Beispiel #1
 function Execute(&$template, $request, &$dba, &$session, &$user)
     if (!isset($request['id']) || !$request['id'] || intval($request['id']) == 0) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INVALIDFORUM'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     /* Get the current forum/category */
     $forum = $_ALLFORUMS[$request['id']];
     $query = $forum['row_type'] & FORUM ? "SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['forum'] . " FROM " . FORUMS . " f LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON f.forum_id = WHERE = " . intval($request['id']) : "SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['category'] . " FROM " . CATEGORIES . " c LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON c.category_id = WHERE = " . intval($request['id']);
     $forum = $dba->getRow($query);
     if (!$forum || !is_array($forum) || empty($forum)) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INVALIDFORUM'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     if ($forum['row_type'] == FORUM && @$forum['is_link'] == 1) {
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_REDIRECTING'));
         if ($forum['link_show_redirects'] == 1) {
             $template->setRedirect('redirect.php?id=' . $forum['id'], 3);
         } else {
             $template->setRedirect($forum['link_href'], 3);
         return TRUE;
     /* Set the extra SQL query fields to check */
     $extra = " AND s.location_file = '" . $dba->Quote($_URL->file) . "' AND s.location_id = " . intval($forum['id']);
     $forum_can_view = $forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY ? get_map($user, 'categories', 'can_view', array()) : get_map($user, 'forums', 'can_view', array());
     $expired = time() - ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
     $num_online_total = $dba->getValue("SELECT COUNT( as num_online_total FROM " . SESSIONS . " s WHERE s.seen >= {$expired} {$extra}");
     /* If there are more than 0 people browsing the forum, display the stats */
     if ($num_online_total > 0 && $forum_can_view <= $user['perms'] && ($forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY || $forum['row_type'] & FORUM)) {
         $users_browsing =& new OnlineUsersIterator($extra);
         /* Set the users browsing list */
         $template->setList('users_browsing', $users_browsing);
         $stats = array('num_online_members' => Globals::getGlobal('num_online_members'), 'num_invisible' => Globals::getGlobal('num_online_invisible'), 'num_online_total' => $num_online_total);
         $stats['num_guests'] = $stats['num_online_total'] - $stats['num_online_members'] - $stats['num_invisible'];
         $element = $forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY ? 'L_USERSBROWSINGCAT' : 'L_USERSBROWSINGFORUM';
         $template->setVar('num_online_members', $stats['num_online_members']);
         $template->setVar('users_browsing', $template->getVar($element));
         $template->setVar('online_stats', sprintf($template->getVar('L_USERSBROWSINGSTATS'), $stats['num_online_total'], $stats['num_online_members'], $stats['num_guests'], $stats['num_invisible']));
         /* Set the User's Browsing file */
         $template->setFile('users_browsing', 'users_browsing.html');
         $groups = array();
         /* Set the usergroups legend list */
         foreach ($_USERGROUPS as $group) {
             if ($group['display_legend'] == 1) {
                 $groups[] = $group;
         $groups =& new FAArrayIterator($groups);
         $template->setList('usergroups_legend', $groups);
     if ($forum_can_view > $user['perms']) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_PERMCANTVIEW'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     /* Set the breadcrumbs bit */
     $template = BreadCrumbs($template, NULL, $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
     /* Set all of the category/forum info to the template */
     /* If we are looking at a category */
     if ($forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY) {
         if (get_map($user, 'categories', 'can_view', array()) > $user['perms']) {
             /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
             $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
             $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_PERMCANTVIEW'));
             return TRUE;
         /* Set the proper query params */
         $query_params = $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['category'];
         /* Set the Categories list */
         $categories =& new CategoriesIterator("SELECT {$query_params} FROM " . INFO . " i LEFT JOIN " . CATEGORIES . " c ON c.category_id = WHERE i.row_type = " . CATEGORY . " AND i.row_left = " . $forum['row_left'] . " AND i.row_right = " . $forum['row_right'] . " AND = " . $forum['id'] . " ORDER BY i.row_order ASC");
         $template->setList('categories', $categories);
         /* Hide the welcome message at the top of the forums.html template */
         /* Show the forum status icons */
         /* Show the 'Mark these forums Read' link */
         /* Set the forums template to content variable */
         $template->setFile('content', 'forums.html');
         /* If we are looking at a forum */
