function mysql2AssocArray($mysqlPostRow) { global $db, $userPosition, $forumId, $usersForumId; $postId = $mysqlPostRow['id']; // Times $htmlDatetime = date('c', $mysqlPostRow['post_time']); $readableTime = date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mysqlPostRow['post_time']); $niceTime = nicetime($mysqlPostRow['post_time']); // User and message $forumUser = html_entity_decode($mysqlPostRow['sender']); $forumUser = smilify($forumUser, $forumUser); $forumMessage = URL2link(smilify(nl2br(html_entity_decode($mysqlPostRow['message'])), $forumUser)); // ip address, delete, edit button $headerActions = $userPosition == 'Webmaster' ? decode_ip($mysqlPostRow['ipaddress']) . ' <a class="forum-post-delete" style="color:black;" title="Delete post" href="forum/delete/' . $postId . '"> <i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> <span class="sr-only">Delete</span> </a>' : ''; if ($mysqlPostRow['users_forum_id'] == $usersForumId || $userPosition == 'Webmaster') { $headerActions .= ' <a class="forum-post-edit" style="color:black;" title="Edit post" href="forum/edit/' . $postId . '"> <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> <span class="sr-only">Edit</span> </a>'; } // Likes $likeCount = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT count(1) c FROM forum_plusone WHERE message = {$postId} LIMIT 1"); $likeCount = mysqli_fetch_array($likeCount)['c']; if (mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT 1 FROM forum_plusone WHERE message = {$postId} AND cookie = '{$usersForumId}' LIMIT 1"))) { $likedClass = 'liked'; $likeTitle = 'Approved'; } else { $likedClass = 'not-liked'; $likeTitle = 'Approve Post'; } return array('id' => $mysqlPostRow['id'], 'parentPostId' => $mysqlPostRow['parent_id'], 'htmlDatetime' => $htmlDatetime, 'readableTime' => $readableTime, 'niceTime' => $niceTime, 'forumUser' => $forumUser, 'forumMessage' => $forumMessage, 'headerActions' => $headerActions, 'likeCount' => $likeCount, 'likedClass' => $likedClass, 'likeTitle' => $likeTitle); }
$event = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['eventname']); // intialize to be blank, not used $email = NULL; $confirmed = 1; $auth = ''; $insert_post = mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO photo_comments (photoid, event, sender, email, post_time, message, ipaddress, confirmed, auth) VALUES('{$photoid}', '{$event}', '{$sender}', '{$email}', '" . time() . "', '{$message}', '{$user_ip}', '{$confirmed}', '{$auth}')"); if (!$insert_post) { die(json_encode(array('error' => mysqli_error($db)))); } else { $special = $userPosition == 'Webmaster' ? $client_ip : ''; die(json_encode(array('newComment' => array('sender' => smilify(html_entity_decode($_POST['sender']), $_POST['sender']), 'message' => URL2link(smilify(nl2br(html_entity_decode($_POST['message'])), $_POST['sender'])), 'htmlDatetime' => date('c', time()), 'readableTime' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()), 'niceTime' => nicetime(time()), 'special' => $special)))); } } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'getComments') { $photoid = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['photoid']); $event = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['eventname']); $photo_comments = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM photo_comments WHERE photoid='{$photoid}' AND event='{$event}' "); if (mysqli_num_rows($photo_comments) == 0) { die(json_encode(array('empty' => 'no comments'))); } else { $comments = array(); while ($comment = mysqli_fetch_array($photo_comments, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $datetime = date('G:i j/M/y', $comment['post_time']); $nicetime = nicetime($comment['post_time']); $special = $userPosition == 'Webmaster' ? decode_ip($comment['ipaddress']) : ''; $comments[] = array('sender' => smilify(html_entity_decode($comment['sender']), $comment['sender']), 'message' => URL2link(smilify(nl2br(html_entity_decode($comment['message'])), $comment['sender'])), 'htmlDatetime' => date('c', $comment['post_time']), 'readableTime' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $comment['post_time']), 'niceTime' => nicetime($comment['post_time']), 'special' => $special); } die(json_encode(array('comments' => $comments))); } } }
