function ws_images_addFlickr($photo, &$service) { if (!is_admin()) { return new PwgError(403, 'Forbidden'); } global $conf; if (empty($conf['flickr2piwigo']['api_key']) or empty($conf['flickr2piwigo']['secret_key'])) { return new PwgError(null, l10n('Please fill your API keys on the configuration tab')); } include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'; include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/'; include_once FLICKR_PATH . 'include/'; if (test_remote_download() === false) { return new PwgError(null, l10n('No download method available')); } // init flickr API include_once FLICKR_PATH . 'include/phpFlickr/phpFlickr.php'; $flickr = new phpFlickr($conf['flickr2piwigo']['api_key'], $conf['flickr2piwigo']['secret_key']); $flickr->enableCache('fs', FLICKR_FS_CACHE); // user $u = $flickr->test_login(); if ($u === false or empty($_SESSION['phpFlickr_auth_token'])) { return new PwgError(403, l10n('API not authenticated')); } // photos infos $photo_f = $flickr->photos_getInfo($photo['id']); $photo = array_merge($photo, $photo_f['photo']); $photo['url'] = $flickr->get_biggest_size($photo['id'], 'original'); $photo['path'] = FLICKR_FS_CACHE . 'flickr-' . $u['username'] . '-' . $photo['id'] . '.' . get_extension($photo['url']); // copy file if (download_remote_file($photo['url'], $photo['path']) == false) { return new PwgError(null, l10n('Can\'t download file')); } // category if (!preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $photo['category'])) { $categories_names = explode(',', $photo['category']); $photo['category'] = array(); foreach ($categories_names as $category_name) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE LOWER(name) = "' . strtolower($category_name) . '" ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { list($cat_id) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); $photo['category'][] = $cat_id; } else { $cat = create_virtual_category($category_name); $photo['category'][] = $cat['id']; } } } else { $photo['category'] = array($photo['category']); } // add photo $photo['image_id'] = add_uploaded_file($photo['path'], basename($photo['path']), $photo['category']); // do some updates if (!empty($photo['fills'])) { $photo['fills'] = rtrim($photo['fills'], ','); $photo['fills'] = explode(',', $photo['fills']); $updates = array(); if (in_array('fill_name', $photo['fills'])) { $updates['name'] = pwg_db_real_escape_string($photo['title']); } if (in_array('fill_posted', $photo['fills'])) { $updates['date_available'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $photo['dates']['posted']); } if (in_array('fill_taken', $photo['fills'])) { $updates['date_creation'] = $photo['dates']['taken']; } if (in_array('fill_author', $photo['fills'])) { $updates['author'] = pwg_db_real_escape_string($photo['owner']['username']); } if (in_array('fill_description', $photo['fills'])) { $updates['comment'] = pwg_db_real_escape_string(@$photo['description']); } if (in_array('fill_geotag', $photo['fills']) and !empty($photo['location'])) { $updates['latitude'] = pwg_db_real_escape_string($photo['location']['latitude']); $updates['longitude'] = pwg_db_real_escape_string($photo['location']['longitude']); } if (in_array('level', $photo['fills']) && !$photo['visibility']['ispublic']) { $updates['level'] = 8; if ($photo['visibility']['isfamily']) { $updates['level'] = 4; } if ($photo['visibility']['isfriend']) { $updates['level'] = 2; } } if (count($updates)) { single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $updates, array('id' => $photo['image_id'])); } if (!empty($photo['tags']['tag']) and in_array('fill_tags', $photo['fills'])) { $raw_tags = array_map(create_function('$t', 'return $t["_content"];'), $photo['tags']['tag']); $raw_tags = implode(',', $raw_tags); set_tags(get_tag_ids($raw_tags), $photo['image_id']); } } return l10n('Photo "%s" imported', $photo['title']); }
/** * Returns the number of available tags for the connected user. * * @return int */ function get_nb_available_tags() { global $user; if (!isset($user['nb_available_tags'])) { $user['nb_available_tags'] = count(get_available_tags()); single_update(USER_CACHE_TABLE, array('nb_available_tags' => $user['nb_available_tags']), array('user_id' => $user['id'])); } return $user['nb_available_tags']; }
function ws_extref_categories_set($params, &$service) { // does the category really exist? $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $params['category_id'] . ' ;'; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($count == 0) { return new PwgError(404, 'category_id not found'); } single_update(CATEGORIES_TABLE, array('external_reference' => $params['external_reference']), array('id' => $params['category_id'])); return true; }
function update_user($username, $id) { $up = new Ldap(); $up->load_config(); $up->ldap_conn() or error_log("Unable to connect LDAP server : " . $up->getErrorString()); // update user piwigo rights / access according to ldap. Only if it's webmaster / admin, so no normal ! if ($up->ldap_status($username) != 'normal') { single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('status' => $up->ldap_status($username)), array('user_id' => $id)); } // search groups $group_query = 'SELECT name, id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ';'; $result = pwg_query($group_query); $inserts = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($up->user_membership($username, $up->ldap_group($row['name']))) { $inserts[] = array('user_id' => $id, 'group_id' => $row['id']); } } if (count($inserts) > 0) { mass_inserts(USER_GROUP_TABLE, array('user_id', 'group_id'), $inserts, array('ignore' => true)); } }
function ws_pfemail_mailbox_save($params, &$service) { $mailbox = array(); if (isset($params['id']) and !empty($params['id'])) { // we are edition mode $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . PFEMAIL_MAILBOXES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $params['id'] . ' ;'; $mailboxes = query2array($query, 'id'); if (!isset($mailboxes[$params['id']])) { return new PwgError(404, 'id not found'); } $mailbox = $mailboxes[$params['id']]; } $mailbox['path'] = $params['path']; $mailbox['login'] = $params['login']; $mailbox['password'] = $params['password']; $mailbox['category_id'] = $params['category_id']; $mailbox['moderated'] = $params['moderated'] ? 'true' : 'false'; if (isset($mailbox['id'])) { single_update(PFEMAIL_MAILBOXES_TABLE, $mailbox, array('id' => $params['id'])); } else { single_insert(PFEMAIL_MAILBOXES_TABLE, $mailbox); $mailbox['id'] = pwg_db_insert_id(PFEMAIL_MAILBOXES_TABLE); } return $mailbox; }
