function manage_display($task) { global $cfg, $db, $cache; if ($task == '') { $task = 'status'; } // Verify that the user has management perms for the selected contest $res =& db_query('contest_by_id', $_GET['id']); $res->fetchInto($row); $res->free(); if ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $row['manager'] && !auth_user_in_group('Administrators')) { error("Access denied. You are not the contest-manager for this contest."); } switch ($task) { case 'status': $table = new HTML_Table(); // Re-use $row from above if ($row['show_future'] == 1) { $status = 'Hidden (not activated yet)'; } else { if ($row['begin_future'] == 1) { $status = 'Not started'; } else { if ($row['end_future'] == 1) { $status = 'Running'; } else { $status = 'Ended'; } } } $table->addRow(array('Contest status: ', $status), null, 'TH'); $table->addRow(array('Name: ', $row['name'])); $table->addRow(array('Description: ', $row['description'])); $table->addRow(array('Activation time: ', $row['show_time'])); $table->addRow(array('Begin time: ', $row['begin_time'])); $table->addRow(array('End time: ', $row['end_time'])); if ($row['team_size'] != 1) { $table->addRow(array('Max size of team: ', $row['team_size'])); $prefix = 'Teams'; } else { $table->addRow(array('Individual event: ', 'Yes')); $prefix = 'Participants'; } // No. of registered teams $res =& db_query('count_teams_by_contest_id', $_GET['id']); $res->fetchInto($row); $res->free(); $table->addRow(array($prefix . ' registered: ', $row['count'])); // No. of teams logged in $res =& db_query('count_last_teams_by_contest_id', $_GET['id']); $res->fetchInto($row); $res->free(); $table->addRow(array($prefix . ' seen in last 30 minutes: ', $row['count'])); $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; break; case 'problems': // display problem info as table $table = new HTML_Table(); $res =& db_query('problems_by_contest_id', $_GET['id']); if (!$res->fetchInto($row)) { ?> <p>No problems added yet.</p> <?php } else { // extra attributes $row['content'] = null; $row['actions'] = null; $table->addRow(array_keys($row), null, 'TH'); while ($row) { $row['content'] = "<a href=\"index.php?view=manage&task=show_problem&id={$_GET['id']}&prob_id={$row['prob_id']}\">show</a>"; $row['actions'] = "<a href=\"index.php?view=manage&task=edit_problem&id={$_GET['id']}&prob_id={$row['prob_id']}\">edit</a>, " . "<a href=\"index.php?view=manage&task=del_problem&id={$_GET['id']}&prob_id={$row['prob_id']}\">delete</a>"; $table->addRow(array_values($row)); $res->fetchInto($row); } $res->free(); // display tables $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; } echo "<hr />"; // form for adding a problem $form = new HTML_QuickForm('problemAddForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Add a problem'); $form->addElement('text', 'prob_id', 'Name (one word ID): '); $form->addElement('text', 'summary', 'Summary: '); $form->addElement('text', 'weight', 'Points weightage: '); $form->addElement('text', 'time_limit', 'Time limit: '); $form->addElement('text', 'mem_limit', 'Memory limit: '); $elem =& $form->addElement('textarea', 'content', 'Problem content (XML): '); $elem->setRows(10); $elem->setCols(80); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); $form->applyFilter('prob_id', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('summary', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('weight', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('time_limit', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('mem_limit', 'trim'); $form->addRule('prob_id', 'Problem ID is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('summary', 'Problem summary is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('weight', 'Points weightage is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('time_limit', 'Time limit is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('mem_limit', 'Memory limit is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('content', 'Problem content in XML is required', 'required', null, 'client'); if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); $errs = problem_check($data['content']); if ($errs == null) { $data['contest_id'] = $_GET['id']; $res =& $db->autoExecute('problems', $data, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($res->toString()); } $cache->remove(problem_cache_id($_GET['id'], $data['prob_id']) . '.htm'); $cache->remove(problem_cache_id($_GET['id'], $data['prob_id']) . '.prob'); redirect('index.php?view=manage&task=problems&id=' . $_GET['id']); } else { ?> <p><b>Error:</b> The problem could not be added due to the following errors encountered while parsing the problem XML file. Please fix them and try submitting again.