snort_barnyard_start($snortcfg, $if_real);
    } else {
        log_error("Toggle (barnyard stopping) for {$if_friendly}({$snortcfg['descr']})...");
        snort_barnyard_stop($snortcfg, $if_real);
    // So the GUI reports correctly
/* start/stop snort */
if ($_POST['toggle'] && is_numericint($_POST['id'])) {
    $snortcfg = $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule'][$_POST['id']];
    $if_real = get_real_interface($snortcfg['interface']);
    $if_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($snortcfg['interface']);
    if (snort_is_running($snortcfg['uuid'], $if_real)) {
        log_error("Toggle (snort stopping) for {$if_friendly}({$snortcfg['descr']})...");
        snort_stop($snortcfg, $if_real);
    } else {
        log_error("Toggle (snort starting) for {$if_friendly}({$snortcfg['descr']})...");
        /* set flag to rebuild interface rules before starting Snort */
        $rebuild_rules = true;
        $rebuild_rules = false;
        snort_start($snortcfg, $if_real);
    // So the GUI reports correctly
$pgtitle = "Services: {$snort_package_version}";
include_once "";
<body link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
     $natent['stream5_track_udp'] = 'on';
     $natent['stream5_max_udp'] = '131072';
     $natent['stream5_udp_timeout'] = '30';
     $natent['stream5_track_icmp'] = 'off';
     $natent['stream5_max_icmp'] = '65536';
     $natent['stream5_icmp_timeout'] = '30';
     $natent['stream5_mem_cap'] = '8388608';
     if (!is_array($natent['stream5_tcp_engine']['item'])) {
         $natent['stream5_tcp_engine']['item'] = array();
     $natent['stream5_tcp_engine']['item'][] = $stream5_eng;
     $a_rule[] = $natent;
 /* If Snort is disabled on this interface, stop any running instance */
 if ($natent['enable'] != 'on') {
     snort_stop($natent, $if_real);
 /* Save configuration changes */
 write_config("Snort pkg: modified interface configuration for {$natent['interface']}.");
 /* Update snort.conf and files for this interface */
 /* See if we need to restart Snort after an interface re-assignment */
 if ($snort_start == true) {
     snort_start($natent, $if_real);
 /* Signal Snort to reload configuration if we changed  */
 /* HOME_NET, EXTERNAL_NET or Suppress list values.     */
 /* The function only signals a running Snort instance  */
 /* to safely reload these parameters.                  */