Beispiel #1
function finish ($flag,$message) {
  if ($flag == "error") {
    $subject = "Bounce processing error";
  } elseif ($flag == "info") {
    $subject = "Bounce Processing info";
  if (!TEST && $message)
Beispiel #2
function finishBounceProcessing($flag, $message)
    if ($flag == "error") {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Bounce processing error");
    } elseif ($flag == "info") {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Bounce Processing info");
    if (!TEST && $message) {
        sendReport($subject, $message);
Beispiel #3
function finish($flag, $message)
    if ($flag == "error") {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("test processing error");
    } elseif ($flag == "info") {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("test Processing info");
    if (!TEST && $message) {
        sendReport($subject, $message);
    # try..catch
    global $link;
Beispiel #4
function finish ($flag = "info",$message = "finished") {
	global $nothingtodo,$failreport,$mailreport,$process_id;
  if ($flag == "error") {
    $subject = "Rss Errors";
  } else {
    $subject = "Rss Results";
  if (!TEST && !$nothingtodo) {
  	if ($mailreport)
    if ($failreport)
	    sendReport("Rss Failure report",$failreport);
function finish($flag = "info", $message = 'finished')
    global $nothingtodo, $failreport, $mailreport, $process_id;
    if ($flag == 'error') {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Rss Errors');
    } else {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Rss Results');
    if (!TEST && !$nothingtodo) {
        if ($mailreport) {
            sendReport($subject, $mailreport);
        if ($failreport) {
            sendReport($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Rss Failure report'), $failreport);
Beispiel #6
function finish($flag, $message, $script_stage)
    global $nothingtodo, $counters, $messageid;
    if ($flag == 'error') {
        $subject = s('Maillist errors');
    } elseif ($flag == 'info') {
        $subject = s('Maillist Processing info');
    if (!$nothingtodo && !$GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) {
        processQueueOutput(s('Finished this run'), 1, 'progress');
        print '<script type="text/javascript">
      var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery;
      parentJQuery("#progressmeter").updateSendProgress("' . $counters['sent'] . ',' . $counters['total_users_for_message ' . $messageid] . '");
    if (!$GLOBALS['inRemoteCall'] && !TEST && !$nothingtodo && SEND_QUEUE_PROCESSING_REPORT) {
        $reportSent = false;
        ## @@TODO work out a way to deal with the order of processing the plugins
        ## as that can make a difference here.
        foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
            if (!$reportSent) {
                $reportSent = $plugin->sendReport($subject, $message);
        if (!$reportSent) {
            ## fall back to the central one
            $message .= "\n\n" . s('To stop receiving these reports read:') . '' . "\n\n";
            sendReport($subject, $message);
hofTracker($players, $port);
// Take off the 3 turns for attacking
// fire shots
if (DEBUG) {
    print "Pre Shots<br>";
portFires($fleet, $port, $players);
fleetFires($fleet, $port, $players, $weapons);
//get results in a way we want them
$results = processResults($players, $port, $fleet, $weapons);
//post on alliances MB or send to player
portDowngrade($results, $port);
sendReport($results, $port);
//log player
//insert into combat logs
$finalResults = $results[0] . '<br /><img src="images/portAttack.jpg" width="480px" height="330px" alt="Port Attack" title="Port Attack"><br />' . $results[1];
$db->query('INSERT INTO combat_logs VALUES("",' . SmrSession::$game_id . ',"PORT",' . $player->sector_id . ',' . time() . ',' . SmrSession::$old_account_id . ',' . $player->alliance_id . ',0,0,"' . mysql_real_escape_string(gzcompress($finalResults)) . '", "FALSE")');
if (DEBUG) {
    print "Pre Forward/Display<br>";
$container = array();
$container["url"] = "skeleton.php";
$container["body"] = "port_attack_new.php";
$container["results"] = $results;
if ($players[$player->account_id][KILLER]) {
    $container['override_death'] = TRUE;
Beispiel #8
function finish ($flag,$message) {
	global $nothingtodo;
  if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
    print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> finish(); </script>';
  if ($flag == "error") {
    $subject = "Maillist Errors";
  } elseif ($flag == "info") {
    $subject = "Maillist Processing info";
  if (!TEST && !$nothingtodo)
Beispiel #9
        $subject = 'There is no subject';
    return mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
// I'm ignoring the $_GET data, instead I post a custom key called 'application' from the app
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isSupportedAgent($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && isSupportedApp($_POST['application'])) {
    $title = createTitle($_POST['application'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['email']);
    $report = beginningOfReportWithTitle($title) . bodyOfReport($_POST) . endOfReport();
    if (!sendReport($title, $report)) {
        // don't send detailed error reports on the production server
        //echo 'error with sendReport';
        sendReport('Failed sending crash report', 'sendReport() failed');
    // this is to cause the app to not close the feedback report window (good for testing, make sure to comment this out when copying to the production server)
    //echo 'Testing';
} else {
    // not a proper feedback request
    // always send a message of some sort so you can see what a bot is up to
    if (count($_REQUEST)) {
        foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
            $keyValues[] = "{$key} = {$value}";
        $message = implode(' | ', $keyValues);
        sendReport('Failed crash report attempt', cleanerString($message));
    } else {
        sendReport('Failed crash report attempt', 'Someone just visiting or a bot fishing');
    // send them somewhere usefull
    header('Location: http://your.domain');
Beispiel #10

