Beispiel #1
# == IN-LINE LOGIN FORM - OBJECT DEFINITION ====================
$loginForm = array('tagClass' => 'spForm', 'controlFieldset' => 'spControl', 'controlInput' => 'spControl', 'controlSubmit' => 'spSubmit', 'controlIcon' => 'spIcon', 'controlLink' => 'spLink', 'iconName' => 'sp_LogInOut.png', 'labelUserName' => __sp('Login name'), 'labelPassword' => __sp('Password'), 'labelRemember' => __sp('Remember me'), 'labelRegister' => __sp('Register'), 'labelLostPass' => __sp('Lost password?'), 'labelSubmit' => __sp('Log In'), 'showRegister' => 1, 'showLostPass' => 1, 'separator' => ' | ');
# ==============================================================
# == Search FORM - OBJECT DEFINITION ====================
$searchForm = array('tagClass' => 'spLeft spSearchForm', 'icon' => 'sp_Search.png', 'inputClass' => 'spControl', 'inputWidth' => 20, 'submitClass' => 'spButton spRight', 'advSearchLinkClass' => 'spLink', 'advSearchLink' => '', 'advSearchId' => 'spSearchFormAdvanced', 'advSearchClass' => 'spSearchFormAdvanced', 'submitLabel' => __sp('Search'), 'advancedLabel' => __sp('Advanced Search'), 'lastSearchLabel' => __sp('Last Search Results'), 'toolTip' => __sp('Search the forums'), 'labelLegend' => __sp('Advanced Search'), 'labelScope' => __sp('Forum Scope'), 'labelCurrent' => __sp('Current forum'), 'labelAll' => __sp('All forums'), 'labelMatch' => __sp('Match'), 'labelMatchAny' => __sp('Match any word'), 'labelMatchAll' => __sp('Match all words'), 'labelMatchPhrase' => __sp('Match phrase'), 'labelOptions' => __sp('Forum Options'), 'labelPostTitles' => __sp('Posts and topic titles'), 'labelPostsOnly' => __sp('Posts only'), 'labelTitlesOnly' => __sp('Topic titles only'), 'labelMinLength' => __sp('Minimum search word length is %1$s characters - maximum search word length is %2$s characters'), 'labelMemberSearch' => __sp('Member Search (Current or All Forums)'), 'labelTopicsPosted' => __sp('List Topics You Have Posted To'), 'labelTopicsStarted' => __sp('List Topics You Started'), 'searchIncludeDef' => 1, 'searchScope' => 1);
# ==============================================================
# Start Template
# Mandatory call to sp_HeaderBegin() - available to custom code
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Output the admin queue and links if the admin bar plugin is activated
if (function_exists('sp_AdminQueue')) {
    sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection', 'adminBar');
    sp_AdminLinks('tagClass=spRight spButton', __sp('Admin Links'), __sp('Select an admin page'));
    sp_AdminQueue('tagClass=spLeft&buttonClass=spLeft spButton&countClass=spLeft spButtonAsLabel', __sp('View New Posts'), __sp('Unread: '), __sp('Need Moderation: '), __sp('Spam: '), __sp('Open/Close the Admin Postbag'));
    sp_SectionEnd('tagClass=spClear', 'adminBar');
# Start the 'userInfo' section
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection', 'userInfo');
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spImg spLeft');
sp_LoggedInOutLabel('tagClass=spLabelSmall spLeft', __sp('Logged in as<br /><b>%USERNAME%</b>'), __sp('Please consider registering<br /><b>guest</b>'), __sp('Welcome back <b>%USERNAME%</b><br />Please log in to post'));
sp_LogInOutButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Log In'), __sp('Log Out'), __sp('Log in and log out'));
sp_RegisterButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Register'), __sp('Register'));
sp_ProfileEditButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Profile'), __sp('Edit your profile'));
if (function_exists('sp_PmInboxButton')) {
