echo "id=" . $showtable[$i]['id'] . "\">\n"; echo $showtable[$i]['title'] . "</a>"; echo " id = " . $showtable[$i]['id']; if ($showtable[$i]['sticky'] > 0) { echo "[Sticky]"; } if (countcomments($showtable[$i]['id']) > 0) { echo " <a href=\"index.php?page=comments&posting_id=" . $showtable[$i]['id'] . "\" title = \"Link to comments\">[Comments]</a>"; } echo "</td>\n"; //flash player for instant access! (only when file is an .mp3) echo "<td>\n"; $type = $showtable[$i]['audio_type']; //is it MP3? Then show us the flash player!! if ($type == 1) { echo showflash("backend/emff_list.swf?src=" . $link, 90, 19); //ist it Quicktime-compatible? Show us the Quicktime plugin!! } else { if ($type == "2" or $type == "5" or $type == "6" or $type == "9" or $type == "12" or $type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") { $src = $settings['url'] . "/loudblog/backend/"; $target = "myself"; //ist it a video or enhanced podcast? Link to external player! if ($type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") { $target = "quicktimeplayer"; } //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio) echo showquicktime($src, $link, 90, 20, $target, "false"); } else { //if its not an mp3 or quicktime, show a simple link! if ($showtable[$i]['audio_file'] != "") { echo "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">\n " . getmediatypename($showtable[$i]['audio_type']) . "</a>";
</dl> {/loop} </div> </div> <!-- 中部右侧开始 --> <div id="right"> <!-- 右侧 --> <div class="right"> <div style="width:auto;"> <?php if(hasflash()){ $showmessage = showflash(); if(strlen($showmessage)>200){ ?> <div id='message'><span style="color:red;float:left"><?php echo $showmessage; ?></span> <span style="color:blue;float:right"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:turnoff('#message');">(×)</a></span></div><div class="blank20"></div> <?php }else{ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ art.dialog({ id:'messagebox', content:'<?php echo $showmessage; ?>', title:'系统提示', time: 2,
//button for changing the audio file if (allowed(1, $edit_id)) { echo "<input class=\"audiobutton right\" value=\"" . bla("but_changeaudio") . "\" type=\"button\""; echo " onClick=\"self.location.href='index.php?page=record1&do=update&id={$fields['id']}'\" />"; } //sending size/length/type information for database echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"audio_length\" value=\"" . getseconds($id3['duration']) . "\" />"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"audio_size\" value=\"" . getmegabyte($id3['size']) . "\" />"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"audio_type\" value=\"" . type_suffix($fields['audio_file']) . "\" />"; } else { //we have only a link to a remote file? show other data! $link = $fields['audio_file']; $type = $fields['audio_type']; // if ($type == "1") { echo showflash("backend/emff_rec2.swf?src=" . $link, 295, 9); } // if ($type == "2" or $type == "5" or $type == "6" or $type == "9" or $type == "12" or $type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") { $src = $settings['url'] . "/loudblog/backend/"; $target = "myself"; //ist it a video or enhanced podcast? Link to external player! if ($type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") { $target = "quicktimeplayer"; } //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio) echo showquicktime($src, $link, 295, 16, $target, "false"); } //showing plain link echo "<table id=\"audiodata\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><a href=\"" . $link . "\">";
function flashplayer($content) { //puts emff-flash-app OR quicktime player on screen (works within postings-loop) global $postings; global $currentid; global $settings; $att = getattributes($content); $audioexamine = ""; $return = ""; //decide: flash or quicktime $thetype = $postings[$currentid]['audio_type']; //redirect or direct link? Only Flash can be redirected for counting if ($thetype == "1" and $settings['countfla'] == "1") { $before = "get.php?fla="; } else { if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") { $before = "audio/"; $audioexamine = $GLOBALS['audiopath'] . $postings[$currentid]['audio_file']; } else { $before = ""; } } if (!veryempty($postings[$currentid]['audio_file'])) { //possible attributes and default-values if (isset($att['width'])) { $width = $att['width']; } else { $width = 200; } if (isset($att['height'])) { $height = $att['height']; } else { $height = 62; } if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == 1) { $audio = $before . $postings[$currentid]['audio_file']; } else { $audio = $postings[$currentid]['audio_file']; if ($settings['countfla'] == "1") { $audio = $before . $audio; } } //if mp3, show flash! if ($thetype == "1") { $return .= showflash("loudblog/custom/templates/" . $settings['template'] . "/emff.swf?src=" . $audio, $width, $height); } //if quicktime audio if ($thetype == "2" or $thetype == "5" or $thetype == "6" or $thetype == "9" or $thetype == "12" or $thetype == "14") { //making an absolute link if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") { $audio = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio; } //Make width and height for showing Enhanced Podcast! if ($thetype == "14") { $fileinfo = getid3data($audioexamine, "front"); if ($fileinfo['width'] != "") { $width = $fileinfo['width']; $height = $fileinfo['height'] + 16; $href = "loudblog/backend/"; } else { $height = "16"; $href = "loudblog/backend/"; } } else { $height = "16"; $href = "loudblog/backend/"; } //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio) $return .= showquicktime($href, $audio, $width, $height, "myself", "false"); } //if quicktime video if ($thetype == "7" or $thetype == "10" or $thetype == "13") { //making an absolute link if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") { $audio = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio; $target = "myself"; } else { $target = "quicktimeplayer"; } //getting width and height from getid3() $fileinfo = getid3data($audioexamine, "front"); //build html-code for quicktime plugin (video) $return .= showquicktime("loudblog/backend/", $audio, $fileinfo['width'], $fileinfo['height'] + 16, $target, "false"); } return $return; } else { return ""; } }
echo lang(attachment); ?> :<?php echo attachment_js($archive['aid']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <div class="blank30"></div> <?php if (hasflash()) { ?> <div style="color:red;font-size:16px;"><?php echo showflash(); ?> </div><?php } ?> <!-- 投票 --> <?php echo vote_js($archive['aid']); ?> <!-- 自定义表单开始 --> <?php if ($archive['showform']) { echo template('myform/nrform.html'); }
</div> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="blank30"></div> <div class="copy"> Copyright © 2013 <?php echo get('sitename');?><div class="copyright">Powered by <a href="" title="CmsEasy企业网站系统" target="_blank">CmsEasy</a></div> </div> <?php if(hasflash()) { ?> <div id='message'><div id='message_bg'><img src="{$skin_path}/images/ico_11.gif" /> <?php echo showflash(); ?> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:turnoff('message')"> <span style='color:red;'>(×)</span></a> </div><div id='message_bt'></div> </div><?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="{$base_url}/js/script.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="{$base_url}/js/admin.js"></script> <script language='JavaScript'> //去掉虚线框 function bluring(){ if(event.srcElement.tagName=="A"||event.srcElement.tagName=="IMG") document.body.focus(); } document.onfocusin=bluring; </script>