/** * register page */ function oauth_begin_register() { global $conf, $template, $hybridauth_conf, $page, $user; if ($hybridauth_conf['enabled'] == 0) { return; } // coming from identification page if (pwg_get_session_var('oauth_new_user') != null) { list($provider, $user_identifier) = pwg_get_session_var('oauth_new_user'); try { if ($provider == 'Persona') { $template->assign('OAUTH_USER', array('provider' => 'Persona', 'username' => $user_identifier, 'u_profile' => null, 'avatar' => null)); oauth_assign_template_vars(); $template->append('OAUTH', array('persona_email' => $user_identifier), true); $conf['oauth']['include_common_template'] = true; } else { require_once OAUTH_PATH . 'include/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php'; $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($hybridauth_conf); $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate($provider); $remote_user = $adapter->getUserProfile(); // security, check remote identifier if ($remote_user->identifier != $user_identifier) { pwg_unset_session_var('oauth_new_user'); throw new Exception('Hacking attempt!', 403); } $template->assign('OAUTH_USER', array('provider' => $hybridauth_conf['providers'][$provider]['name'], 'username' => $remote_user->displayName, 'u_profile' => $remote_user->profileURL, 'avatar' => $remote_user->photoURL)); } $oauth_id = pwg_db_real_escape_string($provider . '---' . $user_identifier); $page['infos'][] = l10n('Your registration is almost done, please complete the registration form.'); // register form submited if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $user_id = register_user($_POST['login'], hash('sha1', $oauth_id . $conf['secret_key']), $_POST['mail_address'], true, $page['errors'], false); if ($user_id !== false) { pwg_unset_session_var('oauth_new_user'); // update oauth field single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('oauth_id' => $oauth_id), array('user_id' => $user_id)); // log_user and redirect log_user($user_id, false); redirect('profile.php'); } unset($_POST['submit']); } else { if (isset($_POST['login']) && $conf['oauth']['allow_merge_accounts']) { if ($conf['insensitive_case_logon'] == true) { $_POST['username'] = search_case_username($_POST['username']); } $user_id = get_userid($_POST['username']); if ($user_id === false) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email'); } else { if ($user_id == $conf['webmaster_id']) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('For security reason, the main webmaster account can\'t be merged with a remote account, but you can use another webmaster account.'); } else { if (pwg_login(false, $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], false)) { // update oauth field single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('oauth_id' => $oauth_id), array('user_id' => $user['id'])); pwg_unset_session_var('oauth_new_user'); redirect('profile.php'); } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid password!'); } } } } } // overwrite fields with remote datas if ($provider == 'Persona') { $_POST['login'] = ''; $_POST['mail_address'] = $user_identifier; } else { $_POST['login'] = $remote_user->displayName; $_POST['mail_address'] = $remote_user->email; } // template $template->assign('OAUTH_PATH', OAUTH_PATH); if ($conf['oauth']['allow_merge_accounts']) { $template->assign('OAUTH_LOGIN_IN_REGISTER', true); $template->set_prefilter('register', 'oauth_add_login_in_register'); } else { $template->set_prefilter('register', 'oauth_add_profile_prefilter'); $template->set_prefilter('register', 'oauth_remove_password_fields_prefilter'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('An error occured, please contact the gallery owner. <i>Error code : %s</i>', $e->getCode()); } } else { if ($conf['oauth']['display_register']) { oauth_assign_template_vars(get_gallery_home_url()); $template->set_prefilter('register', 'oauth_add_buttons_prefilter'); } } }
$data['id'] = $_GET['image_id']; $data['name'] = $_POST['name']; $data['author'] = $_POST['author']; $data['level'] = $_POST['level']; if ($conf['allow_html_descriptions']) { $data['comment'] = @$_POST['description']; } else { $data['comment'] = strip_tags(@$_POST['description']); } if (!empty($_POST['date_creation'])) { $data['date_creation'] = $_POST['date_creation']; } else { $data['date_creation'] = null; } $data = trigger_change('picture_modify_before_update', $data); single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $data, array('id' => $data['id'])); // time to deal with tags $tag_ids = array(); if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) { $tag_ids = get_tag_ids($_POST['tags']); } set_tags($tag_ids, $_GET['image_id']); // association to albums if (!isset($_POST['associate'])) { $_POST['associate'] = array(); } check_input_parameter('associate', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); move_images_to_categories(array($_GET['image_id']), $_POST['associate']); invalidate_user_cache(); // thumbnail for albums if (!isset($_POST['represent'])) {
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Check Access and exit when user status is not ok | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ check_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR); trigger_notify('loc_begin_cat_modify'); //---------------------------------------------------------------- verification if (!isset($_GET['cat_id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['cat_id'])) { trigger_error('missing cat_id param', E_USER_ERROR); } //--------------------------------------------------------- form criteria check if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data = array('id' => $_GET['cat_id'], 'name' => @$_POST['name'], 'comment' => $conf['allow_html_descriptions'] ? @$_POST['comment'] : strip_tags(@$_POST['comment'])); if ($conf['activate_comments']) { $data['commentable'] = isset($_POST['commentable']) ? $_POST['commentable'] : 'false'; } single_update(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $data, array('id' => $data['id'])); if (isset($_POST['apply_commentable_on_sub'])) { $subcats = get_subcat_ids(array('id' => $data['id'])); $query = ' UPDATE ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' SET commentable = \'' . $data['commentable'] . '\' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $subcats) . ') ;'; pwg_query($query); } // retrieve cat infos before continuing (following updates are expensive) $cat_info = get_cat_info($_GET['cat_id']); if ($_POST['visible'] == 'true_sub') { set_cat_visible(array($_GET['cat_id']), true, true); } elseif ($cat_info['visible'] != get_boolean($_POST['visible'])) { set_cat_visible(array($_GET['cat_id']), $_POST['visible']);