     } else {
         if ($forum['row_type'] & FORUM) {
             /* Add the forum info to the template */
             foreach ($forum as $key => $val) {
                 $template->setVar('forum_' . $key, $val);
             /* If this forum has sub-forums */
             if (isset_forum_cache_item('subforums', $forum['id']) && $forum['subforums'] == 1) {
                 /* Cache this forum as having subforums */
                 set_forum_cache_item('subforums', 1, $forum['id']);
                 /* Show the table that holds the subforums */
                 /* Set the proper query params */
                 $query_params = $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['forum'];
                 /* Set the sub-forums list */
                 $template->setList('subforums', new ForumsIterator("SELECT {$query_params} FROM " . INFO . " i LEFT JOIN " . FORUMS . " f ON f.forum_id = WHERE i.row_left > " . $forum['row_left'] . " AND i.row_right < " . $forum['row_right'] . " AND i.row_type = " . FORUM . " AND i.parent_id = " . $forum['id'] . " ORDER BY i.row_order ASC"));
                 $template->setFile('content', 'subforums.html');
             if (get_map($user, 'topics', 'can_view', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms']) {
                 /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
                 $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
                 $template->setInfo('content_extra', $template->getVar('L_CANTVIEWFORUMTOPICS'), FALSE);
                 return TRUE;
              * Forum settings
             /* Set the topics template to the content variable */
             $template->setFile('content_extra', 'topics.html');
             /* Set what this user can/cannot do in this forum */
             $template->setVar('forum_user_topic_options', sprintf($template->getVar('L_FORUMUSERTOPICPERMS'), iif(get_map($user, 'topics', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN')), iif(get_map($user, 'topics', 'can_edit', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN')), iif(get_map($user, 'topics', 'can_del', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN')), iif(get_map($user, 'attachments', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN'))));
             $template->setVar('forum_user_reply_options', sprintf($template->getVar('L_FORUMUSERREPLYPERMS'), iif(get_map($user, 'replies', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN')), iif(get_map($user, 'replies', 'can_edit', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN')), iif(get_map($user, 'replies', 'can_del', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])) > $user['perms'], $template->getVar('L_CANNOT'), $template->getVar('L_CAN'))));
             /* Create an array with all of the possible sort orders we can have */
             $sort_orders = array('name', 'reply_time', 'num_replies', 'views', 'reply_uname', 'rating');
              * Pagination
             /* Create the Pagination */
             $resultsperpage = $forum['topicsperpage'];
             $num_results = $forum['topics'];
             $perpage = isset($request['limit']) && ctype_digit($request['limit']) && intval($request['limit']) > 0 ? intval($request['limit']) : $resultsperpage;
             $num_pages = ceil($num_results / $perpage);
             $page = isset($request['page']) && ctype_digit($request['page']) && intval($request['page']) > 0 ? intval($request['page']) : 1;
             $pager =& new TPL_Paginator($_URL, $num_results, $page, $perpage);
             if ($num_results > $perpage) {
                 $template->setPager('topics_pager', $pager);
             /* Get the topics for this forum */
             $daysprune = isset($request['daysprune']) && ctype_digit($request['daysprune']) ? iif($request['daysprune'] == -1, 0, intval($request['daysprune'])) : 30;
             $sortorder = isset($request['order']) && ($request['order'] == 'ASC' || $request['order'] == 'DESC') ? $request['order'] : 'DESC';
             $sortedby = isset($request['sort']) && in_array($request['sort'], $sort_orders) ? $request['sort'] : 'created';
             $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;
             if ($forum['topics'] > 0) {
                  * Topic Setting
                 /* get the topics */
                 $topics =& $dba->prepareStatement("SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['topic'] . " FROM " . TOPICS . " t LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON t.topic_id = WHERE i.created>=? AND t.is_draft=0 AND t.queue = 0 AND t.display = 1 AND i.row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND t.forum_id = " . intval($forum['id']) . " AND (t.topic_type <> " . TOPIC_GLOBAL . " AND t.topic_type <> " . TOPIC_ANNOUNCE . " AND t.topic_type <> " . TOPIC_STICKY . " AND t.is_feature = 0) ORDER BY {$sortedby} {$sortorder} LIMIT ?,?");
                 /* Set the query values */
                 $topics->setInt(1, $daysprune * (3600 * 24));
                 $topics->setInt(2, $start);
                 $topics->setInt(3, $perpage);
                 /* Execute the query */
                 $result =& $topics->executeQuery();
                 /* Apply the topics iterator */
