public function write($key, $value) { if ($this->shmId) { return shm_put_var($this->shmId, $key, $value); } return false; }
function Map2GE($x, $y) { if (0) { $SHM_KEY = ftok(__FILE__, chr(4)); $data = shm_attach($SHM_KEY, 102400, 0666); $result = shm_get_var($data, 1); $r = $result[$x][$y]; if (isset($r)) { shm_detach($data); return $r; } } // ×¥¿ $r = t67to97($x, $y); $x = $r[0]; $y = $r[1]; $proj = "proj -I +proj=tmerc +ellps=aust_SA +lon_0=121 +x_0=250000 +k=0.9999"; $ret = shell_exec("echo {$x} {$y} | {$proj}"); if (preg_match("/(\\d+)d(\\d+)'([\\d.]+)\"E\\s+(\\d+)d(\\d+)'([\\d.]+)\"N/", $ret, $matches)) { list($junk, $ed, $em, $es, $nd, $nm, $ns) = $matches; $r[0] = $ed + $em / 60 + $es / 3600; $r[1] = $nd + $nm / 60 + $ns / 3600; if (0) { $result[$x][$y] = $r; shm_put_var($data, 1, $result); shm_detach($data); } return $r; } return FALSE; // exit; }
public function set($key, $value, $no_cas = false) { if (!$this->isOpen()) { $this->open(); } $this->enterCriticalSection($this->ipckey); $this->debug("SHM set: {$key} = {$value}"); $key = strtolower($key); $idx = $this->props[$key]; if (!$no_cas && shm_has_var($this->shm, $idx) && !empty($this->hashes[$key])) { $var = shm_get_var($this->shm, $idx); $check = md5($var); if ($this->hashes[$key] == $check) { $this->debug("CAS check: Key not modified: {$key}"); shm_put_var($this->shm, $idx, $value); $ok = true; } else { $this->debug("CAS check: Key modified, write blocked: {$key}"); $ok = false; } } else { $this->debug("CAS check: Check disabled for set: {$key}"); $ok = true; shm_put_var($this->shm, $idx, $value); } if ($ok) { $hash = md5($value); $this->hashes[$key] = $hash; $this->debug("CAS hash for {$key} is now {$hash}"); } $this->leaveCriticalSection(); return $ok; }
/** * @return IdValue */ public function generate() { $timestamp = $this->generateTimestamp(); // Acquire semaphore $semaphore = sem_get($this->semaphoreId); sem_acquire($semaphore); // Attach shared memory $memory = shm_attach(self::SHM_KEY); $sequence = 0; if (!is_null($this->lastTimestamp) && $timestamp->equals($this->lastTimestamp)) { // Get $sequence = shm_get_var($memory, self::SHM_SEQUENCE) + 1 & $this->config->getSequenceMask(); // Increment sequence shm_put_var($memory, self::SHM_SEQUENCE, $sequence); if ($sequence === 0) { usleep(1000); $timestamp = $this->generateTimestamp(); } } else { // Reset sequence if timestamp is different from last one. $sequence = 0; shm_put_var($memory, self::SHM_SEQUENCE, $sequence); } // Detach shared memory shm_detach($memory); // Release semaphore sem_release($semaphore); // Update lastTimestamp $this->lastTimestamp = $timestamp; return new IdValue($timestamp, $this->regionId, $this->serverId, $sequence, $this->calculate($timestamp, $this->regionId, $this->serverId, $sequence)); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see Lexik\Bundle\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers.AbstractDriver::createLock() */ protected function createLock() { if ($this->shmId) { return shm_put_var($this->shmId, self::VARIABLE_KEY, self::VALUE_TO_STORE); } return false; }
/** * 通过本机共享内存件来生成一个auto_increment序列 * * 序列类似MySQL的auto_increment * * @access private * @param void * @return mixed */ function getNextValueByShareMemory() { $addr = ''; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $addr = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $addr = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } $skey = 'global_serial_generator_seed_' . $addr; $ikey = crc32($skey); $sem = $shm = null; $retry_times = 1; do { $sem = sem_get($ikey, 1, 0777); $shm = shm_attach($ikey, 128, 0777); if (is_resource($sem) && is_resource($shm)) { break; } $cmd = "ipcrm -M 0x00000000; ipcrm -S 0x00000000; ipcrm -M {$ikey} ; ipcrm -S {$ikey}"; $last_line = exec($cmd, $output, $retval); } while ($retry_times-- > 0); if (!sem_acquire($sem)) { return false; } $next_value = false; if (shm_has_var($shm, $ikey)) { shm_put_var($shm, $ikey, $next_value = shm_get_var($shm, $ikey) + 1); } else { shm_put_var($shm, $ikey, $next_value = 1); } $shm && shm_detach($shm); $sem && sem_release($sem); return $next_value; }
/** * @param $key * @param $value * @param int $size */ public function set($key, $value, $size = 10000) { $result = $this->attach($key, $size); sem_acquire($result['mutex']); shm_put_var($result['shm'], $key, $value); sem_release($result['mutex']); }