function ws_images_addRemote($params, &$service) { global $conf; if (!is_admin()) { return new PwgError(401, 'Access denied'); } load_language('plugin.lang', URLUPLOADER_PATH); $params = array_map('trim', $params); $allowed_extensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); $allowed_mimes = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'); // check empty url if (empty($params['file_url'])) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('File URL is empty')); } // check remote url if (!url_is_remote($params['file_url'])) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('Invalid file URL')); } // check file extension if (!in_array(strtolower(get_extension($params['file_url'])), $allowed_extensions)) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('Invalid file type')); } // download file include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'; $temp_filename = $conf['data_location'] . basename($params['file_url']); $file = fopen($temp_filename, 'w+'); $result = fetchRemote($params['file_url'], $file); fclose($file); // download failed ? if (!$result) { @unlink($temp_filename); return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('Unable to download file')); } // check mime-type if (!in_array(get_mime($temp_filename, $allowed_mimes[0]), $allowed_mimes)) { @unlink($temp_filename); return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('Invalid file type')); } // add photo include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/'; $image_id = add_uploaded_file($temp_filename, basename($temp_filename), array($params['category']), $params['level']); $updates = array(); if (!empty($params['name'])) { $updates['name'] = $params['name']; } if ($params['url_in_comment'] == 'true') { $url = parse_url($params['file_url']); $url = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host']; $updates['comment'] = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>'; } single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $updates, array('id' => $image_id)); // return infos $query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $params['category'] . ' ;'; $category = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $url_params = array('image_id' => $image_id, 'section' => 'categories', 'category' => $category); $query = ' SELECT id, path, name FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $image_infos = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_photos FROM ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' WHERE category_id = ' . $params['category'] . ' ;'; $category_infos = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $category_name = get_cat_display_name_from_id($params['category'], null); return array('image_id' => $image_id, 'url' => make_picture_url($url_params), 'src' => DerivativeImage::thumb_url($image_infos), 'name' => $image_infos['name'], 'category' => array('id' => $params['category'], 'nb_photos' => $category_infos['nb_photos'], 'label' => $category_name)); }
function ws_pshare_share_expire($params, &$service) { global $conf, $user; $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . PSHARE_KEYS_TABLE . ' WHERE pshare_key_id = ' . $params['id'] . ' ;'; $shares = query2array($query); if (count($shares) == 0) { return new PwgError(404, "not found"); } $share = $shares[0]; list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW()')); single_update(PSHARE_KEYS_TABLE, array('expire_on' => $dbnow), array('pshare_key_id' => $params['id'])); return true; }
/** * API method * Sets details of a category * @param mixed[] $params * @option int cat_id * @option string name (optional) * @option string comment (optional) */ function ws_categories_setInfo($params, &$service) { $update = array('id' => $params['category_id']); $info_columns = array('name', 'comment'); $perform_update = false; foreach ($info_columns as $key) { if (isset($params[$key])) { $perform_update = true; $update[$key] = $params[$key]; } } if ($perform_update) { single_update(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $update, array('id' => $update['id'])); } }
function add_uploaded_file($source_filepath, $original_filename = null, $categories = null, $level = null, $image_id = null, $original_md5sum = null) { // 1) move uploaded file to upload/2010/01/22/20100122003814-449ada00.jpg // // 2) keep/resize original // // 3) register in database // TODO // * check md5sum (already exists?) global $conf, $user; if (isset($original_md5sum)) { $md5sum = $original_md5sum; } else { $md5sum = md5_file($source_filepath); } $file_path = null; $is_tiff = false; if (isset($image_id)) { // this photo already exists, we update it $query = ' SELECT path FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $file_path = $row['path']; } if (!isset($file_path)) { die('[' . __FUNCTION__ . '] this photo does not exist in the database'); } // delete all physical files related to the photo (thumbnail, web site, HD) delete_element_files(array($image_id)); } else { // this photo is new // current date list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/[^\\d]/', $dbnow, 4); // upload directory hierarchy $upload_dir = sprintf(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $conf['upload_dir'] . '/%s/%s/%s', $year, $month, $day); // compute file path $date_string = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $dbnow); $random_string = substr($md5sum, 0, 8); $filename_wo_ext = $date_string . '-' . $random_string; $file_path = $upload_dir . '/' . $filename_wo_ext . '.'; list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($source_filepath); if (IMAGETYPE_PNG == $type) { $file_path .= 'png'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_GIF == $type) { $file_path .= 'gif'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM == $type or IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II == $type) { $is_tiff = true; $file_path .