if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
include_once './funcs.php';
include_once './API/georeferencingAccess.php';
include_once './API/calendarAccess.php';
$json = getProfiles();
$profiles = json_decode($json);
//$profileID = //atribuido no index
//get them tokens
//check if post
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    die("Only Posts\n");
if ($mail == "_") {
    $mail = $_SESSION['mail'];
sendReport($_SESSION['token'], $profileID, $mail, $subject, $message, $initDate, $endDate);
file_put_contents("11testPost", "token : " . $_SESSION['token'] . "\n" . "profileID : " . $profileID . "\n" . "mail : " . $mail . "\n" . "subject : " . $subject . "\n" . "message : " . $message . "\n" . "initDate : " . $initDate . "\n" . "endDate : " . $endDate . "\n");
define('QUERIES_FILE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/queries.ini'));
define('ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../'));
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/infra/kConf.php';
if (!kConf::get('usage_tracking_optin')) {
    echo "Usage tracking is not enabled" . PHP_EOL;
$post_parameters = queryUsageReport(QUERIES_FILE);
$post_parameters['install_id'] = kConf::get('installation_id');
$post_parameters['report_admin_email'] = kConf::get('report_admin_email');
$post_parameters['package_version'] = kConf::get('kaltura_version');
foreach (array_keys($post_parameters) as $key) {
    echo "{$key} = {$post_parameters[$key]}" . PHP_EOL;
sendReport(kConf::get('usage_tracking_url'), $post_parameters);
// runs all the queries in the $queries_file and return an array with all the post parameters
function queryUsageReport($queries_file)
    $post_parameters = array();
    try {
        $dbs = kConf::getDB();
        $dsn = $dbs['datasources']['dwh']['connection']['dsn'];
        $queries = parse_ini_file($queries_file, true);
        $dbh = new PDO($dsn);
        // perform all the queries
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($queries['query']); $i++) {
            $statement = $dbh->query($queries['query'][$i]);
            if ($statement === false) {
                echo "Failed to execute query: " . $queries['query'][$i] . PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #12
$db = Database::getDatabase();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
    $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($val, $db->db);
$dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$query = "INSERT INTO feedback (appname, appversion, systemversion, email, reply, `type`, message, importance, critical, dt, ip, `new`, reguser, regmail) VALUES\n                  ('{$_POST['appname']}',\n                   '{$_POST['appversion']}',\n                   '{$_POST['systemversion']}',\n                   '{$_POST['email']}',\n                   '{$_POST['reply']}',\n                   '{$_POST['type']}',\n                   '{$_POST['message']}',\n                   '{$_POST['importance']}',\n                   '{$_POST['critical']}',\n                   '{$dt}',\n                   '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}',\n                   '1',\n                   '{$_POST['reguser']}',\n\t\t\t\t   '{$_POST['regmail']}')";
mysql_query($query, $db->db) or die('error');
$feedback_id = $db->insertId();
$app_id = DBObject::glob('Application', "SELECT id FROM applications WHERE name = '{$_POST['appname']}' ");
$app = new Application($app_id);
// if (!is_null($app->of_email_notify)) {
// Format email to external system
$full_url = full_url_for_page('feedback-view.php');
$message = "{$_POST['type']} case: " . "{$full_url}?id={$feedback_id} \r\n";
$message .= "Message: {$_POST['message']}\r\n";
$message .= "Importance: {$_POST['importance']}\r\n";
$message .= "Application Name: {$_POST['appname']}\r\n";
$message .= "Version:{$_POST['appversion']}\r\n";
$message .= "System Version:{$_POST['systemversion']}\r\n";
$message .= "Type:{$_POST['type']}\r\n";
$message .= "Message:{$_POST['message']}\r\n";
$message .= "Importance:{$_POST['importance']}\r\n";
$message .= "Criticality:{$_POST['critical']}\r\n";
if (eregi('^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z.]{2,5}$', $_POST['email'])) {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
} else {
    $email = '*****@*****.**';
sendReport($email, "Feedback from {$app->name}", $message);
// }
echo "ok";
Beispiel #13
        $matches = array();
        if (preg_match('#^album_([0-9])$#', $target, $matches)) {
            $album = new Album($matches[1]);
    if (!$album) {
        // Find album (and create if not exists)
        $album = Album::findByTitle('Mobile uploads', true);
    $pictures = $album->addPictures($subject, $body, $pictureAttachments);
    $requestType = "album update";
    if (!$target) {
        // Automatically post social updates for album Mobile Uploads
        // @todo: make configurable whether publication is desired or not (maybe album property?)
        // @todo: each blog should have it's own album, or socialupdate can/should include album/picture
        $connections = $user->connections();
