public static function send($content, $mobile) { require_once 'sender_qixintong.php'; //即时发送 $res = sendSMS(self::uid, self::pwd, $mobile, $content); return $res; }
/** * 根据注册用户的手机号,获取手机验证码 * @param $tel */ public function getSmsCode($tel) { //生成随机的短信验证码 $smsCode = \Org\Util\String::randNumber(1000, 9999); //将手机验证码存入redis中,当前手机号作为键.用作后面的验证 S($tel, $smsCode, 60); //发送验证信息 sendSMS('注册验证', '{"code":"' . $smsCode . '","product":"京西商城"}', $tel, 'SMS_4730837'); }
/** * 获取短信的验证码 * @param $tel */ public function getSMSCode($tel) { //随机码 $str = String::randNumber(1000, 9999); //>>1.将验证码保存到redis中.保存30秒 S($tel, $str, 300); //>>2.发送短信 sendSMS('注册验证', '{"code":"' . $str . '","product":"京西商城"}', $tel, 'SMS_2245271'); }
function send() { sendSMS(array($this->phone), $this->message, $this->w->Auth->user()->login); // always store a fresh line item $this->dt_created = null; $this->creator_id = null; $this->id = null; $this->insert(); }
function send_sms_code($mobile, $str) { $uid = '57141'; //用户账号 $pwd = 'd6m574'; //密码 $content = $str . ',请不要把验证码泄露给其他人。如非本人操作,可不用理会。【阿依达商贸】'; //内容 //即时发送 return sendSMS($uid, $pwd, $mobile, $content); }
function SMSSend($mobile, $content, $mobileids = '', $time = '', $mid = '') { $http = ''; //短信接口 $uid = 'chaoweichuangyuan'; //用户账号 $pwd = 'ChaoweiUct'; //密码 $mobileids = $mobile . (string) rand(1000, 9999); return sendSMS($http, $uid, $pwd, $mobile, $content, $mobileids, $time, $mid); }
function sms_send_yimei($phone, $content) { //global $INI; $content = $content."【米粒团】";//短信签名自己修改 $smslog = sms_deal($phone,$content); if(!$smslog){ $res = '111';//表示发送的短信信息存入数据库失败,不执行发送请求 }else{ $res = sendSMS(array($phone),$content); } return trim(strval($res))=='0' ? true : strval($res); }
public static function send_text() { // Simple SMS send function function sendSMS($username, $password, $to, $message, $originator) { $URL = '' . "?username={$username}&password={$password}&option=xml"; $URL .= "&to={$to}&message=" . urlencode($message) . '&orig=' . urlencode($originator); $fp = fopen($URL, 'r'); return fread($fp, 1024); } // Example of use $response = sendSMS('myUsername', 'myPassword', '4477777777', 'My test message', 'TextMessage'); echo $response; }
function sendSMS($mobileNumber, $notificationText) { //############################################################# $baseURL = ""; $version = "1"; $relativeURL = "/" . $version . "/smsmessaging/outbound/" . urlencode($this->smsNumber) . "/requests"; $urlString = $baseURL . $relativeURL; $data = array('address' => urlencode($mobileNumber), 'senderAddress' => urlencode($this->smsNumber), 'message' => urlencode($notificationText)); $data_string = ""; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } rtrim($data_string, '&'); $obj = json_decode(sendSMS($urlString, $data_string)); if (property_exists($obj, 'requestError')) { //do something, log error. } else { $confirmationURL = $obj->{'resourceReference'}->{'resourceURL'} . "/deliveryInfos"; $this->followupSMS($confirmationURL); } }
function sendSMSAlert($geoAssId, $devDateTime) { $db = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DATABASE); $db->connect(); $getData = "SELECT * FROM tb_assigngeofence,tb_deviceinfo,tb_geofence_info,tb_clientinfo WHERE ci_id = tag_clientId AND tgi_id = tag_geofenceId AND di_id = tag_diId AND tag_id = " . $geoAssId; $resData = mysql_query($getData); if (@mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { $fetData = mysql_fetch_assoc($resData); $from = ""; $to = $fetData[tag_alertSrc]; if ($fetData[di_deviceName]) { $devName = $fetData[di_deviceName]; } else { $devName = $fetData[di_deviceId]; } if ($fetData[tag_inout] == "in") { $status = "entered zone"; } else { $status = "left zone"; } $msg = "Dear " . ucfirst($fetData[ci_clientName]) . "! " . $devName . " has " . $status . " " . $fetData[tgi_name] . " at " . date("H:i:s", strtotime($devDateTime)) . " - " . $fetData[ci_weburl]; //echo $msg; $smsres = sendSMS($from, $to, $msg); $smsdata['tsi_mobileno'] = $fetData[tag_alertSrc]; $smsdata['tsi_tgai_id'] = $geoAssId; $smsdata['tsi_smsResult'] = $smsres; $smsdata['tsi_message'] = urlencode($msg); $smsdata['tsi_smsType'] = "GEOALERT"; //print_r($smsdata); //exit; if ($db->query_insert("tb_smsinfo", $smsdata)) { $res = 1; } else { $res = 0; } return $res; //print_r($fetData); } }
function register($fname, $lname, $email, $pass, $phone, $plan) { //header('Location: '.get_bloginfo('url').'/?p=r&status=good&f='.$fname.'&u='.$username.'&e='.$email.'$p='.$phone.'&pl='.$plan); global $wpdb; $username = strtolower(substr($fname, 0, 1) . $lname); # start by checking if the user already exists $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE username ='******' OR email = '{$email}'"); if (!empty($row->username)) { header('Location: ' . get_bloginfo('url') . '/?p=r&status=bad'); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO userinfo(username,firstname,lastname,email,mobilephone) \n \t\tVALUES('{$username}','{$fname}', '{$lname}', '{$email}', '{$phone}')"; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO radcheck(username,attribute,op,value)\n\t\t\t\t\t VALUES('{$username}','Cleartext-Password',':=','{$pass}')"; $date = date('d M Y', strtotime(date('d M Y') . ' +2 day')); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO radcheck(username,attribute,op,value)\n\t\t\t\t\t VALUES('{$username}','Expiration',':=','{$date}')"; $sql3 = "INSERT INTO radusergroup(username,groupname)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$username}','{$plan}')"; $wpdb->query($sql); $wpdb->query($sql1); $wpdb->query($sql2); $wpdb->query($sql3); sendSMS($phone, $username, $pass); sendEmail($email, $username, $plan); header('Location: ' . get_bloginfo('url') . '/?p=r&status=good&f=' . $fname . '&u=' . $username . '&e=' . $email . '$p=' . $phone . '&pl=' . $plan . '&ps=' . $pass); } }
function getListInvalidFutureBuyingOrder($OrderDate, $StockExchangeID) { // End 20100723 - Them $StockExchangeID ------------------------------------------------------- // $function_name = 'getListInvalidFutureBuyingOrder'; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($OrderDate)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30480; } elseif (!required($StockExchangeID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30001; } else { // $query = sprintf( "CALL sp_getListInvalidFutureBuyingOrder('%s' )", $OrderDate ); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_getListInvalidFutureBuyingOrder('%s', '%s' )", $OrderDate, $StockExchangeID); $rs = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->disconnect(); $count = count($rs); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { // 20100723 - Quang change --------------------------------- // $vip = checkVIPAccount($AccountNo);// 1: exist 0: not exist $vip = checkVIPAccount($rs[$i]['accountno']); // 1: exist 0: not exist // End 20100723 - Quang change ----------------------------- if (strpos(PAGODA_ACCOUNT, $rs[$i]['accountno']) === false && $vip == 0) { if ($rs[$i]['ordersideid'] == ORDER_BUY) { switch ($rs[$i]['bankid']) { case DAB_ID: $dab =& new CDAB(); $dab_rs = $dab->cancelBlockMoney($rs[$i]['bankaccount'], $rs[$i]['accountno'], $rs[$i]['id'], $rs[$i]['amount']); break; case VCB_ID: $dab =& new CVCB(); $newOrderID = $rs[$i]['id'] . $rs[$i]['unitcode']; $dab_rs = $dab->cancelBlockMoney($rs[$i]['accountno'], $newOrderID, $rs[$i]['amount']); break; case NVB_ID: $dab =& new CNVB(); $dab_rs = $dab->cancelBlockMoney(substr($rs[$i]['id'] . date("His"), 3), $rs[$i]['bankaccount'], $rs[$i]['amount'], $rs[$i]['id']); break; case OFFLINE: $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_Cancel('%s', %u, %u, %f, '%s')", $rs[$i]['accountno'], OFFLINE, $rs[$i]['id'], $rs[$i]['amount'], $function_name); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->connect(); $off_rs = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getRow($query); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->disconnect(); $dab_rs = $off_rs['varerror']; break; } // switch if ($dab_rs == 0) { $success = 1; } else { $success = 0; } $this->_MDB2_WRITE->connect(); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_updateFromApprovedToDeniedForFutureBuyingOrder( %u, %u )", $rs[$i]['id'], $success); $update_rs = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getRow($query); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->disconnect(); } // BUY order $bank_result .