= 'tif'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_JPEG == $type) { $file_path .= 'jpg'; } elseif (isset($conf['upload_form_all_types']) and $conf['upload_form_all_types']) { $original_extension = strtolower(get_extension($original_filename)); if (in_array($original_extension, $conf['file_ext'])) { $file_path .= $original_extension; } else { die('unexpected file type'); } } else { die('forbidden file type'); } prepare_directory($upload_dir); } if (is_uploaded_file($source_filepath)) { move_uploaded_file($source_filepath, $file_path); } else { rename($source_filepath, $file_path); } @chmod($file_path, 0644); if ($is_tiff and pwg_image::get_library() == 'ext_imagick') { // move the uploaded file to pwg_representative sub-directory $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = $conf['tiff_representative_ext']; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $exec = $conf['ext_imagick_dir'] . 'convert'; if ('jpg' == $conf['tiff_representative_ext']) { $exec .= ' -quality 98'; } $exec .= ' "' . realpath($file_path) . '"'; $dest = pathinfo($representative_file_path); $exec .= ' "' . realpath($dest['dirname']) . '/' . $dest['basename'] . '"'; $exec .= ' 2>&1'; @exec($exec, $returnarray); // sometimes ImageMagick creates file-0.jpg (full size) + file-1.jpg // (thumbnail). I don't know how to avoid it. $representative_file_abspath = realpath($dest['dirname']) . '/' . $dest['basename']; if (!file_exists($representative_file_abspath)) { $first_file_abspath = preg_replace('/\\.' . $representative_ext . '$/', '-0.' . $representative_ext, $representative_file_abspath); if (file_exists($first_file_abspath)) { rename($first_file_abspath, $representative_file_abspath); } } } // // generate pwg_representative in case of video // $ffmpeg_video_exts = array('wmv', 'mov', 'mkv', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'flv', 'asf', 'xvid', 'divx', 'mpeg', 'avi', 'rm'); if (isset($original_extension) and in_array($original_extension, $ffmpeg_video_exts)) { $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = 'jpg'; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $second = 1; $ffmpeg = $conf['ffmpeg_dir'] . 'ffmpeg'; $ffmpeg .= ' -i "' . $file_path . '"'; $ffmpeg .= ' -an -ss ' . $second; $ffmpeg .= ' -t 1 -r 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg'; $ffmpeg .= ' "' . $representative_file_path . '"'; // file_put_contents('/tmp/ffmpeg.log', "\n==== ".date('c')."\n".__FUNCTION__.' : '.$ffmpeg."\n", FILE_APPEND); @exec($ffmpeg); if (!file_exists($representative_file_path)) { $representative_ext = null; } } if (isset($original_extension) and 'pdf' == $original_extension and pwg_image::get_library() == 'ext_imagick') { $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = 'jpg'; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $exec = $conf['ext_imagick_dir'] . 'convert'; $exec .= ' -quality 98'; $exec .= ' "' . realpath($file_path) . '"[0]'; $dest = pathinfo($representative_file_path); $exec .= ' "' . realpath($dest['dirname']) . '/' . $dest['basename'] . '"'; $exec .= ' 2>&1'; @exec($exec, $returnarray); } if (pwg_image::get_library() != 'gd') { if ($conf['original_resize']) { $need_resize = need_resize($file_path, $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], $conf['original_resize_maxheight']); if ($need_resize) { $img = new pwg_image($file_path); $img->pwg_resize($file_path, $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], $conf['original_resize_maxheight'], $conf['original_resize_quality'], $conf['upload_form_automatic_rotation'], false); $img->destroy(); } } } // we need to save the rotation angle in the database to compute // width/height of "multisizes" $rotation_angle = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle($file_path); $rotation = pwg_image::get_rotation_code_from_angle($rotation_angle); $file_infos = pwg_image_infos($file_path); if (isset($image_id)) { $update = array('file' => pwg_db_real_escape_string(isset($original_filename) ? $original_filename : basename($file_path)), 'filesize' => $file_infos['filesize'], 'width' => $file_infos['width'], 'height' => $file_infos['height'], 'md5sum' => $md5sum, 'added_by' => $user['id'], 'rotation' => $rotation); if (isset($level)) { $update['level'] = $level; } single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $update, array('id' => $image_id)); } else { // database registration $file = pwg_db_real_escape_string(isset($original_filename) ? $original_filename : basename($file_path)); $insert = array('file' => $file, 'name' => get_name_from_file($file), 'date_available' => $dbnow, 'path' => preg_replace('#^' . preg_quote(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH) . '#', '', $file_path), 'filesize' => $file_infos['filesize'], 'width' => $file_infos['width'], 'height' => $file_infos['height'], 'md5sum' => $md5sum, 'added_by' => $user['id'], 'rotation' => $rotation); if (isset($level)) { $insert['level'] = $level; } if (isset($representative_ext)) { $insert['representative_ext'] = $representative_ext; } single_insert(IMAGES_TABLE, $insert); $image_id = pwg_db_insert_id(IMAGES_TABLE); } if (isset($categories) and count($categories) > 0) { associate_images_to_categories(array($image_id), $categories); } // update metadata from the uploaded file (exif/iptc) if ($conf['use_exif'] and !function_exists('read_exif_data')) { $conf['use_exif'] = false; } sync_metadata(array($image_id)); invalidate_user_cache(); // cache thumbnail $query = ' SELECT id, path FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $image_infos = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); set_make_full_url(); // in case we are on uploadify.php, we have to replace the false path $thumb_url = preg_replace('#admin/include/i#', 'i', DerivativeImage::thumb_url($image_infos)); unset_make_full_url(); fetchRemote($thumb_url, $dest); return $image_id; }