        foreach ($connections as $connection) {
            $rs = $connection->postAlbum($album, $pictures);
            $notices[] = print_r($rs, true);
    $notices[] = "Album URL:" . PHP_EOL . $album->url() . PHP_EOL;
    $notices[] = print_r($pictures, true);
} else {
    if (!isset($target)) {
        $requestType = "status update";
        SocialUpdate::postStatus($user, $body);
sendReport($sender, $errors, $notices);
processNews($fleet, $planet);
hofTracker($players, $planet);
// Take off the 3 turns for attacking
// fire shots
if (DEBUG) {
    print "Pre Shots<br>";
planetFires($fleet, $planet, $players);
fleetFires($fleet, $planet, $players, $weapons);
//get results in a way we want them
$results = processResults($players, $planet, $fleet, $weapons);
//post on alliances MB or send to player
planetDowngrade($results, $planet);
sendReport($results, $planet);
//log player
//insert into combat logs
$db->query("SELECT alliance_id FROM player WHERE account_id = " . $planet[OWNER] . " AND game_id = {$player->game_id} LIMIT 1");
$ownerAlliance = $db->f("alliance_id");
$finalResults = $results[0] . '<br /><img src="images/planetAttack.jpg" alt="Planet Attack" title="Planet Attack"><br />' . $results[1];
$db->query('INSERT INTO combat_logs VALUES("",' . SmrSession::$game_id . ',"PLANET",' . $player->sector_id . ',' . time() . ',' . SmrSession::$old_account_id . ',' . $player->alliance_id . ',' . $planet[OWNER] . ',' . $ownerAlliance . ',"' . mysql_real_escape_string(gzcompress($finalResults)) . '", "FALSE")');
if (DEBUG) {
    print "Pre Forward/Display<br>";
$container = array();
$container["url"] = "skeleton.php";
$container["body"] = "planet_attack.php";
$container["results"] = $results;
function finish($flag, $message)
    global $nothingtodo;
    if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
        print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> finish(); </script>';
    if ($flag == "error") {
        $subject = "Maillist Errors";
    } elseif ($flag == "info") {
        $subject = "Maillist Processing info";
    if (!$nothingtodo) {
        output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished this run'));
    if (!TEST && !$nothingtodo && SEND_QUEUE_PROCESSING_REPORT) {
        sendReport($subject, $message);
Beispiel #16
    $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($val, $db->db);
$dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$query = "INSERT INTO feedback (appname, appversion, systemversion, email, reply, `type`, message, importance, critical, dt, ip, `new`, reguser, regmail) VALUES\n                  ('{$_POST['appname']}',\n                   '{$_POST['appversion']}',\n                   '{$_POST['systemversion']}',\n                   '{$_POST['email']}',\n                   '{$_POST['reply']}',\n                   '{$_POST['type']}',\n                   '{$_POST['message']}',\n                   '{$_POST['importance']}',\n                   '{$_POST['critical']}',\n                   '{$dt}',\n                   '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}',\n                   '1',\n                   '{$_POST['reguser']}',\n                   '{$_POST['regmail']}')";
mysql_query($query, $db->db) or die('error');
$feedback_id = $db->insertId();
$app_id = DBObject::glob('Application', "SELECT id FROM applications WHERE name = '{$_POST['appname']}' ");
$app = new Application($app_id);
// if (!is_null($app->of_email_notify)) {
// Format email to external system
$full_url = full_url_for_page('feedback-view.php');
$message = "{$_POST['type']} case: " . "{$full_url}?id={$feedback_id} \n";
$message .= "Importance: {$_POST['importance']}\n";
$message .= "Application Name: {$_POST['appname']}\n";
$message .= "Version:{$_POST['appversion']}\n";
$message .= "System Version:{$_POST['systemversion']}\n";
$message .= "Type:{$_POST['type']}\n";
$msg = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $_POST['message']);
$message .= "Message:" . $msg . "\n";
$message .= "Importance:{$_POST['importance']}\n";
$message .= "Criticality:{$_POST['critical']}\n";
//  error_log(str_hex($_POST['message']));
//  error_log($msg);
if (eregi('^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z.]{2,5}$', $_POST['email'])) {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
} else {
    $email = '*****@*****.**';
sendReport($email, "Feedback from {$_POST['appname']}", $message);
// }
echo "ok";
Beispiel #17

include 'includes/header.php';
require_once DIR_APP . 'projects.php';
require_once DIR_APP . 'users.php';
if (empty($_SESSION['logged_in'])) {
if (isset($_POST['send_report'])) {

<div class="inner-page-wrapper">

<div class="connection inner-page content">

include DIR_INCLUDE . 'left_nav.php';

<div class="main-content">

<ul class="router-top-nav">
<li><a href="account.php">Account</a></li>
<li><a href="privacy.php">Privacy</a></li>
<li><a href="payment.php">Payment</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href="report.php">Report</a></li>
<li class="logout"><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></li>