
/* Smarty version 2.6.12, created on 2006-02-28 15:33:35
   compiled from C:/web/helloworld/helloworld/modules/helloworld/emailsuccess.tpl */
require_once SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php';
smarty_core_load_plugins(array('plugins' => array(array('function', 'WFLabel', 'C:/web/helloworld/helloworld/modules/helloworld/emailsuccess.tpl', 3, false))), $this);
<p>Successfully sent email!</p>
To: <?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'email'), $this);
<br />
Subject: <?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'subject'), $this);
<br />
Message: <?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'message'), $this);

smarty_core_load_plugins(array('plugins' => array(array('function', 'WFLabel', 'C:/web/helloworld/helloworld/modules/examples/concepts/formatters/example.tpl', 2, false), array('modifier', 'escape', 'C:/web/helloworld/helloworld/modules/examples/concepts/formatters/example.tpl', 18, false))), $this);
Raw creation DTS: <?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'creationDTS'), $this);
<br />
Formatted creation DTS: <?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'formattedCreationDTS'), $this);
<br />
Raw wealth: $<?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'wealth'), $this);
<br />
Formatted wealth: $<?php 
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'formattedWealth'), $this);
<br />

echo '
Raw creation DTS: {WFLabel id="creationDTS"}<br />
Formatted creation DTS: {WFLabel id="formattedCreationDTS"}<br />
Raw wealth: ${WFLabel id="wealth"}<br />
Formatted wealth: ${WFLabel id="formattedWealth"}<br />

$this->_smarty_vars['capture']['tplData'] = ob_get_contents();


<h2>Value Transformers</h2>
<p>Value Transformers are simple ways to munge data received from a binding before using the value. These are very useful in that they allow you to use existing model functions to help drive the UI without having to write any additional code.</p>
<div class="exampleBox">
    <h3>Example: Value Transformer</h3>
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'hideIfEmpty'), $this);
<br />
echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'hideIfNotEmpty'), $this);
<br />
echo '
    {WFLabel id="hideIfEmpty"}
    {WFLabel id="hideIfNotEmpty"}
	\'hideIfEmpty\' => array(
		\'properties\' => array(
			\'value\' => \'You have already set your favorite colors.\',
<p>This is a simple form example. Notice that there is NO CODE that needs to be written to support this form. It is linked to the data object without any code. PHOCOA automatically grabs the data from the object and puts it in the form, and then puts all data back into the object when the form is submitted. Also, note how the widgets maintain their state perfectly across requests.</p>

$this->_tag_stack[] = array('WFForm', array('id' => 'form'));
$_block_repeat = true;
smarty_block_WFForm($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat);
while ($_block_repeat) {
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
    echo smarty_function_WFTextField(array('id' => 'name'), $this);
    <tr><td>Creation DTS</td><td><?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFLabel(array('id' => 'creationDTS'), $this);
    <tr><td>Favorite Colors</td><td><?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFSelect(array('id' => 'selectMultiple'), $this);
    echo smarty_function_WFSelect(array('id' => 'selectOne'), $this);
    echo smarty_function_WFTextArea(array('id' => 'textarea'), $this);