                 $it =& new TopicsIterator($result, &$session, $template->getVar('IMG_DIR'), $forum);
                 $template->setList('topics', $it);
                  * Get announcement/global topics
                 if ($page == 1) {
                     $announcements =& $dba->executeQuery("SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['topic'] . " FROM " . TOPICS . " t LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON t.topic_id = WHERE t.is_draft=0 AND t.queue = 0 AND t.display = 1 AND i.row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND t.forum_id = " . intval($forum['id']) . " AND (t.topic_type = " . TOPIC_GLOBAL . " OR t.topic_type = " . TOPIC_ANNOUNCE . ") ORDER BY i.created DESC");
                     if ($announcements->numrows() > 0) {
                         $a_it =& new TopicsIterator($announcements, &$session, $template->getVar('IMG_DIR'), $forum);
                         $template->setList('announcements', $a_it);
                  * Get sticky/feature topics
                 $importants =& $dba->executeQuery("SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['topic'] . " FROM " . TOPICS . " t LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON t.topic_id = WHERE t.is_draft=0 AND t.queue = 0 AND t.display = 1 AND i.row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND t.forum_id = " . intval($forum['id']) . " AND (t.topic_type <> " . TOPIC_GLOBAL . " AND t.topic_type <> " . TOPIC_ANNOUNCE . ") AND (t.topic_type = " . TOPIC_STICKY . " OR t.is_feature = 1) ORDER BY i.created DESC");
                 if ($importants->numrows() > 0) {
                     $i_it =& new TopicsIterator($importants, &$session, $template->getVar('IMG_DIR'), $forum);
                     $template->setList('importants', $i_it);
                 /* Outside valid page range, redirect */
                 if (!$pager->hasPage($page) && $num_results > $resultsperpage) {
                     $template->setVar('topics_message', $template->getVar('L_PASTPAGELIMIT'));
                     $template->setRedirect('viewforum.php?id=' . $forum['id'] . '&limit=' . $perpage . '&page=' . $num_pages, 3);
                     return TRUE;
             /* If there are no topics, set the right messageto display */
             if ($forum['topics'] <= 0) {
                 $template->setVar('topics_message', iif($daysprune == 0, $template->getVar('L_NOPOSTSINFORUM'), sprintf($template->getVar('L_FORUMNOPOSTSSINCE'), $daysprune)));
                 return TRUE;
              * Moderator functions
             $template->setVar('modpanel', 0);
             if (is_moderator($user, $forum)) {
                 $template->setVar('modpanel', 1);
         } else {
             /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
             $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INVALIDFORUM'));
             $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), FALSE);
             return TRUE;
     /* Add the cookies for this forum's topics */
     return TRUE;
 function execute(&$request)
     /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
     k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], 'L_INFORMATION');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['f']) && intval($_REQUEST['f']) != 0 || isset($_REQUEST['c']) && intval($_REQUEST['c']) != 0) {
         $thing = isset($_REQUEST['f']) ? 'f' : 'c';
         $forum = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4FORUMS . " WHERE forum_id = " . intval($_REQUEST[$thing]));
     } else {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', TRUE);
         return $action->execute($request);
     if (!$forum || !is_array($forum) || empty($forum)) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
         return $action->execute($request);
     if ($forum['row_type'] & FORUM && $forum['is_link'] == 1) {
         if ($forum['link_show_redirects'] == 1) {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_REDIRECTING'), 'content', FALSE, 'redirect.php?id=' . $forum['forum_id'], 3);
         } else {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_REDIRECTING'), 'content', FALSE, $forum['link_href'], 3);
         return $action->execute($request);
     /* Set the extra SQL query fields to check */
     $extra = " AND location_file = '" . $request['dba']->Quote($_URL->file) . "' AND location_id = " . ($forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY ? intval($forum['category_id']) : intval($forum['forum_id']));
     $user_extra = $request['user']->isMember() ? ' OR (seen > 0 AND user_id = ' . intval($request['user']->get('id')) . ')' : '';
     $forum_can_view = $forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY ? get_map('', 'can_view', array('category_id' => $forum['category_id'])) : get_map('', 'can_view', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']));
     $expired = time() - ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
     $num_online_total = $request['dba']->getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . K4SESSIONS . " WHERE ((seen >= {$expired} {$extra}) {$user_extra})");
     $num_online_total = !$request['user']->isMember() ? $num_online_total + 1 : $num_online_total;
     /* If there are more than 0 people browsing the forum, display the stats */
