function pre_render($im, &$map) { // don't bother drawing if there's no position - it's a template if (is_null($this->x)) { return; } if (is_null($this->y)) { return; } // apparently, some versions of the gd extension will crash // if we continue... if ($this->label == '' && $this->iconfile == '') { return; } // start these off with sensible values, so that bbox // calculations are easier. $icon_x1 = $this->x; $icon_x2 = $this->x; $icon_y1 = $this->y; $icon_y2 = $this->y; $label_x1 = $this->x; $label_x2 = $this->x; $label_y1 = $this->y; $label_y2 = $this->y; $boxwidth = 0; $boxheight = 0; $icon_w = 0; $icon_h = 0; $col = new Colour(-1, -1, -1); # print $col->as_string(); // if a target is specified, and you haven't forced no background, then the background will // come from the SCALE in USESCALE if (!empty($this->targets) && $this->usescale != 'none') { $pc = 0; if ($this->scalevar == 'in') { $pc = $this->inpercent; $col = $this->colours[IN]; } if ($this->scalevar == 'out') { $pc = $this->outpercent; $col = $this->colours[OUT]; } } elseif ($this->labelbgcolour != array(-1, -1, -1)) { // $col=myimagecolorallocate($node_im, $this->labelbgcolour[0], $this->labelbgcolour[1], $this->labelbgcolour[2]); $col = new Colour($this->labelbgcolour); } $colicon = null; if (!empty($this->targets) && $this->useiconscale != 'none') { wm_debug("Colorising the icon\n"); $pc = 0; $val = 0; if ($this->iconscalevar == 'in') { $pc = $this->inpercent; $col = $this->colours[IN]; $val = $this->bandwidth_in; } if ($this->iconscalevar == 'out') { $pc = $this->outpercent; $col = $this->colours[OUT]; $val = $this->bandwidth_out; } if ($this->iconscaletype == 'percent') { list($colicon, $node_iconscalekey, $icontag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($pc, $this->useiconscale, $this->name); } else { // use the absolute value if we aren't doing percentage scales. list($colicon, $node_iconscalekey, $icontag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($val, $this->useiconscale, $this->name, FALSE); } } // figure out a bounding rectangle for the label if ($this->label != '') { $padding = 4.0; $padfactor = 1.0; $this->proclabel = $map->ProcessString($this->label, $this, TRUE, TRUE); // if screenshot_mode is enabled, wipe any letters to X and wipe any IP address to // hopefully that will preserve enough information to show cool stuff without leaking info if ($map->get_hint('screenshot_mode') == 1) { $this->proclabel = screenshotify($this->proclabel); } list($strwidth, $strheight) = $map->myimagestringsize($this->labelfont, $this->proclabel); if ($this->labelangle == 90 || $this->labelangle == 270) { $boxwidth = $strheight * $padfactor + $padding; $boxheight = $strwidth * $padfactor + $padding; wm_debug("Node->pre_render: " . $this->name . " Label Metrics are: {$strwidth} x {$strheight} -> {$boxwidth} x {$boxheight}\n"); $label_x1 = $this->x - $boxwidth / 2; $label_y1 = $this->y - $boxheight / 2; $label_x2 = $this->x + $boxwidth / 2; $label_y2 = $this->y + $boxheight / 2; if ($this->labelangle == 90) { $txt_x = $this->x + $strheight / 2; $txt_y = $this->y + $strwidth / 2; } if ($this->labelangle == 270) { $txt_x = $this->x - $strheight / 2; $txt_y = $this->y - $strwidth / 2; } } if ($this->labelangle == 0 || $this->labelangle == 180) { $boxwidth = $strwidth * $padfactor + $padding; $boxheight = $strheight * $padfactor + $padding; wm_debug("Node->pre_render: " . $this->name . " Label Metrics are: {$strwidth} x {$strheight} -> {$boxwidth} x {$boxheight}\n"); $label_x1 = $this->x - $boxwidth / 2; $label_y1 = $this->y - $boxheight / 2; $label_x2 = $this->x + $boxwidth / 2; $label_y2 = $this->y + $boxheight / 2; $txt_x = $this->x - $strwidth / 2; $txt_y = $this->y + $strheight / 2; if ($this->labelangle == 180) { $txt_x = $this->x + $strwidth / 2; $txt_y = $this->y - $strheight / 2; } # $this->width = $boxwidth; # $this->height = $boxheight; } $map->nodes[$this->name]->width = $boxwidth; $map->nodes[$this->name]->height = $boxheight; # print "TEXT at $txt_x , $txt_y\n"; } // figure out a bounding