Beispiel #1
    $result = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM propertytable WHERE Property_ID = :id');
    $result->bindValue(':id', $id);
    foreach ($result as $location) {
        $email_owner = $location['member_email'];
        // get property owner email addr;
    $result = $pdo->prepare('insert into inspection (vistor_email,owner_email) VALUES (:vistor_email,:owner_email)');
    // add data into the inspection table;
    $result->bindValue(':vistor_email', $email_vistor);
    $result->bindValue(':owner_email', $email_owner);
    $result = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM inspection WHERE vistor_email = :vistor_email and owner_email = :owner_email');
    $result->bindValue(':vistor_email', $email_vistor);
    $result->bindValue(':owner_email', $email_owner);
    foreach ($result as $location) {
        $id_inspectionr = $location['id'];
        // get inspection id;
    send_mail_lazypeople($email_owner, 'Inspection enquiry', "Someone wants to book an inspection of {$property_name}. If you want to accept this enquiry, please click this{$id_inspectionr}");
    send_mail_lazypeople($email_vistor, 'Inspection sent', "You have sent an inspection email to a property owner.");
    include '';
    echo "<body>\n\t\t<div id='cssmenu'><ul><li><a href='Home.php'><span>Home</span></a></li>\n        <li><a href='search.php'><span>Search</span></a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href='Publish.php'>Publish</a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href='myproperty.php'>My Property</a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href='Logout.php'><span>Logout</span></a></li></ul></div>";
    echo "<div class='form'><form><h1>The enquiry has been sent.</h1></form></div>";
} else {
    echo "Please login your account first.";
                $result_str .= $req[2] . $result . "\n";
    return $result_str;
include '';
$id = $_GET['id'];
$result = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE inspection SET status=1 where id= :id');
// mark inspection in the database;
$result->bindValue(':id', $id);
$result = $pdo->prepare('select * from inspection where id= :id');
// add data into the inspection table;
$result->bindValue(':id', $id);
foreach ($result as $item) {
    $vistor_email = $item['vistor_email'];
    // get inspection vistor email;
    $owner_email = $item['owner_email'];
    // get inspection owner email;
send_mail_lazypeople($vistor_email, 'The inspection comfirmation', "The inspection has been comfirmed and the owner email address is {$owner_email}.");
send_mail_lazypeople($owner_email, 'The inspection comfirmation', "The inspection has been comfirmed and the vistor email address is {$vistor_email}.");
include '';
echo "<body>\n\t\t<div id='cssmenu'><ul><li><a href='Home.php'><span>Home</span></a></li>\n        <li><a href='search.php'><span>Search</span></a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='Publish.php'>Publish</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='myproperty.php'>My Property</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='Logout.php'><span>Logout</span></a></li></ul></div>";
echo "<div class='form'><form><h1>The inspection has been comfirmed.</h1></form></div>";