     if ($num_online_total > 0 && $forum_can_view <= $request['user']->get('perms')) {
         $query = "SELECT * FROM " . K4SESSIONS . " WHERE ((seen >= {$expired} {$extra}) {$user_extra}) AND ((user_id > 0) OR (user_id = 0 AND name <> '')) GROUP BY name ORDER BY seen DESC";
         $users_browsing =& new K4OnlineUsersIterator($request['dba'], '', $request['dba']->executeQuery($query));
         /* Set the users browsing list */
         $request['template']->setList('users_browsing', $users_browsing);
         $stats = array('num_online_members' => Globals::getGlobal('num_online_members'), 'num_invisible' => Globals::getGlobal('num_online_invisible'), 'num_online_total' => $num_online_total);
         $stats['num_guests'] = $stats['num_online_total'] - $stats['num_online_members'] - $stats['num_invisible'];
         $element = $forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY ? 'L_USERSBROWSINGCAT' : 'L_USERSBROWSINGFORUM';
         $request['template']->setVar('num_online_members', $stats['num_online_members']);
         $request['template']->setVar('users_browsing', $request['template']->getVar($element));
         $request['template']->setVar('online_stats', sprintf($request['template']->getVar('L_USERSBROWSINGSTATS'), $stats['num_online_total'], $stats['num_online_members'], $stats['num_guests'], $stats['num_invisible']));
         /* Set the User's Browsing file */
         $request['template']->setFile('users_browsing', 'users_browsing.html');
         $groups = array();
         /* Set the usergroups legend list */
         foreach ($_USERGROUPS as $group) {
             if ($group['display_legend'] == 1) {
                 $groups[] = $group;
         $groups =& new FAArrayIterator($groups);
         $request['template']->setList('usergroups_legend', $groups);
     if ($forum_can_view > $request['user']->get('perms')) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_PERMCANTVIEW'), 'content', FALSE);
         return $action->execute($request);
      * Breadcrumbs 
     /* Set the breadcrumbs bit */
     k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], NULL, $forum);
     /* Set if this breadcrumb should be 'new' or not */
     $icon = NULL;
     $new = $forum['row_type'] & FORUM ? forum_icon($forum, $icon) : FALSE;
     $request['template']->setVar('breadcrumb_new', $new == TRUE ? 'new' : '');
      * Forum/cateogry checking
     /* Set all of the category/forum info to the template */
      * CATEGORY
     if ($forum['row_type'] & CATEGORY) {
         if (get_map('categories', 'can_view', array()) > $request['user']->get('perms')) {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_PERMCANTVIEW'), 'content', FALSE);
             return $action->execute($request);
         /* Set the Categories list */
         $categories =& new K4ForumsIterator($request['dba'], "SELECT * FROM " . K4FORUMS . " WHERE forum_id = " . $forum['forum_id'] . " ORDER BY row_order ASC");
         $request['template']->setList('tlforums', $categories);
         /* Hide the welcome message at the top of the forums.html template */
         $request['template']->setVisibility('welcome_msg', FALSE);
         /* Show the forum status icons */
         $request['template']->setVisibility('forum_status_icons', TRUE);
         /* Show the 'Mark these forums Read' link */
         $request['template']->setVisibility('mark_these_forums', TRUE);
         /* Set the forums template to content variable */
         $request['template']->setFile('content', 'forums.html');
          * FORUM / META FORUM
     } else {
         if ($forum['row_type'] & FORUM || $forum['row_type'] & METAFORUM || $forum['row_type'] & ARCHIVEFORUM) {
             /* Add the forum info to the template */
             foreach ($forum as $key => $val) {
                 $request['template']->setVar('forum_' . $key, $val);
             /* If this forum has sub-forums */
             if (isset_forum_cache_item('subforums', $forum['forum_id']) && $forum['subforums'] >= 1) {
                 /* Cache this forum as having subforums */
                 set_forum_cache_item('subforums', 1, $forum['forum_id']);
                 /* Show the table that holds the subforums */
                 $request['template']->setVisibility('subforums', TRUE);
                 /* Set the sub-forums list */
                 $it =& new K4ForumsIterator($request['dba'], "SELECT * FROM " . K4FORUMS . " WHERE parent_id = " . $forum['forum_id'] . " ORDER BY row_order ASC");
                 $request['template']->setList('forums', $it);
             if (get_map('topics', 'can_view', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms')) {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_CANTVIEWFORUMTOPICS'), 'content_extra', FALSE);
                 return $action->execute($request);
              * Forum settings
             /* Set the topics template to the content variable */
             $request['template']->setFile('content', 'viewforum.html');
             /* Set what this user can/cannot do in this forum */