/** * @author Yohann Marillet */ public function put($key = 1, $value = true) { $res = shm_put_var($this->segment, $key, [$value]); if (!$res) { throw new \Exception('Cannot put data in semaphore'); } return $this; }
/** * @see CachePeer::set() * * @return SysVCachePeer */ function set($key, $value, $ttl = CacheTtl::HOUR) { Assert::isNumeric($ttl); if ($this->isAlive()) { shm_put_var($this->getSegmentPtr(), $this->key2int($key), array(self::FIELD_EXPIRES => time() + $ttl, self::FIELD_DATA => $value)); } return $this; }
public function set() { $lock = $this->check(); if ($lock) { throw new Exception('Core_Lock_Shm::set Failed. Existing Lock Detected from PID ' . $lock['pid']); } shm_put_var($this->shm, self::ADDRESS, array('pid' => $this->pid, 'time' => time())); }
/** * Set shared memory var * @param $var */ public function set($var) { sem_acquire($this->__mutex); //block until released shm_put_var($this->__shm, $this->__key, $var); //store var sem_release($this->__mutex); //release mutex }
public function set($index, $value, $overwrite = false) { if ($overwrite || !shm_has_var($this->shm, $index) || $this->data[$index] == shm_get_var($this->shm, $index)) { shm_put_var($this->shm, $index, $value); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * if an error like "not enough shared memory left" occurs then set sysvshm.init_mem to a higher value * Lock process without blocking. * This method allow protect multiple process running and fast lock validation. * */ public function lock() { $success = sem_acquire($this->_getSemIdentifier()); shm_put_var($this->_shmId, $this->getIndexerCodeCrc(), $this->_getMicrotimeString()); if (false === $success) { Mage::throwException('FastIndexer: Cannot acquire semaphore lock!'); } $this->_isLocked = true; }
public static function store($key, $value) { self::getHandle(); if (!shm_put_var(self::$handle, self::getVarKey($key), $value)) { sem_remove(self::$semaphore); shm_remove(self::$handle); die('couldn\'t write to shared memory.'); } self::release(); }
public function run() { $this->synchronized(function ($thread) { $thread->wait(); }, $this); $counter = shm_get_var($this->shmid, 1); $counter++; shm_put_var($this->shmid, 1, $counter); printf("Thread #%lu says: %s\n", $this->getThreadId(), $counter); }
/** * Put this segment's contents * * @param var data * @param int permissions default 0666 permissions * @return bool success * @throws io.IOException in case an error occurs */ public function put($val, $permissions = 0666) { $v = [$val]; $h = shm_attach($this->spot, (strlen(serialize($v)) + 44) * 2, $permissions); $ret = shm_put_var($h, $this->name, $v); shm_detach($h); if (false === $ret) { throw new IOException('Could not write segment ' . $this->name); } return $ret; }
public function __destruct() { if ($this->changed) { if (shm_put_var($this->res, self::DEFAULT_VAR_ID, $this->data) === false) { $length = strlen($this->data); shm_remove($this->res); $this->res = shm_attach($this->id, ceil($length * 1.25)); shm_put_var($this->res, self::DEFAULT_VAR_ID, $this->data); } } shm_detach($this->res); }
/** * @param int $pid * * @return int */ private function readInc($pid) { $res = shm_attach($pid); if (!shm_has_var($res, 0)) { shm_put_var($res, 0, 0); } $inc = shm_get_var($res, 0); if ($inc === 16777215) { $inc = 0; } ++$inc; shm_put_var($res, 0, $inc); return $inc; }
public function put_var($varname, $value, $autolock = FALSE) { $varkey = $this->_gen_key($varname); if ($autolock) { sem_acquire($this->sem); } $result = shm_put_var($this->shm_id, $varkey, $value); if ($autolock) { sem_release($this->sem); } return $result; // 写入失败:空间不够或其它异常,删除共内存中所有值 //if (!shm_remove($this->shm_id)) return FALSE; //return shm_put_var($this->shm_id, $varkey, $value); }
function squabble() { global $handle; global $buffer; $i = 0; $pid = getmypid(); while (true) { if (preg_match("/^{$pid}\\b/", shm_get_var($buffer, 1))) { continue; } sem_acquire($handle); $i++; shm_put_var($buffer, 1, "{$pid} {$i}"); sem_release($handle); } }
public function run() { if ($this->mutex) { $locked = Mutex::lock($this->mutex); } $counter = shm_get_var($this->shmid, 1); $counter++; shm_put_var($this->shmid, 1, $counter); printf("Thread #%lu lock: %s says: %s\n", $this->getThreadId(), !empty($locked) ? "Y" : "N", $counter); //$this->lock(); //$this->unlock(); if ($this->mutex) { Mutex::unlock($this->mutex); } return true; }
