/** * Update autoresponder of the given mail account * * @param int $mailAccountId Mail account id * @param string $autoresponderMessage Auto-responder message * @return void */ function client_updateAutoresponder($mailAccountId, $autoresponderMessage) { $autoresponderMessage = clean_input($autoresponderMessage); if ($autoresponderMessage == '') { set_page_message(tr('Auto-responder message cannot be empty.'), 'error'); redirectTo("mail_autoresponder_enable.php?mail_account_id={$mailAccountId}"); } else { $db = iMSCP_Database::getInstance(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); $query = "SELECT `mail_addr` FROM `mail_users` WHERE `mail_id` = ?"; $stmt = exec_query($query, $mailAccountId); $query = "UPDATE `mail_users` SET `status` = ?, `mail_auto_respond_text` = ? WHERE `mail_id` = ?"; exec_query($query, array('tochange', $autoresponderMessage, $mailAccountId)); // Purge autoreplies log entries delete_autoreplies_log_entries(); $db->commit(); // Ask iMSCP daemon to trigger engine dispatcher send_request(); write_log(sprintf("%s: Updated auto-responder for the '%s' mail account", $_SESSION['user_logged'], $stmt->fields['mail_addr']), E_USER_NOTICE); set_page_message(tr('Auto-responder successfully scheduled for update.'), 'success'); } catch (iMSCP_Exception_Database $e) { $db->rollBack(); throw $e; } } }
/** * Updates htaccess user. * * @param int $dmn_id Domain unique identifier * @param int $uuser_id Htaccess user unique identifier * @return */ function client_updateHtaccessUser(&$dmn_id, &$uuser_id) { if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] == 'modify_user') { // we have to add the user if (isset($_POST['pass']) && isset($_POST['pass_rep'])) { if (!checkPasswordSyntax($_POST['pass'])) { return; } if ($_POST['pass'] !== $_POST['pass_rep']) { set_page_message(tr("Passwords do not match."), 'error'); return; } $nadmin_password = cryptPasswordWithSalt($_POST['pass'], generateRandomSalt(true)); $change_status = 'tochange'; $query = "\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\t`htaccess_users`\n\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t`upass` = ?, `status` = ?\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`dmn_id` = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t`id` = ?\n\t\t\t"; exec_query($query, array($nadmin_password, $change_status, $dmn_id, $uuser_id)); send_request(); $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`uname`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`htaccess_users`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`dmn_id` = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t`id` = ?\n\t\t\t"; $rs = exec_query($query, array($dmn_id, $uuser_id)); $uname = $rs->fields['uname']; $admin_login = $_SESSION['user_logged']; write_log("{$admin_login}: updated htaccess user ID: {$uname}", E_USER_NOTICE); redirectTo('protected_user_manage.php'); } } else { return; } }
function gen_page_dynamic_data(&$tpl, &$sql, $mail_id) { global $cfg; if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] === 'enable_arsp') { if ($_POST['arsp_message'] === '') { $tpl->assign('ARSP_MESSAGE', ''); set_page_message(tr('Please type your mail autorespond message!')); return; } $arsp_message = $_POST['arsp_message']; $item_change_status = $cfg['ITEM_CHANGE_STATUS']; check_for_lock_file(); $query = <<<SQL_QUERY update mail_users set status = ?, mail_auto_respond = ? where mail_id = ? SQL_QUERY; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($item_change_status, $arsp_message, $mail_id)); send_request(); write_log($_SESSION['user_logged'] . " : add mail autorsponder"); set_page_message(tr('Mail account scheduler for modification!')); header("Location: email_accounts.php"); exit(0); } else { $tpl->assign('ARSP_MESSAGE', ''); } }
/** * Schedule backup restoration. * * @param int $userId Customer unique identifier * @return void */ function scheduleBackupRestoration($userId) { exec_query("UPDATE `domain` SET `domain_status` = ? WHERE `domain_admin_id` = ?", array('torestore', $userId)); send_request(); write_log($_SESSION['user_logged'] . ": scheduled backup restoration.", E_USER_NOTICE); set_page_message(tr('Backup has been successfully scheduled for restoration.'), 'success'); }