/** * returns the number of available comments for the connected user * * @return int */ function get_nb_available_comments() { global $user; if (!isset($user['nb_available_comments'])) { $where = array(); if (!is_admin()) { $where[] = 'validated=\'true\''; } $where[] = get_sql_condition_FandF(array('forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'forbidden_images' => 'ic.image_id'), '', true); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT( FROM ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' AS ic INNER JOIN ' . COMMENTS_TABLE . ' AS com ON ic.image_id = com.image_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where); list($user['nb_available_comments']) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); single_update(USER_CACHE_TABLE, array('nb_available_comments' => $user['nb_available_comments']), array('user_id' => $user['id'])); } return $user['nb_available_comments']; }
/** * Create a virtual category. * * @param string $category_name * @param int $parent_id * @param array $options * - boolean commentable * - boolean visible * - string status * - string comment * - boolean inherit * @return array ('info', 'id') or ('error') */ function create_virtual_category($category_name, $parent_id = null, $options = array()) { global $conf, $user; // is the given category name only containing blank spaces ? if (preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $category_name)) { return array('error' => l10n('The name of an album must not be empty')); } $insert = array('name' => $category_name, 'rank' => 0, 'global_rank' => 0); // is the album commentable? if (isset($options['commentable']) and is_bool($options['commentable'])) { $insert['commentable'] = $options['commentable']; } else { $insert['commentable'] = $conf['newcat_default_commentable']; } $insert['commentable'] = boolean_to_string($insert['commentable']); // is the album temporarily locked? (only visible by administrators, // whatever permissions) (may be overwritten if parent album is not // visible) if (isset($options['visible']) and is_bool($options['visible'])) { $insert['visible'] = $options['visible']; } else { $insert['visible'] = $conf['newcat_default_visible']; } $insert['visible'] = boolean_to_string($insert['visible']); // is the album private? (may be overwritten if parent album is private) if (isset($options['status']) and 'private' == $options['status']) { $insert['status'] = 'private'; } else { $insert['status'] = $conf['newcat_default_status']; } // any description for this album? if (isset($options['comment'])) { $insert['comment'] = $conf['allow_html_descriptions'] ? $options['comment'] : strip_tags($options['comment']); } if (!empty($parent_id) and is_numeric($parent_id)) { $query = ' SELECT id, uppercats, global_rank, visible, status FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $parent_id . ' ;'; $parent = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $insert['id_uppercat'] = $parent['id']; $insert['global_rank'] = $parent['global_rank'] . '.' . $insert['rank']; // at creation, must a category be visible or not ? Warning : if the // parent category is invisible, the category is automatically create // invisible. (invisible = locked) if ('false' == $parent['visible']) { $insert['visible'] = 'false'; } // at creation, must a category be public or private ? Warning : if the // parent category is private, the category is automatically create // private. if ('private' == $parent['status']) { $insert['status'] = 'private'; } $uppercats_prefix = $parent['uppercats'] . ','; } else { $uppercats_prefix = ''; } // we have then to add the virtual category single_insert(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $insert); $inserted_id = pwg_db_insert_id(CATEGORIES_TABLE); single_update(CATEGORIES_TABLE, array('uppercats' => $uppercats_prefix . $inserted_id), array('id' => $inserted_id)); update_global_rank(); if ('private' == $insert['status'] and !empty($insert['id_uppercat']) and (isset($options['inherit']) and $options['inherit'] or $conf['inheritance_by_default'])) { $query = ' SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE . ' WHERE cat_id = ' . $insert['id_uppercat'] . ' ;'; $granted_grps = query2array($query, null, 'group_id'); $inserts = array(); foreach ($granted_grps as $granted_grp) { $inserts[] = array('group_id' => $granted_grp, 'cat_id' => $inserted_id); } mass_inserts(GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE, array('group_id', 'cat_id'), $inserts); $query = ' SELECT user_id FROM ' . USER_ACCESS_TABLE . ' WHERE cat_id = ' . $insert['id_uppercat'] . ' ;'; $granted_users = query2array($query, null, 'user_id'); add_permission_on_category($inserted_id, array_unique(array_merge(get_admins(), array($user['id']), $granted_users))); } elseif ('private' == $insert['status']) { add_permission_on_category($inserted_id, array_unique(array_merge(get_admins(), array($user['id'])))); } return array('info' => l10n('Virtual album added'), 'id' => $inserted_id); }
/** * API method * Updates users * @param mixed[] $params * @option int[] user_id * @option string username (optional) * @option string password (optional) * @option string email (optional) * @option string status (optional) * @option int level (optional) * @option string language (optional) * @option string theme (optional) * @option int nb_image_page (optional) * @option int recent_period (optional) * @option bool expand (optional) * @option bool show_nb_comments (optional) * @option bool show_nb_hits (optional) * @option bool enabled_high (optional) */ function ws_users_setInfo($params, &$service) { if (get_pwg_token() != $params['pwg_token']) { return new PwgError(403, 'Invalid security token'); } global $conf, $user; include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'; $updates = $updates_infos = array(); $update_status = null; if (count($params['user_id']) == 1) { if (get_username($params['user_id'][0]) === false) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'This user does not exist.'); } if (!empty($params['username'])) { $user_id = get_userid($params['username']); if ($user_id and $user_id != $params['user_id'][0]) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('this login is already used')); } if ($params['username'] != strip_tags($params['username'])) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('html tags are not allowed in login')); } $updates[$conf['user_fields']['username']] = $params['username']; } if (!empty($params['email'])) { if (($error = validate_mail_address($params['user_id'][0], $params['email'])) != '') { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, $error); } $updates[$conf['user_fields']['email']] = $params['email']; } if (!empty($params['password'])) { $updates[$conf['user_fields']['password']] = $conf['password_hash']($params['password']); } } if (!empty($params['status'])) { if (in_array($params['status'], array('webmaster', 'admin')) and !is_webmaster()) { return new PwgError(403, 'Only webmasters can grant "webmaster/admin" status'); } if (!in_array($params['status'], array('guest', 'generic', 'normal', 'admin', 'webmaster'))) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'Invalid status'); } $protected_users = array($user['id'], $conf['guest_id'], $conf['webmaster_id']); // an admin can't change status of other admin/webmaster if ('admin' == $user['status']) { $query = ' SELECT user_id FROM ' . USER_INFOS_TABLE . ' WHERE status IN (\'webmaster\', \'admin\') ;'; $protected_users = array_merge($protected_users, query2array($query, null, 'user_id')); } // status update query is separated from the rest as not applying to the same // set of users (current, guest and webmaster can't be changed) $params['user_id_for_status'] = array_diff($params['user_id'], $protected_users); $update_status = $params['status']; } if (!empty($params['level']) or @$params['level'] === 0) { if (!in_array($params['level'], $conf['available_permission_levels'])) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'Invalid level'); } $updates_infos['level'] = $params['level']; } if (!empty($params['language'])) { if (!in_array($params['language'], array_keys(get_languages()))) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'Invalid language'); } $updates_infos['language'] = $params['language']; } if (!empty($params['theme'])) { if (!in_array($params['theme'], array_keys(get_pwg_themes()))) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'Invalid theme'); } $updates_infos['theme'] = $params['theme']; } if (!empty($params['nb_image_page'])) { $updates_infos['nb_image_page'] = $params['nb_image_page']; } if (!empty($params['recent_period']) or @$params['recent_period'] === 0) { $updates_infos['recent_period'] = $params['recent_period']; } if (!empty($params['expand']) or @$params['expand'] === false) { $updates_infos['expand'] = boolean_to_string($params['expand']); } if (!empty($params['show_nb_comments']) or @$params['show_nb_comments'] === false) { $updates_infos['show_nb_comments'] = boolean_to_string($params['show_nb_comments']); } if (!empty($params['show_nb_hits']) or @$params['show_nb_hits'] === false) { $updates_infos['show_nb_hits'] = boolean_to_string($params['show_nb_hits']); } if (!empty($params['enabled_high']) or @$params['enabled_high'] === false) { $updates_infos['enabled_high'] = boolean_to_string($params['enabled_high']); } // perform updates single_update(USERS_TABLE, $updates, array($conf['user_fields']['id'] => $params['user_id'][0])); if (isset($update_status) and count($params['user_id_for_status']) > 0) { $query = ' UPDATE ' . USER_INFOS_TABLE . ' SET status = "' . $update_status . '" WHERE user_id IN(' . implode(',', $params['user_id_for_status']) . ') ;'; pwg_query($query); } if (count($updates_infos) > 0) { $query = ' UPDATE ' . USER_INFOS_TABLE . ' SET '; $first = true; foreach ($updates_infos as $field => $value) { if (!$first) { $query .= ', '; } else { $first = false; } $query .= $field . ' = "' . $value . '"'; } $query .= ' WHERE user_id IN(' . implode(',', $params['user_id']) . ') ;'; pwg_query($query); } // manage association to groups if (!empty($params['group_id'])) { $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id IN (' . implode(',', $params['user_id']) . ') ;'; pwg_query($query); // we remove all provided groups that do not really exist $query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $params['group_id']) . ') ;'; $group_ids = array_from_query($query, 'id'); // if only -1 (a group id that can't exist) is in the list, then no // group is associated if (count($group_ids) > 0) { $inserts = array(); foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) { foreach ($params['user_id'] as $user_id) { $inserts[] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $group_id); } } mass_inserts(USER_GROUP_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts); } } invalidate_user_cache(); return $service->invoke('pwg.users.getList', array('user_id' => $params['user_id'], 'display' => 'basics,' . implode(',', array_keys($updates_infos)))); }
/** * API method * Updates a group * @param mixed[] $params * @option int group_id * @option string name (optional) * @option bool is_default (optional) */ function ws_groups_setInfo($params, &$service) { if (get_pwg_token() != $params['pwg_token']) { return new PwgError(403, 'Invalid security token'); } $updates = array(); // does the group exist ? $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $params['group_id'] . ' ;'; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($count == 0) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'This group does not exist.'); } if (!empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = pwg_db_real_escape_string($params['name']); // is the name not already used ? $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE name = \'' . $params['name'] . '\' ;'; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($count != 0) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'This name is already used by another group.'); } $updates['name'] = $params['name']; } if (!empty($params['is_default']) or @$params['is_default'] === false) { $updates['is_default'] = boolean_to_string($params['is_default']); } single_update(GROUPS_TABLE, $updates, array('id' => $params['group_id'])); return $service->invoke('pwg.groups.getList', array('group_id' => $params['group_id'])); }