= $rs[$i]['accountno'] . " " . $rs[$i]['id'] . " " . $rs[$i]['amount'] . " --> " . $dab_rs . "\r\n"; $arraySMS['Phone'] = $rs[$i]['mobilephone']; $OrderSide = $rs[$i]['ordersideid'] == ORDER_BUY ? "Mua" : "Ban"; $arraySMS['Content'] = "EPS: Lenh " . $OrderSide . " " . $rs[$i]['symbol'] . " - TK: " . $rs[$i]['accountno'] . " khong hop le do sai gia Tran/San"; sendSMS($arraySMS); } // PAGODA_ACCOUNT } // for mailSMTP('Quản lý Đặt lệnh', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '', 'Danh sách lệnh đặt trước không hợp lệ - StockExchangeID:' . $StockExchangeID, 'Danh sách lệnh đặt trước không hợp lệ \\r\\n <br>' . $bank_result); // mailSMTP('Quản lý Đặt lệnh','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**', '', 'Danh sách lệnh đặt trước không hợp lệ - StockExchangeID:'.$StockExchangeID,'Danh sách lệnh đặt trước không hợp lệ \r\n <br>'.$bank_result); $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/bank/unlock/" . date("Ymd"); file_put_contents($filename, $bank_result); } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
$cat_2 = $examTypeMarks_->cat2Marks($term_id, $stud_id, $subject_id); $mid_term = $examTypeMarks_->midtermMarks($term_id, $stud_id, $subject_id); $end_term = $examTypeMarks_->endtermMarks($term_id, $stud_id, $subject_id); $average = $examTypeMarks_->averageGrade($term_id, $stud_id, $subject_id); $average = number_format($average['key1'], 1); $grade = $average['key2']; $classPosition = $examTypeMarks_->classPosition($term_id, $stud_id, $subject_id); $message_part2_ = strtoupper(substr($subject_name, 0, 3)) . ' :' . $average . $grade; $message_part2 = $message_part2 . '; ' . $message_part2_; } //end while } else { echo 'No details for now.'; } $total_Avg = number_format($total, 2); $studentProfile_ = new studentProfile(); $meanPoints = $studentProfile_->studMeanPoints($stud_id, $term_id); $meanPoints = $meanPoints['key2']; $studentPosition = $studentProfile_->studentPosition($term_id, $stud_id); $message_part3 = 'TOTAL:' . $total . ' MEAN POINTS:' . $meanPoints . ' PST:' . $studentPosition; $message_part1 = 'NAME: ' . $fname . ' ' . $mname . ' ' . $lname . ' ' . $adminNo . ' ' . $class_name . ' ' . $term_name . ' :' . $year_name; $message = $message_part1 . ' ' . $message_part2 . ' ' . $message_part3 . ' Sent from Nyandarua High School'; echo $message; function sendSMS($number, $message) { $Namba = urlencode($number); $Message = urlencode($message); file("http://localhost:8011/send/sms/" . $Namba . "/" . $Message . "/"); } sendSMS($number, $message); echo 'message sent';
public function doSendVerify($account, $verify, $type) { switch ($type) { case 'mobile': $content = modC('SMS_CONTENT', '{$verify}', 'USERCONFIG'); $content = str_replace('{$verify}', $verify, $content); $content = str_replace('{$account}', $account, $content); $res = sendSMS($account, $content); return $res; break; case 'email': //发送验证邮箱 $content = modC('REG_EMAIL_VERIFY', '{$verify}', 'USERCONFIG'); $content = str_replace('{$verify}', $verify, $content); $content = str_replace('{$account}', $account, $content); $res = send_mail($account, modC('WEB_SITE_NAME', 'OpenSNS开源社交系统', 'Config') . '邮箱验证', $content); return $res; break; } }
function tach_send_callback() { global $panda; $ok = !empty($panda['ok_ok']) ? esc_url($panda['ok_ok']) : 'javascript:void(0);'; $vk = !empty($panda['vk_vk']) ? esc_url($panda['vk_vk']) : 'javascript:void(0);'; check_ajax_referer('cr-special-string', 'security'); $phone = $_POST['phone']; $name = $_POST['name']; $text = $_POST['text'] ? $_POST['text'] : ''; $email = !empty($panda['e_mail']) ? $panda['e_mail'] : ''; $defaults = array('post_title' => 'Заявка на подбор репетитора c id' . $text, 'post_content' => $phone . '<br>' . $name, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'send'); $post_id = wp_insert_post($defaults); wp_mail($email, 'Заявка на подбор репетитора ' . get_home_url(), 'Вы получили новую заявку на подбор репетитора № ' . $post_id . ' Телефон клиента ' . $phone . ', Имя клиента, ' . $name . ', Репетитор - ' . $text); $texte = "Садись, 5!: Ваша заявка №" . $post_id . " получена. Мы свяжемся с Вами. Наш тел: 412-413"; sendSMS($phone, $texte); $date = date('G'); if ($date > 21 && $date < 8) { $mess = '<br>Мы свяжемся с вами после 8:00 утра'; } else { $mess = ''; } echo '<a href="#" class="close"></a> <div class="litebox-top">Отлично!</div> <div class="popup-content"> <div class="litebox-blod litebox-blod2"> ' . $name . ', ваша заявка № ' . $post_id . ' получена. Мы перезвоним,<br> уточним детали и бесплатно подберем <br> подходящего специалиста.' . $mess . ' </div> <div class="litebox-text"> А пока подпишитесь на наши группы в социальных сетях,<br> чтобы узнавать новости из сферы образования и оставаться <br> в хорошем настроении! </div> <div class="popup-sots"> <a href="' . $vk . '" class="vk-link2">Вконтакте</a> <a href="' . $ok . '" class="odnoklasniki-link2">Одноклассники</a> </div> </div>'; wp_die(); }
function delivery($order_id, $deliery_id, $express_no) { /* 定义当前时间 */ define('GMTIME_UTC', gmtime()); // 获取 UTC 时间戳 /* 取得参数 */ $delivery = array(); $delivery['invoice_no'] = $express_no; $action_note = isset($_REQUEST['action_note']) ? trim($_REQUEST['action_note']) : ''; /* 根据发货单id查询发货单信息 */ if (!empty($delivery_id)) { $delivery_order = delivery_order_info($delivery_id); } else { die('order does not exist'); } /* 查询订单信息 */ $order = order_info($order_id); /* 检查此单发货商品库存缺货情况 */ $virtual_goods = array(); $delivery_stock_sql = "SELECT DG.goods_id, DG.is_real, DG.product_id, SUM(DG.send_number) AS sums, IF(DG.product_id > 0, P.product_number, G.goods_number) AS storage, G.goods_name, DG.send_number\r\n FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('delivery_goods') . " AS DG, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS G, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products') . " AS P\r\n WHERE DG.goods_id = G.goods_id\r\n AND DG.delivery_id = '{$delivery_id}'\r\n AND DG.product_id = P.product_id\r\n GROUP BY DG.product_id "; $delivery_stock_result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($delivery_stock_sql); /* 如果商品存在规格就查询规格,如果不存在规格按商品库存查询 */ if (!empty($delivery_stock_result)) { foreach ($delivery_stock_result as $value) { if (($value['sums'] > $value['storage'] || $value['storage'] <= 0) && ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1' && $_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_SHIP || $_CFG['use_storage'] == '0' && $value['is_real'] == 0)) { /* 操作失败 */ $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_info'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id); sys_msg(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['act_good_vacancy'], $value['goods_name']), 1, $links); break; } /* 虚拟商品列表 virtual_card*/ if ($value['is_real'] == 0) { $virtual_goods[] = array('goods_id' => $value['goods_id'], 'goods_name' => $value['goods_name'], 