function padd_group($tpl, $sql, $dmn_id) { $cfg = EasySCP_Registry::get('Config'); if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] == 'add_group') { // we have to add the group if (isset($_POST['groupname'])) { if (!validates_username($_POST['groupname'])) { set_page_message(tr('Invalid group name!'), 'warning'); return; } $groupname = $_POST['groupname']; $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`id`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`htaccess_groups`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`ugroup` = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t`dmn_id` = ?\n\t\t\t"; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($groupname, $dmn_id)); if ($rs->recordCount() == 0) { $change_status = $cfg->ITEM_ADD_STATUS; $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `htaccess_groups`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(`dmn_id`, `ugroup`, `status`)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(?, ?, ?)\n\t\t\t\t"; exec_query($sql, $query, array($dmn_id, $groupname, $change_status)); send_request(); $admin_login = $_SESSION['user_logged']; write_log("{$admin_login}: add group (protected areas): {$groupname}"); user_goto('protected_user_manage.php'); } else { set_page_message(tr('Group already exists!'), 'error'); return; } } else { set_page_message(tr('Invalid group name!'), 'error'); return; } } else { return; } }
/** * Adds Htaccess group. * * @param int $domainId Domain unique identifier * @return */ function client_addHtaccessGroup($domainId) { if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] == 'add_group') { // we have to add the group if (isset($_POST['groupname'])) { if (!validates_username($_POST['groupname'])) { set_page_message(tr('Invalid group name!'), 'error'); return; } $groupname = $_POST['groupname']; $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`id`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`htaccess_groups`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`ugroup` = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t`dmn_id` = ?\n\t\t\t"; $rs = exec_query($query, array($groupname, $domainId)); if ($rs->rowCount() == 0) { $change_status = 'toadd'; $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `htaccess_groups` (\n\t\t\t\t\t `dmn_id`, `ugroup`, `status`\n\t\t\t\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t ?, ?, ?\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t"; exec_query($query, array($domainId, $groupname, $change_status)); send_request(); set_page_message(tr('Htaccess group successfully scheduled for addition.'), 'success'); $admin_login = $_SESSION['user_logged']; write_log("{$admin_login}: added htaccess group: {$groupname}", E_USER_NOTICE); redirectTo('protected_user_manage.php'); } else { set_page_message(tr('This htaccess group already exists.'), 'error'); return; } } else { set_page_message(tr('Invalid htaccess group name.'), 'error'); return; } } else { return; } }
function get_uptime() { global $passwords, $uptime, $cache_file; $all_time = send_request("summary.average/" . $passwords->pingdom->checkid . "?includeuptime=true"); $last_month = send_request("summary.average/" . $passwords->pingdom->checkid . "?includeuptime=true&from=" . (time() - 2592000)); $uptime = array("all_time" => $all_time->summary->status->totalup / ($all_time->summary->status->totalup + $all_time->summary->status->totaldown), "last_month" => $last_month->summary->status->totalup / ($last_month->summary->status->totalup + $last_month->summary->status->totaldown)); file_put_contents($cache_file, "<?php\n \$last_check = " . var_export(time(), true) . ";\n\n \$uptime = " . var_export($uptime, true) . ";\n?" . ">"); }
function died($error) { $data = "We are very sorry, but there were error(s) found with the form you submitted. "; $data .= "These errors appear below.<br />"; $data .= $error; $data .= "Please go back and fix these errors.<br />"; send_request($data, true); }
function make_request() { $user = $_GET['login']; $password = md5($_GET['password']); $packet_id = wddx_packet_start("Authentication Request"); wddx_add_vars($packet_id, 'user', 'password'); $packet = wddx_packet_end($packet_id); // make a custom POST request to the server with the wddx packet return send_request($packet); }
function get_api_data($url, $param = array()) { $url = API_URL . $url; $sign = encrypt($param); $param['sign'] = $sign; $api_str = send_request($url, $param); if (is_json($api_str)) { return json_decode($api_str, TRUE); } else { return return_format(array($api_str), "json_str 解析错误,这是api内部报错!请联系1162097842@qq.com", API_NORMAL_ERR); } }