</p> <?php echo "<ol class=\"errors\">\n"; foreach ($errs as $line) { echo "<li>{$line}</li>\n"; } echo "</ol>\n<hr />\n"; } } $form->display(); break; case 'del_problem': db_query('del_problem_by_id', array($_GET['prob_id'], $_GET['id'])); redirect('index.php?view=manage&task=problems&id=' . $_GET['id']); break; case 'edit_problem': $res =& db_query('problem_by_id', array($_GET['prob_id'], $_GET['id'])); $res->fetchInto($row); $res->free(); // Get XML content too $res =& db_query('problem_content_by_id', array($_GET['prob_id'], $_GET['id'])); $res->fetchInto($row2); $res->free(); $row['content'] =& $row2['content']; // form for editing a problem $form = new HTML_QuickForm('problemAddForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Edit a problem'); $form->addElement('text', 'prob_id', 'Name (one word ID): '); $form->addElement('text', 'summary', 'Summary: '); $form->addElement('text', 'weight', 'Points weightage: '); $form->addElement('text', 'time_limit', 'Time limit: '); $form->addElement('text', 'mem_limit', 'Memory limit: '); $elem =& $form->addElement('textarea', 'content', 'Problem content (XML): '); $elem->setRows(10); $elem->setCols(80); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); $form->applyFilter('prob_id', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('summary', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('weight', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('time_limit', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('mem_limit', 'trim'); $form->addRule('prob_id', 'Problem ID is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('summary', 'Problem summary is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('weight', 'Points weightage is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('time_limit', 'Time limit is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('mem_limit', 'Memory limit is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('content', 'Problem content in XML is required', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->setDefaults($row); if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); $errs = problem_check($data['content']); if ($errs == null) { //$data['contest_id'] = $_GET['id']; $data['version'] = $row['version'] + 1; // increment version $res =& $db->autoExecute('problems', $data, DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'contest_id=' . $_GET['id'] . " AND prob_id='" . $data['prob_id'] . "'"); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($res->toString()); } $cache->remove(problem_cache_id($_GET['id'], $data['prob_id']) . '.htm'); $cache->remove(problem_cache_id($_GET['id'], $data['prob_id']) . '.prob'); redirect('index.php?view=manage&task=problems&id=' . $_GET['id']); } else { ?> <p><b>Error:</b> The changes could not be saved due to the following errors encountered while parsing the problem XML file. Please fix them and try submitting again.</p> <?php echo "<ol class=\"errors\">\n"; foreach ($errs as $line) { echo "<li>{$line}</li>\n"; } echo "</ol>\n<hr />\n"; } } $form->display(); break; case 'show_problem': $res =& db_query('problem_by_id', array($_GET['prob_id'], $_GET['id'])); $res->fetchInto($problem); $res->free(); problem_display($problem); break; case 'settings': // Re-using $row from above // form for editing the contest $form = new HTML_QuickForm('contestEditForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, "Edit contest {$row['name']} (id: {$row['contest_id']})"); $form->addElement('text', 'name', 'Name: '); $form->addElement('text', 'description', 'Description: '); $elem =& $form->addElement('text', 'team_size', 'Size of team: '); $elem->setValue('1'); $date = getdate(); $form->addElement('date', 'show_time', 'Activation time: ', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('date', 'begin_time', 'Begin time: ', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('date', 'end_time', 'End time: ', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('text', 'rules', 'Rules URL: '); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); // convert date format and store default values $row['show_time'] = sql2form_datetime($row['show_time']); $row['begin_time'] = sql2form_datetime($row['begin_time']); $row['end_time'] = sql2form_datetime($row['end_time']); $form->setDefaults($row); $form->applyFilter('name', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('description', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('team_size', 'trim'); $form->addRule('name', 'Contest name is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('team_size', 'Team size is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); // validate or display form if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); $data['show_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['show_time']); $data['begin_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['begin_time']); $data['end_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['end_time']); $db->autoExecute('contests', $data, DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'contest_id=' . $_GET['id']); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($db->toString()); } redirect('index.php?view=manage&id=' . $_GET['id']); } else { $form->display(); } break; case 'submissions': // Re-use $row from above if ($row['end_future'] != '1') { // Contest has ended, show system test button if ($row['tested'] != 1) { ?> <p>Contest has ended. <a class="button" href="index.php?view=manage&&task=test&updateratings=false&id=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> ">Test and grade all submissions.</a> <a class="button" href="index.php?view=manage&task=test&updateratings=true&id=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> ">Update Ratings</a> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p>Contest has ended and system tests are over. <a class="button" href="index.php?view=manage&task=test&id=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> ">Re-run system tests.</a> </p> <?php } } // Show table of all solutions in the contest $table = new HTML_Table(); $res =& db_query('solutions_by_contest_id', $_GET['id']); if (!$res->fetchInto($row)) { // If no solutions in yet ?> <p>Sorry, no solutions have been submitted yet.</p> <?php } else { $table->addRow(array_keys($row), null, 'TH'); if ($row['score'] == '') { $row['score'] = 'n/a'; } if ($row['passed'] == '') { $row['passed'] = 'n/a'; } $table->addRow(array_values($row)); while ($res->fetchInto($row)) { if ($row['score'] == '') { $row['score'] = 'n/a'; } if ($row['passed'] == '') { $row['passed'] = 'n/a'; } $table->addRow(array_values($row)); } $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; } break; case 'test': require_once 'tester.php'; ob_end_clean(); html_reset(); html_header(null, $cfg["dir"]["themes"] . '/' . $_SESSION["theme"] . '.css', $cfg["dir"]["themes"] . '/' . $_SESSION["theme"] . '-ie.css', null, "submit_frame"); $contest_id = $_GET['id']; $update_ratings = $_GET['updateratings']; session_write_close(); test_contest($update_ratings, $contest_id); echo ' <a class="white" href="index.php?view=statistics&task=contest&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">See the results.</a>'; html_footer(); exit; } }
function admin_display($task) { global $db, $cfg; if ($task == NULL) { $task = 'contests'; } switch ($task) { case 'users': $table = new HTML_Table(); $res =& db_query('users_list'); $res->fetchInto($row); // add users table headers $headers = array_keys($row); array_push($headers, 'groups'); array_push($headers, 'actions'); $table->addRow($headers, null, 'TH'); // add user records while ($row) { $res2 =& db_query('groups_by_user_id', $row['user_id']); // get list of gourps for this user $groups = ''; $res2->fetchInto($row2); while ($row2) { $groups .= $row2['name']; if ($res2->fetchInto($row2)) { $groups .= ', '; } } $res2->free(); array_push($row, $groups); // actions array_push($row, "<a href=\"index.php?view=admin&task=edit_user&id={$row['user_id']}\">edit</a>" . ", <a href=\"index.php?view=admin&task=del_user&id={$row['user_id']}\">delete</a>"); $table->addRow(array_values($row)); $res->fetchInto($row); } $res->free(); $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; break; case 'del_user': db_query('del_user_by_id', $_GET['id']); db_query('del_user_perms_by_id', $_GET['id']); redirect('index.php?view=admin&task=users'); break; case 'edit_user': // user id to edit given as arg $res =& db_query('groups_by_user_id', $_GET['id']); // get list of all groups for this user $user_groups = array(); while ($res->fetchInto($row)) { array_push($user_groups, $row['group_id']); } $res->free(); // get hanndle of user $res =& db_query('user_by_id', $_GET['id']); $res->fetchInto($row); $handle = $row['handle']; $res->free(); $form = new HTML_QuickForm('userForm', 'post', 'index.php?view=admin&task=edit_user&id=' . $_GET['id']); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Groups for user ' . $handle . ' (id: ' . $_GET['id'] . ')'); // get list of all available groups $res =& db_query('groups_list'); // add checkbox for each group $groups = array(); while ($res->fetchInto($row)) { $elem =& $form->addElement('checkbox', $row['group_id'], $row['name']); if (in_array($row['group_id'], $user_groups)) { $elem->setChecked(true); } $groups[$row['group_id']] = $row['name']; } $res->free(); $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Apply Changes'); if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); foreach ($groups as $gid => $name) { $elem =& $form->getElement($gid); if ($data[$gid] == 1) { auth_set_perm($_GET['id'], $gid); $elem->setChecked(true); } else { auth_clear_perm($_GET['id'], $gid); $elem->setChecked(false); } } } $form->display(); break; case 'groups': $table = new HTML_Table(); $res =& db_query('groups_list'); $res->fetchInto($row); // add groups table header $headers = array_keys($row); array_push($headers, 'views'); array_push($headers, 'actions'); $table->addRow($headers, null, 'TH'); // add group records while ($row) { $res2 =& db_query('views_by_group_id', $row['group_id']); // get list of views allowed for this group $views = ''; $res2->fetchInto($row2); while ($row2) { $views .= $row2['view']; if ($res2->fetchInto($row2)) { $views .= ', '; } } $res2->free(); array_push($row, $views); array_push($row, "<a href=\"index.php?view=admin&task=edit_group&id={$row['group_id']}\">edit</a>" . ", <a href=\"index.php?view=admin&task=del_group&id={$row['group_id']}\">delete</a>"); $table->addRow(array_values($row)); $res->fetchInto($row); } $res->free(); // decor $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; echo "<hr />"; // form for adding a group $form = new HTML_QuickForm('addGroupForm', 'post', 'index.php?view=admin&task=groups'); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Add a group'); $form->addElement('text', 'name', 'Name: '); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); $form->applyFilter('name', 'trim'); $form->addRule('name', 'Group name is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); if ($form->validate()) { $res =& $db->autoExecute('groups', $form->getSubmitValues(), DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($db->toString()); } redirect('index.php?view=admin&task=groups'); } $form->display(); break; case 'del_group': db_query('del_group_by_id', $_GET['id']); redirect('index.php?view=admin&task=groups'); break; case 'edit_group': // get list of views allowed for this group $group_views = array(); $res =& db_query('views_by_group_id', $_GET['id']); while ($res->fetchInto($row)) { array_push($group_views, $row['view']); } $res->free(); // get name of group $res =& db_query('group_by_id', $_GET['id']); $res->fetchInto($row); $name = $row['name']; $res->free(); $form = new HTML_QuickForm('groupForm', 'post', 'index.php?view=admin&task=edit_group&id=' . $_GET['id']); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Views for group ' . $name . ' (id: ' . $_GET['id'] . ')'); // get list of all available views $view_paths = glob($cfg['dir']['views'] . '/*.php'); $views = array(); // create the checkboxes, add each view to $views for later checking foreach ($view_paths as $path) { $tmp = explode('.', basename($path)); $elem =& $form->addElement('checkbox', $tmp[0], $tmp[0]); if (in_array($tmp[0], $group_views)) { $elem->setChecked(true); } array_push($views, $tmp[0]); } $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Apply Changes'); if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); foreach ($views as $view) { $elem =& $form->getElement($view); if ($data[$view] == 1) { auth_set_view($_GET['id'], $view); $elem->setChecked(true); } else { auth_clear_view($_GET['id'], $view); $elem->setChecked(false); } } } $form->display(); break; case 'views': $table = new HTML_Table(); $table->addRow(array('name', 'path'), null, 'TH'); // display list of views $view_paths = glob($cfg['dir']['views'] . '/*.php'); foreach ($view_paths as $path) { $tmp = explode('.', basename($path)); $table->addRow(array($tmp[0], $path)); } $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; ?> <p>To add a view, just drop a .php view-module file inside the views directory. You can remove a view by deleting or renaming the corresponding file inside the views directory. </p> <?php break; case 'contests': $table = new HTML_Table(); $res =& db_query('contests_list'); $res->fetchInto($row); if ($row) { // add contests table headers $headers = array_keys($row); array_push($headers, 'actions'); $table->addRow($headers, null, 'TH'); // add contests table records while ($row) { // Get the handle of the manager for displaying $manager_name = '[none]'; $res2 =& $db->query($cfg['sql']['user_by_id'], $row['manager']); if (!PEAR::isError($res2)) { $res2->fetchInto($row2); $manager_name = $row2['handle']; $res2->free(); } $row['manager'] = $manager_name; // add edit,delete actions $row['actions'] = "<a href=\"index.php?view=admin&task=edit_contest&id={$row['contest_id']}\">edit</a>, " . "<a href=\"index.php?view=admin&task=del_contest&id={$row['contest_id']}\">delete</a>"; $table->addRow(array_values($row)); $res->fetchInto($row); } $res->free(); // decoration $table->altRowAttributes(1, null, array("class" => "altrow")); echo '<div class="overflow">' . $table->toHtml() . '</div>'; } else { ?> <p>No contests added yet.</p> <?php } echo "<hr />"; // get list of all available managers $res =& db_query('users_by_group_name', 'Managers'); while ($res->fetchInto($row)) { $managers[$row['user_id']] = $row['handle']; } // form for adding a contest $form = new HTML_QuickForm('contestAddForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Add a contest'); $form->addElement('text', 'name', 'Name:'); $form->addElement('text', 'description', 'Description:'); $elem =& $form->addElement('text', 'team_size', 'Size of team:'); $form->addElement('select', 'division', 'Division:', $cfg['tcl']['divisions']); $elem->setValue('1'); $date = getdate(); $form->addElement('date', 'show_time', 'Activation time:', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('date', 'begin_time', 'Begin time:', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('date', 'end_time', 'End time:', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('select', 'manager', 'Contest manager:', $managers); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); $form->applyFilter('name', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('description', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('team_size', 'trim'); $form->addRule('name', 'Contest name is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('manager', 'Contest manager is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('team_size', 'Team size is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); // validate or display form if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); $data['show_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['show_time']); $data['begin_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['begin_time']); $data['end_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['end_time']); $db->autoExecute('contests', $data, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($db->toString()); } redirect('index.php?view=admin&task=contests'); } else { $form->display(); } break; case 'del_contest': $res =& db_query('del_contest_by_id', $_GET['id']); redirect('index.php?view=admin&task=contests'); break; case 'edit_contest': // contest to edit given as arg $res =& db_query('contest_by_id', $_GET['id']); $res->fetchInto($row); $res->free(); // get list of all available managers $res =& db_query('users_by_group_name', 'Managers'); while ($res->fetchInto($row2)) { $managers[$row2['user_id']] = $row2['handle']; } // form for editing the contest $form = new HTML_QuickForm('contestEditForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, "Edit contest {$row['name']} (id: {$row['contest_id']})"); $form->addElement('text', 'name', 'Name:'); $form->addElement('text', 'description', 'Description:'); $elem =& $form->addElement('text', 'team_size', 'Size of team:'); $elem->setValue('1'); $form->addElement('select', 'division', 'Division:', $cfg['tcl']['divisions']); $date = getdate(); $form->addElement('date', 'show_time', 'Activation time:', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('date', 'begin_time', 'Begin time:', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('date', 'end_time', 'End time:', array('format' => 'dMY H:i', 'minYear' => $date['year'], 'maxYear' => $date['year'] + 5)); $form->addElement('select', 'manager', 'Contest manager:', $managers); $form->addElement('text', 'rules', 'Rules URL:'); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); // convert date format and dtore default values $row['show_time'] = sql2form_datetime($row['show_time']); $row['begin_time'] = sql2form_datetime($row['begin_time']); $row['end_time'] = sql2form_datetime($row['end_time']); $form->setDefaults($row); $form->applyFilter('name', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('description', 'trim'); $form->applyFilter('team_size', 'trim'); $form->addRule('name', 'Contest name is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('manager', 'Contest manager is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('team_size', 'Team size is required.', 'required', null, 'client'); // validate or display form if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); $data['show_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['show_time']); $data['begin_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['begin_time']); $data['end_time'] = form2sql_datetime($data['end_time']); $db->autoExecute('contests', $data, DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'contest_id=' . $_GET['id']); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($db->toString()); } redirect('index.php?view=admin&task=contests'); } else { $form->display(); } break; case 'shell': $form = new HTML_QuickForm('shellForm', 'post', selflink()); $field =& $form->addElement('text', 'command', 'Command:'); $field->setSize(100); $ifield =& $form->addElement('textarea', 'input', 'Standard Input:'); $ifield->setRows(10); $ifield->SetCols(80); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Submit'); $form->display(); if ($form->validate()) { // Write std input file $iname = tempnam("/tmp", "in"); $ifile = fopen($iname, 'w'); fwrite($ifile, $form->getSubmitValue('input')); fclose($ifile); $cmd = $form->getSubmitValue('command'); echo "<pre class=\"shell_output\">"; echo "<b>\$ " . html_escape($cmd) . "</b>\n"; exec("{$cmd} 2>&1 < {$iname}", $out, $ret); foreach ($out as $line) { echo html_escape($line) . "\n"; } echo "</pre>\n"; echo "<p>Command returned: {$ret}</p>\n"; } break; case 'uploader': // Get list of directories to which files can be uploaded $dirs = subdir_list('.'); array_unshift($dirs, './'); $form = new HTML_QuickForm('uploaderForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Upload a File:'); $file =& $form->addElement('file', 'file', 'File:'); $form->addElement('select', 'dir', 'Destination:', $dirs); $form->addElement('submit', 'upload', 'Upload'); $form->addRule('file', 'Please select file to upload.', 'required', null, 'client'); $form->setMaxFileSize(10485760); // try 10 MB max file size if ($form->validate()) { if ($file->isUploadedFile()) { $dir = $dirs[$form->getSubmitValue('dir')]; if ($file->moveUploadedFile($dir)) { echo "<p>File uploaded successfully to {$dir}.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>Failed to save uploaded file to {$dir} (insufficient permissions?).</p>"; } } else { echo "<p>File upload did not finish successfully</p>"; } } $form->display(); echo "<p><b>Note:</b> Any previous file with the same name will be replaced.</p>"; echo "<hr />"; $form = new HTML_QuickForm('mkdirForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Create a Directory:'); $form->addElement('text', 'name', 'Name:'); $form->addElement('select', 'dir', 'Destination:', $dirs); $form->addElement('submit', 'mkdir', 'Mkdir'); $form->addRule('name', 'Please enter directory name.', 'required', null, 'client'); if ($form->validate()) { $path = $dirs[$form->getSubmitValue('dir')] . '/' . $form->getSubmitValue('name'); if (file_exists($path)) { echo "<p><b>Warning:</b> File or directory {$path} already exists.</p>"; } else { if (mkdir($path)) { echo "<p>Directory {$path} created.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>Failed to create directory {$path}. Make sure parent directory permissions allow it.</p>"; } } } $form->display(); break; case 'phpinfo': phpinfo(); break; } }
function bulletin_display($task) { global $db; switch ($task) { case 'announce': bulletin_tabulate(0); break; case 'show': $res =& db_query('bulletin_by_id', array($_GET['id'])); $res->fetchInto($row); $res =& db_query('user_by_id', array($row['poster_id'])); $res->fetchInto($user); echo "<h1>{$row['subject']}</h1>"; // $table->addRow(array('Subject: <b>'.$row['subject'].'</b>', 'Posted by: <b>'.user_handle($row['handle']).'</b>'.$action)); if ($row['addbreaks'] == 1) { echo '<div class="message">' . preg_replace('/\\n/', '<br />', $row['message']) . '</div>' . '<i>The above message was posted by <b>' . user_handle($user['handle']) . '</b> on ' . $row['posted'] . '.</i>'; } else { echo '<div class="message">' . $row['message'] . '</div>' . '<i>The above message was posted by <b>' . user_handle($user['handle']) . '</b> on ' . $row['posted'] . '.</i>'; } break; case 'analysis': bulletin_tabulate(1); break; case 'admin': bulletin_tabulate(2); break; case 'public': bulletin_tabulate(3); break; case 'edit': $form = new HTML_QuickForm('shoutForm', 'post', selflink()); $form->addElement('header', null, 'Post your message here:'); $form->addElement('text', 'subject', 'Subject: '); $elem =& $form->addElement('checkbox', 'addbreaks', null); $elem->setChecked(false); $elem->setText('Allow HTML formatting tags. Makes line-break tags necessary.'); $elem =& $form->addElement('textarea', 'message', 'Shout Message: '); $elem->setRows(20); $elem->setCols(60); $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Post'); $form->addRule('subject', 'Subject must be maximum 100 characters.', 'maxlength', 100, 'client'); $res =& db_query('bulletin_by_id', array($_GET['id'])); $res->fetchInto($row); if ($row['addbreaks'] == 1) { unset($row['addbreaks']); } else { $row['addbreaks'] = 1; } $form->setDefaults($row); $res->free(); if ($form->validate()) { $data = $form->getSubmitValues(); if (!isset($data['addbreaks'])) { $data['addbreaks'] = 1; $data['message'] = htmlentities($data['message']); } else { $data['addbreaks'] = 0; } $res =& $db->autoExecute('bulletin', $data, DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'post_id=' . $_GET['id']); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error($res->toString()); } redirect('index.php?view=bulletin&task=' . $_GET['prev']); } else { $form->display(); } break; case 'delete': db_query('delete_bulletin_by_id', array($_GET['id'])); redirect('index.php?view=bulletin&task=' . $_GET['prev']); break; } }
function cookie_check() { global $cfg; if (!isset($_SESSION['cookie_check'])) { if (isset($_GET['cookie_check'])) { html_header("Cookie Support Required"); echo "<p>Cookies are not supported by your browser. " . "Please enable cookies and <a href=\"" . selflink() . "\">try again</a>.</p>"; html_footer(); exit; } else { $_SESSION['cookie_check'] = 1; redirect(selflink('cookie_check=1')); } } }
function submit_field($contest_id, $team_id, &$problem, $practiceMode = false) { global $cfg; if ($practiceMode == true) { // Check for running contests in practice mode $res =& db_query('count_running_contests'); $res->fetchInto($count); if ($count['count'] > 0) { ?> <p class="system_info"><b>Sorry, solution form is disabled in practice mode.</b><br /> This is to preserve server resources for the running contest. Practice submissions will be re-enabled when that contest is over.</p> <?php return; } } html_include_js($cfg['dir']['scripts'] . '/editor.js'); $langs = language_list(); $languages = array(); foreach ($langs as $lang) { require_once $cfg['dir']['languages'] . '/' . $lang . '.php'; $func = 'lang_' . $lang . '_description'; $languages[$lang] = $func(); } $lang = $langs[0]; $source = ''; $res =& db_query('draft_by_user', array($_SESSION['user_id'])); if ($res->fetchInto($draft)) { if ($draft['contest_id'] == $contest_id && $draft['prob_id'] == $problem['prob_id']) { $lang = $draft['language']; $source = $draft['source']; } } // Code editing form $form = new HTML_QuickForm('submitForm', 'post', selflink() . '#results'); $e =& $form->addElement('select', 'language', 'Language: ', $languages); if (!isset($_POST['language'])) { $e->setValue($lang); } $e =& $form->addElement('textarea', 'source', 'Code: ', array('rows' => 12, 'class' => 'editor')); if (!isset($_POST['source'])) { $e->setValue($source); } $form->addElement('html', "\n" . '<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><div id="custom_input1" style="display:none"><b>Custom<br/>Input: </b></div></td> <td><div id="custom_input2" style="display:none"><textarea rows="4" class="editor" name="custom">' . $_POST['custom'] . '</textarea></div></td></tr>' . "\n"); $form->addElement('html', "\n" . '<tr><td align="right" valign="top"></td><td valign="top" align="left"><input name="test" value="Compile and Test" type="submit"/> <input onclick="handleTestButton()" id="custom_button" name="customb" value="Test with custom input" type="button" />' . "\n"); if ($practiceMode == false) { $form->addElement('html', ' <input name="submitit" value="Submit" type="submit" /></td></tr>'); } else { $form->addElement('html', '</td></tr>'); } $form->applyFilter('source', 'trim'); //$form->addRule('source', 'Source code area is blank! Refusing to accept.', 'required', null, 'client'); // Display some text & the form ?> <div class="mimic_para"> <a id="shortcuts_link" onclick="toggleShowShortcuts()" href="#solution">[+] Useful Editor Shortcuts:</a> <div id="shortcuts"></div> </div> <?php html_javascript_check(); html_rounded_box_open(); $form->display(); echo '<div id="edit_status"></div>'; html_rounded_box_close(); if ($form->validate()) { echo "<a name=\"results\"></a>"; ?> <p class="lower"><b>Tester:</b><br /> Please be patient while your code is being compiled and tested. Results will be displayed in the frame below.</p> <?php $solution =& $form->getSubmitValues(); $mode = ""; if ($practiceMode) { $mode = "practice"; } else { if (isset($solution['submitit'])) { $mode = "submit"; } } if ($id = submit_record($contest_id, $problem['prob_id'], $solution, $mode)) { html_rounded_box_open(); ?> <iframe width="90%" height="300" scrolling="yes" src="<?php echo "progress.php?id={$id}"; ?> "> <!-- Following gets displayed if IFRAME is not supported --> <b>Your browser is not supported!</b><br /> Please upgrade your browser, as it lacks basic support for inline-frames, which is necessary for this feature. Recommended browsers are <a href="">Mozilla/Firefox</a>, Internet Explorer 5.0+ and Opera 7.0+. </iframe> <?php html_rounded_box_close(); } } }