public function index()
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 public function index()
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 public function index()
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     $week_article = array();
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 public function index()
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         $where .= ' and c.type_id=0 ';
     $temp_artilce_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAllCached("SELECT a.*,c.type_id,c.title as cate_name from " . DB_PREFIX . "article a LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "article_cate c on where {$where} order by a.update_time desc limit {$limit}");
     $temp_artilce_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select COUNT(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "article a," . DB_PREFIX . "article_cate c WHERE and a.is_delete=0 AND a.is_effect=1 and c.type_id=0");
     $hot_article = array();
     $week_article = array();
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                 $artilce_item[$k]['url'] = url('article', array('id' => $v['id']));
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