$specific_posts = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE id='" . $_GET['id'] . "' AND forum='" . $forum . "' ORDER BY `post_time` DESC"); echo "<h3 class=\"col-xs-12\">Showing " . $_GET['title'] . " post</h3>"; } elseif (isset($_GET['person'])) { $specific_posts = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE sender='" . $_GET['person'] . "' AND forum='" . $forum . "' ORDER BY `post_time` DESC"); echo "<h3 class=\"col-xs-12\">Showing posts submitted by " . $_GET['person'] . "</h3>"; } elseif (isset($_GET['day'])) { $specific_posts = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE post_time>='" . $_GET['day'] . "' AND post_time <'" . ($_GET['day'] + 86400) . "' AND forum='" . $forum . "' ORDER BY `post_time` DESC"); echo "<h3 class=\"col-xs-12\">Showing all posts from " . date('j M Y', $_GET['day']) . "</h3>"; } while ($specific_post = mysqli_fetch_array($specific_posts, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $htmlDatetime = date('c', $specific_post['post_time']); $readableTime = date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $specific_post['post_time']); $niceTime = nicetime($specific_post['post_time']); $forumUserEmoji = html_entity_decode($specific_post['sender']); $forumUser = smilify($forumUserEmoji, $forumUserEmoji); $forumMessage = URL2link(smilify(nl2br(html_entity_decode($specific_post['message'])), $forumUserEmoji)); ?> <div class="col-xs-12 forum-post"> <div class="post-header"> <!--top bar with name, time and other details. bottom border--> <strong class="post-header-name"><?php echo $forumUser; ?> </strong> <small class="post-header-time"> <time datetime="<?php echo $htmlDatetime; ?> " title="<?php echo $readableTime; ?> ">
/** * Replace certain ascii patterns with ossn emoticons in comments. * * @note Please don't call this function directly in your code. * * @param string $hook Name of hook * @param string $type Hook type * @param array|object $return Array or Object * @params array $params Array contatins params * * @return array * @access private */ function ossn_smiley_in_comments($hook, $type, $return, $params) { $return['comment']['comments:post'] = smilify($return['comment']['comments:post']); return $return; }
while ($news = mysqli_fetch_array($news_query, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $newstext = strlen($news['text']) > 200 ? substr($news['text'], 0, 199) . '...' : $news['text']; echo ' <tr> <td> <a href="manage_news.php?action=Edit&newsId=' . $news['id'] . '" title="Edit"> <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> </a>'; if ($news['inuse'] == 1) { echo ' <a style="color:green" href="manage_news.php?action=Hide&newsId=' . $news['id'] . '" title="Click to hide"> <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> </a>'; } else { echo ' <a style="color:red" href="manage_news.php?action=Unhide&newsId=' . $news['id'] . '" title="Click to unhide"> <i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> </a>'; } echo ' </td> <td>' . $news['formatted_date'] . '</td> <td>' . $news['title'] . '</td> <td>' . smilify($newstext, 0) . '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; } addFooter();
<?php include_once './includes/functions.php'; // This had to be manually set up based on the json in the emojiSorted var in emoji.js $tabs = array("people" => array("People", ":smile:"), "nature" => array("Nature", ":whale:"), "food_drink" => array("Food and drink", ":doughnut:"), "celebration" => array("Celebration", ":tada:"), "activity" => array("Activity", ":lifter:"), "travel_places" => array("Travel and places", ":rocket:"), "objects_symbols" => array("Objects and symbols", ":high_heel:")); ?> <!-- Emoji tabs --> <ul class="nav nav-tabs emoji-tabs" role="tablist"> <?php foreach ($tabs as $tabCatagory => $tabInfo) { echo ' <li role="presentation"> <a class="emoji-tabs__title" href="forum#' . $tabCatagory . '" title="' . $tabInfo[0] . '" aria-controls="' . $tabCatagory . '" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">' . smilify($tabInfo[1], NULL) . ' </a> </li>'; } ?> <li role="presentation"> <a class="emoji-tabs__title--ucdtc" href="#ucdtc-smilies" title="UCDTC's Home grown oldies" aria-controls="ucdtc-smilies" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"> <img src="images/emoji/normal-smilies/pstar.gif" alt="Pstar" title="Pstar"> </a> </li> </ul> <!-- Emojoi tab panes --> <div class="tab-content"> <?php // Sort each catagory by the catagory order var foreach ($tabs as $tabCatagory => $tabInfo) { echo '