/** * API method * Sets details of an image * @param mixed[] $params * @option int image_id * @option string file (optional) * @option string name (optional) * @option string author (optional) * @option string date_creation (optional) * @option string comment (optional) * @option string categories (optional) - "cat_id[,rank];cat_id[,rank]" * @option string tags_ids (optional) - "tag_id,tag_id" * @option int level (optional) * @option string single_value_mode * @option string multiple_value_mode */ function ws_images_setInfo($params, $service) { include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'; $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $params['image_id'] . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { return new PwgError(404, 'image_id not found'); } $image_row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); // database registration $update = array(); $info_columns = array('name', 'author', 'comment', 'level', 'date_creation'); foreach ($info_columns as $key) { if (isset($params[$key])) { if ('fill_if_empty' == $params['single_value_mode']) { if (empty($image_row[$key])) { $update[$key] = $params[$key]; } } elseif ('replace' == $params['single_value_mode']) { $update[$key] = $params[$key]; } else { return new PwgError(500, '[ws_images_setInfo]' . ' invalid parameter single_value_mode "' . $params['single_value_mode'] . '"' . ', possible values are {fill_if_empty, replace}.'); } } } if (isset($params['file'])) { if (!empty($image_row['storage_category_id'])) { return new PwgError(500, '[ws_images_setInfo] updating "file" is forbidden on photos added by synchronization'); } $update['file'] = $params['file']; } if (count(array_keys($update)) > 0) { $update['id'] = $params['image_id']; single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $update, array('id' => $update['id'])); } if (isset($params['categories'])) { ws_add_image_category_relations($params['image_id'], $params['categories'], 'replace' == $params['multiple_value_mode'] ? true : false); } // and now, let's create tag associations if (isset($params['tag_ids'])) { $tag_ids = array(); foreach (explode(',', $params['tag_ids']) as $candidate) { $candidate = trim($candidate); if (preg_match(PATTERN_ID, $candidate)) { $tag_ids[] = $candidate; } } if ('replace' == $params['multiple_value_mode']) { set_tags($tag_ids, $params['image_id']); } elseif ('append' == $params['multiple_value_mode']) { add_tags($tag_ids, array($params['image_id'])); } else { return new PwgError(500, '[ws_images_setInfo]' . ' invalid parameter multiple_value_mode "' . $params['multiple_value_mode'] . '"' . ', possible values are {replace, append}.'); } } invalidate_user_cache(); }
$page['coi'] = null; if (strpos($page['src_location'], '/pwg_representative/') === false && strpos($page['src_location'], 'themes/') === false && strpos($page['src_location'], 'plugins/') === false) { try { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . $prefixeTable . 'images WHERE path=\'' . addslashes($page['src_location']) . '\' ;'; if ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query))) { if (isset($row['width'])) { $page['original_size'] = array($row['width'], $row['height']); } $page['coi'] = $row['coi']; if (!isset($row['rotation'])) { $page['rotation_angle'] = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle($page['src_path']); single_update($prefixeTable . 'images', array('rotation' => pwg_image::get_rotation_code_from_angle($page['rotation_angle'])), array('id' => $row['id'])); } else { $page['rotation_angle'] = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle_from_code($row['rotation']); } } if (!$row) { ierror('Db file path not found', 404); } } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->error($e->getMessage(), 'i.php'); } } else { $page['rotation_angle'] = 0; } pwg_db_close(); if (!try_switch_source($params, $src_mtime) && $params->type == IMG_CUSTOM) {
/** * checks the passwords, checks that user is allowed to reset his password, * update password, fills $page['errors'] and $page['infos']. * * @return bool (true if password was reset, false otherwise) */ function reset_password() { global $page, $conf; if ($_POST['use_new_pwd'] != $_POST['passwordConf']) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('The passwords do not match'); return false; } if (!isset($_GET['key'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid key'); } $user_id = check_password_reset_key($_GET['key']); if (!is_numeric($user_id)) { return false; } single_update(USERS_TABLE, array($conf['user_fields']['password'] => $conf['password_hash']($_POST['use_new_pwd'])), array($conf['user_fields']['id'] => $user_id)); single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('activation_key' => null, 'activation_key_expire' => null), array('user_id' => $user_id)); $page['infos'][] = l10n('Your password has been reset'); $page['infos'][] = '<a href="' . get_root_url() . 'identification.php">' . l10n('Login') . '</a>'; return true; }
} } if ($is_plugin_installed) { $query = ' SELECT id, datas FROM ' . $plugin_table . ' WHERE path LIKE \'%plugins/PWG_Stuffs/modules/Personal%\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $content_orig = $row['datas']; $content_new = serialize(replace_hotlinks(unserialize($content_orig))); if ($content_orig != $content_new) { single_update($plugin_table, array('datas' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($content_new)), array('id' => $row['id'])); } } $upgrade_description .= ', PWG Stuffs'; } $upgrade_description .= ')'; echo "\n" . $upgrade_description . "\n"; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Functions | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ function replace_hotlinks($string) { global $conf; // websize 2.3 = medium 2.4 $string = preg_replace('#(upload/\\d{4}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{14}-\\w{8})(\\.(jpg|png))#', 'i.php?/$1-me$2', $string); // I've tried but I didn't find the way to do it correctly
/** * Save category form * @trigger loc_begin_index */ function admintools_save_category() { global $page, $conf, $MultiView; if (!$MultiView->is_admin()) { return; } if (@$_POST['action'] == 'quick_edit') { $data = array('name' => $_POST['name']); if ($conf['allow_html_descriptions']) { $data['comment'] = @$_POST['comment']; } else { $data['comment'] = strip_tags(@$_POST['comment']); } single_update(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $data, array('id' => $page['category']['id'])); redirect(duplicate_index_url()); } }
/** * Verifies a password, with the PasswordHash class from phpass security library. * If the hash is 'old' (assumed MD5) the hash is updated in database, used for * migration from Piwigo 2.4. * @since 2.5 * * @param string $password plain text * @param string $hash may be md5 or phpass hashed password * @param integer $user_id only useful to update password hash from md5 to phpass * @return bool */ function pwg_password_verify($password, $hash, $user_id = null) { global $conf, $pwg_hasher; // If the password has not been hashed with the current algorithm. if (strpos($hash, '$P') !== 0) { if (!empty($conf['pass_convert'])) { $check = $hash == $conf['pass_convert']($password); } else { $check = $hash == md5($password); } if ($check) { if (!isset($user_id) or $conf['external_authentification']) { return true; } // Rehash using new hash. $hash = pwg_password_hash($password); single_update(USERS_TABLE, array('password' => $hash), array('id' => $user_id)); } } // If the stored hash is longer than an MD5, presume the // new style phpass portable hash. if (empty($pwg_hasher)) { require_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/passwordhash.class.php'; // We use the portable hash feature $pwg_hasher = new PasswordHash(13, true); } return $pwg_hasher->CheckPassword($password, $hash); }