rectangle for the icon if ($this->iconfile != '') { $icon_im = NULL; $icon_w = 0; $icon_h = 0; if ($this->iconfile == 'rbox' || $this->iconfile == 'box' || $this->iconfile == 'round' || $this->iconfile == 'inpie' || $this->iconfile == 'outpie' || $this->iconfile == 'gauge' || $this->iconfile == 'nink') { wm_debug("Artificial Icon type " . $this->iconfile . " for {$this->name}\n"); // this is an artificial icon - we don't load a file for it $icon_im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->iconscalew, $this->iconscaleh); imageSaveAlpha($icon_im, TRUE); $nothing = imagecolorallocatealpha($icon_im, 128, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($icon_im, 0, 0, $nothing); $fill = NULL; $ink = NULL; $aifill = new Colour($this->aiconfillcolour); $aiink = new Colour($this->aiconoutlinecolour); if ($aifill->is_copy() && !$col->is_none()) { $fill = $col; } else { if ($aifill->is_real()) { $fill = $aifill; } } if ($this->aiconoutlinecolour != array(-1, -1, -1)) { $ink = $aiink; } if ($this->iconfile == 'box') { if ($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imagefilledrectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew - 1, $this->iconscaleh - 1, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im)); } if ($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { imagerectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew - 1, $this->iconscaleh - 1, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); } } if ($this->iconfile == 'rbox') { if ($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imagefilledroundedrectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew - 1, $this->iconscaleh - 1, 4, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im)); } if ($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { imageroundedrectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew - 1, $this->iconscaleh - 1, 4, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); } } if ($this->iconfile == 'round') { $rx = $this->iconscalew / 2 - 1; $ry = $this->iconscaleh / 2 - 1; if ($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imagefilledellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx * 2, $ry * 2, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im)); } if ($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { imageellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx * 2, $ry * 2, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); } } if ($this->iconfile == 'nink') { // print "NINK **************************************************************\n"; $rx = $this->iconscalew / 2 - 1; $ry = $this->iconscaleh / 2 - 1; $size = $this->iconscalew; $quarter = $size / 4; $col1 = $this->colours[OUT]; $col2 = $this->colours[IN]; assert('!is_null($col1)'); assert('!is_null($col2)'); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx - 1, $ry, $size, $size, 270, 90, $col1->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx + 1, $ry, $size, $size, 90, 270, $col2->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx - 1, $ry + $quarter, $quarter * 2, $quarter * 2, 0, 360, $col1->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx + 1, $ry - $quarter, $quarter * 2, $quarter * 2, 0, 360, $col2->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); if ($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { // XXX - need a font definition from somewhere for NINK text $font = 1; $instr = $map->ProcessString("{node:this:bandwidth_in:%.1k}", $this); $outstr = $map->ProcessString("{node:this:bandwidth_out:%.1k}", $this); list($twid, $thgt) = $map->myimagestringsize($font, $instr); $map->myimagestring($icon_im, $font, $rx - $twid / 2, $ry - $quarter + $thgt / 2, $instr, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); list($twid, $thgt) = $map->myimagestringsize($font, $outstr); $map->myimagestring($icon_im, $font, $rx - $twid / 2, $ry + $quarter + $thgt / 2, $outstr, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); imageellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx * 2, $ry * 2, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); // imagearc($icon_im, $rx,$ry,$quarter*4,$quarter*4, 0,360, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); } // print "NINK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"; } // XXX - needs proper colours if ($this->iconfile == 'inpie' || $this->iconfile == 'outpie') { # list($colpie,$node_iconscalekey,$icontag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($pc, $this->useiconscale,$this->name); if ($this->iconfile == 'inpie') { $segment_angle = $this->inpercent / 100 * 360; } if ($this->iconfile == 'outpie') { $segment_angle = $this->outpercent / 100 * 360; } $rx = $this->iconscalew / 2 - 1; $ry = $this->iconscaleh / 2 - 1; if ($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imagefilledellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx * 2, $ry * 2, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im)); } if ($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { // imagefilledarc ( resource $image , int $cx , int $cy , int $width , int $height , int $start , int $end , int $color , int $style ) imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx * 2, $ry * 2, 0, $segment_angle, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); } if ($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imageellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx * 2, $ry * 2, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im)); } // warn('inpie AICON not implemented yet [WMWARN99]'); } // if($this->iconfile=='outpie') { warn('outpie AICON not implemented yet [WMWARN99]'); } if ($this->iconfile == 'gauge') { wm_warn('gauge AICON not implemented yet [WMWARN99]'); } } else { $this->iconfile = $map->ProcessString($this->iconfile, $this); if (is_readable($this->iconfile)) { imagealphablending($im, true); // draw the supplied icon, instead of the labelled box $icon_im = imagecreatefromfile($this->iconfile); # $icon_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->iconfile); if (function_exists("imagefilter") && isset($colicon) && $this->get_hint("use_imagefilter") == 1) { imagefilter($icon_im, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, $colicon->r, $colicon->g, $colicon->b); } else { if (isset($colicon)) { // debug("Skipping unavailable imagefilter() call.\n"); imagecolorize($icon_im, $colicon->r, $colicon->g, $colicon->b); } } wm_debug("If this is the last thing in your logs, you probably have a buggy GD library. Get > 2.0.33 or use PHP builtin.\n"); if ($icon_im) { $icon_w = imagesx($icon_im); $icon_h = imagesy($icon_im); if ($this->iconscalew * $this->iconscaleh > 0) { imagealphablending($icon_im, true); wm_debug("SCALING ICON here\n"); if ($icon_w > $icon_h) { $scalefactor = $icon_w / $this->iconscalew; } else { $scalefactor = $icon_h / $this->iconscaleh; } $new_width = $icon_w / $scalefactor; $new_height = $icon_h / $scalefactor; $scaled = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagealphablending($scaled, false); imagecopyresampled($scaled, $icon_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $icon_w, $icon_h); imagedestroy($icon_im); $icon_im = $scaled; } } else { wm_warn("Couldn't open ICON: '" . $this->iconfile . "' - is it a PNG, JPEG or GIF? [WMWARN37]\n"); } } else { if ($this->iconfile != 'none') { wm_warn("ICON '" . $this->iconfile . "' does not exist, or is not readable. Check path and permissions. [WMARN38]\n"); } } } if ($icon_im) { $icon_w = imagesx($icon_im); $icon_h = imagesy($icon_im); $icon_x1 = $this->x - $icon_w / 2; $icon_y1 = $this->y - $icon_h / 2; $icon_x2 = $this->x + $icon_w / 2; $icon_y2 = $this->y + $icon_h / 2; $map->nodes[$this->name]->width = imagesx($icon_im); $map->nodes[$this->name]->height = imagesy($icon_im); // $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name . ':0', '', array($icon_x1, $icon_y1, $icon_x2, $icon_y2)); $map->nodes[$this->name]->boundingboxes[] = array($icon_x1, $icon_y1, $icon_x2, $icon_y2); } } // do any offset calculations $dx = 0; $dy = 0; if ($this->labeloffset != '' && $this->iconfile != '') { $this->labeloffsetx = 0; $this->labeloffsety = 0; list($dx, $dy) = calc_offset($this->labeloffset, $icon_w + $boxwidth - 1, $icon_h + $boxheight); #$this->labeloffsetx = $dx; #$this->labeloffsety = $dy; } $label_x1 += $this->labeloffsetx + $dx; $label_x2 += $this->labeloffsetx + $dx; $label_y1 += $this->labeloffsety + $dy; $label_y2 += $this->labeloffsety + $dy; if ($this->label != '') { // $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name .':1', '', array($label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2)); $map->nodes[$this->name]->boundingboxes[] = array($label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2); } // work out the bounding box of the whole thing $bbox_x1 = min($label_x1, $icon_x1); $bbox_x2 = max($label_x2, $icon_x2) + 1; $bbox_y1 = min($label_y1, $icon_y1); $bbox_y2 = max($label_y2, $icon_y2) + 1; # imagerectangle($im,$bbox_x1,$bbox_y1,$bbox_x2,$bbox_y2,$map->selected); # imagerectangle($im,$label_x1,$label_y1,$label_x2,$label_y2,$map->black); # imagerectangle($im,$icon_x1,$icon_y1,$icon_x2,$icon_y2,$map->black); // create TWO imagemap entries - one for the label and one for the icon // (so we can have close-spaced icons better) $temp_width = $bbox_x2 - $bbox_x1; $temp_height = $bbox_y2 - $bbox_y1; // create an image of that size and draw into it $node_im = imagecreatetruecolor($temp_width, $temp_height); // ImageAlphaBlending($node_im, FALSE); imageSaveAlpha($node_im, TRUE); $nothing = imagecolorallocatealpha($node_im, 128, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($node_im, 0, 0, $nothing); #$col = $col->gdallocate($node_im); // imagefilledrectangle($node_im,0,0,$temp_width,$temp_height, $nothing); $label_x1 -= $bbox_x1; $label_x2 -= $bbox_x1; $label_y1 -= $bbox_y1; $label_y2 -= $bbox_y1; $icon_x1 -= $bbox_x1; $icon_x2 -= $bbox_x1; $icon_y1 -= $bbox_y1; $icon_y2 -= $bbox_y1; // Draw the icon, if any if (isset($icon_im)) { imagecopy($node_im, $icon_im, $icon_x1, $icon_y1, 0, 0, imagesx($icon_im), imagesy($icon_im)); imagedestroy($icon_im); } // Draw the label, if any if ($this->label != '') { $txt_x -= $bbox_x1; $txt_x += $this->labeloffsetx + $dx; $txt_y -= $bbox_y1; $txt_y += $this->labeloffsety + $dy; # print "FINAL TEXT at $txt_x , $txt_y\n"; // if there's an icon, then you can choose to have no background if (!$col->is_none()) { imagefilledrectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $col->gdallocate($node_im)); } if ($this->selected) { imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $map->selected); // would be nice if it was thicker, too... wimagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1 + 1, $label_y1 + 1, $label_x2 - 1, $label_y2 - 1, $map->selected); } else { $olcol = new Colour($this->labeloutlinecolour); if ($olcol->is_real()) { imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $olcol->gdallocate($node_im)); } } #} $shcol = new Colour($this->labelfontshadowcolour); if ($shcol->is_real()) { $map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x + 1, $txt_y + 1, $this->proclabel, $shcol->gdallocate($node_im), $this->labelangle); } $txcol = new Colour($this->labelfontcolour[0], $this->labelfontcolour[1], $this->labelfontcolour[2]); #$col=myimagecolorallocate($node_im, $this->labelfontcolour[0], $this->labelfontcolour[1], # $this->labelfontcolour[2]); if ($txcol->is_contrast()) { if ($col->is_real()) { $txcol = $col->contrast(); } else { wm_warn("You can't make a contrast with 'none'. [WMWARN43]\n"); $txcol = new Colour(0, 0, 0); } } $map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x, $txt_y, $this->proclabel, $txcol->gdallocate($node_im), $this->labelangle); //$map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x, $txt_y, $this->proclabel, $txcol->gdallocate($node_im),90); } # imagerectangle($node_im,$label_x1,$label_y1,$label_x2,$label_y2,$map->black); # imagerectangle($node_im,$icon_x1,$icon_y1,$icon_x2,$icon_y2,$map->black); $map->nodes[$this->name]->centre_x = $this->x - $bbox_x1; $map->nodes[$this->name]->centre_y = $this->y - $bbox_y1; if (1 == 0) { imageellipse($node_im, $this->centre_x, $this->centre_y, 8, 8, $map->selected); foreach (array("N", "S", "E", "W", "NE", "NW", "SE", "SW") as $corner) { list($dx, $dy) = calc_offset($corner, $this->width, $this->height); imageellipse($node_im, $this->centre_x + $dx, $this->centre_y + $dy, 5, 5, $map->selected); } } # $this->image = $node_im; $map->nodes[$this->name]->image = $node_im; }