'num' => $value['send_number']); } } } else { $delivery_stock_sql = "SELECT DG.goods_id, DG.is_real, SUM(DG.send_number) AS sums, G.goods_number, G.goods_name, DG.send_number\r\n FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('delivery_goods') . " AS DG, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS G\r\n WHERE DG.goods_id = G.goods_id\r\n AND DG.delivery_id = '{$delivery_id}'\r\n GROUP BY DG.goods_id "; $delivery_stock_result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($delivery_stock_sql); foreach ($delivery_stock_result as $value) { if (($value['sums'] > $value['goods_number'] || $value['goods_number'] <= 0) && ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1' && $_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_SHIP || $_CFG['use_storage'] == '0' && $value['is_real'] == 0)) { /* 操作失败 */ $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_info'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id); sys_msg(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['act_good_vacancy'], $value['goods_name']), 1, $links); break; } /* 虚拟商品列表 virtual_card*/ if ($value['is_real'] == 0) { $virtual_goods[] = array('goods_id' => $value['goods_id'], 'goods_name' => $value['goods_name'], 'num' => $value['send_number']); } } } /* 发货 */ /* 处理虚拟卡 商品(虚货) */ if (is_array($virtual_goods) && count($virtual_goods) > 0) { foreach ($virtual_goods as $virtual_value) { virtual_card_shipping($virtual_value, $order['order_sn'], $msg, 'split'); } } /* 如果使用库存,且发货时减库存,则修改库存 */ if ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1' && $_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_SHIP) { foreach ($delivery_stock_result as $value) { /* 商品(实货)、超级礼包(实货) */ if ($value['is_real'] != 0) { //(货品) if (!empty($value['product_id'])) { $minus_stock_sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products') . "\r\n SET product_number = product_number - " . $value['sums'] . "\r\n WHERE product_id = " . $value['product_id']; $GLOBALS['db']->query($minus_stock_sql, 'SILENT'); } $minus_stock_sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . "\r\n SET goods_number = goods_number - " . $value['sums'] . "\r\n WHERE goods_id = " . $value['goods_id']; $GLOBALS['db']->query($minus_stock_sql, 'SILENT'); } } } /* 修改发货单信息 */ $invoice_no = str_replace(',', '<br>', $delivery['invoice_no']); $invoice_no = trim($invoice_no, '<br>'); $_delivery['invoice_no'] = $invoice_no; $_delivery['status'] = 0; // 0,为已发货 $query = $db->autoExecute($ecs->table('delivery_order'), $_delivery, 'UPDATE', "delivery_id = {$delivery_id}", 'SILENT'); if (!$query) { /* 操作失败 */ $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['delivery_sn'] . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['detail'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id); sys_msg($GLOBALS['_LANG']['act_false'], 1, $links); } /* 标记订单为已确认 “已发货” */ /* 更新发货时间 */ $order_finish = get_all_delivery_finish($order_id); $shipping_status = $order_finish == 1 ? SS_SHIPPED : SS_SHIPPED_PART; $arr['shipping_status'] = $shipping_status; $arr['shipping_time'] = GMTIME_UTC; // 发货时间 $arr['invoice_no'] = trim($order['invoice_no'] . '<br>' . $invoice_no, '<br>'); update_order($order_id, $arr); /* 发货单发货记录log */ order_action($order['order_sn'], OS_CONFIRMED, $shipping_status, $order['pay_status'], $action_note, null, 1); /* 如果当前订单已经全部发货 */ if ($order_finish) { /* 如果订单用户不为空,计算积分,并发给用户;发红包 */ if ($order['user_id'] > 0) { /* 取得用户信息 */ $user = user_info($order['user_id']); /* 计算并发放积分 */ $integral = integral_to_give($order); log_account_change($order['user_id'], 0, 0, intval($integral['rank_points']), intval($integral['custom_points']), sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_gift_integral'], $order['order_sn'])); /* 发放红包 */ send_order_bonus($order_id, $order['supplier_id']); } /* 发送邮件 */ $cfg = $_CFG['send_ship_email']; if ($cfg == '1') { $order['invoice_no'] = $invoice_no; $tpl = get_mail_template('deliver_notice'); $smarty->assign('order', $order); $smarty->assign('send_time', local_date($_CFG['time_format'])); $smarty->assign('shop_name', $_CFG['shop_name']); $smarty->assign('send_date', local_date($_CFG['date_format'])); $smarty->assign('sent_date', local_date($_CFG['date_format'])); $smarty->assign('confirm_url', $ecs->url() . 'receive.php?id=' . $order['order_id'] . '&con=' . rawurlencode($order['consignee'])); $smarty->assign('send_msg_url', $ecs->url() . 'user.php?act=message_list&order_id=' . $order['order_id']); $content = $smarty->fetch('str:' . $tpl['template_content']); if (!send_mail($order['consignee'], $order['email'], $tpl['template_subject'], $content, $tpl['is_html'])) { $msg = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['send_mail_fail']; } } /* 如果需要,发短信 */ if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_order_shipped'] == '1' && $order['mobile'] != '') { include_once '../send.php'; $content = '您的订单已发货,订单号为' . $order['order_sn'] . '收货人为' . $order['consignee'] . '收货地址为' . $order['address'] . ',请注意查收【' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name'] . '】'; sendSMS($order['mobile'], $content); } } /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); /* 操作成功 */ $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['09_delivery_order'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_list'); $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['delivery_sn'] . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['detail'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id); sys_msg($GLOBALS['_LANG']['act_ok'], 0, $links); }
/** * 发短信方法 * @param array $supplierinfo eg: array('商家id1'=>订单号) * @param string $content 短信内容 * @param int $position 调用位置 1,下订单;2,付款 * */ function send_sms($supplierinfo = '', $content = '', $position = 1) { if (empty($supplierinfo) || empty($position)) { return; } $supplier_ids = array_keys($supplierinfo); global $_CFG; if (array_search(0, $supplier_ids) !== false) { if ($position == 1) { if ($_CFG['sms_order_placed'] == '1' && $_CFG['sms_shop_mobile'] != '') { $phones = explode(',', $_CFG['sms_shop_mobile']); array_filter($phones); $content1 = str_replace(array('ordersn', 'shopname'), array($supplierinfo[0], $_CFG['shop_name']), $content); foreach ($phones as $phone) { sendSMS($phone, $content1); } } } elseif ($position == 2) { if ($_CFG['sms_order_payed'] == '1' && $_CFG['sms_shop_mobile'] != '') { $phones = explode(',', $_CFG['sms_shop_mobile']); array_filter($phones); $content1 = str_replace(array('ordersn', 'shopname'), array($supplierinfo[0], $_CFG['shop_name']), $content); foreach ($phones as $phone) { sendSMS($phone, $content1); } } } array_filter($supplier_ids); } foreach ($supplier_ids as $val) { $info = get_supplier_info($val); if ($position == 1) { if ($info['sms_order_placed'] == '1' && $info['sms_shop_mobile'] != '') { $phones = explode(',', $info['sms_shop_mobile']); array_filter($phones); $content1 = str_replace(array('ordersn', 'shopname'), array($supplierinfo[$val], $_CFG['shop_name']), $content); foreach ($phones as $phone) { sendSMS($phone, $content1); } } } elseif ($position == 2) { if ($info['sms_order_payed'] == '1' && $info['sms_shop_mobile'] != '') { $phones = explode(',', $info['sms_shop_mobile']); array_filter($phones); $content1 = str_replace(array('ordersn', 'shopname'), array($supplierinfo[$val], $_CFG['shop_name']), $content); foreach ($phones as $phone) { sendSMS($phone, $content1); } } } } }