             $request['template']->setVar('forum_user_topic_options', sprintf($request['template']->getVar('L_FORUMUSERTOPICPERMS'), get_map('topics', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN'), get_map('topics', 'can_edit', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN'), get_map('topics', 'can_del', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN'), get_map('attachments', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN')));
             $request['template']->setVar('forum_user_reply_options', sprintf($request['template']->getVar('L_FORUMUSERREPLYPERMS'), get_map('replies', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN'), get_map('replies', 'can_edit', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN'), get_map('replies', 'can_del', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) > $request['user']->get('perms') ? $request['template']->getVar('L_CANNOT') : $request['template']->getVar('L_CAN')));
             /* Create an array with all of the possible sort orders we can have */
             $sort_orders = array('name', 'lastpost_created', 'num_replies', 'views', 'lastpost_uname', 'rating', 'poster_name');
             //$extra_topics		= intval(@$_ALLFORUMS[GLBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS]['topics']);
             $extra_topics = 0;
             // TODO: need only Announcements from global announcements
              * Pagination
             /* Create the Pagination */
             $resultsperpage = $request['user']->get('topicsperpage') <= 0 ? $forum['topicsperpage'] : $request['user']->get('topicsperpage');
             $num_results = $forum['topics'] + $extra_topics;
             $perpage = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST['limit']) && intval($_REQUEST['limit']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['limit']) : $resultsperpage;
             $perpage = $perpage > 100 ? 100 : $perpage;
             $num_pages = intval(@ceil($num_results / $perpage));
             $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST['page']) && intval($_REQUEST['page']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
             $pager =& new FAPaginator($_URL, $num_results, $page, $perpage);
             if ($num_results > $perpage) {
                 $request['template']->setPager('topics_pager', $pager);
                 /* Create a friendly url for our pager jump */
                 $page_jumper = new FAUrl($_URL->__toString());
                 $page_jumper->args['limit'] = $perpage;
                 $page_jumper->args['page'] = FALSE;
                 $page_jumper->anchor = FALSE;
                 $request['template']->setVar('pagejumper_url', preg_replace('~&amp;~i', '&', $page_jumper->__toString()));
             /* Get the topics for this forum */
             $daysprune = $_daysprune = isset($_REQUEST['daysprune']) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST['daysprune']) ? $_REQUEST['daysprune'] == 0 ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['daysprune']) : 365;
             $daysprune = $daysprune > 0 ? time() - @($daysprune * 86400) : 0;
             $sortorder = isset($_REQUEST['order']) && ($_REQUEST['order'] == 'ASC' || $_REQUEST['order'] == 'DESC') ? $_REQUEST['order'] : 'DESC';
             $sortedby = isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && in_array($_REQUEST['sort'], $sort_orders) ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : 'lastpost_created';
             $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;
             /* Apply the directional arrow to the sorting of topics */
             $request['template']->setVar('order', $sortorder == 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
             $image = '<img src="Images/' . $request['template']->getVar('IMG_DIR') . '/Icons/arrow_' . ($sortorder == 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . '.gif" alt="" border="0" />';
             $request['template']->setVar($sortedby . '_sort', $image);
             /* If there are no topics, set the right message to display */
             if ($forum['topics'] <= 0) {
                 $request['template']->setVisibility('no_topics', TRUE);
                 $request['template']->setVar('topics_message', $daysprune == 0 ? $request['template']->getVar('L_NOPOSTSINFORUM') : sprintf($request['template']->getVar('L_FORUMNOPOSTSSINCE'), $_daysprune));
             if ($forum['topics'] + $extra_topics > 0 || $forum['row_type'] > GALLERY) {
                  * Moderator Functions
                 $extra = 'AND queue = 0';
                 $request['template']->setVar('modpanel', 0);
                 /* is this user a moderator */
                 if (is_moderator($request['user']->getInfoArray(), $forum) && $forum['row_type'] <= GALLERY) {
                     $request['template']->setVar('modpanel', 1);
                     if (isset($_REQUEST['queued']) || isset($_REQUEST['locked'])) {
                         if (isset($_REQUEST['queued'])) {
                             $extra = 'AND queue = 1';
                         } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['locked'])) {
                             $extra = ' AND queue = 0 AND post_locked = 1';
                  * Topic Setting
                 /* Make our query */
