function shoestrap_featured_image($full_width = false, $link = true, $square = false, $width = false, $height = false)
     if (!has_post_thumbnail() || '' == get_the_post_thumbnail()) {
         // Get the URL of the blank image
     // Get the width
     if ($full_width) {
         $data['width'] = ac_get_full_width_px();
     } else {
         $data['width'] = shoestrap_content_width_px();
     $data['height'] = shoestrap_getVariable('ac_feat_img_height');
     // AC - new setting
     if (is_single() || is_page()) {
         if (shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_post') != 1) {
         // Do not process if we don't want images on single posts
         $data['url'] = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id());
         if (shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_post_custom_toggle') == 1) {
             $data['width'] = shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_post_width');
             $data['height'] = shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_post_height');
     } else {
         if (shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_archive') == 0) {
         // Do not process if we don't want images on post archives
         $data['url'] = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id());
         if (shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_archive_custom_toggle') == 1) {
             $data['width'] = shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_archive_width');
             $data['height'] = shoestrap_getVariable('feat_img_archive_height');
     // Check for square image
     if ($square) {
         $data['height'] = $data['width'];
     // Check for width and height overrides
     if ($height) {
         $data['height'] = $height;
     if ($width) {
         $data['width'] = $width;
     //AC - alt
     $alt = "alt='" . ac_get_image_alt(get_post_thumbnail_id()) . "'";
     $image = shoestrap_image_resize($data);
     $output = '<img class="featured-image" src="' . $image['url'] . '" ' . $alt . ' />';
     if ($link) {
         $output = '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . $output . '</a>';
     echo $output;
require_once AC_LIB_PATH . '/nav.php';
// Custom nav modifications
require_once AC_LIB_PATH . '/gallery.php';
// Custom [gallery] modifications
require_once AC_LIB_PATH . '/comments.php';
// Custom comments modifications
require_once AC_LIB_PATH . '/widgets.php';
// Sidebars and widgets
require_once AC_LIB_PATH . '/scripts.php';
// Scripts and stylesheets
require_once AC_LIB_PATH . '/modules/core.menus/functions.navwalker.php';
// AC - Register Custom Navigation Walker
------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Dynamic.  As the width of the site can change we need to calculate the image sizes dynamically
$three_col = shoestrap_content_width_px() / 4;
add_image_size('three-col', $three_col, $three_col, true);
------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Only load the Visual Composer elements if the plugin has been installed
if (ac_visual_composer_is_installed()) {
    add_action('vc_before_init', 'ac_vc_before_init');
    // Init VC
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-row.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-vc-base.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-image.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-text-block.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-block-quote.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-featured-post.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-posts-builder-base.php';
    require_once AC_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/vc-plugins/ac-posts.php';
 function shoestrap_content_width()
     global $content_width;
     $content_width = shoestrap_content_width_px();