if ($interval < 1) { // интервал отправки (сек) jsAnswer("error", "c_error", "", "Сообщение уже было отправлено."); } else { //$get_data = gF('os'); $get_data = $_POST["cs"]; if (count($get_data) > 1) { // data to send $os = $_POST["os"]; $cs = $_POST["cs"]; $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $title = "Новый клиент с сайта soapland"; $title = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($title) . "?="; $mess = ""; $mess .= getOptions(1); $mess = $mess . "<div style=\"background:#bfd4ac;border:1px solid #999;padding:10px;margin: 10px 0;\">IP: " . $ip . " / <a href='" . $ip . "'>Определить город</a></div>"; $headers = "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"; $headers .= "From: soapland <" . $from . ">\r\n"; $sms['msg'] = translit(getOptions(0)); $sms['msg'] = substr($sms['msg'], 0, 160); if ($to != '*****@*****.**') { mail($to, $title, $mess, $headers); } if ($sms['id'] != '' || $sms['key'] != '' || $sms['log'] != '') { @sendSMS($num, $sms['msg']); } jsAnswer('success', 'c_success', '', 'Спасибо, мы свяжемся с Вами в течении 30 минут!'); } else { jsAnswer('error', 'c_error', '', 'Ошибка'); } }
public function password_find_send_sms() { if ($_SESSION['find_password_user']) { $phone = $_SESSION['find_password_user']['user_phone']; } else { $this->error("错误"); } $code = generateCode(); if (sendSMS($phone, $code)) { $this->success('发送成功,请注意查收短信'); } else { $this->error('未知错误,短信发送失败,请联系hmv客服'); } }
} $result = mysqli_query($db_handle, "Update users set md5_id = MD5(" . $input->root->user_id . ") where id = " . $input->root->user_id); $sql = "INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`user_documents` (`id`, `user_id`, `adhar_card`, `voter_id`, `driving_license`, `pan_card`)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->user_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->adhar_card . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->voter_card . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->driving_license . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->pan_card . "');"; $result = mysqli_query($db_handle, $sql); /*INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`workers` (`id`, `ref_id`, `user_id`, `status`, `emergency_no`, `native_place`, `native_add`, `dob`, `education`, `experience`, `gender`, `remark`, `salary`, `bonus`) VALUES (NULL, '1', '3', 'new', '9090909090', 'delhi', 'asdf', '2016-04-05', '10', '5', 'M', 'afsdv', '1000', '2');*/ $sql = "INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`workers` (`id`, `ref_id`, `user_id`, `status`, `emergency_no`, `native_place`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`native_add`, `dob`, `education`, `experience`, `gender`, `remark`, `salary`, `bonus`)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->ref_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->user_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t 'new',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->emergency_no . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->native_place . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->native_add . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->dob . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->education . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->experience . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->gender . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->remark . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->salary . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->bonus . "');"; $result = mysqli_query($db_handle, $sql); $input->root->id = mysqli_insert_id($db_handle); /* * INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`worker_working_timings` * (`id`, `worker_id`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `creation`, `last_update`, `status`, `gps_location`, `device_id`) * VALUES * (NULL, '1', '12:10:38', '09:37:42', CURRENT_TIME(), '2016-04-12 00:00:00', '1', '123.123,321.123', '2asfd');*/ foreach ($input->root->timings as $timing) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`worker_working_timings`\n\t\t\t\t\t(`id`, `worker_id`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `creation`, `status`, `gps_location`, `device_id`)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $timing->start_time . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $timing->end_time . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '1',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $input->root->gps_location . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->device_id . "'\n\t\t\t\t);"; $result = mysqli_query($db_handle, $sql); } /* * * INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`service_worker_mappings` * (`id`, `worker_id`, `service_id`, `creation`) VALUES ('', '1', '2', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); * */ foreach ($input->root->services as $service) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `bluenet_v3`.`service_worker_mappings`\n\t\t\t\t(`id`, `worker_id`, `service_id`)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $input->root->id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t '" . $service . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t );"; $result = mysqli_query($db_handle, $sql); } print json_encode($input); $message = "Dear " . $input->root->name . ", we have received your registration request. Your username: "******" , Password: "******" at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); sendSMS($input->root->mobile, $message);
$data['phoneNumber'] = $phone; $data['amount'] = "KES " . $latest_order_amount; array_push($recipients, $data); //sending the airtime sendAirtime($recipients); //reduce the user balance by the sent airtime amount $balance = $new_balance - $latest_order_amount; // and update user balance updateUserBalance($user['id'], $balance); updateOrderStatus($order['id']); echo "your airtime is on its way"; exit; } else { //send SMS telling the user that he doesn't have sufficient money for the order $message = "Hey you, your have insufficient funds to proceed with this transaction"; sendSMS($phone, $message); echo "Check your phone for an SMS"; exit; } //top up the users account //from the users account, remove amount equal to the airtime ordered ///send airtime //nouns orders, users, account, airtime, //verbs top up, store, make payments, send airtime //users - phone, balance, //order - user_id, amount, status //transaction_log //update order status function updateOrderStatus($order_id) { return mysql_query("UPDATE airtime_orders SET status=1 WHERE id='{$order_id}'");
function action_send_mobile_code() { // 获取全局变量 $user = $GLOBALS['user']; $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG']; $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG']; $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty']; $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; /* 载入语言文件 */ require_once ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' . $_CFG['lang'] . '/user.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_validate_record.php'; $mobile_phone = trim($_REQUEST['mobile_phone']); if (empty($mobile_phone)) { exit("手机号不能为空"); return; } else { if (!is_mobile_phone($mobile_phone)) { exit("手机号格式不正确"); return; } else { if (check_validate_record_exist($mobile_phone)) { // 获取数据库中的验证记录 $record = get_validate_record($mobile_phone); /** * 检查是过了限制发送短信的时间 */ $last_send_time = $record['last_send_time']; $expired_time = $record['expired_time']; $create_time = $record['create_time']; $count = $record['count']; // 每天每个手机号最多发送的验证码数量 $max_sms_count = 10; // 发送最多验证码数量的限制时间,默认为24小时 $max_sms_count_time = 60 * 60 * 24; if (time() - $last_send_time < 60) { echo "每60秒内只能发送一次短信验证码,请稍候重试"; return; } else { if (time() - $create_time < $max_sms_count_time && $record['count'] > $max_sms_count) { echo "您发送验证码太过于频繁,请稍后重试!"; return; } else { $count++; } } } } } require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_passport.php'; // 设置为空 $_SESSION['mobile_register'] = array(); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'sms/sms.php'; // 生成6位短信验证码 $mobile_code = rand_number(6); // 短信内容 $content = sprintf($_LANG['mobile_code_template'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name'], $mobile_code, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name']); /* 发送激活验证邮件 */ // $result = true; $result = sendSMS($mobile_phone, $content); if ($result) { if (!isset($count)) { $ext_info = array("count" => 1); } else { $ext_info = array("count" => $count); } // 保存手机号码到SESSION中 $_SESSION[VT_MOBILE_REGISTER] = $mobile_phone; // 保存验证信息 save_validate_record($mobile_phone, $mobile_code, VT_MOBILE_REGISTER, time(), time() + 30 * 60, $ext_info); echo 'ok'; } else { echo '短信验证码发送失败'; } }