/** * Deactivate OpenDKIM for the given customer * * @param int $customerId Customer unique identifier * @return void */ function opendkim_deactivate($customerId) { $stmt = exec_query('SELECT COUNT(admin_id) AS cnt FROM admin WHERE admin_id = ? AND created_by = ? AND admin_status = ?', array($customerId, $_SESSION['user_id'], 'ok')); $row = $stmt->fetchRow(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row['cnt']) { exec_query('UPDATE opendkim SET opendkim_status = ? WHERE admin_id = ?', array('todelete', $customerId)); send_request(); set_page_message(tr('OpenDKIM support scheduled for deactivation. This can take few seconds.'), 'success'); } else { showBadRequestErrorPage(); } }
public function submit() { //先接受get数组,然后再填充到conf里面 $conf = ['rzm' => 2013214368, 'xm' => 'ling', 'ip' => '', 'bt' => '这是测试数据,请穆老师处理', 'fwxmh' => 01, 'bxdh' => 18580024667, 'fwquy' => '', 'wxdd' => '27栋', 'bxnr' => '这是测试数据,请穆老师处理', 'wxdjh' => 'a66222d0-f5ba-4fe5-86d4-a3cd01815db4', 'hfmyd' => '满意', 'hfjy' => '这是测试数据,请穆老师处理']; $wxdh = send_request('RepairApp', $conf); //提交 if ($wxdh) { $this->ajaxReturn(true); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(false); } }
public function performTest($testName) { $testUri = testCase::BASE_SERVICE . $testName . '.' . testCase::RESPONSE_FORMAT; echo_line('<pre>'); echo_line("Request:"); echo_line("\t" . $testUri); echo_line("\nResponse:\n"); $response = send_request($testUri, 'GET'); $coder = new CJSON(); $object = $coder->decode($response); print_as_json('', $object); echo_line('</pre>'); }
public function returnVisit() { if (session('stuId') && session('wx_djh') && I('post.hfmyd') && I('post.hfjy')) { $conf = ['rzm' => session('stuId'), 'wxdjh' => session('get.wx_djh'), 'hfmyd' => I('post.hfmyd'), 'hfjy' => I('post.hfjy')]; if (send_request('PayReturnVisit', $conf)) { $this->ajaxReturn(true); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(false); } } else { $this->error('数据填写不完整'); } }
public function firstLoad() { $conf = ['id' => session('stuId')]; $res = send_request('InfoById', $conf); //获取从接口拿到的保修单数据 if ($res) { D('Globle')->cacheRefresh($res); //每次查询的时候跟新本地缓存 $this->LoadUnfinishedData(); } else { //查看是否为接口问题 $this->LoadUnfinishedData(); } }
function data() { $params = array(); $params['max_id'] = intval(v('max_id')); if ($content = send_request('notice_list', $params, token())) { //echo $content; $data = json_decode($content, 1); if (intval($data['err_code']) != 0) { return false; } return render($data, 'ajax', 'raw'); } return null; }
/** * onAfterAddDomainAlias listener * * @throws iMSCP_Exception * @throws iMSCP_Exception_Database * @param iMSCP_Events_Event $event * @throws Exception */ public function onAfterAddDomainAlias(iMSCP_Events_Event $event) { $userIdentity = iMSCP_Authentication::getInstance()->getIdentity(); if ($userIdentity->admin_type == 'user') { $disallowedDomains = (array) $this->getConfigParam('ignored_domains', array()); $domainAliasNameAscii = $event->getParam('domainAliasName'); # Only domain aliases which are not listed in the ignored_domains list are auto-approved if (!in_array(decode_idna($domainAliasNameAscii), $disallowedDomains)) { $username = decode_idna($userIdentity->admin_name); $approvalRule = $this->getConfigParam('approval_rule', true); $userAccounts = (array) $this->getConfigParam('user_accounts', array()); if ($approvalRule) { # Only domain aliases added by user accounts which are listed in the user_accounts list are # auto-approved if (!in_array($username, $userAccounts)) { $username = false; } } elseif (in_array($username, $userAccounts)) { # Only domain aliases added by user accounts which are not listed in the user_accounts list are # auto-approved $username = false; } if ($username !== false) { $db = iMSCP_Database::getInstance(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); $domainAliasId = $event->getParam('domainAliasId'); exec_query('UPDATE domain_aliasses SET alias_status = ? WHERE alias_id = ?', array('toadd', $domainAliasId)); if (iMSCP_Registry::get('config')->CREATE_DEFAULT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES) { if ($userIdentity->email) { client_mail_add_default_accounts(get_user_domain_id($userIdentity->admin_id), $userIdentity->email, $domainAliasNameAscii, 'alias', $domainAliasId); } } $db->commit(); send_request(); $domainAliasName = decode_idna($domainAliasNameAscii); $username = decode_idna($username); write_log(sprintf('DomainAutoApproval: The %s domain alias has been auto-approved', $domainAliasName), E_USER_NOTICE); write_log(sprintf('DomainAutoApproval: %s scheduled addition of domain alias: %s', $username, $domainAliasName), E_USER_NOTICE); set_page_message(tr('Domain alias successfully scheduled for addition.'), 'success'); redirectTo('domains_manage.php'); } catch (iMSCP_Exception $e) { $db->rollBack(); throw $e; } } } } }