public function touch($key) { try { $shm = shm_attach($this->id, self::SEGMENT_SIZE, HESPER_IPC_PERMS); } catch (BaseException $e) { return false; } try { $result = shm_put_var($shm, $key, true); shm_detach($shm); } catch (BaseException $e) { // not enough shared memory left, rotate it. shm_detach($shm); return $this->drop(); } return $result; }
function put($key, $value) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { throw new Scalr_System_Exception(sprintf("key must be numeric. '%s' is given", $key)); } // shm_get_var return false in case of non-existed key. // We need a wrapper to store boolean values if (is_bool($value)) { $wrapper = new stdClass(); $wrapper->__shmWrapperClass = true; $wrapper->value = $value; $value = $wrapper; } if (!shm_put_var($this->shm, $key, $value)) { throw new Scalr_System_Exception(sprintf("Cannot put key '%s' into shared memory", $key)); } return true; }
function SET($key, $value) { if (is_array($key)) { return null; } if (!$this->ok) { return null; } $array = $this->MyArray(); if (!is_array($array)) { $array = array(); } $array[$key] = $value; if ($GLOBALS["LOGON-PAGE"]) { error_log("[{$_SESSION["uid"]}]::@shm_put_var({$this->shmid},{$this->index},{$array}); " . basename(__FILE__) . " line " . __LINE__); } @shm_put_var($this->shmid, $this->index, $array); if ($GLOBALS["LOGON-PAGE"]) { error_log("[{$_SESSION["uid"]}]::@shm_put_var() OK " . basename(__FILE__) . " line " . __LINE__); } }
/** * Write a KEY/VALUE into shm */ public function put($varkey, $varval) { // Write a value into shm if ($this->mode == 'sysv') { return shm_put_var($this->id, $varkey, $varval); } else { if ($this->mode == 'shmop') { // shmop is much more low-level than sysv, you need to operate every byte yourself! $curr = shmop_read($this->id, 0, shmop_size($this->id)); $curr = substr($curr, 0, strpos($curr, "")); $curr = $curr ? unserialize($curr) : array(); $curr[$varkey] = $varval; $curr = serialize($curr) . ""; return shmop_write($this->id, $curr, 0); } else { $curr = @file_get_contents($this->id); $curr = substr($curr, 0, strpos($curr, "")); $curr = $curr ? unserialize($curr) : array(); $curr[$varkey] = $varval; $curr = serialize($curr) . ""; return file_put_contents($this->id, $curr, LOCK_EX) or error('Unable to write file:' . $this->id, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } }
/** * 更新主进程收集的状态信息到共享内存 * @return bool */ protected static function updateStatusToShm() { if (!self::$shmId) { return true; } return shm_put_var(self::$shmId, self::STATUS_VAR_ID, array_merge(self::$serviceStatusInfo, array('pid_map' => self::$workerPidMap))); }
$sa = sem_acquire($toSemId); $toUser = shm_get_var($toShmId, $toKey); if (!$toUser) { $f = fopen($ffn, 'r+'); $userStr = fread($f, filesize($ffn)); $toUser = unserialize($userStr); $fo = true; } unset($toUser['friends'][$_SESSION['username']]['req']); $toUser['friends'][$_SESSION['username']]['nickName'] = $_SESSION['nickName']; $toUser['friends'][$_SESSION['username']]['key'] = $_SESSION['key']; unset($toUser['olFrns'][$_SESSION['username']]['req']); $toUser['olFrns'][$_SESSION['username']]['nickName'] = $_SESSION['nickName']; $toUser['olFrns'][$_SESSION['username']]['key'] = $_SESSION['key']; if (!$fo) { $spv = shm_put_var($toShmId, $toKey, $toUser); $sd = shm_detach($toShmId); $sr = sem_release($toSemId); } else { $userStr = serialize($toUser); $fw = fwrite($f, $userStr); $fc = fclose($f); } if ($spv or $fw) { $fn = '../userFiles/' . $_SESSION['username'] . '/live.shm'; $f = fopen($fn, 'r+'); $userStr = serialize($user); $fw = fwrite($f, $userStr); $fc = fclose($f); echo '<status>success</status><frnStatus>' . $toUser['chtStatus'] . '</frnStatus>'; } else {
/** * set value of variable in shared mem * * @param string $name name of the variable * @param string $value value of the variable * * @return bool true on success, false on fail * @access public */ function set($name, $value) { return shm_put_var($this->_h, $this->_s2i($name), $value); }
protected function set($key, $value) { return shm_put_var($this->id, $key, $value); }
/** * Writes the transmitted variable to shared memory * Subclasses may never use an id < 2! * * @param mixed $data data which should be saved into shared memory * @param int $id int indicating the variable (bigger than 2!) * * @access protected * @return boolean */ protected function setData($data, $id = 2) { if (isset($this->mutexid) && $this->mutexid !== false && (isset($this->memid) && $this->memid !== false)) { return @shm_put_var($this->memid, $id, $data); } return false; }