if (empty($mobile)) { exit(json_encode(array('msg' => '手机号码不能为空'))); } $preg = '/^1[0-9]{10}$/'; // 简单的方法 if (!preg_match($preg, $mobile)) { exit(json_encode(array('msg' => '手机号码格式不正确'))); } $mobile_code = random(6, 1); $content = sprintf($GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_register_tpl'], $mobile_code, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_sign']); if ($_SESSION['mobile']) { if (strtotime(read_file($mobile)) > time() - 60) { exit(json_encode(array('msg' => '获取验证码太过频繁,一分钟之内只能获取一次。'))); } } $num = sendSMS($mobile, $content); if ($num == true) { $_SESSION['mobile'] = $mobile; $_SESSION['mobile_code'] = $mobile_code; $_SESSION['time'] = time(); exit(json_encode(array('code' => 2))); } else { exit(json_encode(array('msg' => '手机验证码发送失败。'))); } } function sendSMS($mobile, $content, $time = '', $mid = '') { $content = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $content); $http = ''; // 短信接口 $uid = '57137';
$proxyport = false; $proxyusername = false; $proxypassword = false; $client = new Client($gwUrl, $serialNumber, $password, $sessionKey, $proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $proxypassword, $connectTimeOut, $readTimeOut); /** * 发送向服务端的编码,如果本页面的编码为GBK,请使用GBK */ $client->setOutgoingEncoding("UTF-8"); // login(); //激活序列号 // updatePassword(); //修改密码 // logout(); //注销序列号 // registDetailInfo();//注册企业信息 // getEachFee(); //得到单价 // getMO(); //接收短信 // getVersion(); //得到版本号 sendSMS(); //发送短信 // getBalance(); //得到余额 // chargeUp(); //充值 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // 注: // 1. 下面是各接口的使用用例,Client.php 还有每一个接口更详细的参数说明 // 2. 凡是返回 $statusCode 的, 都是相关操作的状态码 // 3. 由于php是弱类型语言,当服务端没返回时,也会等同认为 $statusCode=='0', 所以在判断时应该使用 if ($statusCode!=null && $statusCode==0) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 接口调用错误查看 用例 */ function chkError() { global $client;
function confirmBuyOrderForVirtualBank($TradingDate, $BankID) { $function_name = 'confirmBuyOrderForVirtualBank'; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($TradingDate) || !required($BankID)) { if (!required($TradingDate)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34440; } if (!required($BankID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34441; } } else { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_Auction('%s', %u)", $TradingDate, $BankID); $rs = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getRow($query); if (empty($rs)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34442; } else { $result = $rs['varerror']; if ($result < 0) { switch ($result) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34443; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34444; break; } } else { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_getInfoForSMS('%s',4)", date('Y-m-d')); $this->_MDB2->connect(); $result = $this->_MDB2->extended->getAll($query); $this->_MDB2->disconnect(); $count = count($result); $log = sprintf("Query: %s => Count: %s\n", $query, $count); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $mbnumber = $result[$i]['mobilephone']; $amount = $result[$i]['amount']; $usableamount = $result[$i]['currentbalance']; if (!empty($mbnumber)) { $message = 'Tai khoan cua quy khach tai KIS da thay doi: -' . number_format($amount, 0, '.', ',') . '. Thanh toan tien mua ck'; $message .= '. So du hien tai la: ' . number_format($usableamount, 0, '.', ','); sendSMS(array('Phone' => $mbnumber, 'Content' => $message)); } $log .= sprintf("\tMB: %s;Amount: %s;UsableAmount: %s\n", $mbnumber, $amount, $usableamount); } write_log($function_name, $log, 'bank/virtual/function/'); } } } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
$res = sendSMS($message, $phonename, $userid); $array[] = array('url' => $url, "postdata" => "phone={$phone}"); if ($res['error'] == 0) { $flag = 1; $sendresult = "发送成功"; } else { $flag = 0; $sendresult = "发送失败" . $res['message']; } //saveSmsLog($userid,$membername,$phone,$message,$flag,$sendresult,$nowdatetime); } } if ($smstouser == 'on') { if (!empty($phone_mobile)) { $phonename = array('phone' => $phone_mobile, 'name' => '自己'); $res = sendSMS($message, $phonename, $userid); $array[] = array('url' => $url, "postdata" => "phone={$phone_mobile}"); if ($res == '') { $flag = 1; $sendresult = "发送成功"; } else { $flag = 0; $sendresult = "发送失败" . $res['message']; } //saveSmsLog($userid,"自己",$phone_mobile,$message,$flag,$sendresult,$nowdatetime); } } } //on if ($email_type == 'on') { $email_bt = explode('$', $autoact_email_bt);
$content = $smarty->fetch('str:' . $tpl['template_content']); if (!send_mail($order['consignee'], $order['email'], $tpl['template_subject'], $content, $tpl['is_html'])) { $msg = $_LANG['send_mail_fail']; } } /* 如果需要,发短信 */ if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_order_shipped'] == '1' && ($order['mobile'] != '' || $order['tel'] != '')) { $arrse = $_SESSION; include_once '../sms/sms.php'; if ($order['mobile'] != '') { $mobi = $order['mobile']; } else { $mobi = $order['tel']; } $content = "您的订单" . $order['order_sn'] . "已于" . local_date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . "发货。【68ecshop】"; sendSMS($mobi, $content); foreach ($arrse as $key => $asei) { $_SESSION[$key] = $asei; } } } /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); /* 操作成功 */ $links[] = array('text' => $_LANG['03_delivery_order'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_list'); $links[] = array('text' => $_LANG['delivery_sn'] . $_LANG['detail'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id); sys_msg($_LANG['act_ok'], 0, $links); } } elseif (isset($_POST['pay'])) { /* 检查权限 */ admin_priv('order_ps_edit');