public function getInfo_by_wxdh() { //$wxdh = I('get.wxdh'); // $conf = [ // 'id' => session('stuId'), // 'appId' => $wxdh, // ]; //需要替换的地方 $conf = ['appId' => 'a66222d0-f5ba-4fe5-86d4-a3cd01815db4', 'id' => '1635841']; $message = send_request('Detail', $conf); if ($message) { $this->ajaxReturn($message, 'json'); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(false); } }
function pedit_user(&$tpl, &$sql, &$dmn_id, &$user_id) { if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] == 'modify_user') { // we have user to add if (isset($_POST['pass']) && isset($_POST['pass_rep'])) { if ($_POST['pass'] !== $_POST['pass_rep']) { set_page_message(tr('Passwords don\'t match!')); return; } $nadmin_password = crypt($_POST['pass']); $query = <<<SQL_QUERY update htaccess_users set upass = ? where dmn_id = ? \t\t\t\t\tand \t\t\t\t\t\tid = ? SQL_QUERY; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($nadmin_password, $dmn_id, $user_id)); // lets update htaccess to rebuild the htaccess files# global $cfg; $change_status = $cfg['ITEM_CHANGE_STATUS']; $query = <<<SQL_QUERY update htaccess set status = ? where user_id = ? \t\t\t\t\tand \t\t\t\t\t\t dmn_id = ? SQL_QUERY; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($change_status, $user_id, $dmn_id)); check_for_lock_file(); send_request(); $admin_login = $_SESSION['user_logged']; write_log("{$admin_login}: modify user ID (protected areas) -> {$user_id}"); header("Location: puser_manage.php"); die; } } else { return; } }
function send_backup_restore_request(&$sql, $user_id) { if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] === 'bk_restore') { check_for_lock_file(); $query = <<<SQL_QUERY update domain set domain_status = 'restore' where domain_admin_id = ? SQL_QUERY; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($user_id)); send_request(); write_log($_SESSION['user_logged'] . " : restor backup files"); set_page_message(tr('Backup archive scheduled for restoring!')); } }
function padd_user($tpl, $sql, $dmn_id) { $cfg = EasySCP_Registry::get('Config'); if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] == 'add_user') { // we have to add the user if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['pass']) && isset($_POST['pass_rep'])) { if (!validates_username($_POST['username'])) { set_page_message(tr('Wrong username!'), 'warning'); return; } if (!chk_password($_POST['pass'])) { if ($cfg->PASSWD_STRONG) { set_page_message(sprintf(tr('The password must be at least %s chars long and contain letters and numbers to be valid.'), $cfg->PASSWD_CHARS), 'warning'); } else { set_page_message(sprintf(tr('Password data is shorter than %s signs or includes not permitted signs!'), $cfg->PASSWD_CHARS), 'warning'); } return; } if ($_POST['pass'] !== $_POST['pass_rep']) { set_page_message(tr('Passwords do not match!'), 'warning'); return; } $status = $cfg->ITEM_ADD_STATUS; $uname = clean_input($_POST['username']); $upass = crypt_user_pass_with_salt($_POST['pass']); $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`id`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`htaccess_users`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`uname` = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t`dmn_id` = ?\n\t\t\t"; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($uname, $dmn_id)); if ($rs->recordCount() == 0) { $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `htaccess_users`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(`dmn_id`, `uname`, `upass`, `status`)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(?, ?, ?, ?)\n\t\t\t\t"; exec_query($sql, $query, array($dmn_id, $uname, $upass, $status)); send_request('110 DOMAIN htaccess ' . $dmn_id); $admin_login = $_SESSION['user_logged']; write_log("{$admin_login}: add user (protected areas): {$uname}"); user_goto('protected_user_manage.php'); } else { set_page_message(tr('User already exist !'), 'error'); return; } } } else { return; } }
