fa" data-icons="icons" >
            <th data-sortable="true" data-halign="center" data-align="right">' . adm_translate("Fonctions") . '</th>
            <th data-sortable="true" data-halign="center" >' . adm_translate("Nom") . '</th>
            <th data-sortable="true" data-halign="center" >' . adm_translate("Type") . '</th>
            <th data-sortable="true" data-halign="center" >' . adm_translate("Description") . '</th>
    $tablmeta .= $tablmeta_c;
    $tablmeta .= '
            <td colspan="4">
               <input type="hidden" name="op" value="Kill_Meta_Lang" />
               <input type="image" src="images/admin/metalang/delete.gif" name="submit" value="kill" title="' . adm_translate("Tout supprimer") . '" alt="' . adm_translate("Tout supprimer") . '" />
    echo $tablmeta;
    adminfoot('', '', '', '');