function tratarDados($dados) { $con = mysql_connect("", "gpstracker", "d1\$1793689"); if ($con !== false) { mysql_select_db('tracker', $con); $gpsSignalIndicator = 'F'; $latitudeDecimalDegrees = $dados[1]; $longitudeDecimalDegrees = $dados[2]; $latitudeHemisphere = $dados[3]; $longitudeHemisphere = $dados[4]; $speed = $dados[5]; $imei = $dados[6]; $satelliteFixStatus = 'A'; $phone = ''; $infotext = $dados[8]; $dataBem = null; $dataCliente = null; $ligado = count($dados) > 9 ? $dados[9] : 'N'; $ativo = count($dados) > 10 ? $dados[10] : 'N'; $realTime = count($dados) > 11 ? $dados[11] : ''; //D para diferencial $gpsSignalIndicator = $dados[0] == 'S' ? 'F' : 'L'; //Otavio Gomes - 200120152137 // Estava aqui o problema do crx1 so enviar o sinal S. if ($realTime == 'D') { $gpsSignalIndicator = 'D'; } else { $gpsSignalIndicator = 'R'; } $resBem = mysql_query("SELECT id, cliente, envia_sms, name, hodometro, alerta_hodometro, alerta_hodometro_saldo, limite_velocidade FROM bem WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); //echo 'Ligado: '.$ligado; $dataBem = mysql_fetch_assoc($resBem); if ($resBem !== false) { $resCliente = mysql_query("SELECT id, celular, dt_ultm_sms, envia_sms, sms_acada, hour(TIMEDIFF(now(), dt_ultm_sms)) horas, minute(TIMEDIFF(now(), dt_ultm_sms)) minutos, nome, email FROM cliente WHERE id = " . $dataBem['cliente'], $con); if ($resCliente !== false) { $dataCliente = mysql_fetch_assoc($resCliente); $texto_sms_localiza = ""; $texto_sms_alerta_hodometro = ""; $texto_sms_alerta = ""; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM preferencias", $con); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($dataPref = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($dataPref['nome'] == 'texto_sms_localiza') { $texto_sms_localiza = $dataPref['valor']; } if ($dataPref['nome'] == 'texto_sms_alerta_hodometro') { $texto_sms_alerta_hodometro = $dataPref['valor']; } if ($dataPref['nome'] == 'texto_sms_alerta') { $texto_sms_alerta = $dataPref['valor']; } } } $movimento = ''; if ($speed > 0) { $movimento = 'S'; if ($dataBem['limite_velocidade'] != "0" && $dataBem['limite_velocidade'] != null && $speed > $dataBem['limite_velocidade']) { if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Limite Velocidade')) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Limite Velocidade')", $con); $msgEmail = "<p><b>Alerta de Limite de Velocidade: </b></p><br><p>O veículo " . $dataBem['name'] . " está trafegando com velocidade de " . $speed . " Km/h, ultrapassando o limite de velocidade definido (" . $dataBem['limite_velocidade'] . " Km/h) em " . date("d/m/Y") . " às " . date("H:i:s") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>"; enviaEmail($dataCliente['email'], "Alerta de Limite de Velocidade", $msgEmail); } } } else { $movimento = 'N'; } // CERCA VIRTUAL if ($imei != "") { $consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM geo_fence WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($consulta)) { $idCerca = $data['id']; $imeiCerca = $data['imei']; $nomeCerca = $data['nome']; $coordenadasCerca = $data['coordenadas']; $resultCerca = $data['tipo']; $tipoEnvio = $data['tipoEnvio']; $lat_point = $latitudeDecimalDegrees; $lng_point = $longitudeDecimalDegrees; $exp = explode("|", $coordenadasCerca); if (count($exp) < 5) { $strExp = explode(",", $exp[0]); $strExp1 = explode(",", $exp[2]); } else { $int = count($exp) / 2; $strExp = explode(",", $exp[0]); $strExp1 = explode(",", $exp[$int]); } $lat_vertice_1 = $strExp[0]; $lng_vertice_1 = $strExp[1]; $lat_vertice_2 = $strExp1[0]; $lng_vertice_2 = $strExp1[1]; if ($lat_vertice_1 < $lat_point or $lat_point < $lat_vertice_2 and $lng_point < $lng_vertice_1 or $lng_vertice_2 < $lng_point) { $result = '0'; $situacao = 'fora'; } else { $result = '1'; $situacao = 'dentro'; } if ($result == 0 and $movimento == 'S') { if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Cerca Violada')) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Cerca Violada')", $con); if ($tipoEnvio == 0) { # Convert the GPS coordinates to a human readable address /*$tempstr = "$lat_point,$lng_point&oe=utf-8&sensor=true&key=ABQIAAAAFd56B-wCWVpooPPO7LR3ihTz-K-sFZ2BISbybur6B4OYOOGbdRShvXwdlYvbnwC38zgCx2up86CqEg&output=csv"; //output = csv, xml, kml, json $rev_geo_str = file_get_contents($tempstr); $rev_geo_str = preg_replace("/\"/","", $rev_geo_str); $rev_geo = explode(',', $rev_geo_str); $logradouro = $rev_geo[2] .",". $rev_geo[3] ;*/ /*$consulta1 = mysql_query("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM cliente a INNER JOIN bem b ON = b.cliente WHERE b.imei = '$imei'", $con); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($consulta1)) { $emailDestino = $data['email']; $nameBem = $data['name']; $msgEmail = "<p><b>Alerta de Violação de Perímetro:</b></p><br><p>O veículo ". $nameBem .", está ". $situacao ." do perímetro ". $nomeCerca .", as ". date("H:i:s") ." do dia ". date("d/m/Y") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>"; enviaEmail($emailDestino, "Alerta de Violação de Perímetro", $msgEmail); }*/ $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("" . $lat_point . "," . $lng_point . "&sensor=false")); if (isset($json->status) && $json->status == 'OK') { $address = $json->results[0]->formatted_address; $address = utf8_decode($address); } //else echo $json->status; $emailDestino = $dataCliente['email']; $nameBem = $dataBem['name']; $msgEmail = "<p><b>Alerta de Violação de Perímetro: </b></p><br><p>O veículo " . $nameBem . ", está " . $situacao . " do perímetro " . $nomeCerca . ", transitando na " . $address . " às " . date("H:i:s") . " do dia " . date("d/m/Y") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>"; enviaEmail($emailDestino, "Alerta de Violação de Perímetro", $msgEmail); } } } } } //FIM CERCA VIRTUAL # Write it to the database... if ($gpsSignalIndicator != 'L' && !empty($latitudeDecimalDegrees)) { $gpsLat = $latitudeDecimalDegrees; //gprsToGps($latitudeDecimalDegrees, $latitudeHemisphere) $gpsLon = $longitudeDecimalDegrees; //gprsToGps($longitudeDecimalDegrees, $longitudeHemisphere) $gpsLatAnt = 0; $gpsLatHemAnt = ''; $gpsLonAnt = 0; $gpsLonHemAnt = ''; $alertaACadaSaldo = 0; $resLocAtual = mysql_query("SELECT id, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere FROM loc_atual WHERE imei = '{$imei}' LIMIT 1", $con); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($resLocAtual); if ($numRows == 0) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO loc_atual (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', 0, '{$ligado}')", $con); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE loc_atual SET date = now(), phone = '{$phone}', satelliteFixStatus = '{$satelliteFixStatus}', latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', speed = '{$speed}', infotext = '{$infotext}', gpsSignalIndicator = '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', converte = 0, ligado = '{$ligado}' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); } $distance = 0; try { $bemId = $dataBem['id']; $countGeoDistance = mysql_query("SELECT bem FROM geo_distance WHERE bem = {$bemId}", $con); if ($countGeoDistance === false || mysql_num_rows($countGeoDistance) == 0) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO geo_distance (bem, tipo) VALUES({$bemId}, 'I')", $con); mysql_query("INSERT INTO geo_distance (bem, tipo) VALUES({$bemId}, 'F')", $con); } /*envio de sms*/ if ($dataCliente['envia_sms'] == 'S' && $dataBem['envia_sms'] == 'S' && !empty($dataCliente['celular']) && !empty($dataCliente['sms_acada'])) { if (empty($dataCliente['dt_ultm_sms'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE cliente SET dt_ultm_sms = convert_tz(now(), 'GMT', 'Brazil/East') WHERE id = " . $dataCliente['id'], $con); } else { $horas = $dataCliente['horas']; $minutos = $dataCliente['minutos']; if (!empty($horas)) { $horas = $horas * 60; } $tempoTotal = $horas + $minutos; if ($tempoTotal > $dataCliente['sms_acada']) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$gpsLat},{$gpsLon}&language=es-ES")); if (isset($json->status) && $json->status == 'OK' && isset($json->results[0]->formatted_address)) { $address = $json->results[0]->formatted_address; $address = utf8_decode($address); $aDataCliente = split(' ', $dataCliente['nome']); $msg = $texto_sms_localiza; $msg = str_replace("#CLIENTE", $aDataCliente[0], $msg); $msg = str_replace("#VEICULO", $dataBem['name'], $msg); $msg = str_replace("#LOCALIZACAO", $address, $msg); $msg = str_replace(' ', '+', $msg); sendSMS($dataCliente['celular'], $msg, ''); if ($retorno < 0) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO controle(texto) VALUES('envio de sms retorno: {$retorno}')", $con); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE cliente SET dt_ultm_sms = convert_tz(now(), 'GMT', 'Brazil/East') WHERE id = " . $dataCliente['id'], $con); } } } } } if ($movimento == 'S') { $resGeoDistance = mysql_query("SELECT parou FROM geo_distance WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con); if ($resGeoDistance !