function note_page() { //初始化数据库 if (!get_data("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'note'")) { run_sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `note` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `content` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `uid` (`uid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;'); } //读取列表数据 $note_list = send_request('note_list', array(), token()); $ret = json_decode($note_list, true); //显示界面 $data = array('top_title' => '工作笔记', 'token' => token(), 'data' => $ret['data']); $GLOBALS['c'] = 'dashboard'; //让TUDO菜单为选中状态 render($data, 'web', 'plugin', 'note'); }
/** * Deactivate autoresponder of the given mail account * * @param int $mailAccountId Mail account id * @return void */ function client_deactivateAutoresponder($mailAccountId) { $db = iMSCP_Database::getInstance(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); $query = "SELECT `mail_addr` FROM `mail_users` WHERE `mail_id` = ?"; $stmt = exec_query($query, $mailAccountId); $query = "UPDATE `mail_users` SET `status` = ?, `mail_auto_respond` = ? WHERE `mail_id` = ?"; exec_query($query, array('tochange', 0, $mailAccountId)); // Purge autoreplies log entries delete_autoreplies_log_entries(); $db->commit(); // Ask iMSCP daemon to trigger engine dispatcher send_request(); write_log(sprintf("%s: deactivated auto-responder for the '%s' mail account", $_SESSION['user_logged'], $stmt->fields['mail_addr']), E_USER_NOTICE); set_page_message(tr('Auto-responder successfully scheduled for deactivation.'), 'success'); } catch (iMSCP_Exception_Database $e) { $db->rollBack(); throw $e; } }
/** * onAfterAddDomainAlias listener * * @throws iMSCP_Exception * @throws iMSCP_Exception_Database * @param iMSCP_Events_Event $event * @throws Exception * @return void */ public function onAfterAddDomainAlias(iMSCP_Events_Event $event) { $userIdentity = iMSCP_Authentication::getInstance()->getIdentity(); // 1. Do not act if the logged-in user is not the real client (due to changes in i-MSCP v1.2.12) // 2. Do not act if the event has been triggered from reseller interface if (isset($_SESSION['logged_from_type']) || $userIdentity->admin_type == 'reseller') { return; } $disallowedDomains = (array) $this->getConfigParam('ignored_domains', array()); $domainAliasNameAscii = $event->getParam('domainAliasName'); if (in_array(decode_idna($domainAliasNameAscii), $disallowedDomains)) { return; # Only domain aliases which are not listed in the ignored_domains list are auto-approved } $username = decode_idna($userIdentity->admin_name); $approvalRule = $this->getConfigParam('approval_rule', true); $userAccounts = (array) $this->getConfigParam('user_accounts', array()); # 1. Only domain aliases added by user which are listed in the 'user_accounts' list are auto-approved # 2. Only domain aliases added by user which are not listed in the 'user_accounts' list are auto-approved if ($approvalRule && !in_array($username, $userAccounts) || in_array($username, $userAccounts)) { return; } $db = iMSCP_Database::getInstance(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); $domainAliasId = $event->getParam('domainAliasId'); exec_query('UPDATE domain_aliasses SET alias_status = ? WHERE alias_id = ?', array('toadd', $domainAliasId)); $config = iMSCP_Registry::get('config'); if ($config['CREATE_DEFAULT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES'] && $userIdentity->email !== '') { client_mail_add_default_accounts(get_user_domain_id($userIdentity->admin_id), $userIdentity->email, $domainAliasNameAscii, 'alias', $domainAliasId); } $db->commit(); send_request(); write_log(sprintf('DomainAutoApproval plugin: The `%s` domain alias has been auto-approved', decode_idna($domainAliasNameAscii)), E_USER_NOTICE); set_page_message(tr('Domain alias auto-approved.'), 'success'); } catch (iMSCP_Exception $e) { $db->rollBack(); throw $e; } }
function rand_page() { //这里开启页面的Basic 认证 //$this -> check_superadmin(); $params = array(); $data = array(); if ($content = send_request('lucky_list', $params)) { $jsonData = json_decode($content, 1); if ($jsonData['err_code'] == 0) { if (is_array($jsonData["data"])) { $data["luckyList"] = $jsonData["data"]; } else { $data["luckyList"] = array(); } } else { // } } $data['js'] = array('jquery.min.js'); $data['css'] = array('style.css'); render($data, 'web', 'rand'); }