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE created>={$daysprune} AND is_draft=0 AND display=1 AND row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND forum_id=" . intval($forum['forum_id']) . " AND (post_type <> " . TOPIC_ANNOUNCE . " AND post_type <> " . TOPIC_STICKY . " AND is_feature = 0) {$extra} ORDER BY {$sortedby} {$sortorder} LIMIT {$start},{$perpage}";
                 if ($forum['row_type'] & METAFORUM) {
                     global $_FILTERS, $_FORUMFILTERS;
                     $query = "SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND forum_id<>" . GARBAGE_BIN . " ";
                     // loop through the filters being applied to this forum
                     $forum_filters = array();
                     if (isset($_FORUMFILTERS[$forum['forum_id']])) {
                         foreach ($_FORUMFILTERS[$forum['forum_id']] as $forum_filter) {
                             if (isset($_FILTERS[$forum_filter['filter_id']])) {
                                 $forum_filters[] = array('name' => $_FILTERS[$forum_filter['filter_id']]['filter_name']);
                                 $query .= " AND " . sprintf($_FILTERS[$forum_filter['filter_id']]['filter_query'], $request['dba']->quote($forum_filter['insert1']), $request['dba']->quote($forum_filter['insert2']), $request['dba']->quote($forum_filter['insert3'])) . " ";
                     $request['template']->setList('forum_filters', new FAArrayIterator($forum_filters));
                     $query .= " {$extra} ORDER BY {$sortedby} {$sortorder} LIMIT {$start},{$perpage}";
                     $query = str_replace('**', '%', $query);
                 /* get the topics */
                 $result = $request['dba']->executeQuery($query);
                 /* Apply the topics iterator */
                 $it =& new TopicsIterator($request['dba'], $request['user'], $result, $request['template']->getVar('IMG_DIR'), $forum);
                 $request['template']->setList('topics', $it);
                 // let's just make sure..
                 if ($result->hasNext()) {
                     $request['template']->setVisibility('no_topics', FALSE);
                 if ($forum['row_type'] <= GALLERY) {
                      * Get announcement/global topics
                     if ($page == 1) {
                         $announcements = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE (is_draft=0 AND display=1) AND row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND post_type = " . TOPIC_ANNOUNCE . " AND (forum_id = " . intval($forum['forum_id']) . " OR forum_id = " . GLBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS . ") {$extra} ORDER BY lastpost_created DESC");
                         if ($announcements->hasNext()) {
                             $a_it =& new TopicsIterator($request['dba'], $request['user'], $announcements, $request['template']->getVar('IMG_DIR'), $forum);
                             $request['template']->setList('announcements', $a_it);
                      * Get sticky/feature topics
                     $importants = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE is_draft=0 AND row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND display = 1 AND forum_id = " . intval($forum['forum_id']) . " AND (post_type <> " . TOPIC_ANNOUNCE . ") AND (post_type = " . TOPIC_STICKY . " OR is_feature = 1) {$extra} ORDER BY lastpost_created DESC");
                     if ($importants->hasNext()) {
                         $i_it =& new TopicsIterator($request['dba'], $request['user'], $importants, $request['template']->getVar('IMG_DIR'), $forum);
                         $request['template']->setList('importants', $i_it);
                 /* Outside valid page range, redirect */
                 if (!$pager->hasPage($page) && $num_pages > 0) {
                     $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_PASTPAGELIMIT'), 'content', FALSE, 'viewforum.php?f=' . $forum['forum_id'] . '&limit=' . $perpage . '&page=' . $num_pages, 3);
                     return $action->execute($request);
              * Forum Subscriptions
             if ($request['user']->isMember() && $forum['topics'] > 0) {
                 $subscribed = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4SUBSCRIPTIONS . " WHERE forum_id = " . intval($forum['forum_id']) . " AND post_id = 0 AND user_id = " . $request['user']->get('id'));
                 $request['template']->setVar('is_subscribed', $subscribed->numRows() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
              * GALLERY
         } else {
             if ($forum['row_type'] & GALLERY) {
                 $request['template']->setFile('content', 'viewgallery.html');
                  * ERROR
             } else {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
                 return $action->execute($request);
      * Can we post in here?
     $can_post_in_forum = 1;
     if ($forum['forum_id'] == GARBAGE_BIN || $forum['row_type'] > GALLERY) {
         $can_post_in_forum = 0;
     $request['template']->setVar('can_post_in_forum', $can_post_in_forum);
     // urls
     $request['template']->setVar('U_FORUMRSSURL', K4Url::getGenUrl('rss', 'f=' . $forum['forum_id']));
     /* Add the cookies for this forum's topics */
     // show the midsection of the forum
     $request['template']->setVisibility('forum_midsection', TRUE);
     return TRUE;