function add_uploaded_file($source_filepath, $original_filename = null, $categories = null, $level = null, $image_id = null, $original_md5sum = null) { // 1) move uploaded file to upload/2010/01/22/20100122003814-449ada00.jpg // // 2) keep/resize original // // 3) register in database // TODO // * check md5sum (already exists?) global $conf, $user; if (isset($original_md5sum)) { $md5sum = $original_md5sum; } else { $md5sum = md5_file($source_filepath); } $file_path = null; $is_tiff = false; if (isset($image_id)) { // this photo already exists, we update it $query = ' SELECT path FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $file_path = $row['path']; } if (!isset($file_path)) { die('[' . __FUNCTION__ . '] this photo does not exist in the database'); } // delete all physical files related to the photo (thumbnail, web site, HD) delete_element_files(array($image_id)); } else { // this photo is new // current date list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/[^\\d]/', $dbnow, 4); // upload directory hierarchy $upload_dir = sprintf(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $conf['upload_dir'] . '/%s/%s/%s', $year, $month, $day); // compute file path $date_string = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $dbnow); $random_string = substr($md5sum, 0, 8); $filename_wo_ext = $date_string . '-' . $random_string; $file_path = $upload_dir . '/' . $filename_wo_ext . '.'; list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($source_filepath); if (IMAGETYPE_PNG == $type) { $file_path .= 'png'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_GIF == $type) { $file_path .= 'gif'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM == $type or IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II == $type) { $is_tiff = true; $file_path .= 'tif'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_JPEG == $type) { $file_path .= 'jpg'; } elseif (isset($conf['upload_form_all_types']) and $conf['upload_form_all_types']) { $original_extension = strtolower(get_extension($original_filename)); if (in_array($original_extension, $conf['file_ext'])) { $file_path .= $original_extension; } else { die('unexpected file type'); } } else { die('forbidden file type'); } prepare_directory($upload_dir); } if (is_uploaded_file($source_filepath)) { move_uploaded_file($source_filepath, $file_path); } else { rename($source_filepath, $file_path); } @chmod($file_path, 0644); // handle the uploaded file type by potentially making a // pwg_representative file. $representative_ext = trigger_change('upload_file', null, $file_path); global $logger; $logger->info("Handling " . (string) $file_path . " got " . (string) $representative_ext); // If it is set to either true (the file didn't need a // representative generated) or false (the generation of the // representative failed), set it to null because we have no // representative file. if (is_bool($representative_ext)) { $representative_ext = null; } if (pwg_image::get_library() != 'gd') { if ($conf['original_resize']) { $need_resize = need_resize($file_path, $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], $conf['original_resize_maxheight']); if ($need_resize) { $img = new pwg_image($file_path); $img->pwg_resize($file_path, $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], $conf['original_resize_maxheight'], $conf['original_resize_quality'], $conf['upload_form_automatic_rotation'], false); $img->destroy(); } } } // we need to save the rotation angle in the database to compute // width/height of "multisizes" $rotation_angle = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle($file_path); $rotation = pwg_image::get_rotation_code_from_angle($rotation_angle); $file_infos = pwg_image_infos($file_path); if (isset($image_id)) { $update = array('file' => pwg_db_real_escape_string(isset($original_filename) ? $original_filename : basename($file_path)), 'filesize' => $file_infos['filesize'], 'width' => $file_infos['width'], 'height' => $file_infos['height'], 'md5sum' => $md5sum, 'added_by' => $user['id'], 'rotation' => $rotation); if (isset($level)) { $update['level'] = $level; } single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $update, array('id' => $image_id)); } else { // database registration $file = pwg_db_real_escape_string(isset($original_filename) ? $original_filename : basename($file_path)); $insert = array('file' => $file, 'name' => get_name_from_file($file), 'date_available' => $dbnow, 'path' => preg_replace('#^' . preg_quote(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH) . '#', '', $file_path), 'filesize' => $file_infos['filesize'], 'width' => $file_infos['width'], 'height' => $file_infos['height'], 'md5sum' => $md5sum, 'added_by' => $user['id'], 'rotation' => $rotation); if (isset($level)) { $insert['level'] = $level; } if (isset($representative_ext)) { $insert['representative_ext'] = $representative_ext; } single_insert(IMAGES_TABLE, $insert); $image_id = pwg_db_insert_id(IMAGES_TABLE); } if (isset($categories) and count($categories) > 0) { associate_images_to_categories(array($image_id), $categories); } // update metadata from the uploaded file (exif/iptc) if ($conf['use_exif'] and !function_exists('read_exif_data')) { $conf['use_exif'] = false; } sync_metadata(array($image_id)); invalidate_user_cache(); // cache thumbnail $query = ' SELECT id, path FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $image_infos = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); set_make_full_url(); // in case we are on uploadify.php, we have to replace the false path $thumb_url = preg_replace('#admin/include/i#', 'i', DerivativeImage::thumb_url($image_infos)); unset_make_full_url(); fetchRemote($thumb_url, $dest); return $image_id; }