== false) { $dataGeoDistance = mysql_fetch_assoc($resGeoDistance); if ($dataGeoDistance['parou'] == 'S' || empty($dataGeoDistance['parou'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE geo_distance SET latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', parou = 'N' WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con); } } } else { $resGeoDistance = mysql_query("SELECT latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere FROM geo_distance WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con); if (mysql_num_rows($resGeoDistance) > 0) { $update = mysql_query("UPDATE geo_distance SET latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', parou = 'S' WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con); $dataGeoDistance = mysql_fetch_assoc($resGeoDistance); $gpsLatAnt = !strstr($dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'], "-") ? gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['latitudeHemisphere']) : $dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees']; $gpsLonAnt = !strstr($dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'], "-") ? gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['longitudeHemisphere']) : $dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees']; // $gpsLatAnt = gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['latitudeHemisphere']); //$dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees']; // $gpsLonAnt = gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['longitudeHemisphere']); //$dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees']; if ($gpsLatAnt != $gpsLat) { if ($gpsLatAnt != 0 && $gpsLonAnt != 0) { $geoDistance = distance($gpsLatAnt, $gpsLonAnt, $gpsLat, $gpsLon); //$strDistance = $json->rows[0]->elements[0]->distance->value; $distance = (int) $geoDistance; //(int)($geoDistance*1000) //echo "******************************IMEI: ". $imei ." | Lat/Long Antiga: ". $gpsLatAnt . ", ". $gpsLonAnt ." | Lat/Long Atual: ". $gpsLat .", ". $gpsLon ." | Geodistance : ". $geoDistance ." | Inteiro: ". $distance ."<br>"; $alertaACada = $dataBem['alerta_hodometro']; $alertaACadaSaldo = $dataBem['alerta_hodometro_saldo']; $alertaACadaSaldo = $alertaACadaSaldo - $distance; if ($alertaACadaSaldo <= 0 && $alertaACada > 0) { $msg = $texto_sms_alerta_hodometro; $msg = str_replace("#CLIENTE", $dataCliente['nome'], $msg); $msg = str_replace("#VEICULO", $dataBem['name'], $msg); $msg = str_replace("#HODOMETRO", $alertaACada, $msg); $msg = str_replace(' ', '+', $msg); //sendSMS($dataCliente['celular'], $msg, ''); $msgEmail = "<p><b>Quilometragem atingida: </b></p><br><p>O veículo " . $dataBem['name'] . " atingiu a quilometragem de " . $dataBem['hodometro'] . "Km rodados às " . date("H:i:s") . " do dia " . date("d/m/Y") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>"; //echo $msgEmail; // enviaEmail($dataCliente['email'], 'Hodômetro - Quilometragem Atingida', $msgEmail); $alertaACadaSaldo = $alertaACada; } // $alertaACadaSaldo = (int)$alertaACadaSaldo;//(int)$alertaACadaSaldo/1000 } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO controle (texto) VALUES ({$e->getMessage}())", $con); } if (!empty($latitudeDecimalDegrees)) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO gprmc (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, km_rodado, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', {$distance}, 0, '{$ligado}')", $con); } if ($alertaACadaSaldo == 0) { mysql_query("UPDATE bem set date = now(), status_sinal = 'R', movimento = '{$movimento}', hodometro = hodometro+{$distance} WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE bem set date = now(), status_sinal = 'R', movimento = '{$movimento}', hodometro = hodometro+{$distance}, alerta_hodometro_saldo = {$alertaACadaSaldo} WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); } /* if($numRows == 0){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO loc_atual (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator) VALUES (now(), '$imei', '$phone', '$satelliteFixStatus', '$latitudeDecimalDegrees', '$latitudeHemisphere', '$longitudeDecimalDegrees', '$longitudeHemisphere', '$speed', '$infotext', '$gpsSignalIndicator')", $cnx); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE loc_atual set date = now(), phone = '$phone', satelliteFixStatus = '$satelliteFixStatus', latitudeDecimalDegrees = '$latitudeDecimalDegrees', latitudeHemisphere = '$latitudeHemisphere', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '$longitudeDecimalDegrees', longitudeHemisphere = '$longitudeHemisphere', speed = '$speed', infotext = '$infotext', gpsSignalIndicator = '$gpsSignalIndicator' where imei = '$imei'", $cnx); } */ } else { $resLocAtual = mysql_query("SELECT id, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere FROM loc_atual WHERE imei = '{$imei}' LIMIT 1", $con); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($resLocAtual); if ($numRows == 0) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO loc_atual (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', 0, '{$ligado}')", $con); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE loc_atual SET date = now(), phone = '{$phone}', satelliteFixStatus = '{$satelliteFixStatus}', latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', speed = '{$speed}', infotext = '{$infotext}', gpsSignalIndicator = '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', converte = 0, ligado = '{$ligado}' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); } if (!empty($latitudeDecimalDegrees)) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO gprmc (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, km_rodado, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', 0, 0, '{$ligado}')", $con); } mysql_query("UPDATE bem set date = now(), status_sinal = 'S' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con); } if (!empty($ligado)) { mysql_query("UPDATE bem SET ligado = '{$ligado}' where imei = '{$imei}'", $con); } # Now check to see if we need to send any alerts. if ($infotext != "tracker") { $msg = $texto_sms_alerta; $msg = str_replace("#CLIENTE", $dataCliente['nome'], $msg); $msg = str_replace("#VEICULO", $dataBem['name'], $msg); $res = mysql_query("SELECT responsible FROM bem WHERE imei='{$imei}'", $con); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { switch ($infotext) { case "dt": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Rastreador Desat.')) { $body = "Disable Track OK"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Rastreador Desabilitado", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Rastreador Desat.')", $con); } break; case "et": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Parado')) { $body = "Stop Alarm OK"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme parado", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Parado')", $con); } break; case "gt": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Movimento')) { $body = "Move Alarm set OK"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme de Movimento ativado", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Movimento')", $con); } break; case "help me": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'SOS!')) { $body = "Help!"