Beispiel #1
        #update the var, and be sure to only update it if the new range is in value. Otherwise leave it alone.
        dbn("update se_db_vars set {$db_name}_value = '" . (int) $value . "' where name = '" . mysql_escape_string((string) $var) . "' && '{$value}' >= min && '{$value}' <= max");
    //save the changed variables to files.
    require_once "build_vars.php";
    insert_history($user['login_id'], "Updated Game Vars");
    //update all player scores
} elseif (isset($_GET['update_scores'])) {
    if ($GAME_VARS['score_method'] == 0) {
        $out .= "Scoring is presently turned off. Set the admin var to something other than 0 to turn it on.<br /><br />";
    } else {
        $resultat = mysql_query("select * from {$db_name}_users where login_id > 5");
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($resultat)) {
            score_func($data['login_id'], 0);
        $out .= "Scores successfully updated.<br /><br />";
    insert_history($user['login_id'], "Updated All Player Scores");
    //give players money
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['more_money'])) {
    if (!isset($_POST['money_amount'])) {
        get_var('Increase Money', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "How much money do you want to give to each player?", "money_amount", '');
    } elseif ($_POST['money_amount'] < 1) {
        $out .= "You can't decrease the players money.<br /><br />";
    } else {
        $money_amount = (int) $_POST['money_amount'];
        $out .= "Player's money reserves increased by <b>{$money_amount}</b><br />Note: This has NOT sent a message to the players. That is your job.<br /><br />";
        dbn("update {$db_name}_users set cash = cash + '{$money_amount}' where login_id != 1");
        insert_history($user['login_id'], "Gave <b>{$money_amount}</b> credits to all players.");
Beispiel #2
 if (!empty($in_game)) {
     //see if user is banned from the selected game
     if (($in_game['banned_time'] > time() || $in_game['banned_time'] == -1) && $login_id > 5) {
         if ($in_game['banned_time'] > time()) {
             echo sprintf($st[795], date("D jS M - H:i", $in_game['banned_time']), stripslashes($in_game['banned_reason']));
         } elseif ($in_game['banned_time'] < 0) {
             echo $st[796] . ":<br /><br />" . stripslashes($in_game['banned_reason']);
     //not banned from game, so may continue.
     insert_history($login_id, "Logged into {$db_name}");
     //Update score
     score_func($login_id, 0);
     //set the user in the game, and increase login count by 1.
     dbn("update {$db_name}_users set game_login_count = game_login_count + 1 where login_id = '{$login_id}'");
     dbn("update user_accounts set in_game = '{$db_name}' where login_id = '{$login_id}'");
     //		header("Location: ".URL_PREFIX."/location.php");
     echo "<script>self.location='location.php';</script>";
     //user joining selected game
 } else {
     db("select count(login_id) from {$db_name}_users where login_id = '{$login_id}'");
     $check_count = dbr();
     db("select * from se_games where db_name = '{$db_name}'");
     $game_info = dbr(1);
     //get the vars for the game
     require_once "{$directories['includes']}/{$db_name}";
     //determine when retired if retired, and that isn't rejoining within illicit time.