    sp_PmInboxButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Inbox:'), __sp('Go to PM inbox'));
if (function_exists('sp_SubscriptionsReviewButton')) {
Beispiel #2
# == IN-LINE LOGIN FORM - OBJECT DEFINITION ====================
$loginForm = array('tagClass' => 'spForm', 'controlFieldset' => 'spControl', 'controlInput' => 'spControl', 'controlSubmit' => 'spSubmit spLeft', 'controlIcon' => 'spIcon', 'controlLink' => 'spLink spLeft', 'iconName' => 'sp_LogInOut.png', 'labelUserName' => __sp('Login name'), 'labelPassword' => __sp('Password'), 'labelRemember' => __sp('Remember me'), 'labelRegister' => __sp('Register'), 'labelLostPass' => __sp('Lost password?'), 'labelSubmit' => __sp('Log In'), 'showRegister' => 1, 'showLostPass' => 1);
# ==============================================================
# == Search FORM - OBJECT DEFINITION ====================
$searchForm = array('tagClass' => 'spLeft spSearchForm', 'icon' => '', 'inputClass' => 'spControl', 'inputWidth' => 20, 'submitClass' => 'spButton spRight', 'advSearchLinkClass' => 'spLink', 'advSearchLink' => '', 'advSearchId' => 'spSearchFormAdvanced', 'advSearchClass' => 'spSearchFormAdvanced', 'submitLabel' => __sp('Search'), 'advancedLabel' => __sp('Advanced Search'), 'lastSearchLabel' => __sp('Last Search Results'), 'toolTip' => __sp('Search the forums'), 'labelLegend' => __sp('Advanced Search'), 'labelScope' => __sp('Forum Scope'), 'labelCurrent' => __sp('Current forum'), 'labelAll' => __sp('All forums'), 'labelMatch' => __sp('Match'), 'labelMatchAny' => __sp('Match any word'), 'labelMatchAll' => __sp('Match all words'), 'labelMatchPhrase' => __sp('Match phrase'), 'labelOptions' => __sp('Options'), 'labelPostTitles' => __sp('Posts and topic titles'), 'labelPostsOnly' => __sp('Posts only'), 'labelTitlesOnly' => __sp('Topic titles only'), 'labelMinLength' => __sp('Minimum search word length is %1$s characters - maximum search word length is %2$s characters'), 'labelMemberSearch' => __sp('Member Search (Current or All Forums)'), 'labelTopicsPosted' => __sp('List Topics You Have Posted To'), 'labelTopicsStarted' => __sp('List Topics You Have Started'), 'searchIncludeDef' => 1, 'searchScope' => 1, 'submitClass' => 'spRight', 'submitClass2' => 'spLink', 'submitLabel' => 'Search', 'advSearchLinkClass' => 'spButton');
# ==============================================================
# Start Template
# Mandatory call to sp_HeaderBegin() - available to custom code
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (function_exists('sp_AdminQueue')) {
    sp_AdminLinks('tagClass=spRight&iconClass=spIcon&icon=', 'Tools', __sp('Select an admin page'));
    sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection', 'adminBar');
    sp_AdminQueue('tagClass=spLeft&buttonClass=spLeft&countClass=spLeft spButtonAsLabel&icon=', 'View', __sp('New:'), __sp('Need Mod:'), __sp('Spam:'), __sp('Open/Close the Admin Postbag'));
    sp_SectionEnd('tagClass=spClear', 'adminBar');
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spHeadControlBarMobile', 'userInfo');
#sp_MarkReadMobile('tagClass=spMarkForumRead spRight&mobileMenu=1', __sp('Mark All Posts Read'), __sp('Please confirm you want to mark all posts read'));
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection', 'search');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'search');
# Start the 'userInfo' section
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spImg spRight');
sp_LoggedInOutLabel('tagClass=spLabelSmall spRight', __sp('Logged in as<br /><b>%USERNAME%</b>'), __sp('Guest<br />Not logged in'), __sp('<b>%USERNAME%</b><br />Please log in'));