function write_street_selectbox() { $i = 0; $street_selbox = ""; $strassen = json_decode(send_request('/strassen.php/', 'get')); if ($strassen->strassen) { foreach ($strassen->strassen as $value) { $strasse = json_decode(send_request('/strassen.php/' . $value->id, 'get')); $result[$i]["id"] = $strasse->Strasse->id; $result[$i]["name"] = $strasse->Strasse->Name; $i++; } } $street_selbox .= '<select name="Strasse">\\n'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $street_selbox .= '<option value="' . $result[$i]["id"] . '">'; $street_selbox .= utf8_decode($result[$i]["name"]); $street_selbox .= '</option>'; } $street_selbox .= '</select>\\n'; echo $street_selbox; }
/** * Add Htaccess user. * * @param int $domainId Domain unique identifier * @return */ function client_addHtaccessUser($domainId) { if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] == 'add_user') { // we have to add the user if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['pass']) && isset($_POST['pass_rep'])) { if (!validates_username($_POST['username'])) { set_page_message(tr('Wrong username.'), 'error'); return; } if (!checkPasswordSyntax($_POST['pass'])) { return; } if ($_POST['pass'] !== $_POST['pass_rep']) { set_page_message(tr("Passwords do not match."), 'error'); return; } $status = 'toadd'; $uname = clean_input($_POST['username']); $upass = cryptPasswordWithSalt($_POST['pass'], generateRandomSalt(true)); $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`id`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`htaccess_users`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`uname` = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t`dmn_id` = ?\n\t\t\t"; $rs = exec_query($query, array($uname, $domainId)); if ($rs->rowCount() == 0) { $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `htaccess_users` (\n\t\t\t\t\t `dmn_id`, `uname`, `upass`, `status`\n\t\t\t\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t ?, ?, ?, ?\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t"; exec_query($query, array($domainId, $uname, $upass, $status)); send_request(); set_page_message(tr('Htaccess user successfully scheduled for addition.'), 'success'); $admin_login = $_SESSION['user_logged']; write_log("{$admin_login}: added new htaccess user: {$uname}", E_USER_NOTICE); redirectTo('protected_user_manage.php'); } else { set_page_message(tr('This htaccess user already exist.'), 'error'); return; } } } else { return; } }
function send_message($apiKey, $regIDs) { global $url; global $prev; $response = send_request(false, $url, array("Content-Type: application/json")); $x = json_decode($response); $sd = $x->Siri->ServiceDelivery; $rt = $sd->ResponseTimestamp; $msv = $sd->StopMonitoringDelivery[0]->MonitoredStopVisit; $s = ''; foreach ($msv as $k => $v) { $mvj = $v->MonitoredVehicleJourney; $dist = $mvj->MonitoredCall->Extensions->Distances->PresentableDistance; $stopName = $mvj->MonitoredCall->StopPointName; switch ($dist) { case 'at stop': case 'approaching': case '1 stop away': $s .= "; {$mvj->PublishedLineName} {$dist}"; } } if (!empty($s) && $s != $prev) { $prev = $s; $msg = substr($rt, 11, 8) . " -- " . substr($s, 2) . "@{$stopName}"; echo "<hr>{$msg}"; $data = <<<EOT \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\t"data": { \t\t\t\t\t"message": "{$msg}" \t\t\t\t}, \t\t\t\t"registration_ids": [{$regIDs}], \t\t\t\t"delay_while_idle": true, \t\t\t\t"time_to_live": 600 \t\t\t} EOT; send_request(true, "https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send", array("Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization: key={$apiKey}"), $data); } }
function todo_flow_item() { $uid = intval(z(v(t('uid')))); if ($uid < 0) { return ajax_echo('BAD UID'); } $params = array(); $params['uid'] = $uid; $params['ord'] = 'desc'; $params['by'] = 'last_action_at'; $params['count'] = '20'; if ($content = send_request('todo_list', $params, token())) { $data = json_decode($content, 1); $data['user'] = get_user_info_by_id($uid); if (isset($data['data'])) { foreach ($data['data'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['is_follow'] == 1) { unset($data['data'][$k]); } } } return render($data, 'ajax', 'plugin', 'todo_flow'); } }
function send_backup_restore_request($sql, $user_id) { if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] === 'bk_restore') { $query = "\n\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t`domain`\n\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t`status` = 'restore'\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t`domain_admin_id` = ?\n\t\t"; exec_query($sql, $query, $user_id); send_request(); write_log($_SESSION['user_logged'] . ": restore backup files."); set_page_message(tr('Backup archive scheduled for restoring!'), 'success'); } }