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'SOS!')", $con); $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "SOS", $msg); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido //$send_cmd = "**,imei:". $conn_imei .",E"; //socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (help me): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "ht": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Velocidade')) { $body = "Speed alarm set OK"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme de velocidade ativado", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Velocidade')", $con); } break; case "it": $body = "Timezone set OK"; break; case "low battery": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Bateria Fraca')) { $body = "Low battery!\nYou have about 2 minutes..."; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Bateria fraca, voce tem 2 minutos", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Bateria Fraca')", $con); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (low battery): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "move": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Movimento')) { $body = "Move Alarm!"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo esta em movimento", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Movimento')", $con); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (move): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "nt": $body = "Returned to SMS mode OK"; break; case "speed": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Velocidade')) { $body = "Speed alarm!"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo ultrapassou o limite de velocidade", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Velocidade')", $con); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (speed): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "stockade": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Cerca')) { $body = "Geofence Violation!"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo saiu da cerca virtual", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Cerca')", $con); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (stockade): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "door alarm": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Porta')) { $body = "Open door!"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Porta')", $con); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (door alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "acc alarm": if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Disparado')) { $body = "ACC alarm!"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme disparado", $msg); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Disparado')", $con); } //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (acc alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "acc off": $body = "Ignicao Desligada!"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo esta com a chave desligada", $msg); //mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('$imei', 'Ignição')", $cnx); mysql_query("UPDATE bem SET ligado = 'N' where imei = '{$imei}'", $con); //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (acc alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; case "acc on": $body = "Ignicao Ligada!"; $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo esta com a chave ligada", $msg); //mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('$imei', 'Ignição')", $cnx); mysql_query("UPDATE bem SET ligado = 'S' where imei = '{$imei}'", $cnx); //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E"; socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0); //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (acc alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei); break; } //switch $msg = str_replace(' ', '+', $msg); //if($dataCliente['envia_sms'] == 'S' && $dataBem['envia_sms'] == 'S' && $infotext != 'acc on'&& $infotext != 'acc off' && $infotext != 'et') // sendSMS($dataCliente['celular'], $msg, ''); //Enviando e-mail de alerta /*$headers = "From: $email_from" . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: $email_from" . "\r\n"; $responsible = $data['responsible']; $rv = mail($responsible, "Tracker - $imei", $body, $headers);*/ if (isset($body)) { enviaEmail($dataCliente['email'], "Rastreador - {$imei}", $body); } } //while } } else { echo 'Cliente não encontrado. Erro: ' . mysql_error($con); } } else { echo 'Veículo não encontrado. Erro: ' . mysql_error($con); } mysql_close($con); } else { echo 'Não foi possivel conectar ao banco. Erro: ' . mysql_error(); } }
function action_get_verify_code() { $user = $GLOBALS['user']; $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG']; $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG']; $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty']; $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; include_once 'includes/cls_json.php'; require dirname(__FILE__) . '/send.php'; $json = new JSON(); $result = array(); $phone = trim($_REQUEST['phone']); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . ' WHERE `user_id` = \'' . $user_id . '\' AND `mobile_phone` = \'' . $phone . '\''; $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); if ($count == 0) { $result['result'] = 'fail'; $result['message'] = '手机号跟用户不匹配'; echo $json->encode($result); } else { $seed = "0123456789"; $verifycode = mc_random(6, $seed); $content = '您的验证码为' . $verifycode; $ret = sendSMS($phone, $content); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $ecs->table('verifycode') . '(`mobile`, `getip`, `verifycode`, `dateline`) VALUES (\'' . $phone . '\',\'' . real_ip() . '\',\'' . $verifycode . '\',\'' . gmtime() . '\')'; $db->query($sql); if ($ret == '发送成功!' && $db->affected_rows() == 1) { $result['result'] = 'success'; $result['message'] = '短信发送成功'; echo $json->encode($result); } else { $result['result'] = 'fail'; $result['message'] = '短信发送失败!'; echo $json->encode($result); } } }
function sendsms_pricecut($goods_id) { include_once '../send.php'; $min_price_arr = get_min_price($goods_id); if ($min_price_arr['goods_name'] != '') { $min_price = $min_price_arr['min_price']; $goods_name = $min_price_arr['goods_name']; $goods_url = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $goods_id), $goods_name); $goods_url = $GLOBALS['ecs']->url() . $goods_url; $sql = "select pricecut_id, mobile,email from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pricecut') . " where goods_id='{$goods_id}' and price >= '{$min_price}' and status=0 "; $list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); if ($list) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { if ($list[$i]['email'] != '') { $content1 = '您关注的商品 ' . $goods_name . ' 已经降价,您可点击下面链接直接进入商品页面浏览或购买!<br><a href="' . $goods_url . '">' . $goods_url . '</a>'; send_mail($_CFG['shop_name'], $list[$i]['email'], '您关注的商品' . $goods_name . '已经降价', $content1, 1); } //开启降价给客户发短信 if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_pricecut'] == 1) { //降价通知短信内容 $pricecut_content = sprintf($GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_pricecut_tpl'], $goods_name, $goods_url, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['sms_sign']); if ($list[$i]['mobile'] != '') { $res = sendSMS($list[$i]['mobile'], $pricecut_content); if ($res == true) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pricecut') . " SET status = 2 WHERE pricecut_id = '" . $list[$i]['pricecut_id'] . "'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pricecut') . " SET status = 1 WHERE pricecut_id = '" . $list[$i]['pricecut_id'] . "'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } } } } } } }