function getRequestedCategory($categoryID, &$strResponseData)
    $arrCategoryItems = array();
    $strResponseMessage = "Unsuccessful";
    $dbConnection = getDBConnection($strResponseMessage);
    if (!$dbConnection->connect_errno) {
        $stmtQuery = "SELECT category_item_id, name, price FROM icaict515a_category_items";
        $stmtQuery .= " WHERE category_id=?";
        if ($stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($stmtQuery)) {
            $categoryID = scrubInput($categoryID, $dbConnection);
            $stmt->bind_param('s', $categoryID);
            if ($stmt->execute()) {
                $stmt->bind_result($db_category_item_id, $db_name, $db_price);
                while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                    $orderItem = new structCategoryItem();
                    $orderItem->categoryItemID = $db_category_item_id;
                    $orderItem->name = $db_name;
                    $orderItem->price = $db_price;
                    $arrCategoryItems[] = $orderItem;
                $strResponseMessage = "Success";
            // Free resultset
    $strResponseData = json_encode($arrCategoryItems);
    return $strResponseMessage;
function updateDeptDB($deptID, $deptName, $deptManagerID, $deptBudget)
    global $strResponseMessage;
    global $strResponseData;
    $strResponseMessage = "Unsuccessful";
    $strResponseData = "Update failed. Please contact Administrator to update details";
    $dbConnection = getDBConnection($strResponseMessage);
    if (!$dbConnection->connect_errno) {
        $stmtQuery = "UPDATE icaict515a_departments SET name=?, manager_id=?, budget=?";
        $stmtQuery .= " WHERE department_id=?";
        if ($stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($stmtQuery)) {
            $deptID = scrubInput($deptID, $dbConnection);
            $deptName = scrubInput($deptName, $dbConnection);
            $deptManagerID = scrubInput($deptManagerID, $dbConnection);
            $deptBudget = scrubInput($deptBudget, $dbConnection);
            $stmt->bind_param("ssss", $deptName, $deptManagerID, $deptBudget, $deptID);
            if ($stmt->execute()) {
                $strResponseMessage = "Success";
                if ($dbConnection->affected_rows > 0) {
                    $strResponseData = "Update Successful";
                } else {
                    $strResponseData = "Nothing changed. Details are still the same.";
    return $strResponseMessage == "Success";
Beispiel #3
function insertNewISORequest($cleanedInputs)
    //database-related variables
    $dbHost = "";
    //ionia's private IP
    $username = "******";
    $password = "******";
    $dbname = "testrig";
    //actually attempt connecting to the database using PHP's PDO
    try {
        $dbLink = new PDO("mysql:host={$dbHost};dbname={$dbname}", $username, $password);
        //error mode for PDO is exception
        $dbLink->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        $cmd = "INSERT INTO testParameters\n                          (cid,username,useremail,user_tt_id,requested_tests)\n                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
        $statement = $dbLink->prepare($cmd);
        $CID = scrubInput($_SESSION["CID"]);
        $statement->execute(array($CID, $cleanedInputs["username"], $cleanedInputs["email"], $cleanedInputs["troubleTicket"], $cleanedInputs["testCSV"]));
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo "<h1> Oops! Something went wrong while interacting with the database:</h1> <br>" . $e->getMessage();
        return 0;
    $dbLink = null;
    return 1;
Beispiel #4
if (!empty($_SESSION["username"])) {
    print 'You are already logged in, ' . $_SESSION["username"];
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        $errFlag = 0;
        if (empty($_REQUEST["trUsername"])) {
            $inputErrors["trUsername"] = "******";
            $errFlag = 1;
        if (empty($_REQUEST["trPassword"])) {
            $inputErrors["trPassword"] = "******";
            $errFlag = 1;
        if ($errFlag != 1) {
            $inputs["trUsername"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["trUsername"]);
            $inputs["trPassword"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["trPassword"]);
            logIn($inputs["trUsername"], $inputs["trPassword"]);
//END AJAX processing

<link href="trstylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

function getMemberNameDB($email, &$bSuccess)
    $strName = "";
    $bSuccess = FALSE;
    $dbConnection = getDBConnection($strResponseMessage);
    if (!$dbConnection->connect_errno) {
        $stmtQuery = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM icaict515a_employees WHERE email=?";
        if ($stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($stmtQuery)) {
            $email = scrubInput($email, $dbConnection);
            $stmt->bind_param('s', $email);
            if ($stmt->execute()) {
                $stmt->bind_result($db_firstname, $db_lastname);
                if ($stmt->fetch()) {
                    $strName = $db_firstname . " " . $db_lastname;
                    $bSuccess = TRUE;
            // Free resultset
    return $strName;
Beispiel #6
 if ($_REQUEST["testRigPassword"] != $_REQUEST["testRigPasswordConfirm"]) {
     $testRigPasswordConfirmError = "passwords do not match";
     $errFlag = 1;
 if ($errFlag != 1) {
     $inputs["fName"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["fName"]);
     $inputs["lName"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["lName"]);
     $inputs["email"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["email"]);
     $inputs["testRigUsername"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["testRigUsername"]);
     $inputs["phoneNumber"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["phoneNumber"]);
     $inputs["instName"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["instName"]);
     $inputs["scpUsername"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["scpUsername"]);
     $inputs["scpDstIp"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["scpDstIp"]);
     $inputs["scpPubKey"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["scpPubKey"]);
     $inputs["rtEmailAddress"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["rtEmailAddress"]);
     //hash the password
     $inputs["testRigPassword"] = password_hash($_REQUEST["testRigPassword"], PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
     //echo "You entered:<hr>First Name:  ".$inputs["fName"]. "<br>Last Name:  " . $inputs["lName"]. "<br>Email:  " . $inputs["email"] . "<br>Phone:  " . $inputs["phoneNumber"] . "<br>Institution:  " . $inputs["instName"] . "<br>SCP Username:  "******"scpUsername"]. "<br>Dst IP:  " .$inputs["scpDstIp"]. "<br>Key:  " . $inputs["scpPubKey"] . "<br>" . "Password: "******"testRigPassword"] . "<br>";
     //insert this shit into the DB
     if (insertIntoDB($inputs)) {
         if (triggerNotification($inputs)) {
             echo "Your subscription request to TestRig2.0 has been received. Please allow 1 ";
             echo "business day to process the request and receive approval notification.";
         } else {
             echo "The attempt to send notification of your request failed.";
     } else {
         echo "There was a problem processing your request.";
Beispiel #7
    foreach ($checkedTests as $val) {
        $val = scrubInput($val);
        //just in case someone does something funky to the form
        if ($count == count($checkedTests) - 1) {
            $testString = $testString . $val;
        } else {
            $testString = $testString . $val . ", ";
    //END foreach checkedTests
    $inputs["username"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["username"]);
    $inputs["email"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["email"]);
    $inputs["troubleTicket"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["troubleTicket"]);
    $inputs["testCSV"] = $testString;
    $inputs["queueName"] = scrubInput($_REQUEST["queueName"]);
    //everything is scrubbed and prepped for entry into the DB, so let's do this
    // It turns out that exec has an issue with some versions of bash which prevents it
    // from properly redirecting STDIN and STDERR to a file. This prevents exec from going into
    // the background. Turns out this proc_close(proc_open()) trick does work.
    proc_close(proc_open("/home/rapier/testrig/isobuilder/ -f /home/rapier/testrig/isobuilder/isobuilder.cfg -c {$_SESSION['CID']} -u {$_SESSION['UID']} 2>&1 /dev/null &", array(), $dummy_var));
//END successful submission if/then

	<div id="inputSection" name="inputSection">

		<form id="isoRequest" name="isoRequest" action="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
Beispiel #8
function insertNewISORequest($cleanedInputs)
    //this function will insert parameters for an ISO into the test_parameters table
    //database-related variables
    $dbHost = "";
    //ionia's private IP
    $username = "******";
    $password = "******";
    $dbname = "testrig";
    //generate a timestamp for the ISO's creation date
    $creationTimestamp = date('YmdHs');
    //actually attempt connecting to the database using PHP's PDO
    try {
        $dbLink = new PDO("mysql:host={$dbHost};dbname={$dbname}", $username, $password);
        //error mode for PDO is exception
        $dbLink->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        $cmd = "INSERT INTO testParameters\n\t\t\t\t  (cid, username,\n                                   useremail, user_tt_id,\n                                   requested_tests, creation_timestamp, \n                                   queue_name, target,\n                                   maxrun, validtodate) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES (?, ?, \n                                   ?, ?, \n                                   ?, ?, \n                                   ?, ?,\n                                   ?, ?)";
        $statement = $dbLink->prepare($cmd);
        $CID = scrubInput($_SESSION["CID"]);
        $statement->execute(array($CID, $cleanedInputs["username"], $cleanedInputs["email"], $cleanedInputs["troubleTicket"], $cleanedInputs["testCSV"], $creationTimestamp, $cleanedInputs["queueName"], $cleanedInputs["target"], $cleanedInputs["maxRun"], $cleanedInputs["validToDate"]));
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo "<h1> Oops! Something went wrong while interacting with the database:</h1> <br>" . $e->getMessage();
        return 0;
    $dbLink = null;
    //we need to add the UID of the recently created ISO to the session for the ISO creation to take place
    //since we have all of the other params for this iso, we can query for the combination of them and then get the UID
    //do we need a new db handle? -> yup, it wouldn't work unless I made a new one
    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host={$dbHost};dbname={$dbname}", $username, $password);
    $sqlStmnt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT uid FROM testParameters 
						 WHERE cid = :cid 
						 AND username = :username 
						 AND useremail = :email 
						 AND user_tt_id = :troubleTicket 
						 AND requested_tests = :testCSV');
    $sqlStmnt->bindParam(':cid', $_SESSION["CID"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $sqlStmnt->bindParam(':username', $cleanedInputs["username"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $sqlStmnt->bindParam(':email', $cleanedInputs["email"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $sqlStmnt->bindParam(':troubleTicket', $cleanedInputs["troubleTicket"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $sqlStmnt->bindParam(':testCSV', $cleanedInputs["testCSV"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $uidQueryResult = $sqlStmnt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    //returns FALSE if empty result
    if (!$uidQueryResult) {
        print "an error occurred interacting with the database!";
    } else {
        $_SESSION["UID"] = $uidQueryResult["uid"];
    return 1;
function getDBPasswordDB($dbConnection, $userID, &$dbPassword)
    $bSuccess = FALSE;
    if (!$dbConnection->connect_errno) {
        $stmtQuery = "SELECT password FROM icaict515a_employees WHERE employee_id=?";
        if ($stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($stmtQuery)) {
            $userID = scrubInput($userID, $dbConnection);
            $stmt->bind_param('i', $userID);
            if ($bSuccess = $stmt->execute()) {
                if ($stmt->fetch()) {
                    $dbPassword = $db_password;
    return $bSuccess;