function Draw($im, &$map) { // Get the positions of the end-points $x1 = $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->x; $y1 = $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->y; $x2 = $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->x; $y2 = $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->y; if (is_null($x1)) { wm_warn("LINK " . $this->name . " uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if (is_null($y1)) { wm_warn("LINK " . $this->name . " uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if (is_null($x2)) { wm_warn("LINK " . $this->name . " uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if (is_null($y2)) { wm_warn("LINK " . $this->name . " uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if ($this->linkstyle == 'twoway' && $this->labeloffset_in < $this->labeloffset_out && intval($map->get_hint("nowarn_bwlabelpos")) == 0) { wm_warn("LINK " . $this->name . " probably has it's BWLABELPOSs the wrong way around [WMWARN50]\n"); } list($dx, $dy) = calc_offset($this->a_offset, $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->width, $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->height); $x1 += $dx; $y1 += $dy; list($dx, $dy) = calc_offset($this->b_offset, $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->width, $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->height); $x2 += $dx; $y2 += $dy; if ($x1 == $x2 && $y1 == $y2 && sizeof($this->vialist) == 0) { wm_warn("Zero-length link " . $this->name . " skipped. [WMWARN45]"); return; } $outlinecol = new Colour($this->outlinecolour); $commentcol = new Colour($this->commentfontcolour); $outline_colour = $outlinecol->gdallocate($im); $xpoints = array(); $ypoints = array(); $xpoints[] = $x1; $ypoints[] = $y1; # warn("There are VIAs.\n"); foreach ($this->vialist as $via) { # imagearc($im, $via[0],$via[1],20,20,0,360,$map->selected); if (isset($via[2])) { $xpoints[] = $map->nodes[$via[2]]->x + $via[0]; $ypoints[] = $map->nodes[$via[2]]->y + $via[1]; } else { $xpoints[] = $via[0]; $ypoints[] = $via[1]; } } $xpoints[] = $x2; $ypoints[] = $y2; # list($link_in_colour,$link_in_scalekey, $link_in_scaletag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($this->inpercent,$this->usescale,$this->name); # list($link_out_colour,$link_out_scalekey, $link_out_scaletag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($this->outpercent,$this->usescale,$this->name); $link_in_colour = $this->colours[IN]; $link_out_colour = $this->colours[OUT]; $gd_in_colour = $link_in_colour->gdallocate($im); $gd_out_colour = $link_out_colour->gdallocate($im); // $map->links[$this->name]->inscalekey = $link_in_scalekey; // $map->links[$this->name]->outscalekey = $link_out_scalekey; $link_width = $this->width; // these will replace the one above, ultimately. $link_in_width = $this->width; $link_out_width = $this->width; // for bulging animations if ($map->widthmod || $map->get_hint('link_bulge') == 1) { // a few 0.1s and +1s to fix div-by-zero, and invisible links $link_width = ($link_width * $this->inpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100 + 1; // these too $link_in_width = ($link_in_width * $this->inpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100 + 1; $link_out_width = ($link_out_width * $this->outpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100 + 1; } // If there are no vias, treat this as a 2-point angled link, not curved if (sizeof($this->vialist) == 0 || $this->viastyle == 'angled') { // Calculate the spine points - the actual not a curve really, but we // need to create the array, and calculate the distance bits, otherwise // things like bwlabels won't know where to go. $this->curvepoints = calc_straight($xpoints, $ypoints); // then draw the "curve" itself draw_straight($im, $this->curvepoints, array($link_in_width, $link_out_width), $outline_colour, array($gd_in_colour, $gd_out_colour), $this->name, $map, $this->splitpos, $this->linkstyle == 'oneway' ? TRUE : FALSE); } elseif ($this->viastyle == 'curved') { // Calculate the spine points - the actual curve $this->curvepoints = calc_curve($xpoints, $ypoints); // then draw the curve itself draw_curve($im, $this->curvepoints, array($link_in_width, $link_out_width), $outline_colour, array($gd_in_colour, $gd_out_colour), $this->name, $map, $this->splitpos, $this->linkstyle == 'oneway' ? TRUE : FALSE); } if (!$commentcol->is_none()) { if ($commentcol->is_contrast()) { $commentcol_in = $link_in_colour->contrast(); $commentcol_out = $link_out_colour->contrast(); } else { $commentcol_in = $commentcol; $commentcol_out = $commentcol; } $comment_colour_in = $commentcol_in->gdallocate($im); $comment_colour_out = $commentcol_out->gdallocate($im); $this->DrawComments($im, array($comment_colour_in, $comment_colour_out), array($link_in_width * 1.1, $link_out_width * 1.1)); } $curvelength = $this->curvepoints[count($this->curvepoints) - 1][2]; // figure out where the labels should be, and what the angle of the curve is at that point list($q1_x, $q1_y, $junk, $q1_angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($this->curvepoints, $this->labeloffset_out / 100 * $curvelength); list($q3_x, $q3_y, $junk, $q3_angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($this->curvepoints, $this->labeloffset_in / 100 * $curvelength); # imageline($im, $q1_x+20*cos(deg2rad($q1_angle)),$q1_y-20*sin(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $q1_x-20*cos(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $q1_y+20*sin(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $this->owner->selected ); # imageline($im, $q3_x+20*cos(deg2rad($q3_angle)),$q3_y-20*sin(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $q3_x-20*cos(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $q3_y+20*sin(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $this->owner->selected ); # warn("$q1_angle $q3_angle\n"); if (!is_null($q1_x)) { $outbound = array($q1_x, $q1_y, 0, 0, $this->outpercent, $this->bandwidth_out, $q1_angle, OUT); $inbound = array($q3_x, $q3_y, 0, 0, $this->inpercent, $this->bandwidth_in, $q3_angle, IN); if ($map->sizedebug) { $outbound[5] = $this->max_bandwidth_out; $inbound[5] = $this->max_bandwidth_in; } if ($this->linkstyle == 'oneway') { $tasks = array($outbound); } else { $tasks = array($inbound, $outbound); } foreach ($tasks as $task) { $thelabel = ""; $thelabel = $map->ProcessString($this->bwlabelformats[$task[7]], $this); if ($thelabel != '') { wm_debug("Bandwidth for label is " . $task[5] . "\n"); $padding = intval($this->get_hint('bwlabel_padding')); // if screenshot_mode is enabled, wipe any letters to X and wipe any IP address to // hopefully that will preserve enough information to show cool stuff without leaking info if ($map->get_hint('screenshot_mode') == 1) { $thelabel = screenshotify($thelabel); } if ($this->labelboxstyle == 'angled') { $angle = $task[6]; } else { $angle = 0; } $map->DrawLabelRotated($im, $task[0], $task[1], $angle, $thelabel, $this->bwfont, $padding, $this->name, $this->bwfontcolour, $this->bwboxcolour, $this->bwoutlinecolour, $map, $task[7]); // imagearc($im, $task[0], $task[1], 10,10,0,360,$map->selected); } } } }
function DrawTitle($im, $font, $colour) { $string = $this->ProcessString($this->title,$this); if($this->get_hint('screenshot_mode')==1) $string= screenshotify($string); list($boxwidth, $boxheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $string); $x=10; $y=$this->titley - $boxheight; if (($this->titlex >= 0) && ($this->titley >= 0)) { $x=$this->titlex; $y=$this->titley; } $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $x, $y, $string, $colour); $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "TITLE", '', array($x, $y, $x + $boxwidth, $y - $boxheight)); }