<em><strong>No</strong></em>, you can't "do a flip" until you've worked up to the skill. <br> <em><strong>Yes</strong></em>, it's only €15 for a whole years membership! <br> </p> <p><?php echo smilify("Since the dawn of time man has looked :eyes: to the sky :partly_sunny:, at the birds :whale2: and the bees :bee: and the pterodactyls :dragon:, with one dream; to <span title=\"#theMoonLandingsWereFaked\">fly <span class=\"emojione-1F680\">🚀</span></span>.", null); ?> Here in the UCD Trampoline club, we help you fly up... and back down again and back up in a repeated fashion, usually wearing some kind of lycra with white socks on the most beautifully pointed toes, all this fuelled by your own massive muscles! <span style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="playSound();" onmouseenter="playSound();"><i class="fa fa-volume-up"></i> YEEEAAHHH!</span></p> <audio id="yeah" src="files/sounds/yeah.mp3"></audio> <script> function playSound(){ document.getElementById('yeah').load(); document.getElementById('yeah').play(); } </script> <p>Trampolining is a unique sport that combines cardio, co-ordination, core strenght, flexibilty, balance and stamina and wait for it, you won't believe this one; it's fun <?php echo smilify(':tramp:', null); ?> . With 6 olympic standard trampolines and experienced coaches available for <strong>one on one coaching</strong> at every training session, the odds are definitely in your favour. </p> What do you want in a sports club? <ul class="greetings-list"> <li>Regular training times like every <strong>Tuesday 8-10</strong> and <strong>Thursdays 5-7</strong>?</li> <li>A club unaffected by the weather? Indoors!</li> <li>A chance to talk to some people? What else would you be doing when you're waiting for your turn!</li> <li>A club with a formiddable background? <strong>UCD Club of the year 2011</strong> and Intervarsities winners the last 4 years running!</li> </ul> <p>If you're here looking at the website, you're obviously interested. You'll go far my friend <span class="emojione-1F463" title=":footprints:">👣</span>. Take a look around the site, we're quite proud of it. You'll find details on the history of the club, pictures and reports from our (many) trips away on the <a href="events">Events</a> page, our coaches and committee on the <a href="about">About</a> page and games and videos and everything else on the <a href="everythingelse">EE</a> page. It's all just a click away...</p> <p> Yours with reckless abondon, <br><em>El Crapitan Rosie</em>
<a href="polls" title="Click to see all polls">Recent Polls</a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $recentPolls = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM polls ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5"); while ($poll = mysqli_fetch_array($recentPolls)) { echo '<tr> <td> <a href="polls/' . $poll['id'] . '&results=show" title="View Results"> <i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i> </a> <a href="polls/' . $poll['id'] . '" title="Vote"> <i class="fa fa-crosshairs"></i> </a>' . smilify($poll['question'], NULL) . ' </td> </tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6" id="other"> <h3>Other stuff</h3> <a href="page/quotes">Trampy Quotes</a><br> <a href="page/ryanbjface">Hahaha!</a><br> <!-- <a href="page/log">Website Changelog</a> - Info about updates to the website are half documented here -->
<table class="table table-striped"> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Action</th> <th>Num Choices</th> <th>Num Votes</th> <th style="text-align:left;">Question</th> </tr> <tbody>'; // List all polls with view results/vote buttons while ($poll = mysqli_fetch_array($polls)) { echo ' <tr> <td>' . $poll['id'] . '</td> <td> <a href="polls/results/' . $poll['id'] . '" title="View Results"><i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i> Results</a> <br> <a href="polls/' . $poll['id'] . '" title="Vote"><i class="fa fa-crosshairs"></i> Vote</a> </td> <td>' . $poll['numofoptions'] . '</td> <td>' . $poll['numofvotes'] . '</td> <td>' . smilify($poll['question'], 0) . ' </td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; } } addFooter();