    /* convert fake interfaces to real and check if iface is up */
    $if_real = get_real_interface($natent['interface']);
    $natend_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($natent['interface']);
    $snort_uuid = $natent['uuid'];
    if (!snort_is_running($snort_uuid, $if_real)) {
        $iconfn = 'block';
        $iconfn_msg1 = 'Snort is not running on ';
        $iconfn_msg2 = '. Click to start.';
    } else {
        $iconfn = 'pass';
        $iconfn_msg1 = 'Snort is running on ';
        $iconfn_msg2 = '. Click to stop.';
    if (!snort_is_running($snort_uuid, $if_real, 'barnyard2')) {
        $biconfn = 'block';
        $biconfn_msg1 = 'Barnyard2 is not running on ';
        $biconfn_msg2 = '. Click to start.';
    } else {
        $biconfn = 'pass';
        $biconfn_msg1 = 'Barnyard2 is running on ';
        $biconfn_msg2 = '. Click to stop.';
    /* See if interface has any rules defined and set boolean flag */
    $no_rules = true;
    if (isset($natent['customrules']) && !empty($natent['customrules'])) {
        $no_rules = false;
    if (isset($natent['rulesets']) && !empty($natent['rulesets'])) {
        $no_rules = false;
            /* Update the snort conf file and rebuild the    */
            /* rules for this interface.                     */
            $rebuild_rules = true;
            $rebuild_rules = false;
            /* Soft-restart Snort to live-load new rules */
            // We have saved changes and done a soft restart, so clear "dirty" flag
            // Sync to configured CARP slaves if any are enabled
            if (snort_is_running($snort_uuid, $if_real)) {
                $savemsg = gettext("Snort is 'live-reloading' the new rule set.");
include_once "head.inc";
$if_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($a_rule[$id]['interface']);
$pgtitle = gettext("Snort: Interface {$if_friendly} - Rules: {$currentruleset}");

<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC">
include "fbegin.inc";
/* Display message */
if ($input_errors) {
<tr valign="top" id="fr<?php 
    echo $nnats;
    /* convert fake interfaces to real and check if iface is up */
    /* There has to be a smarter way to do this */
    $if_real = snort_get_real_interface($natent['interface']);
    $snort_uuid = $natent['uuid'];
    if (snort_is_running($snort_uuid, $if_real) == 'no') {
        $iconfn = 'pass';
    } else {
        $iconfn = 'block';
    if (snort_is_running($snort_uuid, $if_real, 'barnyard2') == 'no') {
        $biconfn = 'pass';
    } else {
        $biconfn = 'block';
		<td class="listt">
			<input type="checkbox" id="frc<?php 
    echo $nnats;
" name="rule[]" value="<?php 
    echo $i;
" onClick="fr_bgcolor('<?php 
    echo $nnats;
        $a_nat[$id] = $natent;
        write_config("Snort pkg: modified Barnyard2 settings.");
        // No need to rebuild rules for Barnyard2 changes
        $rebuild_rules = false;
        // If disabling Barnyard2 on the interface, stop any
        // currently running instance.  If an instance is
        // running, signal it to reload the configuration.
        // If Barnyard2 is enabled but not running, notify the
        // user to restart Snort to enable Unified2 output.
        if ($a_nat[$id]['barnyard_enable'] == "off") {
            snort_barnyard_stop($a_nat[$id], get_real_interface($a_nat[$id]['interface']));
        } elseif ($a_nat[$id]['barnyard_enable'] == "on") {
            if (snort_is_running($a_nat[$id]['uuid'], get_real_interface($a_nat[$id]['interface']), "barnyard2")) {
                snort_barnyard_reload_config($a_nat[$id], "HUP");
            } else {
                // Notify user a Snort restart is required if enabling Barnyard2 for the first time
                $savemsg = gettext("NOTE: you must restart Snort on this interface to activate unified2 logging for Barnyard2.");
        $pconfig = $natent;
    } else {
        // We had errors, so save previous field data to prevent retyping
        $pconfig = $_POST;
$if_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($a_nat[$id]['interface']);
$pgtitle = gettext("Snort: Interface {$if_friendly} - Barnyard2 Settings");
include_once "head.inc";
 if ($_POST['fpm_search_optimize'] == "on") {
     $natent['fpm_search_optimize'] = 'on';
 } else {
     $natent['fpm_search_optimize'] = 'off';
 if ($_POST['fpm_no_stream_inserts'] == "on") {
     $natent['fpm_no_stream_inserts'] = 'on';
 } else {
     $natent['fpm_no_stream_inserts'] = 'off';
 $if_real = get_real_interface($natent['interface']);
 if (isset($id) && $a_rule[$id] && $action == '') {
     // See if moving an existing Snort instance to another physical interface
     if ($natent['interface'] != $a_rule[$id]['interface']) {
         $oif_real = get_real_interface($a_rule[$id]['interface']);
         if (snort_is_running($a_rule[$id]['uuid'], $oif_real)) {
             snort_stop($a_rule[$id], $oif_real);
             $snort_start = true;
         } else {
             $snort_start = false;
         exec("mv -f {$snortlogdir}/snort_{$oif_real}{$a_rule[$id]['uuid']} {$snortlogdir}/snort_{$if_real}{$a_rule[$id]['uuid']}");
         exec("mv -f {$snortdir}/snort_{$a_rule[$id]['uuid']}_{$oif_real} {$snortdir}/snort_{$a_rule[$id]['uuid']}_{$if_real}");
     $a_rule[$id] = $natent;
 } elseif (strcasecmp($action, 'dup') == 0) {
     // Duplicating a new interface, so set flag to build new rules
     $rebuild_rules = true;
     // Add the new duplicated interface configuration to the [rule] array in config