 * Utility function recursively scan a folder and build an array of it's contents
 * @since 1.0.2
 * @see
 * @param string $base Base directory to start.
 * @return array $data array of files/folder found
function snapshot_utility_scandir($base='') {
	if ((!$base) || (!strlen($base)))
		return array();

	if (!file_exists($base)) {
		return array();

	$data = array_diff(scandir($base), array('.', '..'));

	$subs = array();
	foreach($data as $key => $value) :
		if ( is_dir($base . '/' . $value) ) :
			$subs[] = snapshot_utility_scandir($base . '/' . $value);
		elseif ( is_file($base . '/' . $value) ) :
			$data[$key] = $base . '/' . $value;

	if (count($subs)) {
		foreach ( $subs as $sub ) {
			$data = array_merge($data, $sub);

	return $data;
 function snapshot_gather_item_files($item)
     global $wpdb, $site_id;
     $item_files = array();
     $home_path = apply_filters('snapshot_home_path', get_home_path());
     if (!isset($item['files-option']) || !count($item['files-option'])) {
         return $item_files;
     if ($item['files-option'] == "none") {
         if (isset($item['files-sections']) && count($item['files-sections'])) {
             $item['files-sections'] = array();
     } else {
         if ($item['files-option'] == "all") {
             if (is_main_site($item['blog-id'])) {
                 $files_sections = array('themes', 'plugins', 'media');
             } else {
                 $files_sections = array('media');
         } else {
             if ($item['files-option'] == "selected") {
                 $files_sections = $item['files-sections'];
     if (!isset($files_sections) || !count($files_sections)) {
         return $item_files;
     //global $is_IIS;
     //echo "is_IIS[". $is_IIS ."]<br />";
     //echo "iis7_supports_permalinks[". iis7_supports_permalinks() ."]<br />";
     //echo "files_sections<pre>"; print_r($files_sections); echo "</pre>";
     foreach ($files_sections as $file_section) {
         switch ($file_section) {
             case 'media':
                 $_path = $home_path . snapshot_utility_get_blog_upload_path($item['blog-id']);
                 $_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $_path);
                 //echo "_path[". $_path ."]<br />";
                 $item_files['media'] = snapshot_utility_scandir($_path);
                 //echo "media files<pre>"; print_r($item_files['media']); echo "</pre>";
             case 'plugins':
                 $_path = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . 'plugins';
                 $_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $_path);
                 $item_files['plugins'] = snapshot_utility_scandir($_path);
                 					case 'mu-plugins':
                 						$_path = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . 'mu-plugins';
                 						$_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $_path);
                 						$item_files['mu-plugins'] = snapshot_utility_scandir($_path);
             					case 'mu-plugins':
             						$_path = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . 'mu-plugins';
             						$_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $_path);
             						$item_files['mu-plugins'] = snapshot_utility_scandir($_path);
             case 'themes':
                 $_path = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . 'themes';
                 $_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $_path);
                 $item_files['themes'] = snapshot_utility_scandir($_path);
             case 'config':
                 $wp_config_file = trailingslashit($home_path) . "wp-config.php";
                 //$wp_config_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $wp_config_file);
                 if (file_exists($wp_config_file)) {
                     if (!isset($item_files['files'])) {
                         $item_files['files'] = array();
                     $item_files['files'][] = $wp_config_file;
             case 'htaccess':
                 $wp_htaccess_file = trailingslashit($home_path) . ".htaccess";
                 //$wp_htaccess_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $wp_htaccess_file);
                 if (file_exists($wp_htaccess_file)) {
                     if (!isset($item_files['files'])) {
                         $item_files['files'] = array();
                     $item_files['files'][] = $wp_htaccess_file;
                 $web_config_file = trailingslashit($home_path) . "web.config";
                 //$web_config_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $web_config_file);
                 if (file_exists($web_config_file)) {
                     if (!isset($item_files['files'])) {
                         $item_files['files'] = array();
                     $item_files['files'][] = $web_config_file;
     //echo "item_files<pre>"; print_r($item_files); echo "</pre>";
     if (!count($item_files)) {
         return $item_files;
     // Exclude files.
     $item_ignore_files = array();
     // With WP 3.5 fresh installs we have a slight issue. In prior versions of WP the main site upload folder and
     // related sub-site were seperate. Main site was typically /wp-content/uploads/ while sub-sites were
     // /wp-content/blogs.dir/X/files/
     // But in 3.5 when doing a fresh install, not upgrade, the sub-site upload path is beneath the main site.
     // main site /wp-content/uploads/ and sub-site wp-content/uploads/sites/X
     // So we have this added fun to try and exclude the sub-site from the main site's media. ug.
     $blog_id = intval($item['blog-id']);
     if (is_multisite() && is_main_site($blog_id)) {
         $main_site_upload_path = snapshot_utility_get_blog_upload_path($blog_id);
         $sql_str = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb->base_prefix . "blogs WHERE blog_id != %d AND site_id=%d LIMIT 5", $blog_id, $site_id);
         $blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col($sql_str);
         if (!empty($blog_ids)) {
             foreach ($blog_ids as $blog_id_tmp) {
                 $sub_site_upload_path = snapshot_utility_get_blog_upload_path($blog_id_tmp);
                 if (!empty($sub_site_upload_path)) {
                     if ($sub_site_upload_path !== $main_site_upload_path && substr($sub_site_upload_path, 0, strlen($main_site_upload_path)) == $main_site_upload_path) {
                         $item_ignore_files[] = dirname($sub_site_upload_path);
     //We auto exclude the snapshot tree. Plus any entered exclude entries from the form.
     $item_ignore_files[] = trailingslashit($this->_settings['backupBaseFolderFull']);
     $item_ignore_files[] = trailingslashit($this->_settings['SNAPSHOT_PLUGIN_BASE_DIR']);
     // Then we add any global excludes
     if (isset($this->config_data['config']['filesIgnore']) && count($this->config_data['config']['filesIgnore'])) {
         $item_ignore_files = array_merge($item_ignore_files, $this->config_data['config']['filesIgnore']);
     // Then item excludes
     if (isset($item['files-ignore']) && count($item['files-ignore'])) {
         $item_ignore_files = array_merge($item_ignore_files, $item['files-ignore']);
     $item_section_files = array();
     // Need to exclude the user ignore patterns as well as our Snapshot base folder. No backup of the backups
     foreach ($item_files as $item_set_key => $item_set_files) {
         if (!is_array($item_set_files) || !count($item_set_files)) {
         foreach ($item_set_files as $item_set_files_key => $item_set_files_file) {
             // We spin through all the files. They will fall into one of three sections...
             // If the file is not readable we ignore
             if (!is_readable($item_set_files_file)) {
                 if (!isset($item_section_files['error'][$item_set_key])) {
                     $item_section_files['error'][$item_set_key] = array();
                 $item_section_files['error'][$item_set_key][] = $item_set_files_file;
             } else {
                 $EXCLUDE_THIS_FILE = false;
                 foreach ($item_ignore_files as $item_ignore_file) {
                     // Make sure we don't have any blank entries.
                     $item_ignore_file = trim($item_ignore_file);
                     if (empty($item_ignore_file)) {
                     //echo "item_set_files_file<pre>"; print_r($item_set_files_file); echo "</pre>";
                     //echo "item_ignore_file[". $item_ignore_file ."]<br />";
                     $stristr_ret = stristr($item_set_files_file, $item_ignore_file);
                     if ($stristr_ret !== false) {
                         $EXCLUDE_THIS_FILE = true;
                 if ($EXCLUDE_THIS_FILE == false) {
                     // If file is valid we keep it
                     if (!isset($item_section_files['included'][$item_set_key])) {
                         $item_section_files['included'][$item_set_key] = array();
                     $item_section_files['included'][$item_set_key][] = $item_set_files_file;
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($item_section_files['excluded']['pattern'])) {
                         $item_section_files['excluded']['pattern'] = array();
                     $item_section_files['excluded']['pattern'][] = $item_set_files_file;
     //echo "item_section_files<pre>"; print_r($item_section_files); echo "</pre>";
     return $item_section_files;